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Dr. Steward’s CHM152 Exam #2 Review Spring 2014 (Ch. 16.

17) KEY

1. For each of the following acid / base reactions, determine if each of the following will have more
products or reactants (Ka HSO4- = 1.3x10-2, Kb NH3 = 1.8x10-5, Ka HF = 6.8x10-4):

 NH4+ (aq) + F- (aq)___ NH3 (aq) + HF (aq) More Products More reactants
 OH- (aq) + HNO3 (aq) ___ H2O (l) + NO3- (aq) More Products More reactants
 HSO4- (aq) + NH3 (aq) ___ NH4+ (aq) + SO42- (aq) More Products More reactants
 2H2O (l) ___ H3O+ (aq) + OH- (aq) More Products More reactants

The equilibrium of a
2. For the acid/base reactions determine the conjugate acid/base pairs for each. Bronsted/Lowry acid/base
reaction will favor the side of
 NH4+ / NH3 (acid / base), F- / HF (base / acid) the equation with the weaker
 OH- / H2O (base / acid), HNO3 / NO3 (acid / base) acid and weaker base. We can
 HSO4- / SO42- (acid / base), NH3 / NH4+ (base / acid) use Ka and Kb values to
determine the weaker acid/base.
 H2O / H3O+ (base / acid), H2O / OH- (acid / base)

3. Explain how NH3 is both a Bronsted/Lowry base and a Lewis base.

It is a Bronsted/Lowry base because it is able to accept protons. It is a Lewis base because it is
able to donate electrons.

4. Determine the pH, pOH, [H3O+], and [OH-] for the following solutions:

 0.0051M HBr pH = -log(0.0051) = 2.29 , pOH = 14.00 – 2.29 = 11.71

[H+] = 10-2.29 = 0.0051M, [OH-] = 10-11.71 = 1.9x10-12M

 0.010M NaOH pOH = -log(0.010) = 2.00, pH = 14.00 – 2.00 = 12.00

[OH-] = 10-2.00 = 0.10M, [H+] = 10-12.00 = 1.0x10-12M

 0.010M Sr(OH)2 pOH = -log(0.010 x 2) = 1.70, pH = 14.00 – 1.70 = 12.30

[OH-] = 101.7- = 0.020M, [H+] = 10-12.30 = 5.0x10-13M

5. Determine whether the following salts are acidic, basic, or neutral:

 LiCl nuetral

 Al(NO3)3 acidic

 BaF2 basic

 NH4I acidic

6. What is the pH of a 0.100 M formic acid solution with a Ka = 1.8 x 10-4?

HCOOH + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + HCOO- x2 x2
 1.8x10 4  1.8x10 4
0.100M 0M 0M 0.100  x 0.100
+x -x -x
0.100M + x -x -x x 2  1.8x10 5 x 2  1.8x10 5

pH = -log[H3O+] = -log(4.24x10-3) = 2.37 x  4.24x10 3

4.24x10 3
x100  4.2% OK assumption
7. What is the percent dissociation? 4.2%

8. If the concentration of the formic acid was 4.0M instead, explain how the pH, [OH-], and %
dissociation would be different (higher/lower/same).
The pH would be lower (more acidic/higher [H3O+]), [OH-] would be lower, % dissociation would be
lower (high initial concentration = lover % dissociation for same acid or base).

9. Calculate the pH if 2.56 grams of sodium fluoride is dissolved in 4.50 liters of water. Ka for
hydrofluoric acid is 7.1 x 10-4

 6.097x10 2 molNaF 6.097x10 2 molNaF
2.56g NaF  1.353x10 2 MNaF
41.99g NaF 4.50L
K a  Kb  K w  1.0x10 14 1.0x10 14
 1.41x10 11
7.1x10 4
F- + H2O ⇌ OH- HF
1.353x10 M 0M 0M x2 x2
-x +x +x 2
 1.41x10 11 2
 1.41x10 11
1.353x10  x 1.353x10
1.353x10-2M – x x x

pH = 14-log[OH+] = 14-log(4.37x10-7) = 7.64 7

x 2  1.91x10 13 x 2  1.91x10 13 x  4.37x10

10. What is the initial concentration of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) in a solution with pH = 2.59
(assume the benzoic acid was added to the water with no other ions initially)? The acid
dissociation constant for this monoprotic acid is 6.5 x 10-5.

HA + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + A-
[H3O ]  10pH  10-2.59  2.57x10 3
? (y) 0M 0M
(2.57x10 3 )2
-x +x +x  6.5x10 5
y-2.57x10-3 2.57x10 2.57x10-3
y  2.57x10 3 y  0.104M

0.104M - 2.57x10-3M = 0.101M or 0.10M

11. Explain the common-ion effect. Weak acid or weak base’s % dissociation will decrease if they
are placed in solutions with one of the products of dissociation. For example, The % dissociation
of HCN will be decrease if additional CN- is added to the solution (as NaCN, for example).

HCN(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ H3O+(aq) + CN-(aq)

12. Calculate the percent ionization of a 1.00M solution of HF (pKa = 3.17).

HF + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + F- K a  10 3.17  6.76x10 4

I 1.00M 0 0 (x)(x)
 6.76x10 4 2.6x10 2
C -x +x +x x  6.76x10 4  2.6x10 2 x100  2.6%
1.00 1.00
E 1.00-x +x +x

13. Calculate the percent ionization if there is also a 0.50M concentration of NaF in solution.

HF + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + F-
I 1.00M 0 0.500M (x)(0.500)
 6.76x104 x  1.35x10-3 1.35x10-3
C -x +x +x 1.00 x100  0.14%
E 1.00-x +x 0.500+x 1.00

14. Calculate the percent ionization if the pH of the solution before the HF was added was 0.30.

HF + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + F- [H3O  ]  10 0.30  0.50M

I 1.00M 0.500M 0
C -x +x +x (0.500)(x) 1.35x10-3
E 1.00-x 0.500+x +x  6.76x10 4 x  1.35x10-3 x100  0.14%
1.00 1.00

15. You are titrating 10.00mL of 1.00M of HCl with 2.00M NaOH.

 What would be the pH at ½ the equivalence point? NaOH + HCl → H2O + NaCl

1.00 molHCl 1 molNaOH 1 L NaOH

vol of NaOH@eq. 0.01000L HCl  0.00500L NaOH
1 L HCl 1 molHCl 2.00molNaOH
vol of NaOH@ eq.
0.00500L NaOH
 0.00250L NaOH
1  2.00mol 
mol of NaOH@ eq. (0.00250L)   0.00500molNaOH
2 2 2  1L 
 1.00mol 
mol of HCl. (0.01000L)   0.0100molNaOH
HCl + NaOH ⇌ H2O + NaCl -
 1L 
B 0.0100mol 0.00500mol
Δ -0.00500mol -0.00500mol This makes sense since only half of the acid should be left at ½ eq. If you
A 0.0050mol 0 realize this, you do not have to use a change table.

 
  log 
mol HCl 0.0050mol
pH  - log[H  ]  - log    log(0.40)  0.40
 total volume @ 2 eq   0.002500L  0.01000L 
 What would be the pH at the equivalence point?
1.00 mol HCl 1 mol NaOH 1 L NaOH
vol of NaOH@ eq.  0.01000L HCl  0.00500L NaOH
1 L HCl 1 mol HCl 2.00mol NaOH
 2.00mol 
mol of NaOH@ eq.  (0.00500L)   0.0100mol NaOH
 1L 

 H+ + OH- ⇌ H2O
 B 0.0100mol 0.0100mol There will only be a neutral salt at the equivalence
 Δ -0.0100mol -0.0100mol point of a Strong Acid/Strong Bade titration.
 A 0 0

pH = 7

 What would be the pH after adding 0.75mL of NaOH after the equivalence point?

 2.00mol 
Total mol of NaOH  (0.00575L)   0.0115mol NaOH
 1L 

H+ + OH- ⇌ H2O After the equivalence point,

B 0.0100mol 0.0115mol you are just adding extra OH

Δ -0.0100mol -0.0100mol ions to the solution

A 0 0.0015mol

 0.0015mol 
pH  14 - log   12.98
 0.01000L  0.00500L  0.00075L 

16. You are titrating 10.00mL of 1.00M of benzoic acid (Ka is 6.4x10-5) with 2.00M NaOH.

What would be the pH after 2.50 mL has been added?

HA + OH- ⇌ H2O + A-
B 0.0100mol 0.00500mol 0
Δ -0.00500mol -0.00500mol +0.00500mol
A 0.00500mol 0 +0.00500mol

[A - ] pH  4.19  log  4.19
pH  pKa  log 0.00500mol
 What would be the pH after adding a total of 5.00 mL NaOH?
Think about what is left at the equivalence point
 acid(HA)@start mol of conjugatebase(A - ) ateq.
mol of of a weak acid/strong base titration. You could
use a change table if you are unsure. But it’s
 1.00mol 
mol of HA.  (0.01000L)   0.0100mol HA atstart  molof A @eq
- faster if you don’t have to.
 1L 
1.00 mol HA 1 molNaOH 1 L NaOH
vol of NaOH@eq. 0.01000L HA  0.00500L NaOH
1 L HAl 1 mol HA 2.00molNaOH
molof A- 0.0100mol A-
[ A- ]    0.6667M
totalvolume@ eq. 0.01000L  0.00500L

A- + H2O ⇌ OH- + HA Kb 
 1.56x10 10  1.56x10 10
I 0.6667M 0 0
Ka 0.6667
C -x +x +x x  (1.56x10 10 )(0.6667)  1.0x10 5
E 0.6667-x x x
pH = 14-log[OH-] = 14-log (1.0x10-5) = 9.01

 What would be the pH after adding a total of 5.75 mL NaOH?

HA + OH- ⇌ H2O + A-
Although you have two bases
B 0.0100mol 0.0115mol 0
after the equivalence point,
Δ -0.0100mol -0.0100mol +0.0100mol assume that the
A 0 0.0015mol +0.0100mol concentration is going to
have a much greater effect
 2.00mol 
Total mol of NaOH  (0.00575L)   0.0115mol NaOH on pH than the weak base.
 1L 

 0.0015mol 
pH  14 - log   12.98
 0.01000L  0.00500L  0.00075L 

17. What is the pH of 100.0mL solution containing 0.30 M NH3 and 0.30 M NH4NO3 (Kb of NH3 is
pKb  logKb  - log1.8x10-5  4.745
pKa  14  pKa  14  4.745  9.255
Since this has the components of a buffer
[A ] 0.30M solution, we can use Henderson-Hasslebalch
pH  pKa  log  9.255  log  9.26
[HA] 0.30M
 What is the pH after adding 1.00mL of 2.00M NaOH
0.30 mol
molsof NH3 andNH4   0.1000L  0.030 molsof each
2.00 mol
NaOH + NH4+ → NH3 molsof NaOH added 0.00100L  0.00200 molsof NaOH
B 0.00200mol 0.030mol 0.030mol
Δ -0.00200mol -0.00200mol +0.00200mol
A 0 0.028mol 0.032mol [A- ] 0.032mol
pH  pKa  log  9.225  log  9.28
[HA] 0.028mol
 What is the pH after adding 2.00mL of 1.00M HCl?
1.00 mol
molsof HCl added 0.00200L  0.00200 molsof HCl
HCl + NH3 → NH4+ 1L
B 0.00200mol 0.030mol 0.030mol
Δ -0.00200mol -0.00200mol +0.00200mol
A 0 0.028mol 0.032mol [A- ] 0.028mol
pH  pKa  log  9.225  log  9.17
[HA] 0.032mol

18. You have 60.00mL of a buffer solution consisting of 0.900M CH3COOH and 1.10M
NaCH3COO. Kb = 5.6x10-10

 Determine the pH of the solution after adding 10.11mL of 2.23M HBr.

0.900mol CH 3 COOH 1.10mol CH 3 COO -
0.06000L CH 3 COOH  0.0540mol CH 3 COOH 0.06000L CH 3 COO -  0.0660mol CH 3 COO -
1 L CH 3 COOH 1 L CH 3 COO -
2.23mol HBr
 0.0225mol HBr 1.0x10 14
0.01011L HBr Ka   1.8 x105
1 L HBr 5.6 x1010

HBr + CH3COO- → CH3COOH + Br-

[A - ] 0.0435
B 0.0225mol 0.0660mol 0.0540mol pH  pKa  log  4.74  log  4.44
[HA] 0.0860
Δ -0.0225mol -0.0225mol +0.0225mol
A 0 0.0435mol 0.0860mol

 How much total HBr would you have to add until the buffer was used up?

1.10mol CH 3 COO - 1 mol HBr 1 L HBr

0.06000L CH 3 COO -  0.0296L
1 L CH 3 COO - 1 mol CH 3 COO - 2.23 mol HBr

 What would be the pH when at the point (that you calculated above?)

HBr + CH3COO- → CH3COOH + Br-

0.1200mol CH 3 COOH
B 0.0660mol 0.0660mol 0.0540mol  1.34M
Δ -0.0660mol -0.0660mol +0.0660mol (0.06000L  0.0296L)
A 0 0mol 0.1200mol

CH3COOH + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + CH3COO-

I 1.34M 0 0
C -x +x +x x  (1.8x10 -5 )(1.34)  4.9 x10 3
E 1.34M-x x x (x)(x)
 1.8 x10 5 pH  log(4.9x10 3 )  2.31
19. If you start over with fresh buffer (same conditions/volumes as original), what would be the pH
of the solution after adding 20.00mL of 2.23M KOH?

0.900mol CH 3 COOH 1.10mol CH 3 COO -

0.06000L CH 3 COOH  0.0540mol CH 3 COOH 0.06000L CH 3 COO -  0.0660mol CH 3 COO -
1 L CH 3 COOH 1 L CH 3 COO -

2.23mol NaOH
0.02000L NaOH  0.0446mol NaOH
1 L NaOG

NaOH + CH3COOH → CH3COO- + Na+

[A- ] 0.0986
B 0.0446mol 0.0660mol 0.0540mol pH  pKa  log  4.74  log  5.40
[HA] 0.0214
Δ -0.0446mol -0.0446mol +0.0446mol
A 0 0.0214mol 0.0986mol

 After adding 30.00mL of 2.23 KOH?

2.23mol NaOH
0.03000L NaOH  0.0669mol NaOH
1 L NaOG

NaOH + CH3COOH → CH3COO- + Na+

B 0.0669mol 0.0660mol 0.0540mol 0.0009mol NaOH
 0.01M NaOH
Δ -0.0660mol -0.0660mol +0.0660mol (0.06000L  0.03000L)
A 0.0009 mol 0 mol 0.1200mol

pOH   log[OH  ]   log( 0.01)  2.0 pH  14.0 - 2.0  12.0

20. If you wanted to make a buffer with a pH of 3.90 using the same buffer as before with a total
concentration of 2.00M, what would the concentration of each part of the buffer need to be?

[A- ]
pH  pKa  log 3.90  4.74  log
 0.84  log
x 
 log
x 

[HA] (2.0- x) 
(2.0 - x) (2.0 - x)
10 0.84  10 

0.145  0.29  0.15x  x
(2.0 - x) 0.29 1.15x [A ]  x  0.25M [HA]  2.00M - 0.25M  1.75M

1.15 1.15
21. *If 0.00056 moles of AgNO3 is added to 1.00L of 0.0020M NaCl, will AgCl precipitate form?
(Ksp AgCl = 1.8x10-10). Explain.

AgCl(s) ⇌ Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

Ksp = [Ag][Cl] Qsp = (0.00056)(0.0020) = 1.1x10-6 since Q > K will shift to the left (solid
AgCl), so it will precipitate!

What would the minimum concentration of NaCl need to be to form a precipitate?

Ksp = [Ag][Cl] = (0.00056)[Cl-] = 1.8x10-10 [Cl-] = 3.2x10-7M

22. Ni(OH)2 is an insoluble compound in water. How would the molar solubility be affected in each
if the following situations?

 NaOH is added – Decrease solubility (common ion)

 NaCl is added – No effect on solubility. Does not react with Ni2+ or OH-
 HCl is added – Increase solubility. H+ reacts with OH-.

23. Assume you have a saturated solution of nickel (II) phosphate with some solid in the container
(Ksp = 4.74 x 10-32). What is it’s molar solubility? Determine the concentration of the Ni2+ and
PO43- ions in the solution.

Ni3(PO4)2 ⇌ 3Ni2+ + 2PO43- Ksp = [Ni2+]3[PO43-]2 4.74x10-32 = (3x)3(2x)2 =(27x3)(4x2)

I 0 0
C +3x +2x 4.74x10-32 = 108x5 x = 2.13x10-7 x = molar solubility =
E 3x 2x 2.13x10-7M

[Ni2+] = (3)(2.13x10-7) = 6.39x10-7M [PO43-] = (2)(2.13x10-7) = 4.26x10-7M

24. What would be it’s molar solubility be if nickel (II) phosphate if 0.100moles of Na2PO4 was
added to 1.00L of the solution above? What would be the concentrations of the Ni2+ and PO43-

Ni3(PO4)2 + H2O ⇌ 3Ni2+ + 2PO43- Ksp = [Ni2+]3[PO43-]2 4.74x10-32 = (3x)3(0.100)2 =

I 0 0.100
C +3x +2x 4.74x10-32 = 0.270x3 x = 5.60x10-11
E 3x 0.100+2x x = molar solubility = 5.60x10-11M

[Ni2+] = (3)(5.60x10-11) = 1.68x10-10M [PO43-] = 0.100+(2)( 5.60x10-11) ≈0.100M

25. How much (in g) barium sulfate (BaSO4, MW=233.39) will dissolve in 500. mL of water. For
BaSO4: Ksp = 1.1 x 10-10

Ba2 SO4 + H2O ⇌ Ba2+ + SO42- Ksp = [Ba2+][SO42-] 1.1x10-10 = x2

I 0 0
C +x x x = 1.04x10-5 = molar solubility = 1.04x10-5M
E x x
1.04x10 5 molBaSO4 233.39g BaSO4
0.500L H2 O  1.2x10 3 g BaSO4
1 L H2 O 1 molBaSO4

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