Airlines System

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Airline reservation and ticketing in a commercial airline company is a project
work aimed at creating a system that will enable traveler’s book their flight by
making reservations. As the world is turning into a global village with almost
every aspect of human endeavor getting computerized, the aviation industries
management is looking forward to making available their flight reservations
online. This project research involves the design and implementation of an airline
reservations aimed at overcoming the undesirable problem associated with the
manual system. Here, we design a computer program that will

_Replace the existing manual system

_Enable travelers to make flight reservation in this project, the implementation

of the computerized system will be carried out using Php, Mysql.

To book a flight the system asks the customer to enter his details such as name,
address, city, state and credit card number and contact number. Then it checks
the validity of card and book the flight and update the airline database. The
system also allows the customer to cancel his/her reservation, if any problem

The main purpose of this software is to reduce the manual errors involved in the
airline reservation process and make it convenient for the customers to book the
flight as when they require such that they can utilize this software to make
reservation, modify reservations or cancel a particular reservation.

The project aims to design an Airline Reservation System application which

enables the customers to search and book flight. Airline Reservations System
contain fare tariffs, passenger reservations and ticket records.


The Airline Reservation System project is an implementation of a general Airline
Ticketing website like OrbitZ, which helps the customers to search the
availability of flights, book and cancel the flight tickets. This project also covers
adding, deleting or modifying the customer details and flights. In general, this
website would be design to perform like any other airline ticketing website
available online.


The purpose of this project is to implement or to design a
database for an airline reservation system to check the flight
details, book and flight tickets. It makes the process of booking
and cancelling flight tickets simple and easy for the passenger.


Normally a person wants to reserve his ticket and he has to contact at nearest
Overseas Travels branch. The Airline Reservation System provides an interface to
schedule flights and reservations for an airline through internet. Its responsibility
is to keep track of system users, customers, Airbus information, flight
information and cancellation.
Airline Reservation System is one the modifications that where carried out in the
Passenger Service System so that the working and availability of Service area can
be broadened. On one hand, it helps the customers and on the others, i8t also
makes the life of the airline service companies easier by keeping all the records
of the passengers and if there is any change in the flight due to some reason, the
passengers are promptly informed. The system is also used by companies to keep
track of user preference of regular travelers so that they can provide better
service and give offers to
In the existing system all the data are stored manually to an excel sheet and filed
accordingly in a filing cabinet.


1) Maintaining safe records.

2) Should be easier to find for a record in the database.

3) The loss of data in any corruption of any files in the system will be avoided due
to any natural case.

4) Minimizing errors of the information recorded in the system while entering to

the system.

5) The new system should be user friendly.

6) Data entry should be fast .

7) There should be a method of keeping the information from unauthorized


Limitations of existing system:-

The existing system involves problems like lack of time consuming ,accuracy, high
cost, security problems, etc .

There are many problems in existing system like:

1) Manpower 4) Complexity

2) High cost 5) Accuracy

3) Time and speed 6) Storing

4) Security
There are many activities that can be computerized in
this widely spread organization. The current context is related to
maintain the ticket Reservation cancel tickets. The important reason
is to make work easy. No need to search a flight register for entry or
any other transaction. Computerization of this must fulfilled the
requirement of working staff due to effective work of computer in
terms of efficiency, speed, accuracy, storage capacity and quickness.
Even though it is recommended the computerization of the ticket
issue process.


 Manual working has to be reduced.
 Results to be received quickly.
 Get accuracy.
 It uses concept of user friendliness.
 It provides using of multiple applications at a time.
 Increase security, speed, storing and accuracy.
 Customer services cannot only be satisfied but also enhanced
to the extent that one can obtain or cancel a reservation from
any branch for any given time.
 To speed up the operation.
 Managing and maintaining data becomes easier.
 Provide convenience to travelers.
of informationAdvantages of proposed
from various branches system:
easier and faster.
o Managing and maintaining data becomes easier and cost effective due to
very high amount and reliability of storage space available in the proposed

o Customer services cannot only be satisfied but also enhanced to the extent
that one can obtain or cancel a reservation from any branch for any given time.


The main limitation of system is if any plan that not stop in a particular
destination that have not been included in airline reservation system.

 Per ticket only one other services are included at a time.

 Passengers cannot transfer his/her reservation from one flight to another



As we have decided to develop a new system now it is time to

determine the new requirement for the new system. As the user is the most
important part of any system it is required to find the users requirements to
develop user friendly system rather than having to develop a developer friendly

The outputs required by the user that must be included into the proposed
system are as follows.

1. The work for the particular user must be personalized.

2. Passport and valid visa are required for ticket booking.



The Entity-Relationship data model is based on a perception of a real world that

consists of a collection of basic objects called entities and of relationships among
these objects. An entity is an “object” in the real world that is distinguishable
from other objects. For example –each customer is an entity and rooms can be
considered to be entities and rooms can be considered to be entities.

The logical structure of a database can be expressed graphically by an Er diagram

consists of the following major components.

An entity is an object in the real world that is distinguishable from all other
objects. An entity set is a set of entities of the same type that share the same

Weak entity:-

An entity set may or may not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key is
termed as a weak entity.


Attribute are descriptive properties processed by each member of an entity.

Key Attribute:-

A key attribute is the unique, distinguishing characteristics of the entity. For

example, guest id might be the guest’s key attribute
Multivalued Attribute:-

In an instance were an attribute have a set of values for a specific entity is called
multivalued attribute.

Derived Attribute :-

In these attributes the value can be derived from the va;ues of other related


A relationship is an association among several entities

Recursive Relationship:-

In some cases, entities can be self-linked. For example, employees can supervise
other employees in a hotel.

Guidelines for ER-diagrams:-

 Unnecessary attributes should not be introduced .

 Entities should be merged with common attributes .
 A complex entity should be simplified by decomposing a complex attribute
into sub attributes.
 We should generalize or specialize wherever possible and appropriate.
Generalization is the result of taking the union of several lower entity sets
to produce higher level entity set.

[Enter username and password]

Get details

Error [Submit]
Validate data

No Yes
Rejected Accepted


Phone no Booking id

One way
Username address
Email id Return



Card type Expiry date

CVV no
Card no

Card holder
Data flow diagram (DFD):-


A DFD, in simple words in a hierarchical graphical model of a system that shows

the different processing activities or functions that the system performs and the
data interchange among these functions.

In the DFD terminology, it is useful to consider each function as a process that

consumes simple input data and reduces some output data.

The DFD (also known as the bubble chart is a simple graphical formalism that
can be used to represent a system in terms of the input data to the system,
various processing carried out on these data, and the output data generated by
the system) The main reason by the DFD technique is so popular is probably
because of the fact that DFD is the very simple formalism-it is simple to
understand and use. A DFD model uses a very limited number of primitive
symbols to represent the functions performed by a system and the data flow
among these functions. Starting with a set of high level functions that a system
performs, a DFD model hierarchically represents various sub functions. In fact
any hierarchical model is simple to understand. Human mind is such that it can
easily understand any hierarchical model of a system-because in a hierarchical
model , starting with a very simple and abstact model of a system; different
details of the system can be slowly introduced through different hierarchies.

Context Diagram:-

A special data flow diagram (DFD) known as context diagram that represents an
entire system as a single process and highlights the interfaces between the
system and the outside entities.

Need of DFD:-
DFD aims to capture the transformation that takes place within a system to the
input data so that eventually output is produced. It makes easier to understand
the flow of data.

Primitive symbols used for constructing DFDs

External entity symbol

External entity such as a manager, customer, etc. is represented by a rectangle.

The external entities are essentially those physical entities external to the
software system, which interact with the system by inputting data to the system
or by consuming the data produced by the system or by the consuming he data
produced by the system. In addition to the human users, the external entities
symbols can be used to represent external hardware and software such as
application software,



Data flow symbol

A directed arc or an arrow is used as a data flow symbol. A data flow symbol
represents the data flow occurring between two processes, or between an
external entity and a process, in the external of the data flow arrow. Data flow
symbols are usually annotated with the corresponding data names.

Data flow

Data store symbol:-

A data store symbol represents a logical file. It is represented using two parallel
lines. A logical file can represent either a data store symbol which can represent
either a data structure or a physical file on disk. Each data store is connected to a
process by means of data flow symbol. The direction of the data flow arrow
shows whether data is being read from or written into a data store. An arrow
flowing in or out of a data implicitly represents the entire data of the data store
and hence arrows connecting to a data store need not to be annotated with the
name of the corresponding data items

DFD For Admin Login :-

After entering to the home page of the website, admin can choose the Admin
Login option where they are asked to enter username &password, and if he/she
is a valid user then admin login page will be displayed.



DFD for User Login:-

After entering to the home page of the website, student can choose the USER
LOGIN option where they are asked to enter the username & password , and if
he/she is a valid user then a user login page will be displayed.










Generate Passenger
Passenger Reservation
Reservation Report

Generate Airlines Booking

Airline Booking Management Report

Airline Generate Passenger Report

Passenger Management Booking

Ticket Booking Management Generate ticket booking Report

Airline Enquiry Management
Check booking Enquiry

Generate Airline Enquiry


First Level DFD- Airline Booking System

Software and Hardware Requirements:-

Hardware Requirement :-

Processor :- Intel Core Duo 2.0 GHz or more

RAM :- 1 GB or more
Harddisk :- 80 gb or more
Monitor :- 15”
Keyboard :- Normel or Multimedia
Mouse :- Compatible mouse

Software Requirement:-
Front End : HTML(Hypertext markup Language)
CSS(Cascading Sytle Sheet)
PHP(Hypertext Pre Processor)
Back End : MySQL
Integrated Software :-WAMP or XAMPP
Operating System : Windows 10 Home


The front end is an interface between the user and the back end. The front and
back ends may be distributed amongst one or more systems.

In network computing, front end can refer to any hardware that optimizes or
protects network traffic. It is called application front end hardware because it is
placed on the network’s outward-facing front end or bondary. Network traffic
passes through the front end hardware before entering the network.

In compliers, the front end translates a computer programming source code into
an intermediate representation , and the back end work with the intermediate
representation to produce code computer output language. The back end
usaually optimizes to produce code that runs faster. The Front –end/Back-end
distinction can separate the parser section that deals with the source code and
the back end that generates code optimizes.
These days, front end development refers to the part of the web users interact
with. In the past web development consisted of people who worked with
Photoshop and those who could code HTML and CSS. Now, development need a
handle of programs like photoshop and be able to code not only in HTML and
CSS, but also Javascript or jquery, which is comiled library of javaScript.

Most of everything you see on any website is a mixture of HTML,CSS, and

Javascript , which are all controlled by the browser. For example, if you’re using
Google Chrome or Firefox, then browser is what translates all the code in a
manner for you to see and with which to interact such as fonts, colors, drop-
down menus, sliders, forms, etc. In order for all of this to work though, there has
to be something to support the front end is where the backend comes into play.


The query cache plugin is implemented as a PHP extension. It is wriiten in c

operates under the hood of PHP. During the startup of the PHP intrepreter, it
gets registered as a mysqlnd plugin to replace selected mysqlnd c methods
.Hereby, it can change the behaviour of any PHP extension(mysli,PDO_MYSQL,
mysql) compiled to use the mysqlnd library without without changing the
extensions API. This makes the plugin compatible with each and every PHP
MySQL application. Because existing APIs are not changed, it is almost
transparent to use. Please, see the mysqlnd plugin API description for a
discussion of the advantages of the plugin archietecture and a comparision with
proxy based solutions.

At PHP run time PECL/mysqlnd_qc can proxy queries send from PHP(mysqlnd) to
the MySQL server. It then inspects the statement string to find whether it shall
cache its results. If so, result set is cached using a storage handler and further
executions of the statement are served from the cache for user-defined period.
The Time to live (TTL) of the cache entry can eitherbe the globally or on a per
statement basis.

A statement is either cached if the plugin is instructed to cache all statements

globally using a or, if the query string starts with the SQL hint. The plugin is
capable of cachingany query issued by calling appropriate APPI calls of any the
existing PHP MYSQL extensions.


Various storage handler are supported to the offer different scopes for cache
entries . Different scopes allow for different degrees in shring cache entries
among clients.

 Default(built-in): process memory ,scope: process, one or more web

requests depending on PHP DEPLOYMENT MODEL USED
 APC: shared memory ,scope:single server,multiple web requests
 SQLite: memory , scpoe , single server or multiple web requests.

Built-in slam defence to avoid overloading

To avoid overload situations the cache plugin has a built-in slam defence
mechanism. If popular cache entries many clients using the cache entries will
try to refresh many clients may access the dadtabase server concurrently. In
the worst case, the database server becomes overloaded and it takes more
and more time to refresh the cache entry , which in turn lets more and more

Clients try to refresh the cache entry. To prevent this from happening tplugin has
a slam defence mechanism. If slsm defence is enabled and the plugin detects an
expired cache entry it extends the life time of the cache entry before itrefereshes
the cache entry. This wat other concurrent accceses to not trigger a concurrent
acceses to the expired cache entry are still served from the cache for a certain
time. The other concurrent accesse to not trigger a concurrentrefresh.




Testing is the process of executing then programs with the intention of finding
out errors. During the process, the project is executed with set of test and the
output of the website is evaluated to determine if the project is performing as
executed. Testing makes a logical assumption that if all the parts of the module
are correct then goal will be successfully achieved. Testing includes after the
completion of the coding phase. The project was tested from the very beginning
and also at each step by entering different types of data. In the testing phase
some mistakes were found, which did not come to knowledge at the time of
coding the project. Then changes were made in the project coding so that it may
take all the relevant data and gives the required result. All the forms were tested
one by one and made all the required changes.

Testing is vital to the success of the system. Testing makes a logical assumption
that if all the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully
achieved. A small system error can conceivably axplode into a much larger
problem. Effective testing early in the process translates directly into long-term
cost savings from a reduced number of errors. For the verification and validation
of data various-testing tasks are performed.


The aim of testing process is to identify all the defects in the website. It is not
practical to test the website with respect to each value that the input request
data may assume. Testing provides practical way of reducing defect in the
website and increasing the user’s confidence in a developed system. Testing
consist of subjecting the website to a set of test inputs and observing if the
program behaves as expected. If the program fails to Testing behaves as
expected then condition under which failure occurs are noted for later debugging
and correction. The following things are associated with testing.

Failure is a manifestation of an error. But the more presence of an error may not
necessarily lead in a failure. A test case is the triplet[I, S, O] where I am data input
to the system. S is the state of system at which the data is input, O is the
expected output of the system a test site is the set of all test cases with which a
given software product is to be tested.


Here the system is the black box whose behaviour is determined by studying its
inputs and related outputs. The key problem is to select the inputs that have a
huge probability of being members of a set in many case, the selection of these
cases is based on the previous studies.


A great deal can be learnt about the strength and the limitation of the
application by examine the manner in which the system breaks. This type of
testing has two limitations.

It tests failure behaviour of the system circumstances may arise through an

unexpressed combination of events where the node placed on the system
exceeds the maximum anticipated load.

The structure of the each module was checked at every step. Some structures
were firstly wrong, which came to notice at the time of connectivity.

In unit testing the entire individual functions and modules were tested
independently. By following this strategy all the error In coding were identified
and corrected. This method was applied in combination with the white and black
box testing techniques to find the error in each module.

Unit testing is normally considered an adjunct to the coding step. Unit test case
design was started after source level code had been developed, reviewed, and
verified for correct syntax. A review of design information provides guidance for
establishing test cases that were likely to uncover errors in each of the categories
discussed above. Each test was coupled with a set of expected results.


This form is used for log in of administrator of the system. In this we enter the
user name and password if both are correct administartion page will open
otherwise if any of the data I wrong it will get redirected back to the login page
and and again ask for username and password.


TEST FOR USER LOGIN FORM: This form is used for login of user. In this we enter
the, username and password if all these are correct user login page will open
otherwise if any of the data is wrong it will get redirected back to the login page
and again ask for username and password.

TEST FOR ACCOUNT CREATION: This form is used for the new account creation
when user does not fill the form completely it ask again to fill whole form when
he fill the form fully it gets redirected to page which show waiting for
conformation message as his data will be only added by administrator after

Integrity phases the entire module using the bottom-up approach and test them.
Integrity testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure
while at the same time conducting test to uncover errors associated with
interfacing. The objective was to take unit tested modules and build a program
structure that has been dictated by design.

The testing strategy has two different approaches namely the top-down
approach in which the integration is carried out the top-level module to the
bottom-up approach in which the integration is carried out from the low-level
module to the top.

The modules were tested using this bottom-up by introducing stubs for the top-
level functions. This test was used to identify the errors in the interfaces, the
errors in passing the parameters between the functions and to correct them.


In black box testing the structure of the program is not considered. Test cases are
decided solely on the basis of requirements or specifications of the program or
module, and the consideration foe selection of test classes. In this section, we
will present some techniques for generating test cases for black-box testing. In
black- box testing, the testing only knows the input that can be given to the
system and what output the system can give. In other words the basis for
deciding test case in functional testing is the requirement or specification of the
system module. This form of testing is obvious functional or behavioural testing.

The most obvious functional testing procedure Is exhaustive testing, which as we

have stated, is empirical. One criterion for generating test causes is to strategy
has little chance of resulting in a set of test cases that is closed to optimal (i.e.
that detects the maximum with the minimum test cases). Hence we need some
other criterion or rule for selecting test cases. There are no formal rules for
designing test cases for functional testing. In fact there are no precise criteria for
selecting test cases however some of these techniques.

Black-box testing is concerned with functionality rather then implementation of

the program. On the other hand, white-box testing is concerned with testing
implementation of the program. The intent of this testing is not to exercise all
the different input or output conditions (although that may be biproducts) but to
exercise the different programming structures and data structures used in the
program. White-box is also called structure testing and we will use the two terms
interchangeably to test the structures of the program, structural testing aims to
achieve test cases that force the desired coverage od different structures various
criteria have been proposed for this . Unlike the criteria for functional testing
which are frequently imprecise, the criteria for structural testing re generally
quite precise as they are based on program structures, which are formal and

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