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Special Materials and New Armor 3.

ABBREVIATIONS: glass. When refined and forged, the metal is silver-blue with a
ACP ARMOR CHECK PENALTY green reflective shine- It is famous for holding a sharp edge
ASFC ARCANE SPELL FAILURE CHANCE even when abused and is the favored material for making keen
Armor made from arandur grants sonic resistance 2. Items not
ADAMANTINE: Found only in meteorites and the rar- primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected. (A suit of
est of veins in magical areas, this ultrahard metal adds to the chainmail is affected, while a suit of studded leather is not.)
quality of a weapon or suit of armor. Weapons fashioned from Arandur has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sun- 12.
dering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less Type of Arandur Item Item Cost Modifier
than 20. Armor made from adamantine grants its wearer dam- Chain shirt +2,000 gp
age reduction of 1/– if it’s light armor, 2/– if it’s medium ar- Medium armor (other than Hide) +2,000 gp
mor, and 3/– if it’s heavy armor. Adamantine is so costly that Heavy armor +2,000 gp
weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork Magic of Faerûn, p.178.
quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given be-
low. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 ASTRAL DRIFTMETAL: This extraordinarily rare min-
enhancement bonus on attack rolls, and the armor check pen- eral is mined only on Tu’narath and other islands of matter
alty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary floating on the Astral Plane. It is very similar to iron but has a
armor of its type. Items without metal parts cannot be made single remarkable feature. Armor crafted from astral driftmetal
from adamantine. An arrow could be made of adamantine, but is fully effective against incorporeal attacks, as if it were made
a quarterstaff could not. of force. The armor’s full armor bonus to Armor Class (includ-
Only weapons, armor, and shields normally made of metal can ing any enhancement bonus) applies to the wearer’s touch Ar-
be fashioned from adamantine. Weapons, armor, and shields mor Class against incorporeal attacks.
normally made of steel that are made of adamantine have on- Astral driftmetal is not malleable enough to be worked into
third more hit points than normal; for instance, an adamantine chainmail or scale mail; only a breastplate, shield, or any form
greatsword has 13 hit points instead of the normal 10 hit of heavy armor can be made from it.
points. A suit of driftmetal armor weighs the same as a suit of armor
Adamantine has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and hard- made of steel. Other statistics of the armor (maximum Dexter-
ness 20. ity bonus, armor check penalty, spell failure chance) are un-
Type of Adamantine Item Item Cost Modifier changed.
Ammunition +60 gp Astral driftmetal has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and
Light armor +5,000 gp hardness 12.
Medium armor +10,000 gp
Heavy armor +15,000 gp Type of Astral Driftmetal Item Item Cost Modifier
Weapon +3,000 gp Scale mail +12,000 gp
Shield * +5,000 gp Breastplate +12,000 gp
* see the FAQ Shield +12,000 gp
Heavy armor +12,000 gp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 283.
Planar Handbook, p. 70.
ALCHEMICAL SILVER: A complex process involving
AURORUM: This luminous steel gleams with varying
metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of
hues of pink and indigo. An aurorum weapon, shield, or suit of
steel so that is bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such
armor that has been sundered can be reforged by bringing to-
as lycanthropes.
gether its fragments (a full-round action). The broken pieces
On a successful attack with a silvered weapon, the wielder takes
bond quickly and seamlessly, restoring the item to its previous
a –1 penalty on the damage roll (with the usual minimum of 1
point per damage). The alchemical silvering process can’t be
Aurorum has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
applied to nonmetal items, and it doesn’t work on rare metals
such as adamantine, cold iron, and mithral.
Alchemical silver has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and Type of Aurorum Item Item Cost Modifier
Weapon +4,000 gp
hardness 8. Shield +4,000 gp
Type of Alchemical Silver Item Item Cost Modifier Armor +4,000 gp
Ammunition +2 gp
Light weapon +20 gp
Book of Exalted Deeds, p. 38.
One-handed weapon, or one head of a double +90 gp
Two-handed weapon, or both heads of a dou- +180 gp Deep in the mines of the Nine Hells of Baator, veins of green-
ble weapon flecked iron run through the rock. This rare metal, when alloyed
Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 284. into steel, can be used to create weapons of amazing sharpness.
Any slashing or piercing weapon created with Baatorian green
AMARATHA* [SHIELDSTONE]: Also known as steel has a natural enhancement bonus of +1 to damage. This
shieldstone, amaratha is a soft, greenish white or very pale bonus does not stack with any other enhancement bonus. Thus,
green, sparkling type of jewel. It is most often found in exposed a green steel (+1 to damage) longsword with a +4 enhancement
canyon walls or in the Underdark. bonus effectively has a +4 enhancement bonus on both attacks
An amaratha included in any wand whose effect provides resis- and damage. In an area where magic does not function, it still
tance or immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic energy retains its natural +1 enhancement bonus on damage. A mas-
adds +2 to the effective caster level of the effect. terwork green steel slashing or piercing weapon would have a
Type of Amratha Item Item Cost Modifier +1 bonus on both attack and damage rolls (from a combination
Wand (Immunity or resistance to energy) +5,000 gp of masterwork and the green steel). Though green steel is a
Magic of Faerûn, p. 175. common component of keen weapons produced in the Lower
Planes, it grants no other special ability to such weapons.
ARANDUR: Arandur is a rare natural metal found ig-
neous rock, usually as streaks of blue-green ore amid vitreous

PRINTED: 24.07.06 1 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
Baatorian green steel has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and exposed to air. The material is cold and feels identical to regular
hardness 12. ice upon casual observation, but blue ice only melts under in-
Type of Baatorian Green Steel Item Item Cost Modifier tense and direct application of heat. […]
Weapon (piercing or slashing) +2,000 gp Blue ice can be forged, shaped, and utilized as if it were iron.
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 13. Blue ice is much lighter than iron, and when forged into a slash-
ing weapon it keeps its edge much longer and is much sharper
BARK ARMOR: This armor is carefully crafted from than an equally forged iron weapon. Slashing weapons made of
the tough bark of ancient trees and is treated to prevent it from blue ice have a +1 enhancement bonus on damage. Bludgeon-
becoming brittle over time. Strips of bark are layered together ing or piercing weapons can be made of blue ice, but they gain
over a quilted layer of felt or hide. Bark armor is more flexible no bonuses to damage.
than wooden armor but does not provide as much protection. All weapons made of blue ice weigh half as much as normal.
Druids can wear bark armor without losing access to their spells […] Blue ice armor is much lighter than normal armor, al-
and class features. Bark armor includes arm, leg, chest, and back though it can be uncomfortable to wear for creatures not im-
protection, but it does not include gauntlets. mune or resistant to cold. Only armor normally fashioned of
metal can be made from blue ice. Most blue ice armors are one
Light Armor
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and
5 gp +2 +5 –2 15% 30/20 ft. 15 lb. other limitations, so that medium armor counts as light armor,
and heavy armor counts as medium armor. Light armor remains
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 14.
light armor. Spell failure chances for arcane spells remains un-
changed, with the exception of spells with the cold descriptor,
BATTLE PLATE ARMOR: This exotic heavy armor
which can be cast while wearing blue ice armor with no chance
consists of reinforced metal plates, a layer of padding worn un-
of spell failure. Maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 1,
der the armor, and a suit of light chain worn between the two.
and armor check penalties are lessened by 2. If the creature
The armor includes gauntlets, metal-shod boots, a heavy helm,
wearing the armor is not resistant or immune to cold, he takes a
and carefully wrought joint guards. As with full plate, buckles
–1 penalty on Reflex saving throws and initiative checks from
and straps distribute the weight over the wearer’s body, so bat-
the general numbness caused by the armor. The Cold Endur-
tle plate hampers movement less than heavy plate even though
ance feat is enough to prevent this effect.
heavy plate is lighter.
Blue ice has 20 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10.
Battle plate is dwarven armor, so a character with the Dwarven
Armor Proficiency feat is considered proficient in its use. Type of Blue Ice Item Item Cost Modifier
Light armor +750 gp
Heavy Armor Medium armor +3,000 gp
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
Heavy armor +7,000 gp
2,500 gp +9 +1 –7 50% 20/15 ft. 125 lb. Shield +750 gp
Races of Stone, p. 155. Slashing weapon +500 gp
Other items +400 gp/lb.
BELJURIL*: Beljurils, also known as fireflashes, are Frostburn, p. 80.
large gems (typically 4 inches in diameter). Normally a deep,
pleasant, sea water green, they periodically blaze with a spar- BLUEWOOD: [Certain] craftsfolk often fashion armor
kling, winking, flashing light. This discharge is pleasantly eye- and weapons from the wood of blueleaf trees grown with care,
catching in a candlelit great hall or a lantern-lit grove, but in a sculpted with wood shape, and then magically treated to be as
dark chamber or the murky night, it is dazzling. hard as steel. A bluewood [item] has the same hardness and
A beljuril included in any wand with a spell that has the electric- characteristics as a normal metal armor or weapon of that sort
ity descriptor increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by but weighs only half as much. Bluewood armor and weapons
+2. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 created in this fashion are considered masterwork items and
to the effective caster level of the effect. gain the appropriate bonus.
Type of Beljuril Item Item Cost Modifier The process of treating bluewood to harden it requires ten day
Wand (Electricity descriptor) +5,000 gp of work a by someone knowledgeable in the process. This is
Magic of Faerûn, p. 175. either a [appropriate craftsfolk] with 10 ranks in Craft (alchemy
or woodworking), or some other with the same skills and 2
BLENDED QUARTZ: This rare, naturally occurring ranks in Knowledge (local).
blend of iron and quartz is cumbersome and difficult to work. Bluewood has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
Armor and shields made from blended quartz weigh twice as 10.
much as normal and incur the normal armor check penalty. The Type of Bluewood Item Item Cost Modifier
DC of relevant Craft checks involving blended quartz increases Light armor +300 gp
Medium armor +600 gp
by 5. But blended quartz is a surprisingly good conduit of magi- Heavy armor +1,200 gp
cal energy. Spell failure chances for blended quartz armor and Shield +300 gp
shields are reduced by 20%. Weapons made from blended Weapon (1d4 or 1d6) +400 gp
quartz weigh twice as much as normal but gain no additional Weapon (any other) +800 gp
benefits. Unapproachable East, p. 58.
Blended quartz has 15 hit points per inch of thickness and
hardness of 8. BONDLEAF WRAP: Bondleaf wraps are each crafted
Type of Blended Quartz Item Item Cost Modifier from a single enormous leaf found on magical trees. A bondleaf
Light armor +2,000 gp wrap is inactive until worn for 24 hours. During this time, it
Medium armor +5,000 gp grows into the skin, drawing water and nutrients from its host.
Heavy armor +10,000 gp
Shield +2,000 gp
Afterward, as a standard action, you can command it to wrap
around your body.
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 18.
Light Armor
BLUE ICE: Found only in the depths of the most an- Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
cient glaciers, veins of blue ice are often sought out by glacier 1,000 gp +1 — — — 30/20 ft. 2 lb.
dwarves. It appears as dark blue, opaque ice that sparkles in Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 14.
light as if it were coated with a tiny film of gemstones; this is
merely a thin layer of frost that forms over its surface when

PRINTED: 24.07.06 2 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
BONE ARMOR: Bone armor is a cloth or leather coat CLOTH: Cloth has 2 hit points per inch of thickness
reinforced with strips of bone, often cut from animals used for and hardness 0.
food. The armor covers the torso but leaves the limbs free for Type of Cloth Item Item Cost Modifier
better mobility. +0 gp
Light Armor Player’s Handbook, p. 166.
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
20 gp +3 +4 –3 15% 30/20 ft. 20 lb.
COLORED METAL: [Some smiths] have perfected the
Bone has a hardness of 6 and 10 hit points per inch of thick- process of smelting certain minerals into metal ore to create
ness. colored or tinted ingots. Any shade of red, orange, yellow,
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 12 and 14. green, blue, indigo, violet, black, or white can be created to suit
any preference with marginal effort. Though the effect is only
BRIGANDINE ARMOR: Brigandine armor consists of superficial, colored metal items still typically cost 10% to 25%
a coat of leather plates, each plate consisting of leather with a more due to the extra care required in creating the items.
strip of steel inside it. It is essentially a light form of splint mail. Colored metal has no effect on a weapon or armor’s game sta-
Medium Armor tistics.
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
Type of Colored Metal Item Item Cost Modifier
30 gp +4 +2 –5 30% 20/15 ft. 40 lb.
Armor +10-25% gp
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 14. Shield +10-25% gp
Weapon +10-25% gp
BRONZE: Weapons of bronze, while clearly inferior Other items +10-25% gp
to steel items, are not nearly as bad as stone or bone weapons. Races of the Dragon, p. 122.
Their attack and damage penalty is only –1 rather than –2.
While the relative softness of bronze diminishes its usefulness COPPER: Quite familiar to poor folk across the
in weapons, it allows elaborate sculpting of bronze breastplates, world, copper is known by spellcasters to be a magical purifier,
which makes this armor a favorite of some military command- aiding in magic that negates sickness and poison. While its bril-
ers. It is also popular parade dress. A bronze breastplate’s ar- liant color makes it popular for ornamental items, its relative
mor bonus is 1 worse than a steel breastplate’s (+4), but its softness makes it unsuitable for armor or weapons unless magi-
maximum Dexterity bonus is 1 better (also +4). cally treated (which also activates its resistance). However, it is
Bronze has 27 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 9. often used in items that provide protection from cold.
Type of Bronze Item Item Cost Modifier
Armor made from magically treated copper grants cold resis-
Armor +0 gp tance 2. Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully af-
Weapon +0 gp fected. (A suit of chainmail is affected, while a suit of studded
Shield +0 gp leather is not.)
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 13 and 18. Magically treated copper has 30 hit points per inch of thickness
and hardness 10.
BRONZEWOOD: This exceptionally hard wood is use- Type of Copper Item Item Cost Modifier
ful for making both armor and weapons. Unlike most woods, Chain shirt +2,000 gp
bronzewood can be used instead of metal to fashion heavy ar- Medium armor (other than Hide) +2,000 gp
mor and weapons. Although dense and weighty compared to Heavy armor +2,000 gp
other woods, it is still lighter than most metal: Items weigh 10% Magic of Faerûn, p. 178.
less when made from bronzewood rather than metal. Armor
made of bronzewood is also less obtrusive than similar armor CORD ARMOR: Made from hemp fibers or similarly
made of metal. The armor check penalty from bronzewood tough seaweed woven and knotted into a thick, tough covering,
armor and shields does not affect Hide checks made in wood- cord armor is common in places where metalworking and
land environments. leatherworking are not practiced.
The following armor can be made from bronzewood: breast- Light Armor
plate, banded mail, splint mail, half-plate and full plate. Al- Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
though bronzewood can replace metal in most weapons, chain 15 gp +2 +5 –1 15% 30/20 ft. 15 lb.
weapons as the spiked chain cannot be made from it. Stormwrack, p. 106.
Bronzewood has 20 hit points per inch of thickness and hard-
ness 10. CRYSTAL, DEEP: Deep crystal is crystal of above-
Type of Bronzewood Item Item Cost Modifier average quality found at the hearts of large veins or deposits of
Shield +1,000 gp mundane crystal (see below). Deep crystal is renowned for its
Breastplate +4,000 gp strength and its psionically resonant nature. Mundane crystal is
Heavy armor +9,000 gp used for many items of psionic manufacture, such as dorjes,
Weapon (other than chain weapon) +500 gp/lb.
power stones, and psicrystals. Deep crystal is a better grade.
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 18. While a weapon made of deep crystal is no different from a
mundane crystal weapon for a nonpsionic character, a psionic
CHITIN ARMOR: Chitin armor is constructed from wielder of a deep crystal weapon can focus psionic power
the shells of giant vermin or similar creatures. For aquatic races, through it, increasing the damage that weapon deals. As a free
monstrous crabs are the most popular source for chitin armor. action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the wielder
The chitin is treated for flexibility and often cut and reshaped in can channel psionic power into a melee weapon or ranged
long strips bound together by tightly woven cord where neces- weapon made of deep crystal. For 2 power points, the deep
sary. crystal weapon deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. The
Medium Armor weapon will stay charged for 1 minute or until it scores its next
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight hit. Bows, crossbows, and slings bestow this power on their
75 gp +4 +4 –3 30% 20/15 ft. 20 lb. ammunition. All missile weapons lose this effect if they miss.
Stormwrack, p. 106. However, they may be recovered and charged again.
Any weapon made of deep crystal costs 1,000 gp more than its
noncrystal counterpart. Any item could potentially be made out

PRINTED: 24.07.06 3 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
of deep crystal. Because deep crystal armor is considered to be DASTANA BRACERS: This pair of metal bracers can
made out of metal, druids cannot wear it. be worn in addition to some other types of armor to provide an
Deep crystal has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hard- additional armor bonus that stacks with both the foundation
ness 10. armor and any shield worn. You can wear dastana with padded,
Type of Deep Crystal Item Item Cost Modifier leather, or chain shirt armor. You need the Armor Proficiency
Armor (light) feat to wear dastana without penalty.
Weapon +1,000 gp
Other object Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
Expanded Psionics Handbook, p. X. 25 gp +1 — –1 5% — 5 lb.
15 gp +2 +5 –1 15% 30/20 ft. 15 lb. Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 14.
Stormwrack, p. 106.
DEEP CORAL: Underwater builders can shape this
CRYSTAL, MUNDANE: Mundane crystal can be used species of coral into vast palaces beneath the waves. It auto-
in place of metal in weapons or armor, using a special forging matically repairs 1 point of damage every minute. Treat deep
process. The fortified crystal possesses the properties of a simi- coral as stone for the purposes of blocking detection spells and
lar masterwork steel weapon or armor, except for visual appear- the like.
ance. Deep Coral has 15 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
Weapons and armor made of mundane crystal cost the same 8.
amount to make as their masterwork counterparts. Any item Type of Deep Coral Item Item Cost Modifier
could potentially be made with mundane crystal. Because mun- +1,000 gp
dane crystal armor is considered to be made out of metal, dru- Stronghold Builders Guidebook, p. 34.
ids cannot wear it.
Mundane crystal properly forged has 25 hit points per inch of DENDRITIC ARMOR: Dwarf armorsmiths grow den-
thickness and a hardness of 8. dritic armor from seed crystals deep underground; dendritic
Type of Mundane Crystal Item Item Cost Modifier armor never reaches the smith’s fire. Each suit of dendritic ar-
Armor +150 gp mor is tailored for a specific wearer. This superb armor is sock-
Weapon +300 gp
eted rather than riveted together. It protects better than full
Other object
plate armor, but is also heavier and more cumbersome.
Expanded Psionics Handbook, p. X. Dendritic armor constantly grinds crystal flecks off, and re-
grows itself to its original shape. Anyone tracking a person
DARKSTEEL: Darksteel is silvery in hue when pol- wearing dendritic armor gains a +2 circumstance bonus on skill
ished or cut, but its exposed surfaces have a deep, gleaming checks from the fine trail of crystal left behind. To remove
purple luster. The process for making this type of steel was dendritic armor, you must break your way out by succeeding at
once lost, but has been recently rediscovered thanks to some a Strength check (DC 25). As long as you leave at least 5
ancient dwarven texts. The alloy is made from meteoric iron pounds of dendritic armor somewhere on your body, the armor
tempered with a variety of special oils. grows back in 8 hours.
Armor made from darksteel grants acid resistance 2. Weapons
forged of darksteel inflict +1 point of electricity damage each Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
time they hit (this is cumulative with other abilities, such as 2,000 gp +9 +0 –8 40% 20/15 ft. 60 lb.
shock or shocking burst). Items not primarily of metal are not Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 14.
meaningfully affected. (A longsword or a suit of chainmail is
affected, while a spear or a suit of studded leather is not.) DIAMOND*: Diamonds are hard, translucent stones
Darksteel has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness that can be clear (appearing blue-white), rich blue, yellow, or
10. pink, among other hues.
Type of Darksteel Item Item Cost Modifier A diamond included in any wand with a conjuration (healing)
Chain shirt +2,000 gp spell adds +2 to the effective caster level of the effect.
Medium armor (other than Hide) +2,000 gp
Heavy armor +2,000 gp Type of Diamond Item Item Cost Modifier
Weapon +1,500 gp Wand (Conjuration [Healing]) +5,000 gp
Magic of Faerûn, p. 178. Magic of Faerûn, p. 175.

DARKWOOD [ZALANTAR]: This rare magic wood is DRAGONHIDE: Armorsmiths can work with the
as hard as normal wood but very light. Any wooden or mostly hides of dragons to produce masterwork armor or shields for
wooden item (such as a bow, an arrow, or a spear) made from the normal cost (see Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 283). The armor
darkwood is considered a masterwork item and weighs only half created has no special properties other than its masterwork
as much as a normal wooden item of that type. Items not nor- quality. (An armorsmith who also has the Dragoncrafter feat
mally made of wood or only partially of wood (such as a battle- can imbue even greater powers into the armor created, see
axe or a mace) either cannot be made from darkwood or do not Dragoncraft items [Draconomicon, p. 116]).
gain any special benefit from being made of darkwood. The The following table shows the types and sizes of armor a
armor check penalty of a darkwood shield is lessened by 2 dragon’s body can supply. The terms on the table are defined
compared to an ordinary shield of that type. To determine the below.
price of a darkwood item, use the original weight but add 10 gp Armor Type and Size: These four columns show which kinds of
per pound to the price of a masterwork version of that item. armor can be made from dragonhide, and the largest size a sin-
Darkwood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness gle set of armor can be if made from a dragon of a certain size.
5. […]
Type of Darkwood Item Item Cost Modifier
A single hide can yield more than one set of armor if the armor
Shield +150 gp, +10 gp/lb. is sized for creatures smaller than the size given on the table.
Weapon +300 gp, +10 gp/lb. For each size category of the finished armor smaller than the
Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 283. size given on the table, double the number of sets of armor can
be made. […]
Shield?: A “Yes” entry in this column indicated that enough
hide is left over after the armorsmithing process to create one

PRINTED: 24.07.06 4 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
heavy or light shield or a buckler sized for a character the same Dwarvencraft items are always of masterwork quality. Only
size as the dragon. An armorsmith can choose to make shields items crafted primarily of metal or stone are available in dwar-
instead of armor out of all or part of a dragon’s hide. Creating a vencraft quality. An item must be declared a dwarvencraft item
tower shield uses up as much hide as a suit of hide armor. Cre- at the time of its creation; items cannot be upgraded to dwar-
ating two heavy shields or two light shields or two bucklers uses vencraft quality once finished. Dwarvencraft items are created
up as much hide as a suit of hide armor. using the rules for masterwork crafting in the Player’s Handbook.
Special Properties of Dragonhide Armor: Many characters The dwarvencraft component of an item has a Craft DC of 22.
favor dragonhide armor simply because it looks good. In Prices for dwarvencraft items include the cost for masterwork
combat, dragonhide armor isn’t any better than normal armor; quality.
however, the armor itself remains immune to energy damage of A dwarvencraft item is stronger and harder than a comparable
the same type as the breath weapon of the dragon that supplied masterwork item. A dwarvencraft item’s hardness increases by
the hide. For example, red dragon armor is impervious to fire. 2, and it gains an additional 10 hit points. In addition, it gains a
The character wearing the armor does not benefit from this +2 bonus on all saving throws. All of these effects stack with
property. the similar bonuses for magic items if the dwarvencraft item is
Full Plate/ made magical.
Dragon Size Hide Banded Mail Half-Plate Breastplate Shield?
Tiny Diminutive Fine - - No
A dwarvencraft weapon costs 600 gp more than a standard
Small Tiny Diminutive Fine - No weapon of its type. Dwarvencraft armor and shields cost 300 gp
Medium Small Tiny Diminutive Fine Yes
Large Medium Small Tiny Diminutive Yes more than standard armor and shields.
Huge Large Medium Small Tiny Yes
Gargantuan Huge Large Medium Small Yes
Type of Dwarvencraft Item Item Cost Modifier
Colossal Gargantuan Huge Large Medium Yes Armor +300 gp
Shield +300 gp
Because dragonhide armor isn’t made of metal, druids can wear Weapon +600 gp
it without penalty.
Races of Stone, p. 159.
Dragonhide armor cost double what masterwork armor of that
type ordinarily costs, but it takes no longer to make than ordi-
DWARVEN STONE ARMOR: Found almost exclusively
nary armor of that type.
Dragonhide has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hard- among dwarven kingdoms, this extremely rare armor is created
from thin sheets of a specially treated stone resembling marble.
ness 10.
Dwarven stone armor is very heavy and more ornamental than
Type of Dragonhide Item Item Cost Modifier practical; consequently it is the dress uniform for many dwar-
Light armor X2 gp
Medium armor X2 gp
ven defenders. It provides impressive protection, as long as the
Heavy armor X2 gp person wearing it does not plan on moving very fast. Dwarven
Shield X2 gp stone armor includes greaves and helmet, but not gauntlets.
Draconomicon, p. 115, Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 283. Heavy armor
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
1,750 gp +9 +0 –7 40% 20/15 ft. 80 lb.
DUSKWOOD: This species of tree grows widely all
over Faerûn, and is named for the eerie appearance of its tightly Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 17.
growing groves. Smooth, with small branches at the top of 60-
foot trunks, duskwood trees have dark bark and smoky gray ELUKIAN CLAY [SEA-STONE]: Although barely mal-
wood that is as tough as iron. leable in its natural state, this rough, gray stone can be shaped
Any steel or mostly steel weapon (such as a sword or a mace) into weapons and armor in a process similar to sculpting. Also
made from Duskwood is considered a masterwork item and known as sea-stone, elukian clay is formed in part by seepage
weighs only half as much as a normal steel item of that type. from the Elemental Plane of Water. It has a strong affinity to
Weapons not normally made of steel or only partially of steel water, so those traveling in or over large bodies of water value it
(such as a club or a battleaxe) either cannot be made from greatly. Items made from elukian clay do not count against the
duskwood or do not gain any special benefit or penalty from wearer’s weight total when calculating armor check penalties on
being made of duskwood. Swim checks [effectively negating any penalty].
Although it can be shaped into a point, elukian clay does not
Type of Duskwood Item Item Cost Modifier
Weapon +1,500 gp hold an edge very well. Only piercing and bludgeoning weapons
can be made from elukian clay. Armor and shields made from
Duskwood doesn’t work well as armor; it can’t be shaped into
elukian clay have their armor check penalty increased by 1.
rings like steel, and overlapping plates don’t flex well. (Even the
Once formed, an item made from elukian clay takes three days
wood shape spell can’t create the level of detail needed.) However,
to harden. Items used before the hardening is complete are eas-
duskwood breastplates are possible […]. A duskwood breast-
ily ruined; such items have 0 hardness and only one-tenth their
plate is treated as light armor for the purposes of movement
normal hit points.
and other limitations. Duskwood weighs half as much as steel.
Once dried, elukian clay items have 30 hit points per inch of
Duskwood has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
thickness and hardness 10.
Shaping elukian clay into armor requires the Craft (sculpture)
Light armor skill.
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
3,200 gp +5 +4 –2 20% 30/20 ft. 15 lb. Type of Elukian Clay Item Item Cost Modifier
Light armor +1,000 gp
Magic of Faerûn, p. 178. Medium armor +2,000 gp
Heavy armor +4,000 gp
DWARVENCRAFT: While masterwork weapons are Shield +1,000 gp
available from any skilled craftsman, the dwarves have per- Weapon (bludgeoning or piercing) +200 gp/lb.
fected their skills to an almost magical degree. They possess Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 20.
secrets of smithing and weapon engineering that outstrip cul-
tures that are less challenged by both their natural environment ELVEN DARKLEAF ARMOR: Similar to elven leaf-
and competition for its limited resources. While many dwarf weave armor (see below), elven darkleaf armor is made of care-
weaponsmiths and armorers are capable of crafting masterwork fully cured and beautifully carved pieces of darkwood (see the
items, as normal, dwarf smiths have created another category of Dungeon Master’s Guide), supplemented by alchemically treated
quality that goes beyond masterwork. Appropriately, such items leaves.
are generally referred to as dwarvencraft items.

PRINTED: 24.07.06 5 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
Making armor out of darkleaf reduces its spell failure chance by pounds more than normal. Shields also weigh 2 pounds more
5% because the armor is so flexible. The maximum Dexterity than their steel counterparts.
bonus of darkleaf armor is increased by +1, and armor check The armor check penalty of the armor increases by 2 for
penalties are reduced by 2. Most darkleaf armor is one category Strength-related skills (Climb and Jump) and decreases by 2 for
lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limita- Dexterity-related skills (Balance, Escape Artist, Hide, Move Si-
tions (for example, whether a barbarian can use his fast move- lently, Pick Pockets, and Tumble [Tumble not possible in me-
ment ability). If made of elven darkleaf, heavy armor is treated dium or heavier armor]). The arcane spell failure chance de-
as medium, medium armor is treated as light, but light armor is creases by 10% (to a minimum of 5%), and the maximum Dex-
still treated as light. Only armor generally made of metal can be terity bonus increases by +2. Naturally, entropium improves
constructed from elven darkleaf. only armors made primarily of metal, including chain shirts, all
[Armor made from darkleaf weighs three-quarters as much as medium armors except hide, all heavy armors, and steel shields.
the same item made from metal. Armor nor primarily made of Entropium has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
metal is not meaningfully affected by being partially made from 15.
darkleaf.] Type of Entropium Item Item Cost Modifier
[Armor made from darkleaf is always of masterwork quality (the Chain shirt +750 gp
masterwork cost is included in the armor’s given cost).] Medium armor (other than Hide) +2,000 gp
Creating elven darkleaf armor requires a successful Alchemy Heavy armor +8,000 gp
Shield (other than wooden) +750 gp
check (DC 25) in addition to the normal Craft (armorsmithing)
checks required to make armor. Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 20.
Type of Elven Darkleaf Item Item Cost Modifier
Chain shirt +750 gp EXTREME SHIELD, WOODEN OR STEEL: You strap a
Medium armor (other than hide) +2,250 gp large or larger shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand.
Heavy armor +3,000 gp These exotic shields are so heavy that you can’t use your shield
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 19. hand for anything else while using one, nor can you make shield
bash attacks.
[ELVEN] LEAFWEAVE ARMOR: As the name sug- Wooden or Steel: Wooden and steel shields offer the same basic
gests, leafweave armor is made from forest leaves, which are protection, but they respond differently to special attacks such
then treated with a special alchemical process that makes them as warp wood and heat metal). You need only take the Exotic
as tough and flexible as leather, with considerably less weight Shield Proficiency (extreme shield) feat once to use both the
and encumbrance. wooden and steel versions proficiently.
Such suits are made in both “springtime” and “autumn” styles: Shield, Wooden
Springtime leafweave armor is vivid green, while the autumn Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
style is made up of red, orange, and yellow leaves. 10 gp +3 — –4 15% — 15 lb.
The arcane spell failure chance for leafweave armor is reduced Shield, Steel
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
by 5% compared to ordinary armor of the same sort, due to its
30 gp +3 — –4 15% — 25 lb.
increased flexibility. The armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus is
increased by +1, and the armor check penalty (if any) is less- Races of Stone, p. 157.
ened by 2. Leafweave versions of padded, leather, studded
leather, and hide armor exist; leafweave studded leather typically FEVER IRON: In some volcanic craters, pools of mol-
incorporates darkwood studs to make it druid-friendly. ten metal collect and are never allowed to fully cool. Sometimes
Creating leafweave armor requires a single successful DC 25 these pools of semisolid metal attract the raw energy of the
Craft (alchemy) check in addition to the normal Craft (armors- Weave and are transformed into what the dwarves call fever
mithing) checks. iron. Fever iron can be made fully solid through a magical proc-
Leafweave has 5 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness ess that includes application of intense cold, after which it can
2. be worked like normal iron.
Armor made from fever iron grants fire resistance 2. Weapons
Type of Elven Leafweave Item Item Cost Modifier
Light armor (other than chain shirt) +740 gp forged of fever iron inflict +1point of fire damage each time
Hide armor +740 gp the hit (this is cumulative with other abilities, such as flaming or
Races of the Wild, p. 168, Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 20. flaming burst). Items not primarily of metal are not meaning-
fully affected. (A longsword or a suit of chainmail is affected,
EMERALD*: A brilliant green beryl, the emerald is while a spear or a suit of studded leather is not.) Fever iron can
usually cut square. never be used in a magic item that uses cold effects, such as a
An emerald included in any wand with an enchantment spell frost or icy burst weapon.
increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +2. If no Fever iron has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to the ef- 12.
fective caster level of the effect. Type of Fever Iron Item Item Cost Modifier
Chain shirt +2,000 gp
Type of Emerald tem Item Cost Modifier Medium armor (other than Hide) +2,000 gp
Wand (Enchantment) +5,000 gp Heavy armor +2,000 gp
Magic of Faerûn, p. 175. Weapon +1,500 gp
Magic of Faerûn, p. 178.
ENTROPIUM: Githzerai armorsmiths in the Ever-
Changing Chaos of Limbo have found a way to alloy ordinary FRYSTALLINE: This mineral grows in the icy moun-
iron with some of the shifting chaos-stuff of their native plane. tain caves of Eronia, the second layer of the Blessed Fields of
The resulting metal, called entropium, is heavier than iron but Elysium. Its resilient, pale-gold crystals contain divine energy
can be used to make effective armor. A suit of entropium ar- […]. Any weapon made of frystalline is treated as good-aligned
mor actually shifts as its wearer moves, allowing incredible for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
flexibility at the cost of increased weight. Light entropium ar-
mor is considered medium and weighs 2 pounds more than
normal, medium armor is heavy and weighs 5 pounds more
than normal, and heavy armor is simply more so, weighing 10

PRINTED: 24.07.06 6 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
Frystalline has 15 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness barbarian can use his fast movement ability while wearing ar-
10. mor or not). Light armors are treated as medium, and medium
Type of Frystalline Item Item Cost Modifier and heavy armors are treated as heavy. Spell failure chances for
Weapon +2,000 gp armor and shields made from gold are increased by 10%,
Book of Exalted Deeds, p. 38. maximum Dexterity bonus is decreased by 2 (which may bring
it below 0), and armor check penalties are increased by 3.
GEHENNAN MORGHUTH-IRON: This volcanic min- Gold weapons are considered heavy weapons (see “Heavy
eral is unique to the steep mountains of the Bleak Eternity of Weapons” below). Magically treated gold weighs twice as much
Gehenna, where it is occasionally mined by neutral evil fiends as steel.
called yugoloths and other creatures on that forbidding plane. It Gold has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10.
forges poorly, making weapons that appear pocked and pitted Type of Gold Item Item Cost Modifier
and have a –1 attack and damage penalty. However, morghuth- Armor +5,000 gp
Weapon (1d3) +1,500 gp
iron is extremely toxic, rapidly poisoning the blood. A slashing Weapon (1d4—1d6) +2,500 gp
or piercing weapon made of Gehennan morghuth-iron is natu- Weapon (1d8+) +7,000 gp
rally poisonous. The weapon delivers its poison (Fortitude save
Magic of Faerûn, p. 179.
DC 12) with each successful attack. The initial damage is 1
point of temporary Dexterity; the secondary damage is 1d4
HEAVY PLATE ARMOR: Forged for the strongest of
points of temporary Dexterity.
warriors, heavy plate armor is simply a heavily reinforced suit of
Gehennan morghuth-iron has 20 hit points per inch of thick-
full plate armor.
ness and hardness 9.
Heavy Armor
Type of Gehennan Morghuth-Iron Item Item Cost Modifier Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
Weapon (piercing or slashing) +4,000 gp 2,000 gp +9 +0 –8 45% 20/15 ft. 100 lb.
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 14. Races of Stone, p. 155.

GLASS: Glass has 1 hit points per inch of thickness HIDE: Leather has 5 hit points per inch of thickness
and hardness 1. and hardness 2.
Type of Glass Item Item Cost Modifier Type of Hide Item Item Cost Modifier
+0 gp
Player’s Handbook, p. 166. Player’s Handbook, p. 166.

GNOME BATTLE CLOAK: This exotic shield is not a HIZAGKUUR: This rare pale silvery gray metal is
shield in the typical sense, but rather a special cloak that can be named for its discoverer, a dwarf from long ago. It is found
used to foil an opponent’s attacks. Since the cloak is not really a only in scattered, but very rich, deposits deep in the Underdark
shield, it confers no shield bonus to wearers who do not have as a soft, greenish-gray claylike ore or a flaky mud. One misstep
the appropriate exotic shield proficiency. in its refining, and it remains useless mud.
You cannot use a battle cloak to make a shield bash attack, but Armor made from hizagkuur grants cold resistance 2. Weapons
a proficient user can use it to make a disarm attempt. When forged of hizagkuur inflict +1 point of electricity damage and
using a gnome battle cloak, you gain a +4 bonus on opposed +1 point of fire damage (this is cumulative with other abilities).
attack rolls made to disarm an enemy (including the roll to Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected (A
avoid being disarmed is such an attempt fails). longsword or a suit of chainmail is affected, while a spear or a
When used in combat, a gnome battle cloak occupies a hand suit of studded leather is not.) Hizagkuur can never be used in a
just as a light shield does, allowing you to carry other items in magic item that uses cold effects, such as a frost or icy burst
that hand but not wield a weapon with it. Gnome battle cloaks weapon.
are retrieved and readied just like other shields. Hizagkuur has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
Shield 10.
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
5 gp +1 — +0 0% — 1 lb. Type of Hizagkuur Item Item Cost Modifier
Chain shirt +2,000 gp
Races of Stone, p. 155. Medium armor (other than Hide) +2,000 gp
Heavy armor +2,000 gp
GNOME TWIST CLOTH: This unusual exotic armor is Weapon +3,000 gp
made of loose, flowing cloth strips tied and hung on the wearer. Magic of Faerûn, p. 179.
Proficient wearers twist and sway within the armor, causing
their opponents to strike empty air rather than armor whenever ICE: Ice has 3 hit points per inch of thickness and
they miss with an attack. If you have the Exotic Armor Profi- hardness 0.
ciency (gnome twist cloth) feat, the armor bonus from gnome Type of Ice Item Item Cost Modifier
twist cloth, including any enhancement bonus to AC, protects
against touch attacks (unlike other armor bonuses to Armor Player’s Handbook, p. 166.
Class, which do not apply against touch attacks).
Light armor ICESTEEL [DLARUN]: This bone-white metal, some-
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight times known as dlarun, can take a high polish and is often mis-
150 gp +1 — +0 5% 30/20 ft. 5 lb.
taken for ivory when seen in finished items, but has a distinc-
Races of Stone, p. 159. tive greenish sheen in candlelight. Icesteel ore is found in the
clay dug from riverbanks, and when first refined it is soft and
GOLD**: While most use gold as a currency, spell- easily carved. A second heating makes it hard and durable. This
casters know of gold’s magical properties. When magically re- property makes the metal ideal for decorative work and figu-
fined and treated, gold can be made as hard as steel. The rines.
following information refers to magically treated gold. Armor made from icesteel grants fire resistance 2. Weapons
Armor made from treated gold grants acid and fire resistance 2. forged of icesteel inflict +1 point of frost damage each time
Gold armors are one category heavier than normal for purposes they hit (this is cumulative with other abilities, such as frost or
of movement and other limitations (for example, whether a icy burst). Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully

PRINTED: 24.07.06 7 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
affected. (A longsword or a suit of chainmail is affected, while a Cold iron has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
spear or a suit of studded leather is not.) Icesteel can never be 10.
used in a magic item that uses fire effects, such as a flaming or Type of Cold Iron Item Item Cost Modifier
flaming burst weapon. Ammunition X2 gp
Icesteel has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. Weapon X2 gp
First enhancement +300 gp, +2,000 gp
Type of Icesteel Item Item Cost Modifier
Chain shirt +2,000 gp Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 284.
Medium armor (other than Hide) +2,000 gp
Heavy armor +2,000 gp JACINTH* [FLAMEGEM]: Also called hyacinth or
Weapon +1,500 gp
flamegem, this fiery orange stone is a relative to the sapphire
Magic of Faerûn, p. 178 [Dlarun]. and other corundum stones. At the heart of every jacinth a tiny
flame flickers and dances – not enough to illuminate surround-
INTERLOCKING PLATE ARMOR: This specially ings, but enough to be seen from afar. This property of the
crafted suit of exotic armor consists of a suit of chainmail with stone forms the basis for many splendid cloaks and gowns
metal plates covering vital areas. The plates are cunningly worn by wealthy nobles.
wrought, so that they lock together to offer greater protection A jacinth included in any wand with a spell that has the fire de-
when the wearer is relatively still. If you move no farther than 5 scriptor increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +2.
feet on your turn while wearing interlocking plate, you gain an If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to
additional +2 armor bonus to your Armor Class until the be- the effective caster level of the effect.
ginning of your next turn This special armor bonus stacks with Type of Jacinth Item Item Cost Modifier
the armor bonus from the suit of interlocking plate (but not Wand (Fire descriptor) +5,000 gp
with armor bonuses from other sources).
Magic of Faerûn, p. 175.
Interlocking plate armor is dwarven armor, so a character with
the Dwarven Armor Proficiency feat is considered proficient in
JASMAL*: Jasmal is a durable, very hard gem found in
its use.
small veins or, very rarely, larger seam deposits in the Thunder
Heavy Armor Peaks and the Spine of the World mountains. When polished,
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
1,750 gp +8 +0 –8 40% 20/15 ft. 50 lb. jasmals catch sunlight or torchlight and give off haloes of am-
ber light, although they themselves remain transparent and col-
Races of Stone, p. 155.
orless. Hard enough to hold a cutting edge, jasmals are often
worked into clasps on cloaks or tunics.
A jasmal included in any wand that grants an enhancement bo-
exotic armor includes a long coat and leggings made of leather
nus to weapons or armor adds +1 to the effective level of the
covered with overlapping pieces of metal. The scales are cun-
ningly wrought, so that they lock together to offer greater pro-
tection when the wearer is relatively still. If you move no farther Type of Jasmal Item Item Cost Modifier
Wand (Weapon or armor enhancement) +1,000 gp
than 5 feet on your turn while wearing interlocking plate, you
gain an additional +2 armor bonus to your Armor Class until Magic of Faerûn, p. 176.
the beginning of your next turn This special armor bonus stacks
with the armor bonus from the suit of interlocking plate (but KING’S TEAR*: Sometimes called frozen tears or lich
not with armor bonuses from other sources). weepings, these very rare stones are clear, teardrop-shaped,
Interlocking scale armor is dwarven armor, so a character with smooth-surfaced, and awesomely hard; in fact, none have as yet
the Dwarven Armor Proficiency feat is considered proficient in been fractured, cut, or shipped, even by hammer and forge. The
its use. origin of theses stones is unknown, but folklore believes they
are the crystallized tears of long-dead necromancer kings and
Medium Armor
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight queens.
250 gp +4 +2 –6 30% 20/15 ft. 30 lb. A king’s tear included in any wand with a divination spell in-
Races of Stone, p. 156. creases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +2. If no sav-
ing throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to the effec-
IRON: Iron has 30 hit points per inch of thickness tive caster level of the effect.
and hardness 10. Type of King’s Tear Item Item Cost Modifier
Wand (Divination) +5,000 gp
Type of Iron Item Item Cost Modifier
Magic of Faerûn, p. 176.
Player’s Handbook, p. 166.
LAMELLAR ARMOR: Similar to splint and brigandine
IRON, COLD: This iron mined deep underground, armor, lamellar lies between the two in protective value. It con-
known for its effectiveness against fey creatures, is forged at a sists of small, overlapping plates of metal sewn together or
lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. Weapons stitched to a backing of leather or cloth.
made of cold iron cost twice as much to make as their normal Medium Armor
counterparts. Also, any magical enhancements cost an addi- Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
150 gp +5 +3 –4 30% 20/15 ft. 35 lb.
tional 2,000 gp. For example, a +2 longsword made of cold
iron would cost 10,330 gp, because the price doubles for the Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 15.
longsword itself (15 gp to 30 gp), the +2 enhancement bonus
costs 8,000 gp, and enhancing cold iron costs an additional LEATHER: Leather has 5 hit points per inch of thick-
2,000 gp. (The price includes 300 gp for the masterwork com- ness and hardness 2.
ponent.) Type of Leather Item Item Cost Modifier
Items without metal parts cannot be made from cold iron. An +0 gp
arrow could be made of cold iron, but a quarterstaff could not. Player’s Handbook, p. 166.
A double weapon that has only half of it made of cold iron in-
creases its cost by 50%. A two-bladed sword with one end of
cold iron and the other end steel would cost 150 gp.

PRINTED: 24.07.06 8 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
LEATHER SCALE ARMOR: Leather scale armor is just An item made from mithral weighs half as much as the same
like the scale mail described in the Player’s Handbook, except that item made from other metals. In the case of weapons, this
the scales are made of cured leather instead of metal. lighter weight does not change a weapon’s size category or the
Light Armor ease with which it can be wielded (whether it is light, one-
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight handed, or two-handed). Items not primarily of metal are not
35 gp +3 +6 –2 15% 30/20 ft. 20 lb. meaningfully affected by being partially made of mithral. (A
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 16. longsword can be a mithral weapon, while a scythe cannot be.)
Weapons or armors fashioned from mithral are always master-
LIVING CORAL ARMOR: Coral armor is heavy and work items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the
difficult to craft (see page 15 of the Arms and Equipment Guide). prices given below.
An expensive alternative is growing a casing of living coral over Mithral has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.
the wearer. The user wears a medallion crafted from a piece of Type of Mithral Item Item Cost Modifier
living reef, from which coral grows to envelop the body. The Light armor +1,000 gp
living coral is tough, but not as stony and inflexible as that of an Medium armor +4,000 gp
Heavy armor +9,000 gp
established reef, allowing relatively free movement. It dies at
Shield +1,000 gp
sundown and regrows again at sunup; this process takes about 2 Other items +500 gp/lb.
hours. Dark conditions also cause the coral to die, while ex-
Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 284.
tended light keeps it alive.
For an additional 500 gp, the following special ability can be
MOONBAR*: Moonbar crystals are pearly white,
grafted onto the coral.
opaque gems found in desert and tropical areas […]. Moonbars
Commonly worn by warriors of seafaring races, such as merfolk
are naturally large and rectangular with curved corners. The
and tritons, coral armor is not so much created as grown. […]
largest known moonbar serves as the lid of an unknown king’s
Coral armor covers only the top half of the wearer – breastplate
casket in a barrow on the Trollmoors and is almost 7 feet long,
and bracers.
but most of these gems are approximately 1 foot long and 4
Stinging Polyps: The coral polyps’ natural ability to sting prey is
inches wide.
enhanced. Once per day, if you get a hold while grappling, the
A moonbar included in any wand with a conjuration (calling)
opponent must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or be paralyzed
spell increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +1. If
for 1d4 rounds.
no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the
Medium Armor effective caster level of the effect.
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
16,000 gp +6 +3 –4 20% 20/15 ft. 30 lb. Type of King’s Tear Item Item Cost Modifier
Wand (Conjuration [Calling]) +1,000 gp
Stormwrack, p. 106, Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 15.
Magic of Faerûn, p. 176.
LIVING METAL: Powerful sources of life energy,
such as druid circles […], sometimes leach energy into the soil, MOON-IVY ARMOR: Moon-ivy armor is a close-
which changes the properties of the natural deposits or iron fitting bodysuit that grows every night and dies at the end of
buried nearby. This living metal usually has a light gray-green every day. You put on a wreathlike choker before going to
color and has properties of natural repair and reshaping. It is sleep. Overnight, a tight but flexible bodysuit of ivy grows over
favored in the construction of rings of regeneration. your body. When you awaken, you are wearing a tough, fibrous
Over time, armor made of living metal naturally shapes itself to light armor. Removing the choker causes the moon-ivy armor
fit its wearer. After one [week] of regular wearing, increase the to wither in 5 rounds.
maximum Dexterity bonus by 1, reduce the armor check pen- For an additional 500 gp, one of the following types of ivy can
alty by 1, and reduce the arcane spell failure chance by 5% for be grafted into the armor.
living metal armor. Armor not primarily of metal is not mean- Poison Ivy: The ivy exudes a poisonous resin. Once per day, if
ingfully affected. (A suit of chainmail is affected, while a suit of you succeed on a grapple check, your foe must make a Forti-
studded leather is not.) tude save (DC 14). If the defender fails, he takes initial and sec-
In addition, an item made of living metal naturally repairs dam- ondary damage of 1d3 points of Constitution. This poison
age to itself, healing 1 hit point per minute. It cannot repair it- never affects the wearer.
self if brought to 0 hit points or destroyed (such as through dis- Explosive Spores: The ivy is laced with noxious, explosive
integration). spores. Each day, the ivy grows 1d3 spore pods, to a maximum
Living metal has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hard- of ten pods. Whenever you are struck in combat with a bludg-
ness 12. eoning attack, one of the spores explodes into the space from
which the attack came. Anyone in that 5-foot square must suc-
Type of Living Metal Item Item Cost Modifier
Chain shirt +700 gp ceed on a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be nauseated for 1d6
Medium armor (other than Hide) +2,000 gp rounds. Once all of a day’s spores are exhausted, the effect is
Heavy armor +4,500 gp inert until the next day. This nausea never affects the wearer.
Other items +100 gp/lb. Pheromones: Once per day, the ivy exudes pheromones that
Magic of Faerûn, p. 179. make you seem more attractive. The pheromones grant a ü3
bonus on all Charisma-based checks for 3 hours. The bonus
MITHRAL: Mithral is a very rare silvery, glistening doubles to +6 if you attempt to influence a creatures with scent,
metal that is lighter than iron but just as hard. When worked but moon-ivy pheromones do not affect construct or undead.
like steel, it becomes a wonderful material from which to create Light Armor
armor and is occasionally used for other items as well. Most Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
mithral armors are one category lighter than normal for pur- 16,000 gp +4 +6 +0 10% 30/20 ft. 5 lb.
poses of movement and other limitations (for example, whether Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 16.
a barbarian can use her fast movement ability while wearing the
armor or not). Heavy armors are treated as medium, and me- MOUNTAIN PLATE ARMOR: Made of thick metal
dium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still plates bolted and fused together, this exotic heavy armor is in-
treated as light. Spell failure chances for armors and shields credibly massive. The suit includes plated gauntlets, metal-shod
made from mithral are decreased by 10%, maximum Dexterity boots, a heavy helm, and reinforced joint guards.
bonus is increased by 2, and armor check penalties are de- A character wearing mountain plate armor cannot run. When
creased by 3 (to a minimum of 0). wearing mountain plate, a dwarf’s speed is reduced as if he were

PRINTED: 24.07.06 9 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
not a dwarf (just as heavy armor would typically reduce the puddle. Water opals are rare and valuable gems used as orna-
speed of a human or any other character who is not a dwarf). ments around mirrors and windows or in the crafting of magi-
Mountain plate is dwarven armor, so a character with the cal scrying devices (such as crystal balls).
Dwarven Armor Proficiency feat is considered proficient in its A water opal included in any wand with a divination spell in-
use. creases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +1. If no sav-
Mountain plate constructed of any material that would reduce ing throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effec-
its armor category from heavy to medium (such as mithral) tive caster level of the effect.
gains all the benefits of the material except the armor category Type of Water Opal Item Item Cost Modifier
reduction. […] Wand (Divination) +1,000 gp
Heavy Armor Magic of Faerûn, p. 177.
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
3,250 gp +10 +0 –9 60% 15/10 ft. 225 lb.
ORBLEN*: Orblen crystals yield deep golden gems of
Races of Stone, p. 157. large size that can be faceted or cabochon cut. The hue of this
gem has earned it the nickname honeystone, and it is much fa-
OBDURIUM: This incredibly rare and hard metal vored in the Sword Coast North. Though found in large
represents the pinnacle of nonmagical wall strength. Treat masses, it is quite rare. The largest known honeystone in exis-
weapons and armor crafted from obdurium as adamantine, ex- tence, a huge hunk of rock 6 inches in diameter, is in the pos-
cept fort hardness, hit points, and price. session of [some] royal family.
Obdurium has 60 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness An orblen included in any wand with a conjuration (creation)
30. spell increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +1. If
Type of Obdurium Item Item Cost Modifier no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the
Ammunition +120 gp effective caster level of the effect.
Light armor +10,000 gp
Medium armor +20,000 gp Type of Orblen Item Item Cost Modifier
Heavy armor +30,000 gp Wand (Conjuration [Creation]) +1,000 gp
Weapon +6,000 gp Magic of Faerûn, p. 176.
Shield +10,000 gp
Stronghold Builder’s Guidebook, p. 35. ORL*: A gem believed unique to the northern half of
Faerûn, orls are found only in blue caves […]. Orls occur in the
OPAL*: Opaque, smooth gems, opals are pale blue softest rock as sharp-edged, spindle-shaped, symmetrical crys-
with green and gold mottling. They are related in type to fire tals. These crystals are of red, tawny, or orange hue, but red-
and black opals, but are only slightly more common. Opals are hued orls are the most valued. Some orl fanciers prefer to wear
used in a number of magic items and spells, including helms of the unfaceted, natural crystals rather than faceted cuttings, but
brilliance. most orls are finished into faceted forms.
An opal included in any wand with an enchantment (charm) An orl included in any wand with a spell that has the chaotic
spell increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +1. If descriptor, or any spell that grants a luck bonus, increases the
no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the save DC against the wand’s effect by +1. If no saving throw
effective caster level of the effect. applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effective caster
Type of Opal Item Item Cost Modifier level of the effect.
Wand (Enchantment [Charm]) +1,000 gp Type of Orl Item Item Cost Modifier
Magic of Faerûn, p. 176. Wand (Chaos descriptor) +1,000 gp
Magic of Faerûn, p. 176.
OPAL, BLACK*: Black opal is a greenish type of opal
with black mottling and gold flecks, usually found in ancient PANDEMONIUM SILVER: Mined from the veins of
hot springs or their dry remnants. The Faerûn phrase “black as ore on the plane of Pandemonium, pandemonic silver has all
a black opal” means, effectively, not very black (or evil) at all. It the properties of alchemical silver (see above). In addition, a
is used to describe good-hearted rogues and similar individuals thin, unearthly scream issues forth from a bladed weapon made
who would be embarrassed by praise. of pandemonic silver whenever it’s unsheathed in at least a light
A black opal included in any wand with a spell that has the breeze. This scream is a sonic, mind-affecting compulsion that
force descriptor increases the save DC against the wand’s effect is a fear effect. Other than the wielder, those within 30 feet who
by +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds hear the scream must succeed on a Will save or cower for 1d4
+1 to the effective caster level of the effect. rounds. The DC of the Will save depends on the strength of
Type of Black Opal Item Item Cost Modifier the wind, as indicated on the table below.
Wand (Force descriptor) +1,000 gp Wind Force Save DC
Magic of Faerûn, p. 175. Light (0—10 mph) 10
Moderate (11—20 mph) 13
Strong (21—30 mph) 16
OPAL, FIRE*: Brilliant orange-red gems, fire opals Severe (31—50 mph) 19
are usually uniform in hue or contain golden or greenish flecks. Windstorm (51—74 mph) 22
They are most often found near active hot springs and geyser Hurricane (75—174 mph) 25
activity. Fire opals are an essential part of producing helms of Tornado (175—300 mph) 28
brilliance. Pandemonic silver can be used to coat the striking surface of
A fire opal included in any wand with a spell that has the fire any slashing or piercing weapon made of steel.
descriptor increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by
+1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 Type of Pandemonic Silver Item Item Cost Modifier
Light P or S weapon +9,000 gp
to the effective caster level of the effect. One-handed P or S weapon, or one head of a +11,000 gp
Type of Fire Opal Item Item Cost Modifier P or S double weapon
Wand (Fire descriptor) +1,000 gp Two-handed P or S weapon, or both heads of +13,000 gp
a P or S double weapon
Magic of Faerûn, p. 175.
Complete Warrior, p. 136.
OPAL, WATER*: Water opal is a clear, translucent va-
riety of opal with only a play of color to it, like oil on a clear

PRINTED: 24.07.06 10 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
PAPER: Paper has 2 hit points per inch of thickness A ravenar included in any wand with a spell that has the sonic
and hardness 0. descriptor increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by
Type of Paper Item Item Cost Modifier +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1
+0 gp to the effective caster level of the effect.
Player’s Handbook, p. 166. Type of Ravenar Item Item Cost Modifier
Wand (Sonic descriptor) +1,000 gp
PEARLSTEEL: A strange metal crafted by secretive Magic of Faerûn, p. 176.
[…] metallurgists working near volcanic vents in the ocean
floor, pearlsteel is gleaming, shining steel covered with a blue- RED TEAR*: […] These teardrop-shaped, glossy
white sheen like mother of pearl. Created from fine steel and crystals of vivid cherry-red, blood-crimson, or fiery orange hue
rare silvery pearls found only in the ocean depths where the are found in deep mines or gorge walls where old rock has been
pressures alone would kill a land walker, pearlsteel is highly exposed. Legends say they are the tears of lovers shed for their
prized by all undersea races and constitutes a major trade item beloved who were slain in battle, stained red by the spilled
for the [metallurgists]. blood of the fallen.
Pearlsteel is very light, especially in water. Pearlsteel items weigh A red tear included in any wand with a transmutation spell in-
25% less than their normal equivalents. creases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +1. If no sav-
Pearlsteel also slices more smoothly through the resistance that ing throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effec-
water presents. When a slashing weapon made of pearlsteel is tive caster level of the effect.
used in the water, its attack roll is reduced by –1 rather than the Type of Red Tear Item Item Cost Modifier
normal –2 for fighting in the water with a slashing weapon, and Wand (Transmutation) +1,000 gp
its damage is reduced by –2 instead of half. Likewise, damage Magic of Faerûn, p. 176.
dealt underwater by a bludgeoning weapon made of pearlsteel is
reduced by –2 rather than reduced by half. RIDER’S SHIELD: This high-quality exotic heavy
Pearlsteel has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness wooden shield is longer and heavier than other heavy shields. If
10. you have the Exotic Shield Proficiency (rider’s shield) feat and
Type of Pearlsteel Item Item Cost Modifier use a rider’s shield, you and your mount both gain the benefit
Light armor +500 gp of the shield’s AC bonus.
Medium armor +1,000 gp
Heavy armor +1,500 gp Shield
Shield +500 gp Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
Weapon +1,500 gp 75 gp +2 — –2 15% — 15 lb.

Stormwrack, p. 128. Races of Stone, p. 158.

PLATINUM**: This silvery-white metal superficially RIMEFIRE ICE: This form of ice is found only in ice-
resembles aluminum but is extremely heavy. Because it is so bergs inhabited by rimefire eidolons. These icebergs are ap-
malleable, it must be magically altered to the rigidity of steel so proximately 95% normal ice, but the remaining 5% consists of
it can maintain its shape even when used in combat. This proc- veins of pale blue ice that glows softly, providing illumination
ess also catalyzes its magical properties. The following informa- equal to that of a torch. Rimefire ice is especially cold to the
tion refers to magically treated platinum. touch, and any creature that comes in contact with it takes 1
Armor made from treated platinum grants cold and sonic resis- point of cold damage per round of contact. Any amount of re-
tance 2. Platinum armors are one category heavier than normal sistance or immunity to cold […] provides complete protection
for purposes of movement and other limitations (for example, from this cold damage.
whether a barbarian can use his fast movement ability while The most unusual aspect of rimefire ice is that it is approxi-
wearing armor or not). Light armors are treated as medium, and mately as flammable as wood; it does not melt when heat is ap-
medium and heavy armors are treated as heavy. Spell failure plied to it. Burning rimefire ice does not deal fire damage,
chances for armor and shields made from gold are increased by though, even if it is ignited by an open flame. Rather, burning
10%, maximum Dexterity bonus is decreased by 2 (which may rimefire ice deals cold damage on anything unfortunate enough
bring it below 0), and armor check penalties are increased by 3. to get too close.
Armor not primarily of metal is not meaningfully affected. (A Rimefire ice weapons glow with blue light, providing illumina-
suit of chainmail is affected, while a suit of studded leather is tion to a 20-foot radius. They also deal +1 point of cold dam-
not.) age on each successful hit.
Platinum weapons are considered heavy weapons (see “Heavy Rimefire ice has 5 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
Weapons” below). 3.
Magically treated platinum has 30 hit points per inch of thick- Type of Rimefire Ice Item Item Cost Modifier
ness and hardness 10. Weapon +750 gp
Other objects +500 gp/lb.
Type of Platinum Item Item Cost Modifier
Armor +5,000 gp Frostburn, p. 80.
Weapon (1d3) +1,500 gp
Weapon (1d4—1d6) +2,500 gp RING ARMOR: Ring armor is composed of tough
Weapon (1d8+) +7,000 gp
leather, heavily reinforced with hundreds of small metal rings.
Magic of Faerûn, p. 180. Ring armor is the precursor to chainmail and is commonly
found in cultures that haven’t discovered how to create that
RAVENAR*: Ravenar, a glossy, black variety of tour- type of armor. It is a cheap and effective protection, popular
maline that is also called schorl, is highly valued in the northern among town guards.
half of Faerûn. The gem is less prized in other lands, where it Medium Armor
carries little value. Ravenar is commonly used for inlay work on Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
daggers, buckles, and the like. 75 gp +4 +4 –3 30% 20/15 ft. 35 lb.
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 17.

RIVERINE: This unusual material is made from water

under extremely high pressure, usually obtained from the Ele-
mental Plane of Water but sometimes from the blackwater

PRINTED: 24.07.06 11 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
trenches far below the ocean’s surface. The water swirls and have six points, though other even-numbered combinations are
flows continuously, sandwiched between fields of magical possible. Of every hundred rubies, one is a star.
forces. A star ruby included in any wand with an illusion spell adds +2
Half of the Armor Class bonus from armor and shields made to the effective caster level of the effect.
from riverine is a deflection bonus (round down). For example, Type of Star Ruby Item Item Cost Modifier
a suit of riverine chainmail would provide a ü2 armor bonus Wand (Illusion) +5,000 gp
and a +3 deflection bonus to AC. This substance is considered Magic of Faerûn, p. 177.
masterwork and can be enhanced magically as any other armor.
Riverine is sometimes also used to create walls and even con- SAPPHIRE*: Sapphire is a brilliant blue, translucent
tainers. Being enclosed in magical force, it is immune to all corundum mineral. Sapphires vary from clear, pale blue to a
damage and is unaffected by most spells. However, disintegrate radiant azure.
immediately destroys an item made of riverine, as does a rod of A sapphire included in any wand with a conjuration (summon-
cancellation, a sphere of annihilation, or a Mordenkainen’s disjunction ing) spell increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +1.
spell, causing the water to spill out in a sudden rush. Armor and If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to
shields made of riverine do not form a complete enclosure, so the effective caster level of the effect.
breath weapons and spells do still affect the wearer. However,
Type of Sapphire Item Item Cost Modifier
walls of riverine block ethereal travel, breath weapons, and spell Wand (Conjuration [Summoning]) +1,000 gp
effects, just as a wall of force does.
Riverine ice has X hit points per inch of thickness and hardness Magic of Faerûn, p. 177.
SAPPHIRE, BLACK*: Black sapphire is a rare variety
Type of Riverine Item Item Cost Modifier
Light armor +9,000 gp
of sapphire that is a deep, rich black with yellow or white high-
Medium armor +16,000 gp lights. These jewels come mostly from the South, in particular
Heavy armor +25,000 gp the Great Rift, since they are most plentiful in the Deep Realm
Shield +4,000 gp of the dwarves and are brought up through the Great Rift to
Other items +2,000 gp/lb. the surface world for trading.
Stormwrack, p. 128. A black sapphire included in any wand with a spell that has the
darkness descriptor increases the save DC against the wand’s
ROGUE STONE*: Rogue stones are small stones of a effect by +2. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead
shifting, rainbow-colored, iridescent hue. Their fluid shades of adds +2 to the effective caster level of the effect.
color appear almost liquid under normal sunlight. Rogue stones Type of Black Sapphire Item Item Cost Modifier
are extremely rare and always found as single stones among Wand (Darkness descriptor) +5,000 gp
others in stone hoards or in cold regions or underwater in Magic of Faerûn, p. 175.
swamps; no more than one is ever found in one place at one
time. No one has yet managed to determine in what sort of SAPPHIRE, STAR*: An exceedingly valuable variation
rock they are most likely to be found. Rogue stones cleave into of the sapphire (blue or black corundum), this stone is less
natural facets, and it is these surfaces that are iridescent. Some translucent than a normal sapphire and has a white star of four
primitive human tribes believe rogue stones to be the sentient or more points highlighted at its center. Such stars, caused by
essences of dragons or might heroes, but sages hold this view the optical properties of the mineral, always have an even num-
to be folk nonsense. ber of points – most commonly six. For every thousand sap-
A rogue stone included in any wand with a spell that has the phires found, one is a star.
chaotic or teleportation descriptor increases the save DC A star sapphire included in any wand with an abjuration spell
against the wand’s effect by +2. If no saving throw applies or is increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +2. If no
allowed, it instead adds +2 to the effective caster level of the saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to the ef-
effect. fective caster level of the effect.
Type of Rogue Stone Item Item Cost Modifier Type of Star Sapphire Item Item Cost Modifier
Wand (Chaos or teleportation descriptor) +5,000 gp Wand (Abjuration) +5,000 gp
Magic of Faerûn, p. 176. Magic of Faerûn, p. 177.
ROPE: Rope has 2 hit points per inch of thickness SERREN: Serren trees grow on Arvandor, the upper-
and hardness 0. most of Arvorea’s three layers. The trees serve as vessels for
Type of Rope Item Item Cost Modifier nature spirits, and any branch that falls from a serren tree can
+0 gp be fashioned into a bow, arrow, or crossbow bolt imbued with
Player’s Handbook, p. 166. a portion of the tree’s spirit. Serren bows, arrows, and bolts
have the ghost touch special quality, although this property is
RUBY*: This clear to deep crimson re corundum not magical.
stone is highly valued because of its sparkling shine and vivid Serren has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5.
hues. Folklore generally holds rubies to be lucky objects. Type of Serren Item Item Cost Modifier
A ruby included in any wand with an evocation spell Bow +4,000 gp
increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +2. If no Ammunition +80 gp
saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to the ef- Book of Exalted Deeds, p. 38.
fective caster level of the effect.
Type of Ruby Item Item Cost Modifier SERPENT STEEL: see Baatorian Green Steel
Wand (Evocation) +5,000 gp
Oli 2004.
Magic of Faerûn, p. 177.
SHARKSKIN: Similar to leather armor in appearance,
RUBY, STAR*: A variation of the ruby (red corun- sharkskin is treated so that the sharp toothlike scales covering
dum), this stone is less translucent than a normal ruby and has a the skin remain attached to the outside of the armor. Addition-
white star highlighted at its center. Such stars are caused by the ally, shark teeth are embedded along the forearms, shoulders,
optical properties of the mineral crystal. They most commonly and legs, which count as armor spikes. Sharkskin armor pro-
vides a +6 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks made

PRINTED: 24.07.06 12 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
when the wearer is bound with rope or similar easily cut bind- made of the alloy are especially effective against creatures from
ings. other planes. Weapons made of starmetal deal an extra 1d6
Light Armor points of damage to any extraplanar creatures while they are on
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight the Material Plane.
85 gp +3 +6 –1 10% 30/20 ft. 15 lb. Starmetal has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
Stormwrack, p. 106. 20.
Type of Starmetal Item Item Cost Modifier
SHELL: This armor is created from specifically Light armor +5,000 gp
treated tortoise or monstrous crab shells. The armormaking Medium armor +10,000 gp
Heavy armor +15,000 gp
process softens the shells, making them far more pliable and
Weapon +5,000 gp
likely to bend instead of shatter when struck. Shell armor in-
* see also the Green Star Adept Prestige Class
cludes a breastplate, shoulder guards, and even gauntlets created
Complete Arcane, p. 141.
from smaller and smaller shells. The main difference between
shell and chitin armor is the degree of coverage: shell armor
STEEL: Steel has 30 hit points per inch of thickness
usually leaves the legs bare.
and hardness 10.
Medium Armor
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
Type of Steel Item Item Cost Modifier
25 gp +3 +3 –2 20% 20/15 ft. 20 lb. +0 gp

Stormwrack, p. 106. Player’s Handbook, p. 166.

SHIELD, GAUNTLET: A favorite of divine spell- STILETTO SHIELD: This small wooden shield has a
casters, this exotic shield is a heavy steel shield built with a spe- special switch located on the inside grip. When triggered, four
cial bracing gauntlet. The special gauntlet allows you to carry blades pop out from the edges of the shield, and one larger
other items in your shield hand (such as material spell compo- blade springs out from the middle. Triggering and retracting the
nents), although you cannot use weapons with it. The shield blades is a free action. When the blades are activated, the sti-
hand is likewise free to perform somatic components. letto shield counts as a spiked shield in all respects.
Shield Shield
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
50 gp +2 — –2 35% — 20 lb. 30 gp +1 — –1 5% — +2 lb.

Races of Stone, p. 158. Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 17.

SILVER: Long valued for its purity and beauty, silver STONE: Stone has 15 hit points per inch of thickness
is also used to make weapons and armor. It is commonly used and hardness 8.
in items involving light and moon magic, as well as bane weap- Type of Stone Item Item Cost Modifier
ons dedicated to battling shapeshifters. With the proper magical +0 gp
treatments, silver gains the rigidity of steel. The following in- Player’s Handbook, p. 166.
formation refers to magically treated silver.
Armor made from silver grants electricity resistance 2. Weapons STONE PLATE ARMOR: This armor is made of inter-
forged of treated silver can damage creatures whose damage locking stone plates, cunningly carved for both thinness and
reduction type is silver, and they deal +1 damage to such crea- strength. A layer of cured hide underneath the stone prevents
tures. Items whose striking point or surface is not primarily chafing and cushions the impact of blows. Several layers of
metal are not meaningfully affected. (A longsword or a spear is stone plates usually hang over vital areas, and most of the ar-
affected, while a club is not.) mor’s weight hangs from the shoulders. The suit includes hide
Magically treated silver has 30 hit points per inch of thickness gauntlets with tiny stone plates sewn onto them. Wearing stone
and hardness 10. plate does not violate a druid’s spiritual oath.
Type of Silver Item Item Cost Modifier Heavy armor
Chain shirt +2,000 gp Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
Medium armor (other than Hide) +2,000 gp 750 gp +6 +0 –8 45% 20/15 ft. 100 lb.
Heavy armor +2,000 gp
Races of Stone, p. 158.
Weapon +1,000 gp
Magic of Faerûn, p. 180. STYGIAN ICE: This extraplanar ice comes from Sty-
gia, the fifth layer of Hell. Infused with the soulless evil of that
SOLARIAN TRUESTEEL: Mined on the fourth layer of realm, along with the magical waters of the river Styx, stygian
the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia, this fine iron need no ice is black and constantly crawls with a thin layer of pale blue
alloy and shines with a silvery gleam. When forged into a mist. Stygian ice is much colder than normal ice, and it melts
weapon, it gives the wielder a +1 bonus on the confirmation slowly in nonfreezing environs. The coldness that this ice ex-
roll for a critical hit. udes is magical in nature, and freezes the mind much more rap-
Solarian truesteel has 25 hit points per inch of thickness and idly than flesh.
hardness 11. Stygian ice deals 1d6 points of damage per round of contact.
Type of Solarian Truesteel Item Item Cost Modifier Worse, if a creature takes damage from this supernatural cold, it
Weapon +1,000 gp must make a DC 12 Will saving throw or take 2 points of Wis-
Book of Exalted Deeds, p. 38. dom damage as its memories are slowly frozen. If a creature’s
Wisdom is reduced to 0, further contact causes Constitution
STARMETAL: This superior alloy is made from mete- damage. A creature whose Constitution is reduced to 0 by Sty-
oric iron – specifically, ore refined from meteors that fall during gian ice rises as a wraith in 2d4 rounds.
the rare appearances of the comet Alhazarde. [The glittering Stygian ice is not much harder than normal ice, so it doesn’t
green*] starmetal is extraordinarily hard, and is equal to ada- make effective armor. Weapons made of Stygian ice are some-
mantine for all purposes (see above), including overcoming what fragile, and each time they deal damage the wielder must
damage reduction or granting damage reduction when used in make a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid dealing the same amount of
armor construction. Starmetal also possesses an inherent magi- damage on the weapon itself. Stygian ice weapon deal 1d6
cal connection to the Material Plane, meaning that weapons points of additional cold damage on a hit; if the creature hit

PRINTED: 24.07.06 13 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
takes cold damage, it must make a DC 12 Will saving throw or Thistledown has 2 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
take 2 points of Wisdom damage (or Constitution damage, if 0.
Wisdom is at 0). This damage applies to the wielder of the Light Armor
weapon as well; a character who wishes to wield a weapon Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
405 gp +1 +10 +0 0% 30/20 ft. 5 lb.
made of Stygian ice is advised to seek out protection from cold
damage. Races of the Wild, p. 168.
Stygian ice has 5 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
3. Magical fire damage is not halved when applied to Stygian URDRUKAR [MIND STEEL]: Urdrukar, often referred
ice. An object made of Stygian ice takes 1 point of damage per to as “mind steel”, is a dark metal found only in the deepest
hour it exists in an environment above 40° F [4,5° C]; this dam- recesses of the Underdark. Naturally resistant to divination
age overcomes the ice’s hardness. As it melts, the ice gives off a magic, items made from urdrukar are greatly prized by those
foul vapor that nauseate anyone within 5 feet who fails a DC 12 who do not wish to be found. every 5 pounds of urdrukar that
Fortitude saving throw. a character wears or carries increase the DC for all attempts to
scry on that character by +2.
Type of Stygian Ice Item Item Cost Modifier
Weapon +6,000 gp Armor and shields made from urdrukar have double the normal
Other object +2,000 gp/lb. arcane spell failure chance. Urdrukar is heavier and harder to
Frostburn, p. 81. work with than most other metal: Armor made from it tends to
be somewhat clumsier, making gestures more difficult.
SUSALIAN CHAINWEAVE: Made by a technique Urdrukar has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
known only to the greatest elven armorsmiths, susalian chain- 15.
weave is an elaborate system of chainmail links knitted together Type of Urdrukar Item Item Cost Modifier
to provide additional protection against some blows. When an Chain shirt +12,500 gp
Medium armor (other than Hide) +500 gp/lb.
attack with a slashing or bludgeoning weapon hits a character Heavy armor +500 gp/lb.
wearing susalian chainweave, the armor stiffens at the point of Shield (other than wooden) +500 gp/lb.
contact and disperses the force of the attack. This quality gives Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 20.
the wearer damage reduction 3/piercing as long as the susalian
chainweave armor is worn.
TOMB-JADE*: This rare, highly prized gem is jade
Type of Susalian Chainweave Item Item Cost Modifier that has turned red or brown from being buried for great
Light armor +28,000 gp
lengths of time. Buried jade can also be turned green if bronze
Medium armor +35,000 gp
Heavy armor +42,000 gp objects are buried near it; jade of such hue is no more valuable
than normal jade.
Complete Warrior, p. 136. A piece of tomb-jade included in any wand with an enchant-
ment (compulsion) spell increases the save DC against the
THINAUN: This dark, glittering steel alloy holds an
wand’s effect by +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it
attraction to souls recently released from their bodies. Obvi-
instead adds +1 to the effective caster level of the effect.
ously, this has application for melee weapons. If a thinaun me-
lee weapon is touching a creature when it dies, that creature’s Type of Tomb-Jade Item Item Cost Modifier
Wand (Enchantment [Compulsion]) +1,000 gp
soul is sucked into the weapon rather than passing on to its fi-
nal reward. The soul remains in the thinaun weapon until the Magic of Faerûn, p. 177.
weapon is destroyed or another creature dies while touching the
thinaun weapon (the new soul displaces the old one). Raise dead, TOWER SHIELD, STEEL: This shield is identical to
resurrection, and similar spells won’t bring back a creature whose the tower shield described in the Player’s Handbook, except
soul is trapped by a thinaun weapon unless the caster has the that it is made of steel and therefore responds differently to
weapon in his possession. Because the soul is nearby, fewer ma- special attacks such as warp wood and heat metal. Characters profi-
terial components are required for such spells: Reincarnation, raise cient with the normal (wooden) tower shield are also automati-
dead, resurrection, and true resurrection require half as much of the cally proficient with the steel tower shield.
relevant material component (unguents or diamonds) to cast if Shield
the soul is within a thinaun weapon. Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
A thinaun weapon captures a soul from anyone killed while 75 gp +4 +2 –10 50% — 100 lb.
touching the weapon. This means that if the thinaun weapon’s Races of Stone, p. 158.
wielder dies, her weapon captures her soul.
Only melee weapons made primarily of metal can be crafted as TUMBLER’S BREASTPLATE: This exotic armor re-
thinaun weapons. sembles a normal breastplate that has been smoothed and pol-
Type of Thinaun Item Item Cost Modifier ished to perfection. Those skilled in its use can take advantage
Light weapon +10,000 gp of the breastplate’s protection when tumbling. The wearer re-
One-handed weapon, or one head of a +15,000 gp ceives a +2 circumstance bonus on Tumble checks, but the
double weapon normal armor check penalty still applies.
Two-handed weapon, or both heads of a +20,000 gp
double weapon Medium armor
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
Complete Warrior, p. 136. 450 gp +5 +4 –4 25% 20/15 ft. 30 lb.
Races of Stone, p. 158.
THISTLEDOWN: This lightweight fabric gets its name
from its soft feel and dove-gray color. Elves have made padded WEIRWOOD: These rare trees are actively protected
armor from this material for centuries, and it is well liked by by dryads, treants, druids, and rangers. If undisturbed, they
arcane spellcasters. grow into huge, many-branched forest giants that resemble oaks
Thistledown padded armor weighs only half as much as normal with dual-colored leaves (brown with a silver sheen on top, vel-
padded armor. It grants its wearer a +2 circumstance bonus on vety black underneath).
Hide checks in areas of darkness or shadowy illumination, as it Weirwood is favored for lutes, harps, birdpipes, and longhorns
blends in with the dim background. It is treated as masterwork because of the unmistakable warm, clear sound it gives to such
armor (the masterwork cost is included in the armor’s given instruments (many masterwork instruments of these kinds are
cost). made from weirwood) within an area illuminated by a magical

PRINTED: 24.07.06 14 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
light source (such as dancing lights, light, or daylight emits a gentle Wildwood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
magical glow equivalent to a candle for 1d4+1 rounds after 6.
leaving the area of illumination. Type of Wildwood Item Item Cost Modifier
Living weirwood has fire resistance 20, though no one has ever Scale mail +350 gp
discovered a method of preserving this quality after the wood is Chainmail +450 gp
harvested. Breastplate +500 gp
Splint mail +500 gp
Type of Weirwood Item Item Cost Modifier Banded mail +550 gp
+50 gp/lb. Half-plate +900 gp
Magic of Faerûn, 181. Full plate +1,800 gp
Races of the Wild, p. 169.
WHALEBONE: The fine-grained bone of a whale’s
jaw is strong, lightweight, and flexible, and has many uses in WOOD: Wood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness
construction. Any wooden or mostly-wooden item (such as a and hardness 5.
spear, a bow, or a shield) made from whalebone adds 5 to Type of Wood Item Item Cost Modifier
hardness and break DC, and doubles its hit points. The item’s +0 gp
weight is unchanged. Player’s Handbook, p. 166.
Whalebone has 20 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
10. WOOD ARMOR: Similar to bone armor, wood armor
Type of Whalebone Item Item Cost Modifier is cloth or leather reinforced with strips of wood.
Weapon x10 gp/lb. Wood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5.
Shield x10 gp/lb.
Light Armor
Freeport – City of Adventure, p. 145. Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight
15 gp +3 +4 –3 15% 30/20 ft. 15 lb.
WICKER ARMOR: Wicker armor is the poor soldier’s Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 17, Player’s Handbook, p. 166.
last resort. Tightly woven reeds cover the entire body, offering
slightly more protection than normal clothes, although the WOOD, LIVING: This specially bred wood, found in
wicker is bulky and loud. The main advantage of wicker armor elven forest strongholds, regrows quickly if damaged. It repairs
is its low cost and light weight. Clever armorsmiths sometimes 1 point of damage every round. Treat living wood as wood for
weave thorns intro the wicker, effectively creating spiked armor. the purposes of blocking detect spells and the like.
Light Armor Living wood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hard-
Cost Armor Bonus MDB ACP ASFC Speed Weight ness 5.
1 gp +1 +5 +0 10% 30/20 ft. 5 lb.
Type of Living Wood Item Item Cost Modifier
Arms and Equipment Guide, p. 17. +1,000 gp
Stronghold Builder’s Guidebook, p. 35.
WILDWOOD: The rare saelas tree (saelas is an Elven
word that translates as “wildwood” in Common) produces
YSGARDIAN HEARTWIRE: This incredibly fine, flexi-
wood with a peculiar set of qualities. Not only is it extraordinar-
ble metal is found only in the deep mines of Nidavellir in the
ily flexible for days after harvesting, but items crafted of wild-
Heroic Domains of Ysgard. It is not suitable for making an en-
wood regrow after being damaged. At the hands of an armors-
tire suit of armor, but small sections of heartwire mail can be
mith also skilled in woodworking, wildwood can be crafted into
incorporated into chain shirts, chainmail, or heavy armor to
lightweight armor nearly as strong as steel. It is prized by dru-
reinforce vital areas. This reinforcement has the effect of in-
ids, who can wear it without sacrificing their class abilities.
creasing the wearer’s AC by +2 solely for purposes of the roll
Wildwood armor provides 1 less point of armor bonus than
to confirm a critical hit. The heartwire is so fine and light that it
ordinary armor of the same sort. However, the armor’s maxi-
does not increase the armor’s weight.
mum Dexterity bonus increases by 1, its armor check penalty is
reduced by 1 (minimum 0), and its arcane spell failure chance is Type of Ysgardian Heartwire Item Item Cost Modifier
Chain shirt +1,500 gp
reduced by 5%. In addition, the wearer of a suit of wildwood Chain mail +1,500 gp
armor can ignore its armor check penalty on Hide checks made Heavy armor +1,500 gp
in areas of undergrowth or heavy undergrowth.
Book of Exalted Deeds, p. 38.
Armor made from wildwood weighs three-quarters as much as
the same item made from metal. Armor nor primarily made of
ZENDALURE*: A mottled blue-white gem, zendalure
metal is not meaningfully affected by being partially made from
is found as large, egg-shaped crystals 2 to 6 inches in diameter
in solidified lava flows. Polished to a glassy finish, zendalures
As long as it is exposed to sunlight for at least 1 hour per day, a
are used for inlay work and as tiny cabochons in rings, earrings,
suit of wildwood armor naturally “heals” 1 point of damage
and pendants.
every 24 hour. If it is left to soak in at least one gallon of water
A zendalure crystal included in any wand with a necromancy
while exposed to sunlight for 8 hours, it heals 5 points of dam-
spell increases the save DC against the wand’s effect by +1. If
no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the
Armor made from wildwood is always of masterwork quality
effective caster level of the effect.
(the masterwork cost is included in the armor’s given cost).
Wildwood armor costs double what ordinary masterwork armor Type of Zendalure Item Item Cost Modifier
Wand (Necromancy) +1,000 gp
of the same sort costs, but it takes no longer to make than mas-
terwork armor of that sort. For each Craft (armorsmithing) Magic of Faerûn, p. 177.
check required to create a suit of wildwood armor, a Craft
(woodworking) check against the same DC is also required NOTES
(though the same character need not make both checks).
* GEMS: Not only does a valuable jewel add beauty and flair to
a wand, it can also increase the wand’s effectiveness. Mounting
any one of the gems described […] in a wand during the wand’s
creation adds the given effect. You must pay the material cost

PRINTED: 24.07.06 15 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

Special Materials and New Armor 3.5
for a gem of the proper size and quality, in addition to the nor-
mal cost of creating the wand.
Adding a gem does not increase the XP cost to create the wand,
though it does add one full day to the time required to create it.
Only one gem can be included in a wand’s creation. The market
price of such a wand is increased by the value of the gem.

** HEAVY WEAPONS: Heavy weapons, such as those made

from gold or platinum, are unwieldy but inflict additional dam-
age. Without the proper Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat (for
instance, heavy longsword), you suffer a –4 penalty on attack
rolls with a heavy weapon.
Only weapons made entirely or largely of metal (such as swords
or axes) are affected; other weapons (such as spears) are not. A
character can wield a heavy weapon one size category smaller
than his own in two hands to avoid the attack penalty. For in-
stance, a human swinging a light mace made of gold with both
hands, or an ogre wielding a platinum longsword with two
hands, does not suffer the attack penalty.
You can never use the Weapon Finesse feat with a weapon
made of heavy metal.
Weapons made of heavy metal inflict increased damage, as
shown in the following table:
Old Damage (Each Die) New Damage
1 1d2
1d2 1d3
1d3 1d4
1d4 1d6
1d6 1d8
1d8 or 1d10 2d6
1d12 2d8

PRINTED: 24.07.06 16 LAST UPDATE: 23.03.06

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