Rahman 2020 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1436 012020

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Analysis Distribution of 32P Radioisotope in Silicone Patch Using

Autoradiography Scanner
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(I-Concern19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1436 (2020) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1436/1/012020

Analysis Distribution of P Radioisotope in Silicone Patch


Using Autoradiography Scanner

Wira Y. Rahman, Endang Sarmini and Anung Pujiyanto

Center for Radioisotope and Radiopharmacceutical Technology (PTRR)
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)
Gd. 11 Kawasan PUSPIPTEK, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia

Abstract. Silicone patch has active ingredient of radioisotope Phosphorus-32 (32P) in the form
of chromic phosphate (Cr32PO4). Radioisotope 32P is a β - (beta) emitter radionuclide with an
energy of 1.71 MeV, having a half-life (T½) 14.3 days. A silicone patch with radioactive content
of the radioisotope 32P has been used for keloid therapy. Radioisotope 32P as an active substance
releases beta emitter continuously which causes the death of fibroblast and inhibits cell
proliferation from keloid. In order to provide more optimal results, the distribution of chromic
phosphate in silicone patches should be spread evenly. In this case, it provides a good therapeutic
effect because of the energy of beta emitter is being released uniform. A chromic phosphate can
be made from chromic acid reduction (redox) and phosphoric acid-containing radioisotope 32P
by reducing Chrom VI to Chrom III using sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) reducing agent. In this study,
we will determine the distribution of radioisotope 32P in silicone patches using an
autoradiography scanner. Data from enumeration results were calculated statistically to obtain a
relative standard deviation (RSD). The result shows that silicone patch sample has RSD of
0.036% with an average value of 14009482.6 ± 5041.4DLU (digital light unit) for lane and
column size (10 x 14).

1. Introduction
Silicone in the form of gel or semi-liquid gel has been widely used in the treatment of scar tissue or
keloids since 1980. This silicone therapy is recommended 12 hours per day for 12-24 weeks for
prophylactic prevention of keloids [1]. Keloids are scar tissue that results from abnormal wound healing.
Keloids can occur after surgery or trauma, at the injection site and after making a hole in the ear for
The principle of using silicone patches in keloid therapy is to increase oxygen delivery to the skin,
maintain optimal skin temperature, reduce redness, reduce keloid height and overcome the itching of
keloids. Silicone patches are only effective for mild keloids, for heavier keloids could be reduced by
corticosteroid injections, surgery or cryotherapy [2]. For more severe cases of keloids with itchy, painful
and hardened conditions such as rubber cannot be overcome using the above-mentioned modalities. The
use of radioactive substances can be an alternative for the treatment of such keloids [3].
Salguiero (2009) has made patches labeled with 32P radioisotope using chromic phosphate mixed
with silicone. The silicone patch labeled with 32P radioisotope was tested on scattered mice with
promising results. Therefore, 32P-silicone patch could be considered as a valid therapeutic model for use
in clinics in the treatment of skin cancer [4][5]. In addition, 32P silicone patches are relatively easy to

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(I-Concern19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1436 (2020) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1436/1/012020

prepare. Radioisotope 32P produced by irradiating sulfur in a reactor with nuclear reaction of 32S(n, p)32P.
Phosphor- 32 has physical and biological half-lives of 14.3 days and 39.2 days respectively [6]. In tissue
β particles emitted by 32P radioisotope has a maximum range of 8 mm with an average range of 2 mm
[7]. It is assumed that beta particles emitted by 32P radioisotopes are responsible for causing fibroblast
death and inhibits cell growth on keloids [8].
Manufacturing of 32P silicone patches begins with the synthesis of chromic phosphate colloids by
reacting chromic acid with phosphoric acid-containing 32P radioisotope, using the condensation method
and oxidation-reduction reaction [9][10]. Chrome (VI) of chromic acid will be reduced by sodium sulfite
(Na2SO3) to chromium(III) forming chromic phosphate (CrPO4) [11][12][13],[14]. Cr32PO4 dried into a
powder and mixed with silicone. The 32P silicone patches formed then analyzed for determining the
distribution of 32P radioisotope on patches [15].
Analysis distribution of 32P radioisotope on 32P-silicone patch performed using autoradiography
scanner. An autoradiography scanner uses a storage phosphor screen as its medium. The storage
phosphor screen was exposed with a 32P-silicone patch for a certain time. This screen then scanned to
obtain a digital image that shows the distribution of 32P on 32P on silicone patch [16][17]. The obtained
data then statistically calculated in order to get a relative standard deviation (RSD)[18]. Even distribution
of 32P on the 32P-silicone patch would be indicated by a low value of RSD (1%).

2. Method

2.1. Materials
Materials used including chromic acid (SigmaAldrich), orthophosphoric acid (E. Merck), 32P
radioisotope (PTRR), sodium sulfite (E. Merck), liquid silicone S075 (local) and aquabidest (IPHA).

2.2. Equipment
Storage phosphor screen, autoradiography scanner (Perkin Elmer), dose calibrator (AtomLabs), oven
(Thermo Fisher).

2.3. Methods
Before using an autoradiography scanner, the storage phosphor screen must first be emptied with the
eraser screen box. Images from the storage phosphor screen are removed using a white light source. The
storage phosphor screen is placed on a white light source, such as an X-ray film reader. White light from
the lamp will erase the saved image. It takes 1 – 5 minutes to delete a saved image. Storage phosphor
screen can be removed and reused hundreds of times as long as there is no damage or contamination.
Preparation of colloidal chromic 32P-phosphate in form of powder has been reported previously [10]. In
short, ingredient, chromic 32P-phosphate (200 mg) properly mixed with liquid silicone (10 g). The
mixture is then poured onto acrylic molds and allowed to harden. Distribution of 32P on 32P-silicone
patch is then analyzed or visualized using autoradiography scanner equipped with optiquant software.
The resulted counts are statistically calculated to determine the RSD value.

2.4. Analysis
The resulted counts of 32P-silicone patch using the autoradiography scanner are statistically
calculated as ordinary mathematical calculations. The average value is calculated as Equation
(1) below:
∑ %&
𝑋 = '
From the average value, the variance is determined as Equation (2) below:
) ∑- * - *
&./ %& +(∑&./ %& )
𝑠 = )()+1)

(I-Concern19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1436 (2020) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1436/1/012020

Variance standard deviation value is calculated according to Equation (3) belows:

) ∑- * - *
&./ %& +(∑&./ %& )
𝑠2 = 3 (3)
RSD value is determined as Equation (4) belows:
𝑅𝑆𝐷 = % 𝑥 100% (4)

3. Result and Discussion

P-silicone patches have been successfully prepared according to a previous report [10]. Their
preparation steps are shown in Figure 1 (A, B dan C). Once 32P-silicone patch dried and
hardened, it was then analyzed using an autoradiography scanner.

(B) Mixing Cr32PO4 powder

(A) Cr32PO4 powder (C) Poured into a mold
with silicone
Figure 1. Preparation steps of 32P-silicone patches

(C) Entered into

(A) Storage phosphor (B) Paired on
autoradiography (D) Scanning process
screen carousel

(G) Film removal

(E) Scan results (F) Eraser screen box (H) After removed

Figure 2. Emptying process of a storage phosphor screen

(I-Concern19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1436 (2020) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1436/1/012020

Prior to using an autoradiography scanner, the storage phosphor screen must first be emptied with
the eraser screen box. Emptying process of storage phosphor screen can be seen in Figure 2 (A, B, C,
D, E, F, G and H).
The 32P-silicone patch is visualized by placing it on top of the storage phosphor screen that has been
emptied earlier. After being in contact for approximately 2 minutes. 32P-silicone patch is removed from
the storage phosphor screen. The exposed storage phosphor screen then scanned using an
autoradiography scanner. The scan results were analyzed using optiquant software. Figure 3 (A, B) and
Figure 4 show the scan result of 32P-silicone patch prior and after analyzed with optiquant software.

(B) Determine the number of lanes and

(A) Scanning of silicone patch columns desired
Figure 3. Scanning results of 32P-silicone patch prior analyzed with optiquant software

Figure 4. Scanning results of 32P-silicone patch after analyzed with optiquant software
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
A 13803585,8 13997448,0 14009255,9 13999353,8 14008018,0 14009972,6 14004945,4 13869952,2 13839815,1 14006563,2 13534985,4 13070454,4 12729879,2 11350034,2

B 14006050,1 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14001870,7
C 14006852,7 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 13665211,8
D 14004996,9 13960747,7 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14009836,9 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 13793080,8
E 14009617,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 13523578,7
F 13989678,8 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010013,7 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 13470288,4
G 14006577,9 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14009642,6 14010045,3 14010045,3 14009981,4 14010045,3 14010045,3 13688072,4
H 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14009899,7 14010045,3 14010045,3 14009981,4 14010045,3 14010045,3 13850012,9
I 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 14006249,3 14010045,3 14010036,3 14010045,3 14010045,3 13883975,6

J 11045078,3 12217187,2 12971123,5 13309326,5 13567118,6 13867870,3 14008755,7 14010045,3 14009914,2 14010045,3 14010045,3 14010044,5 14006691,2 13636567,3

Figure 5. The visualization of the 32P-silicone patch

Figure 5. shows counting results of 32P-silicone patch. The counting presented in rows (alphabet) and
columns (numbers). The counting value of each cell given as a digital light units (DLU) which indicates

(I-Concern19) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1436 (2020) 012020 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1436/1/012020

the intensity captured by the storage phosphor screen. The even DLU values of each cell on the patch
indicate that 32P radioisotope had been evenly distributed on silicone patch. 32P-silicone patch which has
even 32P radioisotope distribution will give a uniform effect on the keloids being treated.
Calculation of 32P radioisotope distribution on the 32P-silicone patch performed within B to J rows
and 2 to 13 columns, as a red line mark. The size of the retrieved area was found to be (8x12). The
average and variant DLU values within the above-mentioned row and column calculated based Eq (1)
and (2) respectively. The average and variant DLU values were found to be 14009482,6 and 25151072,7
respectively. Based on average and variant DLU values, variance standard deviation was calculated
according to Eq (3). The variance standard was found to be 5041,4. Based on the average and variance
standard deviation values eventually RSD calculated according to Eq (4). The obtained RSD was of
0.036%. The lower value of RSD indicates the uniformity distribution of 32P radioisotopes on 32P-the
silicone patch (term of acceptance RSD <2%) [19].

4. Conclusion

The author would like to thank you Dr. Abdul Mutalib, Bapak Drs. Hotman Lubis for their input and
suggestions for the silicone patch labeled 32P radioisotope.

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