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In math, a rate is a relationship between two quantities with different units, with the second

quantity often being time. Occasionally, the term is used for a specific rate called speed, which
may be called (rather vaguely) rate, as in distance equals rate times time (d = rt).

Energy is the ability to do work.

 Work is a force acting over a distance to move an object.

 Work = force X distance

 Metric units are measured in Joules (J=N•m)

 Reinforce the concept of work with the Student Push/Pull Demo

 Ask for two volunteers.

 Have one push against the wall and one push on a chair so that the chair moves at least
0.5 meters.
Discuss as a class:

 Did either one or both of these students do any work? The one pushing on the chair did
work; the other did not. "Work" requires that an object be moved.
 Did either of these expend energy? Yes – energy contributes to doing work, but not all
energy successfully does work. (Heat was generated by the student who did not do work.)
Introduce Newton's second law to have students apply their knowledge of forces, work, and

 Energy transfer is described with Newton's first law. An object in motion will remain in
motion unless acted on by another force.
 What happens to the energy of an object when its motion changes?
Show Newton's second law with the following example / demonstration:
Scenario 1:

 Consider a hockey puck is pushed on a table surface. Once in motion will the hockey
puck remain in motion? (Students: No, the puck will stop.) Demonstrate by pushing a
hockey puck, or other object, across a table.
 Well, I thought that Newton's law tells us that an object will remain in motion unless
acted upon by another force. Is there another force acting on the object? (Let students
 Yes, friction is the force acting on the hockey puck, causing its motion to stop. Energy
was applied to the puck via the initial push, and the friction force opposed the puck's
motion causing it to stop. What happened to the energy that the puck had? (Let students
 The energy was transferred to the table (or lost) in the form of heat.
Scenario 2:

 Imagine the hockey puck is pushed on an air hockey table, or on ice. Will the puck
remain in motion? (Let students respond. Students: Yes!) If possible, demonstrate with a
mini air hockey table, or freeze water in an aluminum pie pan.
 Teacher: Why does it remain in motion? What happened to the friction? (Let students
 The air coming up from the table reduces the amount of friction between the table and the
puck, so once a force is applied to the puck it will maintain its energy.
 What happens if another force acts on the object, like a hit to the puck from an air hockey
player? (Let students respond.)
 The motion of the puck changes, because energy was added to the puck from the hit.
Power is how fast work is done (or the rate at which work is done).

 Power = work/time OR Power = energy used/time

 Power is now measured in units of watts after James Watt. Mr. Watt built the first steam
engine. When he was selling it, he advertised to farmers and miners that it could give
more power than a horse. He said that it had 1.5 horsepower. Although the unit of
horsepower is still used today, it does not accurately describe how many horses it
replaces because not every horse is the same.
 A watt is defined based on the equation W=J/s
Here are a few examples:

 Jane is moving into her new house and is moving furniture around. If Jane pushes a large
dresser with a force of 200 N moving it 0.5 m in 2 seconds, what is her Work and Power?
(Answers: W= (200 N)(0.5 m)=100 J, P=(100 J)/(2 s) = 50 W)
 A crane lifts a car that weighs 2000 kg a distance of 5 m in 2 min (convert minutes to
seconds with the class: 120s). What is the Force (g=9.8 m/s2), Work and Power?
(Answers: F=19600 N, W= 98000 J, P= 817 W or .082 kW)

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