Describes Various Contemporary Art Forms G12 QUARTER 1 WEEK 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391
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Name: ______________________________________ Grade/Section__________

School: _____________________________________ Date: __________________


Week 1

I. Introduction
Have you ever realized that we are surrounded by different contemporary
arts? As you wake up every day and open your cellphone, you see an art. When
you go to your kitchen and eat breakfast, you see an art. Whenever you watch
movies, listen to music, and read romantic stories in your Wattpad, you are
actually dealing with different contemporary arts.
In this lesson, you will learn about contemporary arts forms produced by
different artists rooted from our own culture and traditions, as well as,
contemporary practices from various regions.

II. Learning Competency

This learning activity sheets will describe various contemporary art forms
and their practices from the various regions. CAR11/12IAC-0a-1

III. Objectives:
At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
• define Contemporary Art;
• describe the contemporary art forms in the Philippines and the practices
from the various regions; and
• demonstrate appreciation of contemporary art forms.

IV. Discussion
Below are the definition of Contemporary Art and the Description of
Contemporary Art Forms in the Philippines that you should familiarize with.
Contemporary art is the art of today, produced by artists who are living in
our time. It provides opportunities to reflect on society and the issues that are
important to us and the world. It is part of a cultural dialogue that concerns
larger contextual frameworks such as identity, family, community, and
Contemporary art of the 21st century may combine elements of
performance, painting, sculpture, dance, and many other media. It draws on the
movements of modern art, including minimalism and assemblage art, to create
dynamic pieces that aim to challenge the viewer and spark thought. Many
contemporary artists use their work to comment on cultural and political issues,
including race, human rights, economic inequality, and global conflict. As the
world continues to change and impact human life on a larger scale, art continues
to experiment with new ways of reaching its audience.
There are seven (7) major Contemporary Art Forms in the Philippines
which we will categorize in two Parts. The first part is the Contemporary Visual
Arts including Visual Arts, and Architecture and the second part is the
Contemporary Performing Arts and Literature in the Philippines which include
the Literature, Music, Dance, Theater and Film.


1. Visual Arts. The visual arts are art forms that create works that are primarily
visual in nature, such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture,
printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, film making and
architecture. These definitions should not be taken too strictly as many
artistic disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve
aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types. Also included within
the visual arts are the applied arts such as industrial design, graphic design,
fashion design, interior design and decorative art.

Below are the basic forms of Visual Arts.

A. Painting. It is described as the process
of applying color on a flat surface. Forms
can be created using a wide variety of
materials such as watercolor, acrylic, ink,
oil, pastel and charcoal. Surfaces for
painting include wood, canvas, cardboard
and paper. It is considered as two-
dimensional because it only has height
Spolarium. It is the most valuable oil-on-
and width.
canvas painting by Juan Luna.

Forms of Painting
a. Easel Painting. It involves applying color to a board or canvas that is fixed
on an upright support called an easel. It is meant to be framed and hang
on a wall after creating them.
b. Murals. It is described as a huge wall-sized painting and it is used to
impart messages to increase social awareness.
c. Telon Painting. It is described as a backdrop or background for the stage.
These backdrops are used for komedya, sarswela and senakulo. The telon
was later reduced as a backdrop in a photography studio.
d. Jeepney and Calesa Painting. Calesa is typically painted using one color
where borders of the calesa are decorated with geometric patterns,
repetitive patterns, and/or thin lines. Meanwhile, Jeepney painting
evolved from calesa painting where jeepney’s painting is covered near the
driver’s seat, as well as near the seats adjacent to it.
e. Collage. This refers to a painting that involves combined images in single
artwork. This entails cutting and pasting materials such as paper, fabric,
tin foil and other relatively flat materials onto a board or canvass.

It is also important to be familiarized with the Themes of Painting. These are

as follows:
a. Genre Painting portrays people in daily activities.
b. Historical Painting depicts a scene from the past.
c. Interiors refer to painting of the space inside of a part of a house or a
building and usually reveal the social class of the family living in the
d. Landscapes portray natural scenery or urban scene.
e. Portraits are painting portraying one or more specific individuals.
f. Nudes are paintings that portray the unclothed human figure.

g. Religious paintings include a lone religious image, lives of the saints,
and scenes based from the scriptures like the nativity scene and the
station of the cross.
h. Still Life refers to a painting that depicts natural or man-made objects
that form a composition in a natural setting.

B. Sculpture. This form of visual art has three

dimensions, height, width and depth. It is
created by either carving, modeling or
assembling parts together.

The Pegaraw Pegasus and Tamaraw

by Napoleon V. Abueva

General Kinds of Sculpture are as follows:

a. Free Standing. Sculpture that can independently stand in space.
b. Relief. This sculpture is projected from a flat surface.
c. Assemblage. This is formed by putting materials together such as found
objects, pieces of paper, spongers wood, scraps and other materials.
d. Kinetic Sculpture. Sculpture in motion because the entire sculpture or
some parts of the sculpture are moving with the wind or are vibrating with
the surrounding air.
e. Welded Sculpture. This involves the process of connecting sheets of metal
together by using an acetylene or electric torch.

2. Architecture. This form of art is considered to be

one of the most functional branches of visual arts.
This involves designing the form of a building while
allowing the building to serve its function. It is
considered to be the “art to inhabit.”
UPLB Public Library, designed by
Leandro Locsin

Below are the forms of Contemporary Architecture.

A. Domestic Buildings. The term 'domestic building' refers to a dwelling that
has no more than one family unit resident in it, and which is used as a
place of permanent or semi-permanent habitation. The most common
example of a domestic building is a house.
B. Bungalow. This refers to a one-story house wide front porch and large
windows. It may also have terrace, which may be roofed or not.

C. Ethnic Houses. Ethnic architecture draws inspiration mainly from the
environment, specifically, the climate, terrain, vegetation, and fauna
around it. It also responds to communal and social needs to be safe from
hostile and marauding tribes and to interact with fellow human beings.
D. Commercial Buildings. These buildings are places for buying and selling
goods such as market, mall, banks, business offices, etc.
E. Government Building. These are used for government offices.
F. Churches. Religious structures where devotees worship their Gods such as
Roman Catholic Churches, Aglipayan Churches, Protestant Churches and
Iglesia Ni Cristo Churches.
G. Other Forms and Structures
a. One and a half Story House g. Cemetery
b. Split-Level House h. Movie Houses
c. Tsalet i. Theater
d. Kamalig j. Lighthouse
e. Masjid k. Bridge (Tulay)
f. Fort (Kuta) l. Public Building

Comprehension Check 1
Directions: From here, let us check your understanding on the first part
of our lesson before we proceed to the next. Read the following statements
carefully and identify what is being described in each statement. Write your
answers on your notebook or on your answer sheets.
_________1. It is described as the process of applying color on a flat surface.
_________2. It is form of painting described as a huge wall-sized painting.
_________3. This is a painting that involves cutting and pasting relatively flat
materials onto a board or canvas.
_________4. This visual art has three dimensions, height, width and depth.
_________5. This sculpture is projected from a flat surface.
_________6. This form of sculpture involves the process of connecting sheets
of metal together by using an acetylene or electric torch.
_________7. It is a theme of painting portraying one or more specific
_________8. It is considered to be the “art to inhabit.”
_________9. This refers to a one-story house wide front porch and large
_________10. This structure draws inspiration mainly from the environment,
specifically, the climate, terrain, vegetation, and fauna around it.

Contemporary Performing Arts and Literature
3. Music. This is an artform that appeals to the
sense of hearing, composed by combining notes
into harmony. It is considered as the least
tangible of the arts.
There are three kinds of music in the
Philippines. These are Ethnic Traditional Music,
European-influenced religious and secular music
and American-Inspired popular, classical and Kulintang - a row of small brass
semi-classical music. or bronze gongs.

A. Ethnic Traditional Music. It is described to be music that has similar

elements with music from our Southeast Asian neighbors. This kind of
music can still be heard in Northern Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan and Sulu,
where about 10% of the Filipino Population had avoided Spanish
B. Spanish-European Influenced Music. With the coming of the Spaniards, the
Filipinos’ music underwent a transformation with the influx of western
influences. It produced a religious music connected to and outside the
Catholic liturgy and a European-inspired secular music adapted by the
Filipinos and reflected in their folk songs and instrumental music.
C. American - Inspired popular, classical and semi-classical music. This music
can be further classified into three. These three categories are not mutually
exclusive with one another.
a. American Popular Music includes original music composed by
Filipinos, which utilizes Western and Local musical Influences.
During the 1970’s, emergence of original Pilipino Music (OPM) first
began with translation of foreign lyrics into the vernacular.
b. Classical includes music from the Western World and classical and
modern music composed by Filipinos.
c. Semi Classical includes band and rondalla music, hymns and
marches, sarswela music and stylized folk songs.

4. Literature. It is considered to be a whole bulk of

written works. It means a body of works that show
“the best that has been thought and said” or works
that signify the highest achievements of a particular
Excerpt of the "Doctrina

Below are the Traditions Forms of Philippine Poetry:
A. Ethnic Tradition. This consists of ancient songs, epic, narratives, maxims
and proverbs, prayers and invocations and riddles.
B. Spanish Colonial Tradition. It comprises religious and secular lyric poems
and narrative poems.
C. American Colonial tradition and the Contemporary Tradition. These
traditions involve the creation of poems using both traditional and modern
forms. Some Poets continue to write works reflecting the tradition from the
Spanish colonial period, while other began expressing the need to enhance
the national consciousness and identity.
D. Forms of Contemporary Prose in the Philippines. This includes Folk
Narrative, Myth, Legend, Folktales, Essay, and Novel.

5. Theater. The term “theater” refers to an art form

that involves performing carefully planned actions
and emotions in front of an audience. Dramatic text
is portrayed on stage by actors and actresses and
are enhanced by props, lights and sounds. It is also
a form of art in which artists use their voices and/or
their bodies, often in relation to other objects, to The Dularawang Bulacan
convey artistic expression. Foundation's production of a
Senakulo in Malalos, Bulacan,
Philippine Theater is described as a wide range March 29, 2015.

of mimetic performances that were created and

presented during occasions. These performances are
also presented with specific social objectives in

Below are the Forms and Types of Philippine Theater:

A. Dulang Pahiyang. It is not viewed as a separate activity, but as part of life.
B. Dulambayan. Also known as people’s theater, this is considered “theater
in the context of social movements.” Plays under this type aim to improve
current systems of government.
C. Teatrong Pansimbahan. This is concerned with spirituality. This is usually
performed depending on the events in the church calendar such as
Komedya, Dapit, Flores and Huling Hapunan.
D. Theater as Art. This category is based on Western models. Production
values, including set design, props and lighting are being considered
seriously. Plays are being performed in formal private building and school
auditorium such as children’s theater, puppet theater and opera.

E. Indigenous Theater. This is usually seen in the form of rituals, mimetic
customs, and dances. Indigenous theater has mostly Malay qualities and
is performed in communities that comprise about 5% of the country’s

6. Film. This form of Art refers to a sequence of moving pictures, which is

typically shown on television or in a cinema. Filmmaking became an industry
in the Philippines during the 1950’s and year 1970’s was considered to be a
remarkable era in the history of cinema in the Philippines.

Below are the Forms and Types of Film:

A. Aksyon (Action). This American type of film mainly uses physical conflict
as emphasis. There are two types of action films. The first one is based on
real-life stories or actual experiences of a persons and the othey type is
centred on purely fictional events, maybe based from the tradition of
metrical romance or of the literary komedya, or with contemporary issues.
B. Animation. Film that involves creating illustrations or inanimate images
and bringing them to life.
C. Bomba. A form of film that primarily depicts nudity and sex, known as
“bold,” “wetlook,” and “ST,” but this film is different from X-rated
D. Dokyu (Documentary). This is a motion picture that narrates or discusses
news events. It may also explain other subject matter based on facts. Five
types of Dokyu are film journalism, general interest film, nature
documentaries, committed documentaries and cinema direct.
E. Drama. This film refers to a motion picture that dwells on personal
problems and conflicts. Drama draws sentiment and emotion. It is
typically meant to be a tearjerker.
F. Experimental. This attempts to create something radically innovative or
something that is never done before with the camera. It also explores the
hidden potentials of film.
G. Fantasy. It depicts scenes in an imaginary world such as komiks stories,
folklore and fictions.
H. Historical. This shows actual events that occurred in the past. It may
depict real stories of famous persons, or historical events and places.\
I. Horror. This is shown to bring fear to the audience including supernatural
beings like ghost, vampires and imaginary monsters to the story.
J. Comedy. This aims to bring laughter in the audience.

K. Musical. It is essentially a romantic comedy that is presented with dances,
skits and songs. There are four types of musical including sarswela,
sarwela-type musical, Hollywood type musical and new musical.
L. Period. This centers on characters and events, which are recreated in the
movie, occur in a historical place and time.

7. Dance. This is an art form involving a series of

rhythmic Human movements that are purposefully
selected. Dance involves a mindful effort to combine
movements spatially, dynamically, rhythmically and
artfully in order for these movements to flow together.
A dancer at the Lanzones
festival in Camiguin

The following are the forms and types of Dance in the Philippines.
A. Folk Dances. These are dances that are developed and performed together
by ordinary people. Folk dances include ceremonial, combative, courtship,
exorcism, funeral, game, mimetic, ritual and social dancing, comic and
religious dances.
B. Ballet. It is theatrical dance presentation in which a plot is integrated with
dancing, music and stage designs. It is also defined as the style and
technique of dancing strictly based on a theatrical dance school. It is
classified into modern, opera and folkloric ballet.
C. Modern Dance. Dance form that emerged during the 20th century. This
dance form is still considered theatrical but it bends away from the
technique and style of ballet.
D. Other forms. Other forms of dances are aerobic dancing, bodabil dancing,
jazz dancing, Polynesian and Tahitian dancing and tap dancing.

Comprehension Check 2
Direction: How do you find our lesson? I hope that you are doing well
reading all the contents. Now, let us check your understanding on the second
part of our lesson before going further to other activities. Read the following
statements carefully. Identify what is being referred in each statement and write
your answer on your notebook or on your answer sheets.

_________1. This is an artform that appeals to the sense of hearing, composed

by combining notes into harmony.

_________2. It is considered to be a whole bulk of written works.

_________3. It is described as music that has similar elements with music from
our Southeast Asian neighbors.

_________4. It is a form of art that involves performing carefully planned actions

and emotions in front of an audience.

_________5. It is also known as people’s theater and considered as “theater in

the context of social movements.”

_________6. This refers to a sequence of moving pictures, which is typically

shown on television or in a cinema.

_________7. This form of film draws sentiment and emotion and is meant to be
a tearjerker.

_________8. It is a film that involves creating illustrations or inanimate images

and bringing them to life.

_________9. This is an art form involving a series of rhythmic Human

movements that are purposefully selected.

_________10. It is theatrical dance presentation in which a plot is integrated

with dancing, music and stage designs.

V. Activities
A. Directions: Answer the following questions briefly in your activity notebook
based on your own understanding of the lesson.

1. What is Contemporary Arts?

2. How is “contemporary arts” different from the word “arts”?

3. What are the two major categories of contemporary arts form based on our
lessons and the reasons for their categorization?

4. Briefly describe the 7 major Philippine contemporary art forms.

5. Based on our lessons, what is the significance of studying contemporary


B. Directions: Read articles about the examples of different contemporary art
forms given in the boxes under the column Name of Art and fill in the following
boxes below by giving the information being required. An example is given

What kind of Art and

Name of Art Justify (short description)
Form or Theme?
Sculpture/Free Oblation can independently
(Ex.) UP Oblation
Standing stand in space
1. Chandeliers from
2. Okir Design of
3. Dalagang Bukid
by Fernando
4. Martyrdom
Tableau at
Luneta Park
5. Blood Compact of
Botong Francisco

C. Directions: Look for an example (preferably from your own region or local) of
each form of Arts mentioned in the table through interviewing your parents
or other relatives and write a short description about it.
Art Example Brief Description
Ex. European It is a kundiman song
Influenced Religious Minamahal Kita sung by Mark Velarde in
and Secular Music 1940
1. Liturgical Music
2. Kumintang
3. Band Music
4. Epic
5. Legend
6. Komiks

7. Aksyon
8. Historical
9. Horror
10. Comedy

D. Directions: Choose one among the contemporary art forms that has beed
discussed and make a specific art based on your own choice whether it is
Visual Arts, Literature Arts, or Dance Performance. In your activity notebook,
describe your art of choice and explain your reasons for accomplishing it and
its significance based on the theme for Celebrating Buwan ng Wika 2020:
“Wika ng Kasaysayan, Kasaysayan ng Wika: Ang mga Katutubong Wika sa
Maka-Filipinong Bayanihan Kontra Pandemya.” Use the rubrics below for your

For Dance Performance. Make a 3-minute dance performance based on your

theme of choice.
The criteria for judging are the following:
• Relevance to the Theme - 30%
• Choreography (Creativity, Artistry, Style & Originality) - 30%
• Execution (Timing & Coordination, Projection & Expression) - 20%
• Costume - 10%
• Audience Impact - 10%
Total -100%

For Literature. Write your Literary Piece cursively in your Activity Notebook with
not more than 500 words and make a video of your presentation.
The criteria for judging are the following:
• Relevance to the Theme - 30%
• Recitation (Stage Presence and Presentation) - 30%
• Creativity/Style and Originality - 20%
• Coherence of form and structure (grammar, presentation) - 10%
• Clarity of imagery and language - 10%
Total -100%

For Visual Arts. Create your art in an A3 size of paper. You can use Oil Pastel,
Paint, Colored Pencil or Crayons depending on your choice.
The criteria for judging are the following:
• Relevance to the Theme - 30%
• Presentation (expression, matted, frame) - 30%
• Techniques (style, use of medium) - 20%
• Composition (balance) - 10%
• Impact - 10%
Total -100%

E. Directions: Identify one example of each contemporary art form that you know
(preferably your favorite and well known from your region) and write a brief
description about it and the reasons for your liking. Write your answer on
your activity notebook.
1. Music _____________________________________________________________.
2. Literature _________________________________________________________.
3. Visual Art _________________________________________________________.
4. Film ______________________________________________________________.
5. Dance _____________________________________________________________.

VI. Assessment
Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Identify what is being
referred in each statement and write your answers on your activity notebook.

_________1. It is considered to be the “art to inhabit.”

_________2. It is considered to be a whole bulk of written works.
_________3. It is described as a form of art that involves performing carefully
planned actions and emotions in front of an audience.
_________4. This visual art has three dimensions, height, width and depth.
_________5. This is seen in the form of rituals, mimetic customs, and dances.
_________6. This refers to a sequence of moving pictures, which is typically
shown on television or in a cinema.
_________7. This form of film draws sentiment and emotion and is meant to be a

_________8. This refers to a dwelling that has no more than one family unit
resident in it, and which is used as a place of permanent or semi-
permanent habitation.
_________9. This is an artform that appeals to the sense of hearing, composed
by combining notes into harmony.
_________10. This refers to an art form that involves performing carefully planned
actions and emotions in front of an audience.

VII. Reflection
How do you find our lesson for this week? It’s time to reflect by
answering the questions below.

1. What is Contemporary Arts?

2. What are the 7 major Philippines Art Forms? Give example of each
3. Why is Contemporary Arts significant to study?

VIII. References

Fortunado-Sanchez, By: Esmeralda, Esmeralda Fortunado-Sanchez, and

Maricel Eballo. “Senakulo: Holy Week Street Plays in the Philippines
Reenact Jesus' Life, Passion.” Catholics & Cultures, January 9, 2020.

Marasigan, Patty. “Ethnic Houses in the Philippines HISTARC4.”,


Naji, Cassandra. “Six Contemporary Filipino Architects You Should Know.”

Culture Trip. The Culture Trip, April 24, 2014.

Panisan, Wilson K., Leslie B. Gazzingan, Gregorio L. Samar, and Corie Chuza G.
Boongaling. Contemporary Philippine Arts From the Regions for Senior High
School. Malabon City, Philippines: Mutya Publishing House, Inc., 2016.

Rexroth, Kenneth. “Literature.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia
Britannica, inc., February 22, 2019.

“Philippines Culture: Literature: Music: Painting: Sculpture.” Silent Gardens -

Philippines Islands Vacation & Travel Advice. Accessed August 21,

“Spolarium.” Official Website of the National Museum of the Philippines.

Accessed August 21, 2020.

“What Is Visual Art?” Unbound Visual Arts, September 9, 2016.

Prepared by:


Teacher III
Subic National High School
Subic District

IX. Key to Corrections
Comprehension Comprehension Assessment
Check 1 Check 2
1. Painting 1. Music 1. Architecture
2. Murals 2. Literature 2. Literature
3. Ethnic 3. Dance
3. Collage
4. Sculpture 4. Theater 4. Sculpture
5. Relief 5. Dalumbayan 5. Indigenous Theater
6. Welded 6. Film 6. Film
7. Portrait 7. Drama 7. Drama
8. Architecture 8. Animation 8. Domestic Building
9. Bungalow 9. Dance 9. Music
10. Ethnic House 10. Ballet 10. Theater

Activity A. (Answers may vary based on students’ understanding)

Activity B.
What kind of Art
Justify (short
Name of Art and Form or
Sculpture/Free Oblation can independently
(Ex. ) UP Oblation
Standing stand in space
a. Chandeliers made from Answer may vary based on
kiping in Lucban student’s understanding
b. Okir Design of Answer may vary based on
Maranao student’s understanding
c. Dalagang Bukid by Painting/Genre Answer may vary based on
Fernando Amorsolo Painting student’s understanding
d. Martyrdom Tableau at Answer may vary based on
Luneta Park student’s understanding
e. Blood Compact of Answer may vary based on
Botong Francisco student’s understanding

Activity C. Answers in this activity may vary based on student’s research.

Activity D. Answers in this activity may vary based on student’s research.

Activity E. Answers in this activity may vary based on student’s research.


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