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Ragas, Realyn L.

Danica,Fallaria F.
My Lost Hopes
(Urinary System, Digestive System and Nervous System)

I'm walking home from school on a drizzly afternoon. My grandma was in her bed. She
responded that she isn’t feeling well when I asked if she was okay or if she was unwell.
She began to tell me about what happened while I was at school. Her head collided with
a large stone as she fell down while taking a bath. A little bump appears in the part of her
forehead as time passes. We went to the hospital to consult a doctor about her condition
because the lump is getting bigger and bigger everyday A biopsy revealed that the tumor
was filled with watery sweat. Her lump has grown in size over the last two years, so we
decided to bring her to Manila to find out what's going on. She was supposed to have
surgery in 2015, but she didn't want to do it, so she returned to Oriental Mindoro. My
grandmother is a really nice and helpful woman, and our life together is extremely
enjoyable. When her sister was admitted to the hospital with a urinary tract infection
(U.T.I). These are common diseases that
occur when bacteria enter the urethra
and infect the urinary tract, usually
through the skin or the rectum. The
infections can affect any region of the
urinary tract, although the bladder
infection is the most prevalent. She used
to assist her sister with hospital costs and
even personal necessities in the family.
My grandmother is a really thoughtful
person. On a bright and sunny morning, I
asked her why she continues to assist
those in need when she herself requires
assistance. "So that if I'm ever in their
situation, they won't hesitate to help me,
and of course, we're family," she
explained. That day, I felt proud to have
such a wonderful grandmother. I began
to have dreams about her and my family, as well as other people in my immediate vicinity.
We have visitors on Saturday evening. They are our relatives from Manila. My
grandma, and Shane’s grandparents talks about their life experiences together. Shane is
my cousin, and I went outside our
house to reminisce about our lives.
Daniella arrived while we were
conversing. Daniella, by the way, has
been my bestfriend since elementary
school and is like a sister to me. I
introduced them to one another, and
we get along swimmingly. We're
discussing our aspirations, life
experiences, and shared pals. Shane
began to feel a gnawing pain in her
upper stomach while we were
together. She was also turning pale,
so I dashed over to her grandparents
and told them what had happened.
They gave her antacids and fed her
small amount of foods. After a while,
I discovered she had an ulcer.
Helicobacter pylori or nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory medications are the most common causes of stomach ulcers. These
can weaken the stomach's defenses against the acid it produces to digest food, causing
damage to the stomach lining and the formation of an ulcer. That day, Daniella and I
understood how eating healthy foods at the correct times benefits our digestive systems.
Shane and her grandparents decided to relax in our home after what transpired. We ate
breakfast together on Monday morning, and they decided to go to their house. My
grandma and I left inside our home and spent time together.
My grandmother began to experience
headaches, seizures, and visual
difficulties after five years. She is
unable to sleep due to her feelings,
which is why she has decided to speak
with my aunts and uncles. She is
determined to return to the hospital and
be examined by her doctors this time.
We discovered that the bump had
turned into a brain tumor . It is a mass
of abnormal cells in a person's brain is
known as a glioma. The brain tumor is
encased in a very hard skull. Any
internal growth, such as a lack of space,
can cause issues. It is possible for a
brain tumor to be cancerous
(malignant) or non-cancerous (benign).
My grandmother's lump on her skull is
non-cancerous, according to the
doctor. My grandmother's brain tumor is non-cancerous, according to the doctor who
examined her. Nonetheless, an operation is required because the tumor has grown to six
times its previous size and is affecting her skull. My family and I were all taken aback by
the news, but we remain hopeful that she will recover. She went into the operating room
on Monday morning, and the first procedure went well. On Wednesday, she was set for
her second surgery. Her second operation went well, but five minutes later, while her
doctor was speaking with us, something unexpected happened. The alarm went off, and
when the doctor emerged from the operating room, she informed us of some shocking
news. Grandmother died. . .

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