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Nom Mokit Sin

Ro0no 19113025
ubject: fuTechnolog8
Semeata: JV
)Explai uston and Fusio h a t a s the pmnccplo
opesoton Nucoas 0actos ? Duw r working

oduanttos ad diaaduantaags iapt Watr Roa ctos

Nocfo Fuaion Ittteptivg aan aomic udeS
nt 2 os mo nucRo

OcCompa nied by en Olae

os1A mod os t a O 9 n t nuckouy
auy otom
avd e Laptu nuclo as dougtbo huclo

sion eccuss that erne9 upset

betioeen tto eactAcxtutic SARPLULIOn betiocen peAttivel

nicleo ce tathoda
Chasgec psolbna and t u og
peobn and noudovM T6gtre
xaumpe : Spting OraniDM
8 10Me
235) + n sBo+ + 3n+

It a aOug oti
90cadlion 2 os mose
Nucloa Fuaio
Juot nud coNcle intbeach oteo toexm
suactuon Bke place it elcmes
cavieo nucReLs. h
afomic numbee, such as ydioge.
ththoue o ou
aactants&tte pXoduc
blw t
'ho dueQnce mOmass
9aloase s tte abscoptuon
iMonulesttd os etko t
maM Osuses d u to tte
engo T denc
esnce aoic binding eosay betuweon the nuclo

beks ond otos t a su0achön

ves Ba on ivessE, Incuding tha 3un, aQwe
due to ueO usionL
txamle H H
LAQt wrtoo Keack
LwR Cs oDes Gcts hot a9«c Coalcd Ond modko.atocd
wtt eadnasuy wall Thoso as 2 bcusic pes
) 'seSUZId watt Kcactox PLO R)
In t e Pud R., uoatp ad i g p90AOO n d Tmpescuusa omo ve

ncot om te uncl tanspoxod to O Om qnsolo

om t e pimcou4 Soop Bnessd to a

PBELeR eCondasu oop also Conloning udos he o a l 0
e se (ondosuy looe entosus tha tOm nosot at

peus0 Ond timpescTus hctbelou o t q D d

to tioto bolunrg. Dpon absosbig c t oom pimosu
Scep hooeve becomO3. tuoatid and uttmatel
Ngayupeshsotad. h e stuom s aenesaud udtmotod
Aesues A h uoOxhing 4iud n a seam-uobin cycle
PuoR acloxs asa vey Atdble dus to ths ndan to

2) PuoR uobina Ccl loop epasoto om to psimasu

te econdaou loop & not
oop, Ao
Conta minatod by 9«adioactie MatooiaL..

h e COolanl t o u mut be i o l psomwuzed to semounn
Qpd at i g tmpesatuse
)AdduÜono i o po-0NAUS omponovta asl sqyod okict
ncooses the Capto coxt and Comp&ox t t oa AoR
pouse Plavtt
( BoQing uDoto Koadtor Buo)
A BuOR Opescaty on the pnaple ob a dusCt powes

oug Coe a00owed

to b a In 09, modkotr
he sduoatod Stam at exuu t e C909CaAon
Aeposolox% Ond
aici doeu
anspox ed ttoougl a suOR
tte s00 tox veuc ttrot
Nocatod wthin
U thOn sed aN
Mcaltd sate We sLpeooatod poL
soom wabina
eooking 0utud totuon tho
BOR cpcsotog ot ouges nucloos u Umpeolu.
2)Pseso Vesseo Abgect t sigritcanty o ndalio

Compoeod to a PR, Ond o does not beccme

ittr aR

)BuDR s.0ao0 r s comax olcdoluons ies nanagi ng Con Sun-
- puon o nuclcasu duodng opesauEn

tranox a POR Simlaas

a)kas 0Ocko p s e s UOg

coke? Peacoube t a
ond wta Br imposbunt
oke manutgtuain9
puysi o and chomia

poopesio Cok
S%. Coke a O , o o d and OGDLS Pu t a ua
mode cottng cl
COubon Contont and teo impuoliol b
- a dobuctive dutlauon
C t abece
ucd muny in
I t & on imoxhnt incdutbial psocluctt,
OM 60 Amotna, but a o o a uQ sfoe and
ohon aöu po00tuön a ConceonCoe o
natrusel Nocal pscees.

Cok Nonula dtusumg oceMes 4

)ndubuias K.o tsunacex
nhe indstiso p5oduclion C o k ocn coo CoOod
Coking ccol ak od 1 On

CoKe tompeoauuso dar i g n

unace xCokiia Oven
cOo C but wuot0y
OCek Oce VapouUAOS decompO)eA OscAOn .

douung o URole pKtducls incuding o o ,

In &uc sm oh oo-qo and cco-To9

he Roostth sces
(ca uo aukn
T psce% oCok-moaktng, UNng uump
tohot ehoscca0 busning l s d e a s a P Pgasc
LOOod,,Coeood uSth was oouas avd eosti
a Mcop COOXs, couCsod usttn Coko duust
3 Bechie Coko Oven
A e bsick charber Maped Sike o domo ued,Common
Known a aBeahhie oven. It s Um sde and -5m

Coo inBcduced O M the t to psccuce an euen a u R

6o-9O doop . Aix &uppood to i the sal.

oabout cm

doonization Sost and pscduces vdbtila mattes, wnic busns

nädo to asdio dlosd Sdo, doos ho exhaustt a e s s
a0louoed b esope to ttha otmosphase. hehot cohe à
Qpenched uotth uootoo Od dischoscd manualltooug
O tooug
Ado doox
Phyio 'opeiës Coko
Coko t e ony olid malogiol 00mauning below t a

Coos t e one b t usna ce

)Mantain asabla voio ction
ases and modtnn psodlu cta.
t upo8uon Coko
3 Fed cosbon
e d CaooM, he

hosmovolye coko
h o butk Apec c o coK pico
Osouund 0.1. u åop xous
Chemical Psopeoducs o
ho most impoxtont opesuo tok as
Cnd sANpus Coritont, whih as de pendQn
CcolCo used o mductbn

a) he mto content n coke p9-actucoNOy

end coking pscces, but t
D n
0penchod o thot t COun he oanubeoud o blant u9unaces

83) wkot& Cracka ? whot os0 tte bena o

Cotolt tiu psoces 2 Vescsabe te dad bed
cataltic cackng process tm -ta hap ant o
doctamu bu wuchs
a ha poceA
oacking , n potsokoum saining,
ncOyydsoosbon moleCulos. 0s0 bsokon up nto gtase
Mokecues y. MOns o o o t and Usua0y pASUUA.
t e moAt mporont Oce
SometurnA otalyti. t
Commosial psoducton oeone and diesel D
he ben u i n g cotolyt t Poces a9N
Dncs00e heoid o -a pcducts und
loA Seves pesong Condtions
ACalalwu pomotes a 9moval ntga uwel
chosqed udoudA som a paso CoM pond
t h oddilion o i e chosotd paidon to
to an alon
QLuduz cd bed cototc Cackig G9anoe
nta mod on
CsO @ c a t o d e bo
Ade b
Mnt ,C 9La tos and LOqemcoatox
oMOn tmoots tt
Aclo Ahe GioRd Vapoulza
pont Onclha
hctCotolst Ot tt eocl edion
9sea ot
VapouIA upuce9d ooua
i velociy, Psoviclivg a
CotaLust pcstaeos
The cata0ti SARacuin occuss exluivoly the 9ye

SACLtos he otolut ten pasie MO tte cycdona

vesel,whe9 Sepcsakud oonn a t o r cdoocg9 bon

te CoacKung codttn poeocsCas bon doposiks tte

he 0actuon
Catudt slcDsSce axe depoaia mpoL
tho cotbst MUst be ContimuLOuy loLlcleauon
o m the

Ahe coalst emoved b centouga& xce andl docppd

Epper ecbobn
section , hulaocosbos ase 0 mOVQd {OM
the Apet alolst tth SOOM and cakolys
s t
TanoRd oua te souppe Aondp pe
9AORnIOD yesel, uoo Casbon buont
CLLsOnt c a
Te octe e{luent
t foaetieuatos
Hdeue Veet
H gas

Catalu Stipper 7
Jolujo stipprq skeam


aur healer reaebeneatpy, riser reocde

wor ead ugoctiou

) w s e t h namas o qaseousal avoRabRe oua
Count h a t asa to mpustios a sau pmoducea gpa ?
yics ta MaL Jacsns a psoducen uwa
ths bRat t) a us a 2 stam .

uls asa CompoAed
moncXicdle, ox xtuss
o doocaobons
he na mes el seous l s Qvuloslc o COuilou
uo biò produce
anc 8
Thimpusuttas uauo 2OduLCeSL pastucu
Rnouom To9
ates, Condongal 90ntc CompouncL& as

sulphu - Containing CompouLvcla n o i R n - baused Compounds

dscpm halide ound ace motols.

Thop ence othose impuLsuto biomos pocuce
gos ndosus ta udioizalfon and must e a be
OMcved to MOat SoUng0Mt evonMOna emuion

he main SOOcUOnA mvOved OS. o d u c e qas.

C oQn ovlu aA UUAed as bROxt

a) C+ O2 +Nz COL+ Nz
b) CO +C 2CO
Roaoton Ca normocl a Boudouosd saction and t t
m tha sense a t tte
LOacubn inpstant
CO, U obtoinad i
Com pon ent o oduce os ,

Odtiom exolhomc
As awholo ,
ha nat pxoces
9mcbn :
Ihe ovenal
2CO + N
QC + O +N
Uuohon tt bia ua Mixlo a Atoa M
n tho concduuon, t e above SRQCUOnA OCC Cnd along
with thcse somc othc s00ctons aAo occu Cosbon
Octs w t t attam t Casbon onoxde and Conbon

VIoxde by t osing saction&

a)C+ H20 CO+H2
e) C+2HzO CO 2 12
h a t 0acion (e> not doable aaA dt
t peocluces (O
,uwucl &not COmponent o Pocucca once
the bed bed tumpeoatuse kept avod t
exces AMOM Ma OUio «act s t t Co to oxm CO and H2
nto9 04 E suactten b o Th&
aLo an undosoahle atde Jgaction
5 whot a s t genasal O9oOMe
eicont ombustdn oa ua?, Descsibe
Amocoth and
and dicum
tha woxing dnes0nt bUnaA Useo ndusaa
Sa he gpnaso aapument J Amoota and eycLnt
CombulLton e o u O
) SuHcient ad and a mixinga
Suiiont ou Ap to theoce
Sullcnt seactont s40sclonce the the a e
Flame tompeoauo.o houtd not be too
A oL Buone a mechanicol douice a k mix ex
w t
wutn ta sutgk amolunt oao beesa blo nd
to a ddlweood
to tho ndion snt a Combuton ehambes
Fual busunu Con be oliao1~ed as
) Con Tupe usneA GunKpe busnJs otQ Ap x
9xa,od o ug toroug the nozzl
Ond sppGyhg t into tte ad A0aM he
smod ttooM miOsopic mu cLs
Mixedu Ouno pcstia, evapootnd beles
ttho Combuutuon chambe.
Pot-tyoe busnos) - In tosAe, t epasat
Thes- a
as Ombusuon

types Pot-type busn , na.ely Nusa atBusune,

Foxcedsalt Busnts ond o v e busunQ9s

n atmosphcoac pot pe busuns Out COuses lto
ouD nto t e buun Notusal r o t busnes o
nautual deot i Foxce
MnoYc a Auppl
mochonucal ons Ound Jox Cumne
Rotosuy Fuol busundsu hee opeoat uoLttu Iao
eu Ond ul dS Auppod
Ond nooLon oM a sctatung dik uig a moo tt
wit conlsulugos ce
nozz buno9 he nozzl Hstatos
at hop &pecd nd & Auppliod teo tt at

e n Oton numbes and uoáu i a sgniicance Houo is

dation inad ? oka s e n d Mns
mpcove 0done NUmbea 2

d G n Numbe oluo co000d Anttkinec Raling, s tte

mca ttL oblt e a D t SaLSE unock
ited a MIxlu0 uutt s tta cndo
intiunol - CombLLUUOn enn
SgniiCGnce An Octno Numbe a Andood maSus a
uiation oltn Capabul
ogamst compsesOn
octa n Numbes , tte meo Compyon ttie
u Con wtila nd becs ddcndting.
The Oclao NUmbe Ú doto9Lmined by com pas tno ,ndoSndd
Tng Comduldonk, kinock iiten t e , tHe c tt
Bxod bands e, too 9LO090nce C ctanc
k c k sCasb knocarg and hopne - i c h knc ck, Scodys
he octone umbe Ma peoCenoqe VoluLma
Oton In TSO Sctan -heõla ne m ixt Matcho03
xa u l beng uslid standa9.d wt - en MO,

The ocaus and moans to m poove Octono numben

oduce qooluno t n odlona

a9o 2 to
he90 uouys
values : a compRox chnologcas methcd u c Coes
cot tta 90u ng peAoduuct Ond a
and Apedol So
t postle t 0CoLve ea A-92 om A-6
and AL 95 om - 92.
doy wsed C nt aans to mCaNe
2) ne M
t a a u e Octona Numbes Considoad to be

MTBE), wuc & a color ad lommake

tbutebuty O
t chasactos Amo0N. MTBE Consdasad
and non- toxicou Ohan addung
D O n &ctane t dtone
asalunie, e
MTee to
o 5
NumbEL about 6-12 onuts

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