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Nama : Rafika Putri

NIM : 1914314201058
Prodi : S1 Keperawatan
Mata Kuliah : Bhs Inggris


A. Read the dialogue and answer the questions!

1. Two. Tono and Tini
2. Tono cannot do math homework
3. Yes, he can. Because Tini helps her finish homework
4. Yes, she can help tono to do Math homework
5. No, tono mathematic is difficult for tono

B. Multiple choices
6. The fact from the invitation text above is..
Answer : (D) There will be Maroon 5 performance on that wedding party

7. What is the purpose of the invitation text above?

Answer : (B) To invite Gigih join the internal selection process

8. “The top three students will become UPN’s delegate and compete with others…” The
underlined word has synonym to …
Answer : (E) Having Teamwork

9. Johan : Are you busy, Mat?

Amat : No, I’m not.
Johan : What about playing badminton?
Amat : Really? I like it very much.

Answer : (C) What about playing badminton?

10. (A) to invite people

C. Please answer this Question by your understanding about the question
1. What is meant by the expression Invite someone to do something? Explain!
Answer :
- Expression To Invite Someone To do Something is used to invite or invite someone
to do something and in this example is made easier by inviting someone to come to an

2. How to make polite Questions Form? Give one example sentence!

Answer :
- Would you mind filling out this form

3. How many Modal auxiliary verbs can be used in polite question/request?

Answer :
- There are 4 modal auxiliary verbs can be used in polite question : would, could, will
and can

4. Make some dialog about Expressing ability

Answer :
- Andi : Look! There’s a piano in this room
- Arga : that’s right. Can you play a piano?
- Andi : yes, I can. My dad taught me when I was in elementary school

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