1st Grading Period - Grade 10 (English)

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“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

” -Thomas Jefferson

Divine Word College of Laoag

High School Department
Laoag City

Table of Specification


(Grade 11)

First Quarter

CONTENT STANDARD: The learner...

 demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving personal conflicts,
 use strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public
speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, context clues and reflexive and
intensive pronouns;
 composes a short but powerful persuasive essay using a variety of persuasive
techniques and devices.

Number Item
Topic Type of Test Level
of Items Placement
Knowledge Process Understanding


 Introduction to Greek Multiple Choice 6 1-6 /
Literature True or False 7 48-54 /

 Greek Drama and Lyric Multiple Choice 4 7-10 /

Poetry Matching Type 12 36-47 /
True or False 2 55-56 /
Fill in the Blanks 4 57-60 /
Identification 4 61-64 /
Identification 7 66-72 /

 Context Clues Multiple Choice 15 11-25 /

Identification 1 65 /

 Reflexive and Intensive Multiple Choice 10 26-35 /

 Persuasive Text Essay 8 73-80 /

TOTAL 80 80

Prepared by:


Teacher, English

Noted by:


High School Principal



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“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” -Thomas Jefferson

Director-School of Basic Education

K = ________
Divine Word College of Laoag P = ________
High School Department
Laoag City Overall Score:




NAME: __________________________________________ DATE:

GRADE & SECTION: _____________________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the following directions carefully before answering the given items.
Follow the indicated instructions and AVOID ERASURES.



A. Direction: Read the following questions. Select the best answer from the given options. Write the
CAPITAL LETTER before the item number.
1. Greek literature has an enduring quality. They may have been written centuries ago, but its
essence is still appreciated to this day. This is called _______________.
A. universality B. permanence C. intellectual quality D. originality
2. According to a contemporary art critic, this is what makes the painting “Helen of Troy” by
Polygnotus great:
A. the realistic depiction of the Trojan War
B. the eyes of Helen of Troy are so full of life and expression that one can read the story of the
Trojan War through them
C. the fixity of Greeks’ expression depicting reality
D. the freedom of the Greeks to portray any topic, particularly war
3. Among the legacy of the Greeks, this is what every country strives for _______________.
A. agelessness B. beauty C. character D. democracy
4. Iliad and Odyssey are Greek epics that affirm the truth that one’s fate is the _______________.
A. result of one’s action
B. will of God
C. reward or punishment of the gods and goddesses
D. outcome of one’s values
5. What is the mythological cause of the Trojan War?
A. Zeus wanted to solve the problem of overpopulation; thus, he devised this great war that
caused scores of death
B. the selfishness and greed of mortals
C. the rivalry between the god Apollo and goddess Eris
D. the abduction of Helen
6. Whom did Paris awarded the golden apple?
A. Aphrodite B. Hera C. Athena D. Eres
7. Which of the following does not belong to the Oresteia trilogy?
A. Cheophori B. Prometheus C. Eumenides D. Agamemnon

8. Sophocles wrote these tragic plays except _______________.

A. Antigone B. Oedipus Rex C. Oedipus at Colonus D. Prometheus
9. Which of the following is not an outstanding work of Euripedes?
A. Medea B. Orestes C. Alceltics D. Wasps
10. Which of the following is not a major theme in the play, Oedipus Rex?
A. quest for identity and truth
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“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” -Thomas Jefferson

B. revenge, faith, and justice

C. nature of innocence and guilt
D. nature of moral responsibility
B. Direction: Identify the terms being stated by choosing from the options below. Write the CAPITAL
LETTER of your choice before the number item.
A. Contrast/ Antonym Clue
B. Definition/Description Clue
C. Example
D. Synonym/Restatement Clue
E. Cause/Effect Clue

11. An opposite meaning context clue contrasts the meaning of an unfamiliar word with the meaning
of a familiar term.
12. When a reader finds a new word, an example might be found nearby that helps to explain its
13. The new term may be formally defined, or sufficient explanation may be given within the sentence
or in the following sentence. Some clues are “that is,” commas, dashes, and parentheses.
14. The reader may discover the meaning of an unknown word because it repeats an idea expressed
in familiar words nearby.
15. The author explains the reason for or the result of the word. Words like “because,” “since,”
“therefore,” “thus,” “so,” etc. may signal context clues.

C. Direction: Read the following sentences. Identify what type of context clue used on the highlighted
words in each sentence. Choose your answer from the given options. Write the capital letter only on
the provided spaces.
A. Definition B. Synonym C. Antonym D. Cause/Effect E. Example

16. The girl who used to be very vociferous doesn’t talk much anymore. __________
17. Pedagogical institutions, including high schools, kindergartens, and colleges, require community
support. __________
18. He was so parsimonious that he refused to give his own sons the few pennies they needed to
buy pencils. It truly hurt him to part with his money. __________
19. Photophobia, the fear of light, is the weakness of mythological vampires. __________
20. His pertinacity, or stubbornness, is the cause of most of his trouble. __________
21. Rather than be involved in clandestine meetings, they did everything quite openly. __________
22. Ecclesiastics, such as priests, ministers, and pastors, should set models of behavior for their
congregants. __________
23. A sonnet, a poem consisting of fourteen iambic pentameter, is mastered by Shakespeare.
24. The girl was churlish---rude, sullen, and absolutely ill-mannered. __________
25. Because the conflagration was aided by wind, it was so destructive that every building in the
area was completely burned to the ground. __________

D. Direction: Read the following sentences. Identify what type of pronoun used in each sentence.
Choose your answer from the given options. Write the capital letter only on the provided spaces.

A. Intensive Pronoun B. Reflexive Pronoun

26. Ted promised himself to work harder next semester. ________

27. The jurors could not agree among themselves. ________
28. The students made the scenery themselves. ________
29. Ethel promised herself a reward for her hard work. ________
30. The mayor presented the new program herself. ________
31. We cooked the whole meal ourselves. ________
32. Some animals protect themselves through camouflage. ________
33. The pitcher scored the winning run himself. ________
34. Have you asked yourselves why you are here? ________
35. The players prepared themselves by staying in shape. ________

TEST II. MATCHING TYPE. Match the items in Column A with their corresponding terms/descriptions in
Column B. Write only the letter of your choice after the number item; use capital letters.

Column A Column B
36. Homer A. Father of Tragedy
37. Aristophanes B. Modern Playwright
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“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” -Thomas Jefferson

38. Aeschylus C. Father of Greek Theater

39. Sophocles D. Blind poet of Greece
40. Euripedes E. Greatest writer of comedy

Column A Column B
41. Teiresias A. Commander in Chief of the Greek Army
42. Agamemnon B. Deities of vengeance
43. The Furies C. Concubine of Achilles
44. Briseis D. blind prophet and servant of Apollo
45. Zeus E. The most beautiful woman
46. Oedipus F. Greatest and bravest warrior
47. Achilles G. “swollen foot”

TEST III. TRUE/ FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is incorrect.

__________48. Hellenic Republic is the official name of Greece.

__________49. Easter is the most significant festival in the Greek year.
__________50. Aeschylus wrote Oedipus the King.
__________51. The four major forms of Greek art: architecture, painting, sculpture, and poetry.
__________52. Gynaikratia is the most significant festival in the Greek year.
__________53. A typical lyric poem is one-third thought and two-thirds melody.
__________54.Translation cannot duplicate the rhythm, the tone, the combination of vowel sounds and
consonant values that give potery its inimitable and enduring quality.
__________55. The first period of the Greek literature is the Athenian Period.
__________56. The Illiad speaks of great adventures.


TEST IV. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Recall the stories read in class. The main characters of the stories are
listed in Column A, while titles of the plays/excerpts and authors of the
stories are listed in Column B and Column C, respectively. Fill in the
missing information for every column based on the given information.

Column A Column B Column C

57. Hector and Andromache __________________________ Homer
58. King Priam and Achilles __________________________ Homer
59. _______________________ Agamemnon Aeschylus
60. Oedipus Oedipus Rex __________________________

TEST V. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the term being defined or described in the following items. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number items.

________________61. This refers to the crowning glory of the Athenian Age.

________________62. It relates the actions of great heroes told in a noble and grand manner.
________________63. It appeared as an expression of the summit of Greek civilization in the very prime
of Athenian power and freedom.
________________64. It is the character in a Greek play deliberately made to appear strange and
unattractive, made taller and larger than the ordinary man, to give a certain
impression vital to the theme.
________________65. Hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to
understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.
________________66. He is regarded as “the father of tragedy,” known for plays that are sublime rather
than containing mere poetic beauty
________________67. The first play of the Oresteia trilogy which describes the long awaited
of Agamemnon from the Trojan War.
________________68. He is another Greek dramatist who wrote “Oedipus the King.”
________________69. She murders her husband, Agamemnon, in the play “Oresteia.”
________________70. A monster with the head of a woman, claws or a lion, tail of a serpent, and the
wings of bird.
________________71. If the same pronouns are used, but not needed, they are called _________
________________72. It is a pronoun that refers to the subject and is necessary to the basic meaning of
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“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” -Thomas Jefferson

the sentence.


TEST VI. ESSAY. (73-80). Write a persuasive speech to someone explaining why senior high school is
essential in preparing them for future endeavors. Make sure to include a catchy
introduction, a body, and a conclusion in your speech. (8 pts)

======================== END OF EXAM ========================

Good luck 

Prepared by:

Ms. Kimberly Ann Asuncion

Subject Teacher, English

Approved by:

Dr. Glorietta B. Sabas

School Head

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“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” -Thomas Jefferson

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