NCP3 Question Bank

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The four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and
a) bioethics b. logic c. aesthetics d. categorical logic

‘Existence precedes essence’ is a famous dictum by

a) Sartre b)Camus c) Jaspers d) Kierkegaard

As a student, you feel free to disagree with your professor in a class. You are most likely living
in a cultural environment of
a) an individualist b) collectivist c)a feminine d) all the above

The belief that individuals are entirely free and must take personal responsibility for
themselves.a) Existentialism b) Hermeneutics c) Phenomenology d) Materialism

The study of reality in the broadest sense, an inquiry into the elemental nature of the universe
and the things in it, is known as
a) metaphysics b. epistemology c. quantum physics d. axiology

Questions like “What is knowledge?” and “What is truth?” are mainstays in the branch of
philosophy known as
a) logic b. metaphysics c. epistemology d. aesthetics

Spinoza’s metaphysical position is known as

a) Materialism b) Dualism c) Pluralism d) Monism

Who is regarded as the father of modern Empiricism?

a) John Locke b) David Hume c) Rene Descartes d) Immanuel Kant

Who rejected the concept of Innate Ideas?

a) Rene Descartes b) John Locke c) Spinoza d) None of these

The theory of Innate Ideas was first propounded by

a) John Locke b) Spinoza c) Descartes d) David Hume

For Socrates, an unexamined life is a tragedy because it results in grievous harm to

. a. the state b. the justice system c. the body d. the soul

Who said, “ Accept nothing as true which we do not perceive clearly and distinctly”
a) Descartes ( b ) Spinoza ( c ) Leibniz ( d) Kant

Which is said to be the origin of Philosophy?

a) Greed( b ) Wonder ( c) Fear( d ) None of these

Dogmatism is a philosophical tenet often used to refer to matters related to

a) Religion b) politics c) philosophical doctrines d) All of these
Charles Pierce, William James and John Dewy are prominent advocates of
a) Coherence theory c) Correspondence theory b) Pragmatic theory d) None of these

For Socrates, the soul is harmed by lack of

a) knowledge b. wealth c. community d. courage

Question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover

the truth is known as.
a. an argument b. the Socratic method c. the Socratic jest d. a debate

The literal meaning of philosophy is

a) Love of Wisdom (b) Love of Knowledge (c) Love of truth (d) Love of God

The branch of philosophy which deals with knowledge is called

a) Epistemology b) Axiology c) Metaphysics d) Sociology

The philosophical methods include

a) Induction (b) Dialectical (c) Deduction` (d) All of the above

Philosophy is the interpretation of

a) Life, its value and meaning (b) Subconscious mind (c) Financial viability (b) Affairs of

Which of the following insists on a a priori knowledge.

a) Positivism (b ) Empiricism ( c) Rationalism ( d ) None of these

The problem of Universals was first introduced into philosophy by

a) Aquinas b) Aristotle c ) Plato d) Kant

The study of the origin and development of the universe is known as

a) Ontology ( b ) Cosmology ( c ) Zoology d) Astronomy

According to the correspondence theory of truth, a proposition is true when it agrees with
a) Reality b) Beliefs c) Thoughts d) Perceptions

The famous statement “An unexamined life is not worth living” is attributed to
a) Aristotle b. John Locke c. Socrates d. Plato

——— is a Skeptic.
( a ) David Hume( b )Emmanuel Kant ( c ) Hegel( d) None of these

Major proponent of atheistic existentialism.

a) Kierkegaard b) Husserl c) Sartre d) Heidegger
Who rejected the approach of most philosophers since Descartes, who had been trying to prove
the existence of the external world?
a) Locke b) Berkley c) Kant d) Heidegger

A representative of pluralism.
a) Spinoza b) Fitche c) Descartes d) Leibnitz

The doctrine that human knowledge is founded on the realities or appearances presented to the
a) Phenomenalism b) Existentialism c) Hermeneutics d) Structuralism

The philosophical area which deals with the problem of Being is called
a) Axiology b) epistemology c) Materialism d) ontology

The ontological position that recognizes the one ultimate reality as matter.
a) Materialism b) Spiritualism c) Monism d) Idealism

EsseestPercipi is the concept of

( a ) Rene Descartes ( b ) Benedict Spinoza ( c ) George Berkeley( d ) Francis Bacon

The metaphysical view that there are many realities is known as

( a )Dualism ( b ) pluralism ( c ) Monism ( d ) Non-dualism

. The theory that holds reason as the source of knowledge is

( a ) Idealism( b )Rationalism ( c ) Empiricism( d ) None of the above

Who argues that objects do not exist independent of mind?

a) Materialists b) Realists c) Objectivists d) Idealists

Tabula rasa is the concept of

a) Idealism b) Cosmology c) Empiricism d) Pluralism

According to dualism, Reality is

a) Twofold b) Many c) One d) Indivisible

Father of idealism.
a) Plato b) Marx c) Engels d) None of these

Who among the following is a Monist

a) Spinoza b) Descartes c) Leibnitz d) All these

The famous statement “An unexamined life is not worth living” is attributed to
a. Aristotle b. John Locke c. Socrates d. Plato

Esse est Percipi is the concept of

a) Rene Descartes ( b ) Benedict Spinoza ( c ) ) George Berkeley( d ) Francis Bacon
The metaphysical view that there are many realities is known as
a) Dualism ( b ) pluralism ( c ) Monism ( d ) Non-dualism

The theory that holds reason as the source of knowledge is

a) Idealism( b )Rationalism ( c ) Empiricism( d ) None of the above

The science of values is known as

a) Axiology(b ) Sociology ( b )Ontology( d ) Cosmology

Ancient Skepticism is also known as

a) pyrrhonism( b ) Positivism ( c ) Materialism( d ) Idealism

The Greek word Pragma means

a) Truth( b )Act or deed ( c ) Utility( d ) Beauty

The author of Republic

a) Socrates( b )Descartes (c) Plato(d)Hume

The metaphysical view that there is one ultimate reality is called

a) Dualism( b )Pluralism ( c ) Monism( d ) None of these

The two branches of Metaphysics are

a) Religion and Theology( b ) Rationalism and Empiricism ( c ) Ontology and Cosmology(
d ) Materialism and Spiritualism

The founder of Positivism is

( a ) Saint Simon( b ) C. S Pierce ( c ) August Comte( d )Francis Bacon

The author of Novum Organum is

( a ) Rene Descartes(b ) Lemnitzer ( c ) John Dewey(d ) Francis Bacon

The science of values is known as

( a ) Axiology(b ) Sociology ( b )Ontology( d ) Cosmology

Early Skepticism is also known as

( a ) pyrrhonism( b ) Positivism ( c ) Materialism( d ) Idealism

The Greek word Pragma means

( a) Truth( b )Act or deed ( c ) Utility( d ) Beauty

The author of Republic

( a ) Socrates( b )Descartes (c) Plato(d)Hume

The metaphysical view that there is one ultimate reality is called

( a ) Dualism( b )Pluralism ( c ) Monism( d ) None of these
Epistemology studies
( a ) Origin of knowledge( b ) Validity of knowledge (c Nature of knowledge (d)all the

The two branches of Metaphysics are

( a ) Religion and Theology( b ) Rationalism and Empiricism ( c ) Ontology and Cosmology(
d ) Materialism and Spiritualism

Ethics is a
a) Positive science (b) Normative science (c) Descriptive science(d) None of these

———- seeks to clarify and refine the process of knowing

(a) Epistemology (b) Axiology (c) Metaphysics (d) Ethics

———— insists on a a priori knowledge

. (a) Positivism (b ) Empiricism ( c) Rationalism ( d ) None of these

———— was written by Kant ( a ) Novum Organum ( b ) Republic ( c ) Critique of Pure Reason

Ontology deals with

( a ) Matter b) physics( c ) Being d) Beauty

Who said ? Philosophy is the Science of sciences

( a ) Plato ( b ) Voltaire ( c ) August’s Comte ( d ) Russell

According to Skepticism knowledge is ———-

( a ) Certain ( b ) Possible ( c ) Uncertain ( d ) None of these

50..The problem of Universals was first introduced into philosophy by:

( a ) Aquinas b)Kant ( c ) Plato d) Berkeley

. “Tabula rasa” is the term coined by:

( a ) John Locke ( c ) Socrates

The father of Modern philosophy :

( a ) Descartes ( b ) Thales ( c ) Aristotle ( d ) Francis Bacon

The most original contribution of Americans thought at the end of nineteenth century:
( a ) Pragmatism ( b ) Positivism ( c ) Empiricism ( d ) Rationalism

Who is a philosopher, in the original sense of the word?

( a ) A person primarily interested in the truth about moral matters. ( b ) Someone who
studies the stars and planets. ( c ) A clever and tricky argues. ( d ) A lover and pursuer of
wisdom, regardless of the subject matter
.Descartes was a ———thinker
( a ) Emperical( b) Rational ( C ) Materialistic ( d ) Idealistic

The study of the origin and development of the universe is known a

( a ) Ontology ( b ) Cosmology ( c ) Zoology

Who is the father of existentialism?

( a ) Soren Kierkegaard. ( b ) Camus ( c ) Sartre ( d ) Heidegger

.——— Introduced the term Aesthetics

( a ) Kant ( b ) Hegel ( c ) Baumgarten( d ) Aristotle

Socratic method is
( a ) Skeptical ( b ) Conceptual ( c ) Conversational( d )All of these

.Who said “ Accept nothing as true which we do not perceive clearly and distinctly
( a ) Descartes ( b ) Spinoza ( c ) Leibniz ( d) Kant

.——— is said to be the origin of Philosophy

( a) Greed( b ) Wonder ( c) Fear( d ) None of these

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