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User Manual Contents


1 Overview......................................................................................................................................1-1
2 Requirements on Configuration Personnel..........................................................................2-1
2.1 Professional Knowledge and Skills.................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Knowledge of the iGWB and Networking......................................................................................................2-2
2.3 Skills in Operating the Devices.......................................................................................................................2-2

3 Procedure for Configuring the Parameters...........................................................................3-1

4 Configuration Plan.....................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Obtaining the Networking Information ..........................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Obtaining Information About Functions.........................................................................................................4-7
4.3 Obtaining the Device Information...................................................................................................................4-9
4.4 Planning the Parameter Configuration .........................................................................................................4-10

5 Preparations.................................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 iGWB Parameter Config Console...................................................................................................................5-2
5.2 Checklist..........................................................................................................................................................5-7

6 Configuring the iGWB Client..................................................................................................6-1

6.1 Configuring the Server List.............................................................................................................................6-2
6.2 Changing the Password of the config User.....................................................................................................6-4
6.3 Setting the Parameters of the iGWB Client....................................................................................................6-5

7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server...............................................................................7-1

7.1 Procedure of the Basic Configuration.............................................................................................................7-3
7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config Console......................................................................................7-5
7.3 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server......................................................................................7-6
7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB..................................................................................................................7-7
7.4.1 Basic Knowledge....................................................................................................................................7-7
7.4.2 Configuring the Runtime Priority in a Two-Node iGWB....................................................................7-10
7.4.3 Configuring the Heartbeat....................................................................................................................7-14
7.4.4 Configuring User Information Synchronization in a Two-Node iGWB..............................................7-18
7.4.5 Configuring Virtual IP Addresses........................................................................................................7-21
7.5 Configuring a Connection Between the iGWB Server and the iGWB Client...............................................7-31
7.5.1 Basic Knowledge..................................................................................................................................7-31
7.5.2 Configuring a Connection Between the iGWB Server and the iGWB Client......................................7-33

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Contents User Manual

7.6 Configuring the Alarms.................................................................................................................................7-34

7.7 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process CDRs.................................................................................7-40
7.7.1 Basic Knowledge..................................................................................................................................7-40
7.7.2 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from the SOFTX3000..............................7-42
7.7.3 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from the MediaX3600..............................7-50
7.7.4 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from the UMG8900.................................7-58
7.8 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files...................................................................................7-69
7.8.1 Basic Knowledge..................................................................................................................................7-70
7.8.2 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files in Pull Mode....................................................7-72
7.8.3 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files in Push Mode...................................................7-73
7.9 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server................................................................7-79
7.9.1 Basic Knowledge of the Processes on the iGWB Server.....................................................................7-79
7.9.2 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server.......................................................7-81
7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB Server..........................................................................7-83
7.11 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Primary iGWB Server..................................................................7-89
7.12 Checking the Basic Parameter Settings of the iGWB Server......................................................................7-91
7.12.1 Checking the Process Status of the iGWB Server..............................................................................7-91
7.12.2 Checking the Services of the iGWB Server.......................................................................................7-93
7.12.3 Checking the Connection to the iGWB Client...................................................................................7-94
7.12.4 Checking the Heartbeat Connection...................................................................................................7-95
7.12.5 Checking the Switchover of the iGWB..............................................................................................7-96
7.12.6 Checking the Receiving and Processing of the Original CDR Files..................................................7-97
7.12.7 Checking the Function of Sending Final CDRs.................................................................................7-99

8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server...............................................8-1

8.1 Procedure of the Advanced Configuration......................................................................................................8-2
8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server......................................................................................8-3
8.3 Backing up CDR files through a network ......................................................................................................8-3
8.3.1 Basic Knowledge....................................................................................................................................8-6
8.3.2 Configuring the iGWB to Back Up CDR Files to a Third-Party Server................................................8-6
8.4 Customizing a Storage Period of CDR Files.................................................................................................8-15
8.4.1 Basic Knowledge..................................................................................................................................8-16
8.4.2 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for Original CDR Files ..............................................................8-17
8.4.3 Configuring the Storage Period of Original CDR Files According to the Disk Space........................8-22
8.4.4 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for Original CDR Files and the First Copies of Final CDR Files
8.4.5 Configuring the Storage Period of the First Copies of Final CDR Files According to the Disk Space
8.4.6 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for the Second Copies of Final CDR Files ................................8-33
8.5 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Generating final CDR files...........................................................8-37
8.5.1 Basic Knowledge..................................................................................................................................8-38
8.5.2 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the Generation Interval of CDR Files.........8-39
8.5.3 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the size of each CDR file............................8-44
8.5.4 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the Date.......................................................8-48

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User Manual Contents

8.5.5 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files at Specified Times...........................................8-53
8.5.6 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the Number of the CDRs in a CDR File.....8-57
8.6 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Name Final CDR Files..................................................................8-62
8.6.1 Basic Knowledge..................................................................................................................................8-64
8.6.2 Configuring the iGWB to Add Office Information to the Names of Final CDR Files........................8-64
8.6.3 Configuring the iGWB to Add Time Information to the Names of Final CDR Files..........................8-72
8.6.4 Configuring the iGWB to Add the Number of the CDRs in Each Final CDR File to the Names of Final
CDR Files......................................................................................................................................................8-79
8.7 Customizing Compressing CDR files...........................................................................................................8-85
8.7.1 Basic Knowledge..................................................................................................................................8-86
8.7.2 Configuring the iGWB to Compress Original CDR Files ...................................................................8-87
8.7.3 Configuring the iGWB to Compress the First Copies of Final CDR Files..........................................8-93
8.7.4 Configuring the iGWB to Compress the Second Copies of Final CDR Files......................................8-97

9 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server..........................................................9-1

10 Rollback of the Parameter Settings of the iGWB Server................................................10-1
10.1 Retrieving the Current Parameter Settings..................................................................................................10-3
10.2 Rolling Back to the Lastly Right Save........................................................................................................10-3
10.3 Rolling Back to the Backed Up Parameter Settings....................................................................................10-4
10.4 Rolling Back to the Factory Parameter Settings.........................................................................................10-4

11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server......................................................................11-1

11.1 Instance of Configuring the Basic Functions of the iGWB Server.............................................................11-2
11.1.1 Required Information.........................................................................................................................11-2
11.1.2 Configuration Plan ............................................................................................................................11-6
11.1.3 Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File....................................................................11-9
11.2 Instance of Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server....................................................11-20
11.2.1 Required Information.......................................................................................................................11-20
11.2.2 Configuration Plan ..........................................................................................................................11-26
11.2.3 Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File..................................................................11-31

12 FAQ...........................................................................................................................................12-1
12.1 Why I Cannot Log In to the iGWB Client?................................................................................................12-2
12.2 Why the Modified Parameter Settings of a iGWB Server do not take effect?............................................12-2
12.3 Can I Edit the igwb.ini File with a Text Editor?.........................................................................................12-2
12.4 Can I Complete Basic Configuration and Advanced Configuration at a Time?.........................................12-2
12.5 Can I Load the igwb.ini File of Another Office?........................................................................................12-3
12.6 Can I Initialize the Final CDR File Name?.................................................................................................12-3

13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server.........................................................................13-1

13.1 Parameters in Alphabetic Order..................................................................................................................13-2
13.2 Parameters by Function...............................................................................................................................13-7
13.2.1 Parameters for Managing the Two-Node iGWB Servers...................................................................13-8
13.2.2 Parameters of the iGWB Client..........................................................................................................13-9
13.2.3 Alarm Parameters...............................................................................................................................13-9

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Contents User Manual

13.2.4 Parameters for Receiving and Sending CDR Files............................................................................13-9

13.2.5 Parameters for Caching CDR Files..................................................................................................13-10
13.2.6 Parameters for Generating Final CDR Files....................................................................................13-11
13.2.7 Parameters for Managing the Names of Final CDR Files................................................................13-11
13.2.8 Parameters for the iGWB to Back Up CDR Files Through Network..............................................13-11
13.2.9 Parameters for the iGWB to Control the CDR Backup Time..........................................................13-12
13.2.10 Parameters for the iGWB to Compress Backed Up CDR Files Through Network.......................13-12
13.2.11 Parameters for the Meter CDRs ....................................................................................................13-13
13.2.12 Parameters for Call log...................................................................................................................13-13
13.3 Parameter List...........................................................................................................................................13-13
13.3.1 AccessPoint%d Section..................................................................................................................13-14
13.3.2 BS Section .......................................................................................................................................13-36
13.3.3 BSTask%d Section ........................................................................................................................13-37
13.3.4 BSList%d Section ..........................................................................................................................13-39
13.3.5 BackupTask%d Section ................................................................................................................13-40
13.3.6 Channel%d-%d Section.................................................................................................................13-48
13.3.7 Cluster Section................................................................................................................................13-60
13.3.8 Common Section.............................................................................................................................13-61
13.3.9 DiskFile Section...............................................................................................................................13-65
13.3.10 Kernel Section ..............................................................................................................................13-80
13.3.11 Link%d Section............................................................................................................................13-80
13.3.12 MML Section.................................................................................................................................13-82
13.3.13 MeterAcc Section..........................................................................................................................13-84
13.3.14 MeterAccTask%d Section...........................................................................................................13-88
13.3.15 NetBackup Section .......................................................................................................................13-91
13.3.16 OM Section....................................................................................................................................13-97
13.3.17 Perf Section....................................................................................................................................13-98
13.3.18 Resource%d Section.....................................................................................................................13-99

A Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................................................................A-1


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User Manual Figures


Figure 3-1 Procedure for configuring the parameters of the iGWB.....................................................................3-2

Figure 4-1 Planning of IP addresses ....................................................................................................................4-2
Figure 5-1 iGWB Parameter Config Console......................................................................................................5-2
Figure 5-2 Navigation tree...................................................................................................................................5-4
Figure 6-1 Office Management............................................................................................................................6-2
Figure 6-2 Configuration of the servers...............................................................................................................6-3
Figure 7-1 Procedure of the basic configuration of the iGWB Server.................................................................7-4
Figure 7-2 Heartbeat link structure.......................................................................................................................7-8
Figure 7-3 Virtual IP addresses used by the iGWB...........................................................................................7-10
Figure 7-4 Networking of the iGWB.................................................................................................................7-32
Figure 7-5 Procedure for receiving and processing CDRs by the iGWB...........................................................7-41
Figure 7-6 Backsave patch in the CDR processing procedure...........................................................................7-42
Figure 7-7 Directory structure of final CDR files..............................................................................................7-71
Figure 7-8 Processes on the iGWB server..........................................................................................................7-80
Figure 8-1 Procedure of configuring the advanced functions of the iGWB Server.............................................8-2
Figure 8-2 Generation process of final CDR files .............................................................................................8-39
Figure 8-3 Name structure of the final CDR file b00000001.dat......................................................................8-64

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User Manual Tables


Table 4-1 Networking information ......................................................................................................................4-3

Table 4-2 IP addresses by default ........................................................................................................................4-4
Table 4-3 User information .................................................................................................................................4-5
Table 4-4 FTP paths ............................................................................................................................................4-6
Table 4-5 Information about deployment functions ............................................................................................4-7
Table 4-6 Information about customized functions .............................................................................................4-8
Table 4-7 Device information ............................................................................................................................4-10
Table 4-8 Information about planning the parameter configurations ................................................................4-10
Table 5-1 Buttons on the toolbar..........................................................................................................................5-4
Table 5-2 Menu items of the iGWB Parameter Config Console..........................................................................5-5
Table 6-1 Parameters in the Office Management dialog box.............................................................................6-3
Table 6-2 Parameters related to the ports between the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server...............................6-6
Table 7-1 Information about the primary and secondary iGWB servers..............................................................7-7
Table 7-2 Heartbeat link details............................................................................................................................7-9
Table 7-3 Parameters (in the Common Section) Related to the Runtime Priority.............................................7-12
Table 7-4 Parameters (in the Cluster section) related to the heartbeat...............................................................7-15
Table 7-5 Parameters (in the Link1 section) related to the heartbeat.................................................................7-16
Table 7-6 Parameters (in the Link2 section) related to the heartbeat.................................................................7-17
Table 7-7 Parameters (in the MML section ) for User Information Synchronization in a Two-Node iGWB
Table 7-8 Parameters (in the Cluster section) of a virtual IP address................................................................7-22
Table 7-9 Parameters (in the Resource1 section) of a virtual IP address...........................................................7-22
Table 7-10 Parameters (in the Resource2 section) of a virtual IP address.........................................................7-25
Table 7-11 Parameters (in the Resource3 section) of a virtual IP address.........................................................7-28
Table 7-12 Parameters (in the MML section) for connecting the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client...............7-34
Table 7-13 Parameters (in the channel%d-%d section) related to the alarms....................................................7-37
Table 7-14 Parameters (in the AccessPoint%d section) related to the alarms...................................................7-39
Table 7-15 Parameters (in the Common section) configured for the iGWB to receive and process the CDRs from
the SOFTX3000..................................................................................................................................................7-44
Table 7-16 Parameters (in the AccessPoint%d section) configured for the iGWB to receive and process the CDRs
from the SOFTX3000..........................................................................................................................................7-44
Table 7-17 Parameters (in the Common section) configured for the iGWB to receive and process the CDRs from
the MediaX3600 .................................................................................................................................................7-51
Table 7-18 Parameters (in the AccessPoint%d section) configured for the iGWB to receive and process the CDRs
from the MediaX3600 ........................................................................................................................................7-52

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Tables User Manual

Table 7-19 Parameters (in the Common section) configured for the iGWB to receive and process the CDRS from
the UMG8900 .....................................................................................................................................................7-60
Table 7-20 Parameters (in the AccessPoint%d section) configured for the iGWB to receive and process the CDRS
from the UMG8900 ............................................................................................................................................7-61
Table 7-21 Rules for the iGWB to transmit final CDR files..............................................................................7-69
Table 7-22 Parameters (in the NetBackup section) for the iGWB to transmit final CDR files.........................7-74
Table 7-23 Parameters (in the BackupTask%d section) for the iGWB to transmit final CDR files..................7-75
Table 7-24 Parameters of the Common section of the primary iGWB server....................................................7-84
Table 7-25 Parameters of the Link1 section of the primary iGWB server.........................................................7-85
Table 7-26 Parameters of the Resource1 section of the primary iGWB server..................................................7-86
Table 7-27 Parameters of the Resource2 section of the primary iGWB server..................................................7-86
Table 7-28 Parameters of the Resource3 section of the primary iGWB server..................................................7-86
Table 7-29 Parameters of the BackupTask%d section on the primary iGWB server .......................................7-87
Table 7-30 Parameters of the MML section of the primary iGWB server.........................................................7-88
Table 8-1 Rules for the iGWB to back up CDR files through a network ............................................................8-4
Table 8-2 Parameter in the NetBackup section for the iGWB to back up CDR files through a network............8-8
Table 8-3 Parameters in the BackupTask%d section for the iGWB to back up CDR files through a network
Table 8-4 Parameters of the BackupTask%d section on the primary iGWB server .........................................8-13
Table 8-5 Methods of configuring the storage period of CDR files...................................................................8-15
Table 8-6 Parameters for the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in a CDR file
Table 8-7 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ..............................8-21
Table 8-8 Parameters for the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in a CDR file
Table 8-9 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ..............................8-24
Table 8-10 Parameter that specifies the storage period of the first copies of final CDR files ..........................8-26
Table 8-11 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ............................8-28
Table 8-12 Parameter that specifies the storage period of the first copies of final CDR files ..........................8-31
Table 8-13 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ............................8-32
Table 8-14 Parameters for the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in a CDR file
Table 8-15 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ............................8-36
Table 8-16 Rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files..............................................................................8-37
Table 8-17 Parameter that specifies whether the iGWB generates final CDR files by the date .......................8-41
Table 8-18 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ............................8-43
Table 8-19 Parameter that specifies whether the iGWB generates final CDR files by the date .......................8-45
Table 8-20 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ............................8-47
Table 8-21 Parameter that specifies whether the iGWB generates final CDR files by the date .......................8-50
Table 8-22 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ............................8-52
Table 8-23 Parameter that specifies whether the iGWB generates final CDR files by the date .......................8-54
Table 8-24 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ............................8-56
Table 8-25 Parameters for the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in a CDR file

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User Manual Tables

Table 8-26 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server ............................8-61
Table 8-27 Rules for the iGWB to name final CDR files..................................................................................8-63
Table 8-28 Parameter that specifies the name prefix of each final CDR file.....................................................8-67
Table 8-29 Parameter to be checked in the channel%d-%d section on the primary iGWB server....................8-70
Table 8-30 Parameters for the iGWB to compress original CDR files..............................................................8-74
Table 8-31 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server.............................8-77
Table 8-32 Parameters for the iGWB to compress original CDR files..............................................................8-81
Table 8-33 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server.............................8-84
Table 8-34 Rules for the iGWB to compress CDR files ...................................................................................8-86
Table 8-35 Parameters for the iGWB to compress original CDR files..............................................................8-89
Table 8-36 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server.............................8-91
Table 8-37 Parameters for the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files.......................................8-94
Table 8-38 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server.............................8-96
Table 8-39 Parameters for the iGWB to compress the second copies of final CDR files..................................8-99
Table 8-40 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server...........................8-101
Table 10-1 Rollback modes of the parameter settings of the iGWB server.......................................................10-1
Table 11-1 IP addresses required by the networking of office A ......................................................................11-2
Table 11-2 Default IP addresses of the iGWB...................................................................................................11-3
Table 11-3 Users and their passwords................................................................................................................11-3
Table 11-4 FTP paths.........................................................................................................................................11-4
Table 11-5 Basic function ..................................................................................................................................11-5
Table 11-6 Customized function .......................................................................................................................11-5
Table 11-7 Device information...........................................................................................................................11-6
Table 11-8 Information about planning the parameter configurations ..............................................................11-7
Table 11-9 Parameter sections and parameters in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server.....................11-9
Table 11-10 Parameter sections and parameters in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server.............11-15
Table 11-11 IP addresses required by the networking of office B ..................................................................11-20
Table 11-12 Default IP addresses of the iGWB...............................................................................................11-21
Table 11-13 Users and their passwords information obtained from office B...................................................11-22
Table 11-14 FTP paths information obtained from office B............................................................................11-23
Table 11-15 Basic function information obtained from office B.....................................................................11-24
Table 11-16 Customized functions information obtained from office B.........................................................11-24
Table 11-17 Device information information obtained from office B.............................................................11-26
Table 11-18 Information about planning the parameter configurations ..........................................................11-27
Table 11-19 Parameter sections and parameters in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server.................11-32
Table 11-20 Parameter sections and parameters in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server.............11-38

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User Manual 1 Overview

1 Overview

This topic describes the basic knowledge and methods of configuring the iGWB.

Basic Knowledge
After the iGWB is installed, the igwb.ini file is generated in C:\iGWB\config\ini by default.
The igwb.ini file is the parameter configuration file of the iGWB.
Parameter configuration means configuring the parameter configuration file.
You need to configure the parameters of the iGWB in the following cases:
l After installing the iGWB
l When you want to modify the functions
l When you want to modify the parameters

The iGWB Client includes the iGWB Parameter Config Console. After logging in to the
iGWB Parameter Config Console, you can configure the relevant parameters.
On the iGWB client, choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Client > Parameter
The advantages of the iGWB Parameter Config Console are:
l Providing a friendly GUI
l Enabling remote configuration
l Synchronizing parameter settings on the primary and secondary iGWB servers

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-1

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User Manual 2 Requirements on Configuration Personnel

2 Requirements on Configuration Personnel

About This Chapter

This topic describes the requirements on configuration personnel, including professional

knowledge and skills, knowledge of the system and networking, and skills of operating the

If parameters are not correctly configured, the iGWB services may fail to run. Therefore, make
sure that you meet all the requirements before configuring the iGWB.

2.1 Professional Knowledge and Skills

This topic describes the professional knowledge and skills that configuration personnel must
acquire before configuring the iGWB.
2.2 Knowledge of the iGWB and Networking
This topic describes the knowledge of the iGWB and networking that configuration personnel
must acquire.
2.3 Skills in Operating the Devices
This topic describes the required skills in operating the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-1

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2 Requirements on Configuration Personnel User Manual

2.1 Professional Knowledge and Skills

This topic describes the professional knowledge and skills that configuration personnel must
acquire before configuring the iGWB.

Make sure that the configuration personnel acquire the following knowledge and skills.
l Familiar computer skills.
l Fundamental computer English skills.
l Basic computer network knowledge such as Ethernet, TCP/IP, and C/S architecture.
l Knowledge of office services and charging principles.
l Knowledge of the CDR processing procedure of the iGWB.
l Basic operations of the Parameter Config Console, such as creating a section and a
parameter, modifying the value of a parameter, and synchronizing the parameter settings
of the primary iGWB server and the secondary iGWB server.
l Basic operations of the CDR Console, such as performing manual switchover.

2.2 Knowledge of the iGWB and Networking

This topic describes the knowledge of the iGWB and networking that configuration personnel
must acquire.

Make sure that the configuration personnel are familiar with the following:
l Hardware structure and performance parameters of the iGWB.
l Software structure and file storage structure of the iGWB.
l Networking between the iGWB and other NEs such as the SOFTX3000 and BC.
l Settings of the routes between the iGWB and other NEs such as the SOFTX3000 and BC,
and the protocols used by them.
l Port numbers used by the iGWB.
l User names and passwords used to log in to the iGWB Server, iGWB Client, and FTP

2.3 Skills in Operating the Devices

This topic describes the required skills in operating the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server.

To improve troubleshoot efficiency and avoid incorrect operations, configuration personnel must
be familiar with the operation flows of the iGWB. Also, when operating the devices, the
configuration personnel must be familiar with the following:
l Operations that may lead to partial or global interruption of the services
l Operations that may cause damage to the devices
l Operations that may affect charging
l Operations that may lead to subscriber complaints
l Emergency handling measures and backup measures

2-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 2 Requirements on Configuration Personnel

l Daily operations on the iGWB

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-3

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User Manual 3 Procedure for Configuring the Parameters

3 Procedure for Configuring the Parameters

This topic describes the procedure for configuring the parameters of the iGWB.
Figure 3-1 shows the procedure for configuring the parameters of the iGWB.

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3 Procedure for Configuring the Parameters User Manual

Figure 3-1 Procedure for configuring the parameters of the iGWB


Plan parameters

Prepare for parameter configuration

Configure the iGWB Client

Configure the basic functions of the

iGWB Server

Are parameters correctly

configured on the primary and No
secondary iGWB servers?


Are the advanced functions of No

the iGWB Server required?


Configure the advancedYes

functions of
the iGWB Server

Back up the current settings


3-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 4 Configuration Plan

4 Configuration Plan

About This Chapter

This topic describes how to plan the parameter configurations based on relevant information and
how to obtain the relevant information.

4.1 Obtaining the Networking Information

This topic describes how to obtain the networking information before configuring the
parameters. The information includes devices that need to connect, planning of IP addresses,
and user names and passwords.
4.2 Obtaining Information About Functions
This topic describes how to obtain the information about basic and customized functions.
4.3 Obtaining the Device Information
This topic describes how to obtain the device information, including whether the iGWB uses
Two-Node and the serial port of the heartbeat link.
4.4 Planning the Parameter Configuration
This topic describes how to plan the parameter configurations and the relevant references.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
4 Configuration Plan User Manual

4.1 Obtaining the Networking Information

This topic describes how to obtain the networking information before configuring the
parameters. The information includes devices that need to connect, planning of IP addresses,
and user names and passwords.

The networking information listed in this topic serves as a useful reference during parameter
configuration of the iGWB.

Obtaining the IP Addresses

Some IP addresses of the iGWB that works with the SOFTX3000 are already defined; but other
IP addresses related to the networking must be defined according to the actual office networks.

Figure 4-1 Planning of IP addresses

Fixed IP address: Fixed IP address:

1 2

Virtual IP
Virtual IP address: iGWB1 Virutal IP address:
Fixed IP address:
address: user-
B C defined

0 3

Fixed IP Fixed IP
Virutal IP address: Virtual IP address:
address: address: optional
1 2

iGWB0 Fixed IP
Fixed IP address:
address: user- defined

0 3

0: network adapter 0
1: network adapter 1
2: network adapter 2
3: network adapter 3

Link A is used connect the iGWB server to the client Link B is the primary link and is used connect the
and the NMS. iGWB server to the softswitch.

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Link C is the secondary link and is used connect the Link D is used to connect connect the iGWB server to
iGWB server to the softswitch. the BC.

The planning of some IP addresses in the iGWB and SOFTX3000 are changed in actual offices. In this
case, you need to not only collect the information listed in Table 4-1, but also check the IP addresses in
Table 4-2.

It is recommended to print Table 4-1 before configuring parameters. In addition, collect

networking information and fill the information in the printed table.

Table 4-1 Networking information

Device Device IP Address IP Address Allocated for iGWB

BC IP Address: IP address of the network adapter 3 of the iGWB0

Subnet mask: IP Address:
Subnet mask:
IP address of the network adapter 3 of the iGWB1
IP Address:
Subnet mask:

NMS IP Address: IP Address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:
Virtual IP address of the network adapter 0 of the two-
node iGWB By default, the virtual IP address is set to, and the subnet mask is set to

Client PC 1 IP Address: IP Address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:
Virtual IP address of the network adapter 0 of the two-
node iGWB By default, the virtual IP address is set to, and the subnet mask is set to

Client PC 2 IP Address: IP Address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:
Virtual IP address of the network adapter 0 of the two-
node iGWB By default, the virtual IP address is set to, and the subnet mask is set to

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-3

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4 Configuration Plan User Manual

Device Device IP Address IP Address Allocated for iGWB

Third-party IP Address: IP address of the network adapter 3 of the iGWB0

server (It Subnet mask: IP Address:
functions as
the server to Subnet mask:
back up IP address of the network adapter 3 of the iGWB1
CDR files
through a IP Address:
network.) Subnet mask:

Table 4-2 IP addresses by default

network adapter iGWB0 iGWB1
or virtual IP

network adapter 0 IP Address: IP Address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Virtual IP address of IP Address:

the network adapter Subnet mask:

network adapter 1 IP Address: IP Address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Virtual IP address of IP Address:

the network adapter Subnet mask:

network adapter 2 IP Address: IP Address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Virtual IP address of IP Address:

the network adapter Subnet mask:

Obtaining User Information

The iGWB transmits CDR files through the FTP or FTAM protocols. Therefore, you need to
collect the user names and passwords of the devices in the iGWB.
It is recommended to print Table 4-3 before configuring parameters. In addition, collect the
information about the user name and password and then fill the information in the printed table.

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User Manual 4 Configuration Plan

Table 4-3 User information

Device User name and Description

iGWB0 User Name: The user is an OS user who can synchronize the
Password: user information between the primary and
secondary iGWB servers through FTP.
It is recommended to create the Cluster user in the

iGWB1 User Name: The user is an OS user who can synchronize the
Password: user information between the primary and
secondary iGWB servers through FTP.
It is recommended to create the Cluster user in the

iGWB0 User Name: The user is an OS user who can send CDR files to
Password: the BC. You need to collect the user information
when sending final CDR files in Pull mode. For
details, see Sending Final CDR Files in Pull
It is recommended to create the BC user in the
iGWB0 OS, and you need to negotiate with the BC.

iGWB1 User Name: The user is an OS user who can send CDR files to
Password: the BC. You need to collect the user information
when sending final CDR files in Pull mode. For
details, see Sending Final CDR Files in a Pull
It is recommended to create the BC user in the
iGWB1 OS, and then you need to negotiate with
the BC.

BC User Name: The user is an OS user who can send CDR files to
Password: the BC. You need to collect the user information
when sending final CDR files in Push mode. For
details, see Sending Final CDR Files in a Push
It is recommended to create the BC user in the BC,
and then you need to negotiate with the iGWB.

Third-party User Name: The FTP of the user is used for the iGWB to back
server (It Password: up CDR files for the third-party server through a
functions as network. You need to collect the user information
the server to when sending final CDR files in Push mode. For
back up details, see Sending Final CDR Files in a Pull
CDR files Mode.
through a It is recommended to create a user in the third-party
network.) OS, and then you need to negotiate with the

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-5

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4 Configuration Plan User Manual

For details about the modes in which the final CDR files are transmitted, see Table 7-21.

Obtaining FTP Paths

The iGWB transmits CDR files through the FTP or FTAM protocols. Therefore, you need to
collect the information about the FTP paths open to the servers in the iGWB.
It is recommended to print Table 4-4 before configuring parameters. In addition, collect the
information about the FTP paths and then fill the information in the printed table.

Table 4-4 FTP paths

Server FTP Path by Default Description

iGWB0 Default path of the FTP site: The default path of the FTP site is used to
synchronize user information.
Usually, the FTP path is D:\other.

iGWB1 Default path of the FTP site: The default path of the FTP site is used to
synchronize user information.
Usually, the FTP path is D:\other.

iGWB0 Default path of the FTP site: The default path of the FTP site in the iGWB0
is used to transmit CDR files to the BC in Pull
If the BC fetches the final CDR
mode. For details, see Pull Mode.
files only from some specified Usually, the FTP path is E:\backsave
channels, you need to obtain \Second.
the paths of these specified

iGWB1 Default path of the FTP site: The default path of the FTP site in the iGWB1
is used to transmit CDR files to the BC in Pull
If the BC fetches the final CDR
mode. For details, see Pull Mode.
files only from some specified Usually, the FTP path is E:\backsave
channels, you need to obtain \Second.
the paths of these specified

BC Default path of the FTP site: The default path of the FTP site in the BC is
The storage path of the final used to transmit CDR files to the BC in Push
CDR files open to the BC in mode. For details, see Push Mode.
the iGWB:
If the BC fetches the final CDR
files only from some specified
channels, you need to obtain
the paths of these specified

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User Manual 4 Configuration Plan

Server FTP Path by Default Description

Third-party Default path of the FTP site: When the third-party server functions as the
server (It server to back up CDR files, you need to
functions as The storage path of the collect the information about the FTP path.
the server to backup CDR files in the
back up iGWB:
CDR files
through a

4.2 Obtaining Information About Functions

This topic describes how to obtain the information about basic and customized functions.

The information about the function requirements listed in this topic serves as a useful reference
during parameter configuration of the iGWB.

Obtaining Information About Basic Functions

It is recommended to print Table 4-5 before configuring parameters. In addition, collect the
information about deployment functions and fill the information in the printed table.

Table 4-5 Information about deployment functions

Interwor Sizes of NE or device version Whether the BC fetches all CDR
king NE original files
or device CDR files

If the BC fetches part of CDR files only, you need to specify the channels in which the CDR files need to
be fetched in Whether the BC fetches all the CDR files.

Obtaining Information About Customized Functions

Before configuring parameters, you can learn the information about the function requirements
of the iGWB. For more details, see Table 4-6.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-7

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4 Configuration Plan User Manual

Table 4-6 Information about customized functions

Function Mandatory or Remarks

Backing up Mandatory It is recommended to back up the CDR files to the third-

CDR files party server for security purpose.
through a

Customizin Optional You can choose any of the following ways to customize
g a storage a storage period of CDR files:
period of l Configuring a fixed storage period for original CDR
CDR files files.
l Configuring the storage period of original CDR files
according to the disk space.
l Configuring a fixed storage period for original CDR
files and the first copies of final CDR files.
l Configuring the storage period of the first copies of
final CDR files according to the disk space.
l Configuring a fixed storage period for the second
copies of final CDR files.

Customizin Optional The iGWB can generate final CDR files according to
g rules for any of the following rules:
the iGWB l The iGWB can generate final CDR files by the
to generate generation interval of CDR files.
final CDR This option is enabled by default; the default setting
files is 1800s.
l The iGWB can generate final CDR files by the size
of each CDR file.
This option is enabled by default; the default setting
is 1 MB.
l The iGWB can generate final CDR files at 00:00
every day.
This option is enabled by default.
l The iGWB can generate final CDR files at specified
l The iGWB can generate final CDR files by the
number of the CDRs in a CDR file.
l The iGWB can generate the second copies of final
CDR files in real time.

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Function Mandatory or Remarks


Customizin Optional You can customize the file names of final CDR files
g the file according to any of the following rules:
names of l You can customize the file names by adding office
final CDR information to the names of final CDR files.
l You can customize the file names by adding time
information to the names of final CDR files.
l You can customize the file names by adding the
number of the CDRs in each final CDR file to the
names of final CDR files.

Customizin Optional You can customize the iGWB to compress the CDR files
g the iGWB stored in the iGWB server, thus obtaining more disk
to compress space. more disk space. The following CDR files can be
CDR files compressed:
l Original CDR files
By default, the original CDR files can be compressed.
l First copies of final CDR files
l Second copies of final CDR files

Customizin Optional You can customize the transmission ways of final CDR
g the files in any of the following ways:
transmissio l Transmitting final CDR files in Pull mode
n ways of
final CDR – Using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transmit
files final CDR files in Pull mode
– Using the FTAM (File Transfer Access and
Management) Protocol to transmit final CDR files
in Pull mode
l Transmitting final CDR files in Push mode
– Backing up final CDR files in igwb.ini
– Backing up final CDR files through the

4.3 Obtaining the Device Information

This topic describes how to obtain the device information, including whether the iGWB uses
Two-Node and the serial port of the heartbeat link.

The information listed in Table 4-7 serves as a useful reference during parameter configuration
of the iGWB.

The information includes whether the iGWB uses Two-Node and the serial port of the heartbeat

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-9

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4 Configuration Plan User Manual

Table 4-7 Device information

Item Result Remarks

Whether the The iGWB uses two The standalone iGWB is used in the
iGWB uses two servers. MediaX3600 and some test offices only.
servers. It is required to use the Two-Node iGWB in
commercial offices.
Because the standalone iGWB cannot
guarantee the continuity of the CDR service.

Whether the serial Obtain the serial port The serial port of the heartbeat link is
port of the of the heartbeat link determined by the server. The following
heartbeat link is based on actual servers use the COM2 serial port:
COM1 or COM2. situations. l IBM x343 server
l IBM x3650T server
l HUAWEI C4210 server
For other servers, use the COM1 serial port.

4.4 Planning the Parameter Configuration

This topic describes how to plan the parameter configurations and the relevant references.

Before planning the parameter configurations, you need to collect relevant information. For more
details, see 4.1 Obtaining the Networking Information , 4.2 Obtaining Information About
Functions, and 4.3 Obtaining the Device Information.

Based on the information collected, you can plan the parameter configurations. See Table 4-8.
Table 4-8 lists the required information about the advanced parameter configurations or the optional basic
parameter configurations. The mandatory basic parameter configurations are not included in this table.

Table 4-8 Information about planning the parameter configurations

Required Reference

Networking and 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB

device in office

CDRs from the 7.7.4 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from
UMG8900 the UMG8900

CDRs from the 7.7.3 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from
MediaX3600 the MediaX3600

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Required Reference

Configuring the 7.8 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files
iGWB to transmit
final CDR files

Backing up CDR 8.3 Backing up CDR files through a network

files through a

Customizing a 8.4 Customizing a Storage Period of CDR Files

storage period of
CDR files

Customizing rules 8.5 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Generating final CDR
for the iGWB to files
generate final CDR

Customizing the 8.6 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Name Final CDR Files
file names of final
CDR files

Configuring the 8.7 Customizing Compressing CDR files

iGWB to compress
CDR files

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-11

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User Manual 5 Preparations

5 Preparations

About This Chapter

This topic describes the preparation tasks before you configure the iGWB.

5.1 iGWB Parameter Config Console

This topic describes how to use the iGWB Parameter Config Console.
5.2 Checklist
This topic describes the check items before parameter configuration, including checking the
installation of FTP on the third-party server, checking the installation of the iGWB Server, and
the installation of the iGWB Client.

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5 Preparations User Manual

5.1 iGWB Parameter Config Console

This topic describes how to use the iGWB Parameter Config Console.

On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, you can remotely modify and maintain the parameter
configuration file (C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini) of the primary or secondary iGWB server.
The igwb.ini file contains numerous complex parameters. Therefore, to avoid mistake, it is
recommended to modify and maintain the igwb.ini file on the iGWB Parameter Config Console.

On the PC where the iGWB Client is installed, choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300
Client > Parameter configuration.

The iGWB Parameter Config Console is displayed. See Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1 iGWB Parameter Config Console



1.Main window 2.Sub-window 3.Status bar

4.Navigation tree 5.Toolbar 6.Menu bar

Main Window
The main window contains the following elements:
l Title
l Menu items
l Toolbar
l Navigation tree
l Status bar

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The following sub-windows are provided:
l Upper right sub-window
Lists the parameters of the selected item. For example, if you select igwb.ini, the parameters
of the igwb.ini file are listed on the upper sub-window.
l Lower right sub-window
Displays the description of an item selected from the navigation tree or the upper right sub-

Status Bar
The status bar displays the following information:
l Server IP address
l Network connection status
l Current user
l Section of the current parameter

Navigation Tree
The navigation tree displays all the parameter sections and parameters contained in the
igwb.ini file.
Figure 5-2 shows the three levels of the navigation tree.
l The first level shows the igwb.ini file.
l The second level shows a parameter section.
l The third level shows a parameter.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-3

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Figure 5-2 Navigation tree


1. Parameter configuration file (igwb.ini) 2. Parameter section 3. Parameter

Table 5-1 lists the buttons on the toolbar.

Table 5-1 Buttons on the toolbar

Buttons Menu Item Description

Relogin To log out the current user and relog in as another user.

AddLogin To log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console of

another server.
Shortcut key: F2

Save All To save the parameter settings of the server that you
currently log in to.

Logout To log out of the iGWB Parameter Config Console from

the current server. Office 1 is the first server you log in

Logout To log out of the iGWB Parameter Config Console from

the current server. Office 2 is the second server you log
in to.

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Buttons Menu Item Description

Lock System To lock the iGWB Parameter Config Console. To unlock

the iGWB Parameter Config Console, you need to input
the password.
Shortcut key: F12

Expand To expand all nodes under igwb.ini.

Shrink To collapse all nodes under igwb.ini.

Exit To exit the iGWB Parameter Config Console.

Help To display Help.

Menu Bar
Table 5-2 lists the menu items of the iGWB Parameter Config Console.

Table 5-2 Menu items of the iGWB Parameter Config Console

Level 1 Level 2 menu Level 3 menu Description


System Relogin - To log out the current user and

relog in as another user.

AddLogin - To log in to the other iGWB server.

Shortcut key: F2

LogoutOffice: - To log out of office 1 that you

name of office 1 currently log in to. Office 1 is the
first server you log in to.

LogoutOffice: - To log out of office 2 that you

name of office 2 currently log in to. Office 2 is the
second server you log in to.

Lock System - To lock the iGWB Parameter

Config Console.
To unlock the iGWB Parameter
Config Console, you need to input
the password.
Shortcut key: F12

Change password - To change the password of the

config user.

Exit - To exit the iGWB Parameter

Config Console.

View View Parameter - To view the parameter settings.

Config Info

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Level 1 Level 2 menu Level 3 menu Description


ToolBar - To show or hide the toolbar.

StatusBar - To show or hide the status bar.

Split Window - To adjust the width of the

navigation tree on the left and the
parameter information window on
the right or the height of the
functional sub windows in the
upper right and lower right corners.

Tree Shrink - To collapse all items under

Nodes igwb.ini.

Expand - To expand all items under


Operation Office: name of Save The Current To save the parameter settings of
office 1 Config Info office 1. Office 1 is the first server
you log in to.

Save The Current To save the parameter settings of

Config Info As... office 1 to a file. Office 1 is the first
server you log in to.

Load Config Info To load the igwb.ini file.

From Local File...

Get The Current To retrieve the current igwb.ini file

Config Info Again from office 1. Office 1 is the first
server you log in to.

Get The Last Config To obtain the parameter settings

Info that were lastly saved from office
1. Office 1 is the first server you log
in to.

Get The Base Config To restore the factory parameter

Info settings of office 1. Office 1 is the
first server you log in to.

Office: name of Save The Current To save the parameter settings of

office 2 Config Info office 2. Office 2 is the second
server you log in to.

Save The Current To save the parameter settings of

Config Info As... office 2 to a file. Office 2 is the
second server you log in to.

Load Config Info To load the igwb.ini file.

From Local File...

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Level 1 Level 2 menu Level 3 menu Description


Get The Current To retrieve the current igwb.ini file

Config Info Again from office 2. Office 2 is the second
server you log in to.

Get The Last Config To obtain the parameter settings

Info that were lastly saved from office
2. Office 2 is the second server you
log in to.

Get The Base Config To restore the factory parameter

Info settings of office 2. Office 2 is the
second server you log in to.

Save all - To save the parameter settings of

office 1 and office 2. Office 1 is the
first server you log in to, and office
2 is the second server you log in to.

Display window - To display the information about

the currently opened window.

Help Help Topics - To display Help.

About ParaCfg... - To display the copyright


5.2 Checklist
This topic describes the check items before parameter configuration, including checking the
installation of FTP on the third-party server, checking the installation of the iGWB Server, and
the installation of the iGWB Client.

Before configuring the parameters, make sure that the following requirements are met:
l The FTP is installed and configured on the third-party server.
l The iGWB Server is installed on the primary and secondary iGWB servers.
l The iGWB Client is installed.

Step 1 Log in to the primary iGWB server as the administrator user.

Step 2 Choose Start > Run. In the Run dialog box, type cmd and press Enter.

Step 3 In the command line screen, type ftpthird-party server IP address and press Enter.

For example, ftp

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This topic takes the third-party server installed with Solaris as an example to describe how to back up CDR files
in /opt.

Step 4 Enter the user name and password.

If the following information is displayed, it indicates that you have successfully logged in to the
Connected to
220 unknown FTP server ready.
User ( user name
331 Password required for user name.
230 User user name logged in.

Step 5 Check whether the current FTP user has the read and write permissions.
This step is performed to create the test folder on the third-party server to check whether the
current FTP user has the read and write permissions.
1. Run the following command to create a folder on the third-party server, for example,
mkdir test
257 "/opt/test" new directory created.

2. Run the following command to check whether the test folder is created.
3. Run the following command to delete the test folder.
rmdir test
250 RMD command successful.

4. Run the following command to check whether the test folder is deleted.
If the test folder can be created and then deleted, it indicates that the current FTP user has
the read and write permissions.
Step 6 Choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Server. On the iGWB Server, the following
menus are displayed:
l Start iGateway Bill
l Stop iGateway Bill
l Uninstall System

This step is performed to check the installation of the iGWB Server.

Step 7 Log in to the secondary iGWB server as the administrator user. Repeat Step 2 through Step
6 to perform similar tasks on the secondary iGWB server.
Step 8 Log in to the iGWB Client as the administrator user.
Step 9 Choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Client. On the iGWB Client, the following
menus are displayed:
l Help
l iGWB Client
l Parameter configuration
l Uninstall System

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This step is performed to check the installation of the iGWB Client.


Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-9

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User Manual 6 Configuring the iGWB Client

6 Configuring the iGWB Client

About This Chapter

This topic describes how to configure the iGWB Client.

6.1 Configuring the Server List

If you intend to log in to the iGWB Server through the iGWB Parameter Config Console or the
iGWB Client, you must configure a list of accessible servers in Office Management. This
section describes how to configure the server list.
6.2 Changing the Password of the config User
This topic describes how to change the password of the config user.
6.3 Setting the Parameters of the iGWB Client
This topic describes how to set the parameters of the iGWB Client. Typically, you do not need
to set these parameters.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-1

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6 Configuring the iGWB Client User Manual

6.1 Configuring the Server List

If you intend to log in to the iGWB Server through the iGWB Parameter Config Console or the
iGWB Client, you must configure a list of accessible servers in Office Management. This
section describes how to configure the server list.

The cfg_proc.exe process is started on the iGWB server.

Generally, the server list includes the following servers:
l IGWB0:
Set the IP address of iGWB0 to the fixed IP address of network interface 0 of the primary
iGWB server. For example, Through this IP address, the iGWB Parameter
Config Console connects to the primary iGWB server.
l IGWB1:
Set the IP address of iGWB1 to the fixed IP address of network interface 0 of the secondary
iGWB server. For example, Through this IP address, the iGWB Parameter
Config Console connects to the secondary iGWB server.
Set the IP address of IGWB_Cluster to the external virtual IP address of network adapter
0 of the primary or secondary iGWB server. For example, Through this IP
address, the iGWB Client connects to the primary or secondary iGWB server.

Step 1 To start the iGWB Parameter Config Console or the iGWB Client, choose Start > Programs >
iGateway Bill V300 Client
The Login dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 In the Login dialog box, click Office Management.

The Office Management dialog box is displayed. See Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 Office Management

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User Manual 6 Configuring the iGWB Client

Step 3 In the Office Management dialog box, configure the servers. The settings include Office, IP
Address, and Type. See Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2 Configuration of the servers

For details about the parameters in the Office Management dialog box, see Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 Parameters in the Office Management dialog box

Parameter iGWB Parameter Config Console iGWB Client

Office Mandatory Mandatory

Specifies the office name of the iGWB server Specifies the office name of
maintained on the iGWB Parameter Config the iGWB server
Console. It is suggested to create two offices, maintained on the iGWB
IGWB0 and IGWB1. Client. It is suggested to
create an office named

IP Address Mandatory Mandatory

Refers to the fixed IP address of network Set the value to the external
interface 0 of the primary iGWB server. For virtual IP address of
example, Through this IP address, network adapter 0 of the
the iGWB Parameter Config Console primary or secondary iGWB
connects to the primary iGWB server. server. For example,
Set the value to the fixed IP address of Through this IP
network interface 0 of the secondary iGWB address, the iGWB Client
server. For example, Through this connects to the primary or
IP address, the iGWB Parameter Config secondary iGWB server.
Console connects to the secondary iGWB
If the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server are
installed on the same server, set the IP address

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-3

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6 Configuring the iGWB Client User Manual

Parameter iGWB Parameter Config Console iGWB Client

Type Mandatory Mandatory

Specifies the type of the office. It is suggested Specifies the type of the
to set the value to iGWB. office. It is suggested to set
the value to iGWB.

Step 4 Click Set to have the settings take effect. The newly created office is displayed in the list box.
Click Save to save the settings.
The Login dialog box is displayed.


6.2 Changing the Password of the config User

This topic describes how to change the password of the config user.


For security purposes, change the password of the config user in time.

You can log in to the primary and secondary iGWB servers through the iGWB Parameter Config

The config user has the highest access permission to the iGWB Parameter Config Console. You
can set iGWB parameters only as the config user.

Before activating the iGWB application for the first time, you can log in to the iGWB Parameter
Config Console as the config user only. You are recommended to set parameters as the config
user only.

Step 1 Log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the config user.
1. On the iGWB Client, choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Client > Parameter
2. In the User Login dialog box, in User Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB1.
Click OK.

Step 2 Log in to iGWB0.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click .

2. In the Add Login dialog box, in User Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0.
Click OK.

6-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 6 Configuring the iGWB Client

Step 3 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, choose System > Change password.
Step 4 In the Password dialog box, change the password of the config user on iGWB0.
1. In Office, select IGWB0.
2. In New Password and Confirm password, enter the new password.
Ensure that the password consists of numbers and lowercase letters and that the password contains
a minimum of eight characters.

Step 5 In the Password dialog box, change the password of the config user on iGWB1.
1. From the Office drop-down list box of the Office dialog box, select IGWB1.
2. In New Password and Confirm password, enter the new password.
Ensure that the password consists of numbers and lowercase letters and that the password contains
a minimum of eight characters.
3. Click OK.
Step 6 In the User Login dialog box, in User Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB1. Click
If the password is successfully changed, you can use the new password to log in to the iGWB1.

Step 7 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . Log in to the iGWB0.
If the password is successfully changed, you can use the new password to log in to the iGWB0.


6.3 Setting the Parameters of the iGWB Client

This topic describes how to set the parameters of the iGWB Client. Typically, you do not need
to set these parameters.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.
The parameters of the iGWB Client and their settings are stored in the UICONFIG.ini file in
C:\igwb_client\data. Set these parameters only when re-configuring the ports between the
iGWB Client and the iGWB Server.

If the i3SAFE SIS SetWin2003 or a firewall is installed on an iGWB server, changing the ports
between the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server leads to a failure for the iGWB Client to connect
to the iGWB Server.

Table 6-2 lists the parameters related to the ports between the iGWB Client and the iGWB

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-5

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6 Configuring the iGWB Client User Manual

Table 6-2 Parameters related to the ports between the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server

Parameter in the Description Default Parameter in the

UICONFIG.ini File Value igwb.ini File

PORT Port parameter section. - MML

MAINTAINPORT Port for the iGWB Client to 6000 LocalPortToCM

connect to the iGWB Server.

DEBUGPORT Port for the iGWB Debugger 6007 LocalPortToRD

to connect to the iGWB

ALARMPORT MML alarm port. 6001 LocalPortToAR

CONFIGPORT Port for the iGWB Parameter 56010 LocalPortToCS

Config Console to connect to
the iGWB Server.

Step 1 Log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the config user. On the iGWB Parameter
Config Console, click . Log in to the other iGWB server.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, in the navigation tree, click MML. In the pane on the
right, check whether any parameter needs to be added.
If the parameters listed in Table 6-2 are found, go to Step 3.
1. If no parameter needs to be added, in the navigation tree, right-click MML and choose
Add Parameter.
2. In the Add Parameter dialog box, check that The parameter's section is MML.
3. In Please select the parameter, select the parameter to be added. Click Add.
In the Added parameters group box, the added parameter is displayed. You can add
multiple parameters to the MML section.
4. Click OK.

In the pane on the right, the added parameter is displayed.

If you want to change the value of any parameter in the MML section, in the pane on the
right, select the parameter. For example, to change the port for the iGWB Parameter Config
Console to connect to the iGWB Server, select LocalPortToCS.

Step 3 In the pane on the right, double-click the value of the parameter and change the value.
For example, to change the value of the LocalPortToCS parameter to 56011, double click the
value and change it to 56011.

Step 4 Right-click the LocalPortToCS parameter and choose or to

synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server. Click to save the setting.

Step 5 Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
After switchover, the original secondary iGWB server is in active state, the parameter settings
of this server take effect. In this case, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

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User Manual 6 Configuring the iGWB Client

Step 6 Edit the UICONFIG.ini file in C:\igwb_client\data.

For example, the value of the LocalPortToCS parameter is changed to 56011 on the iGWB
Server. In this case, in the UICONFIG.ini file in C:\igwb_client\data, change the value of the
CONFIGPORT parameter to 56011.
Step 7 Check that you can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console and the iGWB Client as the
admin user.
Step 8 On the iGWB Client, choose Operation > Switch to switch services between the two iGWB
servers. Check that you can re-log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console and the iGWB
Client as the admin user.
This operation enables the parameters configured on the other iGWB server to take effect.


Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-7

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

About This Chapter

This topic describes the basic configuration of the iGWB Server. After basic configuration, the
iGWB can run normally and process CDR files.

Make sure that all basic configuration tasks are complete. Otherwise, the iGWB cannot run.

7.1 Procedure of the Basic Configuration

This topic describes the procedure of the basic configuration of the iGWB Server.
7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config Console
This topic describes how to log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console.
7.3 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server
This topic describes how to back up the configurations of the iGWB Server. After installing the
iGWB Server, if you intend to use the default settings in the igwb.ini file, you can skip this topic.
7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB
This topic describes how to configure the two-node iGWB in the igwb.ini file.
7.5 Configuring a Connection Between the iGWB Server and the iGWB Client
This topic describes how to configure a connection between the iGWB Server and the iGWB
Client in the igwb.ini file.
7.6 Configuring the Alarms
This topic describes how to configure the parameters related to alarms in the igwb.ini file.
7.7 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process CDRs
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to receive and process CDRs in the igwb.ini
7.8 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to transmit final CDR files to BC in the
igwb.ini file.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-1

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

7.9 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server

This topic describes how to check whether the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server
are correct.
7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB Server
This topic describes how to configure the parameters of the primary iGWB server, including
how to synchronize the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server with those of the
primary iGWB server and how to modify the parameter settings of the primary iGWB server as
7.11 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Primary iGWB Server
This topic describes how to check whether the parameter settings of the primary iGWB server
are correct.
7.12 Checking the Basic Parameter Settings of the iGWB Server
This topic describes how to check the basic parameter settings of the iGWB Server.

7-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

7.1 Procedure of the Basic Configuration

This topic describes the procedure of the basic configuration of the iGWB Server.
Figure 7-1 shows the procedure of the basic configuration of the iGWB Server.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-3

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Figure 7-1 Procedure of the basic configuration of the iGWB Server


Log in to the iGWB Parameter

Config Console

Back up the current settings of

the iGWB Server

Configure a two-node iGWB

Configure the connection

between the iGWB Server and
the iGWB Client

Change parameter values

Configure alarm parameters
parameters on the
primary iGWB
Configure CDR receiving and server

Are parameters
Configure the transmission of final No
correctly configured on the
CDR files
primary iGWB server?
parameters on the
secondary iGWB Yes

Are parameters
correctly configured on the No
Are parameters primary and secondary
correctly configured on the iGWB servers?
secondary iGWB server?


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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config Console

This topic describes how to log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console.

Before logging in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console, make sure that the following
requirements are met:
l The tasks described in 6.1 Configuring the Server List are complete.
l The password of the config user is modified. For more details, see 6.2 Changing the
Password of the config User.
The iGWB Server communicates with the iGWB Parameter Config Console through the cfg_proc.exe
process. If the iGWB Parameter Config Console cannot be logged in to, check whether the network
connection is faulty or whether the software versions are incorrect. If none of these problems occur, check
whether the cfg_proc.exe process is running and whether the network adapters are correct.

The iGWB Client consists of three components: Parameter Config Console, CDR Console, and
iGWB Debugger. The IP addresses of servers are managed in Office Management.Generally,
an office management center is configured with three iGWB servers:
Set the IP address of iGWB0 to the fixed IP address of network adapter 0 of the primary
iGWB server. Through this IP address, the iGWB Parameter Config Console connects to
the primary iGWB server.
Set the IP address of iGWB1 to the fixed IP address of network adapter 0 of the secondary
iGWB server. Through this IP address, the iGWB Parameter Config Console connects to
the secondary iGWB server.
l IGWB_Cluster
Set the IP address of iGWB_Cluster to the external virtual IP address of network adapter
0 of the primary or secondary iGWB server. Through this IP address, the iGWB Parameter
Config Console connects to the primary or secondary iGWB server.

Step 1 On the iGWB Client, choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Client > Parameter
Step 2 From the Office drop-down list box of the Office dialog box, select IGWB1.
Step 3 Type the user name and the password. Then click OK.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual


l Before activating the iGWB application for the first time, you can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config
Console as the config user only.
l After activating the iGWB application, you can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config or admin user.
l If the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server are in different network segments, they use a gateway to
communication with each other. In this case, select Use Gateway and then specify the IP address in
Gateway IP.

After login, the iGWB Parameter Config Console is displayed.


7.3 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server

This topic describes how to back up the configurations of the iGWB Server. After installing the
iGWB Server, if you intend to use the default settings in the igwb.ini file, you can skip this topic.

Step 1 From the Office drop-down list box of the User Login dialog box, select IGWB0. Log in to the
iGWB Parameter Config Console as the admin or config user.

l Before activating the iGWB application for the first time, you can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config
Console as the config user only.
l After activating the iGWB application, you can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config or admin user.
l If the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server are in different network segments, they use a gateway to
communication with each other. In this case, select Use Gateway and then specify the IP address in
Gateway IP.

Step 2 Choose Operation > Office:IGWB0 > Save The Current Config Info As.
Step 3 In the Save As dialog box, specify the path and the file name in the format of
Based on the current time, the iGWB automatically creates a file name in the format of
igwb.ini_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.ini. YYYYMMDDHHMMSS indicates the current
system time. For example, igwb.ini_20070923162759.ini indicates that the igwb.ini file is
created at 16:27:59 on 23rd of September, 2007.
Step 4 Click Save.

Step 5 Click the button to display the Add Login dialog box.
Step 6 From the Office drop-down list box of the Add Login dialog box, select IGWB1. Log in to the
iGWB Parameter Config Console as the admin or config user.
Step 7 Choose Operation > Office:IGWB1 > Save The Current Config Info As.
Step 8 In the Save As dialog box, specify the path and the file name in the format of
Step 9 Click Save.


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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB

This topic describes how to configure the two-node iGWB in the igwb.ini file.

7.4.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the basic knowledge of the two-node iGWB, including the runtime priority,
heartbeat link, user information synchronization, and virtual IP address. It helps you understand
how to configure the parameters of the two-node iGWB.
7.4.2 Configuring the Runtime Priority in a Two-Node iGWB
This topic describes how to configure the parameters that are related to the runtime priority in
a two-node iGWB. After the configurations, the runtime priority of the two-node iGWB is
specified, that is, the primary and secondary iGWB servers are configured.
7.4.3 Configuring the Heartbeat
This section describes how to configure the parameters related to the heartbeat. If you use a
standalone iGWB, you can skip this topic.
7.4.4 Configuring User Information Synchronization in a Two-Node iGWB
This topic describes how to configure the parameters for user information synchronization in a
two-node iGWB. With the user information synchronization function, after switchover of the
primary and secondary iGWB servers, the user information on the primary iGWB server can be
synchronized on the secondary iGWB server. You need not bother with adding the users once
more on the secondary iGWB server.
7.4.5 Configuring Virtual IP Addresses
This topic describes how to configure the parameters of virtual IP addresses in a two-node
iGWB. After the configurations, the iGWB automatically generates several virtual IP addresses
for interconnecting to other devices. In this case, other devices can use these virtual IP addresses
to interconnect to the iGWB even if the primary and secondary iGWB servers are switched over.

7.4.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the basic knowledge of the two-node iGWB, including the runtime priority,
heartbeat link, user information synchronization, and virtual IP address. It helps you understand
how to configure the parameters of the two-node iGWB.

Runtime Priority
This topic describes the basic knowledge of the runtime priority of the two-node iGWB and how
to configure the parameters related to the runtime priority.

In Table 7-1, iGWB0 (the primary iGWB server) has a higher runtime priority over iGWB1
(the secondary iGWB server).

Table 7-1 Information about the primary and secondary iGWB servers

Server Installation Description


iGWB0 In the cabinet, the primary iGWB server is Primary iGWB server
installed below the secondary iGWB server.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-7

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Server Installation Description


iGWB1 In the cabinet, the secondary iGWB server is Secondary iGWB server
installed above the primary iGWB server.

The two-node iGWB uses the cluster mechanism. The details are as follows:
l The cls_proc processes of the primary and secondary iGWB servers constantly sends
handshake messages to another server and receives handshake messages from that server.
l The cls_proc process of iGWB1 detects that iGWB0 does not respond for more than five
minutes, the services are switched between iGWB0 and iGWB1. Afterwards, iGWB1 is in
active state and iGWB0 is in standby state.
l As the primary server, iGWB0 has a higher priority over iGWB1. When iGWB0 recovers
after restart of the iGWB, the services are switched between iGWB0 and iGWB1.
Afterwards, iGWB0 is in active state and iGWB1 is in standby state.
The runtime priority can be configured through the ServerNo parameter of the Common section
in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.

Heartbeat Link
This topic describes the basic knowledge of a heartbeat link. It helps you understand how to
configure the parameters of a heartbeat link.
Figure 7-2 shows the structure of a heartbeat link on the iGWB server. The iGWB uses a network
adapter link and a serial port link for redundancy backup. See Table 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Heartbeat link structure

Network port Serial port

Link1 Link2

Network port Serial port


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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Table 7-2 Heartbeat link details

Link Connection Description

Link1 Link1 uses network adapter 2 of the primary and Used together with Link2,
secondary servers. Also, network adapter 2 is the Link1 has the same
standby plane network adapter through which the priority as Link2.
iGWB Server connects to the SOFTX3000.
Through the core LAN Switch in the cabinet, the
iGWB Server connects to the SOFTX3000.

Link2 Link2 uses the serial port cables. Used together with Link1,
Link2 has the same
priority as Link1.

The settings of the heartbeat links can be modified through the Cluster and Link%d sections
in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.

%d of the Link%d section indicates the number of a heartbeat link. The number of a heartbeat link is
determined by the count of the heartbeat links configured in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.
For example, you can configure heartbeat link 1 in the Link1 section.

User Information Synchronization

This topic describes the basic knowledge of user information synchronization. It helps you
understand how to configure the related settings.
In the two-node iGWB, to synchronize the user information of a server to the other server, you
need to configure the relevant settings.
The iGWB stores the user information in D:\other\mml\user.ini. The user information is
synchronized on the two servers through FTP.
The settings related to user information synchronization can be modified through the MML
section in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.

Virtual IP Address
This topic describes the basic knowledge of using a virtual IP address on the iGWB. It helps you
understand how to configure a virtual IP address.
After the switchover of the two iGWB servers, the fixed IP address is modified. As a result,
errors occur in the connections among the iGWB Server, SOFTX3000, the BC, the NMS, and
the iGWB Client. To avoid these errors, the iGWB Server provides the following methods:
l The iGWB Server uses a virtual IP address to shield the fixed IP address.
Through the virtual IP address, the iGWB Server connects to the SOFTX3000, the NMS,
and the iGWB Client.
l To connect a device to the iGWB, configure two fixed IP addresses.
Through the fixed IP addresses, the iGWB Server connects to the BC and the iGWB
Parameter Config Console.
Basically, the iGWB is configured with three virtual IP addresses. See Figure 7-3. The virtual
IP addresses take effect only when the iGWB services run.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-9

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Figure 7-3 Virtual IP addresses used by the iGWB

Fixed IP address:

Fixed IP address: FABRIC1
Fixed IP address: BASE2
Fixed IP address:
Fixed IP address:
Virtual IP address: PMC2-LAN1 Fixed IP address:
Virtual IP address:

Fixed IP address: iGWB0
Fixed IP address: Virtual IP address: BASE2 C
Virtual IP address:
Fixed IP address: optional FABRIC1 D
Fixed IP address: BASE1

Fixed IP address:
Fixed IP address:

Link A is used connect the iGWB server to the client Link B is the primary link and is used connect the
and the NMS. iGWB server to the softswitch.
Link C is the secondary link and is used connect the Link D is used to connect connect the iGWB server to
iGWB server to the softswitch. the BC.

The settings of the virtual IP addresses can be modified through the Cluster and Resource%
d sections in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.
%d of the Resource%d section indicates the number of a virtual IP address. The number of a virtual IP
address is determined by the count of the virtual IP addresses configured in C:\iGWB\config\ini
For example, you can configure virtual IP address 1 in the Resource1 section.

7.4.2 Configuring the Runtime Priority in a Two-Node iGWB

This topic describes how to configure the parameters that are related to the runtime priority in
a two-node iGWB. After the configurations, the runtime priority of the two-node iGWB is
specified, that is, the primary and secondary iGWB servers are configured.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the config user.
For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config Console.

For details about the basic knowledge of the runtime priority, see 7.4.1 Basic Knowledge.
This topic describes how to configure the parameters on the secondary iGWB server. After
completing the tasks described in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.9.2
Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server, you can configure the
parameters on the primary iGWB server. For details about how to configure the parameters on
the primary iGWB server, see 7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 In the navigation tree, choose Common. Use the default settings of the Common section. See
Table 7-3.
If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-11

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 7-3 Parameters (in the Common Section) Related to the Runtime Priority
Parameter Description Remarks

ClusterMode Indicates the running mode of the iGWB. This It is recommended to use
parameter applies to version V200R002C12 or the default value.
The values are:
l 1
Two-node mode
l 0
Standalone mode
[Default value]: 1
[Effect on other parameters]:
When the value is set to 0, the parameter
sections of the two-node iGWB do not take
effect. The following list the default parameter
sections of the two-node iGWB:
l Cluster
l Link1
l Link2
l Resource1
l Resource2
l Resource3

7-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

NoCluster Indicates the running mode of the iGWB. This It is recommended to use
parameter applies to any version that is earlier the default value.
than version V200R002C12. For versions
V200R002C12 or a later version, use the
ClusterMode parameter.
The values are:
l 0
Two-node mode
l 1
Standalone mode
[Default value]: 0
[Effect on other parameters]:
When the value is set to 1, the parameter
sections of the two-node iGWB do not take
effect. The following list the default parameter
sections of the two-node iGWB:
l Cluster
l Link1
l Link2
l Resource1
l Resource2
l Resource3

ServerNo Indicates whether the current iGWB server is For the primary iGWB
a primary iGWB server or a secondary server, the value is set to
iGWB server. This parameter also indicates 0.
the runtime priority of the current iGWB For the secondary
server. iGWB server, the value
The values are: is set to 1.
l 0 When the iGWB uses the
Primary iGWB server single-node mode, the
l 1 value must be set to 0.
Secondary iGWB server
[Default value]: 0

Step 2 Click to save the settings.


In V200R002C12 or a later version, after configuration, the relevant parameter settings in the
igwb.ini file of the secondary iGWB server are shown as follows:
ServerNo = 1
ClusterMode = 1

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-13

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

7.4.3 Configuring the Heartbeat

This section describes how to configure the parameters related to the heartbeat. If you use a
standalone iGWB, you can skip this topic.

Before configuring the parameters related to the heartbeat, make sure that the following
requirements are met:
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config

For the basic knowledge about heartbeat links, see 7.4.1 Basic Knowledge.
This topic describes how to configure the parameters on the secondary iGWB server. After
completing the tasks described in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.9.2
Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server, you can configure the
parameters on the primary iGWB server. For details about how to configure the parameters on
the primary iGWB server, see 7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 In the navigation tree, choose Cluster. Use the default settings of the Cluster section. See Table
If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-4.

7-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Table 7-4 Parameters (in the Cluster section) related to the heartbeat
Parameter Description Remarks

HeartBeatBroken Indicates the interval for checking the It is required to use the
heartbeat state in the two-node iGWB. If no default value.
heartbeat message is received within the
interval, the primary and secondary iGWB
servers are switched over. Also, the
"ALM-3209 Private Network Interruption"
alarm is reported. If the two heartbeat links
are faulty, the iGWB generates the
"ALM-3205 Heartbeat Interruption" alarm.
[Default value]: 300s

HeartBeatCount Indicates the number of heartbeat links in It is recommended to

two-node cluster mode. In general, the use the current value.
number of heartbeat links is 2. One is an
Ethernet heartbeat link and the other is a
serial port heartbeat link. Set the value of this
parameter to the maximum value of %d in
the Link%d section.
For example, if the iGWB is configured with
the Link1 and Link2 sections, the value of
the HeartBeatCount parameter is set to 2.
[Value range]: 0-5
[Current value]: 2
[Default value]: 0

Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Link1. Use the default settings of the Link1 section. See Table
If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-5.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-15

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 7-5 Parameters (in the Link1 section) related to the heartbeat
Parameter Description Remarks

LocalIP Indicates the local IP address of the heartbeat link On the primary iGWB
of the network adapter. Usually, set the value to server, use the current
the IP address of network adapter 2 (the four value. On the secondary
network adapters are numbered from 0 to 3) of the iGWB server, set the
primary iGWB server. Network adapter 2 also value to
serves as the backup plane network adapter NOTE
through which the iGWB server connects to the Before setting the value,
SOFTX3000. check the fixed IP address
of network adapter 2 of
[Current value]: the iGWB server.
According to the IP address plan, this IP address is
the fixed IP address of network adapter 2 of the
iGWB server.
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, BackupTask
%d, Link%d

PeerIP Indicates the peer IP address of the heartbeat link On the primary iGWB
of the network adapter. Usually, set the value to server, use the current
the IP address of network adapter 2 (the four value. On the secondary
network adapters are numbered from 0 to 3) of the iGWB server, set the
primary iGWB server. Network adapter 2 also value to
serves as the backup plane network adapter NOTE
through which the iGWB server connects to the Before setting the value,
SOFTX3000. check the fixed IP address
of network adapter 2 of
[Current value]: the iGWB server.
According to the IP address plan, this IP address is
the fixed IP address of network adapter 2 of the
iGWB server.
[Default value]: null

Name Indicates the heartbeat link name. Use this name It is recommended to
when the heartbeat link is displayed on the CDR use the current value.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null

Type Indicates the heartbeat link type. It is recommended to

The values are: use the current value.
l UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
Indicates an Ethernet heartbeat link.
Indicates a serial heartbeat link.
[Default value]: UDP

Step 3 In the navigation tree, choose Link2. Use the default settings of the Link2 section. See Table

7-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-6.

Table 7-6 Parameters (in the Link2 section) related to the heartbeat

Parameter Description Remarks

Port Indicates the port number of the Use COM2 for the following
serial heartbeat link. servers:
The values are: l IBM x343 server
l 11228 l IBM x3650T server
This value takes effect only when
l HUAWEI C4210 server
the value of Type parameter in
the Link2 section is set to UDP. For other server types, use COM1.
l 1
Indicates the COM1 serial port of
the server.
l 2
Indicates the COM2 serial port of
the server.
[Current value]: 1
[Default value]: 11228

Name Indicates the heartbeat link name. It is recommended to use the current
Use this name when the heartbeat settings.
link is displayed on the CDR The current value is COM_LINK.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null

Type Indicates the heartbeat link type. It is recommended to use the current
The values are: settings.
l UDP (User Datagram Protocol) The current value is COM.
Indicates an Ethernet heartbeat
Indicates a serial heartbeat link.
[Default value]: UDP

Step 4 Click to save the settings.


After configuration, the relevant parameter settings in the igwb.ini file of the secondary
iGWB server are shown as follows:
HeartBeatBroken = 300
HeartBeatCount = 2

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-17

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Type = UDP
LocalIP =
PeerIP =

Type = COM
Port = 1

7.4.4 Configuring User Information Synchronization in a Two-

Node iGWB
This topic describes how to configure the parameters for user information synchronization in a
two-node iGWB. With the user information synchronization function, after switchover of the
primary and secondary iGWB servers, the user information on the primary iGWB server can be
synchronized on the secondary iGWB server. You need not bother with adding the users once
more on the secondary iGWB server.

Before configuring the parameters for user information synchronization in a two-node iGWB,
make sure that the following requirements are met:
l The FTP sites for user information synchronization are created respectively on the primary
and secondary iGWB servers. For more details, see iGWB Installation Guide.
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config

For the basic knowledge about user information synchronization, see 7.4.1 Basic Knowledge.

This topic describes how to configure the parameters on the secondary iGWB server. After
completing the tasks described in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.9.2
Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server, you can configure the
parameters on the primary iGWB server. For details about how to configure the parameters on
the primary iGWB server, see 7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 In the navigation tree, choose MML.
Configure the parameters of the MML section as shown in Table 7-7. If a parameter does not
exist, add the parameter.

7-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server


If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-7.

Table 7-7 Parameters (in the MML section ) for User Information Synchronization in a Two-
Node iGWB
Parameter Description Remarks

UseSyncUserInfo Indicates whether the user It is required to add this

information is synchronized between parameter in the MML
the primary and secondary iGWB section and set the value
servers. to 1.
The values are:
l 0
The user information is not
synchronized between the primary
and secondary iGWB servers.
l non 0
The user information is
synchronized between the primary
and secondary iGWB servers.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters]: If the
value is set to 0, the following
parameters in the MML section do
not take effect.
l UserInfoUserName
l UserInfoPwd
l BeforeEncode
l BackupPersistUserPath

UserInfoUserName Indicates the user name of the FTP Make sure that the value
server through which the user is set to cluster. For
information is synchronized between details, see the iGWB
the primary and secondary iGWB Installation Guide.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null

UserInfoPwd Indicates the user password of the Make sure that this
FTP server through which the user parameter is added in the
information is synchronized between MML section and that a
the primary and secondary servers. value is specified to it.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters Generally, the password
of the cluster user is set
[Default value]: null during deployment. For
details, see the iGWB
Installation Guide.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

BeforeEncode Indicates whether the password is Make sure that this

encrypted. Set the value to 1 during parameter is added in the
initial configuration or when user MML section and that
information is changed. the value is 1.
The values are:
l 1
The current password is in plain
text. The iGWB automatically
encrypts the values of the
following parameters in the
igwb.ini file and changes the value
of BeforeEncode to 0.
– When you configure the
parameters in the MML
section, the iGWB encrypts the
value of UserInfoPwd.
– When you configure the
parameters in the NetBackup,
BackupTask%, and
Wholesale sections, the iGWB
encrypts the value of
Password in each section.
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Wholesale, MML

BackupPersistUserPath Indicates the path for saving the user Set the value of this
information file in the iGWB. Set the parameter based on the
value of this parameter to a relative default path for the FTP
path. By default, the installation path server used to
for the user information file is D: synchronize user
\other\mml. information.
For example, the default path for the
FTP server is D:\other, so the value
of this parameter is set to mml.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null

Step 2 Click to save the settings.


After configuration, the relevant parameter settings in the igwb.ini file of the secondary
iGWB server are shown as follows:

7-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

UseSyncUserInfo = 1
UserInfoUserName = cluster
UserInfoPwd = cluster password
BeforeEncode = 1
BackupPersistUserPath = mml

7.4.5 Configuring Virtual IP Addresses

This topic describes how to configure the parameters of virtual IP addresses in a two-node
iGWB. After the configurations, the iGWB automatically generates several virtual IP addresses
for interconnecting to other devices. In this case, other devices can use these virtual IP addresses
to interconnect to the iGWB even if the primary and secondary iGWB servers are switched over.

Before configuring the parameters of a virtual IP address in a two-node iGWB, make sure that
the following requirements are met:
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config

For the basic knowledge about virtual IP addresses, see 7.4.1 Basic Knowledge.
This topic describes how to configure the parameters of a virtual IP address on the secondary
iGWB server. After completing the tasks described in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB
through 7.9.2 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server, you can
configure the parameters of a virtual IP address on the primary iGWB server. For details about
how to configure the parameters of a virtual IP address on the primary iGWB server, see 7.10
Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB Server.
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 In the navigation tree, choose Cluster. Use the default settings of the Cluster section. See Table
If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-8.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-21

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 7-8 Parameters (in the Cluster section) of a virtual IP address

Parameter Description Remarks

InstallShareDiskArray Indicates whether the two-node iGWB For the iGWB, the value
uses a shared disk array. should be set to 0.
The values are:
l 0
The two-node iGWB does not use a
shared disk array.
l 1
The two-node iGWB uses a shared
disk array.
[Default value]: 1

ResourceCount Indicates the number of virtual IP It is recommended to

addresses used by the primary and use the current value.
secondary iGWB servers. For example,
if the value is 4, the following sections
exist: Resource1, Resource2,
Resource3, and Resource4.
[Value range] 0-31
[Current value]: 3
[Default value]: 0

Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Resource1. Use the default settings of the Resource1 section. See
Table 7-9.

l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-9.
l If the virtual IP address specified in the Resource1 section is faulty, the iGWB generates the
"ALM-3213 IP Resource Failure" alarm. The value of "Virtual ip address number" is 1.

Table 7-9 Parameters (in the Resource1 section) of a virtual IP address

Parameter Description Remarks

VirtualIP Indicates the virtual IP address through which the You can specify a
primary and secondary iGWB servers connect to different value
the iGWB Client and the NMS. according to the
[Current value]: actual case.
[Default value]:

VirtualMask Indicates the subnet mask of the virtual IP address. You can specify a
Through this subnet mask, the primary and different value
secondary iGWB servers connect to the iGWB according to the
Client and the NMS. actual case.
[Current value]:
[Default value]: null

7-22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

OrginalIP Indicates the original IP address of the IP resource, On the primary

that is, the IP address of network adapter 0 (the iGWB server, set the
four network adapters are numbered from 0 to 3) value to
of the primary iGWB server or the secondary On the secondary
iGWB server. iGWB server, set the
[Current value]: value to
[Default value]: null
Before configuring the
original IP address,
check the fixed IP
address of network
adapter 0 of the
iGWB server. For
more details, see
Table 4-2.

ResName Indicates the resource name. It is recommended to

[Maximum length]: 128 characters use the current value.
[Default value]: null

ResType Indicates the resource type. It is required to use

The values are: the current value.
l IP
A virtual IP address
l Volume
A shared disk array
l IBMVolume
An IBM EXP disk array
l Service
An application
l UserDefined
A user-defined resource
[Default value]: null

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-23

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

SwitchGroup Indicate the resource group number. When It is required to use

exceptions occur in different resources groups, the the current value.
iGWB uses different methods to handle the
[Value range]:
l -1
The number of the resource group that the
virtual IP address belongs to. In this resource
group, the virtual IP addresses for connecting
the iGWB Client and the BC are set. When the
value is set to -1, if an exception occurs, the
"ALM-3213 iGWB IP Resource Failure" alarm
is generated but the primary and secondary
iGWB servers are not switched over.
l 0
No group that is divided for the virtual IP
address. When the value is set to 0, if an
exception occurs, the "ALM-3213 iGWB IP
Resource Failure" alarm is generated and the
primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over.
l 1
The number of the resource group that the
virtual IP address belongs to. In the resource
group, the primary and secondary virtual IP
addresses for connecting the SOFTX3000 are
set. When the value is set to 1, if exceptions
occur in all the virtual IP addresses of the same
resource group, the "ALM-3213 iGWB IP
Resource Failure" alarm is generated and the
primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over.
For example, when the values of the
SwitchGroup parameters in Resource2 and
Resource3 are set to 1, it indicates that the two
IP addresses belong to the same resource group.
The primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over only when exceptions occur in
the virtual IP addresses configured in
Resource2 and Resource3.
[Default value]: 0

Step 3 In the navigation tree, choose Resource2. Use the default settings of the Resource2 section. See
Table 7-10.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server


l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-10.
l If the virtual IP address specified in the Resource2 section is faulty, the iGWB generates the
"ALM-3213 IP Resource Failure" alarm. The value of "Virtual ip address number" is 2.

Table 7-10 Parameters (in the Resource2 section) of a virtual IP address

Parameter Description Remarks

VirtualIP Indicates the virtual IP address through which the It is recommended to

primary and secondary iGWB servers connect to use the default
the primary links of the SOFTX3000. settings.
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

VirtualMask Indicates the subnet mask of the virtual IP address. Set the value to
Through this subnet mask, the primary and
secondary iGWB servers connect to the primary
links of the SOFTX3000.
[Current value]:
[Default value]: null

OrginalIP Indicates the original IP address of the IP resource, On the primary

that is, the IP address of network adapter 1 (the iGWB server, use the
four network adapters are numbered from 0 to 3) current value. On the
of the primary iGWB server or the secondary secondary iGWB
iGWB server. server, set the value
[Current value]: to
[Default value]: null
Before configuring the
original IP address,
check the fixed IP
address of network
adapter 1 of the
iGWB server. For
more details, see
Table 4-2.

ResName Indicates the resource name. It is recommended to

[Maximum length]: 128 characters use the current value.
[Default value]: null

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-25

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

ResType Indicates the resource type. It is required to use

The values are: the current value.
l IP
A virtual IP address
l Volume
A shared disk array
l IBMVolume
An IBM EXP disk array
l Service
An application
l UserDefined
A user-defined resource
[Default value]: null

7-26 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

SwitchGroup Indicate the resource group number. When It is required to use

exceptions occur in different resources groups, the the current value.
iGWB uses different methods to handle the
[Value range]:
l -1
The number of the resource group that the
virtual IP address belongs to. In this resource
group, the virtual IP addresses for connecting
the iGWB Client and the BC are set. When the
value is set to -1, if an exception occurs, the
"ALM-3213 iGWB IP Resource Failure" alarm
is generated but the primary and secondary
iGWB servers are not switched over.
l 0
No group that is divided for the virtual IP
address. When the value is set to 0, if an
exception occurs, the "ALM-3213 iGWB IP
Resource Failure" alarm is generated and the
primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over.
l 1
The number of the resource group that the
virtual IP address belongs to. In the resource
group, the primary and secondary virtual IP
addresses for connecting the SOFTX3000 are
set. When the value is set to 1, if exceptions
occur in all the virtual IP addresses of the same
resource group, the "ALM-3213 iGWB IP
Resource Failure" alarm is generated and the
primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over.
For example, when the values of the
SwitchGroup parameters in Resource2 and
Resource3 are set to 1, it indicates that the two
IP addresses belong to the same resource group.
The primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over only when exceptions occur in
the virtual IP addresses configured in
Resource2 and Resource3.
[Default value]: 0

Step 4 In the navigation tree, choose Resource3. Use the default settings of the Resource3 section. See
Table 7-11.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-27

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual


l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-11.
l If the virtual IP address specified in the Resource3 section is faulty, the iGWB generates an "ALM-3213
IP Resource Failure" alarm. The value of "Virtual ip address number" is 3.

Table 7-11 Parameters (in the Resource3 section) of a virtual IP address

Parameter Description Remarks

VirtualIP Indicates the virtual IP address through which the It is recommended to

primary and secondary iGWB servers connect to use the current
the secondary links of the SOFTX3000. settings.
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

VirtualMask Indicates the subnet mask of the virtual IP address. Set the value to
Through this subnet mask, the primary and
secondary iGWB servers connect to the secondary
links of the SOFTX3000.
[Current value]:
[Default value]: null

OrginalIP Indicates the original IP address of the IP resource, On the primary

that is, the IP address of network adapter 2 (the iGWB server, use the
four network adapters are numbered from 0 to 3) current value. On the
of the primary iGWB server or the secondary secondary server, set
iGWB server. the value to
[Current value]:
[Default value]: null
Before configuring the
original IP address,
check the fixed IP
address of network
adapter 2 of the
iGWB server. For
more details, see
Table 4-2.

ResName Indicates the resource name. It is recommended to

[Maximum length]: 128 characters use the current value.
[Default value]: null

7-28 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

ResType Indicates the resource type. It is required to use

The values are: the current value.
l IP
A virtual IP address
l Volume
A shared disk array
l IBMVolume
An IBM EXP disk array
l Service
An application
l UserDefined
A user-defined resource
[Default value]: null

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-29

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

SwitchGroup Indicate the resource group number. When It is required to use

exceptions occur in different resources groups, the the current value.
iGWB uses different methods to handle the
[Value range]:
l -1
The number of the resource group that the
virtual IP address belongs to. In this resource
group, the virtual IP addresses for connecting
the iGWB Client and the BC are set. When the
value is set to -1, if an exception occurs, the
"ALM-3213 iGWB IP Resource Failure" alarm
is generated but the primary and secondary
iGWB servers are not switched over.
l 0
No group that is divided for the virtual IP
address. When the value is set to 0, if an
exception occurs, the "ALM-3213 iGWB IP
Resource Failure" alarm is generated and the
primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over.
l 1
The number of the resource group that the
virtual IP address belongs to. In the resource
group, the primary and secondary virtual IP
addresses for connecting the SOFTX3000 are
set. When the value is set to 1, if exceptions
occur in all the virtual IP addresses of the same
resource group, the "ALM-3213 iGWB IP
Resource Failure" alarm is generated and the
primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over.
For example, when the values of the
SwitchGroup parameters in Resource2 and
Resource3 are set to 1, it indicates that the two
IP addresses belong to the same resource group.
The primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over only when exceptions occur in
the virtual IP addresses configured in
Resource2 and Resource3.
[Default value]: 0

Step 5 After modifying the configuration, click to save the settings.


After configuration, the relevant parameter settings in the igwb.ini file of the secondary
iGWB server are shown as follows:

7-30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

InstallShareDiskArray = 0
ResourceCount = 3

ResType = IP
ResName = IP_OMC
OrginalIP =
VirtualIP =
VirtualMask =
SwitchGroup = -1

ResType = IP
ResName = IP_PLANE1
OrginalIP =
VirtualIP =
VirtualMask =
SwitchGroup = 1

ResType = IP
ResName = IP_PLANE2
OrginalIP =
VirtualIP =
VirtualMask =
SwitchGroup = 1

7.5 Configuring a Connection Between the iGWB Server

and the iGWB Client
This topic describes how to configure a connection between the iGWB Server and the iGWB
Client in the igwb.ini file.

7.5.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the basic knowledge of the iGWB Client. This helps you understand how
to configure the iGWB Client.
7.5.2 Configuring a Connection Between the iGWB Server and the iGWB Client
This topic describes how to configure the parameters for connecting the iGWB Server to the
iGWB Client. After the configurations, the iGWB Server can provide an IP address for
connecting to the iGWB Client , and the number of the Client components that are allowed to
log in is set.

7.5.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the basic knowledge of the iGWB Client. This helps you understand how
to configure the iGWB Client.

Structure of the iGWB Client

The iGWB Client consists of the following components:
l iGWB Client: manages the iGWB and CDR files.
l iGWB Parameter Config Console: manages the igwb.ini file where parameters are
l System Debugger: debugs software applications.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-31

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Connecting the iGWB Client to the iGWB Server

As shown in Figure 7-4, the iGWB Server provides a virtual IP address to the iGWB Client.
The iGWB Client communicates with the iGWB Server through MML.

Not all the components of the iGWB Client communicate with the iGWB Server through a virtual IP
address. The following shows the details.
l The iGWB Client and the iGWB System Debugger communicate with the iGWB Server through a
virtual IP address.
l The iGWB Parameter Config Console communicate with the iGWB Server through the fixed IP address
of the network adapter 0 used by the primary and secondary iGWB servers.

Figure 7-4 Networking of the iGWB

Virtual IP
address MML


client client

Equipment room Network management center

LAN: Local Area Network NMS: Network Management System

WAN: Wide Area Network

The number of the iGWB Client components that can simultaneously connect to the iGWB
Server is under control. By default, five iGWB Client components are allowed to simultaneously
connect to the iGWB Server.

The number of the iGWB Clients that can simultaneously connect to the iGWB Server refers to the number
of the iGWB Client components that can simultaneously connect to the iGWB Server. For example, if the
iGWB Client and the iGWB Parameter Config Console of an iGWB Client connect to the iGWB Server,
three more iGWB Client components are allowed to connect to the iGWB Server.

The configuration information about the connection between the iGWB Server and the iGWB
Client is saved in the MML parameter in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini file.

7-32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

7.5.2 Configuring a Connection Between the iGWB Server and the

iGWB Client
This topic describes how to configure the parameters for connecting the iGWB Server to the
iGWB Client. After the configurations, the iGWB Server can provide an IP address for
connecting to the iGWB Client , and the number of the Client components that are allowed to
log in is set.

Before configuring the parameters for connecting the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client, make
sure that the following requirements are met:
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config

For the basic knowledge about connecting the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client, see 7.5.1 Basic
This topic describes how to configure the parameters on the secondary iGWB server. After
completing the tasks described in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.9.2
Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server, you can configure the
parameters on the primary iGWB server. For details about how to configure the parameters on
the primary iGWB server, see 7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 In the navigation tree, choose MML. Use the default settings of the MML section. See Table

When you query and browse the CDR files or view the system debug information on the
iGWB Client, the performance of the iGWB Server is affected. To improve the performance, it
is recommended to set the number of iGWB Clients that the iGWB Server is allowed to access
to the minimum value.

If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-12.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 7-12 Parameters (in the MML section) for connecting the iGWB Server to the iGWB
Parameter Description Remarks

LocalIpToMMLClient Indicates the IP address through which You can specify a

the iGWB Server connects to the iGWB different value
Client.The value must be consistent with according to the
the value of the VirtualIP parameter in actual case.
the Resource1 section.
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

MaxConnectUserNumber Indicates the maximum number of the It is recommended

iGWB Client components that the current to use the default
node can connect to. value.
[Value range] 5-30
[Default value]: 5

The number of the iGWB Clients that can simultaneously connect to the iGWB Server refers to the number
of the iGWB Client components that can simultaneously connect to the iGWB Server.
For example, if the iGWB Client and the iGWB Parameter Config Console of an iGWB Client connect to
the iGWB Server at the same time, three more iGWB Client components are allowed to connect to the
iGWB Server.

Step 2 Click to save the settings.


After configuration, the relevant parameter settings in the igwb.ini file of the secondary
iGWB server are shown as follows:
MaxConnectUserNumber = 5
LocalIpToMMLClient =

7.6 Configuring the Alarms

This topic describes how to configure the parameters related to alarms in the igwb.ini file.

You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the config user.
For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config Console.

By default, the iGWB does not send the "ALM-3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs For A Long Time"
alarm and you need to configure the related parameters.
For details about how to transmit final CDR files, see 7.8.1 Basic Knowledge.

7-34 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

l Only the parameters described in this topic are allowed to be modified. Do not modify the
other parameters related to the alarms. Otherwise, some errors or defects cannot be detected
or rectified.
l Only some parameters described in this topic need to be configured when pull mode is
used to transmit final CDRs. If final CDRs are transmitted in push mode, directly go to
Step 5.

This topic describes how to configure the parameters on the secondary iGWB server. After
completing the tasks described in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.9.2
Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server, you can configure the
parameters on the primary iGWB server. For details about how to configure the parameters on
the primary iGWB server, see 7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 According to the CDR types supported by the BC and the channel names, identify the channel
numbers in C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1.
For example, the BC fetches only detailed CDR files. These files are stored in the Detail channel.
In C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1, search all .chl files. You may infer that the number of the
Detail channel is 1 if the 1.chl file contains the following contents:
ChannelName detail

The parameters of the Detail channel are configured in the channel1-1 section of the igwb.ini

The format library of the iGWB is stored in C:\iGWB\Config\Format. Do not arbitrarily add,
modify, or delete the files in C:\iGWB\Config\Format.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual


l If multiple access points are used, clarify the access points.

l %d in the AccessPoint%d section indicates the number of an access point. The number of an access
point is determined by the count of the access point parameters configured in C:\iGWB\config\ini
For example, you can configure access point 1 in the AccessPoint1 section.
l The first %d of the channel%d-%d section indicates the number of an access point. The second %
d indicates the number of a channel. The number of a channel is determined by the file name of the
corresponding .chl file in C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1.
For example, channel1-2 indicates channel 2 on access point 1. You can configure channel 2 on access
point 1 by using the parameters in the channel1-2 section.

Step 2 In the navigation tree, create the related channel%d-%d section.

If the channel%d-%d section exists, go to Step 3.
1. If the channel%d-%d section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini
and choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, select channel- in Please Select the section:, specify the
access point ID and channel ID respectively in Access Point ID and Channel ID, and then
click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, click channel%d-%d. By default, the relevant parameters are not
configured in channel%d-%d. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 7-13.
If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-13.

7-36 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Table 7-13 Parameters (in the channel%d-%d section) related to the alarms

Parameter Description Remarks

FetchFileTimeOut Indicates the timeout time for the BC to Set the value according to
fetch CDR files from the iGWB. If the the traffic volume of the
BC does not fetch CDR files from the office. If the traffic
iGWB in the specified time, the volume is unknown, it is
iGWB generates the "ALM- 3203 BS recommended to set the
Not Fetch CDRs For A Long Time" value to 7.
[Value range]:
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is
l 1-60 (minutes)
Indicates the threshold for
determining whether the iGWB
generates the "ALM- 3203 BS Not
Fetch CDRs For A Long Time"
alarm. For example, if you set the
value of FetchFileTimeOut to 7, it
indicates that the iGWB generates an
alarm if the BC does not fetch CDR
files within seven minutes.
[Default value]: 0 minutes
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

The AccessPoint%d and channel%d-%d sections also contain the FetchFileTimeOut

parameter. The scope of the FetchFileTimeOut parameter varies with parameter sections.
l In the DiskFile section, the FetchFileTimeOut parameter applies to all second copies of
final CDR files.
For example, if the value of FetchFileTimeOut of the DiskFile section is set to 7, it indicates
that, if the BC does not fetch any CDR file from E:\backsave\Second within seven minutes,
the "ALM- 3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs For A Long Time" alarm is generated.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the FetchFileTimeOut parameter applies to all final CDR
files on access point %d. You can check the access point ID in C:\iGWB\config\ini
For example, if the value of FetchFileTimeOut of the AccessPoint1 section is set to 7, it
indicates that, if the BC does not fetch any CDR file from E:\backsave\Second
\accecspoint1 within seven minutes, the "ALM-3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs For A Long Time"
alarm is generated.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the FetchFileTimeOut parameter applies to all final CDR
files in channel %d-%d. You can check channel ID in the C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1.
For example, if the value of FetchFileTimeOut of the channel1-1 section is set to 7, it
indicates that, if the BC does not fetch any CDR file from E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint1
\channel1 within seven minutes, the "ALM- 3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs For A Long Time"
alarm is generated.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

The FetchFileTimeOut parameters in different parameter sections take effect in the following
channel%d-%d > AccessPoint%d > DiskFile.
For example, if the value of the FetchFileTimeOut parameter in the channel1-1 section is set
to 7 and that in the AccessPoint1 section is set to 8, it indicates that, if the BC does not fetch
any CDR files from E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint1\channel1 within seven minutes, an
alarm is generated.
Step 4 On the Parameter Config Console, check the configuration of FetchFileTimeOut.

After the configuration, ensure that:
l FetchFileTimeOut does not exist in AccessPoint%d.
l FetchFileTimeOut does not exist in DiskFile.
l Only the BC needs a channel for obtaining CDRs, so FetchFileTimeOut is set in the related
channel%d-%d section. FetchFileTimeOut cannot exist in other channel%d-%d

Step 5 In the navigation tree, choose AccessPoint%d. Use the default settings of the AccessPoint%
d section. See Table 7-14.

This step needs to be performed only when you configure the iGWB to receive CDRs from the
following devices or NEs. Otherwise, skip this step.
l SOFTX3000
l UMG8900
l Mediax3600

If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-14.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Table 7-14 Parameters (in the AccessPoint%d section) related to the alarms

Parameter Description Remarks

BinAlarmSend Indicates whether binary alarms are sent. Binary When the iGWB
alarms are sent to the BAM. works with the
The values are: SOFTX3000, set
the value to 1.
l 0
Binary alarms are not sent.
l 1
Binary alarms are sent.
[Default value]: 0

BaseID Indicates the first two digits of an alarm ID. Specify a value
For example, for alarm 01, the alarm ID is 3201 according to the
when the iGWB works with all the devices or NEs devices or NEs that
in the CS domain. The alarm ID is 0001 when the the iGWB works
iGWB works with all the devices or NEs in the with.
PS domain. l Set the value to
[Value range]: 3200 when the
iGWB works
l 0 with all the
Indicates that the first two digits of the alarm devices or NEs
ID are set to 00. Use this value when the in the CS
iGWB works with all the devices or NEs in the domain.
PS domain.
l Set the value to
l 3200 0 when the
Indicates that the first two digits of the alarm iGWB works
ID are set to 32. Use this value when the with all the
iGWB works with all the devices or NEs in the devices or NEs
CS domain. in the PS
[Default value]: 0 domain.

Step 6 Click to save the settings.


If the iGWB works with the SOFTX3000 and the BC fetches the CDR files of channel 1, channel
2, and channel 3 of access point 1 only, the relevant parameter settings in the igwb.ini file of
the secondary iGWB server are shown as follows:
BinAlarmSend = 1
BaseID = 3200

FetchFileTimeOut = 7

FetchFileTimeOut = 7

FetchFileTimeOut = 7

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

7.7 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process CDRs

This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to receive and process CDRs in the igwb.ini

7.7.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the basic knowledge of how the iGWB receives and processes CDRs. Basic
concepts include the access point, format library, and backsave patch. These concepts help you
know how to configure the iGWB to receive and process CDRs.
7.7.2 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from the SOFTX3000
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to receive and process the CDRs from the
7.7.3 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from the MediaX3600
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to receive and process CDRs from the
Mediax3600. After this configuration task, the iGWB can receive CDRs from the Mediax3600
and then convert the formats of the CDRs, and sort, merge, and cache the CDRs.
7.7.4 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from the UMG8900
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to receive and process CDRs from the
UMG8900. After this configuration task, the iGWB can receive CDRs from the UMG8900 and
then convert the formats of the CDRs, and sort, merge, and cache the CDRs.

7.7.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the basic knowledge of how the iGWB receives and processes CDRs. Basic
concepts include the access point, format library, and backsave patch. These concepts help you
know how to configure the iGWB to receive and process CDRs.
Figure 7-5 shows the procedure for receiving and processing CDRs by the iGWB. Basic
concepts include:
l Access point
l Format library
l Backsave patch

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Figure 7-5 Procedure for receiving and processing CDRs by the iGWB

Format library

Access point process

Network Frontsave Backsave
processing file
module module module

D:\ E:\
frontsave backsave

CDR processing process


Basic Knowledge of the Access Point

To enable the iGWB to connect to multiple network elements (NEs), the access point is
introduced during the development of the iGWB. From the standpoints of parameter
configuration, operation, and maintenance, one access point corresponds to one access point
process (ap_proc.exe). The access point process is used to receive CDRs from NEs or devices,
save the CDRs in CDR files, and then convert the CDR formats.

The settings of the access point process can be modified through the Common and AccessPoint
%d sections in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.

Basic Knowledge of the Format Library

As a part of the CDR processing module of the access point process, the format library defines
CDR formats, sorts CDR files, and converts CDR formats. By default, the format library files
are stored in C:\iGWB\Config\Format. The format library files can be replaced or updated.
This ensures flexile capability of processing CDR files.

The format library supports the following types of CDR files:

l Text CDR files
l Binary CDR files

The settings of the access point process can be modified through the Common and AccessPoint
%d sections in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.

%d of the AccessPoint%d section indicates the number of an access point. The number of an access point
is determined by the count of the access point parameters configured in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.
For example, you can configure access point 1 in the AccessPoint1 section.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Basic Knowledge of the Backsave Patch

After sorting and format conversion, if the CDR formats still cannot meet the carrier's
requirements, you can use the backsave patch to convert the CDR formats. The backsave patch
applies to the following cases:
l When you want to convert the formats of the final CDR files to ASN.1.
l When you want to convert the formats of the final CDR files to the formats defined by other
communication device manufacturers.
l When you want to delete the spaces in the text CDR files.

When the iGWB is installed, the backsave patch is also installed in C:\iGWB. The backsave
patch is suffixed with .dll. The backsave patch converts CDR formats in hard coding mode.

Figure 7-6 shows the position where the backsave patch locates in the CDR processing

Figure 7-6 Backsave patch in the CDR processing procedure

Format library

Access point process

Network Frontsave Backsave Final CDR
module module module file


D:\ E:\
frontsave backsave

CDR processing process


The settings of the backsave patch can be modified through the AccessPoint%d section in C:

%d of the AccessPoint%d section indicates the number of an access point. The number of an access point
is determined by the count of the access point parameters configured in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.
For example, you can configure access point 1 in the AccessPoint1 section.

7.7.2 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from
the SOFTX3000
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to receive and process the CDRs from the

7-42 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Before configuring the iGWB to receive and process the CDRs from the SOFTX3000, make
sure that the following requirements are met:
l The format library in the C:\iGWB\Config\Format is correct.
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config

For details about how to configure the iGWB to receive and process the CDRs from the
MediaX3600, see 7.7.3 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from the
For the basic knowledge about how the iGWB receives and processes CDRs, see 7.7.1 Basic
This topic describes how to configure the parameters on the secondary iGWB server. After
completing the tasks described in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.9.2
Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server, you can configure the
parameters on the primary iGWB server. For details about how to configure the parameters on
the primary iGWB server, see 7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 In the navigation tree, choose Common. Use the default settings of the Common section. See
Table 7-15.

l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-15.
l Each access point relies on an ap_proc.exe process to run. Running excessive ap_proc.exe processes
at the same time occupies high CPU usage and memory usage. Therefore, to improve system
performance, it is recommended to set the number of access points to the minimum value.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 7-15 Parameters (in the Common section) configured for the iGWB to receive and process
the CDRs from the SOFTX3000

Parameter Description Remarks

APCount It indicates the number of the access points that are It is recommended to use
configured for the iGWB, that is, the number of the the current value.
AccessPoint sections. NOTE
For example, the igwb.ini file contains two Each access point relies
on an ap_proc.exe
AccessPoint sections, that is, AccessPoint1 and
process to run. Running
AccessPoint2. Accordingly, value of the excessive ap_proc.exe
APCount parameter is 2. processes at the same time
[Value range] 1-99 occupies high CPU usage
and memory usage.
[Current value]: 1 Therefore, to improve
[Default value]: 0 system performance, it is
recommended to set the
[Effect on other parameters]: number of access points to
the minimum value.
This parameter determines the number of the
AccessPoint%d sections.
If the AccessPoint1 and AccessPoint2 sections are
configured but the value of APCount is 1, only the
AccessPoint1 section takes effect.

Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose AccessPoint%d. Use the default settings of the AccessPoint%
d section. See Table 7-16.

l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-16.
l %d in the AccessPoint%d section indicates the number of an access point. The number of an access
point is determined by the count of the access point parameters configured in C:\iGWB\config\ini
For example, you can configure access point 1 in the AccessPoint1 section.

Table 7-16 Parameters (in the AccessPoint%d section) configured for the iGWB to receive and
process the CDRs from the SOFTX3000

Parameter Description Remarks

BillRecSize Indicates the length of an original CDR file If the format

that the access point needs to process. library is
[Default value]: 261 bytes modified, and
format library is
correct. please
refer the value of
Original CDR
length in C:
\Readme.txt to
modify the value
of BillRecSize.

7-44 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

BackSavePatchName Indicates the name of the backsave patch. To determine

The backsave patch is stored in C:\iGWB. For whether to add
details, see the Version Upgrade this parameter
Instructions. and specify a
value, see the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters iGWB Version
[Default value]: null Upgrade
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint Instructions.
%d, Channel%d-%d If you already
know the
backsave patch to
be called, set the
value to the file
name (without the
extension) of the
backsave patch.
For example, to
use the
backsave patch,
set the value to

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-45

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

flowcontrol Indicates whether to enable the special It is

processing mode of heavy traffic. The speed recommended to
of the CDR conversion module in the access use the default
point process is quicker than the read-write value.
speed of the CDR in the backsave module, so To enable the
heavy traffic causes too many CDR in the processing mode,
memory. In this case, the iGWB generates the the following
"ALM-3257 iGWB Insufficient Available requirements
Memory" alarm and even the "ALM-3229 should be met:
iGWB Insufficient Available Memory
(Major)" alarm. To avoid this condition, you l The backsave
need to enable the special processing mode of patch is called.
heavy traffic. l When the
[Value range]: traffic is
heavy, the
l 0 SOFTX3000
Not to enable the mode. generates 1000
l 1 CDRs per
To enable the mode. second.
[Default value]: 0 l The
Memory" or
(Major)" alarm
is generated.
When the special
processing mode
of heavy traffic is
enabled, the CDR
performance of
the iGWB is
Therefore, use this
mode only in
memory overload.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

APName Indicates the access point name. The access It is

point name constitutes the accesspoint part of recommended to
the CDR storage path. For example: use the current
l D:\frontsave\accesspoint value.
l D:\StatusFile\accesspoint This parameter
l E:\backsave\accesspoint contains the
information about
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint the path in which
the CDR files and
l E:\StatusFileB\accesspoint
the status files are
Usually, the access points are abbreviated as stored. Therefore,
follows: you cannot
modify this
l X3KC parameter after it
Abbreviated for CSOFTX3000. is in commercial
l X3KF
Abbreviated for SOFTX3000.
l X3KM
Abbreviated for MSOFTX3000.
Abbreviated for MSE9830.
Indicates the UMG8900.
Abbreviated for Mediax3600.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Current value]: X3KF
[Default value]: null

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

APType Indicates the access point type. It is

The values are: recommended to
use the current
l -1 value.
Invalid parameter
l 0
C&C08 (128-mode)
l 1
l 2
l 3
GGSN and SGSN that connects to the PS
l 5
A device that connects to the CS domain.
The devices include SOFTX3000,
CSOFTX3000, MSOFTX3000, MSE9830,
UMG8900, and Mediax3600.
l 6
l 9
Used to process the CDRs of the call
session control function (CSCF) entity in
the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) domain
[Current value]: 5, ,
[Default value]: -1

LocalIpToEx Indicates the local IP address through which It is

the iGWB connects to the primary link of the recommended to
SOFTX3000. The value must be consistent use the current
with the value of the VirtualIP parameter in value.
the Resource2 section.
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

LocalIpToExBak Indicates the local IP address through which It is

the iGWB connects to the secondary link of recommended to
the SOFTX3000. The value must be use the current
consistent with the value of the VirtualIP value.
parameter in the Resource3 section.
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

SaveSecond Indicates whether to save the final CDR files It is

in the following paths: recommended to
l E:\backsave\accesspoint use the current
The first copies of final CDR files are stored value.
in this path.
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint
The second copies of final CDR files are
stored in this path. The second copies of
final CDR files are provided to the BC.
The values are:
l 0
Only the first copies of final CDR files are
l 1
The first and second copies of final CDR
files are saved.
[Current value]: 1
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

ProcBillCSN Indicates whether to add the four-byte serial It is

number to the CDR header by channel. recommended to
l 0 use the current
To add the serial number. value.
l 1 If you set the
Not to add the serial number. value to 1, the
sizes of the final
[Current value]: 1 CDRs are four
[Default value]: 0 bytes bigger than
the original sizes.
Before modifying
the value, you
need to negotiate
with the BC.

MpuWindowSize The iGWB and SOFTX3000 use the Sliding It is

Window Protocol to transmit CDR files. The recommended to
parameter specifies the maximum number of use the current
CDRs that the sliding window can receive at value.
a time.
[Current value]: 300
[Default value]: 150

Step 3 Click to save the settings.


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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

After configuration, the relevant parameter settings in the igwb.ini file of the secondary
iGWB server are shown as follows:
APCount = 1


APType = 5
APName = X3KF
LocalIpToEx =
LocalIpToExBak =
BillRecSize = length of the original CDR
SaveSecond = 1
ProcBillCSN = 1
MpuWindowSize = 300

7.7.3 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from
the MediaX3600
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to receive and process CDRs from the
Mediax3600. After this configuration task, the iGWB can receive CDRs from the Mediax3600
and then convert the formats of the CDRs, and sort, merge, and cache the CDRs.

If the iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, you can skip this topic.

Before configuring the parameters of the MediaX3600 access points, make sure that the
following requirements are met:
l The format library in the C:\iGWB\Config\Format is correct.
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. The local Ethernet connection is enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to the iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config

Working with the MediaX3600, the standalone iGWB is installed in the cabinet of the
MediaX3600. It is required to add only one access point to the iGWB.

For the basic knowledge about access point, see 7.7.1 Basic Knowledge.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 In the navigation tree, choose Common. The Common parameter section is set by default.
Therefore, you only need to see Table 7-17 to check the configurations of the parameters.

7-50 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server


l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-17.
l Each access point relies on a ap_proc.exe process to run. Running excessive ap_proc.exe processes at
the same time occupies high CPU usage and memory usage. Therefore, to improve system performance,
it is recommended to set the number of access points to the minimum value.

Table 7-17 Parameters (in the Common section) configured for the iGWB to receive and process
the CDRs from the MediaX3600

Parameter Description Remarks

APCount It indicates the number of the access points that are It is recommended to use
configured for the iGWB, that is, the number of the the current value.
AccessPoint sections. NOTE
For example, the igwb.ini file contains two Each access point relies
on an ap_proc.exe
AccessPoint sections, that is, AccessPoint1 and
process to run. Running
AccessPoint2. Accordingly, value of the excessive ap_proc.exe
APCount parameter is 2. processes at the same time
[Value range] 1-99 occupies high CPU usage
and memory usage.
[Current value]: 1 Therefore, to improve
[Default value]: 0 system performance, it is
recommended to set the
[Effect on other parameters]: number of access points to
the minimum value.
This parameter determines the number of the
AccessPoint%d sections.
If the AccessPoint1 and AccessPoint2 sections are
configured but the value of APCount is 1, only the
AccessPoint1 section takes effect.

Step 2 In the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and choose Add Section.

Step 3 In the displayed Add Section window, choose AccessPoint in the Please select the section:
parameter. In the AccessPoint ID parameter, choose 1, and click Add to add the
AccessPoint1 parameter section.

l Working with the MediaX3600, the iGWB is installed in the cabinet of the MediaX3600 and used to
receive the CDRs from the MediaX3600 only. Therefore, you need to configure one AccessPoint%
d parameter section only.
l The %d in AccessPoint%d indicates the number of the access point. The number of the access point
is determined by the count of the access point parameters configured in the C:\iGWB\config\ini
\igwb.ini path.
For example, you can configure access point 1 in AccessPoint1.

Step 4 In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Step 5 In the navigation tree, choose AccessPoint1. The iGWB is configured to receive and process
the CDRs from the softswitch by default, therefore, you need to see Table 7-18 to add or modify
the configurations of the related parameters.
If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-18.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-51

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 7-18 Parameters (in the AccessPoint%d section) configured for the iGWB to receive and
process the CDRs from the MediaX3600
Parameter Description Remarks

BillRecSize Indicates the length of an original CDR If the format library is

file that the access point needs to process. modified, and format
[Default value]: 261 bytes library is correct.
please refer the value of
Original CDR length
in C:\iGWB\Config
to modify the value of

BackSavePatchName Indicates the name of the backsave patch. To determine whether

The backsave patch is stored in C: to add this parameter
\iGWB. For details, see the Version and specify a value, see
Upgrade Instructions. the iGWB Version
Upgrade Instructions.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
If you already know the
[Default value]: null backsave patch to be
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, called, set the value to
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d the file name (without
the extension) of the
backsave patch. For
example, to use the
backsave patch, set the
value to MediaX3600.

7-52 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalPortToEx Indicates the port of the primary link on Avoid port collision
which the iGWB communicates with the when you configure the
device or NE that generates the CDRs. port for the iGWB to
Associated with the LocalIpToEx communicate with the
parameter, this parameter is used to device or NE
configure the IP address and port number generating CDRs.
for the primary link that receives CDRs. Observe the following
The values are: rules:
The port number should be negotiated l When multiple
with the device or NE that generates access points are
CDRs. The commonly used settings are configured, the
as follows: value of
LocalPortToEx of
l 3386 each access point
Use this port number when the iGWB should be unique.
works with the GGSN and the SGSN.
l If multiple access
l 9900 points are
Use this port number when the iGWB configured, the
works with the SOFTX3000. value of
l 9901 LocalPortToExBa
Use this port number when the iGWB k of each access
works with the MSOFTX3000 and the point should be
MSE9830. unique.
l 9902 l When the values of
Use this port number when the iGWB LocalIpToEx and
works with the CSOFTX3000. LocalIpToExBak
l 9903 in an access point are
Use this port number when the iGWB set to the same IP
works with the UMG8900. address, the value of
l 9904 should be different
Use this port number when the iGWB from that of
works with the MediaX3600. LocalPortToExBa
[Default value]: 9900 k.
l If a parameter is not
configured, use the
default value.
For example, if the
parameter in the
section is not
configured, the
default value 9900 is

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-53

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalPortToExBak Indicates the port of the secondary link on Avoid port collision
which the iGWB communicates with the when you configure the
device or NE that generates the CDRs. port for the iGWB to
Associated with the LocalIpToExBak communicate with the
parameter, this parameter is used to device or NE
configure the IP address and port number generating CDRs.
for the secondary link that receives Observe the following
CDRs. rules:
The values are: l When multiple
The port number should be negotiated access points are
with the device or NE that generates configured, the
CDRs. The commonly used settings are value of
as follows: LocalPortToEx of
each access point
l 3386 should be unique.
Use this port number when the iGWB
works with the GGSN and the SGSN. l If multiple access
points are
l 9900 configured, the
Use this port number when the iGWB value of
works with the SOFTX3000. LocalPortToExBa
l 9901 k of each access
Use this port number when the iGWB point should be
works with the MSOFTX3000 and the unique.
MSE9830. l When the values of
l 9902 LocalIpToEx and
Use this port number when the iGWB LocalIpToExBak
works with the CSOFTX3000. in an access point are
l 9903 set to the same IP
Use this port number when the iGWB address, the value of
works with the UMG8900. LocalPortToEx
should be different
l 9904 from that of
Use this port number when the works LocalPortToExBa
with the Mediax3600. k.
[Default value]: 9900 l If a parameter is not
configured, use the
default value.
For example, if the
parameter in the
section is not
configured, the
default value 9900 is

7-54 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

APName Indicates the access point name. The You need to modify
access point name constitutes the this parameter to
accesspoint part of the CDR storage MEDIAX.
path. For example: This parameter
l D:\frontsave\accesspoint contains the
l D:\StatusFile\accesspoint information about the
path in which the CDR
l E:\backsave\accesspoint files and the status files
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint are stored. Therefore,
you cannot modify this
l E:\StatusFileB\accesspoint parameter after it is in
Usually, the access points are abbreviated commercial use.
as follows:
l X3KC
Abbreviated for CSOFTX3000.
l X3KF
Abbreviated for SOFTX3000.
l X3KM
Abbreviated for MSOFTX3000.
Abbreviated for MSE9830.
Indicates the UMG8900.
Abbreviated for Mediax3600.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Current value]: X3KF
[Default value]: null

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-55

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

APType Indicates the access point type. It is recommended to

The values are: use the current value.
l -1
Invalid parameter
l 0
C&C08 (128-mode)
l 1
l 2
l 3
GGSN and SGSN that connects to the
PS domain
l 5
A device that connects to the CS
domain. The devices include
SOFTX3000, CSOFTX3000,
MSOFTX3000, MSE9830,
UMG8900, and Mediax3600.
l 6
l 9
Used to process the CDRs of the call
session control function (CSCF) entity
in the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS)
[Current value]: 5, ,
[Default value]: -1

LocalIpToEx Indicates the local IP address through The standalone iGWB

which the iGWB connects to the primary works with the
link of the SOFTX3000. The value must MediaX3600 only.
be consistent with the value of the Therefore, you need to
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource2 set the IP address of the
section. iGWB to,
[Current value]: that is ,the IP address of
the network adapter 1
[Default value]: of the iGWB server.
The four network
adapters are numbered
from 0 to 3.
Before configuring the
IP address, you need to
see Table 4-2 to check
the IP address of the
network adapter 1 of the
iGWB server.

7-56 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalIpToExBak Indicates the local IP address through The standalone iGWB

which the iGWB connects to the works with the
secondary link of the SOFTX3000. The MediaX3600 only.
value must be consistent with the value Therefore, you need to
of the VirtualIP parameter in the set the IP address of the
Resource3 section. iGWB to,
[Current value]: that is ,the IP address of
the network adapter 2
[Default value]: of the iGWB server.
The four network
adapters are numbered
from 0 to 3.
Before configuring the
IP address, you need to
see Table 4-2 to check
the IP address of the
network adapter 2 of the

SaveSecond Indicates whether to save the final CDR It is recommended to

files in the following paths: use the current value.
l E:\backsave\accesspoint
The first copies of final CDR files are
stored in this path.
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint
The second copies of final CDR files
are stored in this path. The second
copies of final CDR files are provided
to the BC.
The values are:
l 0
Only the first copies of final CDR files
are saved.
l 1
The first and second copies of final
CDR files are saved.
[Current value]: 1
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-57

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

ProcBillCSN Indicates whether to add the four-byte It is recommended to

serial number to the CDR header by set the value of this
channel. parameter to 0.
l 0 If you set the value to 1,
To add the serial number. the length of the final
l 1 CDRs is four bytes
Not to add the serial number. longer than the original
length. Before
[Current value]: 1 modifying the value,
[Default value]: 0 you need to negotiate
with the billing center.

MpuWindowSize The iGWB and SOFTX3000 use the It is recommended to

Sliding Window Protocol to transmit set the value of this
CDR files. The parameter specifies the parameter to 150.
maximum number of CDRs that the
sliding window can receive at a time.
[Current value]: 300
[Default value]: 150

Step 6 Click to save the setting.


After configuring the iGWB working with the MediaX3600, you need to set the related
parameters of the iGWB server in the igwb.ini path as follows:
APCount = 1

APType = 5
LocalIpToEx =
LocalIpToExBak =
BillRecSize = 308
BinAlarmSend = 1
BaseID = 3200
SaveSecond = 1
ProcBillCSN = 0
MpuWindowSize = 150
LocalPortToEx = 9904
LocalPortToExBak = 9904
BackSavePatchName = MediaX3600

7.7.4 Configuring the iGWB to Receive and Process the CDRs from
the UMG8900
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to receive and process CDRs from the
UMG8900. After this configuration task, the iGWB can receive CDRs from the UMG8900 and
then convert the formats of the CDRs, and sort, merge, and cache the CDRs.

7-58 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server


l This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to receive and process the CDRs from the
UMG8900. If the iGWB does not need to receive the CDRs from the UMG8900, you can
skip this topic.
l The iGWBV300R001 and all later releases support receiving CDRs directly from UMG8900.
For earlier releases, you can skip this topic.

Before configuring the parameters of the UMG8900 access points, make sure that the following
requirements are met:
l The format library in the C:\iGWB\Config\Format is correct.
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. The local Ethernet connection is enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to the iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config

If the SOFTX3000 is connected to the UMG8900 properly, the SOFTX3000 generates and sends
the CDRs from the UMG8900 to the iGWB. If the SOFTX3000 is not connected to the
UMG8900 properly, you need to set the CDRs from the UMG8900 to be sent to the iGWB.
No private iGWB is attached to the UMG8900, therefore, you need to add an access point to the
iGWB in the SOFTX3000 cabinet.
For the basic knowledge about access point, see 7.7.1 Basic Knowledge.
This topic describes how to configure the secondary iGWB server. After completing the tasks
described in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.9.2 Checking the Parameter
Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server, you can configure the primary iGWB server. For
details about how to configure the primary iGWB server, see 7.10 Configuring the Parameters
of the Primary iGWB Server.
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 In the navigation tree, choose Common. The Common parameter section is set by default.
Therefore, you only need to see Table 7-19 to check the configurations of the parameters.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-59

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual


l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-19.
l Each access point relies on a ap_proc.exe process to run. Running excessive ap_proc.exe processes at
the same time occupies high CPU usage and memory usage. Therefore, to improve system performance,
it is recommended to set the number of access points to the minimum value.

Table 7-19 Parameters (in the Common section) configured for the iGWB to receive and process
the CDRS from the UMG8900
Parameter Description Remarks

APCount It indicates the number of the access points that are The iGWB that receives
configured for the iGWB, that is, the number of the the CDRs from the
AccessPoint sections. UMG8900 also receives
For example, the igwb.ini file contains two CDRs from the
AccessPoint sections, that is, AccessPoint1 and softswitch. The value of
AccessPoint2. Accordingly, value of the this parameter is 2.
APCount parameter is 2. Before the iGWB
receives the CDRs from
[Value range] 1-99 the UMG8900, you need
[Current value]: 1 to add several asscess
[Default value]: 0 points to the iGWB.
[Effect on other parameters]:
Each access point relies
This parameter determines the number of the on a ap_proc.exe process
AccessPoint%d sections. to run. Running excessive
ap_proc.exe processes at
If the AccessPoint1 and AccessPoint2 sections are the same time occupies
configured but the value of APCount is 1, only the high CPU usage and
AccessPoint1 section takes effect. memory usage. Therefore,
to improve system
performance, it is
recommended to set the
number of access points to
the minimum value.

Step 2 In the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and choose Add Section.
Step 3 In the displayed Add Section window, choose AccessPoint in the Please select the section:
parameter. In the AccessPoint ID parameter, choose 2, and click 2 to add the AccessPoint2
parameter section.

l Based on the count of the existing AccessPoint%d parameter sections, determine the name of the
AccessPoint%d parameter section that needs to be added.
For example, if there exist the AccessPoint1 and AccessPoint1 parameter sections, the name of the
parameter section that needs to be added should be AccessPoint3.
l The %d in the AccessPoint%d parameter section indicates the number of the access points. The number
of the access points is determined by the count of the access point parameters configured in C:\iGWB
For example, you can configure access point 1 in the AccessPoint1 parameter section.

Step 4 In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Step 5 In the navigation tree, choose AccessPoint2. No related parameter is configured by default.
Therefore, you need to see Table 7-20 to configure the related parameters.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

When configuring the iGWB to receive and send the CDRs from the UMG8900, ensure that all
the configurations of the parameters are consistent with those in the AccessPoint1 parameter,
except for the following parameters:
l LocalIptoAMG
Its IP address should be the same as that of the VirtualIP parameter in the VirtualIP
parameter section.
l LocalPortToGateway
LocalPortToGateway should be set to 9909.
l LocalPortToEx
LocalPortToEx should be set to 9903.
l LocalPortToExBak
LocalPortToEx should be set to 9903.
l GatewayIDFilePath
GatewayIDFilePath should be set to config/GatewayID/GatewayIDs.ini.
l APName
APName should be set to UMG. When configuring the iGWB to receive several CDRs from
the UMG8900, you need to add a number to UMG when setting the APName parameter, for
example, the UMG01.


If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-20.

Table 7-20 Parameters (in the AccessPoint%d section) configured for the iGWB to receive and
process the CDRS from the UMG8900
Parameter Description Remarks

BillRecSize Indicates the length of an original CDR You need to add this
file that the access point needs to process. parameter and set a
[Default value]: 261 bytes value to it.
This parameter should
be set to be the same
length as that of the
original CDR in the

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-61

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

BackSavePatchName Indicates the name of the backsave patch. To determine whether

The backsave patch is stored in C: to add this parameter
\iGWB. For details, see the Version and specify a value, see
Upgrade Instructions. the iGWB Version
Upgrade Instructions.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
If you already know
[Default value]: null the backsave patch to
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, be called, set the value
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d to the file name
(without the extension)
of the backsave patch.
For example, to use the
backsave patch, set the
value to MediaX3600.

7-62 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalPortToEx Indicates the port of the primary link on Avoid port collision
which the iGWB communicates with the when you configure
device or NE that generates the CDRs. the port for the iGWB
Associated with the LocalIpToEx to communicate with
parameter, this parameter is used to the device or NE
configure the IP address and port number generating CDRs.
for the primary link that receives CDRs. Observe the following
The values are: rules:
The port number should be negotiated l When multiple
with the device or NE that generates access points are
CDRs. The commonly used settings are configured, the
as follows: value of
LocalPortToEx of
l 3386 each access point
Use this port number when the iGWB should be unique.
works with the GGSN and the SGSN.
l If multiple access
l 9900 points are
Use this port number when the iGWB configured, the
works with the SOFTX3000. value of
l 9901 LocalPortToExBa
Use this port number when the iGWB k of each access
works with the MSOFTX3000 and the point should be
MSE9830. unique.
l 9902 l When the values of
Use this port number when the iGWB LocalIpToEx and
works with the CSOFTX3000. LocalIpToExBak
l 9903 in an access point
Use this port number when the iGWB are set to the same IP
works with the UMG8900. address, the value of
l 9904 should be different
Use this port number when the iGWB from that of
works with the MediaX3600. LocalPortToExBa
[Default value]: 9900 k.
l If a parameter is not
configured, use the
default value.
For example, if the
parameter in the
section is not
configured, the
default value 9900 is

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-63

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalPortToExBak Indicates the port of the secondary link on Avoid port collision
which the iGWB communicates with the when you configure
device or NE that generates the CDRs. the port for the iGWB
Associated with the LocalIpToExBak to communicate with
parameter, this parameter is used to the device or NE
configure the IP address and port number generating CDRs.
for the secondary link that receives Observe the following
CDRs. rules:
The values are: l When multiple
The port number should be negotiated access points are
with the device or NE that generates configured, the
CDRs. The commonly used settings are value of
as follows: LocalPortToEx of
each access point
l 3386 should be unique.
Use this port number when the iGWB
works with the GGSN and the SGSN. l If multiple access
points are
l 9900 configured, the
Use this port number when the iGWB value of
works with the SOFTX3000. LocalPortToExBa
l 9901 k of each access
Use this port number when the iGWB point should be
works with the MSOFTX3000 and the unique.
MSE9830. l When the values of
l 9902 LocalIpToEx and
Use this port number when the iGWB LocalIpToExBak
works with the CSOFTX3000. in an access point
l 9903 are set to the same IP
Use this port number when the iGWB address, the value of
works with the UMG8900. LocalPortToEx
should be different
l 9904 from that of
Use this port number when the works LocalPortToExBa
with the Mediax3600. k.
[Default value]: 9900 l If a parameter is not
configured, use the
default value.
For example, if the
parameter in the
section is not
configured, the
default value 9900 is

7-64 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalPortToGateway Indicates the IP address of the port It is recommended to

through which the iGWB receives CDR use the default value.
files from the UMG8900. NOTE
[Default value]: 9909 l When you set
multiple access
points to receive
CDRs from the
UMG8900, make
sure that the port
numbers do not
collide with each
l When a software
application with the
firewall is installed,
the port number may
be modified. In this
case, the iGWB may
not run normally.
l Add this parameter
when the iGWB
interconnects with
the UMG8900.

LocalIPtoGateway Indicates the local IP address through Add this parameter and
which the iGWB receives CDR files from set its value to
the UMG8900. The value must be when the
consistent with the value of the iGWB attempts to
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource3 receive CDR files from
section. the UMG8900.
[Default value]:

GatewayIDFilePath Indicates the ID configuration file of the It is recommended to

UMG8900. use the default value.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters NOTE
To access multiple
[Default value] ./Config/GatewayID/ UMG8900 CDRs, you
GatewayIDs.ini need to create multiple
ID configuration files
and create multiple
access point parameters
in igwb.ini.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-65

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

APName Indicates the access point name. The You need to add this
access point name constitutes the parameter and set it to
accesspoint part of the CDR storage path. UMG.
For example: When configuring the
l D:\frontsave\accesspoint iGWB to receive
l D:\StatusFile\accesspoint several CDRs from the
UMG8900, you need
l E:\backsave\accesspoint to add a number to
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint UMG when setting the
APName parameter,
l E:\StatusFileB\accesspoint for example, the
Usually, the access points are abbreviated UMG01.
as follows: NOTE
l X3KC This parameter contains
the information about
Abbreviated for CSOFTX3000.
the path in which the
l X3KF CDR files and the status
Abbreviated for SOFTX3000. files are stored.
Therefore, you cannot
l X3KM modify this parameter
Abbreviated for MSOFTX3000. after it is in commercial
l MSE use.
Abbreviated for MSE9830.
Indicates the UMG8900.
Abbreviated for Mediax3600.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Current value]: X3KF
[Default value]: null

7-66 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

APType Indicates the access point type. You need to add this
The values are: parameter and set the
value to 5.
l -1
Invalid parameter
l 0
C&C08 (128-mode)
l 1
l 2
l 3
GGSN and SGSN that connects to the
PS domain
l 5
A device that connects to the CS
domain. The devices include
SOFTX3000, CSOFTX3000,
MSOFTX3000, MSE9830,
UMG8900, and Mediax3600.
l 6
l 9
Used to process the CDRs of the call
session control function (CSCF) entity
in the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS)
[Current value]: 5, ,
[Default value]: -1

LocalIpToEx Indicates the local IP address through You need to add this
which the iGWB connects to the primary parameter and set the
link of the SOFTX3000. The value must value to
be consistent with the value of the
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource2
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

LocalIpToExBak Indicates the local IP address through You need to add this
which the iGWB connects to the parameter and set the
secondary link of the SOFTX3000. The value to
value must be consistent with the value of
the VirtualIP parameter in the
Resource3 section.
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-67

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

SaveSecond Indicates whether to save the final CDR You need to add this
files in the following paths: parameter and set the
l E:\backsave\accesspoint value to 1.
The first copies of final CDR files are
stored in this path.
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint
The second copies of final CDR files
are stored in this path. The second
copies of final CDR files are provided
to the BC.
The values are:
l 0
Only the first copies of final CDR files
are saved.
l 1
The first and second copies of final
CDR files are saved.
[Current value]: 1
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

ProcBillCSN Indicates whether to add the four-byte You need to add this
serial number to the CDR header by parameter and set the
channel. value to 1.
l 0 If you set the value to
To add the serial number. 1, the length of the final
l 1 CDRs is four bytes
Not to add the serial number. longer than the original
length. Before
[Current value]: 1 modifying the value,
[Default value]: 0 you need to negotiate
with the billing center.

Step 6 After setting the parameters, click .


The second access point is configured in igwb.ini of the secondary iGWB server, that is used
to receive and send the CDRs from the UMG8900. Set the parameters of the second access point
as follows:
APCount = 2


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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server


7.8 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files

This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to transmit final CDR files to BC in the
igwb.ini file.
Table 7-21 lists the rules for the iGWB to transmit final CDR files.

Table 7-21 Rules for the iGWB to transmit final CDR files
Rule Advantages and Disadvantages Remarks

Transmitting final Advantages: Recommend

CDR files in PULL l You can monitor the transmission of final CDR ed.
mode files by viewing alarms.
l No additional software applications are required.
l During the switchover of the two iGWB servers,
the activated nodes can send the second copies
of final CDR files.
Disadvantage: FTP uses plain text to transmit CDR
files. Therefore, the security of CDR files is not

Transmitting final Advantages: -

CDR files in Push l You can monitor the transmission of final CDR
mode according to the files by viewing alarms.
backup task configured
in the igwb.ini file l No additional software applications are required.
l After the switchover between the two iGWB
servers, the activated nodes cannot send the
second copies of final CDR files.
l FTP uses plain text to transmit final CDR files.
Therefore, the security of final CDR files is not

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-69

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Rule Advantages and Disadvantages Remarks

Using the Advantages: For details

SmartBackup to l Using the SmartBackup, you can easily and about how to
transmit final CDR rapidly transmit final CDR files. use the
files in Push mode SmartBacku
l During the switchover of the two iGWB servers, p, see the
the activated nodes can send the second copies iGWB
of final CDR files. Installation
Disadvantages: Guide.
l Additional software applications are required.
l You cannot monitor the transmission of final
CDR files by viewing alarms.
l FTP uses plain text to transmit final CDR files.
Therefore, the security of final CDR files is not

Using the FTAM to Advantages: For details

transmit final CDR l You can monitor the transmission of final CDR about how to
files in Pull mode files by viewing alarms. install and
configure the
l FTAM uses encrypted text to transmit final CDR FTAM, see
files. Therefore, the security of final CDR files the iGWB
is ensured. Installation
l During the switchover of the two iGWB servers, Guide.
the activated nodes can send the second copies
of final CDR files.
Disadvantage: Third-party software applications
are required. This increases the cost.

7.8.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the directory structure of final CDR files and the basic knowledge of the
transmission of final CDR files. This helps you understand how to configure the parameters used
for transmitting final CDR files.
7.8.2 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files in Pull Mode
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to transmit final CDR files to the BC in Pull
7.8.3 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files in Push Mode
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to transmit final CDR files to the BC in Push

7.8.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the directory structure of final CDR files and the basic knowledge of the
transmission of final CDR files. This helps you understand how to configure the parameters used
for transmitting final CDR files.

Directory Structure of Final CDR Files

Final CDR files are saved in two copies in the following paths respectively:

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

l E:\backsave\accesspoint
The first copies of final CDR files are stored in this path.
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint
The second copies of final CDR files are stored in this path. The second copies of final
CDR files are provided to the BC. If the backsave patch is not installed, the directory
structure does not consist of the date folder.

Figure 7-7 shows the directory structure.

Figure 7-7 Directory structure of final CDR files


Access point

Channel 1 Access point


Date Channel 1

Final CDR file Final CDR file

Final CDR file Final CDR file

Date Channel 2

Final CDR file Final CDR file

Final CDR file Final CDR file

Channel 2

Basic Knowledge
The iGWB transmits the final CDR files to the BC in either of the following modes:
l Pull mode
When transmitting final CDR files through FTP, the iGWB serves as the FTP server and
the BC serves as the FTP client. The BC collects the second copies of final CDR files from
the iGWB in Pull mode. At the same time, the BC deletes the second copies of final CDR
files from the iGWB.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

To use this mode, create an FTP site on the two iGWB servers and notify the IP address,
user name, and user password to the BC.
l Push mode
When transmitting final CDR files through FTP, the iGWB serves as the client and the BC
serves as the server. The iGWB sends the second copies of final CDR files to the BC in
Push mode. At the same time, the iGWB deletes the second copies of final CDR files.
To use this mode, configure a backup task in igwb.ini or use the SmartBackup to back up
the final CDR files. For details about how to configure a backup task, see 7.8.3 Configuring
the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files in Push Mode.


For details about how to use the SmartBackup, see the iGWB Installation Guide.

7.8.2 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files in Pull

This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to transmit final CDR files to the BC in Pull

If the iGWB transmits final CDR files in Push mode, you can skip this topic.

Before configuring the iGWB to transmit final in Pull mode, make sure that the following
requirements are met:
l Necessary FTP sites are created and configured on the primary and secondary iGWB
The details are:
– You have configured the default FTP path is E:\backsave\Second.
– You have assigned the read and write permissions to FTP users.
– You have set the path style to UNIX.
For more details about the FTP sites, see the iGWB Installation Guide.
l The BC is notified of the following information:
– The IP address and subnet mask that the iGWB opens to the BC.
– The FTP user names and passwords that the iGWB opens to the BC.
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.

The BC obtains CDRs from the iGWB when the Pull mode is used, so you do not need to
configure the parameters on the iGWB.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

l To monitor the transmission of final CDR files, configure the parameters related to the
alarms. For more details, see 7.6 Configuring the Alarms.
l For details about how to delete excessive second copies of final CDR files, see 8.4.6
Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for the Second Copies of Final CDR Files .

7.8.3 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files in Push

This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to transmit final CDR files to the BC in Push

If the iGWB transmits final CDR files in Pull mode, you can skip this topic.

Before configuring the iGWB to transmit final CDR files to the BC, make sure that the following
requirements are met:
l Necessary FTP sites are created and configured for the BC.
The details are:
– The default FTP path is specified.
– The FTP users have the read and write permissions.
– The path style is set to UNIX.
The procedure for creating an FTP site on the BC is similar to that on the iGWB. For details about
how to create an FTP site, see the iGWB Installation Guide.
l The networking information is collected. For details, see 4.1 Obtaining the Networking
Information .
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config


When the iGWB transmits final CDR files in Push mode, see 8.4.6 Configuring a Fixed Storage
Period for the Second Copies of Final CDR Files to configure the iGWB to automatically
delete the second copies of final CDR files. This prevents the second copies of final CDR files
from occupying disk space, thus avoiding insufficient disk space.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

For the basic knowledge about how the iGWB transmit final CDR files to the BC, see 7.8.1
Basic Knowledge.

This topic describes how to configure the parameters on the secondary iGWB server. After
completing the tasks described in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.9.2
Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server, you can configure the
parameters on the primary iGWB server. For details about how to configure the parameters on
the primary iGWB server, see 7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 In the navigation tree, check whether the NetBackup section exists.
If the NetBackup section exists, go to Step 2.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section:, select NetBackup. Click
3. Click OK.

Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose NetBackup. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured
in NetBackup. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 7-22.
If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-22.

Table 7-22 Parameters (in the NetBackup section) for the iGWB to transmit final CDR files

Parameter Description Remarks

BackupTaskCount Indicates the number of backup tasks. Configure the parameter

[Value range] 0-99 according to the number
of configured backup
[Default value]: 0 tasks.
[Effect on other parameters]:
This parameter determines the number
of effective BackupTask%d sections.
For example, if the BackupTask1 and
BackupTask2 sections are configured
but the value of BackupTaskCount is
1, only the BackupTask1 section takes

Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the BackupTask%d section exists.
If the BackupTask%d section exists, go to Step 5.

Step 4 Add the BackupTask%d section.

1. In the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and then Add Section.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

2. In the Add Section dialog box, select BackupTask in Please Select a section and then
select 1 in BackupTask ID. Then click Add.
3. Click OK.

Step 5 In the navigation tree, choose BackupTask1. By default, the relevant parameters are not
configured in BackupTask1. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 7-23.

l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters. See Table 7-23.
l %d in the BackupTask%d section indicates the number of a backup task. The number of a backup
task is determined by the count of backup tasks configured in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.
For example, you can configure backup task 1 in the BackupTask1 section.

Table 7-23 Parameters (in the BackupTask%d section) for the iGWB to transmit final CDR files

Parameter Description Remarks

TaskName Indicates the backup task Follow certain rules to specify a backup
name. Each backup task name task name.
is unique. For example, if the backup task is
[Maximum length]: 128 performed to send all the second copies
characters of final CDR files to the BC, it is
[Default value]: null recommended to set the backup task
name to To_BC_all. If the backup task
is performed to send the second copies of
final CDR files of a channel to the BC, it
is recommended to set the backup task
name to To_BC_channel.
Each backup task name identifies a backup
task and is unique. Therefore, do not modify
the backup task names.

UserName Indicates the user name of the Set the value to the user name specified
FTP server. in Table 4-3.
[Maximum length]: 255
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]:
NetBackup, BackupTask%
d, Wholesale

Password Indicates the password of the Set the value to the password specified
FTP server. in Table 4-3.
[Maximum length]: 128
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]:
NetBackup, BackupTask%
d, and Wholesale

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

DestHostIP Indicates the IP address of the Set the value to the destination IP address
FTP server. Configure the specified in Table 4-1.
value of this parameter as the
IP address of the BC or the
third-party server.
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]:
NetBackup, BackupTask%d

LocalIP Indicates the IP address of the Set the value to the IP address of network
FTP client. Set the value to the adapter 3 of iGWB1 specified in Table
IP address of network adapter 4-1.
3 (the four network adapters
are numbered from 0 to 3) of
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]:
NetBackup, BackupTask%
d, Link%d

SourceDir Indicates the path where CDR Add this parameter. If the iGWB sends
files are backed up. The path in the second copies of final CDR files to
this parameter should be set the the BC in Push mode, the following cases
path style to UNIX. are provided:
[Default value] /var/ l If the path is set to E:\backsave
frontsaveD:/frontsave \accesspoint,
[Parameter sections]: the iGWB sends all the second copies
NetBackup, BackupTask%d of final CDR files of the specified
access point to the BC. When the BC
receives all the second copies of final
CDR files of the iGWB, use this
l If the path is set to E:/backsave/
the iGWB sends all the second copies
of final CDR files of the specified
channel to the BC. In this case, you
need to create multiple backup tasks.
When the BC receives the second
copies of final CDR files in some
channels only, use this setting.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

DestDir Indicates the destination path Set the value to the path specified in
where CDR files are backed Table 4-4. The path in this parameter
up. The path in this parameter should be set the path style to UNIX.
should be set the path style to
For example, the default path
of an FTP server is set to D:
\CDR_BACKUP. In actual
configuration, to back up CDR
files to D:\CDR_BACKUP
\iGWB0, set the value of this
parameter to /iGWB0.
[Default value]: /var/
[Parameter sections]:
NetBackup, BackupTask%d

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

BeforeEncode Indicates whether the Make sure that this parameter is added in
password is encrypted. Set the the MML section and that the value is
value to 1 during initial 1.
configuration or when user
information is changed.
The values are:
l 1
The current password is in
plain text. The iGWB
automatically encrypts the
values of the following
parameters in the igwb.ini
file and changes the value of
BeforeEncode to 0.
– When you configure the
parameters in the MML
section, the iGWB
encrypts the value of
– When you configure the
parameters in the
BackupTask%, and
Wholesale sections, the
iGWB encrypts the value
of Password in each
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]:
NetBackup, BackupTask%
d, Wholesale, MML


The NetBackup and BackupTask%d sections have almost the same parameters; however, the runtime
priorities of the same set of parameters vary with parameter sections.
l The same set of parameters in the NetBackup section have lower runtime priority but a wider scope
than those in the BackupTask%d section. If the parameters in the NetBackup section are configured,
their values also take effect in the BackupTask%d section whose parameters are not configured.
For example, if you set Password to zQy12cZv in the NetBackup section, Password in the
BackupTask%d section is automatically set to zQy12cZv.
l The parameters in the BackupTask%d section have higher priority but take effect in the BackupTask
%d section only.
For example, if the value of the DestHostIP parameter is set to in the NetBackup section and in the BackupTask1 section, backup task 1 uses as the destination IP address and
the other backup tasks use as the destination IP address.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Step 6 Click to save the settings.


If the iGWB sends all the second copies of final CDR files of the X3KF AccessPoint to the BC,
the relevant parameter settings in the igwb.ini file of the secondary iGWB server are shown as

UserName = anonymous
DestHostIP =
LocalIP =
BeforeEncode = 1

7.9 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary

iGWB Server
This topic describes how to check whether the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server
are correct.
7.9.1 Basic Knowledge of the Processes on the iGWB Server
This section describes the basic knowledge of the processes on the iGWB server.
7.9.2 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server
This topic describes how to check whether the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server
are correct.

7.9.1 Basic Knowledge of the Processes on the iGWB Server

This section describes the basic knowledge of the processes on the iGWB server.
Figure 7-8 shows the processes on the iGWB server.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Figure 7-8 Processes on the iGWB server

PWD iGWB server

to iGWB Parameter
Config Console
cls_proc cfg_proc

to iGWB Client and

iGWB System Debugger
knl_proc om_proc

original final CDR

CDR flie file

Bill Proccess Flow

Control Flow

The processes on the iGWB server include the following:

l cls_proc
l knl_proc
l ap_proc
l om_proc
l cfg_proc
l PWD (Process Watch Dog)
l bs_proc (optional)
l mtr_proc (optional)

As a process that runs on a two-node iGWB, the cls_proc process is used to start and manage
the knl_proc process.

The knl_proc process is also known as the kernel process. As a core process of the iGWB
application, this process is used to start and manage the ap_proc and om_proc processes.
l cls_proc
l ap_proc
l om_proc

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Also known as the access point process, the ap_proc process is used to receive, process, and
cache CDR files.
The number of the ap_proc processes are specified in the igwb.ini file.

As an operation and maintenance process, the om_proc process is used to connect the iGWB
Client to the System Debugger, delete CDR files, back up CDR files through network, and send

After the iGWB application is installed, the cfg_proc process can run independently. The
cfg_proc process is used to connect to the iGWB Parameter Config Console and manage the
igwb.ini file.

The PWD process is used to monitor the cls_proc process. In the OS, this process is monitored
by the Process Watch Dog Service.

Basic Knowledge of Starting the iGWB

The following shows the procedure for starting the iGWB application. In this procedure, A is
the active iGWB server and B is the standby iGWB server.
1. After the iGWB application is installed, the cfg_proc process is in started state.
2. On A and B, the Process Watch Dog Service starts the PWD process.
3. On A and B, when the PWD processes is started, the cls_proc process is also started.
Afterwards, the cls_proc, cfg_proc, and PWD processes run on B.
4. After the cls_proc process is started on A, the knl_proc process is also started.
5. After the knl_proc process is started on A, the ap_proc process and om_proc process is also
A is activated. The cls_proc, knl_proc, ap_proc, om_proc, cfg_proc, and PWD processes
run on A.

Relationship Between the Processes of the iGWB and the Services of the OS
The following shows the relationship between the processes of the iGWB and the services of
the OS:
l The Cfg Server Service of the OS monitors the cfg_proc process of the iGWB.
l The Process Watch Dog Service of the OS monitors the PWD process of the iGWB.

7.9.2 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB

This topic describes how to check whether the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server
are correct.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-81

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Before checking the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server, make sure that the
following requirements are met:
l The parameters of the secondary iGWB server are configured as described in 7.4
Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.8 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit
Final CDR Files.
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config

For details about the server processes, see 7.9.1 Basic Knowledge of the Processes on the
iGWB Server.


Step 1 Make sure that the current settings are correct and then click to save the settings.
Step 2 Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
Step 3 Choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Server > Start iGateway Bill.
This step is performed to activate the iGWB application on iGWB1 and then check whether the
parameters of the secondary iGWB server are configured correctly.

If the primary iGWB server is activated at this time, you must switch the primary iGWB server over to the
secondary one and ensure that the previous secondary iGWB server is active.

Step 4 Wait for five minutes and then check whether the iGWB bulb in the notification area.
The bulb indicates the state of the current iGWB server.
l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in active state.

l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in standby state.

Step 5 Right-click the taskbar and then choose Task Manager. Check whether the following processes
run normally.
l ap_proc.exe
l knl_proc.exe
l cls_proc.exe
l om_proc.exe
l cfg_proc.exe
l PWD.exe
l bs_proc.exe (optional)

7-82 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

l mtr_proc.exe (optional)

If no error occurs, the parameters of the secondary iGWB server are configured correctly. If any
error is found, check the parameter settings as describe in 7.4 Configuring the Two-Node
iGWB through 7.8 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit Final CDR Files.

Step 6 For details about how to back up the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server, see 7.3
Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server.


7.10 Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB

This topic describes how to configure the parameters of the primary iGWB server, including
how to synchronize the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server with those of the
primary iGWB server and how to modify the parameter settings of the primary iGWB server as

Before configuring the parameters of the secondary iGWB server, make sure that the following
requirements are met:
l The parameters of the secondary iGWB server are configured as described in 7.4
Configuring the Two-Node iGWB through 7.8 Configuring the iGWB to Transmit
Final CDR Files.
l The parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server are verified as described in 7.9.2
Checking the Parameter Settings of the Secondary iGWB Server.
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.
l You have logged in to iGWB1 through the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter Config

The primary and secondary iGWB servers have almost the same parameters. Therefore, you can
synchronize the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server on the primary iGWB server
through the iGWB Parameter Config Console. Before synchronizing the parameter settings,
make sure that parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server are correct.


Step 1 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click the button. From the Office drop-down list
box of the User Login dialog box, select IGWB0. Log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console
as the config user.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Before synchronizing the parameter settings, back up the parameter settings of the secondary
iGWB server. For more details, see 7.3 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB

Step 2 To copy the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server, select

all parameters and choose or from the shortcut menu.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not change
the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 3 Modify the parameters of the Common section. See Table 7-24.
If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters.

Table 7-24 Parameters of the Common section of the primary iGWB server
Parameter Description Remarks

ServerNo Indicates whether the current iGWB server is a After synchronization,

primary iGWB server or a secondary iGWB the value is 1.
server. This parameter also indicates the Set the value to 0.
runtime priority of the current iGWB server.
The values are:
l 0
Primary iGWB server
l 1
Secondary iGWB server
[Default value]: 0

Step 4 Modify the parameters of the Link1 section. See Table 7-25.
If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold as
they are the critical parameters.

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Table 7-25 Parameters of the Link1 section of the primary iGWB server
Parameter Description Remarks

LocalIP Indicates the local IP address of the heartbeat link [Remarks after
of the network adapter. Usually, set the value to synchronization]: 1
the IP address of network adapter 2 (the four Set the value to
network adapters are numbered from 0 to 3) of the
primary iGWB server. Network adapter 2 also
serves as the backup plane network adapter Before setting the value,
through which the iGWB server connects to the check the fixed IP
SOFTX3000. address of network
adapter 2 of the primary
[Current value]:
iGWB server. For more
According to the IP address plan, this IP address details, see Table 4-2.
is the fixed IP address of network adapter 2 of the
iGWB server.
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, BackupTask
%d, Link%d

PeerIP Indicates the peer IP address of the heartbeat link [Value after
of the network adapter. Usually, set the value to synchronization]:
the IP address of network adapter 2 (the four
network adapters are numbered from 0 to 3) of the Set the value to
primary iGWB server. Network adapter 2 also
serves as the backup plane network adapter
through which the iGWB server connects to the Before setting the value,
SOFTX3000. check the fixed IP
[Current value]: address of network
adapter 2 of the
According to the IP address plan, this IP address secondary iGWB server.
is the fixed IP address of network adapter 2 of the For more details, see
iGWB server. Table 4-2.

[Default value]: null

Step 5 Modify the parameters of the Resource1 section. See Table 7-26.

l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters.
l If the virtual IP address specified in the Resource1 section is faulty, the iGWB generates an "ALM-3213
IP Resource Failure" alarm. The value of "Virtual ip address number" is 1.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 7-26 Parameters of the Resource1 section of the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

OrginalIP Indicates the original IP address of the IP resource, [Value after

that is, the IP address of network adapter 0 of the synchronization]:
primary iGWB server or the secondary iGWB
server. Set the value to
Before setting the
value, check the fixed
IP address of network
adapter 0 of the server.
For more details, see
Table 4-2.

Step 6 Modify the parameters of the Resource2 section. See Table 7-27.

l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters.
l If the virtual IP address specified in the Resource2 section is faulty, the iGWB generates an "ALM-3213
IP Resource Failure" alarm. The value of "Virtual ip address number" is 2.

Table 7-27 Parameters of the Resource2 section of the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

OrginalIP Indicates the original IP address of the IP resource, [Value after

that is, the IP address of network adapter 1 of the synchronization]:
primary iGWB server or the secondary iGWB
server. Set the value to

Step 7 Modify the parameters of the Resource3 section. See Table 7-28.

l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters.
l If the virtual IP address specified in the Resource3 section is faulty, the iGWB generates an "ALM-3213
IP Resource Failure" alarm. The value of "Virtual ip address number" is 3.

Table 7-28 Parameters of the Resource3 section of the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

OrginalIP Indicates the original IP address of the IP resource, [Value after

that is, the IP address of network adapter 2 of the synchronization]:
primary iGWB server or the secondary iGWB
server. Set the value to

Step 8 Modify the parameters of the BackupTask1 section. See Table 7-29.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

You need to perform this step only when the final CDR files are sent to the BC in Push mode
mode. Otherwise, skip this step.


l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters.
l %d in the BackupTask%d section indicates the number of a backup task. The number of a backup
task is determined by the count of backup tasks configured in C:\iGWB\config\ini\igwb.ini.
For example, you can configure backup task 1 in the BackupTask1 section.

Table 7-29 Parameters of the BackupTask%d section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalIP Indicates the IP address of the FTP client. Set [Value after
the value to the IP address of network adapter synchronization]: IP
3 of iGWB1. address of network
adapter 3 of iGWB1
Modify the parameter
value as the IP address
of network adapter 3
of iGWB0 as shown in
Table 4-1.

BeforeEncode Indicates whether the password is encrypted. [Value after

Set the value to 1 during initial configuration or synchronization] 0
when user information is changed. Set the value to 1.
The values are:
l 1
The current password is in plain text. The
iGWB automatically encrypts the values of
the following parameters in the igwb.ini file
and changes the value of BeforeEncode to
– When you configure the parameters in the
MML section, the iGWB encrypts the
value of UserInfoPwd.
– When you configure the parameters in the
NetBackup, BackupTask%, and
Wholesale sections, the iGWB encrypts
the value of Password in each section.
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Wholesale, MML

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-87

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Step 9 Modify the parameters of the MML section. See Table 7-30.

l If the user names and passwords of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are different, modify the
user name and password of the primary iGWB server through the UserInfoUserName and
UserInfoPwd parameters.
l If it is your first time to configure the parameters, double-check the settings of the parameters in bold
as they are the critical parameters.

Table 7-30 Parameters of the MML section of the primary iGWB server
Parameter Description Remarks

BeforeEncode Indicates whether the password is [Value after

encrypted. Set the value to 1 during synchronization] 0
initial configuration or when user Set the value to 1.
information is changed.
The values are:
l 1
The current password is in plain text.
The iGWB automatically encrypts
the values of the following
parameters in the igwb.ini file and
changes the value of
BeforeEncode to 0.
– When you configure the
parameters in the MML section,
the iGWB encrypts the value of
– When you configure the
parameters in the NetBackup,
BackupTask%, and Wholesale
sections, the iGWB encrypts the
value of Password in each
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Wholesale, MML

Step 10 Click to save the parameter settings.


If the iGWB sends final CDR files to the BC in Push mode, modify the parameters of the primary
iGWB server as follows:
ServerNo = 0

7-88 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

LocalIP =
PeerIP =

OrginalIP =

OrginalIP =

OrginalIP =

LocalIP =
BeforeEncode = 1

BeforeEncode = 1

7.11 Checking the Parameter Settings of the Primary

iGWB Server
This topic describes how to check whether the parameter settings of the primary iGWB server
are correct.

Before configuring the parameters of the primary iGWB server, make sure that the following
requirements are met:
l The parameters of the primary iGWB server are configured as described in 7.10
Configuring the Parameters of the Primary iGWB Server.
l The IP addresses of the network adapters of the primary and secondary iGWB servers are
allocated. All local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.

For details about the server processes, see 7.9.1 Basic Knowledge of the Processes on the
iGWB Server.

Step 1 From the Office drop-down list box of the User Login dialog box, select IGWB0. Log in to the
iGWB Parameter Config Console as the config user.

Step 2 Make sure that the current settings are correct and then click to save the settings.

Step 3 To manually switch between the primary and secondary iGWB servers, do as follows:
1. On the iGWB Client, choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Client > iGWB
Client .

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-89

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

2. From the Office drop-down list box of the User Login dialog box, select
IGWB_Cluster. Log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the admin user.
3. Choose Operation > Switch.
After switchover, the original secondary iGWB server is in the active state. After you restart
the iGWB Client, the parameter settings of this server take effect. You need to log in to the
Parameter Config Console again after the switchover.
Step 4 Check whether the primary iGWB server (iGWB0) is in active state.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB0 as the administrator user.
2. Five minutes after switchover, check the bulb of iGWB0 in the notification area.
The bulb indicates the state of the current iGWB server.
l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in active state.

l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in standby state.

3. Right-click the taskbar and then choose Task Manager. Check whether the following
processes run normally.
l ap_proc.exe
l knl_proc.exe
l cls_proc.exe
l om_proc.exe
l cfg_proc.exe
l PWD.exe
l bs_proc.exe (optional)
l mtr_proc.exe (optional)

If any error is found, check the parameter settings as describe in 7.10 Configuring the
Parameters of the Primary iGWB Server.
Step 5 Check whether the secondary iGWB server (iGWB1) is in standby state.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the bulb of iGWB1 in the notification area.
The bulb indicates the state of the current iGWB server.
l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in active state.

l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in standby state.

3. Right-click the taskbar and then choose Task Manager. Check whether the following
processes run normally.
l cls_proc.exe
l cfg_proc.exe
l PWD.exe

If any error is found, check the parameter settings as describe in 7.10 Configuring the
Parameters of the Primary iGWB Server.
Step 6 For details about how to back up the parameter settings of the primary iGWB server, see 7.3
Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server.


7-90 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

7.12 Checking the Basic Parameter Settings of the iGWB

This topic describes how to check the basic parameter settings of the iGWB Server.

1. 7.12.1 Checking the Process Status of the iGWB Server

This topic describes how to check the process status of the iGWB Server.
2. 7.12.2 Checking the Services of the iGWB Server
Maintenance personnel must check the services of the iGWB Server on a weekly basis.
This ensures that the iGWB server runs normally.
3. 7.12.3 Checking the Connection to the iGWB Client
The iGWB Client can connect to the iGWB Server through the fixed IP address of network
adapter 0 or through a virtual IP address. Maintenance personnel must check the connection
between the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server on the weekly basis.
4. 7.12.4 Checking the Heartbeat Connection
This topic describes how to check the heartbeat connection.
5. 7.12.5 Checking the Switchover of the iGWB
On a two-node iGWB, to improve system reliability and prevent service interruption, the
iGWB provides the switchover function. Maintenance personnel must ensure that the
primary and secondary iGWB servers can be switched in both manual and automatic
switchover modes.
6. 7.12.6 Checking the Receiving and Processing of the Original CDR Files
To make sure that the iGWB can correctly receive and store the original CDR files, check
the CDR files generated after a call.
7. 7.12.7 Checking the Function of Sending Final CDRs
Maintenance personnel must check the final CDR files to ensure that these files can be
successfully sent to the BC.

7.12.1 Checking the Process Status of the iGWB Server

This topic describes how to check the process status of the iGWB Server.

For details about the processes of the iGWB Server, see 7.9.1 Basic Knowledge of the Processes
on the iGWB Server.

Step 1 Log in to the OS of iGWB0 as the administrator user.
Step 2 In the notification area, check whether the iGWB bulb.
The bulb indicates the state of the current iGWB server.
l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in active state.

l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in standby state.

Step 3 Right-click the taskbar and then choose Task Manager to check the processes.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-91

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

If the bulb is displayed, the following processes are shown in Task Manager.
l ap_proc.exe
l knl_proc.exe
l cls_proc.exe
l om_proc.exe
l cfg_proc.exe
l PWD.exe
l bs_proc.exe (optional)
l mtr_proc.exe (optional)

If the bulb is displayed, the following processes are shown in Task Manager.
l cls_proc.exe
l cfg_proc.exe
l PWD.exe

l The number of processes must be the same as the number of access points in the igwb.ini
For example, if APCount in the igwb.ini file is set to 2 and the relevant parameters of
AccessPoint1 and AccessPoint2 are configured, two ap_proc.exe processes are shown in
Task Manager.
l Make sure that the process IDs (PIDs) of the iGWB are not changed. If a fault occurs, the
monitoring process may start the faulty process repeatedly. In this case, the PID is changed
again and again.

Step 4 Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.

Step 5 In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The bulb indicates the state of the current iGWB server.
l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in active state.

l : indicates that the current iGWB server is in standby state.

Step 6 Right-click the taskbar and then choose Task Manager to check the processes.

If the bulb is displayed, the following processes are shown in Task Manager.
l ap_proc.exe
l knl_proc.exe
l cls_proc.exe
l om_proc.exe
l cfg_proc.exe
l PWD.exe

7-92 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

l bs_proc.exe (optional)
l mtr_proc.exe (optional)

If the bulb is displayed, the following processes are shown in Task Manager.
l cls_proc.exe
l cfg_proc.exe
l PWD.exe

l In a two-node iGWB, make sure that the primary iGWB server is in active state and that the
secondary iGWB server is in standby state.
l The number of processes must be the same as the number of access points in the igwb.ini
For example, if APCount in the igwb.ini file is set to 2 and the relevant parameters of
AccessPoint1 and AccessPoint2 are configured, two ap_proc.exe processes are shown in
Task Manager.
l Make sure that the PID of the iGWB are not changed. If a fault occurs, the monitoring process
may start the faulty process repeatedly. In this case, the PID is changed again and again.


7.12.2 Checking the Services of the iGWB Server

Maintenance personnel must check the services of the iGWB Server on a weekly basis. This
ensures that the iGWB server runs normally.

l Process Watch Dog Service
The Process Watch Dog Service is used to monitor the PWD process. If the Process Watch
Dog Service is running, when the user closes a monitored application, the PWD process
automatically restarts the application.
l Cfg Server Service
The Cfg Server Service is used to monitor the cfg_proc process.
l FTP Publishing Service
The FTP Publishing Service is used to monitor the processes of FTP applications.
l Windows Time Service
The Windows Time Service is used to monitor the processes of NTP application. The NTP
application is used to maintain the GMT of the hosts on the Internet. If the iGWB is set to
the NTP Client, check the Windows Time Service.
l UM_PPT_Service Service
The UM_PPT_Service Service is used to monitor the processes of the i3SAFE SIS
SysPatron2003. If the i3SAFE SIS SysPatron 2003 is installed on the iGWB server, check
the UM_PPT_Service Service.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Step 1 As Administrator, perform the following steps on the primary and secondary iGWB servers.

Step 2 Choose Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.

Step 3 In the Services window, make sure that the states of the following services are started and that
the startup types of these services are automatic. The services include:
l Process Watch Dog Service
l Cfg Server Service
l FTP Publishing Service
l Windows Time (optional)
l UM_PPT_Service (optional)

Step 4 If a service is not in Started state, right-click the service and then choose Start to start the service.

Step 5 If the startup type of a service is not Automatic, right-click the service and then choose
Properties. On theGeneraltab, select Automatic in Startup type, and then click OK.

Avoid deregistration on the iGWB server. Otherwise, the Cfg Server Service cannot be
automatically started after the system restart. The user can only manually restart the service as
shown in Step 4.


7.12.3 Checking the Connection to the iGWB Client

The iGWB Client can connect to the iGWB Server through the fixed IP address of network
adapter 0 or through a virtual IP address. Maintenance personnel must check the connection
between the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server on the weekly basis.

Generally, the server list includes the following servers:
l IGWB0:
Set the IP address of iGWB0 to the fixed IP address of network interface 0 of the primary
iGWB server. For example, Through this IP address, the iGWB Parameter
Config Console connects to the primary iGWB server.
l IGWB1:
Set the IP address of iGWB1 to the fixed IP address of network interface 0 of the secondary
iGWB server. For example, Through this IP address, the iGWB Parameter
Config Console connects to the secondary iGWB server.
Set the IP address of IGWB_Cluster to the external virtual IP address of network adapter
0 of the primary or secondary iGWB server. For example, Through this IP
address, the iGWB Client connects to the primary or secondary iGWB server.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

Step 1 As Administrator, log in to the PC where the iGWB Client is installed.

Step 2 Choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Client > iGWB Client.

Step 3 In the Login dialog box, type the user name (admin) and password, select IGWB_CLUSTER
in Office Name, and then click OK to log in to the iGWB Client.

If the The Version number is mismatched. Please be cautious in using. message is displayed, uninstall
the current iGWB Client and then re-install a correct version.

Step 4 On the iGWB Client, click . In the displayed dialog box, click Yes to exit the iGWB Client.

Step 5 Choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Client > Parameter Configuration.

Step 6 In the User Logindialog box, type the user name (Config) and password, select IGWB0 in
Office and then click OK to log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console.

Step 7 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click on the toolbar.

Step 8 In the Add Login dialog box, type the user name (Config) and password, select IGWB1 in
Office, and then click OK to log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console.

Through a fixed IP addresses, maintenance personnel can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console
of the primary and secondary iGWB server at the same time.

Step 9 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the displayed dialog box, click Yes to
exit the iGWB Parameter Config Console.


7.12.4 Checking the Heartbeat Connection

This topic describes how to check the heartbeat connection.

Make sure that you have logged in to the iGWB Client as the admin user or any other user that
has the system maintenance permission.

Step 1 On the iGWB Client, choose Start > Programs > iGateway Bill V300 Client > iGWB

Step 2 In the User Login dialog box, select iGWB_Cluster from the Office drop-down list box . Log
in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the admin user.

Step 3 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, choose Operation > State Query.

Step 4 In State Query, query the heartbeat state.

The heartbeat state is displayed in the format of n/m. m indicates the number of heartbeat links.
Generally, the value of m is 2. n indicates the number of normal heartbeat links. If the values
of m and n are different, it indicates that some heartbeat links are faulty.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Step 5 For details about how to rectify the errors occurring in heartbeat links, see the iGWB


7.12.5 Checking the Switchover of the iGWB

On a two-node iGWB, to improve system reliability and prevent service interruption, the iGWB
provides the switchover function. Maintenance personnel must ensure that the primary and
secondary iGWB servers can be switched in both manual and automatic switchover modes.

The switchover function enables the primary iGWB server and the secondary iGWB server
switch over with each other. After the switchover, the original active iGWB server is in standby
state whereas the original standby iGWB server is in active state. Two switchover modes are
l In manual switchover mode, maintenance personnel have to manually switch the primary
and secondary iGWB servers. This mode is used during the process of maintenance or
version upgrade.
l In automatic switchover mode, when the primary iGWB server is faulty, the primary and
secondary iGWB servers are automatically switched.

The primary iGWB server takes a higher priority over the secondary iGWB server. Therefore, when the
secondary iGWB server is restarted, the primary and secondary iGWB servers are switched over. However,
when the primary iGWB server is restarted, the primary and secondary iGWB servers are not switched

When the maintenance personnel manually switch the primary and secondary iGWB servers,
the Manual Switchover of iGWB alarm is generated on the active iGWB server.

Step 1 Log in to the primary iGWB server as Administrator. In the notification area, check the bulb.
iGWB0 refers to the primary iGWB server and iGWB1 refers to the secondary iGWB server.

If the bulb is on ( ), it indicates that the current iGWB server is in active state. If the bulb is
off ( ), it indicates that the current iGWB server is in standby state.
Step 2 As Administrator, log in to the PC where the iGWB Client is installed.

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

The switchover of the primary and secondary iGWB servers is risky. It is recommended to
perform the switchover when the traffic volume is low.
To check the automatic switchover of the primary and secondary iGWB servers, make sure to
restart the secondary iGWB server.
l When the primary iGWB server is in active state and the secondary iGWB server is in standby
state, perform the following steps.
l For the case where the secondary iGWB server is in active state and the primary iGWB server
is in standby state, switch Step 4 and Step 7.

Step 3 In the User Login dialog box, type the user name (admin) and password, select
IGWB_CLUSTER in Office, then click OK to log in to the iGWB Client on the primary iGWB.

Step 4 Choose Operation > Switch. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes to confirm the manual

Step 5 In the status bar, ensure that the iGWB Client is disconnected.

Step 6 Click and then log in to the iGWB Client of the secondary iGWB server as admin.

Step 7 Choose Operation > Reset iGWB. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes to confirm the restart.

The primary and secondary iGWB servers are switched.

Step 8 In the status bar, ensure that the iGWB Client is disconnected.

Step 9 Click and then log in to the iGWB Client as admin. In the status bar, ensure that the iGWB
Client is connected.

Log in to the original active iGWB server to ensure that the two iGWB servers are switched to
original states.


7.12.6 Checking the Receiving and Processing of the Original CDR

To make sure that the iGWB can correctly receive and store the original CDR files, check the
CDR files generated after a call.

To perform the checking, maintenance personnel need to work with the softswitch operators.

If the original CDRs from the CDR processing module contain errors (such as incorrect CDR
lengths, incorrect CDR types, and duplicate CDRs), or errors occur when the original CDRs are
coded or encoded, the iGWB generates the Abnormal iGWB CDR alarm.

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7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server User Manual

Step 1 Softswitch operators must configure two testing numbers, record the types of the generated CDR
files, and initiate a call.

Step 2 Log in to the iGWB Client as admin. Choose View > Refresh or press F5.

Step 3 In the navigation tree, expand the node of an original CDR file and then double-click a date

For example, the 20070923 folder stores the CDR files that were generated on September 23,

Step 4 Double-click the CDR file that was lastly generated. In the Choose Bill Format For File
Brow dialog box, select the CDR type recorded in Step 1 and then click OK. In the displayed
dialog box, ensure that the CDR files generated in Step 1 are displayed.

Step 5 Double-click a CDR file. In the Bill Detailed Information dialog box, check whether the
relevant information is correct. The information include the caller, callee, call duration, and CDR

Step 6 Click OK to close the Bill Detailed Information dialog box.

Step 7 In the Final Bill navigation tree, select the related channel. Double-click the date node to check
the largest CDR serial number.

For example, the channel names are detail. For details about how to configure a channel name,
see the iGWB Configuration Guide.

Step 8 On the iGWB Client, choose Operation > Trigger File Closing.

Step 9 In the Final Bill navigation tree, select the related channel. Double-click the date node to check
the largest CDR serial number.

If the CDR serial number is 1 larger than that obtained in Step 7, it indicates that a new final
CDR file is manually generated.

Some CDR files that are automatically generated may be blank CDR files, that is, the sizes of
these CDR files are 0 KB. The reasons of blank CDR files are:
l The iGWB is configured to generate final CDR files at a specified time.
l The iGWB is configured to generate final CDR files.

Step 10 Check the related information, including the caller, callee, call duration, and CDR type.

Step 11 Check whether CDR files exist in E:\backsave\accesspoint\default.


The default access point is X3KF.

The CDR files generated in the default folder by the softswitch cannot be sorted by the iGWB.If CDR
files are increasingly generated in E:\backsave\accesspoint\default, contact the local office of Huawei.


For details about how to handle alarms, see the iGWB Troubleshooting.

7-98 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 7 Basic Configuration of the iGWB Server

7.12.7 Checking the Function of Sending Final CDRs

Maintenance personnel must check the final CDR files to ensure that these files can be
successfully sent to the BC.

To perform the checking, maintenance personnel need to work with the softswitch operators.

If the BC does not fetch the CDR files from the monitoring directory for a long time, the
iGWB generates the Billing Center Not Fetch iGWB CDRs for a Long Time alarm.

Step 1 Log in to the BC. Check whether the contents and number of the CDR files received on the BC
are consistent with those on the iGWB.
Step 2 Check whether the BC can parse the CDR files from the iGWB and generate the required final
CDR files.


For details about how to handle alarms, see the iGWB Troubleshooting.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-99

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the

iGWB Server

About This Chapter

This topic describes how to configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. After you
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server, the iGWB can implement the functions.

8.1 Procedure of the Advanced Configuration

This topic describes the procedure of configuring the advanced functions of the iGWB Server.
8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server
This topic describes how to back up the configurations of the iGWB Server. After installing the
iGWB Server, if you intend to use the default settings in the igwb.ini file, you can skip this topic.
8.3 Backing up CDR files through a network
The iGWB can store CDR files and back them up through a network. This topic describes how
to configure the iGWB to back up CDR files through a network.
8.4 Customizing a Storage Period of CDR Files
Storing CDR files is an important function of the iGWB. You can customize the storage period
of CDR files on the iGWB. This topic describes how to configure the storage period of CDR
files on the iGWB.
8.5 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Generating final CDR files
This topic describes how to customize the rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.
8.6 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Name Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to customize the rules for the iGWB to name final CDR files.
8.7 Customizing Compressing CDR files
This topic describes how to customize the iGWB to compress CDR files.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-1

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

8.1 Procedure of the Advanced Configuration

This topic describes the procedure of configuring the advanced functions of the iGWB Server.

In all the advanced functions, you must configure the iGWB to back up CDR files through a
network. You can configure the other advanced functions as required. Figure 8-1 shows the
procedure of configuring the advanced functions of the iGWB Server.

Figure 8-1 Procedure of configuring the advanced functions of the iGWB Server


Log in to the iGWB Parameter

Config Console

Back up the current settings of

the iGWB Server

Configure the iGWB to back up

CDR files through a network

Synchronize and change

parameter values

Does iGWB back up No parameters on
CDR files through a
the primary
network properly?
iGWB server

Are the
Configure other advanced advanced functions of the No
functions of the iGWB Server iGWB Server configured

Are other
advanced functions of the No
iGWB Server configured Are parameters
correctly? correctly configured on the No
primary and secondary
iGWB servers?
Configure Yes
parameters on the
secondary iGWB Yes

8-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server

This topic describes how to back up the configurations of the iGWB Server. After installing the
iGWB Server, if you intend to use the default settings in the igwb.ini file, you can skip this topic.

Step 1 From the Office drop-down list box of the User Login dialog box, select IGWB0. Log in to the
iGWB Parameter Config Console as the admin or config user.

l Before activating the iGWB application for the first time, you can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config
Console as the config user only.
l After activating the iGWB application, you can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config or admin user.
l If the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server are in different network segments, they use a gateway to
communication with each other. In this case, select Use Gateway and then specify the IP address in
Gateway IP.

Step 2 Choose Operation > Office:IGWB0 > Save The Current Config Info As.

Step 3 In the Save As dialog box, specify the path and the file name in the format of
Based on the current time, the iGWB automatically creates a file name in the format of
igwb.ini_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.ini. YYYYMMDDHHMMSS indicates the current
system time. For example, igwb.ini_20070923162759.ini indicates that the igwb.ini file is
created at 16:27:59 on 23rd of September, 2007.

Step 4 Click Save.

Step 5 Click the button to display the Add Login dialog box.

Step 6 From the Office drop-down list box of the Add Login dialog box, select IGWB1. Log in to the
iGWB Parameter Config Console as the admin or config user.

Step 7 Choose Operation > Office:IGWB1 > Save The Current Config Info As.

Step 8 In the Save As dialog box, specify the path and the file name in the format of

Step 9 Click Save.


8.3 Backing up CDR files through a network

The iGWB can store CDR files and back them up through a network. This topic describes how
to configure the iGWB to back up CDR files through a network.

Table 8-1 lists the rules for the iGWB to back up CDR files through a network. Configure the
iGWB to follow any of the rules to back up CDR files through a network as required by the

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-3

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 8-1 Rules for the iGWB to back up CDR files through a network
Rule Advantages and Disadvantages Remarks

Backing up CDR files Advantages: Recommende

to a third-party l You can monitor the backing up of CDR files d.
server according to by viewing alarms.
the backup task
configured in the l The iGWB does not need to use other software
igwb.ini file to back up CDR files through a network.
l The iGWB can back up CDR files to a remote
third-party server and provide disaster
l The standby iGWB server cannot back up
generated CDR files.
l FTP uses plain text to transmit final CDR files.
Therefore, the security of final CDR files is not

Backing up CDR files Advantages: -

between two iGWB l You can monitor the backing up of CDR files
servers according to by viewing alarms.
the backup task
configured in the l The iGWB does not need to use other software
igwb.ini file to back up CDR files through a network.
l The backups of CDR files require the disk space
of the iGWB.
l The two iGWB servers are installed in the same
cabinet. Therefore, if backing up CDR files
between the two iGWB servers, the iGWB
cannot provide disaster tolerance.
l The standby iGWB server cannot back up
generated CDR files.
l FTP uses plain text to transmit final CDR files.
Therefore, the security of final CDR files is not

8-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Rule Advantages and Disadvantages Remarks

Using the Advantages: For details

SmartBackup to back l With the SmartBackup, you can easily and about how to
up CDR files to a third- conveniently configure the iGWB to backs up use the
party server CDR files through a network. SmartBackup
, see the
l The iGWB can back up CDR files to a remote iGWB
third-party server and provide disaster Installation
tolerance. Guide.
l The standby iGWB server can back up
generated CDR files.
l When an exception occurs, no alarm is raised.
Therefore, you cannot monitor the backing up
of CDR files.
l FTP uses plain text to transmit final CDR files.
Therefore, the security of final CDR files is not

Using the Advantages: For details

SmartBackup to back l With the SmartBackup, you can easily and about how to
up CDR files between conveniently configure the iGWB to backs up use the
two iGWB server CDR files through a network. SmartBackup
, see the
l The standby iGWB server can back up iGWB
generated CDR files. Installation
Disadvantages: Guide.
l When an exception occurs, no alarm is raised.
Therefore, you cannot monitor the backing up
of CDR files.
l The backups of CDR files require the disk space
of the iGWB.
l The two iGWB servers are installed in the same
cabinet. Therefore, if backing up CDR files
between the two iGWB servers, the iGWB
cannot provide disaster tolerance.
l FTP uses plain text to transmit final CDR files.
Therefore, the security of final CDR files is not

8.3.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the backup of CDR files through a network, including the CDR files that
can be backed up through a network and the settings of source paths for backing up CDR files.
8.3.2 Configuring the iGWB to Back Up CDR Files to a Third-Party Server
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to back up CDR files to a third-party server
according to the backup task configured in the igwb.ini file.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-5

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

8.3.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the backup of CDR files through a network, including the CDR files that
can be backed up through a network and the settings of source paths for backing up CDR files.

CDR Files that Can Be Backed Up Through a Network

The iGWB can back up the following types of CDR files through a network:
l Original CDR files
By default, the iGWB stores original CDR files in D:\frontsave.
l First copies of final CDR files
Typically, the iGWB needs to back up the first copies of final CDR files through a network.
By default, the iGWB stores them in E:\backsave\access point name.
l Second copies of final CDR files
By default, the iGWB stores the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave
\Second. If the following conditions are met, configure the iGWB to back up the second
copies of final CDR files through a network:
– The iGWB uses the backsave patch and the second copies of final CDR files are not the
same as the first copies of final CDR files.
– The iGWB sends the second copies of final CDR files to the BC in Push mode and does
not delete them immediately after sending them to the BC.

Configuring Source Backup Paths

When configuring the iGWB to follow any rule to back up CDR files through a network,
configure the source backup path as follows:
l For original CDR files
Configure the source backup path as D:\frontsave\access point name.
l For the first copies of final CDR files
Configure the source backup path as E:\backsave\access point name\channel name.
Typically, you need to configure multiple backup tasks.
l For the second copies of final CDR files
Configure the source backup path as follows:
– Configure the source backup path as E:\backsave\Second\access point name.
– Configure the source backup path as E:\backsave\Second\access point name\channel
name. Typically, you need to configure multiple backup tasks.

8.3.2 Configuring the iGWB to Back Up CDR Files to a Third-Party

This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to back up CDR files to a third-party server
according to the backup task configured in the igwb.ini file.

Before configuring the iGWB to back up CDR files to a third-party server, ensure that you have
completed the following tasks:

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

l You have created an FTP site and set the relevant parameters.
On the third-party server, you have completed the following tasks:
– You have configured a default FTP path.
– You have assigned the read and write permissions to FTP users.
– You have set the path style to UNIX.
The procedure for creating an FTP site on a third-party server is similar to that for creating an FTP
site on the iGWB. For details, see the iGWB Installation Guide.
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 4.1 Obtaining the Networking Information to collect the networking
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.
l You have allocated IP addresses to the network adapters of the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. You have ensured that all the local Ethernet connections are enabled.
l The network links are connected properly.

For details about the backing up of CDR files through a network, see 8.3.1 Basic Knowledge.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the NetBackup section exists.
If the NetBackup section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select NetBackup. Click
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click NetBackup. By default, no parameters exist in the NetBackup
section. Therefore, you need to add parameters to the NetBackup section. Table 8-2 lists the
parameter in the NetBackup section for the iGWB to back up CDR files through a network.

Table 8-2 Parameter in the NetBackup section for the iGWB to back up CDR files through a
Parameter Description Remarks

BackupTaskCount Indicates the number of backup tasks. Configure the

[Value range] 0-99 parameter
according to the
[Default value]: 0 number of
[Effect on other parameters]: configured backup
This parameter determines the number of tasks.
effective BackupTask%d sections.
For example, if the BackupTask1 and
BackupTask2 sections are configured but the
value of BackupTaskCount is 1, only the
BackupTask1 section takes effect.

Step 5 Add the BackupTask%d section.


l In BackupTask%d, %d indicates a backup task ID. You can configure the backup task %d by setting
the parameters in the BackupTask%d section.
For example, you can configure backup task 1 in the BackupTask1 section.
l If the iGWB can send final CDR files to the BC in Push mode, the BackupTask%d section is
configured. You need to identify the value of %d in the BackupTask%d section to be added.
For example, the BackupTask1 and BackupTask2 sections are configured. The value of %d in the
BackupTask%d section to be added is 3.
l This topic assumes that the BackupTask1 section is configured.
1. In the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and then Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select BackupTask and in
Task Index, select 2. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 6 In the navigation tree, click BackupTask2. By default, no parameters exist in the
BackupTask2 section. Therefore, you need to add parameters to the BackupTask2 section.
Table 8-3 lists the parameters in the BackupTask%d section for the iGWB to back up CDR
files through a network.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-3 Parameters in the BackupTask%d section for the iGWB to back up CDR files through
a network
Parameter Description Remarks

TaskName Indicates the backup task name. Follow certain rules to

Each backup task name is unique. specify a backup task name.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters NOTE
The BackupTask%d
[Default value]: null parameter specifies the name
of a backup task. Set it to a
unique backup task name.
After setting it, do not change
its value.

UserName Indicates the user name of the FTP Add this parameter to the
server. BackupTask%d section.
[Maximum length]: 255 characters Set it to the user name
specified in Table 4-3.
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Wholesale

Password Indicates the password of the FTP Add this parameter to the
server. BackupTask%d section.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters Set it to the password
specified in Table 4-3.
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, and Wholesale

DestHostIP Indicates the IP address of the FTP Add this parameter to the
server. Configure the value of this BackupTask%d section.
parameter as the IP address of the Set it to the IP address
BC or the third-party server. specified in Table 4-1.
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

LocalIP Indicates the IP address of the FTP Add this parameter to the
client. Set the value to the IP address BackupTask%d section.
of network adapter 3 (the four Set it to the IP address of
network adapters are numbered network adapter 3 on
from 0 to 3) of iGWB1. iGWB1, specified in Table
[Default value]: null 4-1.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Link%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-9

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

SourceDir Indicates the path where CDR files Add this parameter to the
are backed up. The path in this BackupTask%d section.
parameter should be set the path Set it as follows:
style to UNIX. l To back up original CDR
[Default value] /var/frontsaveD:/ files
frontsave Set it to D:/frontsave/
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, access point name.
BackupTask%d l To back up the first
copies of final CDR files
Set it to E:\backsave
\access point name
\channel name.
l To back up the second
copies of final CDR files
Set it to E:/backsave/
Second/access point
name or E:/backsave/
Second/access point
name/channel name.

DestDir Indicates the destination path where Add this parameter to the
CDR files are backed up. The path BackupTask%d section.
in this parameter should be set the Set it to the path specified in
path style to UNIX. Table 4-4. The path in this
For example, the default path of an parameter should be set the
FTP server is set to D: path style to UNIX.
\CDR_BACKUP. In actual
configuration, to back up CDR files
to D:\CDR_BACKUP\iGWB0, set
the value of this parameter to /
[Default value]: /var/frontsave/
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

BeforeEncode Indicates whether the password is Make sure that this

encrypted. Set the value to 1 during parameter is added in the
initial configuration or when user MML section and that the
information is changed. value is 1.
The values are:
l 1
The current password is in plain
text. The iGWB automatically
encrypts the values of the
following parameters in the
igwb.ini file and changes the
value of BeforeEncode to 0.
– When you configure the
parameters in the MML
section, the iGWB encrypts
the value of UserInfoPwd.
– When you configure the
parameters in the NetBackup,
BackupTask%, and
Wholesale sections, the
iGWB encrypts the value of
Password in each section.
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Wholesale,

DestFilesSaveDays Indicates the number of days for Before setting the value,
which destination files are stored. consider the traffic volume
The values are: and the disk space of the
destination backup PC. If
l 0 the traffic volume is
The destination files are stored unknown, it is suggested to
permanently. set the value to 60 days.
l 1-365
The destination files are stored in
a specified number of days. The
value ranges from 1 to 365.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-11

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual


Most of the parameters listed in Table 8-3 can also be added to the NetBackup section. In different
parameter sections, the parameters have different priorities:
l In the NetBackup section, the parameters have lower priorities. They apply to the backup tasks where
the parameters are not configured.
l In the BackupTask%d section, the parameters have higher priorities. They apply to the backup tasks
where the parameters are configured.
For example, the DestHostIP parameter is set to in the NetBackup section and to in
the BackupTask1 section. In backup task 1, the iGWB backs up CDR files to In the other backup
tasks, the iGWB backs up CDR files to

Step 7 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Check that the iGWB can normally back up CDR files to a third-party server. If no CDR
file is generated, copy any file to the source backup path. Check that the iGWB can back
up the file to the third-party server.
By default, the iGWB checks whether any file to be backed up exists in the source backup path every
five minutes.

Step 8 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 9 In the navigation tree, click BackupTask2. The setting of the BackupTask2 section is
synchronized from the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you
need to check the setting on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-4 lists the parameter to be checked
in the BackupTask2 section on the primary iGWB server.

In BackupTask%d, %d indicates a backup task ID. You can configure the backup task %d by setting the
parameters in the BackupTask%d section.
For example, you can configure backup task 1 in the BackupTask1 section.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-4 Parameters of the BackupTask%d section on the primary iGWB server
Parameter Description Remarks

LocalIP Indicates the IP address of the FTP client. Set Change the value of this
the value to the IP address of network adapter parameter to the IP
3 (the four network adapters are numbered address of network
from 0 to 3) of iGWB1. adapter 3 on iGWB0,
[Default value]: null specified in Table 4-1,
only when the iGWB
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, sends final CDR files to
BackupTask%d, Link%d the BC in Push mode.

BeforeEncode Indicates whether the password is encrypted. Set the value to 1.

Set the value to 1 during initial configuration
or when user information is changed.
The values are:
l 1
The current password is in plain text. The
iGWB automatically encrypts the values
of the following parameters in the
igwb.ini file and changes the value of
BeforeEncode to 0.
– When you configure the parameters in
the MML section, the iGWB encrypts
the value of UserInfoPwd.
– When you configure the parameters in
the NetBackup, BackupTask%, and
Wholesale sections, the iGWB
encrypts the value of Password in each
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Wholesale, MML

Step 10 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Check that the iGWB can normally back up CDR files to a third-party server. If no CDR
file is generated, copy any file to the source backup path. Check that the iGWB can back
up the file to the third-party server.

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

By default, the iGWB checks whether any file to be backed up exists in the source backup path every
five minutes.


In the following example, the information in bold indicates the parameters differently configured on the
primary and secondary iGWB servers.

If the iGWB is configured to back up the first copies of final CDR files in the detail and in
channels on access point X3KF, the following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on
the secondary iGWB server:

UserName = backupCDR
DestHostIP =
LocalIP =
Password = zQy12cZv
BeforeEncode = 1
DestFilesSaveDays = 60

UserName = backupCDR
DestHostIP =
LocalIP =
Password = zQy12cZv
BeforeEncode = 1
DestFilesSaveDays = 60

If the iGWB is configured to back up the first copies of final CDR files in the detail and in
channels on access point X3KF, the following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on
the primary iGWB server:

UserName = backupCDR
DestHostIP =
LocalIP =
Password = zQy12cZv
BeforeEncode = 1
DestFilesSaveDays = 60

UserName = backupCDR
DestHostIP =
LocalIP =

8-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Password = zQy12cZv
BeforeEncode = 1
DestFilesSaveDays = 60

8.4 Customizing a Storage Period of CDR Files

Storing CDR files is an important function of the iGWB. You can customize the storage period
of CDR files on the iGWB. This topic describes how to configure the storage period of CDR
files on the iGWB.

The disk space of the iGWB is limited. Therefore, do not change the default storage period of CDR files.
If you want to store CDR files for a long time, back them up to a third-party server or to a tape drive.
Table 8-5 lists the methods of configuring the storage period of CDR files. You need to select
one method.

Table 8-5 Methods of configuring the storage period of CDR files

Rule Advantages and Disadvantages Remarks

Configuring a fixed Advantages: Recommende

storage period of CDR The storage period of CDR files is fixed and you d.
files can configure it as required. For example, if the You can use
storage period is set to seven days, the iGWB this method to
deletes the CDR files generated seven days ago. configure the
Disadvantages: storage
periods of
You are not easy to determine the storage period. original CDR
If the storage period is long, the disk space of the files, the first
iGWB is easy to be insufficient and the iGWB copies of
cannot run stably. final CDR
files, and the
second copies
of final CDR

Configuring the Advantages: You can use

storage period of CDR The residual disk space determines whether the this method to
files according to the earliest CDR files are deleted. You do not need to configure the
disk space worry about the insufficiency of the disk space. storage
periods of
Disadvantages: original CDR
The disk space of the iGWB and the traffic of the files and the
office determine the storage period of CDR files. first copies of
Therefore, the storage period is variable. final CDR

8.4.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the storage period of CDR files.
8.4.2 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for Original CDR Files

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-15

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

This topic describes how to configure a fixed storage period for original CDR files.
8.4.3 Configuring the Storage Period of Original CDR Files According to the Disk Space
This topic describes how to configure the storage period of original CDR files according to the
disk space of the iGWB.
8.4.4 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for Original CDR Files and the First Copies of Final
CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure a fixed storage period for original CDR files and the first
copies of final CDR files on the iGWB.
8.4.5 Configuring the Storage Period of the First Copies of Final CDR Files According to the
Disk Space
This topic describes how to configure the storage period of the first copies of final CDR files
according to the disk space of the iGWB.
8.4.6 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for the Second Copies of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure a fixed storage period for the second copies of final CDR

8.4.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the storage period of CDR files.

CDR Files with Storage Periods

Storing CDR files is an important function of the iGWB. By default, the iGWB stores the
following types of CDR files:
l Original CDR files
Original CDR files are the CDR files received by the iGWB from a device or an NE that
generates CDRs. After receiving original CDR files, the iGWB stores them in D:\frontsave
\access point name.
By default, the iGWB stores original CDR files for seven days.
l First copies of final CDR files
The first copies of final CDR files are the CDR files converted from original CDR files.
The iGWB stores the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\access point name.
By default, the iGWB stores the first copies of final CDR files for seven days.
l Second copies of final CDR files
The second copies of final CDR files are the CDR files provided to the BC. Typically, the
iGWB stores the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\access point
name. Depending on whether the backsave patch is used, the second copies of final CDR
files can be understood as follows:
– If the backsave patch is not used, the second copies of final CDR files are the copies of
the first copies of final CDR files. The only difference is that the first copies of final
CDR files are stored in date folders and the second copies of final CDR files are not.
– If the backsave patch is used, the second copies of final CDR files are the CDR files
generated after the iGWB reprocesses the first copies of final CDR files.
By default, the iGWB does not delete the second copies of final CDR files.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Principles for the iGWB to Delete Expired CDR Files

Before checking whether the storage period of CDR files is correctly configured, you need to
learn the principles for the iGWB to delete expired CDR files.
The iGWB identifies expired CDR files as follows:
l For original CDR files and the first copies of final CDR files
The iGWB judges whether a CDR file is expired according to the creation time of the folder
where the CDR file is stored.
l For the second copies of final CDR files
The iGWB judges whether a CDR file is expired according to the time that the CDR file
is last modified.

If the system time of the iGWB is greatly changed, CDR files may be lost. To avoid this problem, the
iGWB creates a date folder each day within the specified storage period of CDR files.
For example, the storage period of original CDR files and the first copies of final CDR files is set to seven
days. If the number of the date folders where original CDR files and the first copies of final CDR files are
stored reaches eight, the iGWB deletes expired CDR files.

Depending on the configured storage period of CDR files, the iGWB deletes expired CDR files
as follows:
l If a fixed storage period of CDR files is configured
When creating a date folder for original CDR files or for the first copies of final CDR files,
the iGWB detects and deletes the expired original CDR files, first copies of final CDR files,
and second copies of final CDR files.
l If the storage period of CDR files is configured according to the disk space
– For original CDR files and the first copies of final CDR files
By default, when finding that the space occupied by CDR files is smaller than the
threshold space for the iGWB to delete expired CDR files, the iGWB detects and deletes
expired original CDR files and first copies of final CDR files every three minutes.
You can configure the frequency for the iGWB to detect and delete expired original CDR files
and first copies of final CDR files by setting the StatInterval parameter.
– For the second copies of final CDR files
When creating a date folder for original CDR files or for the first copies of final CDR
files, the iGWB detects and deletes the expired second copies of final CDR files.

8.4.2 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for Original CDR Files

This topic describes how to configure a fixed storage period for original CDR files.


l When you need to configure a fixed storage period for original CDR files, refer to this topic.
l When you intend to configure a fixed storage period for original CDR files and the first copies of final
CDR files in an easier way, see 8.4.4 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for Original CDR Files
and the First Copies of Final CDR Files.
Before configuring the iGWB to fixed storage period for original CDR files, ensure that you
have completed the following tasks:

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-17

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.4 Customizing a Storage Period of CDR Files to select the rule for the
iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

For details about the storage period of CDR files, see 8.4.1 Basic Knowledge.
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-6.

8-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-6 Parameters for the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in
a CDR file

Parameter Description Remarks

OrigBillSaveDays Indicates the number of days for Set the value according to the
which the original CDR files are traffic volume of the office. If
stored. If the value is exceeded, the the traffic volume is unknown, it
iGWB deletes the original CDR file is recommended to set the value
that was earliest generated. to 7.
The values are: NOTE
The differences between
l 0 OrigBillSaveDays and
Indicates that the parameter is DeadLineOfAutoDel are as
invalid. follows:

l 7-180 (days) l OrigBillSaveDays specifies the

days for storing original CDR
Indicates that original CDR files
files only.
can be stored for 7-180 days.
l DeadLineOfAutoDel specifies
[Default value]: 0 the storage period for original
[Similar parameter]: CDR files and the first copies of
final CDR files.
l The priority of
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, OrigBillSaveDays is higher
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-% than that of
d DeadLineOfAutoDel.

The OrigBillSaveDays parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d section. In different
parameter sections, the OrigBillSaveDays parameter applies to different original CDR files:
l In the DiskFile section, the OrigBillSaveDays parameter applies to the original CDR files
on the current iGWB server.
For example, the OrigBillSaveDays parameter is set to 7 in the DiskFile section. If the
original CDR files in D:\frontsave are stored for more than seven days, the iGWB deletes
these original CDR files.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the FSCompress parameter applies to the original CDR files
on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB
For example, the OrigBillSaveDays parameter is set to 7 in the AccessPoint1 section. If the
original CDR files in D:\frontsave\name of access point 1 are stored for more than seven
days, the iGWB deletes these original CDR files.

The OrigBillSaveDays parameter in the AccessPoint%d section has a higher priority than that
in the DiskFile section.

For example, the OrigBillSaveDays parameter is set to 7 in the AccessPoint1 section and to
8 in the DiskFile section. The iGWB deletes the original CDR files in E:\backsave\name of
access point 1 when the original CDR files are stored for more than seven days. The iGWB
deletes the original CDR files on other access points when the original CDR files are stored for
more than eight days.

If only one access point exists, the OrigBillSaveDays parameter in the AccessPoint1 section
and the OrigBillSaveDays parameter in the DiskFile section apply to the same original CDR

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-19

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. The next day, on the iGWB Client, check whether the original CDR files that are stored
for more than the configured storage period are deleted. If the OrigBillSaveDays parameter
is correctly added, the original CDR files are deleted. Otherwise, the original CDR files
are not deleted.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
OrigBillSaveDays parameter is correctly configured.

For example, the OrigBillSaveDays parameter is set to 7. After the setting takes effect, in
the navigation tree on the iGWB Client, ensure that no folder for the original CDR files
generated seven days ago exists.
Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-7 lists the parameter to be checked in the DiskFile section
on the primary iGWB server.

8-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-7 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

OrigBillSaveDays Indicates the number of days for which the original Check this
CDR files are stored. If the value is exceeded, the parameter.
iGWB deletes the original CDR file that was earliest
The values are:
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid.
l 7-180 (days)
Indicates that original CDR files can be stored for
7-180 days.
[Default value]: 0
[Similar parameter]: DeadLineOfAutoDel
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. The next day, on the iGWB Client, check whether the original CDR files that are stored
for more than the configured storage period are deleted. If the OrigBillSaveDays parameter
is correctly configured, the original CDR files are deleted. Otherwise, the original CDR
files are not deleted.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
OrigBillSaveDays parameter is correctly configured.

For example, the OrigBillSaveDays parameter is set to 7. After the setting takes effect, in
the navigation tree on the iGWB Client, ensure that no folder for the original CDR files
generated seven days ago exists.


If the storage period of original CDR files is set to 7, the following information is contained in
the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
OrigBillSaveDays = 7

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-21

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

If the storage period of original CDR files is set to 7, the following information is contained in
the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
OrigBillSaveDays = 7

8.4.3 Configuring the Storage Period of Original CDR Files

According to the Disk Space
This topic describes how to configure the storage period of original CDR files according to the
disk space of the iGWB.


If you have configured the storage period of original CDR files by setting the
OrigBillSaveDays or DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter, skip this topic.

Before configuring the iGWB storage period of original CDR files according to the disk space,
ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.4 Customizing a Storage Period of CDR Files to select the rule for the
iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

For details about the storage period of CDR files, see 8.4.1 Basic Knowledge.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:

l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

8-22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-8.

Table 8-8 Parameters for the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in
a CDR file

Parameter Description Remarks

MinFrontAvaDiskOfPer Indicates the threshold for the iGWB to Set the value
delete early original CDR files. When the according to the
free disk space is smaller than the traffic volume of
threshold, the iGWB deletes the earliest the office.
original CDR files according to date If the traffic
folders. volume is
The values are: unknown, it is
l -1 recommended to
Indicates that the parameter is invalid. set the value to 50.
l 0-100
Indicates the percentage of the free
space of D:\frontsave to the space of
D:\, that is, the percentage of the free
space of D:\ to the total space of the
[Default value]: -1

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. The next day, check that the setting takes effect.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-23

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

If the MinFrontAvaDiskOfPer parameter is set to 50, the free space in D: cannot be

smaller than 50 percent of the partition space.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-9 lists the parameter to be checked in the DiskFile section
on the primary iGWB server.

Table 8-9 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

MinFrontAvaDiskOfPer This parameter specifies the threshold for the Check this
iGWB to delete early original CDR files. parameter.
When the free space is smaller than the
threshold, the iGWB deletes the earliest
original CDR files according to date folders.
Value range:
l -1
Invalid value.
l 0-100
Percentage of the space in D:\, taken up by
the free space in D:\frontsave or
percentage of the partition space taken up
by the free space in D:\.
Synchronized value: 50

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

8-24 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

3. The next day, check that the setting takes effect.

If the MinFrontAvaDiskOfPer parameter is set to 50, the free space in D: cannot be
smaller than 50 percent of the partition space.


If the iGWB is configured to delete the earliest original CDR files when the free space in D:\ is
smaller than 50 percent of the partition space, the following information is contained in the
igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
MinFrontAvaDiskOfPer = 50

If the iGWB is configured to delete the earliest original CDR files when the free space in D:\ is
smaller than 50 percent of the partition space, the following information is contained in the
igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
MinFrontAvaDiskOfPer = 50

8.4.4 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for Original CDR Files and
the First Copies of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure a fixed storage period for original CDR files and the first
copies of final CDR files on the iGWB.

Before configuring the iGWB to fixed storage period for original CDR files and the first copies
of final CDR files, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.4 Customizing a Storage Period of CDR Files to select the rule for the
iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

For details about the storage period of CDR files, see 8.4.1 Basic Knowledge.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-25

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.

Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-10.

Table 8-10 Parameter that specifies the storage period of the first copies of final CDR files

Parameter Description Remarks

DeadLineOfAutoDel Indicates the storage period for Set the value according to the
original CDR files and the first traffic volume of the office.
copies of final CDR files. If the If the traffic volume is
storage period exceeds the unknown, it is recommended
specified value, the iGWB to set the value to 7
deletes the earliest original NOTE
CDR files and the first copies of The differences between
final CDR files by date folder. OrigBillSaveDays and
DeadLineOfAutoDel are as
[Value range]: 7-180 (days) follows:
[Default value]: 7 (days) l OrigBillSaveDays
[Similar parameter]: specifies the days for
storing original CDR files
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, l DeadLineOfAutoDel
AccessPoint%d, and Channel specifies the storage period
%d-%d for original CDR files and
the first copies of final CDR
l The priority of
OrigBillSaveDays is
higher than that of

The DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d and channel%
d-%d sections. In different parameter sections, the DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter applies to
different original CDR files:

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

l In the DiskFile section, the DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter applies to the first copies of
final CDR files on the current iGWB server.
For example, in the DiskFile section, the DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7 and the
OrigBillSaveDays parameter is correctly configured. If the first copies of final CDR files in
E:\backsave\ are stored for more than seven days, the iGWB deletes these copies of final
CDR files.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the BSFirstCompress parameter applies to the first copies
of final CDR files on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini
file in C:\iGWB\config\ini.
For example, in the AccessPoint1 section, the DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7
and the OrigBillSaveDays parameter is correctly configured. If the first copies of final CDR
files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1 are stored for more than seven days, the
iGWB deletes these copies of final CDR files.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the BSFirstCompress parameter applies to the first copies
of final CDR files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB\Config
For example, in the channel1-1 section, the DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7 and
the OrigBillSaveDays parameter is correctly configured. If the first copies of final CDR files
in E:\backsave\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 are stored for more than seven
days, the iGWB deletes these copies of final CDR files.

The DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority,
that in the AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has
the lowest.

For example, the DeadLineOfAutoDel

parameter is set to 7 in the channel1-1 section and to 8 in the AccessPoint1 section. The
iGWB deletes the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1\name
of channel 1 when these copies of final CDR files are stored for more than seven days. The
iGWB deletes the first copies of final CDR files in the other channels on access point 1 when
these copies of final CDR files are stored for more than eight days.

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. The next day, check that the setting takes effect.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is correctly configured.

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

For example, the DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7. After the setting takes effect,
in the navigation tree on the iGWB Client, ensure that no folder for the final CDR files
generated seven days ago exists.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-11 lists the parameter to be checked in the DiskFile section
on the primary iGWB server.

Table 8-11 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

DeadLineOfAutoDel Indicates the storage period for original CDR files Check this
and the first copies of final CDR files. If the parameter.
storage period exceeds the specified value, the
iGWB deletes the earliest original CDR files and
the first copies of final CDR files by date folder.
[Value range]: 7-180 (days)
[Default value]: 7 (days)
[Similar parameter]: OrigBillSaveDays
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,
and Channel%d-%d

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. The next day, check that the setting takes effect.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is correctly configured.

For example, the DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7. After the setting take effect,
in the navigation tree on the iGWB Client, ensure that no folder for the final CDR files
generated seven days ago exists.


If the storage period of original CDR files and the first copies of CDR files is set to 7, the
following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
DeadLineOfAutoDel = 7

If the storage period of original CDR files and the first copies of CDR files is set to 7, the
following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
DeadLineOfAutoDel = 7

8.4.5 Configuring the Storage Period of the First Copies of Final

CDR Files According to the Disk Space
This topic describes how to configure the storage period of the first copies of final CDR files
according to the disk space of the iGWB.


If you have configured the storage period of the first copies of final CDR files by setting the
DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter, skip this topic.

Before configuring the iGWB to storage period of the first copies of final CDR files according
to the disk space, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.4 Customizing a Storage Period of CDR Files to select the rule for the
iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

For details about the storage period of CDR files, see 8.4.1 Basic Knowledge.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-29

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-12.

8-30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-12 Parameter that specifies the storage period of the first copies of final CDR files

Parameter Description Remarks

MinBackAvaDiskOfPer Indicates the threshold for the iGWB to Set the value
delete early first copies of final CDR according to the
files. When the free disk space is smaller traffic volume of the
than the threshold, the iGWB deletes the office.
earliest first copies of final CDR files If the traffic volume
according to date folders. is unknown, it is
The values are: recommended to set
l -1 the value to 50.
Indicates that the parameter is invalid.
l 0(%)-100(%)
Indicates the percentage of the free
space of E:\backsave to the space of
E:\, that is, the percentage of the free
space of E:\ to the total space of the
[Default value]: -1

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. The next day, check that the setting takes effect.
If the MinBackAvaDiskOfPer parameter is set to 50, the free space in E: cannot be smaller
than 50 percent of the partition space.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-31

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-13 lists the parameter to be checked in the DiskFile section
on the primary iGWB server.

Table 8-13 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server
Parameter Description Remarks

MinBackAvaDiskOfPer Indicates the threshold for the iGWB to delete Check this
early first copies of final CDR files. When the parameter.
free disk space is smaller than the threshold, the
iGWB deletes the earliest first copies of final
CDR files according to date folders.
The values are:
l -1
Indicates that the parameter is invalid.
l 0(%)-100(%)
Indicates the percentage of the free space of
E:\backsave to the space of E:\, that is, the
percentage of the free space of E:\ to the total
space of the partition.
[Default value]: -1

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. The next day, check that the setting takes effect.
If the MinBackAvaDiskOfPer parameter is set to 50, the free space in E: cannot be smaller
than 50 percent of the partition space.


If the iGWB is configured to delete the earliest first copies of final CDR files when the free
space in E:\ is smaller than 50 percent of the partition space, the following information is
contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
MinBackAvaDiskOfPer = 50

If the iGWB is configured to delete the earliest first copies of final CDR files when the free
space in E:\ is smaller than 50 percent of the partition space, the following information is
contained in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
MinBackAvaDiskOfPer = 50

8-32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

8.4.6 Configuring a Fixed Storage Period for the Second Copies of

Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure a fixed storage period for the second copies of final CDR


By default, the iGWB does not delete the second copies of final CDR files automatically. This
may cause insufficient disk space, thus affecting the stability of the iGWB. Therefore, you need
to configure a fixed storage period for the second copies of final CDR files.

Before configuring the iGWB to fixed storage period for the second copies of final CDR files,
ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.4 Customizing a Storage Period of CDR Files to select the rule for the
iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

For details about the storage period of CDR files, see 8.4.1 Basic Knowledge.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:

l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-33

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.

Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-14.

Table 8-14 Parameters for the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in
a CDR file

Parameter Description Remarks

SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel Indicates the number of days for Set the value

which the second copies of final according to the
CDR files are stored. If the value is traffic volume of
exceeded, the iGWB deletes the the office. If the
second copy of CDR files that was traffic volume is
earliest generated. unknown, it is
The values are: recommended to
set the value to 7
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is
l 7-180 (days)
Indicates the number of days for
which the second copies of final
CDR files can be stored.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%

The SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d and

channel%d-%d sections. In different parameter sections, the
SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter applies to different second copies of final CDR
l In the DiskFile section, the SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files on the current iGWB server.
For example, the SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7 in the DiskFile
section. If the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second are stored for more
than seven days, the iGWB deletes these copies of final CDR files.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the
igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB\config\ini.

8-34 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

For example, the SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7 in the

AccessPoint1 section. If the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name
of access point 1 are stored for more than seven days, the iGWB deletes these copies of final
CDR files.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB
For example, the SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7 in the channel1-1
section. If the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point
1\name of channel 1 are stored for more than seven days, the iGWB deletes these copies of
final CDR files.

The SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest

priority, that in the AccessPoint%d section has the second, and that in the DiskFile section has
the lowest.

For example, the SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel

parameter is set to 7 in the channel1-1 section and to 8 in the AccessPoint1 section. The
iGWB deletes the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access
point 1\name of channel 1 when these copies of final CDR files are stored for more than seven
days. The iGWB deletes the second copies of final CDR files in the other channels on access
point 1 when these copies of final CDR files are stored for more than eight days.

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. The next day, check that the setting takes effect.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is correctly configured.

For example, the SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7. After the setting

takes effect, in E:\backsave\Second\, ensure that no folder for the second copies of final
CDR files generated seven days ago exists.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-35

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-15 lists the parameters to be checked in the DiskFile
section on the primary iGWB server.

Table 8-15 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel Indicates the number of days for Check this

which the second copies of final CDR parameter.
files are stored. If the value is
exceeded, the iGWB deletes the
second copy of CDR files that was
earliest generated.
The values are:
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is
l 7-180 (days)
Indicates the number of days for
which the second copies of final
CDR files can be stored.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. The next day, check that the setting takes effect.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is correctly configured.

8-36 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

For example, the SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel parameter is set to 7. After the setting

takes effect, in E:\backsave\Second\, ensure that no folder for the second copies of final
CDR files generated seven days ago exists.


If the storage period of the second copies of final CDR files is set to 7, the following information
is contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel = 7

If the storage period of the second copies of final CDR files is set to 7, the following information
is contained in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
SecondBillDeadLineOfAutoDel = 7

8.5 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Generating final

CDR files
This topic describes how to customize the rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.

Typically, use the default settings of the rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.

As shown in Table 8-16, the iGWB supports multiple rules for generating final CDR files. The
iGWB automatically generates final CDR files only if any of the following rules is met.

Table 8-16 Rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files
Rule Scenarios Remarks

Configuring the Use the default settings. Recommend

iGWB to Generate ed.
Final CDR Files by
the Generation
Interval of CDR Files

By the size of each Use the default settings. Recommend

CDR file ed.

Configuring the Use the default settings. Recommend

iGWB to Generate ed.
Final CDR Files by
the Date

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-37

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Rule Scenarios Remarks

Configuring the Configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files at -

iGWB to Generate a specified time only when required by the carrier.
Final CDR Files at a For example, the BC is configured to fetch final
Specified Time CDR files from the iGWB at a specified time. To
ensure that the BC can obtain the final CDR files in
time, configure the iGWB to generate final CDR
files at an earlier time.

Configuring the Configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by -

iGWB to Generate the number of the CDRs in a CDR file only when
Final CDR Files by required by the carrier.
the Number of the
CDRs in a CDR File

8.5.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes how the iGWB generates final CDR files.
8.5.2 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the Generation Interval of CDR
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the generation
interval of CDR files. By default, the iGWB generates final CDR files every 1,800 seconds.
8.5.3 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the size of each CDR file
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the size of each
CDR file. By default, the iGWB generates a final CDR file when the size of a temporary CDR
file reaches 1 MB.
8.5.4 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the Date
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the date. By
default, the iGWB generates final CDR files at 00:00 every day.
8.5.5 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files at Specified Times
You can configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files at specified times. For example, the
iGWB generates final CDR files at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00 every day.
8.5.6 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the Number of the CDRs in a CDR
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of
the CDRs in a CDR file. For example, when the number of the CDRs in a CDR file reaches 500,
the iGWB generates a final CDR file.

8.5.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes how the iGWB generates final CDR files.
When generating final CDR files, the iGWB does not directly store them in the storage paths of
the first and second copies of final CDR files. Figure 8-2 shows the generation process of final
CDR files. After receiving processed original CDRs from the CDR processing module, the
backsave module in the access point process stores them in the temporary CDR files in E:
\backsave\access point name\temp. When the temporary CDR files meet the required
conditions, the backsave module copies them to the paths of the first and second copies of final
CDR files. At the same time, the iGWB deletes them from E:\backsave\access point name

8-38 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Figure 8-2 Generation process of final CDR files

Access point process

Processed Backsave
Final CDR
original module
CDR file

E:\ E:\ E:\

backsave\ backsave\ backsave\
access access Second\
point name\ point name access
temp point name


l For details about CDR receiving and processing, see 7.7.1 Basic Knowledge.

l If the backsave patch is used, the generation process of final CDR files is different. For details about
the backsave patch, see 7.7.1 Basic Knowledge.

The iGWB generates final CDR files in the following situations:

l Triggering file closing
On the iGWB Client, choose Operation > Trigger File Closing.
l Breaking services for upgrade
On the iGWB Client, choose Operation > Break Service for Upgrade.
l Meeting the rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files
By default, the iGWB generates final CDR files if any of the following conditions is met:
– The size of a temporary CDR file reaches 1 MB.
– A temporary CDR file exists for 1,800 seconds.
– A date changes.

When you switch services between the primary and secondary iGWB servers, the iGWB breaks the services
for upgrade. In this case, the iGWB generates final CDR files.

8.5.2 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the

Generation Interval of CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the generation
interval of CDR files. By default, the iGWB generates final CDR files every 1,800 seconds.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-39

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Before configuring the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the generation interval of CDR
files, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.5 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Generating final CDR
files to select the rule for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.


Typically, do not change the default rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.

The other rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files are compatible with the rule that the
iGWB generate final CDR files by the generation interval of CDR files. If any of the configured
rules is satisfied, the iGWB generates final CDR files.
For details about the generation of final CDR files, see 8.5.1 Basic Knowledge.
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.

8-40 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-17.

Table 8-17 Parameter that specifies whether the iGWB generates final CDR files by the date
Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileMaxTime Indicates whether to generate final CDR files It is

according to the fixed time period. When the recommended
current final CDR file is generated, the iGWB to use the
automatically generates a new final CDR file in the default value.
set time period. In general, this time period is
regarded as one of the conditions for generating
final CDR files.
[Value range] 5-3600s
[Default value]: 1800s
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,

The FinalFileMaxTime parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d and channel%d-
%d sections. In different parameter sections, the FinalFileMaxTime parameter applies to
different final CDR files:
l In the DiskFile section, the FinalFileMaxTime parameter applies to the final CDR files on
the current iGWB server.
For example, in the DiskFile section, the FinalFileMaxTime parameter is set to 1800. The
iGWB generates the first and second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave every 1,800
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to the final CDR
files on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB
For example, in the AccessPoint1 section, the FinalFileMaxTime parameter is set to
1800. The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access
point 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access
point 1 every 1,800 seconds.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to the final CDR
files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1.
For example, in the channel1-1 section, the FinalFileMaxTime parameter is set to 1800.
The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point
1\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name
of access point 1\name of channel 1 every 1,800 seconds.
The FinalFileMaxTime parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that
in the AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the
For example, the FinalFileMaxTime parameter is set to 1800 in the channel1-1 section and to
1000 in the AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-41

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 every 1,800 seconds. The

iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in the other channels in E:\backsave\name
of access point 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in the other channels in E:\backsave
\Second\name of access point 1 every 1,000 seconds.
Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.
1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Check that the setting takes effect.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
FinalFileMaxTime parameter is correctly configured.

For example, the FinalFileMaxTime parameter is set to 1800. After the setting takes effect,
on the iGWB Client, check the generation interval between generated final CDR files.
Typically, the generation interval between the two final CDR files whose serial numbers
are consecutive cannot exceed 1,800 seconds.
Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-18 lists the parameter to be checked in the DiskFile section
on the primary iGWB server.

8-42 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-18 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileMaxTime Indicates whether to generate final CDR files Check this

according to the fixed time period. When the parameter.
current final CDR file is generated, the iGWB
automatically generates a new final CDR file in
the set time period. In general, this time period is
regarded as one of the conditions for generating
final CDR files.
[Value range] 5-3600s
[Default value]: 1800s
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Check that the setting takes effect.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
FinalFileMaxTime parameter is correctly configured.

For example, the FinalFileMaxTime parameter is set to 1800. After the setting takes effect,
on the iGWB Client, check the generation interval between generated final CDR files.
Typically, the generation interval between the two final CDR files whose serial numbers
are consecutive cannot exceed 1,800 seconds.


If the interval for the iGWB to generate final CDR files is set 1800, the following information
is contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
FinalFileMaxTime = 1800

If the interval for the iGWB to generate final CDR files is set 1800, the following information
is contained in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
FinalFileMaxTime = 1800

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-43

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

8.5.3 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the size
of each CDR file
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the size of each
CDR file. By default, the iGWB generates a final CDR file when the size of a temporary CDR
file reaches 1 MB.

Before configuring the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the size of each CDR file, ensure
that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.5 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Generating final CDR
files to select the rule for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.


Typically, do not change the default rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.

The other rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files are compatible with the rule that the
iGWB generate final CDR files by the size of each CDR file. If any of the configured rules is
satisfied, the iGWB generates final CDR files.

For details about the generation of final CDR files, see 8.5.1 Basic Knowledge.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

8-44 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.

Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-19.

Table 8-19 Parameter that specifies whether the iGWB generates final CDR files by the date

Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileMaxSize Indicates whether to generate final CDR files It is recommended

according to the fixed size. When the size of a to use the default
temporary CDR file reaches the configured value.
value, the iGWB generates a new final CDR
file. In general, the file size is regarded as one
of the conditions for generating final CDR
The values are:
l 64-51200 KB
When the size of a temporary CDR file
reaches this value, the iGWB automatically
generates a final CDR file.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and
that the iGWB can generate an empty final
CDR file. To generate an empty final CDR
file, use this parameter together with the
GenEmptyFile parameter.
l -1
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and
that the iGWB cannot generate an empty
final CDR file.
[Default value]: 1024 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

The FinalFileMaxSize parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d and channel%d-
%d sections. In different parameter sections, the FinalFileMaxSize parameter applies to
different final CDR files:
l In the DiskFile section, the FinalFileMaxSize parameter applies to the final CDR files on
the current iGWB server.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-45

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

For example, in the DiskFile section, the FinalFileMaxSize parameter is set to 1024. The
iGWB generates the first and second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\ when the
size of each temporary CDR file reaches 1 MB.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to the final CDR
files on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB
For example, in the AccessPoint1 section, the FinalFileMaxSize parameter is set to 1024.
The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point
1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1
when the size of each temporary CDR file reaches 1 MB.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to the final CDR
files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1.
For example, in the channel1-1 section, the FinalFileMaxSize parameter is set to 1024. The
iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1
\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name
of access point 1\name of channel 1 when the size of each temporary CDR file reaches 1

The FinalFileMaxSize parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that
in the AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the

For example, the FinalFileMaxSize parameter is set to 1024 in the channel1-1 section and to
2048 in the AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files
in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 when the size of each
temporary CDR file reaches 1 MB. The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in
the other channels in E:\backsave\name of access point 1 and the second copies of final CDR
files in the other channels in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 when the size of each
temporary CDR file reaches 2 MB.

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Check that the setting takes effect.
Typically, the size of a final CDR file is 1 MB. If a final CDR file consists of multiple CDRs of a
fixed size, the size of the final CDR file is an integral multiple of that of each CDR.

For example, the FinalFileMaxSize parameter is set to 1024. After the setting takes effect,
on the iGWB Client, check the size of each generated final CDR file. Typically, the size
of a final CDR file cannot exceed the value of the FinalFileMaxSize parameter plus the
size of each CDR contained in the final CDR file.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

8-46 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-20 lists the parameter to be checked in the DiskFile section
on the primary iGWB server.

Table 8-20 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileMaxSize Indicates whether to generate final CDR files Check this

according to the fixed size. When the size of a parameter.
temporary CDR file reaches the configured
value, the iGWB generates a new final CDR file.
In general, the file size is regarded as one of the
conditions for generating final CDR files.
The values are:
l 64-51200 KB
When the size of a temporary CDR file
reaches this value, the iGWB automatically
generates a final CDR file.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and that
the iGWB can generate an empty final CDR
file. To generate an empty final CDR file, use
this parameter together with the
GenEmptyFile parameter.
l -1
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and that
the iGWB cannot generate an empty final
CDR file.
[Default value]: 1024 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%
d, Channel%d-%d

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-47

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Check that the setting takes effect.
Typically, the size of a final CDR file is 1 MB. If a final CDR file consists of multiple CDRs of a
fixed size, the size of the final CDR file is an integral multiple of that of each CDR.

For example, the FinalFileMaxSize parameter is set to 1024. After the setting takes effect,
on the iGWB Client, check the size of each generated final CDR file. Typically, the size
of a final CDR file cannot exceed the value of the FinalFileMaxSize parameter plus the
size of each CDR contained in the final CDR file.


If the size of each temporary CDR file for the iGWB to generate final CDR files is set 1024, the
following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
FinalFileMaxSize = 1024

If the size of each temporary CDR file for the iGWB to generate final CDR files is set 1024, the
following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
FinalFileMaxSize = 1024

8.5.4 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the

This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the date. By
default, the iGWB generates final CDR files at 00:00 every day.

Before configuring the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the date, ensure that you have
completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.5 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Generating final CDR
files to select the rule for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.


Typically, do not change the default rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.

8-48 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

The other rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files are compatible with the rule that the
iGWB generate final CDR files by the date. If any of the configured rules is satisfied, the
iGWB generates final CDR files.
For details about the generation of final CDR files, see 8.5.1 Basic Knowledge.
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-21.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-49

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 8-21 Parameter that specifies whether the iGWB generates final CDR files by the date

Parameter Description Remarks

ZeroProductFile Indicates whether to generate final CDR files It is recommended to

in wee hours of the morning. At 00:00 in the use the default value.
morning every day, the iGWB automatically NOTE
outputs all temporary CDR files as final CDR The ZeroProductFile
files. In general, the parameter is regarded as parameter does not take
one of the conditions for generating final CDR effect when the value of
the FinalFileTiming
parameter is 00:00.
[Value range]:
l 1
Indicates that the iGWB outputs final CDR
files at 00:00 in the morning every day.
l 0
Indicates that the iGWB does not output
final CDR files at 00:00 in the morning
every day.
[Default value]: 1
[Effects on other parameters]: When the value
of FinalFileTiming is set to 00:00, the
ZeroProductFile parameter does not take
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

The ZeroProductFile parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d and channel%d-%
d sections. In different parameter sections, the ZeroProductFile parameter applies to different
final CDR files:
l In the DiskFile section, the ZeroProductFile parameter applies to the final CDR files on
the current iGWB server.
For example, in the DiskFile section, the ZeroProductFile parameter is set to 1. The
iGWB generates the first and second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\ at 00:00 every
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the
igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB\config\ini.
For example, in the AccessPoint1 section, the ZeroProductFile parameter is set to 1. The
iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1
and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 at
00:00 every day.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB
For example, in the channel1-1 section, the ZeroProductFile parameter is set to 1. The
iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1
\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name
of access point 1\name of channel 1 at 00:00 every day.

8-50 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

The ZeroProductFile parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that in
the AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the

For example, the ZeroProductFile parameter is set to 0 in the channel1-1 section and to 1 in
the AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB does not generate the first copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 or the second copies of final CDR files
in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 at 00:00 every day. The
iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in the other channels in E:\backsave\name
of access point 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in the other channels in E:\backsave
\Second\name of access point 1 at 12:00:00 AM every day.

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Check that the setting takes effect.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
ZeroProductFile parameter is correctly configured.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-22 lists the parameter to be checked in the DiskFile section
on the primary iGWB server.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-51

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 8-22 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

ZeroProductFile Indicates whether to generate final CDR files Check this parameter.
in wee hours of the morning. At 00:00 in the
morning every day, the iGWB automatically
outputs all temporary CDR files as final CDR
files. In general, the parameter is regarded as
one of the conditions for generating final CDR
[Value range]:
l 1
Indicates that the iGWB outputs final CDR
files at 00:00 in the morning every day.
l 0
Indicates that the iGWB does not output
final CDR files at 00:00 in the morning
every day.
[Default value]: 1
[Effects on other parameters]: When the value
of FinalFileTiming is set to 00:00, the
ZeroProductFile parameter does not take
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Check that the setting takes effect.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
ZeroProductFile parameter is correctly configured.


If the iGWB is configured to generate final CDR files by the date, the following information is
contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:

8-52 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

ZeroProductFile = 1

If the iGWB is configured to generate final CDR files by the date, the following information is
contained in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
ZeroProductFile = 1

8.5.5 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files at

Specified Times
You can configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files at specified times. For example, the
iGWB generates final CDR files at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00 every day.

Before configuring the iGWB to generate final CDR files at a specified time, ensure that you
have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.5 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Generating final CDR
files to select the rule for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

By default, the iGWB generates final CDR files at 00:00 every day. For details about how to
configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files at 00:00 every day, see 8.5.4 Configuring the
iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the Date.

The other rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files are compatible with the rule that the
iGWB generate final CDR files at a specified time. If any of the configured rules is satisfied,
the iGWB generates final CDR files.

For details about the generation of final CDR files, see 8.5.1 Basic Knowledge.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:

l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-53

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-23.

Table 8-23 Parameter that specifies whether the iGWB generates final CDR files by the date
Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileTiming Indicates the time period at which the iGWB Configure this
generates final CDR files periodically every parameter based on the
day. A maximum of 12 time periods can be requirements of the
configured. At the specified time period, the carriers.
iGWB outputs all temporary CDR files as
final CDR files.
[Value range]: The value is in the format of
HH:MM. To set multiple values, use commas
to saperate them.
[Default value]: null
[Effects on other parameters] When the value
is set to 00:00, the ZeroProductFile
parameter does not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

The FinalFileTiming parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d and channel%d-%
d sections. In different parameter sections, the FinalFileTiming parameter applies to different
final CDR files:
l In the DiskFile section, the FinalFileTiming parameter applies to the final CDR files on the
current iGWB server.
For example, in the DiskFile section, the FinalFileTiming parameter is set to 01:00. The
iGWB generates the first and second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\ at 01:00 every
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to the final CDR
files on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB

8-54 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

For example, in the AccessPoint1 section, the FinalFileTiming parameter is set to 01:00.
The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point
1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1
at 01:00 every day.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to the final CDR
files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1.
For example, in the channel1-1 section, the FinalFileTiming parameter is set to 01:00. The
iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1
\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name
of access point 1\name of channel 1 at 01:00 every day.
The FinalFileTiming parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that in
the AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the
For example, the FinalFileTiming parameter is set to 01:00 in the channel1-1 section and to
02:00 in the AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in
E:\backsave\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR
files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 at 01:00 every day.
The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in the other channels in E:\backsave
\name of access point 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in the other channels in E:
\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 at 02:00 every day.
Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.
1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Check that the setting takes effect.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
FinalFileTiming parameter is correctly configured.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-24 lists the parameter to be checked in the DiskFile section
on the primary iGWB server.

Table 8-24 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileTiming Indicates the time period at which the iGWB generates Check this
final CDR files periodically every day. A maximum parameter.
of 12 time periods can be configured. At the specified
time period, the iGWB outputs all temporary CDR
files as final CDR files.
[Value range]: The value is in the format of HH:MM.
To set multiple values, use commas to saperate them.
[Default value]: null
[Effects on other parameters] When the value is set to
00:00, the ZeroProductFile parameter does not take
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Check that the setting takes effect.

Do not change the system time of the iGWB server to check whether the
FinalFileTiming parameter is correctly configured.


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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

If the iGWB is configured to generate final CDR files at 01:00, 09:00, 13:00, and 21:00 every
day, the following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
FinalFileTiming = 01:00,09:00,13:00,21:00

If the iGWB is configured to generate final CDR files at 01:00, 09:00, 13:00, and 21:00 every
day, the following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
FinalFileTiming = 01:00,09:00,13:00,21:00

8.5.6 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the

Number of the CDRs in a CDR File
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of
the CDRs in a CDR file. For example, when the number of the CDRs in a CDR file reaches 500,
the iGWB generates a final CDR file.

Before configuring the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in a CDR
file, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.5 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Generating final CDR
files to select the rule for the iGWB to generate final CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

By default, the iGWB generates a final CDR file when the size of a temporary CDR file reaches
1 MB. For details on how to configure the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the size of each
CDR file, see 8.5.3 Configuring the iGWB to Generate Final CDR Files by the size of each
CDR file.

The other rules for the iGWB to generate final CDR files are compatible with the rule that the
iGWB generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in a CDR file. If any of the configured
rules is satisfied, the iGWB generates final CDR files.

For details about the generation of final CDR files, see 8.5.1 Basic Knowledge.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-25.

8-58 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-25 Parameters for the iGWB to generate final CDR files by the number of the CDRs in
a CDR file
Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileMaxSize Indicates whether to generate final CDR files Add this parameter
according to the fixed size. When the size of and set it to 0.
a temporary CDR file reaches the configured
value, the iGWB generates a new final CDR
file. In general, the file size is regarded as one
of the conditions for generating final CDR
The values are:
l 64-51200 KB
When the size of a temporary CDR file
reaches this value, the iGWB
automatically generates a final CDR file.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and
that the iGWB can generate an empty final
CDR file. To generate an empty final CDR
file, use this parameter together with the
GenEmptyFile parameter.
l -1
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and
that the iGWB cannot generate an empty
final CDR file.
[Default value]: 1024 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

RecordThreshold Indicates whether to generate a final CDR file Configure this

according to the fixed number of CDRs. parameter based on
When the number of CDRs in a temporary the requirements of
CDR file reaches the configured value, the the carriers.
iGWB generates a new final CDR file.
The values are:
l 50-20000
Indicates that the iGWB automatically
generates a final CDR file when the
number of CDRs in a temporary CDR file
reaches the configured value.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

The RecordThreshold parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d and channel%d-
%d sections. In different parameter sections, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to
different final CDR files:
l In the DiskFile section, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to the final CDR files on
the current iGWB server.
For example, in the DiskFile section, the RecordThreshold parameter is set to 500. The
iGWB generates the first and second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\ when the
number of the CDRs in each temporary CDR file reaches 500.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to the final CDR
files on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB
For example, in the AccessPoint1 section, the RecordThreshold parameter is set to 500.
The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point
1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1
when the number of the CDRs in each temporary CDR file reaches 500.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the RecordThreshold parameter applies to the final CDR
files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1.
For example, in the channel1-1 section, the RecordThreshold parameter is set to 500. The
iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1
\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name
of access point 1\name of channel 1 when the number of the CDRs in each temporary CDR
file reaches 500.

The RecordThreshold parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that
in the AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the

For example, the RecordThreshold parameter is set to 500 in the channel1-1 section and to
600 in the AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB generates the first copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files
in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 when the number of the
CDRs in each temporary CDR file reaches 500. The iGWB generates the first copies of final
CDR files in the other channels in E:\backsave\name of access point 1 and the second copies
of final CDR files in the other channels in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 when
the number of the CDRs in each temporary CDR file reaches 600.

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Check that the setting takes effect.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-26 lists the parameters to be checked in the DiskFile
section on the primary iGWB server.

Table 8-26 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server
Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileMaxSize Indicates whether to generate final CDR files Check this

according to the fixed size. When the size of a parameter.
temporary CDR file reaches the configured
value, the iGWB generates a new final CDR file.
In general, the file size is regarded as one of the
conditions for generating final CDR files.
The values are:
l 64-51200 KB
When the size of a temporary CDR file
reaches this value, the iGWB automatically
generates a final CDR file.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and that
the iGWB can generate an empty final CDR
file. To generate an empty final CDR file, use
this parameter together with the
GenEmptyFile parameter.
l -1
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and that
the iGWB cannot generate an empty final
CDR file.
[Default value]: 1024 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%
d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-61

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

RecordThreshold Indicates whether to generate a final CDR file Check this

according to the fixed number of CDRs. When parameter.
the number of CDRs in a temporary CDR file
reaches the configured value, the iGWB
generates a new final CDR file.
The values are:
l 50-20000
Indicates that the iGWB automatically
generates a final CDR file when the number
of CDRs in a temporary CDR file reaches the
configured value.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%
d, Channel%d-%d

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Check that the setting takes effect.


If the iGWB is configured to generate final CDR files when the number of the CDRs in each
temporary CDR file reaches 500, the following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on
the secondary iGWB server:
FinalFileMaxSize = 0
RecordThreshold = 500

If the iGWB is configured to generate final CDR files when the number of the CDRs in each
temporary CDR file reaches 500, the following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on
the primary iGWB server:
FinalFileMaxSize = 0
RecordThreshold = 500

8.6 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Name Final CDR
This topic describes how to customize the rules for the iGWB to name final CDR files.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

l Typically, use the default settings of the rules for the iGWB to name final CDR files.
l Configure the rules for the iGWB to name final CDR files only when required by the carrier.

Table 8-27 lists the rules for the iGWB to name final CDR files.

Table 8-27 Rules for the iGWB to name final CDR files
Rule Scenarios Remarks

Configuring the Typically, in a large local network, the iGWB needs -

iGWB to Add Office to provide the final CDR files for different home
Information to the locations to different BCs. In this case, you can
Names of Final CDR configure the iGWB to add office information to the
Files names of final CDR files. This helps the iGWB to
easily manage the final CDR files.

Configuring the If a BC requires that the names of final CDR files -

iGWB to Add Time contain the generation time of each final CDR file,
Information to the configure the iGWB to add time information to the
Names of Final CDR names of final CDR files.

Configuring the If a BC requires that the names of final CDR files -

iGWB to Add the contain the number of the CDRs in each final CDR
Number of the CDRs file, configure the iGWB to add the number of the
in Each Final CDR CDRs in each final CDR file to the names of final
File to the Names of CDR files.
Final CDR Files

8.6.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the rules for the iGWB to name final CDR files and the default settings of
the rules.
8.6.2 Configuring the iGWB to Add Office Information to the Names of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to add office information to the names of final
CDR files. For example, when the destination office is city A, the names of final CDR files are
in the format of A+8-digit serial number+.+dat.
8.6.3 Configuring the iGWB to Add Time Information to the Names of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to add time information to the names of final
CDR files. For example, the names of the final CDR files that are created at 10:35:55 on October
20, 2007 are in the format of b+20071020103555+.+dat.
8.6.4 Configuring the iGWB to Add the Number of the CDRs in Each Final CDR File to the
Names of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to add the number of the CDRs in a final CDR
file to the name of the final CDR file. For example, if a final CDR file stores 300 final CDRs,
the name of the final CDR file is in the format of b+8-digit serial number+.000000300+.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-63

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

8.6.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the rules for the iGWB to name final CDR files and the default settings of
the rules.
Figure 8-3 shows the name structure of the final CDR file b00000001.dat.

Figure 8-3 Name structure of the final CDR file b00000001.dat


1. Prefix 2. Serial number of the final CDR file 3. Extension

The name of a final CDR file consists of the following parts:

l Prefix
By default, the prefix is b.
You can specify the prefix by setting the Prefix parameter.
l Serial number of the final CDR file
By default, each serial number of final CDR files consists of eight bytes, ranging from
00000001 to 99999999. After reaching 99999999, the serial number starts at 00000001
The serial number increases each time by one. For example, the first copies of final CDR
file generated by the iGWB is named b00000001.dat. The second final CDR file generated
by the iGWB is named b00000002.dat.
You can specify the length of the serial number by setting the CsnLen parameter.
l Infix
By default, the iGWB does not add an infix to the names of final CDR files.
You can specify the infix by setting the Infix parameter.
For example, if you set the Infix parameter to A and use the default settings of other
parameters, the first copies of final CDR file is named b00000001A.dat.
l Extension
By default, the extension is dat.
You can specify the extension by setting the Postfix parameter.

8.6.2 Configuring the iGWB to Add Office Information to the

Names of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to add office information to the names of final
CDR files. For example, when the destination office is city A, the names of final CDR files are
in the format of A+8-digit serial number+.+dat.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Before configuring the iGWB to add office information to the names of final CDR files, ensure
that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.6 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Name Final CDR Files to
select the rule for the iGWB to compress CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.
l You have correctly configured the channels in the format library so that the iGWB stores
the final CDR files consisting of the CDRs from different home locations in different
For example, a large local network covers the cities A and B. After you correctly configure
the channels in the format library, the iGWB sorts the final CDR files consisting of the
CDRs from city A to channel A and those consisting of the CDRs from city B to channel

By default, the iGWB names final CDR files in the format b + 8-byte serial number + . + dat.
For details about the names of final CDR files, see 8.6.1 Basic Knowledge.

Typically, to identify CDRs from different offices, the iGWB uses the initial letter of an office
name as the name prefix of each final CDR file. For example, a large local network covers the
cities A and B. Configure the iGWB to name the final CDR files consisting of the CDRs from
city A in the format A + 8-byte serial number + . + dat and those consisting of the CDRs from
city B in the format B + 8-byte serial number + . + dat.

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Learn about the channels of the iGWB. Identify channel IDs according to the channel names in
the .chl files in C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1.

For example, the iGWB stores the final CDR files consisting of the CDRs from city A in channel
A. Find the .chl files in C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1. You can infer that the ID of channel A
is 1 if the 1.chl file contains the following information:
ChannelName A

You can configure channel A in the channel1-1 section of the igwb.ini file.

The format library of the iGWB is stored in C:\iGWB\Config\Format. Unless required, do not
add, change, or delete the files in C:\iGWB\Config\Format.

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual


l If multiple access points exists, identify those where the iGWB stores the final CDR files to be
l In AccessPoint%d, %d indicates an access point ID. You can configure the access point %d by setting
the parameters in the AccessPoint%d section.
For example, you can configure access point 1 in the AccessPoint1 section.
l The first %d of the channel%d-%d section indicates the number of an access point. The second %
d indicates the number of a channel. You can identify channel IDs according to the channel names in
the .chl files in C:\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1.
For example, channel1-2 indicates channel 2 on access point 1. You can configure channel 2 on access
point 1 in the channel1-2 section.

Step 2 Identify the current standby iGWB server.

1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:

l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 3 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

Step 4 In the navigation tree, check whether the channel%d-%d section exists.
If the channel%d-%d section exists, go to Step 5.
The first %d of the
channel%d-%d section indicates the number of an access point. The second %d indicates the number of a
channel. You can identify channel IDs according to the channel names in the .chl files in C:\iGWB\Config
For example, channel1-2 indicates channel 2 on access point 1. You can configure channel 2 on access point 1
in the channel1-2 section.
1. If the channel%d-%d section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini
and choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, select channel- in Please Select the section:, specify the
access point ID and channel ID respectively in Access Point ID and Channel ID, and then
click Add.
3. Click OK.

Step 5 In the navigation tree, click channel%d-%d. By default, the relevant parameters are not
configured in channel%d-%d. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-28.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-28 Parameter that specifies the name prefix of each final CDR file
Parameter Description Remarks

Prefix Indicates the prefix of a final CDR file (configured Add this parameter to the
in the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel% channel%d-%d section.
d-%d section) and a metering CDR file Set it to the abbreviation
(configured in the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask of each office.
%d section). For example, set it to bj
The values are: for the Beijing office and
l String
Used to add office information to the names of
final CDR files.
l Wildcards
The detailed options are as follows:
– %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
– %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
– %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
– %d
Indicates the day of a month in two digits.
– %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The value
ranges from 0 to 23.
– %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The value
ranges from 1 to 12. This wildcard must be
used together with %P.
– %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
– %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
– %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit. The
value ranges from 1 to 7.
– %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon. The
value a.m. is added to the names of the CDR
files that are generated in the morning,
whereas the value p.m. is added to the names
of the CDR files that are generated in the
– %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
– %N

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

Indicates the number of CDRs stored in a sz for the Shenzhen

CDR file. office.
In addition, you can add a number to indicate
the length of the field. The value ranges from
01 to 99. For example, %09N indicates a
nine-digit number, that is, the number of
CDRs stored in a CDR file.
– %o
Indicates the current time zone.
– %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]:
l In the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel
%d-%d section, the default value is b.
l In the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d
section, the default value is meteracc.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,
Channel%d-%d, MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%


In MeterAccTask%d, %d indicates a metering task ID. You can configure the metering task %d by
setting the parameters in the MeterAccTask%d section.
For example, you can configure metering task 1 in the MeterAccTask1 section.

The Prefix parameter can also be added to the DiskFile and AccessPoint%d sections. In
different parameter sections, the Prefix parameter applies to different final CDR files:
l In the DiskFile section, the Prefix parameter applies to the final CDR files on the current
iGWB server.
For example, the Prefix parameter is set to A in the DiskFile section. The iGWB names the
final CDR files in E:\backsave in the format A + 8-byte serial number + . + dat.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the Infix parameter applies to the final CDR files on the
access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB\config
For example, the Prefix parameter is set to A in the AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB names
the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1 and the second
copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 in the format A +
8-byte serial number + . + dat.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB
For example, the Prefix parameter is set to A in the channel1-1 section. The iGWB names
the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1\name of channel

8-68 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1
\name of channel 1 in the format A + 8-byte serial number + . + dat.

The Prefix parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that in the
AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the lowest.

For example, the Prefix parameter is set to A in the channel1-1 section and to B in the
AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB names the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave
\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\Second\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 in the format A + 8-byte serial
number + . + dat. The iGWB names the first copies of final CDR files in the other channels in
E:\backsave\name of access point 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in the other
channels in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 in the format B + 8-byte serial
number + . + dat.

Step 6 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Trigger File
This operation enables the iGWB to immediately generate final CDR files.
The iGWB Client refreshes the displayed contents regularly. Therefore, in the pane on the left, right-
click the white space and choose Refresh.
4. Check that the name of each final CDR file is correctly configured.

Step 7 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 8 In the navigation tree, click channel%d-%d. The setting of the channel%d-%d section is
synchronized from the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you
need to check the setting on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-29 lists the parameter to be
checked in the channel%d-%d section on the primary iGWB server.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-69

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 8-29 Parameter to be checked in the channel%d-%d section on the primary iGWB server
Paramete Description Remarks

Prefix Indicates the prefix of a final CDR file (configured in the Check this
DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%d section) and a parameter.
metering CDR file (configured in the MeterAcc or
MeterAccTask%d section).
The values are:
l String
Used to add office information to the names of final CDR files.
l Wildcards
The detailed options are as follows:
– %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
– %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
– %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
– %d
Indicates the day of a month in two digits.
– %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The value ranges from 0 to
– %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The value ranges from 1 to
12. This wildcard must be used together with %P.
– %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
– %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
– %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit. The value ranges
from 1 to 7.
– %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon. The value a.m. is
added to the names of the CDR files that are generated in
the morning, whereas the value p.m. is added to the names
of the CDR files that are generated in the afternoon.
– %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
– %N
Indicates the number of CDRs stored in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to indicate the length of
the field. The value ranges from 01 to 99. For example, %
09N indicates a nine-digit number, that is, the number of
CDRs stored in a CDR file.

8-70 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Paramete Description Remarks


– %o
Indicates the current time zone.
– %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]:
l In the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%d
section, the default value is b.
l In the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d section, the default
value is meteracc.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-
%d, MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

Step 9 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Trigger File
This operation enables the iGWB to immediately generate final CDR files.
The iGWB Client refreshes the displayed contents regularly. Therefore, in the pane on the left, right-
click the white space and choose Refresh.
4. Check that the name of each final CDR file is correctly configured.


If the iGWB is configured to name the final CDR files in channel 1 on access point 1 in the
format A + 8-byte serial number + . + dat and the final CDR files in channel 2 on access point
1 in the format of B + 8-byte serial number + . + dat, the following information is contained in
the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
Prefix = A

Prefix = B

If the iGWB is configured to name the final CDR files in channel 1 on access point 1 in the
format A + 8-byte serial number + . + dat and the final CDR files in channel 2 on access point
1 in the format of B + 8-byte serial number + . + dat, the following information is contained in
the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-71

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Prefix = A

Prefix = B

8.6.3 Configuring the iGWB to Add Time Information to the Names

of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to add time information to the names of final
CDR files. For example, the names of the final CDR files that are created at 10:35:55 on October
20, 2007 are in the format of b+20071020103555+.+dat.

Before configuring the iGWB to add time information to the names of final CDR files, ensure
that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.6 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Name Final CDR Files to
select the rule for the iGWB to compress CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

By default, the iGWB names final CDR files in the format b + 8-byte serial number + . + dat.
For details about the names of final CDR files, see 8.6.1 Basic Knowledge.
If a BC requires that the names of final CDR files contain the generation time of each final CDR
file, configure the iGWB to add time information to the names of final CDR files. For example,
the iGWB generates a final CDR file at 10:35:55 on October 20, 2007. Configure the iGWB to
name the final CDR file in the format b + 20071020103555 + 8-byte serial number + . + dat.
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

8-72 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-30.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-73

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 8-30 Parameters for the iGWB to compress original CDR files
Parameter Description Remarks

Prefix Indicates the prefix of a final CDR file (configured in the Add this
DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%d section) parameter to the
and a metering CDR file (configured in the MeterAcc or DiskFile section.
MeterAccTask%d section).
The values are:
l String
Used to add office information to the names of final
CDR files.
l Wildcards
The detailed options are as follows:
– %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
– %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
– %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
– %d
Indicates the day of a month in two digits.
– %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The value ranges from
0 to 23.
– %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The value ranges
from 1 to 12. This wildcard must be used together
with %P.
– %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
– %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
– %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit. The value
ranges from 1 to 7.
– %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon. The value
a.m. is added to the names of the CDR files that are
generated in the morning, whereas the value p.m. is
added to the names of the CDR files that are
generated in the afternoon.
– %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
– %N
Indicates the number of CDRs stored in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to indicate the
length of the field. The value ranges from 01 to 99.

8-74 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

For example, %09N indicates a nine-digit number, Set it to b%Y%m

that is, the number of CDRs stored in a CDR file. %d%H%M%S.
– %o
Indicates the current time zone.
– %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]:
l In the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%
d section, the default value is b.
l In the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d section, the
default value is meteracc.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,
Channel%d-%d, MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

CsnLen Indicates the length of the serial number of a final CDR Configure this
file. parameter based
[Value range] 0-9 bits on the
requirements of
[Default value]: 8 bits the carriers.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, NOTE
Channel%d-%d Note that, on
Windows, the
length of a path
(including the file
name) cannot
exceed 256 bytes.

The Prefix parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d and channel%d-%d sections.
In different parameter sections, the Prefix parameter applies to different final CDR files:
l In the DiskFile section, the Prefix parameter applies to the final CDR files on the current
iGWB server.
For example, the Prefix parameter is set to A in the DiskFile section. The iGWB names the
final CDR files in E:\backsave in the format A + 8-byte serial number + . + dat.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the Infix parameter applies to the final CDR files on the
access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB\config
For example, the Prefix parameter is set to A in the AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB names
the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1 and the second
copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 in the format A +
8-byte serial number + . + dat.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB
For example, the Prefix parameter is set to A in the channel1-1 section. The iGWB names
the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1\name of channel

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-75

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1
\name of channel 1 in the format A + 8-byte serial number + . + dat.

The Prefix parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that in the
AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the lowest.

For example, the Prefix parameter is set to A in the channel1-1 section and to B in the
AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB names the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave
\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\Second\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 in the format A + 8-byte serial
number + . + dat. The iGWB names the first copies of final CDR files in the other channels in
E:\backsave\name of access point 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in the other
channels in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 in the format B + 8-byte serial
number + . + dat.

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Trigger File
This operation enables the iGWB to immediately generate final CDR files.
The iGWB Client refreshes the displayed contents regularly. Therefore, in the pane on the left, right-
click the white space and choose Refresh.
4. Check that the name of each final CDR file is correctly configured.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-31 lists the parameters to be checked in the DiskFile
section on the primary iGWB server.

8-76 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-31 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server
Parameter Description Remarks

Prefix Indicates the prefix of a final CDR file (configured in the Check this
DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%d section) and a parameter.
metering CDR file (configured in the MeterAcc or
MeterAccTask%d section).
The values are:
l String
Used to add office information to the names of final CDR files.
l Wildcards
The detailed options are as follows:
– %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
– %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
– %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
– %d
Indicates the day of a month in two digits.
– %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The value ranges from 0 to
– %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The value ranges from 1
to 12. This wildcard must be used together with %P.
– %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
– %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
– %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit. The value ranges
from 1 to 7.
– %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon. The value a.m. is
added to the names of the CDR files that are generated in
the morning, whereas the value p.m. is added to the names
of the CDR files that are generated in the afternoon.
– %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
– %N
Indicates the number of CDRs stored in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to indicate the length of
the field. The value ranges from 01 to 99. For example, %
09N indicates a nine-digit number, that is, the number of
CDRs stored in a CDR file.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-77

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

– %o
Indicates the current time zone.
– %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]:
l In the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%d
section, the default value is b.
l In the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d section, the default
value is meteracc.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-
%d, MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

CsnLen Indicates the length of the serial number of a final CDR file. Check this
[Value range] 0-9 bits parameter.
[Default value]: 8 bits
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Trigger File
This operation enables the iGWB to immediately generate final CDR files.
The iGWB Client refreshes the displayed contents regularly. Therefore, in the pane on the left, right-
click the white space and choose Refresh.
4. Check that the name of each final CDR file is correctly configured.


If the iGWB is configured to name final CDR files in the format b + YYYYMMDDHHMMSS +
8-byte serial number + . + dat, the following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the
secondary iGWB server:
Prefix = b%Y%m%d%H%M%S

If the iGWB is configured to name final CDR files in the format b + YYYYMMDDHHMMSS +
8-byte serial number + . + dat, the following information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the
primary iGWB server:

8-78 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Prefix = b%Y%m%d%H%M%S

8.6.4 Configuring the iGWB to Add the Number of the CDRs in

Each Final CDR File to the Names of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to add the number of the CDRs in a final CDR
file to the name of the final CDR file. For example, if a final CDR file stores 300 final CDRs,
the name of the final CDR file is in the format of b+8-digit serial number+.000000300+.

Before configuring the iGWB to add the number of the CDRs in a final CDR file to the name
of the final CDR file, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.6 Customizing the Rules for the iGWB to Name Final CDR Files to
select the rule for the iGWB to compress CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

By default, the iGWB names final CDR files in the format b + 8-byte serial number + . + dat.
For details about the names of final CDR files, see 8.6.1 Basic Knowledge.
If a BC requires that the names of final CDR files contain the number of the CDRs in each final
CDR file, configure the iGWB to add the number of the CDRs in each final CDR file to the
names of final CDR files. For example, a final CDR file contains three CDRs. Configure the
iGWB to name the final CDR file in the format b + 8-byte serial number + . + 000000003 + . +
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-79

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-32.

8-80 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-32 Parameters for the iGWB to compress original CDR files
Paramete Description Remarks

Infix Indicates the infix of a final CDR file name. Add this parameter to
[Value range]: the DiskFile section.
Set it to .%09N. After
l %y the setting takes effect,
Indicates the year in two digits. the infix of the names of
l %Y final CDR files is in the
Indicates the year in four digits. format . + 9-byte
l %m number of the CDRs
Indicates the month in two digits.
l %d
Indicates the day of a month in two digits.
l %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The value ranges
from 0 to 23.
l %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The value ranges
from 1 to 12. This wildcard must be used together
with %P.
l %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
l %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
l %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit. The value
ranges from 1 to 7.
l %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon. The value
a.m. is added to the names of the CDR files that
are generated in the morning, whereas the value
p.m. is added to the names of the CDR files that
are generated in the afternoon.
l %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
l %N
Indicates the number of CDRs stored in a CDR
In addition, you can add a number to indicate the
length of the field. The value ranges from 01 to
99. For example, %09N indicates a nine-digit
number, that is, the number of CDRs stored in a
CDR file.
l %o
Indicates the current time zone.
l %%

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-81

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Paramete Description Remarks


Indicates that a % is added. contained in each final

[Maximum length]: 128 characters CDR file.
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,

The Infix parameter can also be added to the AccessPoint%d and channel%d-%d sections.
In different parameter sections, the Infix parameter applies to different final CDR files:
l In the DiskFile section, the Infix parameter applies to the final CDR files on the current
iGWB server.
For example, the Infix parameter is set to A in the DiskFile section. The iGWB names the
final CDR files in E:\backsave in the format b + 8-byte serial number + A + . + dat.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the Infix parameter applies to the final CDR files on the
access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB\config
For example, the Infix parameter is set to A in the AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB names
the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1 and the second
copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 in the format b +
8-byte serial number + A + . + dat.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB
For example, the Infix parameter is set to A in the channel1-1 section. The iGWB names
the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\name of access point 1\name of channel
1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1
\name of channel 1 in the format b + 8-byte serial number + A + . + dat.

The Infix parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that in the
AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the lowest.

For example, the Infix parameter is set to A in the channel1-1 section and to B in the
AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB names the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave
\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\Second\name of access point 1\name of channel 1 in the format b + 8-byte serial
number + A + . + dat. The iGWB names the first copies of final CDR files in the other channels
in E:\backsave\name of access point 1 and the second copies of final CDR files in the other
channels in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1 in the format b + 8-byte serial
number + B + . + dat.

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

8-82 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Trigger File
This operation enables the iGWB to immediately generate final CDR files.
The iGWB Client refreshes the displayed contents regularly. Therefore, in the pane on the left, right-
click the white space and choose Refresh.
4. Check that the name of each final CDR file is correctly configured.
Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-33 lists the parameters to be checked in the DiskFile
section on the primary iGWB server.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-83

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 8-33 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server
Paramet Description Remarks

Infix Indicates the infix of a final CDR file name. Check this
[Value range]: parameter.

l %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
l %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
l %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
l %d
Indicates the day of a month in two digits.
l %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The value ranges from 0 to 23.
l %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The value ranges from 1 to 12.
This wildcard must be used together with %P.
l %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
l %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
l %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit. The value ranges from 1
to 7.
l %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon. The value a.m. is added
to the names of the CDR files that are generated in the morning,
whereas the value p.m. is added to the names of the CDR files
that are generated in the afternoon.
l %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
l %N
Indicates the number of CDRs stored in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to indicate the length of the
field. The value ranges from 01 to 99. For example, %09N
indicates a nine-digit number, that is, the number of CDRs stored
in a CDR file.
l %o
Indicates the current time zone.
l %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null

8-84 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Paramet Description Remarks


[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%


Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Trigger File
This operation enables the iGWB to immediately generate final CDR files.
The iGWB Client refreshes the displayed contents regularly. Therefore, in the pane on the left, right-
click the white space and choose Refresh.
4. Check that the name of each final CDR file is correctly configured.

If the iGWB is configured to name final CDR files in the format b + 8-byte serial number + . +
9-byte number of the CDRs contained in each final CDR file + . + dat, the following information
is contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
Infix = .%09N

If the iGWB is configured to name final CDR files in the format b + 8-byte serial number + . +
9-byte number of the CDRs contained in each final CDR file + . + dat, the following information
is contained in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
Infix = .%09N

8.7 Customizing Compressing CDR files

This topic describes how to customize the iGWB to compress CDR files.

Memory is required when the iGWB compresses CDR files. Therefore, you need to observe the
memory usage before and after configuring the iGWB to compress CDR files. If the alarm for
insufficient disk space is raised after you configure the iGWB to compress CDR files, add
memory or see 10.3 Rolling Back to the Backed Up Parameter Settings to roll back to the
previous settings.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-85

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 8-34 lists the rules for iGWB to compress CDR files. You can configure the iGWB to
compress original CDR files, the first copies of final CDR files, or the second final CDR files.
You can also configure the iGWB to compress all CDR files.

Table 8-34 Rules for the iGWB to compress CDR files

Rule Scenarios Remarks

Configuring the Use the default settings. Recommend

iGWB to Compress ed.
Original CDR Files

Configuring the If you want to extend the storage period of final -

iGWB to Compress CDR files, you can configure the iGWB to
the First Copies of compress the first copies of final CDR files.
Final CDR Files

Configuring the You can configure the iGWB to compress the -

iGWB to Compress second copies of final CDR files when the following
the Second Copies of conditions are met:
Final CDR Files l The backsave patch is used.
If the backsave patch is used, the second copies
of final CDR files are different from the first
copies. Typically, the carrier requires that the
iGWB store the second copies of final CDR files
for a longer time.
l The iGWB transmits final CDR files in Push
mode and does not delete the second copies of
final CDR files immediately after sending them
to the BC.
In the offices where the iGWB deletes the second
copies of final CDR files immediately after
sending them to the BC, you do not need to
configure the iGWB to compress the second
copies of final CDR files.

8.7.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the compression of CDR files.
8.7.2 Configuring the iGWB to Compress Original CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to compress original CDR files. By default, the
iGWB already compresses original CDR files.
8.7.3 Configuring the iGWB to Compress the First Copies of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files.
8.7.4 Configuring the iGWB to Compress the Second Copies of Final CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to compress the second copies of final CDR

8.7.1 Basic Knowledge

This topic describes the compression of CDR files.

8-86 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Compressing CDR files can help the iGWB to efficiently use the limited disk space. It also helps
to solve the problem that CDR files are read and written slowly on the disk of the iGWB and to
improve the performance of the iGWB.

Memory is required when the iGWB compresses CDR files. Therefore, you need to observe the
memory usage before and after configuring the iGWB to compress CDR files.

CDR Files that Can Be Compressed

The iGWB can compress the following types of CDR files:
l Original CDR files
By default, the iGWB does not compress original CDR files.
If configured to compress original CDR files, the iGWB compresses the original CDR
package received from a network module and stores the original CDRs that are in the
package in original CDR files.
l First copies of final CDR files
By default, the iGWB stores the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave.
l Second copies of final CDR files
By default, the iGWB stores the second copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave

Algorithms for Compressing CDR Files

The iGWB uses the following algorithms to compress CDR files:
This is a common algorithm for compressing data streams on Linux.
This is a common algorithm for compressing files on Linux.

8.7.2 Configuring the iGWB to Compress Original CDR Files

This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to compress original CDR files. By default, the
iGWB already compresses original CDR files.

Before configuring the iGWB to compress the original CDR files, ensure that you have
completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.7 Customizing Compressing CDR files to select the rule for the
iGWB to compress CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-87

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual


l By default, the iGWB compresses original CDR files. Typically, do not change the default
rule for the iGWB to compress CDR files.
l Memory is required when the iGWB compresses CDR files. Therefore, you need to observe
the memory usage before and after configuring the iGWB to compress CDR files.

For details about the compression of CDR files, see 8.7.1 Basic Knowledge.
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-35.

8-88 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-35 Parameters for the iGWB to compress original CDR files

Parameter Description Remarks

FSCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress Add this parameter

original CDR files. to the DiskFile
The values are: section. Use the
default value.
l 0
The original CDR files are not
compressed but directly stored on the
hard disk.
l 1
The original CDR files are compressed
with the ZLIB algorithm and then
stored on the hard disk.
[Default value]: 1
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 1, the
FSCompressLevel parameter does not
take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,

FSCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing Add this parameter

original CDR files. A higher compression to the DiskFile
level results in a higher compression ratio section. Use the
but a longer compression time. default value.
This parameter applies only to the ZLIB
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,

FSCompressThreshold Indicates the threshold for compressing Add this parameter

original CDR files. When the size of to the DiskFile
original CDR files is more than this section. Use the
threshold, the iGWB compresses the default value.
original CDR files.
[Value range] 16-25000 KB
[Default value]: 16 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,

The FSCompress, FSCompressLevel, and FSCompressThreshold parameters can also be

added to the AccessPoint%d section. In different parameter sections, these parameters apply
to different original CDR files. This topic takes the FSCompress parameter as an example.
l In the DiskFile section, the FSCompress parameter applies to the original CDR files on the
current iGWB server.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-89

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

For example, the FSCompress parameter is set to 1 in the DiskFile section. The iGWB uses
the ZLIB algorithm to compress the original CDR files in D:\frontsave.
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the FSCompress parameter applies to the original CDR files
on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB
For example, the FSCompress parameter is set to 1 in the AccessPoint1 section. The
iGWB uses the ZLIB algorithm to compress the original CDR files in D:\frontsave\name
of access point 1.
The FSCompress parameter in the AccessPoint%d section has a higher priority than that in
the DiskFile section.
For example, the FSCompress parameter is set to 1 in the DiskFile section and to 0 in the
AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB does not compress the original CDR files in D:\frontsave
\name of access point 1. The iGWB uses the ZLIB algorithm to compress the original CDR files
on the other access points when the size of an original CDR package exceeds the value of the
FSCompressThreshold parameter.
Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.
1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Check that the size of each original CDR file changes.
The OrigFileMaxSize parameter specifies the size of each original CDR file. By default,
the size of each original CDR file is as follows:
l 3,072 KB
If the iGWB does not compress original CDR files, the size of each original CDR file
is 3,072 KB.
l 512 KB
If the iGWB works with the SoftX3000 and compresses original CDR files, the size of
each original CDR file is 512 KB.
l 1,024 KB
If the iGWB works with another NE instead of the SoftX3000 and compresses original
CDR files, the size of each original CDR file is 1,024 KB.
Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-36 lists the parameters to be checked in the DiskFile
section on the primary iGWB server.

Table 8-36 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server
Parameter Description Remarks

FSCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress Check this

original CDR files. parameter.
The values are:
l 0
The original CDR files are not compressed
but directly stored on the hard disk.
l 1
The original CDR files are compressed with
the ZLIB algorithm and then stored on the
hard disk.
[Default value]: 1
[Effects on other parameters] When the value
of this parameter is 1, the FSCompressLevel
parameter does not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint

FSCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing original Check this

CDR files. A higher compression level results parameter.
in a higher compression ratio but a longer
compression time.
This parameter applies only to the ZLIB
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-91

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

FSCompressThreshold Indicates the threshold for compressing Check this

original CDR files. When the size of original parameter.
CDR files is more than this threshold, the
iGWB compresses the original CDR files.
[Value range] 16-25000 KB
[Default value]: 16 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Check that the size of each original CDR file changes.
The OrigFileMaxSize parameter specifies the size of each original CDR file. By default,
the size of each original CDR file is as follows:
l 3,072 KB
If the iGWB does not compress original CDR files, the size of each original CDR file
is 3,072 KB.
l 512 KB
If the iGWB works with the SoftX3000 and compresses original CDR files, the size of
each original CDR file is 512 KB.
l 1,024 KB
If the iGWB works with another NE instead of the SoftX3000 and compresses original
CDR files, the size of each original CDR file is 1,024 KB.


If the iGWB is configured to compress original CDR files, the following information is contained
in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
FSCompress = 1
FSCompressLevel = 1
FSCompressThreshold = 16

If the iGWB is configured to compress original CDR files, the following information is contained
in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
FSCompress = 1
FSCompressLevel = 1
FSCompressThreshold = 16

8-92 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

8.7.3 Configuring the iGWB to Compress the First Copies of Final

CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files.

Before configuring the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files, ensure that you
have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.7 Customizing Compressing CDR files to select the rule for the
iGWB to compress CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.


Memory is required when the iGWB compresses CDR files. Therefore, you need to observe the
memory usage before and after configuring the iGWB to compress CDR files.

For details about the compression of CDR files, see 8.7.1 Basic Knowledge.
For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-93

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.

1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.

Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-37.

Table 8-37 Parameters for the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files

Parameter Description Remarks

BSFirstCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress Add this parameter

the first copies of final CDR files. to the channel%d-
The values are: %d section. Set it to
l 0
The first copies of final CDR files are
not compressed but directly stored on
the hard disk.
l 3
The first copies of final CDR files are
compressed with the GZIP algorithm
and then stored on the hard disk.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 3, the
BSFirstCompressLevel parameter does
not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

BSFirstCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the Add this parameter
first copies of final CDR files. A higher to the DiskFile
compression level results in a higher section. Use the
compression ratio but a longer default value.
compression time.
This parameter applies only to the GZIP
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

The BSFirstCompress and BSFirstCompressLevel parameters can also be added to the

AccessPoint%d and Channel%d-%d sections. In different parameter sections, these
parameters apply to different first copies of final CDR files. This topic takes the
BSFirstCompress parameter as an example.

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

l In the DiskFile section, the BSFirstCompress parameter applies to the first copies of final
CDR files on the current iGWB server.
For example, the BSFirstCompress parameter is set to 3 in the DiskFile section. The
iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to compress the first copies of final CDR files in E:
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the BSFirstCompress parameter applies to the first copies
of final CDR files on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the igwb.ini
file in C:\iGWB\config\ini.
For example, the BSFirstCompress parameter is set to 3 in the AccessPoint1 section. The
iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to compress the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave
\name of access point 1.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the BSFirstCompress parameter applies to the first copies
of final CDR files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB\Config
For example, the BSFirstCompress parameter is set to 3 in the channel1-1 section. The
iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to compress the first copies of final CDR files in E:\backsave
\name of access point 1\name of channel 1.
The BSFirstCompress parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that
in the AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the
For example, the BSFirstCompress parameter is set to 3 in the DiskFile section and to 0 in the
AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB does not compress the first copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\name of access point 1. The iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to compress the first
copies of final CDR files on the other access points.
Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.
1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Check that the name extension of the first copy of each final CDR file is dat.gz.
By default, the name extension of the first copy of each final CDR file is dat. After you
configure the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files, the name extension of
the first copy of each final CDR file is dat.gz.
Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-38 lists the parameters to be checked in the DiskFile
section on the primary iGWB server.

Table 8-38 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server

Parameter Description Remarks

BSFirstCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress the Check this

first copies of final CDR files. parameter.
The values are:
l 0
The first copies of final CDR files are not
compressed but directly stored on the hard
l 3
The first copies of final CDR files are
compressed with the GZIP algorithm and
then stored on the hard disk.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the value
of this parameter is 3, the
BSFirstCompressLevel parameter does not
take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

BSFirstCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the first Check this
copies of final CDR files. A higher parameter.
compression level results in a higher
compression ratio but a longer compression
This parameter applies only to the GZIP
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.

8-96 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Check that the name extension of the first copy of each final CDR file is dat.gz.
By default, the name extension of the first copy of each final CDR file is dat. After you
configure the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files, the name extension of
the first copy of each final CDR file is dat.gz.


If the iGWB is configured to compress the first copies of final CDR files, the following
information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
BSFirstCompress = 3
BSFirstCompressLevel = 1

If the iGWB is configured to compress the first copies of final CDR files, the following
information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
BSFirstCompress = 3
BSFirstCompressLevel = 1

8.7.4 Configuring the iGWB to Compress the Second Copies of Final

CDR Files
This topic describes how to configure the iGWB to compress the second copies of final CDR

Before configuring the iGWB to compress the second copies of final CDR files, ensure that you
have completed the following tasks:
l You have seen 8.2 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server to back up the
current settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have seen 8.7 Customizing Compressing CDR files to select the rule for the
iGWB to compress CDR files.
l You have completed the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server.


Memory is required when the iGWB compresses CDR files. Therefore, you need to observe the
memory usage before and after configuring the iGWB to compress CDR files.

For details about the compression of CDR files, see 8.7.1 Basic Knowledge.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-97

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

For the parameters that do not exist in the igwb.ini file, the iGWB uses their default values. If
you want to change the default value of such a parameter, add the parameter to the igwb.ini file
and set it to a different value.

Step 1 Identify the current standby iGWB server.
1. Log in to the OS of iGWB1 as the administrator user.
2. In the notification area, check the iGWB bulb.
The iGWB bulb indicates the running status of the current iGWB server:
l If the current iGWB server is active, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .

l If the current iGWB server is standby, the iGWB bulb is displayed as .


l After you complete the basic configuration tasks on the iGWB Server, the iGWB can run
normally. In this case, you can configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server. You must
configure the advanced functions of the iGWB Server on the standby iGWB server first.
l This topic assumes that iGWB1 is in the standby state.

Step 2 On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, check whether the DiskFile section exists.
If the DiskFile section exists, go to Step 4.
1. If the NetBackup section does not exist, in the navigation tree, right-click igwb.ini and
choose Add Section.
2. In the Add Section dialog box, in Please select the section, select DiskFile. Click Add.
3. Click OK.
Step 4 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. By default, the relevant parameters are not configured in
DiskFile. Configure the parameters as shown in Table 8-39.

8-98 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-39 Parameters for the iGWB to compress the second copies of final CDR files
Parameter Description Remark

BSSecondCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress the Add this

second copies of final CDR files. paramete
The values are: r to the
l 0 %d-%d
The second copies of final CDR files are not section.
compressed but directly stored on the hard Set it to
disk. 3.
l 3
The second copies of final CDR files are
compressed with the GZIP algorithm and
then stored on the hard disk.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the value
of this parameter is 3, the
BSSecondCompressLevel parameter does
not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

BSSecondCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the second Add this
copies of final CDR files. A higher paramete
compression level results in a higher r to the
compression ratio but a longer compression DiskFile
time. section.
This parameter applies only to the GZIP Use the
algorithm. default
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint
%d, Channel%d-%d

The BSSecondCompress and BSSecondCompressLevel parameters can also be added to the

AccessPoint%d and Channel%d-%d sections. In different parameter sections, these
parameters apply to different second copies of final CDR files. This topic takes the
BSSecondCompress parameter as an example.
l In the DiskFile section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second copies of
final CDR files on the current iGWB server.
For example, the BSSecondCompress parameter is set to 3 in the DiskFile section. The
iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to compress the second copies of final CDR files in E:
l In the AccessPoint%d section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files on the access point %d. You can check access point IDs in the
igwb.ini file in C:\iGWB\config\ini.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-99

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

For example, the BSSecondCompress parameter is set to 3 in the AccessPoint1 section.

The iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to compress the second copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\Second\name of access point 1.
l In the channel%d-%d section, the BSSecondCompress parameter applies to the second
copies of final CDR files in the channel %d-%d. You can check channel IDs in C:\iGWB
For example, the BSSecondCompress parameter is set to 3 in the channel1-1 section. The
iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to compress the second copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\Second\name of access point 1\name of channel 1.

The BSSecondCompress parameter in the channel%d-%d section has the highest priority, that
in the AccessPoint%d section has the second highest, and that in the DiskFile section has the

For example, the BSSecondCompress parameter is set to 3 in the DiskFile section and to 0 in
the AccessPoint1 section. The iGWB does not compress the second copies of final CDR files
in E:\backsave\Second\name of access point 1. The iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to
compress the second copies of final CDR files on the other access points.

Step 5 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.

2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.

After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.

3. Check that the name extension of the second copy of each final CDR file is dat.gz.
By default, the name extension of the second copy of each final CDR file is dat. After you
configure the iGWB to compress the second copies of final CDR files, the name extension
of the second copy of each final CDR file is dat.gz.

Step 6 Synchronize the setting to the other iGWB server.

1. On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, click . In the Add Login dialog box, in User
Name, enter config and in Office, select IGWB0. Click OK.

2. Right-click the parameters configured on iGWB1 and choose or

to synchronize their settings to iGWB0.

Be cautious when synchronizing the parameter settings between the two servers. Do not
change the parameter settings of the secondary iGWB server once configured.

Step 7 In the navigation tree, click DiskFile. The setting of the DiskFile section is synchronized from
the secondary iGWB server to the primary iGWB server. Therefore, you need to check the setting
on the primary iGWB server. Table 8-40 lists the parameters to be checked in the DiskFile
section on the primary iGWB server.

8-100 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server

Table 8-40 Parameters to be checked in the DiskFile section on the primary iGWB server
Parameter Description Remar

BSSecondCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress the Check

second copies of final CDR files. this
The values are: paramet
l 0
The second copies of final CDR files are not
compressed but directly stored on the hard disk.
l 3
The second copies of final CDR files are
compressed with the GZIP algorithm and then
stored on the hard disk.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the value of
this parameter is 3, the BSSecondCompressLe-
vel parameter does not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,

BSSecondCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the second Check

copies of final CDR files. A higher compression this
level results in a higher compression ratio but a paramet
longer compression time. er.
This parameter applies only to the GZIP algorithm.
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,

Step 8 Check that the channel%d-%d section is correctly configured.

1. Click to save the settings.
2. Log in to the iGWB Client as the admin user. Choose Operation > Switch.
This operation enables the iGWB to switch services between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers. After the switchover, the original standby iGWB server is in the active state
and the parameters configured on this iGWB server take effect.
After the switchover, you need to re-log in to the iGWB Client.
3. Check that the name extension of the second copy of each final CDR file is dat.gz.
By default, the name extension of the second copy of each final CDR file is dat. After you
configure the iGWB to compress the second copies of final CDR files, the name extension
of the second copy of each final CDR file is dat.gz.


Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-101

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8 Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server User Manual

If the iGWB is configured to compress the second copies of final CDR files, the following
information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB server:
BSSecondCompress = 3
BSSecondCompressLevel = 1

If the iGWB is configured to compress the second copies of final CDR files, the following
information is contained in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server:
BSSecondCompress = 3
BSSecondCompressLevel = 1

8-102 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 9 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server

9 Backing Up the Configurations of the

iGWB Server

This topic describes how to back up the configurations of the iGWB Server. After installing the
iGWB Server, if you intend to use the default settings in the igwb.ini file, you can skip this topic.

Step 1 From the Office drop-down list box of the User Login dialog box, select IGWB0. Log in to the
iGWB Parameter Config Console as the admin or config user.

l Before activating the iGWB application for the first time, you can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config
Console as the config user only.
l After activating the iGWB application, you can log in to the iGWB Parameter Config Console as the
config or admin user.
l If the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server are in different network segments, they use a gateway to
communication with each other. In this case, select Use Gateway and then specify the IP address in
Gateway IP.

Step 2 Choose Operation > Office:IGWB0 > Save The Current Config Info As.

Step 3 In the Save As dialog box, specify the path and the file name in the format of
Based on the current time, the iGWB automatically creates a file name in the format of
igwb.ini_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.ini. YYYYMMDDHHMMSS indicates the current
system time. For example, igwb.ini_20070923162759.ini indicates that the igwb.ini file is
created at 16:27:59 on 23rd of September, 2007.

Step 4 Click Save.

Step 5 Click the button to display the Add Login dialog box.

Step 6 From the Office drop-down list box of the Add Login dialog box, select IGWB1. Log in to the
iGWB Parameter Config Console as the admin or config user.

Step 7 Choose Operation > Office:IGWB1 > Save The Current Config Info As.

Step 8 In the Save As dialog box, specify the path and the file name in the format of

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-1

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9 Backing Up the Configurations of the iGWB Server User Manual

Step 9 Click Save.


9-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 10 Rollback of the Parameter Settings of the iGWB Server

10 Rollback of the Parameter Settings of the

iGWB Server

About This Chapter

During parameter configuration, if any error occurs, you can roll back the parameter settings of
the iGWB server. This topic describes how to roll back the parameter settings.
Table 10-1 shows the roll back modes.

Table 10-1 Rollback modes of the parameter settings of the iGWB server
Rollback Mode Scenarios Remarks

10.1 Retrieving the This mode applies to the following scenarios: -

Current Parameter l When incorrect settings are not saved.

10.2 Rolling Back to When incorrect settings are saved, you can refer this -
the Lastly Right Save topic.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Save the parameter settings.
2. Modify the parameter settings.
3. Save the modified parameter settings.
4. Roll back to the parameter settings that are saved
at the first time.

10.3 Rolling Back to Before configuration, back up the current parameter -

the Backed Up settings. If any incorrect parameter setting is found
Parameter Settings and the error cannot be located, load the parameter
setting that are previously backed up.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-1

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10 Rollback of the Parameter Settings of the iGWB Server User Manual

Rollback Mode Scenarios Remarks

10.4 Rolling Back to Roll back to the factory parameter settings. Not
the Factory NOTE recommende
Parameter Settings Generally, the parameter settings of the current office may d.
be different from the factory parameter settings.
Therefore, when the parameter settings of the current
office are rolled back to the factory parameter settings, the
iGWB cannot run normally.

10.1 Retrieving the Current Parameter Settings

This topic describes how to roll back to the parameter settings that were lastly saved.
10.2 Rolling Back to the Lastly Right Save
This topic describes how to roll back to the lastly right save.
10.3 Rolling Back to the Backed Up Parameter Settings
This topic describes how to roll back to the backed up parameter settings.
10.4 Rolling Back to the Factory Parameter Settings
This topic describes how to roll back to the factory parameter settings.

10-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 10 Rollback of the Parameter Settings of the iGWB Server

10.1 Retrieving the Current Parameter Settings

This topic describes how to roll back to the parameter settings that were lastly saved.

Before rollback, make sure that the following requirements are met:
l You have selected the rollback mode. For more details, see 10 Rollback of the Parameter
Settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have logged in to the relevant iGWB servers through the iGWB Parameter Config
Console as the config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter
Config Console.

The following example shows how to roll back the parameter settings of iGWB1.

On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, choose Operation > Office:IGWB1 > Get The
Current Config Info Again.
The current settings may not take effect after they is saved. Perform manual switchover to make the current
settings take effect and then check the settings.


10.2 Rolling Back to the Lastly Right Save

This topic describes how to roll back to the lastly right save.

Before rollback, make sure that the following requirements are met:
l You have selected the rollback mode. For more details, see 10 Rollback of the Parameter
Settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have logged in to the relevant iGWB servers through the iGWB Parameter Config
Console as the config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter
Config Console.

The following example shows how to roll back the parameter settings of iGWB1.

On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, choose Operation > Office:IGWB1 > Get The Last
Config Info.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-3

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10 Rollback of the Parameter Settings of the iGWB Server User Manual

The settings that are saved last time may not take effect. Perform manual switchover to make the settings
take effect and then check the settings.


10.3 Rolling Back to the Backed Up Parameter Settings

This topic describes how to roll back to the backed up parameter settings.

Before rollback, make sure that the following requirements are met:
l You have selected the rollback mode. For more details, see 10 Rollback of the Parameter
Settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have logged in to the relevant iGWB servers through the iGWB Parameter Config
Console as the config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter
Config Console.

The following example shows how to roll back the parameter settings of iGWB1.

On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, choose Operation > Pffice:IGWB1 > Load Config
Info From Local File....
If the settings do not take effect, perform manual switchover to make the settings take effect and then check
the settings.


10.4 Rolling Back to the Factory Parameter Settings

This topic describes how to roll back to the factory parameter settings.

Before rollback, make sure that the following requirements are met:
l You have selected the rollback mode. For more details, see 10 Rollback of the Parameter
Settings of the iGWB Server.
l You have logged in to the relevant iGWB servers through the iGWB Parameter Config
Console as the config user. For more details, see 7.2 Logging In to the iGWB Parameter
Config Console.

The following example shows how to roll back the parameter settings of iGWB1.

10-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 10 Rollback of the Parameter Settings of the iGWB Server

Note that once you have rolled back to the factory parameter settings, the iGWB cannot run

On the iGWB Parameter Config Console, choose Operation > Office:IGWB1 > Get The Base
Config Info.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB


About This Chapter

This topic uses two instances to describe how to configure the iGWB Server by configuring the
igwb.ini file.
11.1 Instance of Configuring the Basic Functions of the iGWB Server
This topic uses an instance to describe how to configure the basic functions of the iGWB Server
by configuring the C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini file.
11.2 Instance of Configuring the Advanced Functions of the iGWB Server
This topic uses an instance to describe how to configure the advanced functions of the iGWB
Server by configuring the C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini file.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

11.1 Instance of Configuring the Basic Functions of the

iGWB Server
This topic uses an instance to describe how to configure the basic functions of the iGWB Server
by configuring the C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini file.
11.1.1 Required Information
This topic describes the required information such as IP addresses, users and passwords, FTP
paths, required functions, and device information.
11.1.2 Configuration Plan
This topic describes how to plan the parameters according to the information obtained from an
11.1.3 Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File
This topic describes the parameter sections and the parameters in the igwb.ini file.

11.1.1 Required Information

This topic describes the required information such as IP addresses, users and passwords, FTP
paths, required functions, and device information.

IP Addresses
Table 11-1 lists the IP addresses required by the networking of office A. Table 11-2 lists the
default IP addresses of the iGWB. You need to obtain the information from office A.

Table 11-1 IP addresses required by the networking of office A

Server Device IP Address IP Address Allocated to the


BC IP address: IP address allocated to network

Subnet mask: adapter 3 of iGWB0
IP address:
Subnet mask:
IP address allocated to network
adapter 3 of iGWB1
IP address:
Subnet mask:

NMS IP address: IP address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Client PC 1 IP address: IP address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Client PC 2 IP address: IP address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

11-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Table 11-2 Default IP addresses of the iGWB

Network iGWB0 iGWB1
adapter or
virtual IP

Network adapter IP address: IP address:

0 Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Virtual IP IP address:

address of the Subnet mask:
network adapter

Network adapter IP address: IP address:

1 Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Virtual IP IP address:

address of the Subnet mask:
network adapter

Network adapter IP address: IP address:

2 Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Virtual IP IP address:

address of the Subnet mask:
network adapter

Users and Passwords

Table 11-3 lists the users and their passwords. You need to obtain the information from office

Table 11-3 Users and their passwords

Server User name and Description

iGWB0 User name: Cluster The user is an OS user who can synchronize the user
Password: zQy12cZv information between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers through FTP.
It is recommended to create the Cluster user in the

iGWB1 User name: Cluster The user is an OS user who can synchronize the user
Password: zQy12cZv information between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers through FTP.
It is recommended to create the Cluster user in the

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-3

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Server User name and Description


iGWB0 User name: BC This user is an OS user that enables the BC to fetch
Password: zQy12cZv final CDR files from the iGWB. If the BC fetches final
CDR files from the iGWB in Pull mode, you need to
obtain the information from office B.
Typically, you need to create the BC user on the OS
of iGWB0 and notify the user name and the password
to the BC.

iGWB1 User name: BC This user is an OS user that enables the BC to fetch
Password: zQy12cZv final CDR files from the iGWB. If the BC fetches final
CDR files from the iGWB in Pull mode, you need to
obtain the information from office B.
Typically, you need to create the BC user on the OS
of iGWB1 and notify the user name and the password
to the BC.

FTP Paths
Table 11-4 lists the FTP paths. You need to obtain the information from office A.

Table 11-4 FTP paths

Server Default FTP Path Description

iGWB0 D:\other The default path of the FTP site is used to

synchronize user information.
Typically, this path is set to D:\other.

iGWB1 D:\other The default path of the FTP site is used to

synchronize user information.
Typically, this path is set to D:\other.

iGWB0 E:\backsave\Second This path is configured on iGWB0 and used as

the default path of the FTP site to enable the BC
to fetch final CDR files from the iGWB in Pull
Typically, this path is set to E:\backsave

iGWB1 E:\backsave\Second This path is configured on iGWB1 and used as

the default path of the FTP site to enable the BC
to fetch final CDR files from the iGWB in Pull
Typically, this path is set to E:\backsave

Advanced Function
Table 11-5 lists the basic function. You need to obtain the information from office A.

11-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Table 11-5 Basic function

Interwor Sizes of NE or device version Whether the BC fetches all CDR
king NE original files
or device CDR files

SOFTX30 953 SoftX3000 V300R001 Yes.


If the BC fetches part of CDR files only, you need to specify the channels in which the CDR files need to
be fetched in Whether the BC fetches all the CDR files.

Customized Functions
Table 11-6 lists the customized function. You need to obtain the information from office A.

Table 11-6 Customized function

Function Mandatory or Remarks

Customizin Mandatory. You can customize the transfer mode of final CDR files
g the Customize the BC as follows:
transmissio to fetch final CDR l Customize the BC to fetch final CDR files from the
n ways of files from the iGWB in Pull mode.
final CDR iGWB in Pull mode
files through FTP. – Using the Pull mode through FTP
– Using the Pull mode through FTAM
l Customize the iGWB to send final CDR files to the
BC in Push mode.
– Configuring a backup task in the igwb.ini file
– Using the SmartBackup to back up CDR files

Device Information
Table 11-7 lists the device information. You need to obtain the information from office A.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-5

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 11-7 Device information

Item Result Remarks

Whether the Yes. Standalone iGWBs are used only in some test
iGWB uses two offices or when the iGWB works with the
servers. Mediax3600.
In commercial offices, two-node iGWBs are
Standalone iGWBs cannot ensure the
continuity of generated CDR files. Therefore,
you are recommended to use two-node

Whether the serial If IBM x3650T You can identify the serial port according to the
port of the servers are used as server type. If the following types of servers
heartbeat link is iGWB servers, the are used as iGWB servers, the heartbeat links
COM1 or COM2. heartbeat links use use COM2:
COM2. l IBM x343
l IBM x3650T
l HUAWEI C4210
If other types of servers are used as iGWB
servers, the heartbeat links use COM1.

11.1.2 Configuration Plan

This topic describes how to plan the parameters according to the information obtained from an
Table 11-8 lists the parameters that you can plan according to the obtained information.

11-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Table 11-8 Information about planning the parameter configurations

Require Reference Parameter

Configuri 7.4 Configuring the The parameters used to configure the iGWB as a two-
ng the Two-Node iGWB node iGWB are as follows:
Two- l ClusterMode
Node Set it to 1.
l ServerNo
On the primary iGWB server, set it to 0. On the
secondary iGWB server, set it to 1.
l UserInfoUserName
It specifies the FTP user name used to synchronize
user information. Set it to Cluster.
l UserInfoPwd
It specifies the password used to synchronize user
information. Set it to zQy12cZv.
l BackupPersistUserPath
It specifies the path of the user information to be
synchronized. Set it to mml.
l VirtualIP
It is in the Resource1 section. It specifies the
virtual IP address for the iGWB Server to connect
to the NMS and the iGWB Client. Set it to
l VirtualMask
It is in the Resource1 section. It specifies the
subnet mask for the iGWB Server to connect to the
NMS and the iGWB Client. Set it to
l Port
It is in the Link2 section. It specifies the serial port
used by the heartbeat links. If IBM x3650T servers
are used as iGWB servers, set it to 2.

Configuri 7.5 Configuring a When configuring the iGWB Server to connect to the
ng a Connection Between iGWB Client, you need to set the
Connecti the iGWB Server and LocalIpToMMLClient parameter. This parameter
on the iGWB Client specifies the IP address that the iGWB Server opens
Between to the iGWB Client. Set this parameter to
and the

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-7

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Require Reference Parameter


Managin 7.6 Configuring the To configure the iGWB to manage alarms, you need
g alarms Alarms to configure alarm parameters according to the names
of the channels where the CDR files to be fetched by
the BC are stored.
In this instance, the iGWB processes the CDRs
received from the SOFTX3000 only and the BC
fetches all final CDR files. In the AccessPoint1
section, set the FetchFileTimeOut parameter to 7.

Configuri 7.7.2 Configuring the The parameters used to configure the iGWB to receive
ng the iGWB to Receive and and process CDRs are as follows:
iGWB to Process the CDRs l APCount
Receive from the SOFTX3000 The iGWB receives the CDRs generated by the
and SOFTX3000 only. Therefore, set it to 1.
CDRs l BillRecSize
According to the information obtained from the
office, the size of each received CDR is 953 byte.
Therefore, set this parameter to 953.
l LocalIpToEx
The office does not change the default IP address
of the iGWB. Therefore, use the current setting
l LocalIpToExBak
The office does not change the default IP address
of the iGWB. Therefore, use the current setting

11-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Require Reference Parameter


Configuri 7.8.2 Configuring the If the BC fetches final CDR files from the iGWB in
ng the iGWB to Transmit Pull mode, notify the following information to the BC:
iGWB to Final CDR Files in Pull l IP addresses
Transmit Mode
Final – IP address allocated to network adapter 3 on
Files IP address:
Subnet mask:
– IP address allocated to network adapter 3 on
IP address:
Subnet mask:
l User names and passwords
– iGWB0
User name: BC
Password: zQy12cZv
– iGWB1
User name: BC
Password: zQy12cZv
The BC fetches all final CDR files. Therefore, you do
not need to notify the channels where final CDR files
are stored to the BC.

11.1.3 Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File

This topic describes the parameter sections and the parameters in the igwb.ini file.

Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File on the Primary iGWB Server
Table 11-9 lists the parameter sections and the parameters in the igwb.ini file on the primary
iGWB server.

In Table 11-9, the information in bold indicates the parameters differently configured on the primary and
secondary iGWB servers.

Table 11-9 Parameter sections and parameters in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server

Configuration Description

[AccessPoint1] You can configure access point 1 by configuring the

parameters in this section.

APType = 5 The APType parameter specifies an access point type. If the

iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to 5.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description

APName = X3KF The APName parameter specifies an access point name. If the
iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to X3KF.

LocalIpToEx = The LocalIpToEx parameter specifies the IP address of the

iGWB network adapter used to form the primary link between
the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to the value of the
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource2 section.

LocalPortToEx = 9900 The LocalPortToEx parameter specifies the iGWB network

adapter used to form the primary link between the iGWB and
the SOFTX3000. Set it to 9900.

LocalIpToExBak = The LocalIpToExBak parameter specifies the IP address of the iGWB network adapter used to form the secondary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to the value
of the VirtualIP parameter in the Resource3 section.

LocalPortToExBak = 9900 The LocalPortToExBak parameter specifies the iGWB

network adapter used to form the secondary link between the
iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to 9900.

BillRecSize = 953 The BillRecSize parameter specifies the size (in bytes) of each
CDR to be processed. In this instance, set it to 953.

SaveSecond = 1 The SaveSecond parameter specifies whether the iGWB

stores two copies of final CDR files. Typically, the iGWB
stores two copies of final CDR files. The first copies are
queried through the iGWB Client. The second copies are
provided to the BC.

ProcBillCSN = 1 The ProcBillCSN parameter specifies whether the iGWB

adds the 4-byte serial number of a CDR file to the header of
the CDR file by channels. If it is set to 1, the size of each final
CDR file provided to the BC increases by four bytes.
Typically, set it according to the requirements of the BC.

MpuWindowSize = 300 The iGWB uses the Sliding Window Protocol to receive
CDRs from the SOFTX3000. The MpuWindowSize
parameter specifies the size of each sliding window.

BinAlarmSend = 1 The BinAlarmSend parameter specifies whether the iGWB

sends binary alarms. If the iGWB works with the
SOFTX3000, set it to 1.

BaseID = 3200 The BaseID parameter specifies the reference value of an

alarm ID. If the iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to

11-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Configuration Description

FetchFileTimeOut = 7 The FetchFileTimeOut parameter specifies the timeout time

for the BC to fetch final CDR files. If the timeout time reaches
its specified value, the iGWB raises an alarm. In this instance,
the iGWB processes the CDRs received from the
SOFTX3000 only and the BC fetches all final CDR files.
Therefore, In the AccessPoint1 section, set the
FetchFileTimeOut parameter to 7.


APCount = 1 The APCount parameter specifies the number of the access

points to be configured. In this instance, the iGWB processes
the CDRs received from the SOFTX3000 only. Therefore, set
it to 1.

ServerNo = 0 On a two-node iGWB, the ServerNo parameter specifies

whether the current iGWB server is the primary one or the
secondary one. On the primary iGWB server, set it to 0.

ClusterMode = 1 The ClusterMode parameter specifies the running mode of

the iGWB. On a two-node iGWB, set it to 1.


HeartBeatBroken = 300 On a two-node iGWB, the HeartBeatBroken parameter

specifies the interval for the iGWB to check the heartbeat
status. Set it to 300.

HeartBeatCount = 2 On a two-node iGWB, the HeartBeatCount parameter

specifies the number of heartbeat links. Set it to 2.


Type = UDP The Type parameter specifies a heartbeat link type. For the
heartbeat links between network adapters, set it to UDP.

Name = UDP_LINK The Name parameter specifies the heartbeat link name to be
displayed on the iGWB Client. For the heartbeat links between
network adapters, set it to UDP_LINK.

LocalIP = The LocalIP parameter specifies the IP address of the local
network adapter used to form a heartbeat link between
network adapters. Typically, set it to the IP address of network
adapter 2 on the primary iGWB server. In this instance, set it

PeerIP = The PeerIP parameter specifies the IP address of the peer
network adapter used to form a heartbeat link between
network adapters. Typically, set it to the IP address of network
adapter 2 on the secondary iGWB server. In this instance, set
it to


Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-11

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description

Type = COM The Type parameter specifies a heartbeat link type. For the
heartbeat links between serial ports, set it to COM.

Name = COM_LINK The Name parameter specifies the heartbeat link name to be
displayed on the iGWB Client. For the heartbeat links between
serial ports, set it to COM_LINK.

Port = 2 The Port parameter specifies the port used to form a heartbeat
link between serial ports. In this instance, set it to 2.


UseSyncUserInfo = 1 On a two-node iGWB, the UseSyncUserInfo parameter

specifies whether the user information is synchronized
between the primary and secondary iGWB servers.

UserInfoUserName = The UserInfoUserName parameter specifies the FTP user

Cluster name used to synchronize the user information between the
primary and secondary iGWB servers. In this instance, set it
to Cluster.

UserInfoPwd = zQy12cZv The UserInfoPwd parameter specifies the password used to

synchronize the user information between the primary and
secondary iGWB servers. In this instance, set it to

BeforeEncode = 1 The BeforeEncode parameter specifies whether a password

is in plain text. Set it to 1.

BackupPersistUserPath = The BackupPersistUserPath parameter specifies the path of

mml the file where the peer user information is stored. In this
instance, the default FTP path is D:\other. Set it to mml.

LocalIpToMMLClient = The LocalIpToMMLClient parameter specifies the IP address of the iGWB network adapter used to connect the
iGWB Server to the iGWB Client. Set it to the value of the
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource1 section.

MaxConnectUserNumber = Indicates the maximum number of the iGWB Client

5 components that the current node can connect to.


InstallShareDiskArray = 0 On a two-node iGWB, the InstallShareDiskArray parameter

specifies whether the iGWB uses a shared disk array.

ResourceCount = 3 On a two-node iGWB, the ResourceCount parameter

specifies the number of the virtual IP addresses to be created.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

11-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Configuration Description

ResName = IP_OMC The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 1 is used to connect
the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client and the NMS. Set it to

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 0 on the primary iGWB server. In this
instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. This virtual IP address is used to
connect the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client and the NMS.
In this instance, set it to

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. This virtual
IP address is used to connect the iGWB Server to the iGWB
Client and the NMS.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = -1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the virtual IP address that is used to connect the
iGWB Server to the iGWB Client. In this instance, set it to
-1. That is, if the virtual IP address is faulty, the iGWB sends
an alarm but the primary and secondary iGWB servers are not
switched over automatically.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_PLANE1 The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 2 is used to form the
primary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 1 on the primary iGWB server. In this
instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. The primary and secondary iGWB
servers use this virtual IP address to form the primary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. The primary
and secondary iGWB servers use this subnet mask to form the
primary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = 1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the primary virtual IP address that is used to
connect the SOFTX3000. In this instance, set it to 1. That is,
if all the virtual IP addresses with the resource group number
of 1 are faulty, the iGWB sends an alarm and the primary and
secondary iGWB servers are automatically switched over.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_PLANE2 The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 3 is used to form the
secondary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set
it to IP_PLANE2.

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 1 on the primary iGWB server. In this
instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. The primary and secondary iGWB
servers use this virtual IP address to form the secondary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. The primary
and secondary iGWB servers use this subnet mask to form the
secondary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = 1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the secondary virtual IP address that is used to
connect the SOFTX3000. In this instance, set it to 1. That is,
if all the virtual IP addresses with the resource group number
of 1 are faulty, the iGWB sends an alarm and the primary and
secondary iGWB servers are automatically switched over.

11-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File on the Secondary iGWB
Table 11-10 lists the parameter sections and the parameters in the igwb.ini file on the secondary
iGWB server.

In Table 11-10, the information in bold indicates the parameters differently configured on the primary and
secondary iGWB servers.

Table 11-10 Parameter sections and parameters in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB

Configuration Description

[AccessPoint1] You can configure access point 1 by configuring the

parameters in this section.

APType = 5 The APType parameter specifies an access point type. If the

iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to 5.

APName = X3KF The APName parameter specifies an access point name. If the
iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to X3KF.

LocalIpToEx = The LocalIpToEx parameter specifies the IP address of the

iGWB network adapter used to form the primary link between
the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to the value of the
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource2 section.

LocalPortToEx = 9900 The LocalPortToEx parameter specifies the iGWB network

adapter used to form the primary link between the iGWB and
the SOFTX3000. Set it to 9900.

LocalIpToExBak = The LocalIpToExBak parameter specifies the IP address of the iGWB network adapter used to form the secondary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to the value
of the VirtualIP parameter in the Resource3 section.

LocalPortToExBak = 9900 The LocalPortToExBak parameter specifies the iGWB

network adapter used to form the secondary link between the
iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to 9900.

BillRecSize = 953 The BillRecSize parameter specifies the size (in bytes) of each
CDR to be processed. In this instance, set it to 953.

SaveSecond = 1 The SaveSecond parameter specifies whether the iGWB

stores two copies of final CDR files. Typically, the iGWB
stores two copies of final CDR files. The first copies are
queried through the iGWB Client. The second copies are
provided to the BC.

ProcBillCSN = 1 The ProcBillCSN parameter specifies whether the iGWB

adds the 4-byte serial number of a CDR file to the header of
the CDR file by channels. If it is set to 1, the size of each final
CDR file provided to the BC increases by four bytes.
Typically, set it according to the requirements of the BC.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-15

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description

MpuWindowSize = 300 The iGWB uses the Sliding Window Protocol to receive
CDRs from the SOFTX3000. The MpuWindowSize
parameter specifies the size of each sliding window.

BinAlarmSend = 1 The BinAlarmSend parameter specifies whether the iGWB

sends binary alarms. If the iGWB works with the
SOFTX3000, set it to 1.

BaseID = 3200 The BaseID parameter specifies the reference value of an

alarm ID. If the iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to

FetchFileTimeOut = 7 The FetchFileTimeOut parameter specifies the timeout time

for the BC to fetch final CDR files. If the timeout time reaches
its specified value, the iGWB raises an alarm. In this instance,
the iGWB processes the CDRs received from the
SOFTX3000 only and the BC fetches all final CDR files.
Therefore, In the AccessPoint1 section, set the
FetchFileTimeOut parameter to 7.


APCount = 1 The APCount parameter specifies the number of the access

points to be configured. In this instance, the iGWB processes
the CDRs received from the SOFTX3000 only. Therefore, set
it to 1.

ServerNo = 1 On a two-node iGWB, the ServerNo parameter specifies

whether the current iGWB server is the primary one or the
secondary one. On the secondary iGWB server, set it to 1.

ClusterMode = 1 The ClusterMode parameter specifies the running mode of

the iGWB. On a two-node iGWB, set it to 1.


HeartBeatBroken = 300 On a two-node iGWB, the HeartBeatBroken parameter

specifies the interval for the iGWB to check the heartbeat
status. Set it to 300.

HeartBeatCount = 2 On a two-node iGWB, the HeartBeatCount parameter

specifies the number of heartbeat links. Set it to 2.


Type = UDP The Type parameter specifies a heartbeat link type. For the
heartbeat links between network adapters, set it to UDP.

Name = UDP_LINK The Name parameter specifies the heartbeat link name to be
displayed on the iGWB Client. For the heartbeat links between
network adapters, set it to UDP_LINK.

11-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Configuration Description

LocalIP = The LocalIP parameter specifies the IP address of the local
network adapter used to form a heartbeat link between
network adapters. Typically, set it to the IP address of network
adapter 2 on the secondary iGWB server. In this instance, set
it to

PeerIP = The PeerIP parameter specifies the IP address of the peer
network adapter used to form a heartbeat link between
network adapters. Typically, set it to the IP address of network
adapter 2 on the primary iGWB server. In this instance, set it


Type = COM The Type parameter specifies a heartbeat link type. For the
heartbeat links between serial ports, set it to COM.

Name = COM_LINK The Name parameter specifies the heartbeat link name to be
displayed on the iGWB Client. For the heartbeat links between
serial ports, set it to COM_LINK.

Port = 2 The Port parameter specifies the port used to form a heartbeat
link between serial ports. In this instance, set it to 2.


UseSyncUserInfo = 1 On a two-node iGWB, the UseSyncUserInfo parameter

specifies whether the user information is synchronized
between the primary and secondary iGWB servers.

UserInfoUserName = The UserInfoUserName parameter specifies the FTP user

Cluster name used to synchronize the user information between the
primary and secondary iGWB servers. In this instance, set it
to Cluster.

UserInfoPwd = zQy12cZv The UserInfoPwd parameter specifies the password used to

synchronize the user information between the primary and
secondary iGWB servers. In this instance, set it to

BeforeEncode = 1 The BeforeEncode parameter specifies whether a password

is in plain text. Set it to 1.

BackupPersistUserPath = The BackupPersistUserPath parameter specifies the path of

mml the file where the peer user information is stored. In this
instance, the default FTP path is D:\other. Set it to mml.

LocalIpToMMLClient = The LocalIpToMMLClient parameter specifies the IP address of the iGWB network adapter used to connect the
iGWB Server to the iGWB Client. Set it to the value of the
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource1 section.

MaxConnectUserNumber = Indicates the maximum number of the iGWB Client

5 components that the current node can connect to.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-17

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description


InstallShareDiskArray = 0 On a two-node iGWB, the InstallShareDiskArray parameter

specifies whether the iGWB uses a shared disk array.

ResourceCount = 3 On a two-node iGWB, the ResourceCount parameter

specifies the number of the virtual IP addresses to be created.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_OMC The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 1 is used to connect
the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client and the NMS. Set it to

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 0 on the secondary iGWB server. In this
instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. This virtual IP address is used to
connect the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client and the NMS.
In this instance, set it to

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. This virtual
IP address is used to connect the iGWB Server to the iGWB
Client and the NMS.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = -1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the virtual IP address that is used to connect the
iGWB Server to the iGWB Client. In this instance, set it to
-1. That is, if the virtual IP address is faulty, the iGWB sends
an alarm but the primary and secondary iGWB servers are not
switched over automatically.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_PLANE1 The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 2 is used to form the
primary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it

11-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Configuration Description

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 1 on the secondary iGWB server. In this
instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. The primary and secondary iGWB
servers use this virtual IP address to form the primary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. The primary
and secondary iGWB servers use this subnet mask to form the
primary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = 1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the primary virtual IP address that is used to
connect the SOFTX3000. In this instance, set it to 1. That is,
if all the virtual IP addresses with the resource group number
of 1 are faulty, the iGWB sends an alarm and the primary and
secondary iGWB server are automatically switched over.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_PLANE2 The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 3 is used to form the
secondary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set
it to IP_PLANE2.

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 1 on the secondary iGWB server. In this
instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. The primary and secondary iGWB
servers use this virtual IP address to form the secondary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. The primary
and secondary iGWB servers use this subnet mask to form the
secondary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-19

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description

SwitchGroup = 1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the secondary virtual IP address that is used to
connect the SOFTX3000. In this instance, set it to 1. That is,
if all the virtual IP addresses with the resource group number
of 1 are faulty, the iGWB sends an alarm and the primary and
secondary iGWB server are automatically switched over.

11.2 Instance of Configuring the Advanced Functions of the

iGWB Server
This topic uses an instance to describe how to configure the advanced functions of the iGWB
Server by configuring the C:\iGWB\Config\ini\igwb.ini file.

11.2.1 Required Information

This topic describes how to obtain the information such as IP addresses, users and passwords,
FTP paths, basic functions, customized functions, and device information.
11.2.2 Configuration Plan
This topic describes how to plan the parameters according to the information obtained from an
11.2.3 Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File
This topic describes the parameter sections and the parameters in the igwb.ini file.

11.2.1 Required Information

This topic describes how to obtain the information such as IP addresses, users and passwords,
FTP paths, basic functions, customized functions, and device information.

IP Addresses
Table 11-11 lists the IP addresses required by the networking of office B. Table 11-12 lists the
default IP addresses of the iGWB in office B. You need to obtain the information from office

Table 11-11 IP addresses required by the networking of office B

Server Device IP Address IP Address Allocated to the


BC IP address: IP address allocated to network

Subnet mask: adapter 3 of iGWB0
IP address:
Subnet mask:
IP address allocated to network
adapter 3 of iGWB1
IP address:
Subnet mask:

11-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Server Device IP Address IP Address Allocated to the


NMS IP address: IP address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Client PC 1 IP address: IP address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Client PC 2 IP address: IP address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Third-party IP address: IP address allocated to network

server (It Subnet mask: adapter 3 of iGWB0
functions as the IP address:
server to back up
CDR files Subnet mask:
through a IP address allocated to network
network.) adapter 3 of iGWB1
IP address:
Subnet mask:

Table 11-12 Default IP addresses of the iGWB

Network iGWB0 iGWB1
adapter or
virtual IP

Network adapter IP address: IP address:

0 Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Virtual IP IP address:

address of the Subnet mask:
network adapter

network adapter IP address: IP address:

1 Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Virtual IP IP address:

address of the Subnet mask:
network adapter

Network adapter IP address: IP address:

2 Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

Virtual IP IP address:

address of the Subnet mask:
network adapter

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-21

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Users and Passwords

Table 11-13 lists the users and their passwords. You need to obtain the information from office

Table 11-13 Users and their passwords information obtained from office B
Server User name and Description

iGWB0 User name: Cluster The user is an OS user who can synchronize the user
Password: zQy12cZv information between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers through FTP.
It is recommended to create the Cluster user in the

iGWB1 User name: Cluster The user is an OS user who can synchronize the user
Password: zQy12cZv information between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers through FTP.
It is recommended to create the Cluster user in the

iGWB0 User name: BC This user is an OS user that enables the BC to fetch
Password: zQy12cZv final CDR files from the iGWB. If the BC fetches final
CDR files from the iGWB in Pull mode, you need to
obtain the information from office B.
Typically, you need to create the BC user on the OS
of iGWB0 and notify the user name and the password
to the BC.

iGWB1 User name: BC This user is an OS user that enables the BC to fetch
Password: zQy12cZv final CDR files from the iGWB. If the BC fetches final
CDR files from the iGWB in Pull mode, you need to
obtain the information from office B.
Typically, you need to create the BC user on the OS
of iGWB1 and notify the user name and the password
to the BC.

Third- User name: backupCDR This user is an OS user of a third-party server. This
party Password: zQy12cZv user enables the iGWB to access the backup CDR files
server on the third-party server. If the iGWB sends final
CDR files to the BC in Push mode, you need to obtain
the information from office B.
Typically, you need to create the backupCDR user
on the OS of the third-party server and notify the user
name and the password to the iGWB.

FTP Paths
Table 11-14 lists the FTP paths. You need to obtain the information from office B.

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Table 11-14 FTP paths information obtained from office B

Server Default FTP Path Description

iGWB0 D:\other The default path of the FTP site is used to

synchronize user information.
Typically, this path is set to D:\other.

iGWB1 D:\other The default path of the FTP site is used to

synchronize user information.
Typically, this path is set to D:\other.

iGWB0 E:\backsave\Second This path is configured on iGWB0 and used as

the default path of the FTP site to enable the BC
to fetch final CDR files from the iGWB in Pull
Typically, this path is set to E:\backsave

iGWB1 E:\backsave\Second This path is configured on iGWB1 and used as

the default path of the FTP site to enable the BC
to fetch final CDR files from the iGWB in Pull
Typically, this path is set to E:\backsave

Third- Default FTP path: D: When the third-party server functions as the
party \CDR_backup server to back up CDR files, you need to collect
server Path of the CDR files to be the information about the FTP path.
(It backed up by the iGWB: D:
function \CDR_backup
s as the \original_CDR
server to
back up

Basic Function
Table 11-15 lists the basic function. You need to obtain the information from office B.

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Table 11-15 Basic function information obtained from office B

Interwor Sizes of NE or device version Whether the BC fetches all CDR
king NE original files
or device CDR files

SOFTX30 953 SoftX3000 V300R001 The BC fetches the second copies of

00 final CDR files in E:\backsave
\Second\X3KF\detail only.

If the BC fetches part of CDR files only, you need to specify the channels in which the CDR files need to
be fetched in Whether the BC fetches all CDR files.

Customized Functions
Table 11-16 lists the customized functions. You need to obtain the information from office B.

Table 11-16 Customized functions information obtained from office B

Function Mandatory or Remarks

Backing up Mandatory. It is recommended to back up the CDR files to the third-

CDR files The iGWB backs up party server for security purpose.
through a all original CDR
network files to a third-party
server through a
network. The
original CDR files
are stored on the
third-party server
for 60 days.

Customizin Mandatory. You can customize the storage period of CDR files as
g a storage Customize the follows:
period of iGWB to store l Customize a fixed storage period of original CDR
CDR files original CDR files files.
and the first copies l Customize the iGWB to determine the storage period
of final CDR files of original CDR files according to the disk space.
for 15 days.
l Customize a fixed storage period of the first copies
of final CDR files.
l Customize the iGWB to determine the storage period
of the first copies of final CDR files.
l Customize the iGWB to determine the storage period
of the second copies of final CDR files.

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Function Mandatory or Remarks


Customizin Mandatory. You can customize the rules for the iGWB to generate
g rules for Customize the final CDR files as follows:
the iGWB iGWB to generate l Customize the iGWB to generate final CDR files by
to generate final CDR files at the generation interval of CDR files.
final CDR 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, By default, the iGWB generate final CDR files every
files 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 1,800 seconds.
18:00, and 21:00. l Customize the iGWB to generate final CDR files by
the size of each final CDR file.
By default, when the size of a final CDR file reaches
1 MB, the iGWB generates a new final CDR file.
l Customize the iGWB to generate final CDR files by
the date.
By default, when a date changes, the iGWB generates
final CDR files.
l Customize the iGWB to generate final CDR files at
a specific time.
l Customize the iGWB to generate final CDR files by
the number of the CDRs in a final CDR file.
l Customize the iGWB to generate the second copies
of final CDR files in real time.

Customizin Mandatory. You can customize the rules for the iGWB to name final
g the file Customize the CDR files as follows:
names of iGWB to add the l Customize the iGWB to add office information to the
final CDR number of the names of final CDR files.
files CDRs in each final l Customize the iGWB to add time information to the
CDR file to the names of final CDR files.
names of final CDR
files. l Customize the iGWB to add the number of the CDRs
in each final CDR file to the names of final CDR files.

Configurin Mandatory. Compressing CDR files can help the iGWB to

g the Customize the efficiently use the limited disk space. You can customize
iGWB to iGWB to compress the iGWB to compress the following types of CDR files:
compress the first copies of l Original CDR files
CDR files final CDR files. By default, the iGWB compresses original CDR files.
l First copies of final CDR files
l Second copies of final CDR files

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Function Mandatory or Remarks


Customizin Mandatory. You can customize the transfer mode of final CDR files
g the Customize the BC as follows:
transmissio to fetch the second l Customize the BC to fetch final CDR files from the
n ways of copies of final CDR iGWB in Pull mode.
final CDR files from the
files – Using the Pull mode through FTP
iGWB in Pull mode
through FTP. – Using the Pull mode through FTAM
l Customize the iGWB to send final CDR files to the
BC in Push mode.
– Configuring a backup task in the igwb.ini file
– Using the SmartBackup to back up CDR files

Device Information
Table 11-17 lists the device information. You need to obtain the information from office B.

Table 11-17 Device information information obtained from office B

Item Result Remarks

Whether the Yes. Standalone iGWBs are used only in some test
iGWB uses two offices or when the iGWB works with the
servers. Mediax3600.
In commercial offices, two-node iGWBs are
Standalone iGWBs cannot ensure the
continuity of generated CDR files. Therefore,
you are recommended to use two-node

Whether the serial If DELL 2950 servers You can identify the serial port according to the
port of the are used as iGWB server type. If the following types of servers
heartbeat link is servers, the heartbeat are used as iGWB servers, the heartbeat links
COM1 or COM2. links use COM1. use COM2:
l IBM x343
l IBM x3650T
l HUAWEI C4210
If other types of servers are used as iGWB
servers, the heartbeat links use COM1.

11.2.2 Configuration Plan

This topic describes how to plan the parameters according to the information obtained from an
Table 11-18 lists the parameters that you can plan according to the obtained information.

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Table 11-18 Information about planning the parameter configurations

Require Reference Parameter

Configuri 7.4 Configuring the The parameters used to configure the iGWB as a two-
ng the Two-Node iGWB node iGWB are as follows:
Two- l ClusterMode
Node Set it to 1.
l ServerNo
On the primary iGWB server, set it to 0. On the
secondary iGWB server, set it to 1.
l UserInfoUserName
It specifies the FTP user name used to synchronize
user information. Set it to Cluster.
l UserInfoPwd
It specifies the password used to synchronize user
information. Set it to zQy12cZv.
l BackupPersistUserPath
It specifies the path of the user information to be
synchronized. Set it to mml.
l VirtualIP
It is in the Resource1 section. It specifies the
virtual IP address for the iGWB Server to connect
to the NMS and the iGWB Client. Set it to
l VirtualMask
It is in the Resource1 section. It specifies the
subnet mask for the iGWB Server to connect to the
NMS and the iGWB Client. Set it to
l Port
It is in the Link2 section. It specifies the serial port
used by the heartbeat links. If DELL 2950 servers
are used as iGWB servers, set it to 1.

Configuri 7.5 Configuring a When configuring the iGWB Server to connect to the
ng a Connection Between iGWB Client, you need to set the
Connecti the iGWB Server and LocalIpToMMLClient parameter. This parameter
on the iGWB Client specifies the IP address that the iGWB Server opens
Between to the iGWB Client. Set this parameter to
and the

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Require Reference Parameter


Managin 7.6 Configuring the To configure the iGWB to manage alarms, you need
g alarms Alarms to configure alarm parameters according to the names
of the channels where the CDR files to be fetched by
the BC are stored.
According to the channel configuration file in C:
\iGWB\Config\Format\ap1, the ID of the detail
channel is 1.
When configuring alarm parameters, you need to
create the "channel1-1" section where the
FetchFileTimeOut parameter is added and set to 7.

Configuri 7.7.2 Configuring the The parameters used to configure the iGWB to receive
ng the iGWB to Receive and and process CDRs are as follows:
iGWB to Process the CDRs l APCount
Receive from the SOFTX3000 The iGWB receives the CDRs generated by the
and SOFTX3000 only. Therefore, set it to 1.
CDRs l BillRecSize
According to the information obtained from the
office, the size of each received CDR is 953 byte.
Therefore, set this parameter to 953.
l LocalIpToEx
The office does not change the default IP address
of the iGWB. Therefore, use the current setting
l LocalIpToExBak
The office does not change the default IP address
of the iGWB. Therefore, use the current setting

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Require Reference Parameter


Configuri 7.8.2 Configuring the If the BC fetches final CDR files from the iGWB in
ng the iGWB to Transmit Pull mode, notify the following information to the BC:
iGWB to Final CDR Files in Pull l IP addresses
Transmit Mode
Final – IP address allocated to network adapter 3 on
Files IP address:
Subnet mask:
– IP address allocated to network adapter 3 on
IP address:
Subnet mask:
l User names and passwords
– iGWB0
User name: BC
Password: zQy12cZv
– iGWB1
User name: BC
Password: zQy12cZv
The BC fetches all final CDR files. Therefore, you do
not need to notify the channels where final CDR files
are stored to the BC.

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Require Reference Parameter


Backing 8.3.2 Configuring the The parameters used to configure the iGWB to back
up CDR iGWB to Back Up up CDR files through a network are as follows:
files CDR Files to a Third- l BackupTaskCount
through a Party Server In this instance, the iGWB backs up original CDR
network files only. Therefore, you need to configure only
one backup task. Set it to 1.
l TaskName
In this backup task, the iGWB backs up original
CDR files. Therefore, set it to
l UserName
In this instance, set it to backupCDR.
l Password
In this instance, set it to zQy12cZv.
l DestHostIP
This parameter specifies the IP address of a third-
party server. In this instance, set it to
l LocalIP
This parameter specifies the IP address of an
iGWB server. On iGWB0, set it to On
iGWB1, set it to
l SourceDir
This parameter specifies the path of the CDR files
to be backed up by the iGWB. Typically, set it to
D:\frontsave\access point name. In this instance,
set it to D:/frontsave/X3KF.
l DestDir
This parameter specifies the path to which the CDR
files are backed up on the third-party server. Set it
to a relative path. In this instance, the default FTP
path is D:\CDR_backup and the backup path of
CDR files is D:\CDR_backup\original_CDR.
Therefore, set this parameter to /original_CDR.
l BeforeEncode
This parameter specifies whether the iGWB
encrypts the value of the Password parameter. Set
it to 1.
l DestFilesSaveDays
This parameter specifies the storage period (in
days) of CDR files that are backed up to the third-
party server. In this instance, set it to 60.

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Require Reference Parameter


Storing 8.4.4 Configuring a When configuring the iGWB to store original CDR
CDR files Fixed Storage Period files and the first copies of final CDR files for a
for a for Original CDR Files specified period of time, you need to set the
specified and the First Copies of DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter.
period of Final CDR Files The iGWB receives the CDRs generated by the
time SOFTX3000 only. In the AccessPoint1 section, set
the DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter to 15.

Generatin 8.5.5 Configuring the When configuring the iGWB to generate final CDR
g final iGWB to Generate files at a specified time, you need to set the
CDR files Final CDR Files at FinalFileTiming parameter.
at a Specified Times The BC fetches the second copies of final CDR files
specified in E:\backsave\Second\X3KF\detail only. In the
time "channel1-1" section, set the FinalFileTiming
parameter to

Naming 8.6.4 Configuring the The parameters used to configure the rules for the
final iGWB to Add the iGWB to name final CDR files are as follows:
CDR files Number of the CDRs l CsnLen
in Each Final CDR This parameter specifies the length of the serial
File to the Names of number of each final CDR file. In this instance, set
Final CDR Files it to 4.
l Infix
This parameter specifies the name infix of each
final CDR file. In this instance, set it to .%09N.

Compress 8.7.3 Configuring the The parameters used to configure the iGWB to
ing CDR iGWB to Compress compresss CDR files are as follows:
files the First Copies of l BSFirstCompress
Final CDR Files This parameter specifies the algorithm for the
iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR
files. Set it to 3.
l BSFirstCompressLevel
This parameter specifies the level for the iGWB to
compress the first copies of final CDR files. Set it
to 1.

11.2.3 Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File

This topic describes the parameter sections and the parameters in the igwb.ini file.

Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File on the Primary iGWB Server
Table 11-19 lists the parameter sections and the parameters in the igwb.ini file on the primary
iGWB server.

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In Table 11-19, the information in bold indicates the parameters differently configured on the primary and
secondary iGWB servers.

Table 11-19 Parameter sections and parameters in the igwb.ini file on the primary iGWB server
Configuration Description


APType = 5 The APType parameter specifies an access point type. If the

iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to 5.

APName = X3KF The APName parameter specifies an access point name. If the
iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to X3KF.

LocalIpToEx = The LocalIpToEx parameter specifies the IP address of the

iGWB network adapter used to form the primary link between
the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to the value of the
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource2 section.

LocalPortToEx = 9900 The LocalPortToEx parameter specifies the iGWB network

adapter used to form the primary link between the iGWB and
the SOFTX3000. Set it to 9900.

LocalIpToExBak = The LocalIpToExBak parameter specifies the IP address of the iGWB network adapter used to form the secondary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to the value
of the VirtualIP parameter in the Resource3 section.

LocalPortToExBak = 9900 The LocalPortToExBak parameter specifies the iGWB

network adapter used to form the secondary link between the
iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to 9900.

BillRecSize = 953 The BillRecSize parameter specifies the size (in bytes) of each
CDR to be processed. In this instance, set it to 953.

SaveSecond = 1 The SaveSecond parameter specifies whether the iGWB

stores two copies of final CDR files. Typically, the iGWB
stores two copies of final CDR files. The first copies are
queried through the iGWB Client. The second copies are
provided to the BC.

ProcBillCSN = 1 The ProcBillCSN parameter specifies whether the iGWB

adds the 4-byte serial number of a CDR file to the header of
the CDR file by channels. If it is set to 1, the size of each final
CDR file provided to the BC increases by four bytes.
Typically, set it according to the requirements of the BC.

MpuWindowSize = 300 The iGWB uses the Sliding Window Protocol to receive
CDRs from the SOFTX3000. The MpuWindowSize
parameter specifies the size of each sliding window.

BinAlarmSend = 1 The BinAlarmSend parameter specifies whether the iGWB

sends binary alarms. If the iGWB works with the
SOFTX3000, set it to 1.

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Configuration Description

BaseID = 3200 The BaseID parameter specifies the reference value of an

alarm ID. If the iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to

DeadLineOfAutoDel = 15 The DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter specifies the storage

period (in days) of the original CDR files and the first copies
of final CDR files on the iGWB. In this instance, set it to 15.

Prefix = .%09N The Prefix parameter specifies the name prefix of each final
CDR file. In this instance, the number of the CDRs in each
final CDR file contains 9 digits.

BSFirstCompress = 3 The BSFirstCompress parameter specifies the algorithm for

the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files. In
this instance, the iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to compress
the first copies of final CDR files.

BSFirstCompressLevel = 1 The BSFirstCompressLevel parameter specifies the level for

the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files. Use
the default value.


FetchFileTimeOut = 7 The FetchFileTimeOut parameter specifies the timeout time

for the BC to fetch final CDR files. If the timeout time reaches
its specified value, the iGWB raises an alarm. In this instance,
the BC fetches the second copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\Second\X3KF\detail only. Therefore, set the
FetchFileTimeOut parameter in the "channel1-1" section.

FinalFileTiming = The FinalFileTiming parameter specifies a time list

00:00,3:00,6:00,9:00,12:00, according to which the iGWB generates final CDR files.
15:00,18:00,21:00 Typically, the BC requires that the iGWB generate final CDR
files at specific times. To ensure that the FinalFileTiming
parameter applies to E:\backsave\Second\X3KF\detail
only, set it in the "channel1-1" section.
In this instance, set it to


APCount = 1 The APCount parameter specifies the number of the access

points to be configured. In this instance, the iGWB processes
the CDRs received from the SOFTX3000 only. Therefore, set
it to 1.

ServerNo = 0 On a two-node iGWB, the ServerNo parameter specifies

whether the current iGWB server is the primary one or the
secondary one. On the primary iGWB server, set it to 0.

ClusterMode = 1 The ClusterMode parameter specifies the running mode of

the iGWB. On a two-node iGWB, set it to 1.

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Configuration Description


HeartBeatBroken = 300 On a two-node iGWB, the HeartBeatBroken parameter

specifies the interval for the iGWB to check the heartbeat
status. Set it to 300.

HeartBeatCount = 2 On a two-node iGWB, the HeartBeatCount parameter

specifies the number of heartbeat links. Set it to 2.


Type = UDP The Type parameter specifies a heartbeat link type. For the
heartbeat links between network adapters, set it to UDP.

Name = UDP_LINK The Name parameter specifies the heartbeat link name to be
displayed on the iGWB Client. For the heartbeat links between
network adapters, set it to UDP_LINK.

LocalIP = The LocalIP parameter specifies the IP address of the local
network adapter used to form a heartbeat link between
network adapters. Typically, set it to the IP address of network
adapter 2 on the primary iGWB server. In this instance, set it

PeerIP = The PeerIP parameter specifies the IP address of the peer
network adapter used to form a heartbeat link between
network adapters. Typically, set it to the IP address of network
adapter 2 on the secondary iGWB server. In this instance, set
it to


Type = COM The Type parameter specifies a heartbeat link type. For the
heartbeat links between serial ports, set it to COM.

Name = COM_LINK The Name parameter specifies the heartbeat link name to be
displayed on the iGWB Client. For the heartbeat links between
serial ports, set it to COM_LINK.

Port = 1 The Port parameter specifies the port used to form a heartbeat
link between serial ports. In this instance, set it to 1.


UseSyncUserInfo = 1 On a two-node iGWB, the UseSyncUserInfo parameter

specifies whether the user information is synchronized
between the primary and secondary iGWB servers.

UserInfoUserName = The UserInfoUserName parameter specifies the FTP user

Cluster name used to synchronize the user information between the
primary and secondary iGWB servers. In this instance, set it
to Cluster.

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Configuration Description

UserInfoPwd = zQy12cZv The UserInfoPwd parameter specifies the password used to

synchronize the user information between the primary and
secondary iGWB servers. In this instance, set it to

BeforeEncode = 1 The BeforeEncode parameter specifies whether a password

is in plain text. Set it to 1.

BackupPersistUserPath = The BackupPersistUserPath parameter specifies the path of

mml the file where the peer user information is stored. In this
instance, the default FTP path is D:\other. Set it to mml.

LocalIpToMMLClient = The LocalIpToMMLClient parameter specifies the IP address of the iGWB network adapter used to connect the
iGWB Server to the iGWB Client. Set it to the value of the
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource1 section.

MaxConnectUserNumber = Indicates the maximum number of the iGWB Client

5 components that the current node can connect to.


InstallShareDiskArray = 0 On a two-node iGWB, the InstallShareDiskArray parameter

specifies whether the iGWB uses a shared disk array.

ResourceCount = 3 On a two-node iGWB, the ResourceCount parameter

specifies the number of the virtual IP addresses to be created.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_OMC The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 1 is used to connect
the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client and the NMS. Set it to

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 0 on the primary iGWB server.
In this instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. This virtual IP address is used to
connect the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client and the NMS.

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. This virtual
IP address is used to connect the iGWB Server to the iGWB
Client and the NMS.
In this instance, set it to

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Configuration Description

SwitchGroup = -1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the virtual IP address that is used to connect the
iGWB Server to the iGWB Client. In this instance, set it to
-1. That is, if the virtual IP address is faulty, the iGWB sends
an alarm but the primary and secondary iGWB servers are not
switched over automatically.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_PLANE1 The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 2 is used to form the
primary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 1 on the primary iGWB server.
In this instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. The primary and secondary iGWB
servers use this virtual IP address to form the primary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. The primary
and secondary iGWB servers use this subnet mask to form the
primary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = 1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the primary virtual IP address that is used to
connect the SOFTX3000. In this instance, set it to 1. That is,
if all the virtual IP addresses with the resource group number
of 1 are faulty, the iGWB sends an alarm and the primary and
secondary iGWB servers are automatically switched over.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_PLANE2 The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 3 is used to form the
secondary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set
it to IP_PLANE2.

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Configuration Description

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 1 on the primary iGWB server.
In this instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. The primary and secondary iGWB
servers use this virtual IP address to form the secondary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. The primary
and secondary iGWB servers use this subnet mask to form the
secondary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = 1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the secondary virtual IP address that is used to
connect the SOFTX3000. In this instance, set it to 1. That is,
if all the virtual IP addresses with the resource group number
of 1 are faulty, the iGWB sends an alarm and the primary and
secondary iGWB servers are automatically switched over.


BackupTaskCount = 1 In this instance, the iGWB backs up only original CDR files
through a network. Therefore, you need to configure only one
backup task. Set it to 1.


TaskName = In this backup task, the iGWB backs up original CDR files.
Netbackup_original_CDR Therefore, set it to Netbackup_original_CDR.

UserName = backupCDR The UserName parameter specifies the FTP user name used
to back up CDR files. In this instance, set it to backupCDR.

Password = zQy12cZv The Password parameter specifies the password used to back
up CDR files. In this instance, set it to zQy12cZv.

DestHostIP = The DestHostIP parameter specifies the IP address of a third-

party server. In this instance, set it to

LocalIP = The DestHostIP parameter specifies the IP address of an

iGWB server. On iGWB0, set it to

SourceDir = D:/frontsave/ The SourceDir parameter specifies the path of the CDR files
X3KF to be backed up by the iGWB. Typically, set it to D:\frontsave
\access point name. In this instance, set it to D:/frontsave/

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-37

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description

DestDir = /original_CDR The DestDir parameter specifies the path to which the CDR
files are backed up on the third-party server. Set it to a relative
path. In this instance, the default FTP path is D:
\CDR_backup and the backup path of CDR files is D:
\CDR_backup\original_CDR. Therefore, set this parameter
to /original_CDR.

BeforeEncode = 1 The BeforeEncode parameter specifies whether the iGWB

encrypts the value of the Password parameter. Set it to 1.

DestFilesSaveDays = 60 The DestFilesSaveDays parameter specifies the storage

period (in days) of CDR files that are backed up to the third-
party server. In this instance, set it to 60.

Parameter Sections and Parameters in the igwb.ini File on the Secondary iGWB
Table 11-20 lists the parameter sections and the parameters in the igwb.ini file on the secondary
iGWB server.

In Table 11-20, the information in bold indicates the parameters differently configured on the primary and
secondary iGWB servers.

Table 11-20 Parameter sections and parameters in the igwb.ini file on the secondary iGWB
Configuration Description


APType = 5 The APType parameter specifies an access point type. If the

iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to 5.

APName = X3KF The APName parameter specifies an access point name. If the
iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to X3KF.

LocalIpToEx = The LocalIpToEx parameter specifies the IP address of the

iGWB network adapter used to form the primary link between
the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to the value of the
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource2 section.

LocalPortToEx = 9900 The LocalPortToEx parameter specifies the iGWB network

adapter used to form the primary link between the iGWB and
the SOFTX3000. Set it to 9900.

LocalIpToExBak = The LocalIpToExBak parameter specifies the IP address of the iGWB network adapter used to form the secondary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to the value
of the VirtualIP parameter in the Resource3 section.

11-38 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Configuration Description

LocalPortToExBak = 9900 The LocalPortToExBak parameter specifies the iGWB

network adapter used to form the secondary link between the
iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it to 9900.

BillRecSize = 953 The BillRecSize parameter specifies the size (in bytes) of each
CDR to be processed. In this instance, set it to 953.

SaveSecond = 1 The SaveSecond parameter specifies whether the iGWB

stores two copies of final CDR files. Typically, the iGWB
stores two copies of final CDR files. The first copies are
queried through the iGWB Client. The second copies are
provided to the BC.

ProcBillCSN = 1 The ProcBillCSN parameter specifies whether the iGWB

adds the 4-byte serial number of a CDR file to the header of
the CDR file by channels. If it is set to 1, the size of each final
CDR file provided to the BC increases by four bytes.
Typically, set it according to the requirements of the BC.

MpuWindowSize = 300 The iGWB uses the Sliding Window Protocol to receive
CDRs from the SOFTX3000. The MpuWindowSize
parameter specifies the size of each sliding window.

BinAlarmSend = 1 The BinAlarmSend parameter specifies whether the iGWB

sends binary alarms. If the iGWB works with the
SOFTX3000, set it to 1.

BaseID = 3200 The BaseID parameter specifies the reference value of an

alarm ID. If the iGWB works with the SOFTX3000, set it to

DeadLineOfAutoDel = 15 The DeadLineOfAutoDel parameter specifies the storage

period (in days) of the original CDR files and the first copies
of final CDR files on the iGWB. In this instance, set it to 15.

Prefix = .%09N The Prefix parameter specifies the name prefix of each final
CDR file. In this instance, the number of the CDRs in each
final CDR file contains 9 digits.

BSFirstCompress = 3 The BSFirstCompress parameter specifies the algorithm for

the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files. In
this instance, the iGWB uses the GZIP algorithm to compress
the first copies of final CDR files.

BSFirstCompressLevel = 1 The BSFirstCompressLevel parameter specifies the level for

the iGWB to compress the first copies of final CDR files. Use
the default value.


Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-39

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description

FetchFileTimeOut = 7 The FetchFileTimeOut parameter specifies the timeout time

for the BC to fetch final CDR files. If the timeout time reaches
its specified value, the iGWB raises an alarm. In this instance,
the BC fetches the second copies of final CDR files in E:
\backsave\Second\X3KF\detail only. Therefore, set the
FetchFileTimeOut parameter in the "channel1-1" section.

FinalFileTiming = The FinalFileTiming parameter specifies a time list

00:00,3:00,6:00,9:00,12:00, according to which the iGWB generates final CDR files.
15:00,18:00,21:00 Typically, the BC requires that the iGWB generate final CDR
files at specific times. To ensure that the FinalFileTiming
parameter applies to E:\backsave\Second\X3KF\detail
only, set it in the "channel1-1" section.
In this instance, set it to


APCount = 1 The APCount parameter specifies the number of the access

points to be configured. In this instance, the iGWB processes
the CDRs received from the SOFTX3000 only. Therefore, set
it to 1.

ServerNo = 1 On a two-node iGWB, the ServerNo parameter specifies

whether the current iGWB server is the primary one or the
secondary one. On the secondary iGWB server, set it to 1.

ClusterMode = 1 The ClusterMode parameter specifies the running mode of

the iGWB. On a two-node iGWB, set it to 1.


HeartBeatBroken = 300 On a two-node iGWB, the HeartBeatBroken parameter

specifies the interval for the iGWB to check the heartbeat
status. Set it to 300.

HeartBeatCount = 2 On a two-node iGWB, the HeartBeatCount parameter

specifies the number of heartbeat links. Set it to 2.


Type = UDP The Type parameter specifies a heartbeat link type. For the
heartbeat links between network adapters, set it to UDP.

Name = UDP_LINK The Name parameter specifies the heartbeat link name to be
displayed on the iGWB Client. For the heartbeat links between
network adapters, set it to UDP_LINK.

LocalIP = The LocalIP parameter specifies the IP address of the local
network adapter used to form a heartbeat link between
network adapters. Typically, set it to the IP address of network
adapter 2 on the secondary iGWB server. In this instance, set
it to

11-40 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Configuration Description

PeerIP = The PeerIP parameter specifies the IP address of the peer
network adapter used to form a heartbeat link between
network adapters. Typically, set it to the IP address of network
adapter 2 on the primary iGWB server. In this instance, set it


Type = COM The Type parameter specifies a heartbeat link type. For the
heartbeat links between serial ports, set it to COM.

Name = COM_LINK The Name parameter specifies the heartbeat link name to be
displayed on the iGWB Client. For the heartbeat links between
serial ports, set it to COM_LINK.

Port = 1 The Port parameter specifies the port used to form a heartbeat
link between serial ports. In this instance, set it to 1.


UseSyncUserInfo = 1 On a two-node iGWB, the UseSyncUserInfo parameter

specifies whether the user information is synchronized
between the primary and secondary iGWB servers.

UserInfoUserName = The UserInfoUserName parameter specifies the FTP user

Cluster name used to synchronize the user information between the
primary and secondary iGWB servers. In this instance, set it
to Cluster.

UserInfoPwd = zQy12cZv The UserInfoPwd parameter specifies the password used to

synchronize the user information between the primary and
secondary iGWB servers. In this instance, set it to

BeforeEncode = 1 The BeforeEncode parameter specifies whether a password

is in plain text. Set it to 1.

BackupPersistUserPath = The BackupPersistUserPath parameter specifies the path of

mml the file where the peer user information is stored. In this
instance, the default FTP path is D:\other. Set it to mml.

LocalIpToMMLClient = The LocalIpToMMLClient parameter specifies the IP address of the iGWB network adapter used to connect the
iGWB Server to the iGWB Client. Set it to the value of the
VirtualIP parameter in the Resource1 section.

MaxConnectUserNumber = Indicates the maximum number of the iGWB Client

5 components that the current node can connect to.


InstallShareDiskArray = 0 On a two-node iGWB, the InstallShareDiskArray parameter

specifies whether the iGWB uses a shared disk array.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-41

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description

ResourceCount = 3 On a two-node iGWB, the ResourceCount parameter

specifies the number of the virtual IP addresses to be created.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_OMC The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 1 is used to connect
the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client and the NMS. Set it to

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 0 on the secondary iGWB server. In this
instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. This virtual IP address is used to
connect the iGWB Server to the iGWB Client and the NMS.

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. This virtual
IP address is used to connect the iGWB Server to the iGWB
Client and the NMS.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = -1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the virtual IP address that is used to connect the
iGWB Server to the iGWB Client. In this instance, set it to
-1. That is, if the virtual IP address is faulty, the iGWB sends
an alarm but the primary and secondary iGWB servers are not
switched over automatically.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_PLANE1 The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 2 is used to form the
primary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set it

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 1 on the secondary iGWB server. In this
instance, set it to

11-42 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server

Configuration Description

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. The primary and secondary iGWB
servers use this virtual IP address to form the primary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. The primary
and secondary iGWB servers use this subnet mask to form the
primary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = 1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the primary virtual IP address that is used to
connect the SOFTX3000. In this instance, set it to 1. That is,
if all the virtual IP addresses with the resource group number
of 1 are faulty, the iGWB sends an alarm and the primary and
secondary iGWB servers are automatically switched over.


ResType = IP The ResType parameter specifies a resource type. For

iGWBs, you need to configure virtual IP addresses only. Set
it to IP.

ResName = IP_PLANE2 The ResName parameter specifies a resource name. The

virtual IP address configured on resource 3 is used to form the
secondary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000. Set
it to IP_PLANE2.

OrginalIP = The OrginalIP parameter specifies the original IP address of

an IP-type resource. Set it to the configured IP address of
network adapter 1 on the secondary iGWB server. In this
instance, set it to

VirtualIP = The VirtualIP parameter specifies the virtual IP address to be

generated by the iGWB. The primary and secondary iGWB
servers use this virtual IP address to form the secondary link
between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.

VirtualMask = The VirtualMask parameter specifies the subnet mask of the virtual IP address to be generated by the iGWB. The primary
and secondary iGWB servers use this subnet mask to form the
secondary link between the iGWB and the SOFTX3000.
In this instance, set it to

SwitchGroup = 1 The SwitchGroup parameter specifies the resource group

number of the secondary virtual IP address that is used to
connect the SOFTX3000. In this instance, set it to 1. That is,
if all the virtual IP addresses with the resource group number
of 1 are faulty, the iGWB sends an alarm and the primary and
secondary iGWB servers are automatically switched over.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-43

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11 Instances of Configuring the iGWB Server User Manual

Configuration Description


BackupTaskCount = 1 In this instance, the iGWB backs up only original CDR files
through a network. Therefore, you need to configure only one
backup task. Set it to 1.


TaskName = In this backup task, the iGWB backs up original CDR files.
Netbackup_original_CDR Therefore, set it to Netbackup_original_CDR.

UserName = backupCDR The UserName parameter specifies the FTP user name used
to back up CDR files. In this instance, set it to backupCDR.

Password = zQy12cZv The Password parameter specifies the password used to back
up CDR files. In this instance, set it to zQy12cZv.

DestHostIP = The DestHostIP parameter specifies the IP address of a third-

party server. In this instance, set it to

LocalIP = The LocalIP parameter specifies the IP address of an iGWB

server. On iGWB1, set it to

SourceDir = D:/frontsave/ The SourceDir parameter specifies the path of the CDR files
X3KF to be backed up by the iGWB. Typically, set it to D:\frontsave
\access point name. In this instance, set it to D:/frontsave/

DestDir = /original_CDR The DestDir parameter specifies the path to which the CDR
files are backed up on the third-party server. Set it to a relative
path. In this instance, the default FTP path is D:
\CDR_backup and the backup path of CDR files is D:
\CDR_backup\original_CDR. Therefore, set this parameter
to /original_CDR.

BeforeEncode = 1 The BeforeEncode parameter specifies whether the iGWB

encrypts the value of the Password parameter. Set it to 1.

DestFilesSaveDays = 60 The DestFilesSaveDays parameter specifies the storage

period (in days) of CDR files that are backed up to the third-
party server. In this instance, set it to 60.

11-44 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 12 FAQ

12 FAQ

About This Chapter

12.1 Why I Cannot Log In to the iGWB Client?

Why I cannot log in to the iGWB Client through the iGWB Client or iGWB Parameter Config
12.2 Why the Modified Parameter Settings of a iGWB Server do not take effect?
Why the parameter settings of a iGWB server do not take effect after modification?
12.3 Can I Edit the igwb.ini File with a Text Editor?
During deployment or maintenance, can I edit the igwb.ini file with a text editor such as the
Notepad to modify parameter settings?
12.4 Can I Complete Basic Configuration and Advanced Configuration at a Time?
The efficiency of the configuration methods recommended in the document is low. Can I
complete basic configuration and advanced configuration at a time?
12.5 Can I Load the igwb.ini File of Another Office?
During office deployment or maintenance, can I load the igwb.ini file of another office so as to
directly apply the parameter settings to the current office?
12.6 Can I Initialize the Final CDR File Name?
Before cutover, the iGWB already starts processing CDR files. In this case, the name of a final
CDR file is not the original b00000001.dat. How to initialize the name of the first copies of
final CDR file generated after commercial use, that is, name it b00000001.dat?

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-1

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12 FAQ User Manual

12.1 Why I Cannot Log In to the iGWB Client?

Why I cannot log in to the iGWB Client through the iGWB Client or iGWB Parameter Config
To solve this problem, see the iGWB Troubleshooting.

12.2 Why the Modified Parameter Settings of a iGWB Server

do not take effect?
Why the parameter settings of a iGWB server do not take effect after modification?
The possible causes are:
l The parameters were not modified on the iGWB Parameter Config Console.
When the igwb.ini file was modified with a text editor such as Notepad, the file or a
parameter was renamed.
l The modified parameter settings were not saved.
l The file contains identical parameter sections.
For example, the igwb.ini file contains two DiskFile sections. In this case, the iGWB uses
only the DiskFile section that was earlier created.
l The iGWB server is not activated.
To solve this problem, manually activate the iGWB server.
l The parameter settings of the other iGWB server were not modified accordingly.
This causes inconsistent parameter settings on the primary and secondary iGWB servers.
The other iGWB server can run properly after switchover, but the parameters that take
effect on this iGWB server are different from those on the previous iGWB server.

12.3 Can I Edit the igwb.ini File with a Text Editor?

During deployment or maintenance, can I edit the igwb.ini file with a text editor such as the
Notepad to modify parameter settings?
It is not recommended to edit igwb.ini file with a text editor such as the Notepad. Otherwise,
the following problems may occur:
l If the igwb.ini is renamed, the iGWB server cannot be activated.
l If a parameter is renamed, the parameter setting cannot take effect.

To avoid these problems, it is recommended to edit the igwb.ini file on the iGWB iGWB
Parameter Config Console.

12.4 Can I Complete Basic Configuration and Advanced

Configuration at a Time?
The efficiency of the configuration methods recommended in the document is low. Can I
complete basic configuration and advanced configuration at a time?

12-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 12 FAQ

For ease of locating problems, it is recommended to perform multiple configuration tasks to

configure the parameters in igwb.ini.
The principles for performing configuration tasks described in the iGWB Configuration Guide
are as follows:
l Earlier configuration tasks should enable the iGWB to run properly. In addition, the
iGWB can implement basic functions after basic configuration is complete.
In this case, you need to perform switchover only after all the tasks in basic configuraion
are complete to make the configuration take effect.
l Based on the premise that basic configuration is complete successfully, configure the
functions in advanced configuration one by one.
In this case, you need to perform switchover each time when a task in advanced
configuration is complete to make the configuration take effect.
For users who are very familiar with the iGWB, they can complete basic configuration and
advanced configuration at a time. This improves configuration efficiency.

12.5 Can I Load the igwb.ini File of Another Office?

During office deployment or maintenance, can I load the igwb.ini file of another office so as to
directly apply the parameter settings to the current office?
You can load the igwb.ini file of another office. When loading the igwb.ini file, follow these
1. Make sure that the parameter settings of the igwb.ini file of another office are applicable.
2. Based on the office requirements, define the check items and key check items after
3. Back up the igwb.ini file of the current office. For details, see 9 Backing Up the
Configurations of the iGWB Server.
4. Import the igwb.ini file based on the instructions given in 10.3 Rolling Back to the Backed
Up Parameter Settings.
5. Based on the office requirements, modify the relevant parameters.
6. Check the basic parameter settings based on the instructions given in 7.12 Checking the
Basic Parameter Settings of the iGWB Server.
7. Complete the check items that are previously defined.

12.6 Can I Initialize the Final CDR File Name?

Before cutover, the iGWB already starts processing CDR files. In this case, the name of a final
CDR file is not the original b00000001.dat. How to initialize the name of the first copies of
final CDR file generated after commercial use, that is, name it b00000001.dat?
It is not recommended to give the name of b00000001.dat to the first copies of final CDR file
generated after commercial use, because a problem may occur and commercial use may fail.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-3

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12 FAQ User Manual

The following operations are risky, so you need to perform them with caution. Otherwise, the
iGWB may fail to run.

You can give the name b00000001.dat to the first copies of final CDR file generated after
commercial use only after completing the following operations:
1. In the OSs of the primary and secondary iGWB servers, stop the Process Watch Dog
Service service.
2. Stop the iGWB service on the primary and secondary iGWB servers.
3. Cut the CDR files and status files from the following folders and then copy the files to other
l D:\frontsave
l D:\StatusFile
l E:\backsave
l E:\StatusFileB
4. In the OSs of the primary and secondary iGWB servers, start the Process Watch Dog
Service service.
5. Start the iGWB service on the primary iGWB server.

12-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

About This Chapter

This topic describes the parameters commonly used in the igwb.ini file.
13.1 Parameters in Alphabetic Order
This topic lists the parameters in alphabetic order.
13.2 Parameters by Function
This topic lists the parameters by function.
13.3 Parameter List
This topic describes the parameters used in the parameter configuration file by section.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-1

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

13.1 Parameters in Alphabetic Order

This topic lists the parameters in alphabetic order.
























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Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-3

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual








LocalIP(used to configure the backup task)

LocalIP(used to configure the heartbeat link)
















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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual
























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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server


13.2 Parameters by Function

This topic lists the parameters by function.
13.2.1 Parameters for Managing the Two-Node iGWB Servers
This topic describes the parameters configured for managing the two-node iGWB servers, such
as the runtime priority, heartbeat link, user information synchronization, and virtual IP address.
13.2.2 Parameters of the iGWB Client
This topic describes the parameters configured for managing the iGWB Client, such as the
settings related to the connection between the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server and the number
of iGWB Client components that the iGWB Server can connect to.
13.2.3 Alarm Parameters
This topic describes the parameters for managing alarms, such as the alarm triggering conditions,
alarm recover conditions, alarm monitoring path, and alarm sending mode.
13.2.4 Parameters for Receiving and Sending CDR Files
This topic describes the parameters for receiving and sending CDR files. These parameters are
configured in the AccessPoint%d section and are thus called the access point parameters.
13.2.5 Parameters for Caching CDR Files
This topic describes the parameters for caching CDR files on the iGWB, such as the cache
interval and compression storage mode.
13.2.6 Parameters for Generating Final CDR Files
This topic describes the parameters for generating final CDR files, such as the time, file size,
and number of files.
13.2.7 Parameters for Managing the Names of Final CDR Files
This topic describes the parameters for managing the names of final CDR files.
13.2.8 Parameters for the iGWB to Back Up CDR Files Through Network
This topic describes the parameters that are configured for the iGWB to back up CDR files
through network. These parameters are used to configure one or multiple backup tasks and are
thus called backup task parameters.
13.2.9 Parameters for the iGWB to Control the CDR Backup Time
This topic describes the parameters that are configured for the iGWB to control the CDR backup
13.2.10 Parameters for the iGWB to Compress Backed Up CDR Files Through Network
This topic describes the parameters configured for the iGWB to compress backed up CDR files
through network.
13.2.11 Parameters for the Meter CDRs
The parameters of the meter CDRs are used to manage the meter CDRs, including specifying
the storage paths and invocating the format database for the CDRs.
13.2.12 Parameters for Call log

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-7

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

The parameters in the Call log parameter section are used to manage the configuration of the
network connecting to the Calllog Server, including the management for the bs_proc process,
and for the settings of the connection to the Calllog Server.

13.2.1 Parameters for Managing the Two-Node iGWB Servers

This topic describes the parameters configured for managing the two-node iGWB servers, such
as the runtime priority, heartbeat link, user information synchronization, and virtual IP address.








LocalIP(used to configure the heartbeat link)

















13-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

13.2.2 Parameters of the iGWB Client

This topic describes the parameters configured for managing the iGWB Client, such as the
settings related to the connection between the iGWB Client and the iGWB Server and the number
of iGWB Client components that the iGWB Server can connect to.








13.2.3 Alarm Parameters

This topic describes the parameters for managing alarms, such as the alarm triggering conditions,
alarm recover conditions, alarm monitoring path, and alarm sending mode.














13.2.4 Parameters for Receiving and Sending CDR Files

This topic describes the parameters for receiving and sending CDR files. These parameters are
configured in the AccessPoint%d section and are thus called the access point parameters.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-9

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual
























13.2.5 Parameters for Caching CDR Files

This topic describes the parameters for caching CDR files on the iGWB, such as the cache
interval and compression storage mode.





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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server









13.2.6 Parameters for Generating Final CDR Files

This topic describes the parameters for generating final CDR files, such as the time, file size,
and number of files.







13.2.7 Parameters for Managing the Names of Final CDR Files

This topic describes the parameters for managing the names of final CDR files.






13.2.8 Parameters for the iGWB to Back Up CDR Files Through

This topic describes the parameters that are configured for the iGWB to back up CDR files
through network. These parameters are used to configure one or multiple backup tasks and are
thus called backup task parameters.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-11

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual







LocalIP(used to configure the backup task)





13.2.9 Parameters for the iGWB to Control the CDR Backup Time
This topic describes the parameters that are configured for the iGWB to control the CDR backup







13.2.10 Parameters for the iGWB to Compress Backed Up CDR Files

Through Network
This topic describes the parameters configured for the iGWB to compress backed up CDR files
through network.







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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

13.2.11 Parameters for the Meter CDRs

The parameters of the meter CDRs are used to manage the meter CDRs, including specifying
the storage paths and invocating the format database for the CDRs.











13.2.12 Parameters for Call log

The parameters in the Call log parameter section are used to manage the configuration of the
network connecting to the Calllog Server, including the management for the bs_proc process,
and for the settings of the connection to the Calllog Server.










13.3 Parameter List

This topic describes the parameters used in the parameter configuration file by section.

13.3.1 AccessPoint%d Section

This topic describes the parameters of the AccessPoint%d section.
13.3.2 BS Section

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-13

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

This topic describes the parameters in the BS parameter section. .

13.3.3 BSTask%d Section
This topic describes the parameters in the BSTask%d parameter section.
13.3.4 BSList%d Section
This topic describes the parameters in the BSList%d parameter section.
13.3.5 BackupTask%d Section
This topic describes the parameters in the BackupTask%d section.
13.3.6 Channel%d-%d Section
This topic describes the parameters in the Channel%d-%d section.
13.3.7 Cluster Section
This topic describes the parameters in the Cluster section.
13.3.8 Common Section
This topic describes the parameters in the Common section.
13.3.9 DiskFile Section
This topic describes the parameters in the DiskFile section.
13.3.10 Kernel Section
This topic describes the parameters in the Kernel parameter section.
13.3.11 Link%d Section
This topic describes the parameters in the Link%d section.
13.3.12 MML Section
This topic describes the parameters in the MML section.
13.3.13 MeterAcc Section
This topic describes the parameters in the MeterAcc parameter section.
13.3.14 MeterAccTask%d Section
This topic describes the parameters in the MeterAccTask%d parameter section.
13.3.15 NetBackup Section
This topic describes the parameters in the NetBackup section.
13.3.16 OM Section
This topic describes the parameters in the OM section. .
13.3.17 Perf Section
This topic describes the parameters in the Perf section.
13.3.18 Resource%d Section
This topic describes the parameters in the Resource%d section.

13.3.1 AccessPoint%d Section

This topic describes the parameters of the AccessPoint%d section.


The priorities for the parameters to take effect in different sections are:
channel%d-%d > AccessPoint%d > DiskFile

13-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

BillRecSize Indicates the length of an original CDR If the format library

file that the access point needs to is modified, and
process. format library is
[Default value]: 261 bytes correct. please refer
the value of Original
CDR length in C:
\Readme.txt to
modify the value of

BackSavePatchName Indicates the name of the backsave To determine

patch. whether to add this
The backsave patch is stored in C: parameter and
\iGWB. For details, see the Version specify a value, see
Upgrade Instructions. the iGWB Version
[Maximum length]: 128 characters Instructions.
[Default value]: null If you already know
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, the backsave patch to
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d be called, set the
value to the file name
(without the
extension) of the
backsave patch. For
example, to use the
backsave patch, set
the value to

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-15

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

flowcontrol Indicates whether to enable the special It is recommended to

processing mode of heavy traffic. The use the default value.
speed of the CDR conversion module To enable the
in the access point process is quicker processing mode, the
than the read-write speed of the CDR following
in the backsave module, so heavy requirements should
traffic causes too many CDR in the be met:
memory. In this case, the iGWB
generates the "ALM-3257 iGWB l The backsave
Insufficient Available Memory" alarm patch is called.
and even the "ALM-3229 iGWB l When the traffic is
Insufficient Available Memory heavy, the
(Major)" alarm. To avoid this SOFTX3000
condition, you need to enable the generates 1000
special processing mode of heavy CDRs per second.
traffic. l The "ALM-3257
[Value range]: iGWB
l 0 Insufficient
Not to enable the mode. Available
Memory" or
l 1 "ALM-3229
To enable the mode. iGWB
[Default value]: 0 Insufficient
alarm is
When the special
processing mode of
heavy traffic is
enabled, the CDR
performance of the
iGWB is reduced.
Therefore, use this
mode only in memory

13-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

APName Indicates the access point name. The It is recommended to

access point name constitutes the use the current value.
accesspoint part of the CDR storage NOTE
path. For example: This parameter
contains the
l D:\frontsave\accesspoint
information about the
l D:\StatusFile\accesspoint path in which the
CDR files and the
l E:\backsave\accesspoint status files are stored.
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint Therefore, you cannot
modify this parameter
l E:\StatusFileB\accesspoint after it is in
commercial use.
Usually, the access points are
abbreviated as follows:
l X3KC
Abbreviated for CSOFTX3000.
l X3KF
Abbreviated for SOFTX3000.
l X3KM
Abbreviated for MSOFTX3000.
Abbreviated for MSE9830.
Indicates the UMG8900.
Abbreviated for Mediax3600.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Current value]: X3KF
[Default value]: null

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-17

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

APType Indicates the access point type. It is recommended to

The values are: use the current value.
l -1
Invalid parameter
l 0
C&C08 (128-mode)
l 1
l 2
l 3
GGSN and SGSN that connects to
the PS domain
l 5
A device that connects to the CS
domain. The devices include
SOFTX3000, CSOFTX3000,
MSOFTX3000, MSE9830,
UMG8900, and Mediax3600.
l 6
l 9
Used to process the CDRs of the call
session control function (CSCF)
entity in the IP multimedia
subsystem (IMS) domain
[Current value]: 5, ,
[Default value]: -1

LocalIpToEx Indicates the local IP address through It is recommended to

which the iGWB connects to the use the current value.
primary link of the SOFTX3000. The
value must be consistent with the value
of the VirtualIP parameter in the
Resource2 section.
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

LocalIpToExBak Indicates the local IP address through It is recommended to

which the iGWB connects to the use the current value.
secondary link of the SOFTX3000. The
value must be consistent with the value
of the VirtualIP parameter in the
Resource3 section.
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

13-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalPortToEx Indicates the port of the primary link on Avoid port collision
which the iGWB communicates with when you configure
the device or NE that generates the the port for the
CDRs. Associated with the iGWB to
LocalIpToEx parameter, this communicate with
parameter is used to configure the IP the device or NE
address and port number for the generating CDRs.
primary link that receives CDRs. Observe the
The values are: following rules:
The port number should be negotiated l When multiple
with the device or NE that generates access points are
CDRs. The commonly used settings are configured, the
as follows: value of
l 3386 of each access
Use this port number when the point should be
iGWB works with the GGSN and unique.
the SGSN.
l If multiple access
l 9900 points are
Use this port number when the configured, the
iGWB works with the SOFTX3000. value of
l 9901 LocalPortToEx
Use this port number when the Bak of each
iGWB works with the access point
MSOFTX3000 and the MSE9830. should be unique.
l 9902 l When the values
Use this port number when the of LocalIpToEx
iGWB works with the and
CSOFTX3000. LocalIpToExBa
l 9903 k in an access
Use this port number when the point are set to the
iGWB works with the UMG8900. same IP address,
the value of
l 9904 LocalPortToEx
Use this port number when the should be
iGWB works with the MediaX3600. different from that
[Default value]: 9900 of
l If a parameter is
not configured,
use the default
For example, if
parameter in the
section is not

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-19

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

configured, the
default value
9900 is used.

13-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalPortToExBak Indicates the port of the secondary link Avoid port collision
on which the iGWB communicates when you configure
with the device or NE that generates the the port for the
CDRs. Associated with the iGWB to
LocalIpToExBak parameter, this communicate with
parameter is used to configure the IP the device or NE
address and port number for the generating CDRs.
secondary link that receives CDRs. Observe the
The values are: following rules:
The port number should be negotiated l When multiple
with the device or NE that generates access points are
CDRs. The commonly used settings are configured, the
as follows: value of
l 3386 of each access
Use this port number when the point should be
iGWB works with the GGSN and unique.
the SGSN.
l If multiple access
l 9900 points are
Use this port number when the configured, the
iGWB works with the SOFTX3000. value of
l 9901 LocalPortToEx
Use this port number when the Bak of each
iGWB works with the access point
MSOFTX3000 and the MSE9830. should be unique.
l 9902 l When the values
Use this port number when the of LocalIpToEx
iGWB works with the and
CSOFTX3000. LocalIpToExBa
l 9903 k in an access
Use this port number when the point are set to the
iGWB works with the UMG8900. same IP address,
the value of
l 9904 LocalPortToEx
Use this port number when the should be
works with the Mediax3600. different from that
[Default value]: 9900 of
l If a parameter is
not configured,
use the default
For example, if
parameter in the
section is not

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-21

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

configured, the
default value
9900 is used.

SaveSecond Indicates whether to save the final It is recommended to

CDR files in the following paths: use the current value.
l E:\backsave\accesspoint
The first copies of final CDR files
are stored in this path.
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint
The second copies of final CDR files
are stored in this path. The second
copies of final CDR files are
provided to the BC.
The values are:
l 0
Only the first copies of final CDR
files are saved.
l 1
The first and second copies of final
CDR files are saved.
[Current value]: 1
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

ProcBillCSN Indicates whether to add the four-byte It is recommended to

serial number to the CDR header by use the current value.
channel. If you set the value to
l 0 1, the sizes of the
To add the serial number. final CDRs are four
l 1 bytes bigger than the
Not to add the serial number. original sizes.
Before modifying
[Current value]: 1 the value, you need
[Default value]: 0 to negotiate with the

MpuWindowSize The iGWB and SOFTX3000 use the It is recommended to

Sliding Window Protocol to transmit use the current value.
CDR files. The parameter specifies the
maximum number of CDRs that the
sliding window can receive at a time.
[Current value]: 300
[Default value]: 150

13-22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalPortToGateway Indicates the IP address of the port It is recommended to

through which the iGWB receives use the default value.
CDR files from the UMG8900. NOTE
[Default value]: 9909 l When you set
multiple access
points to receive
CDRs from the
UMG8900, make
sure that the port
numbers do not
collide with each
l When a software
application with
the firewall is
installed, the port
number may be
modified. In this
case, the iGWB
may not run
l Add this
parameter when
the iGWB
interconnects with
the UMG8900.

LocalIPtoGateway Indicates the local IP address through Add this parameter

which the iGWB receives CDR files and set its value to
from the UMG8900. The value must be when
consistent with the value of the the iGWB attempts
VirtualIP parameter in the to receive CDR files
Resource3 section. from the UMG8900.
[Default value]:

GatewayIDFilePath Indicates the ID configuration file of It is recommended to

the UMG8900. use the default value.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters NOTE
To access multiple
[Default value] ./Config/GatewayID/ UMG8900 CDRs,
GatewayIDs.ini you need to create
multiple ID
configuration files
and create multiple
access point
parameters in

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-23

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

FetchFileTimeOut Indicates the timeout time for the BC Set the value
to fetch CDR files from the iGWB. If according to the
the BC does not fetch CDR files from traffic volume of the
the iGWB in the specified time, the office. If the traffic
iGWB generates the "ALM- 3203 BS volume is unknown,
Not Fetch CDRs For A Long Time" it is recommended to
alarm. set the value to 7.
[Value range]:
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is
l 1-60 (minutes)
Indicates the threshold for
determining whether the iGWB
generates the "ALM- 3203 BS Not
Fetch CDRs For A Long Time"
alarm. For example, if you set the
value of FetchFileTimeOut to 7, it
indicates that the iGWB generates
an alarm if the BC does not fetch
CDR files within seven minutes.
[Default value]: 0 minutes
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

BinAlarmSend Indicates whether binary alarms are When the iGWB

sent. Binary alarms are sent to the works with the
BAM. SOFTX3000, set the
The values are: value to 1.
l 0
Binary alarms are not sent.
l 1
Binary alarms are sent.
[Default value]: 0

13-24 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

BaseID Indicates the first two digits of an alarm Specify a value

ID. according to the
For example, for alarm 01, the alarm ID devices or NEs that
is 3201 when the iGWB works with all the iGWB works
the devices or NEs in the CS domain. with.
The alarm ID is 0001 when the iGWB l Set the value to
works with all the devices or NEs in the 3200 when the
PS domain. iGWB works with
[Value range]: all the devices or
NEs in the CS
l 0 domain.
Indicates that the first two digits of
the alarm ID are set to 00. Use this l Set the value to 0
value when the iGWB works with all when the iGWB
the devices or NEs in the PS domain. works with all the
devices or NEs in
l 3200 the PS domain.
Indicates that the first two digits of
the alarm ID are set to 32. Use this
value when the iGWB works with all
the devices or NEs in the CS domain.
[Default value]: 0

OrigBillSaveDays Indicates the number of days for which Set the value
the original CDR files are stored. If the according to the
value is exceeded, the iGWB deletes traffic volume of the
the original CDR file that was earliest office. If the traffic
generated. volume is unknown,
The values are: it is recommended to
set the value to 7.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is
The differences
invalid. between
l 7-180 (days) OrigBillSaveDays
Indicates that original CDR files can and
be stored for 7-180 days. l are as follows:
[Default value]: 0 l OrigBillSaveDay
[Similar parameter]: s specifies the days
DeadLineOfAutoDel for storing original
CDR files only.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
l DeadLineOfAuto
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d Del specifies the
storage period for
original CDR files
and the first copies
of final CDR files.
l The priority of
s is higher than
that of

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

DeadLineOfAutoDel Indicates the storage period for original Set the value
CDR files and the first copies of final according to the
CDR files. If the storage period traffic volume of the
exceeds the specified value, the office. If the traffic
iGWB deletes the earliest original volume is unknown,
CDR files and the first copies of final it is recommended to
CDR files by date folder. set the value to 7
[Value range]: 7-180 (days) NOTE
The differences
[Default value]: 7 (days) between
[Similar parameter]: OrigBillSaveDays
OrigBillSaveDays and
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, l are as follows:
AccessPoint%d, and Channel%d-% l OrigBillSaveDay
d s specifies the days
for storing original
CDR files only.
l DeadLineOfAuto
Del specifies the
storage period for
original CDR files
and the first copies
of final CDR files.
l The priority of
s is higher than
that of

SecondBillDeadLineO- Indicates the number of days for which Set the value
fAutoDel the second copies of final CDR files are according to the
stored. If the value is exceeded, the traffic volume of the
iGWB deletes the second copy of CDR office. If the traffic
files that was earliest generated. volume is unknown,
The values are: it is recommended to
set the value to 7
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is
l 7-180 (days)
Indicates the number of days for
which the second copies of final
CDR files can be stored.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

13-26 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileMaxTime Indicates whether to generate final It is recommended to

CDR files according to the fixed time use the default value.
period. When the current final CDR file
is generated, the iGWB automatically
generates a new final CDR file in the
set time period. In general, this time
period is regarded as one of the
conditions for generating final CDR
[Value range] 5-3600s
[Default value]: 1800s
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

FinalFileMaxSize Indicates whether to generate final It is recommended to

CDR files according to the fixed size. use the default value.
When the size of a temporary CDR file
reaches the configured value, the
iGWB generates a new final CDR file.
In general, the file size is regarded as
one of the conditions for generating
final CDR files.
The values are:
l 64-51200 KB
When the size of a temporary CDR
file reaches this value, the iGWB
automatically generates a final CDR
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is
invalid and that the iGWB can
generate an empty final CDR file.
To generate an empty final CDR
file, use this parameter together with
the GenEmptyFile parameter.
l -1
Indicates that the parameter is
invalid and that the iGWB cannot
generate an empty final CDR file.
[Default value]: 1024 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-27

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

ZeroProductFile Indicates whether to generate final It is recommended to

CDR files in wee hours of the morning. use the default value.
At 00:00 in the morning every day, the NOTE
iGWB automatically outputs all The
temporary CDR files as final CDR ZeroProductFile
files. In general, the parameter is parameter does not
take effect when the
regarded as one of the conditions for
value of the
generating final CDR files. FinalFileTiming
[Value range]: parameter is 00:00.

l 1
Indicates that the iGWB outputs
final CDR files at 00:00 in the
morning every day.
l 0
Indicates that the iGWB does not
output final CDR files at 00:00 in the
morning every day.
[Default value]: 1
[Effects on other parameters]: When
the value of FinalFileTiming is set to
00:00, the ZeroProductFile parameter
does not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

FinalFileTiming Indicates the time period at which the Configure this

iGWB generates final CDR files parameter based on
periodically every day. A maximum of the requirements of
12 time periods can be configured. At the carriers.
the specified time period, the iGWB
outputs all temporary CDR files as
final CDR files.
[Value range]: The value is in the
format of HH:MM. To set multiple
values, use commas to saperate them.
[Default value]: null
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value is set to 00:00, the
ZeroProductFile parameter does not
take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

13-28 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

RecordThreshold Indicates whether to generate a final Configure this

CDR file according to the fixed number parameter based on
of CDRs. When the number of CDRs the requirements of
in a temporary CDR file reaches the the carriers.
configured value, the iGWB generates
a new final CDR file.
The values are:
l 50-20000
Indicates that the iGWB
automatically generates a final CDR
file when the number of CDRs in a
temporary CDR file reaches the
configured value.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-29

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

Prefix Indicates the prefix of a final CDR file Configure this

(configured in the DiskFile, parameter based on
AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%d the requirements of
section) and a metering CDR file the carriers.
(configured in the MeterAcc or
MeterAccTask%d section).
The values are:
l String
Used to add office information to the
names of final CDR files.
l Wildcards
The detailed options are as follows:
– %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
– %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
– %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
– %d
Indicates the day of a month in
two digits.
– %H
Indicate the hour in two digits.
The value ranges from 0 to 23.
– %I
Indicates the hour in two digits.
The value ranges from 1 to 12.
This wildcard must be used
together with %P.
– %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
– %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
– %w
Indicate the day of a week in one
digit. The value ranges from 1 to
– %p
Indicates the morning or the
afternoon. The value a.m. is
added to the names of the CDR
files that are generated in the
morning, whereas the value p.m.
is added to the names of the CDR
files that are generated in the

13-30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

– %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two
– %N
Indicates the number of CDRs
stored in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number
to indicate the length of the field.
The value ranges from 01 to 99.
For example, %09N indicates a
nine-digit number, that is, the
number of CDRs stored in a CDR
– %o
Indicates the current time zone.
– %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]:
l In the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or
Channel%d-%d section, the
default value is b.
l In the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask
%d section, the default value is
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d,
MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

CsnLen Indicates the length of the serial Configure this

number of a final CDR file. parameter based on
[Value range] 0-9 bits the requirements of
the carriers.
[Default value]: 8 bits
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, Note that, on
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d Windows, the length
of a path (including
the file name) cannot
exceed 256 bytes.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-31

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

Infix Indicates the infix of a final CDR file Configure this

name. parameter based on
[Value range]: the requirements of
the carriers.
l %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
l %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
l %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
l %d
Indicates the day of a month in two
l %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The
value ranges from 0 to 23.
l %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The
value ranges from 1 to 12. This
wildcard must be used together with
l %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
l %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
l %w
Indicate the day of a week in one
digit. The value ranges from 1 to 7.
l %p
Indicates the morning or the
afternoon. The value a.m. is added
to the names of the CDR files that
are generated in the morning,
whereas the value p.m. is added to
the names of the CDR files that are
generated in the afternoon.
l %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two
l %N
Indicates the number of CDRs
stored in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to
indicate the length of the field. The
value ranges from 01 to 99. For
example, %09N indicates a nine-

13-32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

digit number, that is, the number of

CDRs stored in a CDR file.
l %o
Indicates the current time zone.
l %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Postfix Indicates the extension of a final CDR It is recommended to

file name. use the default value.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: dat
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

FSCompress Indicates the algorithm used to Configure this

compress original CDR files. parameter based on
The values are: the requirements of
the carriers.
l 0
The original CDR files are not
compressed but directly stored on
the hard disk.
l 1
The original CDR files are
compressed with the ZLIB
algorithm and then stored on the
hard disk.
[Default value]: 1
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 1, the
FSCompressLevel parameter does not
take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-33

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

FSCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing It is recommended to

original CDR files. A higher use the default value.
compression level results in a higher
compression ratio but a longer
compression time.
This parameter applies only to the
ZLIB algorithm.
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,

FSCompressThreshold Indicates the threshold for compressing It is recommended to

original CDR files. When the size of use the default value.
original CDR files is more than this
threshold, the iGWB compresses the
original CDR files.
[Value range] 16-25000 KB
[Default value]: 16 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,

BSFirstCompress Indicates the algorithm used to Configure this

compress the first copies of final CDR parameter based on
files. the requirements of
The values are: the carriers.
l 0
The first copies of final CDR files
are not compressed but directly
stored on the hard disk.
l 3
The first copies of final CDR files
are compressed with the GZIP
algorithm and then stored on the
hard disk.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 3, the
BSFirstCompressLevel parameter
does not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

13-34 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

BSFirstCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the It is recommended to

first copies of final CDR files. A higher use the default value.
compression level results in a higher
compression ratio but a longer
compression time.
This parameter applies only to the
GZIP algorithm.
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

BSSecondCompress Indicates the algorithm used to Configure this

compress the second copies of final parameter based on
CDR files. the requirements of
The values are: the carriers.
l 0
The second copies of final CDR files
are not compressed but directly
stored on the hard disk.
l 3
The second copies of final CDR files
are compressed with the GZIP
algorithm and then stored on the
hard disk.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 3, the
BSSecondCompressLevel parameter
does not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

BSSecondCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the It is recommended to

second copies of final CDR files. A use the default value.
higher compression level results in a
higher compression ratio but a longer
compression time.
This parameter applies only to the
GZIP algorithm.
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-35

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

Redistribute Indicates whether a CDR file can be Configure this

sorted to multiple channels. parameter based on
In general, CDR files are sorted to the the requirements of
first channel that meets the the office.
requirement. In this case, a CDR file Otherwise, the BC
can exist in only one channel. may receive
duplicate final CDR
When the value of this parameter is set files.
to 1, the iGWB sorts CDR files to all
the channels that meet the requirement.
In this case, a CDR file can be
duplicated to multiple channels as long
as all the channels meet the
The values are:
l 0
CDR files are sorted to the first
channel that meets the requirement.
l 1
CDR files are sorted to all the
channels that meet the requirement.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

13.3.2 BS Section
This topic describes the parameters in the BS parameter section. .

13-36 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Value

TaskCount It indicates the number of the BSTask%d Generally, one

parameter sections that need to be configured in the BSTask%d
iGWB. The maximum value of the %d in BSTask paramter section is
%d indicates the value of the TaskCount needed to be
parameter. configured on one
For example, if two sections BSTask1 and Calllog Server.
BSTask2 exist in igwb.ini, set TaskCount to 2. Configure this
parameter based on
[Value range] 0-16 the requirements of
[Default value]: 0 the carriers.
[Effect on other parameters]:
The value of the paramter determines the number of
effective BSTask%d paramter sections.
If you have configured the BSTask1 and
BSTask2 parameter sections, and set the value of
the TaskCount parameter to 1, it indicates that only
the parameters in the BSTask1 parameter section
are effective.

13.3.3 BSTask%d Section

This topic describes the parameters in the BSTask%d parameter section.

Parameter Description Value

ProtocolType It indicates the types of the protocols used in Set the value of
the connection to the BC or Calllog Server. the parameter in
At present, these procotals include the GTP' the iGWB
Protocol and the Sliding Window Protocol. working with the
[Value range]: SOFTX3000 to 0.
l 0
The GTP' Protocol is used when the
iGWB, working with the CG9812, sends
final CDRs to the BC in real time.
l 1
The sliding Window Protocol is used
when the iGWB, working with the
SOFTX3000, sends final CDRs to the
Calllog Server.
[Default value]: 0

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-37

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Value

LocalIPtoBS It indicates the IP address of the active link The network

in the iGWB connecting to the BC or Calllog adapter 3
Server. Set the value to the IP address of connecting to the
network adapter 3 of iGWB1. The four BC should be in
network adapters are numbered from 0 to 3. the same network
[Default value]: section as that of
the BC or Callog
[Parameter sections]: BSTask%d, BSList Server.

LocalPorttoBS It indicates the network adapter of the active It is

link in the iGWB connecting to the BC or recommended to
Calllog Server. use the default
[Default value]: 3386 values.
[Parameter sections]: BSTask%d, BSList

BSIP It indicates the IP address of the active link Set the value of
in the BC or Calllog Server connecting to the the paramter
iGWB. based on the IP
[Default value]: Address of the
BC or Calllog
[Parameter sections]: BSTask%d, BSList Server.

BSPort It indicates the network adapter of the active It is

link in the BC or Calllog Server connecting recommended to
to the iGWB. use the default
[Default value]: 3386 values.
[Parameter sections]: BSTask%d, BSList

Channels It indicates the channel where the CDRs to Configure this

be sent are stored. The format is parameter based
accesspoint:channelID-channel. For on the
example, requirements of
X3KF:9-calllog. the carriers.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
If you need to
[Default value]: null configure several
channels, you
should configure
several BSTask
sections before.

MaxSequenceNumber It indicates the maximum number of the It is

protocol frame sent from the iGWB. The recommended to
parameter takes effect only when the Sliding use the default
Window Protocol is used. values.
[Value range]: 100-20000
[Default value]: 2000

13-38 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

13.3.4 BSList%d Section

This topic describes the parameters in the BSList%d parameter section.

Parameter Description Value

ProtocolType It indicates the types of the protocols used in the Set the value of the
connection to the BC or Calllog Server. At parameter in the
present, these procotals include the GTP' iGWB working
Protocol and the Sliding Window Protocol. with the
[Value range]: SOFTX3000 to 0.
l 0
The GTP' Protocol is used when the iGWB,
working with the CG9812, sends final CDRs
to the BC in real time.
l 1
The sliding Window Protocol is used when
the iGWB, working with the SOFTX3000,
sends final CDRs to the Calllog Server.
[Default value]: 0

LocalIPtoBS It indicates the IP address of the active link in The network

the iGWB connecting to the BC or Calllog adapter 3
Server. Set the value to the IP address of connecting to the
network adapter 3 of iGWB1. The four network BC should be in the
adapters are numbered from 0 to 3. same network
[Default value]: section as that of
the BC or Callog
[Parameter sections]: BSTask%d, BSList%d- Server.

LocalPorttoBS It indicates the network adapter of the active link It is recommended

in the iGWB connecting to the BC or Calllog to use the default
Server. values.
[Default value]: 3386
[Parameter sections]: BSTask%d, BSList%d-

BSIP It indicates the IP address of the active link in Set the value of the
the BC or Calllog Server connecting to the paramter based on
iGWB. the IP Address of
[Default value]: the BC or Calllog
[Parameter sections]: BSTask%d, BSList%d-

BSPort It indicates the network adapter of the active link It is recommended

in the BC or Calllog Server connecting to the to use the default
iGWB. values.
[Default value]: 3386
[Parameter sections]: BSTask%d, BSList%d-

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-39

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

13.3.5 BackupTask%d Section

This topic describes the parameters in the BackupTask%d section.


The priorities for the parameters to take effect in different sections are:
BackupTask%d > NetBackup

Parameter Description Remarks

TaskName Indicates the backup task name. Each Follow certain

backup task name is unique. rules to specify a
[Maximum length]: 128 characters backup task name.
[Default value]: null For example, if the
backup task is
performed to send
all the second
copies of final
CDR files to the
BC, it is
recommended to
set the task name
to To_BC_all. If
the backup task is
performed to send
the second copies
of final CDR files
of a channel to the
BC, it is
recommended to
set the task name
Each backup task
name identifies a
backup task and is
unique. Therefore,
do not modify the
backup task names.

UserName Indicates the user name of the FTP server. Configure this
[Maximum length]: 255 characters parameter based
on the
[Default value]: null requirements of
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, the office.
BackupTask%d, Wholesale

Password Indicates the password of the FTP server. Configure this

[Maximum length]: 128 characters parameter based
on the
[Default value]: null requirements of
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, the office.
BackupTask%d, and Wholesale

13-40 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

DestHostIP Indicates the IP address of the FTP server. Configure this

Configure the value of this parameter as the parameter based
IP address of the BC or the third-party on the
server. requirements of
[Default value]: null the office.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

LocalIP Indicates the IP address of the FTP client. Configure this

Set the value to the IP address of network parameter based
adapter 3 (the four network adapters are on the
numbered from 0 to 3) of iGWB1. requirements of
[Default value]: null the office.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Link%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-41

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

SourceDir Indicates the path where CDR files are If the iGWB sends
backed up. The path in this parameter the second copies
should be set the path style to UNIX. of final CDR files
[Default value] /var/frontsaveD:/ to the BC in Push
frontsave mode, the
following cases
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, are provided:
l E:/backsave/
If the path is set
to E:/backsave/
accesspoint, the
iGWB sends all
the second
copies of final
CDR files of the
specified access
point to the BC.
l E:/backsave/
If the path is set
to E:/backsave/
channel, the
iGWB sends all
the second
copies of final
CDR files of the
channel to the
BC. In this case,
you need to
create multiple
backup tasks.
When the BC
receives the
second copies
of final CDR
files in some
channels only,
use this setting.
When you intend
to back up CDR
files by using
backup tasks, set

13-42 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

the value of
according to the
following rules:
l To back up
original CDR
Set the value to
l To back up the
first copies of
final CDR files
Set the value to
l To back up the
second copies
of final CDR
Set the value to
accesspoint or

DestDir Indicates the destination path where CDR Configure this

files are backed up. The path in this parameter based
parameter should be set the path style to on the
UNIX. requirements of
For example, the default path of an FTP the office.
server is set to D:\CDR_BACKUP. In NOTE
actual configuration, to back up CDR files The path in this
parameter should
to D:\CDR_BACKUP\iGWB0, set the
be set the path style
value of this parameter to /iGWB0. to UNIX.
[Default value]: /var/frontsave/
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-43

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

BeforeEncode Indicates whether the password is Make sure that this

encrypted. Set the value to 1 during initial parameter is added
configuration or when user information is in the MML
changed. section and that the
The values are: value is 1.
l 1
The current password is in plain text.
The iGWB automatically encrypts the
values of the following parameters in the
igwb.ini file and changes the value of
BeforeEncode to 0.
– When you configure the parameters
in the MML section, the iGWB
encrypts the value of UserInfoPwd.
– When you configure the parameters
in the NetBackup, BackupTask%,
and Wholesale sections, the iGWB
encrypts the value of Password in
each section.
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Wholesale, MML

DestFilesSaveDays Indicates the number of days for which Before setting the
destination files are stored. value, consider the
The values are: traffic volume and
the disk space of
l 0 the destination
The destination files are stored backup PC. If the
permanently. traffic volume is
l 1-365 unknown, it is
The destination files are stored in a suggested to set
specified number of days. The value the value to 60
ranges from 1 to 365. days.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

13-44 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

backup_begin_time Indicates the start time of a backup task. Configure this

The value takes the format of HH:MM. parameter based
[Value range]: 00:00-23:59 on the
requirements of
[Default value]: 00:00 the carriers.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, NOTE
BackupTask%d When the
parameter is in use,
me and
parameters do not
take effect.

backup_end_time Indicates the end time of a backup task. The Configure this
value takes the format of HH:MM. parameter based
[Value range]: 00:00-23:59 on the
requirements of
[Default value]: 23:59 the carriers.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, NOTE
BackupTask%d When the
parameter is in use,
me and
parameters do not
take effect.

backup_list_time Indicates the list of time when a backup Configure this

task begins. The value is in the format of parameter based
HH:MM. To set multiple values, use on the
commas to seperate them. requirements of
[Value range]: 00:00-23:59 the carriers.
[Default value]: 23:59
[Effects on other parameters]: When the
ckup_list_time parameter is in use, the
backup_begin_time and
backup_end_time parameters do not take
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-45

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

IntervalType Indicates the frequency at which a backup Configure this

task is executed. parameter based
The values are: on the
requirements of
l 0 the carriers.
A backup task is executed once a day.
l 1
The backup task is executed once a
week. This parameter must be used
together with the DateList parameter.
l 2
The backup task is executed once a
month. This parameter must be used
together with the DateList parameter.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

DateList Indicates the list of dates when a backup Configure this

task is executed. The value is in the unit of parameter based
the week or month. on the
The values are: requirements of
the carriers.
l When IntervalType is set to 1,
the value ranges from 1 to 7.
l When IntervalType is set to 2,
the value ranges from 1 to 31.
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

UseCompress Indicates whether to compress CDR files Configure this

during backup. parameter based
The values are: on the
requirements of
l 0 the carriers.
The CDR files are not compressed
during backup.
l 1
The CDR files are compressed during
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

13-46 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

CompressPassword Indicates the password for compressing Configure this

CDR files during backup. parameter based
[Maximum length]: 128 characters on the
requirements of
[Default value]: null the carriers.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, NOTE
BackupTask%d If you need to add a
password for
compressing the
CDR files that are
backed up through
a network, notify
the password to the
personnel of the
carrier and record
the password in a

BeforeCompressEncode When BeforeCompressEncode is set to Make sure that this

1, the iGWB automatically encrypts the parameter is added
value of CompressPassword in igwb.ini in the BackupTask
and changes the value of %d section and
BeforeCompressEncode to 0. that the value is 1.
The values are:
l 1
The current password is in plain text.
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

CompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing CDR It is recommended

files. A higher compression level results in to use the default
a higher compression ratio but a longer value.
compression time.
[Value range]: 0-9
[Default value]: 6
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

CompressType Indicates the password for compressing It is recommended

CDR files during network backup. to use the default
[Value range]: 0 value.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-47

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

13.3.6 Channel%d-%d Section

This topic describes the parameters in the Channel%d-%d section.


The priorities for the parameters to take effect in different sections are:
channel%d-%d > AccessPoint%d > DiskFile

Parameter Description Remarks

FetchFileTimeOut Indicates the timeout time for the BC to Set the value
fetch CDR files from the iGWB. If the BC according to the
does not fetch CDR files from the traffic volume
iGWB in the specified time, the iGWB of the office. If
generates the "ALM- 3203 BS Not Fetch the traffic
CDRs For A Long Time" alarm. volume is
[Value range]: unknown, it is
l 0 to set the value
Indicates that the parameter is invalid. to 7.
l 1-60 (minutes)
Indicates the threshold for determining
whether the iGWB generates the
"ALM- 3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs For
A Long Time" alarm. For example, if
you set the value of
FetchFileTimeOut to 7, it indicates
that the iGWB generates an alarm if the
BC does not fetch CDR files within
seven minutes.
[Default value]: 0 minutes
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

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Parameter Description Remarks

DeadLineOfAutoDel Indicates the storage period for original Set the value
CDR files and the first copies of final according to the
CDR files. If the storage period exceeds traffic volume
the specified value, the iGWB deletes the of the office. If
earliest original CDR files and the first the traffic
copies of final CDR files by date folder. volume is
[Value range]: 7-180 (days) unknown, it is
[Default value]: 7 (days) to set the value
[Similar parameter]: OrigBillSaveDays to 7
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, NOTE
AccessPoint%d, and Channel%d-%d The differences
ays and
utoDel are as
l OrigBillSav
specifies the
days for
CDR files
l DeadLineO
specifies the
period for
CDR files
and the first
copies of
final CDR
l The priority
eDays is
higher than
that of

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-49

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

SecondBillDeadLineOfAu- Indicates the number of days for which Set the value
toDel the second copies of final CDR files are according to the
stored. If the value is exceeded, the traffic volume
iGWB deletes the second copy of CDR of the office. If
files that was earliest generated. the traffic
The values are: volume is
unknown, it is
l 0 recommended
Indicates that the parameter is invalid. to set the value
l 7-180 (days) to 7
Indicates the number of days for which
the second copies of final CDR files
can be stored.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

FinalFileMaxTime Indicates whether to generate final CDR It is

files according to the fixed time period. recommended
When the current final CDR file is to use the
generated, the iGWB automatically default value.
generates a new final CDR file in the set
time period. In general, this time period is
regarded as one of the conditions for
generating final CDR files.
[Value range] 5-3600s
[Default value]: 1800s
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

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Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileMaxSize Indicates whether to generate final CDR It is

files according to the fixed size. When the recommended
size of a temporary CDR file reaches the to use the
configured value, the iGWB generates a default value.
new final CDR file. In general, the file
size is regarded as one of the conditions
for generating final CDR files.
The values are:
l 64-51200 KB
When the size of a temporary CDR file
reaches this value, the iGWB
automatically generates a final CDR
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid
and that the iGWB can generate an
empty final CDR file. To generate an
empty final CDR file, use this
parameter together with the
GenEmptyFile parameter.
l -1
Indicates that the parameter is invalid
and that the iGWB cannot generate an
empty final CDR file.
[Default value]: 1024 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-51

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

ZeroProductFile Indicates whether to generate final CDR It is

files in wee hours of the morning. At recommended
00:00 in the morning every day, the to use the
iGWB automatically outputs all default value.
temporary CDR files as final CDR files. NOTE
In general, the parameter is regarded as The
one of the conditions for generating final ZeroProductFi
CDR files. le parameter
does not take
[Value range]: effect when the
l 1 value of the
Indicates that the iGWB outputs final
ng parameter is
CDR files at 00:00 in the morning 00:00.
every day.
l 0
Indicates that the iGWB does not
output final CDR files at 00:00 in the
morning every day.
[Default value]: 1
[Effects on other parameters]: When the
value of FinalFileTiming is set to
00:00, the ZeroProductFile parameter
does not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

FinalFileTiming Indicates the time period at which the Configure this

iGWB generates final CDR files parameter
periodically every day. A maximum of 12 based on the
time periods can be configured. At the requirements of
specified time period, the iGWB outputs the carriers.
all temporary CDR files as final CDR
[Value range]: The value is in the format
of HH:MM. To set multiple values, use
commas to saperate them.
[Default value]: null
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value is set to 00:00, the
ZeroProductFile parameter does not
take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

RecordThreshold Indicates whether to generate a final CDR Configure this

file according to the fixed number of parameter
CDRs. When the number of CDRs in a based on the
temporary CDR file reaches the requirements of
configured value, the iGWB generates a the carriers.
new final CDR file.
The values are:
l 50-20000
Indicates that the iGWB automatically
generates a final CDR file when the
number of CDRs in a temporary CDR
file reaches the configured value.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-53

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

Prefix Indicates the prefix of a final CDR file Configure this

(configured in the DiskFile, AccessPoint parameter
%d, or Channel%d-%d section) and a based on the
metering CDR file (configured in the requirements of
MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d the carriers.
The values are:
l String
Used to add office information to the
names of final CDR files.
l Wildcards
The detailed options are as follows:
– %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
– %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
– %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
– %d
Indicates the day of a month in two
– %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The
value ranges from 0 to 23.
– %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The
value ranges from 1 to 12. This
wildcard must be used together with
– %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
– %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
– %w
Indicate the day of a week in one
digit. The value ranges from 1 to 7.
– %p
Indicates the morning or the
afternoon. The value a.m. is added
to the names of the CDR files that
are generated in the morning,
whereas the value p.m. is added to
the names of the CDR files that are
generated in the afternoon.
– %c or %C

13-54 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

Indicates the channel ID in two

– %N
Indicates the number of CDRs
stored in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to
indicate the length of the field. The
value ranges from 01 to 99. For
example, %09N indicates a nine-
digit number, that is, the number of
CDRs stored in a CDR file.
– %o
Indicates the current time zone.
– %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]:
l In the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or
Channel%d-%d section, the default
value is b.
l In the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%
d section, the default value is
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d,
MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

CsnLen Indicates the length of the serial number Configure this

of a final CDR file. parameter
[Value range] 0-9 bits based on the
requirements of
[Default value]: 8 bits the carriers.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, NOTE
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d Note that, on
Windows, the
length of a path
(including the
file name)
cannot exceed
256 bytes.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-55

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

Infix Indicates the infix of a final CDR file Configure this

name. parameter
[Value range]: based on the
requirements of
l %y the carriers.
Indicates the year in two digits.
l %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
l %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
l %d
Indicates the day of a month in two
l %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The
value ranges from 0 to 23.
l %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The
value ranges from 1 to 12. This
wildcard must be used together with %
l %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
l %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
l %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit.
The value ranges from 1 to 7.
l %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon.
The value a.m. is added to the names
of the CDR files that are generated in
the morning, whereas the value p.m. is
added to the names of the CDR files
that are generated in the afternoon.
l %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
l %N
Indicates the number of CDRs stored
in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to
indicate the length of the field. The
value ranges from 01 to 99. For
example, %09N indicates a nine-digit
number, that is, the number of CDRs
stored in a CDR file.
l %o

13-56 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

Indicates the current time zone.

l %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Postfix Indicates the extension of a final CDR file It is

name. recommended
[Maximum length]: 128 characters to use the
default value.
[Default value]: dat
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

BSFirstCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress Configure this

the first copies of final CDR files. parameter
The values are: based on the
requirements of
l 0 the carriers.
The first copies of final CDR files are
not compressed but directly stored on
the hard disk.
l 3
The first copies of final CDR files are
compressed with the GZIP algorithm
and then stored on the hard disk.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 3, the
BSFirstCompressLevel parameter does
not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

BSFirstCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the It is

first copies of final CDR files. A higher recommended
compression level results in a higher to use the
compression ratio but a longer default value.
compression time.
This parameter applies only to the GZIP
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-57

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

BSSecondCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress Configure this

the second copies of final CDR files. parameter
The values are: based on the
requirements of
l 0 the carriers.
The second copies of final CDR files
are not compressed but directly stored
on the hard disk.
l 3
The second copies of final CDR files
are compressed with the GZIP
algorithm and then stored on the hard
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 3, the
BSSecondCompressLevel parameter
does not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

BSSecondCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the It is

second copies of final CDR files. A higher recommended
compression level results in a higher to use the
compression ratio but a longer default value.
compression time.
This parameter applies only to the GZIP
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

13-58 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

BackSavePatchName Indicates the name of the backsave patch. To determine

The backsave patch is stored in C: whether to add
\iGWB. For details, see the Version this parameter
Upgrade Instructions. and specify a
value, see the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters iGWB Version
[Default value]: null Upgrade
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, Instructions.
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d If you already
know the
backsave patch
to be called, set
the value to the
file name
(without the
extension) of
the backsave
patch. For
example, to use
ll backsave
patch, set the
value to

SaveSecond Indicates whether to save the final CDR It is

files in the following paths: recommended
l E:\backsave\accesspoint to use the
The first copies of final CDR files are current value.
stored in this path.
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint
The second copies of final CDR files
are stored in this path. The second
copies of final CDR files are provided
to the BC.
The values are:
l 0
Only the first copies of final CDR files
are saved.
l 1
The first and second copies of final
CDR files are saved.
[Current value]: 1
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-59

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

MonitorBSPath Indicates the path for monitoring the Configure this

timeout alarm generated when the BC parameter
fetches CDR files. In general, you do not based on the
need to configure this parameter. When requirements of
the CDR file storage path open to the BC the office.
is not E:\backsave\Second\access point Set the value of
name, you need to configure this this parameter
parameter. to an absolute
Set the value of this parameter to an path.
absolute path.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null

13.3.7 Cluster Section

This topic describes the parameters in the Cluster section.

Parameter Description Remarks

HeartBeatBroken Indicates the interval for checking the It is required to

heartbeat state in the two-node iGWB. If no use the default
heartbeat message is received within the value.
interval, the primary and secondary iGWB
servers are switched over. Also, the
"ALM-3209 Private Network Interruption"
alarm is reported. If the two heartbeat links
are faulty, the iGWB generates the
"ALM-3205 Heartbeat Interruption" alarm.
[Default value]: 300s

HeartBeatCount Indicates the number of heartbeat links in It is

two-node cluster mode. In general, the recommended to
number of heartbeat links is 2. One is an use the current
Ethernet heartbeat link and the other is a value.
serial port heartbeat link. Set the value of this
parameter to the maximum value of %d in
the Link%d section.
For example, if the iGWB is configured with
the Link1 and Link2 sections, the value of
the HeartBeatCount parameter is set to 2.
[Value range]: 0-5
[Current value]: 2
[Default value]: 0

13-60 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

InstallShareDiskArray Indicates whether the two-node iGWB uses For the iGWB,
a shared disk array. the value should
The values are: be set to 0.
l 0
The two-node iGWB does not use a shared
disk array.
l 1
The two-node iGWB uses a shared disk
[Default value]: 1

ResourceCount Indicates the number of virtual IP addresses It is

used by the primary and secondary iGWB recommended to
servers. For example, if the value is 4, the use the current
following sections exist: Resource1, value.
Resource2, Resource3, and Resource4.
[Value range] 0-31
[Current value]: 3
[Default value]: 0

13.3.8 Common Section

This topic describes the parameters in the Common section.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-61

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

ClusterMode Indicates the running mode of the iGWB. This It is recommended

parameter applies to version V200R002C12 or to use the default
later. value.
The values are:
l 1
Two-node mode
l 0
Standalone mode
[Default value]: 1
[Effect on other parameters]:
When the value is set to 0, the parameter sections
of the two-node iGWB do not take effect. The
following list the default parameter sections of
the two-node iGWB:
l Cluster
l Link1
l Link2
l Resource1
l Resource2
l Resource3

13-62 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

NoCluster Indicates the running mode of the iGWB. This It is recommended

parameter applies to any version that is earlier to use the default
than version V200R002C12. For versions value.
V200R002C12 or a later version, use the
ClusterMode parameter.
The values are:
l 0
Two-node mode
l 1
Standalone mode
[Default value]: 0
[Effect on other parameters]:
When the value is set to 1, the parameter sections
of the two-node iGWB do not take effect. The
following list the default parameter sections of
the two-node iGWB:
l Cluster
l Link1
l Link2
l Resource1
l Resource2
l Resource3

ServerNo Indicates whether the current iGWB server is a For the primary
primary iGWB server or a secondary iGWB iGWB server, the
server. This parameter also indicates the runtime value is set to 0.
priority of the current iGWB server. For the secondary
The values are: iGWB server, the
value is set to 1.
l 0
Primary iGWB server When the iGWB
uses the single-
l 1
node mode, the
Secondary iGWB server
value must be set to
[Default value]: 0 0.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-63

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

APCount It indicates the number of the access points that It is recommended

are configured for the iGWB, that is, the number to use the current
of the AccessPoint sections. value.
For example, the igwb.ini file contains two NOTE
AccessPoint sections, that is, AccessPoint1 and Each access point
relies on an
AccessPoint2. Accordingly, value of the ap_proc.exe
APCount parameter is 2. process to run.
[Value range] 1-99 Running excessive
[Current value]: 1 processes at the
same time occupies
[Default value]: 0 high CPU usage and
[Effect on other parameters]: memory usage.
Therefore, to
This parameter determines the number of the improve system
AccessPoint%d sections. performance, it is
recommended to set
If the AccessPoint1 and AccessPoint2 sections the number of
are configured but the value of APCount is 1, access points to the
only the AccessPoint1 section takes effect. minimum value.

IsNoCDRSwitch Indicates whether to activate the automatic It is recommended

switchover function when no CDR file is to use the current
received. value.
[Value range]:
l 0
Not to activate the function.
l 1
To activate the function.
[Default value]: 0
[Effect on other parameters]:
When the value of this parameter is set to 0, the
following parameters do not take effect:
l BusyStartTime
l BusyEndTime
l BusyNoCDRInterval
l IdleNoCDRInterval

BusyStartTime Indicates the start time of the busy hour. This It is recommended
parameter should be used together with the to use the current
BusyEndTime parameter. value.
[Value range]: 00:00-23:59
[Default value]: 09:00

13-64 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

BusyEndTime Indicates the end time of the busy hour. This It is recommended
parameter should be used together with the to use the current
BusyStartTime parameter. value.
[Value range]: 00:00-23:59
[Default value]: 23:00

BusyNoCDRInterv Indicates the threshold for triggering automatic It is recommended

al switchover due to failure to receive CDR files in to use the current
the busy hour. When the time for which the value.
iGWB cannot receive CDR files in the busy hour
exceeds the specified value, the iGWB
automatically switches over.
[Value range]: 5-3600 minutes
[Default value]: 30 minutes

IdleNoCDRInterv- Indicates the threshold for triggering automatic It is recommended

al switchover due to failure to receive CDR files in to use the current
an idle hour. When the time for which the value.
iGWB cannot receive CDR files in an idle hour
exceeds the specified value, the iGWB
automatically switches over.
[Value range]: 5-180 minutes
[Default value]: 120 minutes

13.3.9 DiskFile Section

This topic describes the parameters in the DiskFile section.


The priorities for the parameters to take effect in different sections are:
channel%d-%d > AccessPoint%d > DiskFile

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-65

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

OrigBillSaveDays Indicates the number of days for which the Set the value
original CDR files are stored. If the value is according to
exceeded, the iGWB deletes the original the traffic
CDR file that was earliest generated. volume of the
The values are: office. If the
traffic volume
l 0 is unknown, it
Indicates that the parameter is invalid. is
l 7-180 (days) recommended
Indicates that original CDR files can be to set the value
stored for 7-180 days. to 7.
[Default value]: 0 NOTE
The differences
[Similar parameter]: DeadLineOfAutoDel between
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, OrigBillSaveD
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d ays and
utoDel are as
l OrigBillSa
specifies the
days for
CDR files
l DeadLineO
specifies the
period for
CDR files
and the first
copies of
final CDR
l The priority
veDays is
higher than
that of

13-66 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

DeadLineOfAutoDel Indicates the storage period for original Set the value
CDR files and the first copies of final CDR according to
files. If the storage period exceeds the the traffic
specified value, the iGWB deletes the volume of the
earliest original CDR files and the first office. If the
copies of final CDR files by date folder. traffic volume
[Value range]: 7-180 (days) is unknown, it
[Default value]: 7 (days) recommended
[Similar parameter]: OrigBillSaveDays to set the value
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, to 7
AccessPoint%d, and Channel%d-%d NOTE
The differences
ays and
utoDel are as
l OrigBillSa
specifies the
days for
CDR files
l DeadLineO
specifies the
period for
CDR files
and the first
copies of
final CDR
l The priority
veDays is
higher than
that of

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-67

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

SecondBillDeadLineO- Indicates the number of days for which the Set the value
fAutoDel second copies of final CDR files are stored. according to
If the value is exceeded, the iGWB deletes the traffic
the second copy of CDR files that was volume of the
earliest generated. office. If the
The values are: traffic volume
is unknown, it
l 0 is
Indicates that the parameter is invalid. recommended
l 7-180 (days) to set the value
Indicates the number of days for which to 7
the second copies of final CDR files can
be stored.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

FetchFileTimeOut Indicates the timeout time for the BC to Set the value
fetch CDR files from the iGWB. If the BC according to
does not fetch CDR files from the iGWB in the traffic
the specified time, the iGWB generates the volume of the
"ALM- 3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs For A office. If the
Long Time" alarm. traffic volume
[Value range]: is unknown, it
l 0 recommended
Indicates that the parameter is invalid. to set the value
l 1-60 (minutes) to 7.
Indicates the threshold for determining
whether the iGWB generates the "ALM-
3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs For A Long
Time" alarm. For example, if you set the
value of FetchFileTimeOut to 7, it
indicates that the iGWB generates an
alarm if the BC does not fetch CDR files
within seven minutes.
[Default value]: 0 minutes
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

13-68 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

FinalFileMaxTime Indicates whether to generate final CDR It is

files according to the fixed time period. recommended
When the current final CDR file is to use the
generated, the iGWB automatically default value.
generates a new final CDR file in the set
time period. In general, this time period is
regarded as one of the conditions for
generating final CDR files.
[Value range] 5-3600s
[Default value]: 1800s
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

FinalFileMaxSize Indicates whether to generate final CDR It is

files according to the fixed size. When the recommended
size of a temporary CDR file reaches the to use the
configured value, the iGWB generates a default value.
new final CDR file. In general, the file size
is regarded as one of the conditions for
generating final CDR files.
The values are:
l 64-51200 KB
When the size of a temporary CDR file
reaches this value, the iGWB
automatically generates a final CDR file.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and
that the iGWB can generate an empty
final CDR file. To generate an empty
final CDR file, use this parameter
together with the GenEmptyFile
l -1
Indicates that the parameter is invalid and
that the iGWB cannot generate an empty
final CDR file.
[Default value]: 1024 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-69

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

ZeroProductFile Indicates whether to generate final CDR It is

files in wee hours of the morning. At 00:00 recommended
in the morning every day, the iGWB to use the
automatically outputs all temporary CDR default value.
files as final CDR files. In general, the NOTE
parameter is regarded as one of the The
conditions for generating final CDR files. ZeroProductF
ile parameter
[Value range]: does not take
l 1 effect when the
Indicates that the iGWB outputs final value of the
CDR files at 00:00 in the morning every
ng parameter is
day. 00:00.
l 0
Indicates that the iGWB does not output
final CDR files at 00:00 in the morning
every day.
[Default value]: 1
[Effects on other parameters]: When the
value of FinalFileTiming is set to 00:00,
the ZeroProductFile parameter does not
take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

FinalFileTiming Indicates the time period at which the Configure this

iGWB generates final CDR files parameter
periodically every day. A maximum of 12 based on the
time periods can be configured. At the requirements of
specified time period, the iGWB outputs all the carriers.
temporary CDR files as final CDR files.
[Value range]: The value is in the format of
HH:MM. To set multiple values, use
commas to saperate them.
[Default value]: null
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value is set to 00:00, the ZeroProductFile
parameter does not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

13-70 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

RecordThreshold Indicates whether to generate a final CDR Configure this

file according to the fixed number of CDRs. parameter
When the number of CDRs in a temporary based on the
CDR file reaches the configured value, the requirements of
iGWB generates a new final CDR file. the carriers.
The values are:
l 50-20000
Indicates that the iGWB automatically
generates a final CDR file when the
number of CDRs in a temporary CDR file
reaches the configured value.
l 0
Indicates that the parameter is invalid.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-71

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

Prefix Indicates the prefix of a final CDR file Configure this

(configured in the DiskFile, AccessPoint% parameter
d, or Channel%d-%d section) and a based on the
metering CDR file (configured in the requirements of
MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d section). the carriers.
The values are:
l String
Used to add office information to the
names of final CDR files.
l Wildcards
The detailed options are as follows:
– %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
– %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
– %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
– %d
Indicates the day of a month in two
– %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The
value ranges from 0 to 23.
– %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The
value ranges from 1 to 12. This
wildcard must be used together with
– %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
– %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
– %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit.
The value ranges from 1 to 7.
– %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon.
The value a.m. is added to the names
of the CDR files that are generated in
the morning, whereas the value p.m. is
added to the names of the CDR files
that are generated in the afternoon.
– %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
– %N

13-72 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

Indicates the number of CDRs stored

in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to
indicate the length of the field. The
value ranges from 01 to 99. For
example, %09N indicates a nine-digit
number, that is, the number of CDRs
stored in a CDR file.
– %o
Indicates the current time zone.
– %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]:
l In the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or
Channel%d-%d section, the default
value is b.
l In the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d
section, the default value is meteracc.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d,
MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

CsnLen Indicates the length of the serial number of Configure this

a final CDR file. parameter
[Value range] 0-9 bits based on the
requirements of
[Default value]: 8 bits the carriers.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, NOTE
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d Note that, on
Windows, the
length of a path
(including the
file name)
cannot exceed
256 bytes.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-73

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

Infix Indicates the infix of a final CDR file name. Configure this
[Value range]: parameter
based on the
l %y requirements of
Indicates the year in two digits. the carriers.
l %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
l %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
l %d
Indicates the day of a month in two digits.
l %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The value
ranges from 0 to 23.
l %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The value
ranges from 1 to 12. This wildcard must
be used together with %P.
l %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
l %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
l %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit.
The value ranges from 1 to 7.
l %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon.
The value a.m. is added to the names of
the CDR files that are generated in the
morning, whereas the value p.m. is added
to the names of the CDR files that are
generated in the afternoon.
l %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
l %N
Indicates the number of CDRs stored in a
CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to
indicate the length of the field. The value
ranges from 01 to 99. For example, %
09N indicates a nine-digit number, that
is, the number of CDRs stored in a CDR
l %o
Indicates the current time zone.
l %%

13-74 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

Indicates that a % is added.

[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Postfix Indicates the extension of a final CDR file It is

name. recommended
[Maximum length]: 128 characters to use the
default value.
[Default value]: dat
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

FSCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress Configure this

original CDR files. parameter
The values are: based on the
requirements of
l 0 the carriers.
The original CDR files are not
compressed but directly stored on the
hard disk.
l 1
The original CDR files are compressed
with the ZLIB algorithm and then stored
on the hard disk.
[Default value]: 1
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 1, the
FSCompressLevel parameter does not take
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,

FSCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing original It is

CDR files. A higher compression level recommended
results in a higher compression ratio but a to use the
longer compression time. default value.
This parameter applies only to the ZLIB
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-75

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

FSCompressThreshold Indicates the threshold for compressing It is

original CDR files. When the size of original recommended
CDR files is more than this threshold, the to use the
iGWB compresses the original CDR files. default value.
[Value range] 16-25000 KB
[Default value]: 16 KB
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,

BSFirstCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress the Configure this

first copies of final CDR files. parameter
The values are: based on the
requirements of
l 0 the carriers.
The first copies of final CDR files are not
compressed but directly stored on the
hard disk.
l 3
The first copies of final CDR files are
compressed with the GZIP algorithm and
then stored on the hard disk.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 3, the
BSFirstCompressLevel parameter does
not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

BSFirstCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the first It is

copies of final CDR files. A higher recommended
compression level results in a higher to use the
compression ratio but a longer compression default value.
This parameter applies only to the GZIP
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

13-76 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

BSSecondCompress Indicates the algorithm used to compress the Configure this

second copies of final CDR files. parameter
The values are: based on the
requirements of
l 0 the carriers.
The second copies of final CDR files are
not compressed but directly stored on the
hard disk.
l 3
The second copies of final CDR files are
compressed with the GZIP algorithm and
then stored on the hard disk.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters] When the
value of this parameter is 3, the
BSSecondCompressLevel parameter does
not take effect.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

BSSecondCompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing the It is

second copies of final CDR files. A higher recommended
compression level results in a higher to use the
compression ratio but a longer compression default value.
This parameter applies only to the GZIP
[Value range]: 1-9
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-77

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

BackSavePatchName Indicates the name of the backsave patch. To determine

The backsave patch is stored in C:\iGWB. whether to add
For details, see the Version Upgrade this parameter
Instructions. and specify a
value, see the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters iGWB Version
[Default value]: null Upgrade
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, Instructions.
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d If you already
know the
backsave patch
to be called, set
the value to the
file name
(without the
extension) of
the backsave
patch. For
example, to use
dll backsave
patch, set the
value to

SaveSecond Indicates whether to save the final CDR files It is

in the following paths: recommended
l E:\backsave\accesspoint to use the
The first copies of final CDR files are current value.
stored in this path.
l E:\backsave\Second\accesspoint
The second copies of final CDR files are
stored in this path. The second copies of
final CDR files are provided to the BC.
The values are:
l 0
Only the first copies of final CDR files
are saved.
l 1
The first and second copies of final CDR
files are saved.
[Current value]: 1
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile,
AccessPoint%d, Channel%d-%d

13-78 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

MinFrontAvaDiskOfPer Indicates the threshold for the iGWB to Set the value
delete early original CDR files. When the according to
free disk space is smaller than the threshold, the traffic
the iGWB deletes the earliest original CDR volume of the
files according to date folders. office.
The values are: If the traffic
l -1 volume is
Indicates that the parameter is invalid. unknown, it is
l 0-100 to set the value
Indicates the percentage of the free space to 50.
of D:\frontsave to the space of D:\, that
is, the percentage of the free space of D:
\ to the total space of the partition.
[Default value]: -1

MinBackAvaDiskOfPer Indicates the threshold for the iGWB to Set the value
delete early first copies of final CDR files. according to
When the free disk space is smaller than the the traffic
threshold, the iGWB deletes the earliest first volume of the
copies of final CDR files according to date office.
folders. If the traffic
The values are: volume is
l -1 unknown, it is
Indicates that the parameter is invalid. recommended
to set the value
l 0(%)-100(%) to 50.
Indicates the percentage of the free space
of E:\backsave to the space of E:\, that
is, the percentage of the free space of E:
\ to the total space of the partition.
[Default value]: -1

MinorDiskAlarmRoom Indicates the threshold for triggering the It is required to

"ALM-3255 Insufficient Disk Space use the default
(Major)" alarm. When the free space of the value.
partition for storing CDR files is less than
the value of this parameter, the iGWB
generates the "ALM-3255 Insufficient Disk
Space(Major)" alarm.
[Value range]: 6(%)-15(%)
[Default value]: 15(%)

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-79

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

MinDiskAlarmRoom Indicates the threshold for triggering the It is required to

"ALM-3201 Insufficient Disk Space" use the default
alarm. When the free space of the partition value.
for storing CDR files is less than the value
of this parameter, the iGWB generates the
"ALM-3201 Insufficient Disk Space"
[Value range]: 0(%)-5(%)
[Default value]: 5(%)

MinDiskHandoverRoom Indicates the threshold for triggering It is required to

automatic switchover of the iGWB when the use the default
disk space is insufficient. When the free value.
space of the partition for storing CDR files
is less than the value of this parameter, the
iGWB automatically switches over.
[Value range]: 50 MB or above
[Default value]: 400 MB

13.3.10 Kernel Section

This topic describes the parameters in the Kernel parameter section.

Parameter Description Value

UseBSProc It indicates that whether the BS process is in If you need to run

centralized management of the Kernel process. the BS process, add
When you run the BS process, you need to monitor the UseBSProc
it through the Kernel process. parameter and set
The values are: the value to 1.
l 0
It indicates that the BS process is not managed
by the Kernel process.
l Any non-zero number
It indicates that the BS process is monitored by
the Kernel process.
[Default value]: 0

13.3.11 Link%d Section

This topic describes the parameters in the Link%d section.

13-80 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

LocalIP Indicates the local IP address of the heartbeat link of On the primary
the network adapter. Usually, set the value to the IP iGWB server, use the
address of network adapter 2 (the four network current value. On the
adapters are numbered from 0 to 3) of the primary secondary iGWB
iGWB server. Network adapter 2 also serves as the server, set the value to
backup plane network adapter through which the
iGWB server connects to the SOFTX3000. NOTE
[Current value]: Before setting the
value, check the fixed
According to the IP address plan, this IP address is the IP address of network
fixed IP address of network adapter 2 of the iGWB adapter 2 of the
server. iGWB server.

[Default value]: null

[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, BackupTask%d,

PeerIP Indicates the peer IP address of the heartbeat link of On the primary
the network adapter. Usually, set the value to the IP iGWB server, use the
address of network adapter 2 (the four network current value. On the
adapters are numbered from 0 to 3) of the primary secondary iGWB
iGWB server. Network adapter 2 also serves as the server, set the value to
backup plane network adapter through which the
iGWB server connects to the SOFTX3000. NOTE
[Current value]: Before setting the
value, check the fixed
According to the IP address plan, this IP address is the IP address of network
fixed IP address of network adapter 2 of the iGWB adapter 2 of the
server. iGWB server.

[Default value]: null

Name Indicates the heartbeat link name. Use this name when It is recommended to
the heartbeat link is displayed on the CDR Console. use the current value.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null

Type Indicates the heartbeat link type. It is recommended to

The values are: use the current value.
l UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
Indicates an Ethernet heartbeat link.
Indicates a serial heartbeat link.
[Default value]: UDP

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-81

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

Port Indicates the port number of the serial heartbeat link. Use COM2 for the
The values are: following servers:
l 11228 l IBM x343 server
This value takes effect only when the value of l IBM x3650T
Type parameter in the Link2 section is set to server
l 1 server
Indicates the COM1 serial port of the server. For other server
l 2 types, use COM1.
Indicates the COM2 serial port of the server.
[Current value]: 1
[Default value]: 11228

13.3.12 MML Section

This topic describes the parameters in the MML section.

Parameter Description Remarks

UseSyncUserInfo Indicates whether the user information is It is required to

synchronized between the primary and add this
secondary iGWB servers. parameter in the
The values are: MML section
and set the value
l 0 to 1.
The user information is not synchronized
between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers.
l non 0
The user information is synchronized
between the primary and secondary
iGWB servers.
[Default value]: 0
[Effects on other parameters]: If the value is
set to 0, the following parameters in the
MML section do not take effect.
l UserInfoUserName
l UserInfoPwd
l BeforeEncode
l BackupPersistUserPath

13-82 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

UserInfoUserName Indicates the user name of the FTP server Make sure that
through which the user information is the value is set to
synchronized between the primary and cluster. For
secondary iGWB servers. details, see the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters iGWB
[Default value]: null Guide.

UserInfoPwd Indicates the user password of the FTP Make sure that
server through which the user information this parameter is
is synchronized between the primary and added in the
secondary servers. MML section
[Maximum length]: 128 characters and that a value is
specified to it.
[Default value]: null Generally, the
password of the
cluster user is set
deployment. For
details, see the

BeforeEncode Indicates whether the password is Make sure that

encrypted. Set the value to 1 during initial this parameter is
configuration or when user information is added in the
changed. MML section
The values are: and that the value
is 1.
l 1
The current password is in plain text. The
iGWB automatically encrypts the values
of the following parameters in the
igwb.ini file and changes the value of
BeforeEncode to 0.
– When you configure the parameters in
the MML section, the iGWB encrypts
the value of UserInfoPwd.
– When you configure the parameters in
the NetBackup, BackupTask%, and
Wholesale sections, the iGWB
encrypts the value of Password in
each section.
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Wholesale, MML

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-83

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

BackupPersistUserPath Indicates the path for saving the user Set the value of
information file in the iGWB. Set the value this parameter
of this parameter to a relative path. By based on the
default, the installation path for the user default path for
information file is D:\other\mml. the FTP server
For example, the default path for the FTP used to
server is D:\other, so the value of this synchronize user
parameter is set to mml. information.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]: null

LocalIpToMMLClient Indicates the IP address through which the You can specify a
iGWB Server connects to the iGWB different value
Client.The value must be consistent with the according to the
value of the VirtualIP parameter in the actual case.
Resource1 section.
[Current value]:
[Default value]:

MaxConnectUserNumber Indicates the maximum number of the It is

iGWB Client components that the current recommended to
node can connect to. use the default
[Value range] 5-30 value.
[Default value]: 5

LocalPortToCM Indicates the network adapter through It is

which the iGWB Server connects to the recommended to
iGWB Client. use the default
[Default value]: 6000 value.

LocalPortToRD Indicates the network adapter through It is

which the iGWB Server connects to the recommended to
System Debugger. use the default
[Default value]: 6007 value.

LocalPortToAR Indicates the network adapter through It is

which the iGWB Server connects to the recommended to
iGWB Client. use the default
[Default value]: 6001 value.

LocalPortToCS Indicates the network adapter through It is

which the iGWB Server connects to the recommended to
iGWB Parameter Config Console. use the default
[Default value]: 56010 value.

13.3.13 MeterAcc Section

This topic describes the parameters in the MeterAcc parameter section.

13-84 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Value

Prefix Indicates the prefix of a final CDR file (configured in Configure

the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%d this
section) and a metering CDR file (configured in the parameter
MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d section). based on the
The values are: requirements
of the
l String carriers.
Used to add office information to the names of final
CDR files.
l Wildcards
The detailed options are as follows:
– %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
– %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
– %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
– %d
Indicates the day of a month in two digits.
– %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The value ranges
from 0 to 23.
– %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The value ranges
from 1 to 12. This wildcard must be used together
with %P.
– %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
– %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
– %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit. The value
ranges from 1 to 7.
– %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon. The value
a.m. is added to the names of the CDR files that
are generated in the morning, whereas the value
p.m. is added to the names of the CDR files that
are generated in the afternoon.
– %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
– %N
Indicates the number of CDRs stored in a CDR
In addition, you can add a number to indicate the
length of the field. The value ranges from 01 to

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-85

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Value

99. For example, %09N indicates a nine-digit

number, that is, the number of CDRs stored in a
CDR file.
– %o
Indicates the current time zone.
– %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]:
l In the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-
%d section, the default value is b.
l In the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d section, the
default value is meteracc.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,
Channel%d-%d, MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

NumberRegion It indicates the range of the user number sections. The Configure
lower and upper thresholds are separated by a hyphen this
(-). The user number sections are separated by a parameter
comma (,). based on the
For example, requirements
of the
l 123-126 carriers.
indicates the user numbers in the sections from 123
to 126, that is, the 123, 124, 125 and 126 number
l 123,124,125,126
indicates the user numbers in the 123, 124, 125 and
126 number sections.
[Default value]: null

MeterAccSrcDir It indicates the path where the first copies of the final It is required
CDRs generated in the meter are stored. to use the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters default
[Default path]: E:\backsave\Second\X3KF\meter
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

MeterAccBSDir It indicates the path where the meter CDR files open It is required
to the BC are stored. to use the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters default
[Default path]: E:\meteracc\metertask1
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

13-86 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Value

MeterAccLocalDir It indicates the path where the accumulated meter is It is required

stored. to use the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters default
[Default path]: E:\meteracc\metertask1\local
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

MeterAccBakDir It indicates the path where the backup accumulated It is required

meter is stored. to use the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters default
[Default path]: E:\meteracc\metertask1\backup
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

DestFormat It indicates the destination format used during meter For details
CDR conversion. about how to
[Maximum length]: 128 characters configure
[Default path]: X3KF_Ma_BP_D parameter,
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d see the
and the
e Notes.

SrcFormat It indicates the source format used during meter CDR For details
conversion. about how to
[Maximum length]: 128 characters configure
[Default path]: X3KF_Mt_BP_D parameter,
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d see the
and the
e Notes.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-87

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Value

MeterTables It indicates the number of the user meter tables in each For details
meter CDR. The configration of the parameter should about how to
be cosistent with that in the format database. configure
[Value range] 1-20 this
[Default value]: 2 see the
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d iGWB
and the
e Notes.

13.3.14 MeterAccTask%d Section

This topic describes the parameters in the MeterAccTask%d parameter section.

13-88 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Value

Prefix Indicates the prefix of a final CDR file (configured in Configure

the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%d this
section) and a metering CDR file (configured in the parameter
MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d section). based on the
The values are: requirements
of the
l String carriers.
Used to add office information to the names of final
CDR files.
l Wildcards
The detailed options are as follows:
– %y
Indicates the year in two digits.
– %Y
Indicates the year in four digits.
– %m
Indicates the month in two digits.
– %d
Indicates the day of a month in two digits.
– %H
Indicate the hour in two digits. The value ranges
from 0 to 23.
– %I
Indicates the hour in two digits. The value ranges
from 1 to 12. This wildcard must be used together
with %P.
– %M
Indicates the minute in two digits.
– %S
Indicates the second in two digits.
– %w
Indicate the day of a week in one digit. The value
ranges from 1 to 7.
– %p
Indicates the morning or the afternoon. The value
a.m. is added to the names of the CDR files that
are generated in the morning, whereas the value
p.m. is added to the names of the CDR files that
are generated in the afternoon.
– %c or %C
Indicates the channel ID in two digits.
– %N
Indicates the number of CDRs stored in a CDR file.
In addition, you can add a number to indicate the
length of the field. The value ranges from 01 to 99.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-89

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Value

For example, %09N indicates a nine-digit number,

that is, the number of CDRs stored in a CDR file.
– %o
Indicates the current time zone.
– %%
Indicates that a % is added.
[Maximum length]: 128 characters
[Default value]:
l In the DiskFile, AccessPoint%d, or Channel%d-%
d section, the default value is b.
l In the MeterAcc or MeterAccTask%d section, the
default value is meteracc.
[Parameter sections]: DiskFile, AccessPoint%d,
Channel%d-%d, MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

MeterAccSrcDir It indicates the path where the first copies of the final It is required
CDRs generated in the meter are stored. to use the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters default
[Default path]: E:\backsave\Second\X3KF\meter
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

MeterAccBSDir It indicates the path where the meter CDR files open to It is required
the BC are stored. to use the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters default
[Default path]: E:\meteracc\metertask1\billingsystem
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

MeterAccLocalD It indicates the path where the accumulated meter is It is required

ir stored. to use the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters default
[Default path]: E:\meteracc\metertask1\local
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

MeterAccBakDir It indicates the path where the backup accumulated It is required

meter is stored. to use the
[Maximum length]: 128 characters default
[Default path]: E:\meteracc\metertask1\backup
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d

13-90 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Value

DestFormat It indicates the destination format used during meter For details
CDR conversion. about how to
[Maximum length]: 128 characters configure this
[Default path]: X3KF_Ma_BP_D see the iGWB
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d Version
and the
e Notes.

SrcFormat It indicates the source format used during meter CDR For details
conversion. about how to
[Maximum length]: 128 characters configure this
[Default path]: X3KF_Mt_BP_D see the iGWB
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d Version
and the
e Notes.

MeterTables It indicates the number of the user meter tables in each For details
meter CDR. The configration of the parameter should be about how to
cosistent with that in the format database. configure this
[Value range] 1-20 parameter,
see the iGWB
[Default value]: 2 Version
[Parameter sections]: MeterAcc, MeterAccTask%d Upgrade
and the
e Notes.

13.3.15 NetBackup Section

This topic describes the parameters in the NetBackup section.


The priorities for the parameters to take effect in different sections are:
BackupTask%d > NetBackup

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-91

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

BackupTaskCount Indicates the number of backup tasks. Configure the

[Value range] 0-99 parameter
according to the
[Default value]: 0 number of
[Effect on other parameters]: configured backup
This parameter determines the number of tasks.
effective BackupTask%d sections.
For example, if the BackupTask1 and
BackupTask2 sections are configured but the
value of BackupTaskCount is 1, only the
BackupTask1 section takes effect.

BeforeEncode Indicates whether the password is encrypted. Make sure that this
Set the value to 1 during initial configuration or parameter is added
when user information is changed. in the MML
The values are: section and that
the value is 1.
l 1
The current password is in plain text. The
iGWB automatically encrypts the values of
the following parameters in the igwb.ini file
and changes the value of BeforeEncode to
– When you configure the parameters in the
MML section, the iGWB encrypts the
value of UserInfoPwd.
– When you configure the parameters in the
NetBackup, BackupTask%, and
Wholesale sections, the iGWB encrypts
the value of Password in each section.
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Wholesale, MML

UserName Indicates the user name of the FTP server. Configure this
[Maximum length]: 255 characters parameter based
on the
[Default value]: null requirements of
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, the office.
BackupTask%d, Wholesale

Password Indicates the password of the FTP server. Configure this

[Maximum length]: 128 characters parameter based
on the
[Default value]: null requirements of
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, the office.
BackupTask%d, and Wholesale

13-92 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

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User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

DestHostIP Indicates the IP address of the FTP server. Configure this

Configure the value of this parameter as the IP parameter based
address of the BC or the third-party server. on the
[Default value]: null requirements of
the office.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

LocalIP Indicates the IP address of the FTP client. Set Configure this
the value to the IP address of network adapter parameter based
3 (the four network adapters are numbered from on the
0 to 3) of iGWB1. requirements of
[Default value]: null the office.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,
BackupTask%d, Link%d

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-93

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13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

SourceDir Indicates the path where CDR files are backed If the iGWB sends
up. The path in this parameter should be set the the second copies
path style to UNIX. of final CDR files
[Default value] /var/frontsaveD:/frontsave to the BC in Push
mode, the
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, following cases
BackupTask%d are provided:
l E:/backsave/
If the path is set
to E:/
the iGWB
sends all the
second copies
of final CDR
files of the
access point to
the BC.
l E:/backsave/
If the path is set
to E:/
channel, the
iGWB sends all
the second
copies of final
CDR files of the
channel to the
BC. In this case,
you need to
create multiple
backup tasks.
When the BC
receives the
second copies
of final CDR
files in some
channels only,
use this setting.

13-94 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

When you intend

to back up CDR
files by using
backup tasks, set
the value of
according to the
following rules:
l To back up
original CDR
Set the value to
l To back up the
first copies of
final CDR files
Set the value to
l To back up the
second copies
of final CDR
Set the value to
accesspoint or

DestDir Indicates the destination path where CDR files Configure this
are backed up. The path in this parameter parameter based
should be set the path style to UNIX. on the
For example, the default path of an FTP server requirements of
is set to D:\CDR_BACKUP. In actual the office.
configuration, to back up CDR files to D: NOTE
\CDR_BACKUP\iGWB0, set the value of this The path in this
parameter should
parameter to /iGWB0.
be set the path style
[Default value]: /var/frontsave/backupD:/ to UNIX.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-95

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

DestFilesSaveDays Indicates the number of days for which Before setting the
destination files are stored. value, consider the
The values are: traffic volume and
the disk space of
l 0 the destination
The destination files are stored permanently. backup PC. If the
l 1-365 traffic volume is
The destination files are stored in a specified unknown, it is
number of days. The value ranges from 1 to suggested to set
365. the value to 60
[Default value]: 0 days.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

UseCompress Indicates whether to compress CDR files Configure this

during backup. parameter based
The values are: on the
requirements of
l 0 the carriers.
The CDR files are not compressed during
l 1
The CDR files are compressed during
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

CompressPassword Indicates the password for compressing CDR Configure this

files during backup. parameter based
[Maximum length]: 128 characters on the
requirements of
[Default value]: null the carriers.
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup, NOTE
BackupTask%d If you need to add
a password for
compressing the
CDR files that are
backed up through
a network, notify
the password to the
personnel of the
carrier and record
the password in a

13-96 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

BeforeCompressEn- When BeforeCompressEncode is set to 1, the Make sure that this

code iGWB automatically encrypts the value of parameter is added
CompressPassword in igwb.ini and changes in the BackupTask
the value of BeforeCompressEncode to 0. %d section and
The values are: that the value is 1.
l 1
The current password is in plain text.
l 0
The password is encrypted.
[Default value]: 1
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

CompressLevel Indicates the level for compressing CDR files. It is recommended

A higher compression level results in a higher to use the default
compression ratio but a longer compression value.
[Value range]: 0-9
[Default value]: 6
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

CompressType Indicates the password for compressing CDR It is recommended

files during network backup. to use the default
[Value range]: 0 value.
[Default value]: 0
[Parameter sections]: NetBackup,

13.3.16 OM Section
This topic describes the parameters in the OM section. .

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-97

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

DisplayErrBill Indicates whether to display error CDRs on the CDR It is

Console. When this parameter is set to 1, that is, to recommended
display error CDRs, you can view the error CDRs on to use the default
the CDR Console. Otherwise, you can see the prompt value.
of an error CDR, but you cannot view the error CDR.
Most error CDRs are sorted into E:\backsave\access point
name\default after they are processed. You cannot view this
channel on the CDR Console.
[Value range]:
l 0
Not to display error CDRs.
l 1
To display error CDRs.
[Default value]: 0

13.3.17 Perf Section

This topic describes the parameters in the Perf section.

Parameter Description Remarks

StatInterval Indicates the interval for disk scan. It is not

[Value range]: 60-180s recommended to
modify the
[Default value]: 180s parameter because
the parameter
whether to trigger
an alarm.

CPUMaxLimit Indicates the threshold for generating the It is not

"ALM-3227 CPU Busy" alarm. When the CPU recommended to
usage exceeds the specified value, the modify the
"ALM-3227 CPU Busy" alarm is generated. parameter because
[Value range]: 95%≤CPUMaxLimit≤100% the parameter
[Default value]: 95% whether to trigger
an alarm.

CPUMidLimit Indicates the threshold for generating the It is not

"ALM-3261 CPU Busy(Major)" alarm. When recommended to
the CPU usage exceeds the specified value, the modify the
"ALM-3261 CPU Busy(Major)" alarm is parameter because
generated. the parameter
[Value range]: 60%≤CPUMidLimit<95% determines
whether to trigger
[Default value]: 80% an alarm.

13-98 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

CPUMinLimit Indicates the threshold for clearing the It is not

"ALM-3227 CPU Busy" and "ALM-3261 CPU recommended to
Busy(Major)" alarm. When the CPU usage is modify the
less than the specified value, the two alarms are parameter because
cleared. the parameter
[Value range]: 20%≤CPUMinLimit≤50% determines
whether to trigger
[Default value]: 80% an alarm.

MemoryMaxLimit Indicates the threshold for generating the It is not

"ALM-3229 Insufficient Available Memory" recommended to
alarm. When the CPU usage exceeds the modify the
specified value, the "ALM-3229 Insufficient parameter because
Available Memory" alarm is generated. the parameter
[Value range]: 90%≤MemoryMaxLimit≤ determines
100% whether to trigger
an alarm.
[Default value]: 95%

MemoryMidLimit Indicates the threshold for generating the It is not

"ALM-3257 Insufficient Available Memory recommended to
(Major)" alarm. When the CPU usage exceeds modify the
the specified value, the "ALM-3257 Insufficient parameter because
Available Memory(Major)" alarm is generated. the parameter
[Value range]: 60%≤MemoryMidLimit<90% determines
whether to trigger
[Default value]: 80% an alarm.

MemoryMinLimit Indicates the threshold for clearing the It is not

"ALM-3229 Insufficient Available Memory" recommended to
and "ALM-3257 Insufficient Available Memory modify the
(Major)" alarms. When the CPU usage is less parameter because
than the specified value, the two alarms are the parameter
cleared. determines
[Value range]: 20%≤MemoryMinLimit≤50% whether to trigger
an alarm.
[Default value]: 50%

13.3.18 Resource%d Section

This topic describes the parameters in the Resource%d section.

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-99

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

VirtualIP Indicates the virtual IP address. The iGWB The configuration

generates the virtual IP address based on the rules are as follows:
specified value of this parameter. l Configure the
By default, you need to configure three virtual IP VirtualIP
addresses in the following sections: parameter in the
l Resource1 Resource1
The virtual IP address through which the section
iGWB Client connects to the NMS. The current according to the
value is network
planning of the
l Resource2 office. For
The virtual IP address used to connect the details, see
primary link of the SOFTX3000. The current Table 4-2.
value is
l The VirtualIP
l Resource3 parameters in the
The virtual IP address used to connect the Resource2 and
secondary link of the SOFTX3000. The current Resource3
value is sections are used
[Default value]: to connect the
device or NE that
generates CDRs,
so it is not
recommended to
modify the value
of the parameter.
For details, see
Table 4-2.

VirtualMask Indicates the subnet mask of the virtual IP Set the value to
address. The iGWB generates the subnet mask
based on the specified value of this parameter.
[Default value]: null

OrginalIP Indicates the fixed IP address corresponding to a Set the value to the
virtual IP address. For details about fixed IP actual fixed IP
addresses, see 4.1 Obtaining the Networking address.
Information . NOTE
[Default value]: null Before setting the
value, check the
fixed IP addresses of
the network adapters
of the iGWB server.

ResName Indicates the resource name. It is recommended

[Maximum length]: 128 characters to use the current
[Default value]: null

13-100 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual 13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server

Parameter Description Remarks

ResType Indicates the resource type. It is required to use

The values are: the current value.
l IP
A virtual IP address
l Volume
A shared disk array
l IBMVolume
An IBM EXP disk array
l Service
An application
l UserDefined
A user-defined resource
[Default value]: null

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-101

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
13 Parameter Reference of the iGWB Server User Manual

Parameter Description Remarks

SwitchGroup Indicate the resource group number. When It is required to use

exceptions occur in different resources groups, the current value.
the iGWB uses different methods to handle the
[Value range]:
l -1
The number of the resource group that the
virtual IP address belongs to. In this resource
group, the virtual IP addresses for connecting
the iGWB Client and the BC are set. When the
value is set to -1, if an exception occurs, the
"ALM-3213 iGWB IP Resource Failure"
alarm is generated but the primary and
secondary iGWB servers are not switched
l 0
No group that is divided for the virtual IP
address. When the value is set to 0, if an
exception occurs, the "ALM-3213 iGWB IP
Resource Failure" alarm is generated and the
primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over.
l 1
The number of the resource group that the
virtual IP address belongs to. In the resource
group, the primary and secondary virtual IP
addresses for connecting the SOFTX3000 are
set. When the value is set to 1, if exceptions
occur in all the virtual IP addresses of the same
resource group, the "ALM-3213 iGWB IP
Resource Failure" alarm is generated and the
primary and secondary iGWB servers are
switched over.
For example, when the values of the
SwitchGroup parameters in Resource2 and
Resource3 are set to 1, it indicates that the two
IP addresses belong to the same resource
group. The primary and secondary iGWB
servers are switched over only when
exceptions occur in the virtual IP addresses
configured in Resource2 and Resource3.
[Default value]: 0

13-102 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual A Acronyms and Abbreviations

A Acronyms and Abbreviations

ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One

BAM Back Administration Module
BC Billing Center
BS Billing System

CDR Call Detail Record
CG9812 Charging Gateway
CPU Center Processing Unit
CS Circuit Switched (CS) domain
CSCF Call Session Control Function

FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FTAM File Transfer Access Management
FTP File Transfer Protocol

GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node
GPRS General Packet Radio Service

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
A Acronyms and Abbreviations User Manual

GTP GPRS Tunneling Protocol

GUI Graphic User Interface

IBM International Business Machines
ID IDentification/IDentity
iGWB iGateway Bill
IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem
IP Internet Protocol

KB Kilobyte

LAN Local Area Network

MML Human-Machine Language (formerly
Man-Machine Language)
MSC Mobile Switching Center, Mobile
Service Switching Center

NMS Network Management System
NTP Network Time Protocol

OMC Operation & Maintenance Center

PC Personal Computer
PID Process Identification
PS Packet Switched (PS) domain

A-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual A Acronyms and Abbreviations

PWD Process Watch Dog Service

SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node
STP Signaling Transfer Point

TCP Transfer Control Protocol

UDP User Datagram Protocol
UMG Universal Media Gateway

WAN Wide Area Network

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual Index


A process, 7-91
connection between server and client, 7-31, 7-33
access point, 7-40 primary server, 7-83
active, 7-89 procedure, 7-3
advanced configuration, 8-1 receive and process CDR, 7-40
backup CDR through network, 8-3 receive and process CDR from MediaX3600, 7-50
backup CDR to thrid-party server, 8-6 receive and process CDR from Softswitch, 7-42
compress CDR file, 8-85 receive and process CDR from UMG8900, 7-58
compresses CDR file transmit final CDR, 7-69
first copies of final CDR, 8-93 transmit final CDR in Pull mode, 7-72
original CDR, 8-87 transmit final CDR in Push mode, 7-73
second copies of final CDR, 8-97 Two-Node, 7-7
generate final CDR heartbeat, 7-14
at specified time, 8-53 runtime priority, 7-11
by date, 8-48 user information synchronization, 7-18
by generation interval, 8-39 virtual IP address, 7-21
by number of CDR, 8-57 basic knowledge
by size of each CDR file, 8-44 access point, 7-40
name final CDR file backsave patch, 7-40
add number of CDRs, 8-79 cluster mechanism, 7-7
add office information, 8-65 compression CDR file, 8-86
add time information, 8-72 connection between server and client, 7-31
procedure, 8-2 delete expired CDR, 8-16
rules for generate final CDR, 8-37 directory structure of final CDR, 7-70
rules for name final CDR file, 8-63 first copies of final CDR, 8-6
storage period of CDR, 8-15 format library, 7-40
storage period of original CDR generation process of final CDR, 8-38
according to disk space, 8-22 heartbeat link, 7-7, 7-7
fixed storage period, 8-17 name structure of final CDR file, 8-64
original CDR, 8-6
B Pull mode, 7-70
Push mode, 7-70
back up receive and process CDR, 7-40
configuration of server, 7-6, 8-3, 9-1 runtime priority, 7-7
backsave patch, 7-40 second copies of final CDR, 8-6
backup CDR through network, 8-3 source backup path, 8-6
backup CDR to third-party server, 8-6 storage period of CDR, 8-16
backup task structure of client, 7-31
backup CDR to third-party server, 8-6 user information synchronization, 7-7
transmit final CDR to BC, 7-73 virtual IP address, 7-7
basic configuration, 7-1 bulb, 7-82
alarm, 7-34
check, 7-91
heartbeat, 7-95

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Index User Manual

name final CDR file

C add number of CDRs, 8-79
add office information, 8-65
C:\iGWB\Config\Format, 7-40 add time information, 8-72
cannot parameter of the client, 6-5
run, 7-1 plan, 4-1
send "ALM-3203 BS Not Fetch CDRs For A Long procedure, 3-1
Time", 7-34 receive and process CDR, 7-40
change password, 6-4 receive and process CDR from MediaX3600, 7-50
check receive and process CDR from Softswitch, 7-42
basic configuration, 7-91 receive and process CDR from UMG8900, 7-58
basic parameter setting, 7-91 rollback, 10-1
bulb, 7-82 rollback to backup parameter setting, 10-4
heartbeat, 7-95 rollback to factory parameter setting, 10-4
installation of client, 5-7 rollback to lastly right save, 10-3
installation of FTP on third-party server, 5-7 rollback to lastly saved, 10-3
installation of server, 5-7 rules for generate final CDR, 8-37
networking information, 4-2 rules for name final CDR file, 8-63
parameter setting of primary server, 7-89 storage period of CDR, 8-15
parameter setting of secondary server, 7-79 storage period of original CDR
process, 7-82, 7-91 according to disk space, 8-22
cluster mechanism, 7-7 fixed storage period, 8-17
collect transmit final CDR, 7-69
deployment function, 4-7 transmit final CDR in Pull mode, 7-72
device information, 4-9 transmit final CDR in Push mode, 7-73
networking information, 4-2 Two-Node, 7-7
compress CDR file, 8-85 configure server
compresses CDR file advanced configuration, 8-1
first copies of final CDR, 8-93 basic configuration, 7-1
original CDR, 8-87 connection between iGWB and BC, 7-69
second copies of final CDR, 8-97 connection between server and client, 7-31, 7-33
compression CDR file, 8-86 customize
configuration personnel, 2-1 compress CDR file, 8-85
configuration plan rules for generate final CDR, 8-37
device information, 4-9 rules for name final CDR file, 8-63
function requirement, 4-7 storage period of CDR, 8-15
networking information, 4-2
configure D
alarm, 7-34
backup CDR through network, 8-3 delete expired CDR, 8-16
backup CDR to third-party server, 8-6 deployment function, 4-7
backup task, 7-73, 8-6 directory structure of final CDR, 7-70
client, 6-1
compress CDR file, 8-85 E
compresses CDR file
first copies of final CDR, 8-93 E:\backsave\Second\, 7-70
original CDR, 8-87 example, 11-1
second copies of final CDR, 8-97 extension of final CDR file, 8-64
connection between server and client, 7-31
generate final CDR F
at specified time, 8-53
by date, 8-48 FAQ, 12-1
by generation interval, 8-39 first copies of final CDR, 8-6
by number of CDR, 8-57 fixed storage period of original CDR, 8-17
by size of each CDR file, 8-44 format library, 7-40
instance, 11-1 frequently asked question, 12-1
instance of advanced configuration, 11-20 function requirement, 4-7
instance of basic configuration, 11-2

i-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 06 (2009-02-25)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Manual Index

by function, 13-7
G by section, 13-13
in alphabetic order, 13-2
generate final CDR, 8-37 password of the config user, 6-4
at specified time, 8-53 prefix, 8-64
by date, 8-48 preparation, 5-1
by generation interval, 8-39 primary server, 7-83
by number of CDR, 8-57 procedure
by size of each CDR file, 8-44 advanced configuration, 8-2
generation process of final CDR, 8-38 basic configuration, 7-3
GZIP, 8-86 configuring, 3-1
process, 7-82
H pull mode, 7-70
push mode, 7-70
heartbeat, 7-14
heartbeat link, 7-7, 7-7
network adapter link, 7-7
serial port link, 7-7 remotely modify and maintain igwb.ini, 5-2
I configuration personnel, 2-1
knowledge and skill, 2-2
igwb.ini, 1-1 knowledge of system and networking, 2-2
IGWB0, 7-5 skill in operating, 2-2
IGWB1, 7-5 rollback, 10-1
IGWB_Cluster, 7-5 rules for generate final CDR, 8-37
infix, 8-64 rules for name final CDR file, 8-63
instance, 11-1 runtime priority, 7-11
instance of advanced configuration, 11-20
instance of basic configuration, 11-2
K second copies of final CDR, 8-6
knowledge and skill, 2-2 backup CDR through network, 8-3
knowledge of system and networking, 2-2 change password, 6-4
change system time, 8-16
L Two-Node, 4-9
serial number of final CDR file, 8-64
log in serial port, 4-9
Parameter Config Console, 7-5 skill in operating, 2-2
source backup path, 8-6
N standby, 7-89
storage period of CDR, 8-15, 8-16
name final CDR file, 8-63 storage period of original CDR according to disk
add number of CDRs, 8-79 space, 8-22
add office information, 8-65 structure of client, 7-31
add time information, 8-72
name structure of final CDR file, 8-64
O user information synchronization, 7-7, 7-18
office, 7-5
original CDR, 8-6 V
virtual IP address, 7-7, 7-21
P virtual IP address fault, 7-21
Parameter Config Console, 5-2
log in, 7-5 Z
parameter reference, 13-1 ZLIB, 8-86

Issue 06 (2009-02-25) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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