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BIS test bank

1. OLAP is stand for:

Online analytical processing
2. Data granularity means:
Variables and data values be defined at the lowest (or as low
as required) level of detail
3. Which of the following is an umbrella term that combines
architectures, tools, databases, analytical tools, applications,
and methodologies
BI (Business intelligence)
4. Is a performance management methodology aimed at reducing
the number of defects in a business process
Six sigma
5. What type of analytics seeks to determine what is likely to
happen in the future
6. Means that the data are easily and readily obtainable
Data accessibility
7. Is used to show precedence relationships among the project
8. Is slice on more than two dimensions of a data cube
9. Which kind of chart is described as an enhanced version of a
scatter plot
Bubble chart
10. The DMs are developed to operated independent of each other
to serve the needs of individuals organizational units
Independent data marts
11. Is a collections of tools for manipulating, mining, and analyzing
the data
Business analytics
12. Is represented by centralized facts tables, which are connected
to multiple dimension that are normalized into multiple related
Snowflakes schema
13. Is used to carry out day-to-day business functions
BIS test bank
14. What type of analytics seeks to answering the questions of
what happened
15. Is a graphical illustration of several descriptive statistics about
a given data set
Box-and-whiskers plot
16. Is the combination of visualization and predictive analytics
Visual analytics
17. Are often used to show progress toward a goal
18. Is the degree of variation in a given variables
19. Is used to measure the output of past activity (e.g., revenue)
Outcome KPIs
20. Is used to stores all kinds of data including structured and
Data lakes
21. Is subset that is created directly from a data warehouse
Dependent data mart
22. What type of question does visual analytics seeks to answer
Why is it happening?
23. Is used to predicting categorical outcomes of the response
24. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics typically used
to measure
Internal results
25. What type of analytics aims to determine the best possible
26. Handle the missing value in the data part is
Data cleaning
27. Means that all required data elements are included in the data
Data richness
28. Analyzing twitter data 'tweets' is an example of :
Text mining
BIS test bank
29. Grouping similar documents without having a predefined set of
categories is called:
30. Self-driving cars is an example of using:
31. Lexicon is :
Catalog of words, their synonyms, and their meanings for given
32. Chat bot' that is used to support customer on websites is an
example of:
33. Analyzing Facebook data 'post' is an example of :
Text mining
34. Studying the problem of "understanding" the natural human
language is called:
35. WordNet is
Database of English words.
36. In…… rows represent the documents and columns represent
the terms
37. Search engine optimization (SEO) is used for
Improve web site search ranking
38. the measure of center value in a given data set
39. Is a measure of asymmetry (sway) in a distribution of the
40. Is the combination of visualization and predictive analytics………
Visual analytics
41. Represent a strategic objective and measures performance
against a goal.
42. Is a system that assists managers in tracking the
implementations of business strategy by comparing actual
results against strategic goals and objectives.
BIS test bank
43. Refers to the business processes, methodologies, metrics, and
technologies used by enterprises to measure, monitor, and
manage business performance.
44. Suggests that we view the organization from four
perspectives-customer, financial, internal business processes
and learning and growth.
45. Aim to reducing the number of defects in a business processes
to as close to zero DPMO as possible
Six sigma
46. Random forest is used for
47. The goal of……. Is to create groups so that the members within
each group have maximum similarity
48. Is used for discovering interesting relationship among
variables in large databases
49. The objective of……. Is to analyze the historical data stored in a
database and automatically generate a model that can predict
future behavior.
50. Decision trees is used for


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