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Self-Description Essay (20 pts)

Write an essay about anything that you wish to share about yourself. You may use these
suggested topics:
- Me as I see me
- How other people see me
- How I would like other people to see me

Me as I see me – I see myself as an Independent woman who can survive in every challenges that can
give the world to me, with a beautiful smile on my face. Having a jolly personality is one of my assets
but sometimes we are not always at that mood because sometimes all we can do is to pretend that I
was fine to myself. That is why I see myself as a strong woman.

Characterizing Myself (20 pts)

1. Fill out the chart below.
My characteristics or traits My characteristics or traits My characteristics or traits not
most similar to those of my most similar to those of my similar to those of my father or
father mother my mother

My father is a hardworking When my mother has Helping other people even if I

man, he is dedicated to his job something or blessing came to don’t really know them,
I think I have that kind of her life she always giving it all especially in internet world. I
Positive characteristic of him. I always to her love ones and I think I always checking out all my
giving all my best when I have inherit that kind characteristic Facebook friends “my days”
a work or school works. on her. and replying them if they need
something or they need
someone to talk about their

I think I have a characteristic The positive characteristic of My mother always saying to

Negative that easily get annoyed or my mother has a negative me that “kapag binato ka ng
irritated to something that I effect on her. Sometimes even bato, batuhin mo ng tinapay”
don’t really like and if we give all of their needs saying that be always good to
sometimes my father has that they always talking behind other people even if they did
attitude. Maybe we have a your back and It are hurting something wrong to me but I
same attitude towards on her and give her a can’t do that easily especially
something that we don’t really disappointment and I think I when that someone did
like. have that characteristic on something that I can’t handle
trusting too much to other the pain. I can’t easily forgive
people and it gives me someone and forget what they
disappointed results. did to me, and I think that’s
the negative characteristic that
I have

2. Analyze the chart by answering the following questions:

a. Are there more positive traits than negative traits written on your chart?
I think I put a balance on my positive and negative traits on my chart.
b. What type of traits have you written on the chart? Which traits are observable and
which are not?
Easily get annoyed, giving all I have on someone that I loved, and hardworking. I
think the traits that are more observable is I so easily get annoyed on something,
and the not observable is giving all I have on someone that I loved because I’m not a
showy kind of person.
c. Compare the traits written on the first two columns with those on the third column.
Are there more physical traits than non-physical traits that have been recorded?
I think it is more likely a non-physical trait because it is all based on my parents
characteristic and I compare it to mine.
d. Are you happy for having those traits? Have you ever expressed your gratitude to
your parents for passing those traits to you?
Yes I’m happy to have those traits that I inherit to my parents because I can say that
I have a hardworking dad and giving all her love just like my mom. Yes, I think I
expressed my gratitude to my parents.
Diagnose Your Study Habits (10 pts)
Read the following questions carefully and answer them honestly by writing YES or NO on
the space provided.

NO____1. Do you have a definite place for studying?

NO ___2. Do you have a definite time for studying?
YES___ 3. Do you rad under a colored light?
YES___ 4. Are you neat and orderly in your work?
____YES__ 5. Do you keep all necessary materials together?
____YES___6. Do you study when you are fresh and clean?
YES 7. Do you concentrate when you study and relax when you play?
YES____8. Do you make it a point to get off to a good start in each new lesson?
YES 9. Do you do the hardest or least interesting job first?
YES___10. Do you complete one job before going to another?
YES___11. Do you complete what you have started?
NO___12. Do you generally take down notes during lecture, etc.
YES __13. Do you study late into the night or even all night long?
NO_ _14. Do you read more than what you are required to read for a subject?
YES__15. When you find a new word, do you immediately look it up in the dictionary?
YES 16. Are attentive in class?
NO 17. Do you always go to class well-prepared?
NO__19. Do you do your daily assignments yourself?
YES__20. Do you evaluate your progress from time to time and act accordingly?
Check if your answer corresponds to the answer that were given below. Count your correct
answers and interpret your score using the guide below.

Points Interpretation

20 If you scored 20, take the test again in a critical mood. No one has
entirely perfect study habits

18-19 Look over the points where you went wrong and work to improve in
those areas.

16-17 Take some time and energy to improve some items you missed.

14-15 Re-check the points you missed and work to improve in those areas.

12-13 You need concentrated effort to improve your study habits and
attitude, begin with the serious faults first.

10-11 You need to immediately begin breaking your bad study habits and
substitute them with good ones.

9 and below This score indicates extremely bad study habits and attitude. Check
your vocational interest or if you have personal problems or any other
factor that might be responsible for the score.

II. Find the following songs on the internet and reflect on the songs’ lyrics. Then answer the
questions that follow. (25 points)

“Sino Ako” by Jaime Rivera

“Who Am I” by Casting Crowns

1. Who are you?
Answer: I was no one if there’s no God at my back. I was useless if I can’t trust my own God,
and I think I already surrendered myself if God doesn’t give me a hope and a chance to live
a life like this a years ago.
2. How would you describe yourself?
Answer: I describe myself as a jolly person, as a person who can find a reason to smile even
if there’s something that she can’t handle it. And a person who can give all of her love just
to a one person but also a dumb for being a stuck to a one person who can’t love her back.
3. Do you love yourself? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes I love myself, because I was me. It is difficult to be me but here I am surviving
every day and always finding a reason to smile, and also no one will love myself except me.
4. What are you most grateful for in life?
Answer: I was grateful that I can eat three times a day, be with my guidance of my parents, I
can go to school and I can buy all of the things that I need to, and also I was giving a chance
to live in this tedious world.
5. What are the biggest and most important things you have learned in life so far?
Answer: The most important things that I learned in life are all of the things we have are not
all permanent everything we had in this world is the God’s will. Every pain, happiness and
all of the sacrifices are helping us to be a better person, to be a good person to other people
and all we can do is to trust him and put ourselves in his hands. He always got our back even
if we almost forget him in our ups.

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