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The upper Berth

F. Marion Crawford

Level: elementary
Genre: horror
Length: shortest
English: british

The man Brisbane tell the history, which is happened with him, when
he had to travelling on his favourite ship named “Kamtschatka”.
Ofcourse, after when you’ll have known this story, you’d understand
why Brisbane don’t sailing on it anymore. But at that time, in hot
summer he came on his cabin number 105, he was going to America.
Our hero noticed strange behavior of the steward. And Brisbane
thought that steward was drunk. In this cabin he had a companion.
But he went out the cabin at night with screaming and anybody didn’t
saw him after it. Next day shep’s doctor invited Brisbane to live in
his room, when he inquired about the number of his room. And told
to Brisbane that three man who lived there were dead. Brisbane
decided to consider this mystery.

Total words: 2511

Unique words: 532

Words, you might not know:

berth, superstition, hook, deck, obstinate, carpenter, screw, haunt, putrid.

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