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Many of us could use some extra cash. January is one of the slow months for the spa indusrty. People
have over spent on Christmas gifts so spa is not within the budget this month. As spa professionals bills
still must be paid wether clients are knocking down the door or not. In the chapters below I will show
you how to find extra cash to pay bills, stay afloat, travel, save, and sign up for spa coaching if you havent
already. (had to throw that in there lol)


In December you should have sold gift certificates. The expiration date should be no more than 60 days. I
dont recommend expiration dates being longer than 60 days because you want clients to go ahead and
schedule. Your gift certificate sales in December should be your clients in Januarary. Please note : you
must market your business everyday. New clients should be inquiring on a weekly if not daily basis. Old
clients should be rebooking and inviting their friends and family to the spa.

Lets make some money

1.birthday club- Each month send out coupon or create $99 spa package only available during month of
client bday (people usually spend big money for birthdays) Your package can include massage, lunch, ,
foot scrub, and hot oil scalp masage. Sounds delightful! Lunch can be brought in fresh and hot from uber
eats or if you can have a friend to deliver. Your spa package can be adjusted to your list of services.

2.create try me station- Everyone should have something for sale outside of the spa service. Handmade
products. essentional oil, candles, jewlery,lip stick and the list goes on and on. A great example of try me
stations is a company called Lush check it out. This station will help increase sales. certificates- Make sure signs are through out the spa including the bathroom. If your running a
special put a sign up in the bathroom; everyone goes there right? You want money to come easily. Even
though signs are up be sure to tell each client about gift certificates. You can also add a small note on
the intake form.

4.tip sign-Putting up tip signs is your choice. I have two up in my room. (just letting the people know)
Massage envy goes so far as putting envelopes and suggested tip amounts in each room.

5.create an experience- Before each session I rub a few drops of essential oil onto my hands and wave
over the clients nose. I also do this once they turnover and use hot towels on all clients. Im exceeding
the clients expectations. A few simple strategies could bring in the extra cash you need each day. Always
be polite even if your having a bad day keep a smile and be kind.

6.create add on menu- Add ons always bring in extra cash. Your menu can be in the room and the rest
room as listed before. Many clients ask to add on facials all the time. My add on menu is on my website.
Your menu could consist of the following (adjust according to your needs)

foot scrub

back crub

hot stones

facial (cleanse, mask, moisturize)

therapeutic stretching

hot oil scalp massage

parrafin hand/foot treatment

dry brushing

full body exfoliate

hot towel treatment


foam rolling

detox treatment

body wrap

sinus relief treatment

headache releif treatment

7.loyalty program- Let the world work for you. As clients come to the spa be sure to ask them to tell
everyone about your spa. Offer rewards for referrals. It doesnt have to be a free massage. You could offer
a free add on, free additional minutes, or a discounted rate. events-Events can not only bring in extra cash but other opportunities such as people booking
spa parties, and be sure to add each person to your marketing list. I want to make sure you all know how
to work events. You must work the room. Always bring some one with you. One person can round up the
crowd while one person is working. During events wear tshirts that say follow me free massage. This
always bring the crowd and starts conversation. Remember you must apply pressure at all times.
Everything you do give it 100%. When working events try to get another event or a spa party. Remember
getting people in group settings is KING to makng money.

9.couple massage- These always sale. If you need extra cash or just money to blow promote couples
massage especially starting in December. Do not do discount service for Valentine day. That is the one
day people will pay full price.

10.raffle- Offer any service you would like. If you are willing to give part to a charity event even if its 5%
your sales may be higher. You could sell tickets for $5 or $10 and offer a hour massage, 90 min massage,
facial, manicure pedicure, lash extension (the spa boss tribe has several different professions Im putting
example for everyone). If you sell enough raffle tickets the numbers should add up well surpass the
amount of the actual service which is extra cash for you #winning

As cash rolls in be sure to put some up. If a bad day comes you want to have resources to pull from. If
you need extra money all the above strategies will work. Be sure to take advantage of your coaching
schedule your spa calls as needed.

If your not in the spa boss tribe 1 on 1 calls are only $54 and include 10 ebooks 9016902186

like our facebook page six figure spa chick

join us on periscope its so much fun

yearly membership $300

happy money making

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