Grade 6 Q2 PE LAS

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Physical Education
2nd Quarter



Learning Activity Sheet in Physical Education

(Grade 6)

Copyright © 2020
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This material has been developed for the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum through the
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Regional Director : ESTELA L. CARIÑO, EdD., CESO IV
Assistant Regional Director : RHODA T. RAZON, EdD., CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent : ALFREDO B. GUMARU, JR., EdD., CESO VI
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent(s): NELIA M. MABUTI, EdD., CESE
Chief Education Supervisor, CLMD : OCTAVIO V. CABASAG, PhD
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Content Editor : JAMES MIKE O. CADAY, Gonzaga National High School,
NELSON L. GACUTAN, Enrile Vocational High School, SDO CAGAYAN,
ROCKY T. BANATAO, Cagayan National High School, SDO TUGUEGARAO
Illustrators : PETER B. SARIO, JR.
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Regional Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Table of Contents

Competency Page

▪ Assesses regularly participation in

physical activities based on the
Philippines physical activity pyramid …………………… 1-8

▪ Observes safety precautions …………………… 9 - 13

▪ Executes the different skills involved in

the game …………………... 14 - 20

Name of Learner _______________________________ Grade Level: ___________

Section: ____________________________________ Score: ________________


Physical Activities Based on The Philippine
Physical Activity Pyramid

Background Information for Learners:

Introduction of new activities

Types and phases of exercise

Types of exercise:
There are three common types of exercise:
Aerobic Exercise- these exercises help develop cardiorespiratory endurance. This
means that aerobic exercises help strengthen your heart and lungs. Examples of Aerobic
exercises includes jogging and running.
Anaerobic Exercises- these exercises help increase muscular strength. A specific
example of this exercise is weight training.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 1

Flexibility Exercises - these exercises help improve the range of motion of joints and
muscles. An example of this type of exercise is stretching.

Part or Phase of an Exercise Program

Warm-up Phase - is intended to prepare the muscles and ready the oxygen that will
be needed by the body in performing the exercise. Physical activities improve your ability
to absorb more oxygen. More oxygen means more energy that enables you to do the
exercise. A good warm-up for the body starts with a high aerobic exercise followed by
some stretching and ends with activities related to the main activity. A warm-up should be
able to raise the level of your heart rate.
Work Out Phase - is the longest and most intense part of the exercise program. The
exercises can be aerobic, anaerobic, or combination of the two. It is where your heart rate
is at, its highest and your body is working at its hardest. It is the focus of your exercise
program. The work out phase is where you achieve your target rate.
Cool Down Phase - prepares the body in going back to its normal state. It helps the
body recover and reduce muscle aches. A cool down usually consist of light aerobic
activities and a good stretching of the parts of the body used during the work out phase.
Heart Rate is the speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions
(beats) of the heart per minute (bpm). The heart rate is the number of times the heart
beats in the space of a minute. The pulse rate is exactly equal to the heartbeat, as the
contractions of the heart cause the increases in blood pressure in the arteries that lead to a
noticeable pulse. Taking the pulse is, therefore, a direct measure of heart rate. Pulse
point can be found on the neck-carotid pulse, wrist- radial pulse, near the heart-apical,
elbow, knee, temporal, foot and groin. For adults 18 and older, a normal heart rate is
between 60-100 beats per minute (bpm) for children ages 6 to 15 is between 70-100 bpm.
But a heart rate lower than 60 doesn’t mean you have a medical problem. Active people
often have a lower heart rates because their heart muscles don’t need to work as hard to
maintain a steady beat. Athletes and people who are very fit can have a resting heart rate
of 40 bpm. Put two fingers (pointing and middle finger) on the pulse point for 60 seconds.
You can also do this for 20 seconds and multiply it by three (Bauman). Using the thumb
may be confusing because you can feel pulse in the thumb

Learning competency:
Assesses regularly participation in physical activities based on the Philippines physical
activity pyramid. (PE6PF-Ib-h-18)

Regularly assess pupils’ participation in physical activities based on the Philippine
Physical Activity Pyramid.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 2

Activity 1:
Direction: List down all physical activities that you engage in for exercises.

1. 9.
2. 10.
3. 11.
4. 12.
5. 13.
6. 14.
7. 15.

Activity 2
Directions: Listed below are activities that you usually do during exercises, which of
these activities improve your strength? Which ones increase your endurance? Group the
activity using the given template set of exercises.
1. Running 6. Push-up
2. Jumping jack 7. Bending
3. Stretching 8. Pumping
4. Stationary jogging 9. Walking
5. Shuttle run 10. Monkey bars

Template 1
Increase strength Increase endurance

1. Which activities are you always doing when you have a warm-up activity?
2. Why does this activity important very important?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 3

Activity 3
Direction: Write A if the given exercise is an Aerobic Exercise, B if it is an Anaerobic
Exercise and C if Flexibility Exercise.

____1. Stationary jogging ___9. Bending

____2. Jumping jack ___10. Ladder climbing
____3. Curl-up ___11. Cycling
____4. Long jump ___12. Chair push up
____5. Three-minute step test ___13. Planking
____6. Monkey bars ___14. Squat thrust
____7. Dumbbells ___15. Push up
____8. One leg balance

Activity 4
Directions: Think of activities that you usually do during exercises in each phase and give
five (5) examples in each phase:
A. Warm-up
B. Work-out
C. Cool/cooling down

1. The _________ is intended to prepare the muscles and ready the oxygen that will be
needed by the body in performing the exercise.
2. The _________ prepares the body in going back to its normal state that helps the body
to recover and reduce muscles ache.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 4

3. The _________ is the longest and most intense part of the exercise program.

Activity 5
Direction: Make or design your exercise program.

My Exercise Program
I. Planning the Program
A. Fitness goal(s)
1. Achieve my target heart rate of ______________
2. _____________________________________________
B. Exercises per Phase
1. Warm-up
a. __________________________________________

b. _________________________________________
2. Workout
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________
3. Cool Down
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________

F.I.T.T. Checklist Yes No Remarks

Frequency Can the exercises be done every day

or most days of the week

Intensity Does the program involve moderate-

and high- intensity exercises?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 5

Time Can the exercises be done in 60

Type Do the exercises help improve

flexibility, cardiorespiratory
endurance, and muscular strength?

D. Materials Needed

II. Implementing the Exercise Program

III. Evaluating the Exercises Program

Checklist Yes No

1. Did I follow the WHO recommendation?

2. Did I achieve my target heart rate?

IV. Conclusion





Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 6

Rubrics for self-assessment
(Exercise Program)

Exercise Fair Good Excellent

Phase (1 point) (2 points) (3 points)
Warm-Up Phase Involves an aerobic Involves aerobic and Involves aerobic and
or a flexibility flexibility exercises flexibility exercises
exercise. for few parts of the for many parts of the
body body.

Workout Phase Involves an aerobic Involves a few Involves various

and an aerobic aerobic and an aerobics and
exercise. aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercises
is able to raise the and is able to raise
heart rate a bit. the heart rate to its
target level.

Cool Down Phase Involves an aerobic Involves aerobic and Involves aerobic and
or a flexibility flexibility exercises flexibility exercises
exercise for few parts of the for all parts of the
body used during the body used during the
workout phase. workout phase.


What I have learned from this Activity:



1. Curriculum Guide 6
3. Pupil’s Textbook: Sing, Sketch, Stretch, and Stay Healthy 6
4. Edukasyong Pangkatawan at Pangkalusugan 6

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 7

Answer Key:
Activity 1
Answers may vary
Activity 2
Template 1
Increase strength Increase endurance
Running Monkey Bars
Jumping Jack Push-up
Stretching Squat-trust
Bending Shuttle run
Stationary Jogging
1. Answers may vary
2. Answers may vary
Activity 3
1. A 6. B 11. B
2. A 7. B 12. B
3. B 8. C 13. B
4. B 9. C 14. B
5. B 10. B 15. B
Activity 4
Answers may vary
A. Warm-up B. Work-out
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. Answers may vary 3. Answers may vary
4. 4.
C. Cool/cooling down
3. Activity
Answers may5vary
(Self-Assessment) Answers4.
may vary.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 8

Physical Education 6
Name: ____________________________________ Grade Level: ______
Section: ____________________ Score: ___________


Assessment of Regular Participation in Physical Activities Based on the

Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid

Background Information for Learners:

A. Study the tables below.

Regular participation to physical activities improves one physical fitness, such

can be assessed by self- testing exercises.
Self-testing exercises are activities that one does repeatedly to achieve goal –
to improve one`s own fitness level. They consist of exercises that improves one`s
endurance, strength, and flexibility.

B. To do self-testing exercises everyone should observes safety precautions at all times.

Every P.E. class needs to have clear safety rules/precautions and procedures to
prevent injuries and provide a secure learning environment

C. Example of Safety Precautions/Rules During Physical Education Class

Safety Precautions during P.E. class (Physical Activity)
1. Know what activity/exercises will be performing
2. Make sure that the place is free from any obstacles to avoid injuries
3. Listen to the instruction of the teacher
4. Avoid unnecessary work while doing the physical activity
5. Focus on what you are doing.
6. Enjoy performing the physical activity

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 9

Learning Competency and Code: Observes safety precaution. (PE6-L2)

Activity 1: Check your practices

How can you help in the effective implementation of the physical activities inside
the school? Draw a star ( ) inside the circle of the statement that fits you.

1. I always ask question to my teacher if I did not follow the activity.

2. I find myself being energetic because of physical activities.

3. I always listen to the instruction of my teacher.

4. I save my energy for physical activities in the school.

5. I always talk to my classmate while the physical activities are going on.

6. I always look for the safety of everyone.

7. I enjoy so much doing physical activities.

8. I always see to it that the place we work on is free from any obstacles.

9. I always drink water after the physical activities.

10. I focuses myself for whatever exercise I am doing.

Activity 2
Direction: List down some safety precaution/rules while having your physical activities in
your P.E. class.

Safety Precaution in P.E. class


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 10

Activity 3: Things to Do

In 5-10 sentences, write the importance of having a list of safety precautions

in every physical activity in your P.E. class.

Why is it important?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 11

Rubrics for Scoring

Level 1 (0 pt.) Level 2 (1 pt.) Level 3 (2 pts.) Level 4 (3 pts.)

Amount of Learner shows Learner only Learner almost Learner
Work no attempt to shows partial completely completely
answer the answer to the answer the answer the
activity activities activity activity

Understanding Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows

no limited partial thorough
understanding understanding understanding understanding
on the safety on the safety on the safety On the safety
precautions precautions precautions precautions

(Learner writes how he/she feels about the activity)


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 12

Answer Key:

Activity # 1
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Activity # 2 – list of safety precautions. (different answers from the learners)

Activity # 3 – (different answers from the learners)


P.E.6 Teachers Guide

13 (TG), EASE Module Fourth Year · Triangle Trigonometry, Mo, Module 2

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 13

Name of Learner _______________________________ Grade Level: _______
Section: _____________________________ Score: _____________


Skills Involved in a Game

Background Information for Learners:

Skills needed in Striking /fielding games
There are three types of skills involved in striking/fielding games: Locomotor, non-
locomotor, and manipulative skills
1. Locomotor skills involve players being able to run, slide, jump, and leap.
2. Non-locomotor skills involve stretching, bending, and reaching for an object.
3. Manipulative Skills involve players being able to send an object (both by
throwing and by striking it ), receive ( catch) an object, and retain ( and run
with ) an object.
These skills can also transfer over to invasion games such as basketball, where athletes
must be able to pass the ball to their teammates who must catch it.
Skills that are common to target games are:
1. Players must be able to demonstrate hand –eye, foot –eye accuracy
2. Players aim and shoot /throw/ roll/etc. for a goal target
3. Players utilize the synchronization of numerous body parts when releasing the
object used in the game.
4. Both gross and fine motor skills are used to alter the flight/path of the released

Learning competency and Code:

Executes the different skills involved in the game. PE6GS-Ic-h-
a. To be able to explain the nature / background of target games and striking/
fielding games.
b. To be able to describes the skills involved in the game.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 14

Activity 1: Modified True or False:

Directions: Write T if the underlined word/s or phrase/s of the following

sentences is/are true and F if false. Write the correct answer on the space provided.
_____1. Children do not play physical games because they are more interested in
online games.
_____2. You are physically fit if you are free from diseases and easily get sick.
_____3. The Pen Drop Test is a test to measure your speed.
_____4. If you want to measure your muscular strength you can take the squat and
zipper test.
_____5. Before you do an activity, you need to perform warm up exercises.
_____6. Invasion games are also known as territory game only.
_____7. Piko or hopscotch is an indoor game only.
_____8. The skills involved in kickball are eye and body contact, footwork, and
body flexibility.
_____9. In playing sungka, the player wins if there are many pebbles or stones put
in his /her hole (bahay).
_____10. The values developed in playing invasion games are respect,
sportsmanship, teamwork, and cooperation.

Activity 2
Directions: Answer the following by filling the table, identify if the game a
target game or striking/fielding game.

Name of the Game Target games/striking or fielding game

1. baseball
2. dart
3. tatsing
4. bowling
5. Tumbang preso
6. Archery
7. tamaang tao
8. syato
9. golf
10. basagang palayok

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 15

Activity 3
Directions: Describe the skills involve in a game, write locomotor,
non-locomotor, manipulative on the space provided.

___________________________1. Tumbang preso

___________________________2. Tatsing
___________________________3. Dart
___________________________4. Baseball
___________________________5. basagang palayok
___________________________6. Golf
___________________________7. Syato
___________________________8. Tamaang tao
___________________________9. Archery
__________________________10. Tumbang preso

Activity 4a: Lets have fun!

Tamaang tao is a game in which players on two teams try to throw balls at
each other while avoiding being hit by themselves. There are many variations of
the game ,but generally the objective of the game is to eliminate the opposing
teams by hitting them with a ball ,catching a ball thrown by a member of the
opposing team, or forcing them to move outside the court boundaries when ball is
thrown at them.

Rules of the game:

1. The class will be divided into four teams.

2. Two teams will be labeled Group A and another two teams will be labeled
Group B.
3. The teams from each group will play Tamaang Tao following the rules given
by the teacher. The winner from each group will compete against each other.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 16

Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Moderately Poor
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Mastery of the game
Teacher’s Signature
Equivalent Descriptive Rating
5- Excellent
4- Very Satisfactory
3- Satisfactory
2- Moderately Satisfaction
1- Poor

Activity 4b: Let’s have fun!

SYATO- Variation of the name shatong is a game with two teams and at least two
players. It is played in an open a space, preferably land so that you can dig an elongated
hole that you need in order for your team to score the shatong points. A two pieces of stick
about an inch in diameter one long, about a foot and the other short, about half feet.
Player A becomes the hitter and Player B as the catcher. It is played outside on the
ground where one digs a small square hole (which is slanted), where they put the small
wood so that it sticks out. Player A hits the wood with the stick so that it catches air
enough to be hit by the stick. The further the wood gets hit the more points one
gets(usually counted by the number of stick length).Player B on the other hand has to
anticipate and catch the small piece of wood to nullify the points and become his turn or
looks forward to Player A to miss hitting the wood.


Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Moderately Poor
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Mastery of the game
Teacher’s Signature
Equivalent Descriptive Rating
5- Excellent
4- Very Satisfactory
3- Satisfactory
2- Moderately Satisfaction
1- Poor

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 17

Activity 5: Let’s enjoy more!

Indigenous games, such as Tatsing are Hispanic in origin. The game was played by
the Tagalogs of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. The word Tatsing was loaned from the
English word “touching”. Each player located before the toe line will try to hit the bottle
caps out of the square without leaving the pamato inside the square. Player 1 continuously
hits the bottle caps until he loses his turn by leaving his pamato inside the playing area.
The player with the most bottle caps at the end of the game, wins. The players wil decide
on how big the square would be based on how many pamato they have. In the pre- game,
each player throws his pamato on/ near the toe line. The player whose pamato lands on/
nearest the toe line plays first and so on.

Rubrics on playing TATSING

Most of the caps was thrown away from the square following all 5
the rules excellently
Some of the caps was thrown away from the square following all 4
the rules very satisfactorily
Few of the caps was thrown away from the square following all the 3
rules satisfactorily
Only one of the caps was thrown away from the square 2
None of the caps was thrown away from the square 1
Teacher’s Signature

Equivalent Descriptive Rating

5- Excellent
4- Very Satisfactory
3- Satisfactory
2- Moderately Satisfaction
1- Poor

What I have learned in this activity:
Complete this statement:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 18


Curriculum Guide Grade 6

MELC Grade 6

Answer Key:

Activity 1.:
Write T if the underlined word/s or phrase/s of the following sentences is/are true
and F if false. Write the correct answer on the space provided
1. True
2. False “do not easily got sick”
3. False “reaction time”
4. False “squat “or “sit-ups”
5. True
6. True
7. False “indoor or outdoor game”
8. False “coordination”
9. True
10. True

Activity 2: Answer the following by filling the table, identify if the game is a
target game or striking/fielding game.

Name of the Game Target games/striking or fielding game

1. baseball Striking games

2. dart Target games
3. tatsing Target games
4. bowling Target games
5. Tumbang preso Target games
6. archery Target games
7. tamaang tao Target games
8. syato Striking games
9. golf Striking games
11. basagang palayok Striking games

Activity 3: Describe the skills involve in a game, write locomotor, non-locomotor,

manipulative on the space provided.

_____________ locomotor 1. Tumbang preso

_____________ locomotor 2. Tatsing
_____________ non-locomotor 3. Dart
_____________ manipulative 4. Baseball
_____________ non-locomotor 5. basagang palayok

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 19

_____________ manipulative 6. Golf
_____________ manipulative 7. Syato
_____________ locomotor 8. Tamaang tao
_____________ non-locomotor 9. Archery
_____________ locomotor 10. Tumbang preso

Activity 4: Answer may vary

Activity 5: Answer may vary

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 20

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