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Name: Mary Rose B.

Baron Subject: Readings in Philippine History

Course & Section: BSBA 1-A Date: April 18, 2021

Task Hand:

 Make a timeline of what happened on 27, April 1521 from the point of view of
the Spaniards and another timeline for the natives.


Friday, April 26, 1571 On Friday, 26 th 1521, Zula a chief of the
island of Matan, sent one of his sons to present
two goats to the captain-general, and to say
that he would send him all that he had
promised, but that he had not been able to send
it to him because of the other Chief Cilapulap,
who refused to obey the king of Spagnia.
Because of this Magellan vowed to take out the
ruler who might not perceive the prevalence of
the Spanish crown.

THE NEXT NIGHT The chief of the island Zula, requested to

his captain to send him only one boatload of
men on the next night, so that they might help
him and fight against the other chief. The
captain-general decided to go thither with three
boatloads. They begged him repeatedly to not
to go, but he like a good shepherd, refuses to
abandon his chief men.
AT MIDNIGHT AND BEFORE DAWN At Midnight, 60 men of us set out armed
with corselets and helmets, together with some
of the chief men. They reached Matan three
house before dawn. The captain did not to wish
to fight then, but sent a message to the natives
to effect that if they would obey the king of
Spagnia, recognize the Christian king as their
sovereign, and pay us our tribute, he would be
their Friend; but if they wish otherwise, they
should wait and see their lances wounded.
They replied that if we had lances they had
lances of bamboo and stakes hardened with
fire. They asked us not to proceed to attack
them at once, but to wait until morning, so
that they might have more men. They said that
in order to induce us to go in search of them;
for they had dug certain pit holes filled with
spikes between the houses in order that we
might fall into them.

THE WAR When the morning came, 49 of his leaped

in to the water up to their thighs and walked
through water for more than two crossbow
flights before we could reach the shore. When
the captain saw that those men had formed in
three divisions to the number of more than
1500 persons he formed his into two divisions,
and thus they begin to fight. Seeing that,
Magellan sent some men to burn their houses
in order to terrify them. When they saw their
houses burning, they were roused to greater
fury. Some of our men were killed near the
houses, while we burned twenty or thirty
houses. So many of them rained down upon us
that the captain was shot through the right leg
with poinsoned arrow.
APRIL 27 1521 The warriors of lapulapu, one of the Datus of
Mactan overpowered and defeated a spanish
force fighting for rajah Humabon of cebu
under the command of portugese explorer
Ferdinand Nagellan, who was killed in battle.

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