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1 2021 Art. 8(2)(b)(xx) Elements of crime

2 Background - Alpha and Bravo: Neighboring states and historical rivals
- Fought several small wars over the past 200 years
- Recently, period of improving relationships and economic co-operation
- Both are partipatory democracies
- Comples ecomomies
3 2023 - (In the region) Drought -> discruption of argiculture -> significant economic downturn
- Large number of refugees from largely agricultural economics countries enter to Alpha and Bravo.
4 - Influx of refugees + social stress => nationalism in both States
2024 [Bravo]
- Bravo Front – ultra-nationalist + militarist party -> significant electoral gains
- Run platform: Stop most form of immigration
- Expand the military
- Bravo Front had strong support in some parts of the Bravo Defence Force
5 2025 [Alpha]
- Alpha Alternative Party
- Ran very similar platform to Bravo Front
- Won majority in the Parliament and the Alphan Presidency
- Gustavo Fring – ultra-nationalist Alphan President implimented the discriminatory policies:
+ targeting at refugees and immigrants
+ largely close border
+ ramp up rhetoric against Bravo
+ increase military spending + expand its military (recruiting thousands of new soldiers)
6 - Bravo Government increased its military spending
- Alpha + Bravo:
+ Announced significant new purchases of military hardward in a rapidly escalating arms race.
+ Deployed tropp along mutual border
+ Conducted large military exercises
7 - International actors failed to defuse tensions -> fighting soon erupted
13/7/2026 - Alpha forces crossed the frontier -> military enagement
- Quickly captured a number of key border cities
- Bravan capital (Bravoville): soon reached by Alphan forces
- The extent of terrtorial gains made by Alphan military: stopped by Bravan forced
8 [Bravo]
- Bravan force recaptured all of territorial lost
- Bravo reached the border, they attempted to negotiate -> Alphan Government refused
- Fring made a series of incendiary speeches from Alphan National War Memorial and Museum of Glorious Victory
9 - National War Memorial:
+ over 300 years old
+ contains many artifacts – significant to Alphan nation:
* Original Consitutional
* Original Declaration of Independence
+ become central to Fring regime and the Alphan ultra-nationalists
+ the symbol of the Alphan military power
10 - The Fring regime declared: Never surrender to Bravo
- Bravo military: Drew up plan to invade Alpha and destroy its ability to wage war
11 1/8/2026 - The invasion of Alpha commenced
- Bravan forces controles large parts of Alpha (centres + industrial production)
- Alphan forces surrendered en masse (together and at the same time)
- People began protesting Fring regime
12 26/8/2026 [Alpha]
- Only East Alphalia remained under Alphan control
+ home to Alpha’s capital
+ the stronghold of Alphan nationalism
- [East Alphalia] The 7th Army – loyal to Fring regime
13 [Bravo]
- Paused to regroup
- Logistical support
- Deal with surrendering enemy troops
14 29/8/2026 [Alpha]
- Alphan 7th Army launched an unexpected counter offensive to North Alphalia => significantly controlled

15 [Bravo]
- Major Lydia Rodarte-Quayle – in command of (stationed at the northern end of border)
+ 3rd Battalion
+ 2nd Royal Bravo Infantry Regiment
- 3rd Battalion:
2/8/2026 + moved on to North Alphalia
+ Oversaw ~ 10.000 surrendered Alphan PoWs + hundred civilians – detained on security grounds
16 - The 7th Army came close the 3rd Battalion’s positions
- Alphan troops > Bravan ones
- Major Rodart-Quayle re-tasked her troops: guarding the PoWs -> defensive positions
17 30/8/2026 [Bravo]
- Major Rodarte-Quaye ordered some of detained civilians to assist with the defense
+ Dig trenches
+ Fortify strong points
- Civilians were told:
+ receive extra rations
+ be looked upon favorably at their periodical (Art.78 GV IV)

18 30/8/2026 Major Rodarte-Quaye decided to deploy M1984 mines -> stop the enemy -> enable her to focus on the defending forces + funnel th
enemy advance
19 - M1984 mines:
+ Shape charge warhead
+ Penetrate the armour of enemy fighting vehicles
+ Simultaneously disburse fragmentation a round a wide area
+ Command initiated by a remote control
- Bravo military manual:
+ decribes how to deploy
+ instructs on setting up an improvised tripwire that will set off the mines
- Major Rodarte-Quaye ordered:
+ manual be distributed to the civilians in setting up improvised tripwire
+ ensured compliance with marking and warning requirement in placing mines (to amended 2nd protocol to Convention on Certain
Conventional Weapons)
20 - Alphan forces ran out fuel supply -> Bravo attacked and stopped Alphan’s counter offensive
- The remnants of the 7th Army in North Alphalia surrendered without reaching the PoWs camp.
21 - Major Rodarte-Quaye’s cyberwarfare captain informed her about the famed hacker Mr Robot.
- Mr Robot:
+ Alphan citizen but Bravan heritage
+ Posted online opposing to Alphan government
22 - Major Rodarte-Quaye
+ planed to discrupt Alphan military operations
+ contacted Mr Robot
+ messaged hom to conduct a cyber-attack on the National War Memorial
+ expected the attack would undermine the morale of the remaining Alphan forces who were yet to capitulate
23 8/9/2026 - Mr Robot’s cyber-attack disabled climate control + security system
-> priceless objects stored were destroyed (Original copy of the Constitution + Declaration)
- Fring and his aides were found and detained after being beaten by the anti-Fring mob.
- General commanding most of the remaining Alphan forces
+ Formed the view that Fring was no longer suitable to lead
+ Launched the coup against the Fring regime
+ Before that, no fighting in the capital
24 21/9/2026 - All Alpha military command had surrendered to Bravan forces
- The massive influx of prisoners -> overwhelm to administer the PoW camps safely and hygienically -> particularly acute (severe) for
29/92026 - Major:
+ directed the 38th Alphan Military Police Regiment (had been detained as PoWs) to guarded the POW camp
+ says to Major Ehrmantraut - Military Police’s commander: interests to assist + be in first line for rations and winter clothing
- The Military Police: tasked with:
+ administration
+ discipline within the camp
+ guarding accused Alphan war criminals
25 - Orginally hoped: demobilation could be achieved within 6 months (4/2027)
1/1/2028 - Military Police were still in charge
26 - Explosive remnants of war litteres the countryside
26/9/2027 - A group of 4 Alphan civilians were walking nearby the defensive of 3 rd Battalion
- One tripped the tripwire => explode one of th mines => all 4 died.

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