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Nama : Nuraida Apriani

Kelas : XII 13 IPS

No. Absen : 26

Fires that destroyed dozens of stalls in northern sukalila and southern sukalila on
Wednesday 29 August 2018 early days

The fire burned dozens of stalls in North Sukalila and South Sukalila, Cirebon City, on Wednesday
(29/08/2018) early days

Agus as an eyewitness said that he first saw fire around 2:30 a.m.

he said the fire came from one of the stalls in the middle of a stalls south of Sukalila.

allegedly the fire originated from an electric wave near the stalls.

"It immediately propagates quickly to dozens of other stalls because it is all over here," said Agus

he said the fire was very fast burning dozens of stalls about 30 minutes.

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