Azizah Putri Umami

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NO. ABSEN : 06

Merbabu Mountain Forest On Fire

Boyolali - Forests in the slopes of Mount Merbabu be caught on fire, local people
around the forest and volunteers along the officers have gone up to the fire location.

On Friday October 12th 2018, a fire broke out in the area above the village of Ngagrong,
Boyolali. The head of the sub-section of Badan Taman Nasional Gunung Merbabu
(BTNGMb), Johan Setiawan said in a short message that it was still in the process of
defusing the fire. The smoke soared and still appeared on the lower slope.

Local people have now gone to the location of the fire to defuse the fire by using traditional
extinguishers, such as gepyok and sabit assisted by volunteers and officers. But the flames
were difficult to defuse because of the hot weather and the blowing wind was strong enough
to make the fire grow larger and easier to spread.

The cause of the fire that occurred on Mount Merbabu wasn’t known for sure. The officers
and the local people were still concentrated on defusing the fire because the fire was
estimated to have spread to the national park area.

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