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The aim of our project is to create a IOT system that uses various sensors to measure and
monitor the growth of plants inside a greenhouse environment, There are various
parameters like humidity, temperature, soil moisture, light sensor and gas sensor that have
been used to monitor the environment and surrounding of the plant. With the use of
appropriate actuators like sprinklers, air vent controller and lighting mechanisms have been
set up to stimuli a response to the thresholds of the sensors, Additional features which are
included in the system also include storing the in a database, making a collection of the
data base, using the accumulated data, to perform predictions and analytics. This project is

done with the aim to make improvements in the current agricultural practices by making

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use of modern technology and thereby increasing the yield to make the agriculture system

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more efficient. This is the model for a smart Greenhouse system. The aim of it is to enhance

the current agricultural practices being used by the farmers and help them earn more.
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The model reduces the amount of manual inspection required alongside the benefits of a
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greenhouse which include, providing a close and safe structure which can protect the plants
from the extreme weather conditions ultraviolet radiations, wind, hailstorm and insect and
pest attacks. For the irrigation of fields in agriculture it is carried out using an automatic
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drip irrigation, which operated according to the soil moisture threshold which is set before,
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so that optimal amount of water is applied to the plants. Based on the data from a soil
health card, a proper amount of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and minerals are applied
to the crop using a drip system technique. By making the use of ultrasonic sensors, a proper

water management tanks are constructed and are filled with water after measuring the

current water level by making use of an sensor which is ultrasonic, The plants are also
provided with the requisite amount of wavelength during the night by making use of

growing light, The air humidity and temperature are controlled by humidity and
temperature sensors along with a fogger to control the same. Other than that we are
willing to predict whether a plat will exist in a given condition or not. For that we are going
to use data which we receive by the various sensors and use to train a machine learning
model and to predict the existence.

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The structure of a greenhouse consists of walls along with a roof made primarily of material
that is transparent in nature, like glass. Inside of a greenhouse the plants which require a
special regulated condition of the climate are grown. The size of the structure range in size
from sheds which are small to large buildings which are industrial-sized. The greenhouse is
also called as a glasshouse, with large amounts of heating also known as hothouse. The
smaller version of a greenhouse is known as a cold frame. The functioning of a greenhouse
involves the inner part of it to be exposed to sunlight, this part becomes significantly
warmer than the temperature of the outside, this protects the content in the cold weathers
The greenhouse also serve as a high tech facility for production for vegetables, fruits and
flowers. The glasshouses or hothouse are filled up with equipment that includes installation

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for screening, cooling, heating, lighting and can be controlled by a computer to enhance the

conditions of the plant growth. Different techniques are then used to evaluate optimal

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temperature and comfort ratio of the greenhouse in order to reduce production risk before

the cultivation of a specific crop.
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Theory of operation of Green House:

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The higher temperature in a greenhouse occurs because incident solar radiation passes
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through the transparent roof and walls and is absorbed by the floor, earth, and contents,
which become warmer. As the structure of the greenhouse is not open to the atmosphere,
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the warmed air cannot escape via convection, so the temperature inside the greenhouse
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rises. This is different from the earth-oriented theory known as the "greenhouse effect".
The various quantitative studies suggest that the effect of infrared radio active cooling is

not negligibly small, and may have economic implications in a heated greenhouse. The
various analysis of issues of near-infrared radiation in a greenhouse with screens of a high

coefficient of reflection concluded that installation of such screens reduced heat demand
by almost about 8%, and application of dyes to transparent surfaces was suggested. The

Composite lessreflective glass, or less effective but cheaper anti-reflective coated simple
glass, also produced savings.
Enhanced Greenhouse effect:
The problem is faced is that human activities – particularly burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and
natural gas), agriculture and land clearing – are increasing the concentrations of
greenhouse gases. It is due to this is enhanced greenhouse effect, which is contributing to
warming of the Earth.
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In this project, the Design had been aimed data acquisition in greenhouse for multiple
sensors to use data for simulation or processing to achieve the better enhancement of
growth in greenhouse, this data has effect on the climate of greenhouse. A Graphical User
Interfaces (GUI) had been used through LabVIEW, firmware of arduino as software and
arduino board and sensors as hardware. by making use of an arduino mega board provides
multiple inputs analogs and I/O digitals to made read data sensor easy to take temperature,
humidity, CO2 gas, also measuring the soil moisture that needs irrigation plants and the
intensity of lights that applied for greenhouse. These factors have the major effect on
increase in growth of plants as seen from above analysis. Greenhouse environment
monitors different changes to parameters, the system for this purpose had been provided
and given ability to control on climate of greenhouse.
In greenhouse the crop agriculture is higher affected by the surrounding conditions. The
environmental factors have significant affect for the quality and better productivity of the

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plant’s growth are temperature, relative humidity, Lighting, moisture soil, and the CO2

amount in greenhouse. The continuous monitoring of these factors gives relevant

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information pertaining to the individual effects of the various factors towards obtaining

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maximum crop production. An Arduino is an open-source system comprising of electronics
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which provides prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.
It is intended for artists, hobbyists, designers and anyone interested in creating interactive

objects or environments. Arduino can detect and sense the surroundings by receiving input
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signal from different sensors and can affect its environment via controlling heater, Water
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pump, and other actuators.

The AVR Atmega on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language
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(depended on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (depended on

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processing). Arduino projects could be stand-alone or they can communicate with other
software running on a computer. The greenhouse is seen as a multivariable process
presents a nonlinear nature and is influenced by biological processes. The 5 most important

parameters must be considered when design a greenhouse are temperature, relative


humidity, ground water, illumination intensity and CO2 concentration. This parameter is
important to realize that the five parameters mentioned above are nonlinear and extremely
interdependent. The computer control system for the greenhouse involves the various

series of steps:
1. Acquisition of data through sensors.
2. The processing of the data, comparing it with desired states and finally deciding what
must be done to change the state of system.
3. Actuation component carrying out the necessary and desired action.

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After performing the Acquisition of data from the sensors we are using that data to train
our Machine Learning Model and to predict whether a plant can exist or may die with
maximum accuracy via the Decision Tree Approach and can also help us to recognize the
apt temperature,Humidity and Light Intensity required keeping a particular plant alive.


When it comes to watching the hydroponic plants in greenhouses, the farmers usually
experience difficulties because they still do it manually. Activities such as checking the
temperature, air humidity, and also water quality in hydroponic plants by coming directly to
the greenhouse are still ineffective. In this paper “The prototype Of the Greenhouse Smart

Control and Monitoring System in Hydroponic Plants” we use MFT method and an Arduino

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kit along with Humidification Control Testing that can control humidification with an upper

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temperature limit of 35C, the sensors deployed in this paper have a very high accuracy and

hence we have chosen this as our base paper. rs e
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1) In the paper Greenhouse Monitoring System Based on Android Platform by Zhao, R.,
et al. , the authors propose a greenhouse remote monitoring system based on
Internet of Things technology and Android platform, real-time monitoring of

greenhouse environment (temperature, humidity, CO2 content and PH value). The

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framework utilizes the MSP430 microcontroller as the base layer processing chip and
coordinates various sensors and communication modules to form the informational
data securing and control part of the greenhouse. Through the communication
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network, the collected data is transmitted to the PC, the cloud reads the PC
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database, and finally performs data pre-processing and analysis in the cloud. The
android application displays the data on the mobile phone by accessing the cloud


2) IoT-Based Smart Greenhouse Farming System described by Reka, S. S., et al. [2], a

relatively new technology, LoRa, is studied and implemented in a farming scenario.

The prototype model system consists of sensors and actuators which are interfaced
using STM NucleoMbed Board. Additionally, the sensor values will be uploaded into
the Tata server cloud in HEX format and as a JSON string. But to enable easy
comprehension of data, this would be converted to decimal values. This makes it
easier for farmer to the monitor the greenhouse remotely.

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3) In IOT based Automated Greenhouse Monitoring System published by Danita, M., et
al. [3], a formula is derived which defines a threshold value for that greenhouse. The
factors on which this system works include Soil humidity, Air humidity and the
temperature of the greenhouse. The threshold expression proposed is “Temperature
+ (Air Humidity*0.1)”. If the value of this expression exceeds its threshold for a plant,
the sensors in the proposed system will get active to maintain the humidity and

4) In IOT Based Environment change Monitoring & Controlling in Greenhouse using

WSN by Shinde, D., &Siddiqui, N. [4] the authors have presented a specific formula or
expression like the previous paper instead they are using a simple approach. This
paper uses the range method. They have defined the optimum value for a plant that
in this there will be highest growth and if the value exceeds or decrease the actuators
get active. The proposal in the paper turns a conventional greenhouse to a portable

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and little maintenance system to the rural people and especially for low area


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In Internet of Things Based Smart Greenhouse: Remote Monitoring and Automatic
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Control by Ullah, M. W., et al. [5], the authors have proposed a system that monitors
temperature and humidity, soil moisture and takes action according to results. The

systems do not need any kind of human interaction. It also includes a database
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helpful for future analysis and reports. This system is very suitable to be deployed at
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places like the North Pole and winter climate countries where people live but the
plant does not grow due to heavy winter. If this system is used in those countries,
one person can manage multiple Green-houses at a time to grow a vast number of
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plants due to its efficient use of time and automatic controlling capacity. That person
will only need to monitor the condition of the green-houses and fix something that
cannot be fixed by the proposed system such as cutting off any infected leaves of the

plants, uprooting any infected trees, and so on.


6) In the paper IOT Based Smart Greenhouse Automation Using Arduino published by

Shirsath, D. O., et al. [6], the authors have reviewed and developed the proposed
system based on the restriction in the present monitoring system. It also focuses on
the Generic Architecture which can be used for other different Automation
Application. The greenhouse is a building where plants are grown in a controlled
manner. With the technology the proposed system can control and monitor the
multiple Greenhouses using IOT from the central location wirelessly.

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7) Smart Green House Automation Rahul Belsare1 Komal Deshmukh2 Mayuri Patil3
1,2,3Department of Computer Engineering 1,2,3ZES's Dnyanganga College of
Engineering & Research, Narhe, Pune in IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific
Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 03, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613. Smart
Green House Automation is a complete system to monitor and control the
environment parameters inside a greenhouse. It is necessary to design a control
system to monitor various parameters like Temperature, Humidity, Soil moisture,
Light Intensity. Here controlling process takes place effectively by both manual and
automatic manner. This software uses an Android mobile phone for monitoring as
well as controlling green house, connected to a central server which is connected to a
microcontroller via serial communication. Microcontroller communicates with the
variety of sensor modules.

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Several methods are currently in form for Smart Greenhouse Monitoring but they simply
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lack the new technology and the need of IOT, it is been carried out manually or via an
automated system that is programmed do an action if certain conditions are met, but

with the use of IoT in this project we can have sensors to percept from the environment
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and actuators to act on the environment based on conditions best for the system.
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• To automate the monitoring process of the plant inside a greenhouse with respect

to it’s surrounding.

• To ensure that the plant grows in an optimum temperature and if it is too hot or
too cold we can take necessary action.
• To measure greenhouse gases such as CO2 and water vapour sensing. This will

help us to open the shed if too much CO2 is trapped inside and start the air vent
or fan.
• To measure intensity of light inside the greenhouse and fire up the bulb if the
surroundings become dark. to pour water into the soil in case of low moisture

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The sensors will collect data and depending on the threshold value coded for each
sensor, the actuators will be initiated at appropriate time. Also the sensor data will be
sent to the server through the Node MCU from where it can be used for remote
monitoring, visualizations and analytics.

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