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To provide insight for enhancing wealth

Notes on Railway Signaling

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RDSO Recognised by Brundavan Colony, Vijayawada-520 010, A.P., INDIA
Efftronics Systems Pvt. Ltd.
ISO 9001 : 2015
20000873 QM15 Ministry of Railways Govt. of INDIA Rating: BB +91 866 2466684, 2466675,
Railway Signaling Training Manual

A Why railways are important transport option
B Indian Railways organization – departments
C Indian Railways – Divisions – Zones – Railway Board
D Role of Signaling in Railway operations

E Designations of Officials in S&T Department

F How trains are run – Controlling of Trains
A Introduction to Railway Signaling – Signaling Elements
B Station Section – Block Section
C How are the trains received into a station
D How are the trains dispatched from a station
E Signaling Elements – Role - Operation
1. Points - Position – Types – Speed over points – Facing & Trailing Points & Isolation

2. Signals - Why signals – signal aspects & meaning – Reception & Dispatch signals –
Reception Signals aspects - Dispatch Signals aspects – 2 Road station on single line diagram
with signals – Route, shunt & calling-on signals – 2nd Distant signal – signal location

3. Train Detection System (Track Vacancy Proving) - DC Track Circuits & Axle Counters

i. DC Track Circuits – Track circuit connections – Principle of Working – Dividing stations

into track sections – 4 road station with track circuits
ii. Axle Counter – Principle of Working –Comparison with DC Track Circuit – Diagram of
2-Road Station on single line with signals, points & track circuits with distances

4. Signaling on Block Section – Block Instruments, Auto Signaling – Absolute Block

Working Principles – Block Proving by Axle Counter – Limitations of Absolute Block
Working – Automatic Signaling.

A Operation of Signals and Points

Area of Control – Types of Panels – Operations – Type of Interlocking – End Panels &
Central Panel – RRI – Route Relay Interlocking

Operation of Switch Type panels & button type panels

Route of a Signal
B How trains are dealt at a station when a signal fails
Accidents and their Prevention
Types of Accidents
Reason for Accident – How are they avoided by Signaling System
Commissioner of Railway Safety

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A Interlocking Principles
B Documents of Signaling Design
C Stages of Interlocking
A Signaling System at a station – Block Diagram
B Integrated Power Supply System
C Implementation of Interlocking through Relays – Sequence of relays operation
i. Signaling Relay
ii. Circuit for point normal detection relay
iii. Circuit for repeating track relay status from field to relay room
iv. Relay Nomenclature
v. Relay Names and their purpose for British Practice for Signal, Point, Route, Crank Handle,
LC gate and cancellation
D Classification of Relays based on their Role in Relay Interlocking
E Understanding the function of different sub-systems in Electronic Interlocking
F Function of few relays – when they pick up and drop
G Sequence of Relay Operations for trains movements and signal operations
A Some Safety features on Signaling
i. One Signal – One Train
ii. Cascading of Signal aspects
iii. Red Lamp protection
iv. Overlap release
v. Sectional Route Release
vi. Emergency Operation of Point when point track fails
B Route Cancellation – Types
i. Route Cancellation
ii. Normal Route Cancellation
iii. Emergency Route Cancellation
iv. Super Emergency Route Cancellation
C Semi-Automatic Signals
D Interlocking of LC Gate – in mid-section and station section
E Intermediate Block Signal
F SSDAC (Single Section Digital Axle Counter)
G Multi-section Digital Axle Counter (MSDAC)
H Analogue Axle Counter
I Combination Signals
J Interlocking between starter & advanced starter

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K Approach Clearance of Loop Line Starter

L Crank Handle Interlocking
M Block instruments
Challenges faced by S&T department in maintaining signaling system
A Challenges
B Solutions provided by EFFTRONICS to S&T to face maintenance challenges
C Typical Signaling system Failures
D Logics for few typical failure alarms
E Typical signaling system
Typical monitoring system for a signaling and point & signal monitoring system
Data analytics helps in finding solutions for the challenges faced by railways

A Function of Data logger

B Data logger – electrically explained

C Data logger at relay interlocking station
D Data logger at EI station
E Networked data logger system
F DLMC – Data Logger Monitoring Centre located in Divisional control office
Modern signaling systems
Review Questions 54
Answers 57
A Auto Signals – Aspects and meaning 60
Brief on Signaling Elements – Point, Track Circuit, Axle Counter, Station Section - Block
Section, Signals, Relay Operation of Signal System, Conditions Checked by Interlocking
B 61
System before clearing a Signal, Route, Electronic Interlocking, Signal fault alarms RDSO
Recommended 2011
C Signal fault alarms 66
D Point operation, control & detection circuit 70
E Signal operation, control & lighting circuit 71
F Solution for line capacity 73
G Wheel & axle – rails 74
H Track circuit repeater relay 74
I How point is detected 75
J Operation of signals and interlocking relays 76
K Electronic interlocking, protocol converter & data logger - 1 76
L Electronic interlocking, protocol converter & data logger - 2 77
M Challenge of controller – how to decide priority of movements at junction stations 78

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Siemens Practice of Interlocking 79

A Understanding how to read Route Section Plan [RSP] 79
B How operations are done on Siemens panel interlocking & RRI 84
C Relays names – function – flow chart for Panel operations 85
D Relays names – function – flow chart for RRI operations 90
E Differences between Panel Interlocking & RRI 93
F Flow charts of operations 94

Notes on railway signaling provides principles based on which railway signaling

works on Indian Railways. This is meant for a brief introduction of the system, which enables
the user to appreciate the problems faced by IR in providing safe & efficient operations through

Indian railways at present uses button / VDU operated panels with Electronic Interlocking.
However, for ease of understanding the principles, switch type panel with relay interlocking is
taken as example.

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A. Why railways are important transportation option
i. More fuel efficient compared to Road transportation – steel wheel travels over steel
rail – less friction – less fuel
ii. More environmental friendly
iii. Suitable for bulk transport of material like coal, iron ore etc.
iv. Suitable for mass transport – meets urban transport requirements
B. Indian railways organization – various departments:
To run the railway system civil, mechanical, electrical, communication engineers are
Indian Railways has many departments to do various activities for train running
1. Operating department – to operate signals and run trains
2. Signal and Telecom department - to install and maintain signaling
3. Mechanical department – to maintain coaches and diesel locos
4. Electrical department –to maintain electrical engines, electrical traction
5. Commercial department – to sell tickets and passenger services
6. Engineering department – to construct and maintain track and bridges
7. Medical department – Health of employees. Treat Passengers in emergency
8. Stores department – for material procurement
9. Personal department – to take care of staff matters
10. Accounts department – deals with financial matters
First 6 departments are directly involved in train running
Products of EFFTRONICS are mainly used by signal and telecom, operating and
commercial departments.

C. Indian railways – divisions -- zones – Railway Board:

Railways are divided as divisions. Divisions are headed by DRM [Divisional Railway
Manager]. Under him each department has one officer as in-charge for maintenance of
their equipment. He is assisted by engineers and staff. Non-technical works are done by
managers [Operations, Commercial, Finance]
3 to 6 divisions are combined as one railway zone [Central railway, Western railway etc.].
Each zone has one GM [General Manager]. He is assisted by chief operations manager
and Chief Engineers in each department.
Railway Board at Delhi guides the GMs in running railways. There are 6 members
representing various departments. S&T department has additional member. He reports
to CRB – Chairman Railway Board.

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16 Zones & 68 Divisions on Indian Railways

Zone HQ Divi
1 NR Delhi 5 Delhi, Ambala, Ferozpur, Moradabad, Lucknow
2 NCR Allahabad 3 Allahabad, Agra, Jhansi
3 NER Gorakhpur 3 Lucknow, Varanasi, Izzatnagar
4 ECR Hazipur 5 Sonpur, Samastipur, Dhanbad, Danapur & Mugalsarai
5 ER Kolkata 4 Howra, Sealda, Asansol, Malda
6 NFR Malegaon 5 Katihar, Alipurdwar, Rangia, Malegaon, Tinsukia
7 SER Kolkata 4 Kharagpur, Adra, Chakradarpur, Ranchi
8 ECOR Bhubaneswar 3 Khurda, Waltair, Sambalpur
9 SECR Bilaspur 3 Bilaspur, Raipur, Nagpur
10 SCR Secunderabad 6 Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Guntur, Guntakal, Nanded
11 SR Chennai 6 Chennai, Madurai, Trichy, Selam, Palghat, Trivendrum
12 SWR Hubli 3 Hubli, Bangalore, Mysore
13 CR Mumbai 5 Mumbai, Sholapur, Pune, Busaval, Nagpur
14 WCR Jabalpur 3 Jabalpur, Kota, Bhopal
15 WR Mumbai 6 Mumbai, Vadodara, Ahmadabad, Rajkot, Ratlam, Bhavnagar
16 NWR Jaipur 4 Jaipur, Ajmeer, Bikaneer, jodhpur

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D. Role of Signaling in Railway operations

1. Railway signaling system ensures safety in train operations by eliminating human
errors in train operations
2. It improves operational efficiency by reducing human element in train operations

E. Designation of officials in S&T department

1. Officers:
In zone
CSTE – Chief Signal and Telecom Engineer – in-charge of a zone
CSE - Chief Signal Engineer – in-charge of signaling of a zone
CCE - Chief Communication Engineer – in-charge of communications of a zone
Dy. CSTE – Deputy Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer

In Division
SRDSTE – Senior Divisional Signal and Telecom Engineer – in-charge of a division
DSTE – Divisional Signal and Telecom Engineer – assists SRDSTE
ASTE – Assistant Signal and Telecom Engineer – assists SRDSTE

2. Supervisors:
SSE [Signal] – Senior Section Engineer [signals] – section in charge consisting of 10 to
20 stations
JE or SE [Signal] – Junior or Section Engineer [signals] – responsible for section
consisting of 5 to 10 stations – works under SSE
Signaling and telecommunication equipment are maintained by different Supervisors.
However, normally at officer level, one officer looks after both signaling and telecom

3. Technician:
Technician [Signal] – hands-on maintenance of signal equipment at one or more stations

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F. How trains are run – i.e. controlling of trains:

Signals at each station are operated by station master [SM] to receive & dispatch trains.
Who decides which train should be sent first, when two trains are ready at the same
time? When two trains are following one another – if faster train is following, it is given
precedence by stopping first train. When two trains are travelling in opposite direction
on single line section – crossing is arranged by stopping one train.
Operations of a group of station masters [15 to 20] are controlled by a person called
controller sitting in divisional control office. For this purpose, each station is provided
with a phone called control phone and connected by speaker phone to controller.
All stations phones are connected in parallel in one circuit only. Controller can call each
SM by giving ring. Station master can call the controller by voice calling as the controller
is provided with speaker. Controller decides the crossings and precedence of trains and
informs the SM by control phone.
Controller records train arrival and departure timings in a chart called control chart by
taking the timings on control phone from SM.

Traffic controller controls train movements from divisional control office

Station master operates signals from panel at station

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CTC – Centralized Traffic Control

In CTC system, controller himself operates signals of all stations in a section from central
location, called CTC center. All train movements are seen on real time basis from central
location. By this, operations can be done more efficiently as decisions are taken fast.

A. Introduction to Railway Signaling – signaling elements
Railway signaling helps in running trains safely and efficiently
Railway stations are of two types – where signals are provided; where signals are not
provided but trains stop for passengers
Signaling related equipment at a station consists of - Point, Signal, Track Circuit / Axle
counter, Block instruments and station master operating panel, VDU

Signals Point operated electrically by motor

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Signaling elements & their purpose

1 Point It is track structure used to divert train from one line to other line – it is operated by
SM from a Panel to set the route for a train. Electrical motor operates the point.
2 Signal Indicates to the driver, authority to move – operated by SM from panel to receive a
train into his station or dispatch to next station.
3 Track circuit Detects presence of a train on a section of track – used to prevent collisions
4 Axle counter Detects presence of a train on a section of track – used to prevent collisions
5 Block Operated by Station Master – to ensure only one train is permitted between two
instrument stations at any time – prevents collision of trains between stations
6 SM panel Man Machine Interface – used by SM to operate points are signals

B. Station & block sections – Track is divided into two sections for controlling trains
1. Station section – Movements are done within the station – SM can independently operate signals
2. Block section – Movement is between two stations – SM of the station has to take permission
from the next station SM to send a train. He gives permission for a train to be sent from next station.

Signals are provided at entry of station & block sections to ensure safe movements. [the following
diagram shows signals for one direction only for easy understanding]

C. Activities by Station Master in receiving a train into a station

1. SM sets route to line on which train is to be received by operating points from panel
2. SM ensures that LC gates in the route are closed
3. SM then operates reception signal from the panel
4. Signal changes its aspect from red to yellow
5. Driver follows the signal and brings the train into the station
6. SM advises train arrival time to controller by control phone

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D. Activities by Station Master in dispatching train from a station

1. SM is advised by controller on control phone to dispatch train
2. SM takes permission to send train from SM of receiving station by Block
3. SM operates dispatch signals from the panel
4. Based on signals driver moves the train into block section
5. SM advises train dispatch time to controller by control phone

E. Signaling elements – role – operation

1. Point
Point is required to divert train from one track to other. Point is operated by SM from his
room through panel / VDU

Point has two switch rails which are movable. They can be moved to NORMAL & REVERSE.
Point has two stock rails and one crossing which are fixed.
Point with switch rails and crossing
i. Position: Normal and reverse
In the above diagram red marked part is called switch or tongue rail. A point has a pair
of switch rails – one open and the other closed. A closed switch diverts train from one
line to other. The above point is said to be set to normal – i.e. train can move between
A and B.
When point is set to reverse [left switch in the above diagram closes and right switch
opens] – train can move between A and C.

Rod operated point is operated with a lever from cabin – operating range is limited to
200 meters

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Motor operated trap point – operating range is few Kilometers – less time and effort
to operate the point compared to rod operation – on Indian Railways all points are
operated by motors. Above point is a special point, which is used to isolate one track
from the other.

Types of points
Crossover point:
A crossover point consists of two single end points. Both points together give normal or
reverse status. One end of a crossover can be a trap point. Crossover point is operated
by one button/ switch with one operation.

Trap point:
A trap point has only one switch rail, it is provided normally after a signal. Trap has two
positions, open and closed. If a train travels over a trap in open it derails. Trap is used
to derail a train when driver passes a signal at danger. Trap is not provided on main line.

ii. Operation of point:

Point is operated by electrically by DC motor or mechanically by steel rods connected to
a lever. Point is operated by a two position switch or two buttons from panel or with a
lever from cabin by SM. Point normal and reverse indications are given to Station Master
by LEDs.
iii. Speed over point:
Trains can go at full speed on main line [i.e. when point is in normal]. Speed on loop line
is restricted to 20 or 30 KMPH [i. e. when point is in reverse].

iv. Facing and trailing directions of movement:

Point is said to be in facing and trailing directions based on the direction of movement.
In the above diagram - A to B is facing – B to A is trailing
In facing direction if there is gap at closed switch rail train derails. To prevent derailment
point is detected – i.e. point indication comes when there is no gap between closed
switch rail and stock rail. Then only, signal is allowed to be cleared.
In trailing direction if point is not set correctly train will not derail but damages the point.
It is called trailing through or bursting of point.

Movement [see diagram] Status of point Direction of movement

A to B Normal Facing
B to A Normal Trailing
A to C Reverse Facing
C to A Reverse Trailing

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The following yard on a single line section has 5 Roads – 3 roads for passenger trains
and two roads for goods trains

2. Signals
i. Why signals are required?
To indicate to the driver his place of stopping
To protect one train from collision with another train
To protect the points (to protect the train at points)
To protect road users at level crossing gates
To improve the efficiency of train running
A train stops after travelling about 1 Km after brake is applied. This is because the friction between
wheel and rail is less. This is called braking distance. A driver has to be advised at least 1 Km before
his stopping location – otherwise he may cause accident. This is done by signals.

ii. Signal aspects – their meaning

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iii. Reception & dispatch signals at a station

Reception signals are called Distant & Home signals. Dispatch signals are called
starter & advanced starter signals

Signal Purpose Where located

First signal seen by driver while approaching station – it
Distant repeats the aspect of next signal i.e. home signal. Distant 1 Km from home signal
signal is a permissive signal. No train need to stop at distant.
First stop signal seen by driver - Permits entry into station
Home – it has route lamps to indicate the line on which train is going Outside all points of station
to be received.
Permits starting from the station – one starter at each end of End of berthing track &
the line in a station before point
Last stop signal – LSS – Permits entry into block section –
controlled by block instrument – used to take permission from Outside all points of station
next station master

Station with Reception and dispatch signals - shown for one direction only

a. Reception signals:
Home is provided outside all points. Since braking distance of a train is 1 km – if the
reception signal [Home] is at danger, driver shall be able to see it at 1 km – to enable
him to stop at the signal if it is red. Since it is not possible to see the reception signal at
1 km always – its aspect is repeated by a permissive signal called distant signal provided
at 1 km from Home signal.
This signal is called distant signal.
Home has three lamps red, yellow and green. It also has route lamps to indicate the line
to which signal is cleared.
Distant has three lamps two yellow lamps and one green. No red lamp for distant signal.
On Indian Railways, LED lit signals are used.

Relationship between home and distant signals aspects:

Stop outside station Yellow Red
Stop on loop line Double yellow Yellow lamp & route lamp
Stop on main line Double yellow Yellow
Pass through the station on main line [ no stop] Green Green

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b. Dispatch signals:

Starter: One dispatch signal is provided for each road of the station. It is called starter signal. If
the road is of bi-direction, two starter signals on either end are provided.
Advanced starter: A common dispatch signal is provided outside the station at the entry of block
section called advanced starter
Main line starter has 3 lamps – red, yellow and green
All other starters have two lamps – red and yellow
At junction station route lamps also are provided on starter signal to indicate direction of dispatch
Advanced starter has 2 lamps – red and green
Relation between starter and advanced starter signals aspects:
Normally they are independent – but for main line starter, green lamp is controlled by advanced
starter green lamp

Movement Starter Advanced starter

1 Dispatch from main line Green Green
2 Dispatch from loop line Yellow Green

Reception and dispatch signals at a single line station

c. Route, shunt and calling on signals:

Signals are provided with route lamps if they are reading to more than one line or direction. They
are provided above the main lamps on the same post. Three types of route lamps are provided.
Junction type – row of 5 lights in the direction of movement [left or right]
Multi lamp type – displays digit of the number of line
Stencil type – a letter is stenciled on a glass with back ground light
Multi lamp and Stencil route indicators are being replaced by LED multi lamp route

Junction type Route lamp Shunt lamp Calling-on signal

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Shunt signal are located below starter signals on the same post or on the ground where stop signal is not
available – they are called independent shunt signals. Shunt signals are used for movements within the station.

Type of signal Normal aspect Cleared aspect

Shunt signal below stop signal No lamp is lit Two mini white lamps at an angle are lit
Independent [ground type] shunt Two horizontal mini Two mini white lamps at an angle are lit
signal white lamps are lit
Calling on signal No lamp Miniature yellow lamp
Any type of route lamp Not lit Lit only when signal is cleared for loop line

d. Calling-on signal:

It is located below home signal and starter signals. Small yellow lamp is lit when cleared – otherwise not lit.
It is used to receive trains on occupied lines or when stop signal fails [mainly due to track circuit failure]
To avoid collision while receiving train on occupied line by calling-on signal, calling-on signal is cleared only
after train coming to a stop at calling-on signal. This is ensured by proving occupancy of a short length [50m]
track circuit in the approach of the calling-on signal by the train before clearing the signal.

6A 6B
Diagram 6A: A stop signal with junction type route lamps and a shunt signal below it
Diagram 6B: A stop signal with junction type route lamps and multi lamp route lamp

e. Second distant signal:

Since heavier and faster trains are being introduced, 1 km warning distance is felt inadequate, for the driver
to control the train. Hence another warning signal at 1 km from present distant signal is introduced. Outermost
signal from station is named as distant and the next one Inner distant signal. Second distant signal is
introduced on important routes only.

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2nd distant station Single distant station

Move ment
Distant Inner distant Distant
Stoping outside station Double yellow Single yellow Single yellow

Stoping at station [main/ loop] Green Double yellow Double yellow

Run through on main line Green Green Green

f. Locating signals

Signal Where located on

name Double Line Single Line
1 Home By the side of reception track – outside Outside all points – 180m from opposite
signal all points – 180m from Top point LSS
2 Advanced By the side of despatch track – outside
Outside all points – 120m from Top point
starter all points – 120m from Top point
3 Loop line One signal on loop line – just before Two signals on loop line – just before
starter despatch side point point on loop – both sides
4 Main line One signal on main line – just before Two signals on main line – just before
starter despatch side first point first point on the loop – both sides
5 DN
1 Km from DN home signal 1 Km from DN home signal
Note: Advanced starter is also called LSS [Last Stop Signal] – Home signal is also called
first stop signal

1. Train detection systems [Track vacancy proving] – DC track circuit & Axle counter

Types of train detection systems in use

a. DC track circuit
b. Audio frequency track circuit – AFTC [presently not used]
c. Axle counter – analogue [old installations only – presently not used]
d. Axle counter single section – digital
e. Axle counter multi section – digital

All train detection systems have a relay to prove the vacancy of the section. The relay is
used in interlocking system.

i. DC Track circuit

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a. DC Track Circuit - power and relay are connected to rails

Track is divided into sections of maximum length of 720m. Insulation is provided at each
end of track section to prevent power leaking from one track section to other.
Each section is given a name – name comes from point, signal or road. [11AT, 1T,
DC power is connected at one end and relay at other end. Both rails are to be insulated
from each other by providing PSC sleepers with insulation.

Principle of working: When a train enters the track section its axle shorts both the rails
and prevents power reaching the track relay. When train vacates track section, energy
is restored back to track relay. Power supply voltage is about 10 V DC. Relay requires
about 1.5 V. Track circuit fails in case of rain as both rails are shorted by water. Even
though the track is vacant it shows occupied to station master. This causes signal failure.

b. Dividing station into Track Circuit sections:

1. Two track circuits for each crossover point and one track circuit for single end point
2. Track circuit starts immediately after all signals except distant signal
3. Approach track circuit to home signal.
4. Name the track circuits after signals and points. Berthing tracks are given the Roads
name (UMT, ULT, DMT, DLT etc.)

• This plan is prepared by civil engineers

• Lines in the block section are named as
• Roads in the station are named as per
the direction of movement allowed
• Station masters room is marked
• Observe DN loop is common loop – both
direction trains can be received

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DC Track Circuit equipment – track feed

charger and track relays

Charger is given 110 V AC as input – it generates

up to 10 V DC to charge maximum 4 lead acid
cells of 80 AH capacity

Observe adjustable resistance between two

chargers [black & round]

ii. Axle counter [Analogue & Digital]

Left photo: Two Transmitters [outside the rail] and two receivers [inside the rail] fixed to
rails – voltage feeding to transmitters and processing of voltages received from receivers done by
yellow box Right photo: High Availability SSDAC installed in a location box – two SSDACs
provided in parallel is called HASSDAC. Observe two pairs of relays – in the pair one is used for
reset and other section clear proving.

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a. Principle of working
Magnetic wheel sensors fixed to rails sense passage of wheel over the sensors. Sensors
are provided on both ends of section to be monitored. Based on direction of train
movement the wheel counts are accounted as in or out. The difference of in and out
counts is evaluated on real time basis. When both are equal section clear relay picks
up. When axle counter fails, reset is applied first by SM to restore it. Failure continues
even after reset, technician attends the failure.
Track section length is not a limitation in case of axle counter like in track circuit. Track
need not be insulated as power is not fed to the track. Hence do not fail during rain.

b. Types of axle counters:

1. Analogue
2. Digital
i. SSDAC [Single Section Digital Axle Counter]
ii. MSDAC [Multi Section Digital Axle Counter]

Analogue axle counter Obsolete. Few axle counters are in use to monitor loop line
SSDAC[Single Section Mainly used for monitoring block section. Its proving relay is available at
Digital Axle Counter] both end stations as Evaluators are available at both stations
MSDAC [Multi Section Mainly used to monitor station section. It is also used in Automatic
Digital Axle Counter] block section monitoring.

c. Comparison of DC track circuit and Axle Counters

Advantages Disadvantages
DC Simple system – easy to install Performance affected by rain
Track Easy to maintain – less skilled staff Affects track reliability as rail is cut- insulation joint
circuit Less cost Performance depends on track
Limitation of length of a section
Axle Length of section no limitation Comparatively costly
counter Easy to install – independent of Requires high skills of installation & maintenance
Performance independent of

d. Two Road station on single line with signals, points & track circuits with distances

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2. Signaling on Block section – block instruments, auto signaling

Station section – controlled by station master with signals [Between home and
advanced starter]
Block section – controlled by adjacent station masters with block instruments [between
advanced starter of one station and home signal of adjacent station]
Systems of block working – Absolute block working & Automatic block working

a. Absolute block working:

Advanced starter signal displays red aspect normally and changes to green only after
permission is given to enter Block Section by the receiving SM.
Permission is exchanged [called line clear] through equipment called Block
Instruments operated by both end station masters.
Block Instrument is interlocked with advanced starter signal i.e. only after getting
line clear - signal can be changed to green.
One Block instrument is provided for each block section at a station.

Three safety conditions ensured by block instruments –

1. No train can be sent on signals without taking line clear
2. Line clear once obtained can be used for one train only
3. Second line clear can be given only after train left with first line clear reaches
next station

Types - single line, double line

Single line Block Instrument positions:

Line closed -- after arrival of the train into station from block section
Train coming from (TCF) - at receiving station - after giving line clear by SM
Train going to (TGT) - at sending station - after getting line clear from receiving station
Train online (TOL) – at both stations - after train entering block section

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Double line block instrument [SGE type] positions:

Block instrument is operated by SM at receiving station.
Line closed - after arrival of the train from block section at receiving station
Line clear - after giving line clear at receiving station
Train online - when train enters into block section

Limitations of absolute block working:

Manpower is required for operations;
Delays in operating time of signals
Solution is automatic signaling.

Block proving by axle counter:

In absolute block working, clearance of block section by a train has to be ensured by
station master before closing the block. It is normally done by physically checking the
last vehicle by exchanging signals with the GUARD of the train.

This prevents accident when a train parting takes place in the block section. However if
block is normalized without checking last vehicle; another line clear can be granted.

It may lead to accidents if a block is closed with part train in the section. To prevent
such accidents block vacancy is proved by axle counter. It is proved in line clear and
also normalizing block from train on line. This system of working is called BPAC [Block
Proving by Axle Counter].

b. Automatic block working:

Line capacity is increased by providing automatic signalling.
Complete block section is made into small sections of about 1 km.
Each section is provided with a signal to permit entry into the section.
Train detection by Track Circuit or Axle Counter is provided for all sections.
An auto signal displays yellow if the track section ahead i.e. up to next auto signal and
120m beyond it is clear.
Depending on the aspects of signals ahead, the aspect changes to double yellow and
green. [If next signal is yellow this signal changes to double yellow. If the next signal is
double yellow this signal changes to green]
The aspect changes to red when train occupies the controlling track. Thus the signals
are operated by trains.

Simulation of automatic signaling system

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A. Operation of signals and points

1. AREA of control:
Central panel – all points and signals of the station operated from one place
End panels – station is divided into parts, each part is operated by one panel

2. Type of panel
Route setting type panel – by operating two buttons one at the entry of the section and
other at the destination, route setting and signal clearance takes place one after other
Non-route setting type panel – first each point in the route is operated to required
position – then the signal is operated

3. Operations
By Buttons – points and signals operated by two buttons each [called SIEMENS practice]
By Switch – points and signals operated by one button each [called BRITISH practice]

4. Type of interlocking – Relay interlocking & Electronic Interlocking

RRIs – route setting type of panels working with relay interlocking
In RRIs route is set automatically by selecting the signal and train’s destination. [Points are
set automatically by relay interlocking]. Operations become easier – takes less time. Costly
as more relays are required - Complex design
Two types of RRIs – Switch or knob type [British practice], Button type [Siemens practice]
Interlocking implementation –
If implemented with relays it is called Relay interlocking.
If implemented with hardware and software it is called Electronic interlocking.

Type of RRI design –

i. Operations by switches and buttons
ii. Operations by only buttons

Electronic Interlocking [EI] – Operation from VDU or conventional panel – route setting type

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Station Master’s operating and indication panels of RRI [Route Relay Interlocking]

Operations on SWITCH type panels:

Operation Switch Action

Signal clearance Signal switch Turn to reverse after setting the route
Put back signal to danger Signal switch Turn to normal
Point Point switch Turn to normal/ reverse
Route cancellation Signal switch, cancel button Turn switch to normal & press cancel button
Operate the calling on signal switch after train
Calling ON Calling on signal switch occupying approach track – route gets locked
immediately but signal clears after 2 minutes

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Operations on button type panels:

Operation Buttons Action

Signal button, [GN] Press both buttons at a time – after setting the route [in
Signal clearance
Route button [UN] case of route setting type panel – no need to set route]

Signal button, [GN]

Put back signal to
Emergency signal button Press both buttons at a time

Point button [WN]

Point Press both buttons at a time
Point group button [WWN]

1. Press GN, EGGN

Emergency full route
2. Press GN, EUUYN –
cancellation when
GN, EGGN, UN, EUUYN, 3. Release EUUYN keeping GN pressed
there is no train on
4. Press UN
approach track
5. Release GN and UN

1. Press GN, EGGN

2. Press GN, EUUYN – release EUUYN keeping GN
Emergency full route
pressed and press UN –
cancellation when
GN, EGGN, UN, EUUYN 3. Release GN and UN - signal lock indication flashes -
there is train on
After 2 min signal lock indication becomes steady
approach track
4. Press GN, EUUYN – release EUUYN & press UN
5. Release GN and UN
Emergency sub-
1. EUYN key IN
route cancel by EUYN key,
2. Press EUYN and corresponding WN
EUYN key
1. Press GN and COGGN
2. Release COGGN keeping GN pressed
Calling ON GN, COGGN, UN 3. Press UN
4. Release both GN and UN – route gets locked
immediately- signal clears after 2 minutes

B. Sequence of operation of signals for trains

Pass through train – non-stopping train – line clear is available from next station
1. SM takes line clear for the train
2. Sets route to main line
3. Operates advanced starter – changes from red to green
4. Operates mainline starter – changes from red to green
5. Operates home signal – changes from red to green – distant signal changes from yellow
to green on its own

Pass through train – non-stopping train – line clear is not available from next station

1. Operate home to mainline – changes from red to yellow- distant changes to green.
2. Line clear obtained – operates mainline starter & advanced starter – both become green
3. If train has not passed home signal, it changes from yellow to green

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Sequence of operation of signals - loop line reception

1. SM sets points to loop line

2. Clears home signal – changes red to yellow with route lamps – distant changes from yellow
to double yellow

Sequence of operation of signals - loop line dispatch

1. Takes line clear and sets points for loop line dispatch
2. Operates advanced starter – changes from red to green
3. Operates starter – changes from red to yellow

Route of a signal:
1. Route of a signal starts from signal and ends at the end of overlap.
2. A signal may have more than one route. Ex: home signal at a 2 road station has two
routes- one to main line, second to loop line.
3. Total routes for typical 2 road station:

SN Signal Routes
1 UP home 2
2 Up loop starter 1
3 Up main starter 1
4 Up advanced starter 1
5 Up calling on 2
6 Up shunt signal 2
Total routes for Up 9
Total UP & DN routes 18

4. A route consists of – points, track circuits, LC Gates

5. Route locked means points and LC Gates are locked
6. Route cancelled means – route released without train movement
7. Next diagram shows status of various signals for different movements

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C. How trains are dealt at a station when a signal fails

1. Station master ensures that the route is not occupied by any other train and no
conflicting movement is taking place
2. SM also ensures all points are in required position by seeing himself and clamping the
point and locking it with pad lock
3. A written authority is given to the driver permitting him to pass the signal at danger
4. It takes about 30 minutes at a small station to follow this procedure. At bigger stations
more time is taken. In big RRIs trains are dealt on signals after attending the failure.
5. In case of advanced starter failure SM talks to next station SM and then only gives the
authority. No need to clamp points. Train is started on starter signal

Accidents and their prevention

Type of accidents

1. Collision of trains in the station

2. Collision in the block section
3. Derailment on normal track
4. Derailment on points
5. Accident at LC Gate
6. Fire on train

Reason for accident How it is avoided by signaling

Collision of trains in the station because of
1 Train detection by Track circuits / axle counter
reception on occupied line by SM
2 Collision of trains in block section Block instrument with block proving by axle counter
Automatic Train Protection [ATP] i.e. train brakes
Driver passing signal at danger and causing
3 are applied automatically based on signal aspect
4 Derailment due to gap at point Detect points and interlock with signals
5 Accident at Level Crossing gate Provide gate signals
Controlling brakes automatically based on train
6 Derailment due to over speed
location with ATP

Commissioner of railway safety [CRS] conducts enquiry on the major railway accidents. He
fixes persons responsible for accident and recommends prevention of such accidents. Data
logger data is considered as evidence for the accident.

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A. Interlocking Principles:

1. Conditions to be met before clearing the signal

i. All points are set correctly [correct position and without gap]
ii. Gates are closed
iii. Conflicting signals are not cleared
iv. Track is not occupied by other train
v. The above conditions are applied to a length of 180m/120m beyond the signal where the
train is supposed to come to a stop. This is called Overlap

2. Conditions to be met after clearing the signal until train reaches destination to avoid accident.
i. Route Locking: It shall not be possible to change points or open gates and set opposite
routes after clearing signal
ii. Route Holding: After train passing signal it shall not be possible to change points or open
gates and set opposite signals until the train reaches last track and clears previous track
iii. Approach locking: After Brakes application, train stops at 1 km. If signal is operated from
green to red when the train is within 1 km from signal, driver cannot stop his train before
the signal. If point is disturbed [operated] by the SM in the meanwhile, accident may
occur. To avoid this approach locking is provided.

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B. Documents of Signaling Design

i. Signaling and Interlocking Plan (SIP) – signals, track circuits, points etc. are marked
ii. Table of Control (TOC) /Route Control Chart (RCC) – prepared based on SIP – conditions
of interlocking are provided
iii. Route Section Plan (RSP) for Siemens Type Design – prepared based on SIP&RCC –
division of routes into sub routes
iv. Front Plate Diagram of Panel /Operating Diagram of EI - prepared based on SIP, all
switches and indications are marked
v. Signaling Relay Circuit design – based on SIP& TOC/RCC&RSP – circuit for
implementation of interlocking conditions mentioned in TOC/RCC
vi. Interface Circuits to EI – input relay contacts are wired as inputs and relay coils of output
relays are wired to output cards – the wiring circuit is called interface circuit
vii. Relay Contact Analysis – each relay contact used in the circuit design is given for each
relay at one place for easy appreciation of each relay usage

C. Stages of interlocking

Non-route setting type panels - Route is set by individual operation of

Route setting & points – then operation of signal
Signal clearance Route setting type panels - Route setting and signal clearance by single
operation by selection of SIGNAL & ROUTE
2 Route checking Points in the route are correctly set – conflicting routes are not set
3 Route locking Points and LC gates are locked
4 Signal control If the track is clear of other trains – signal control relay picks up
5 Signal lighting Signal control relay cuts off supply to red lamp & lights yellow/ green lamp

Route release by Route release takes place after checking sequential dropping & picking up
train movement of track circuits and changing signal switch to normal
If dead approach locking is provided – first signal switch to be normalized
– then route cancellation to be applied – after 2 minutes’ route is released.
If approach locking is provided and the train has not yet occupied
Route cancellation approach track – after normalization of signal switch, route also is
7 before train released without time delay.
If approach locking is provided and train has occupied approach track
– after normalization of signal switch, route cancellation is to be applied –
after 2 minutes’ delay route is released
After complete passage of train – if all track circuits are clear – signal
switch is normalized and then cancellation applied – after 2 minutes’ route
is released.
Route cancellation
8 after train
After complete passage of train - if route is not released & a track circuit
is down due to failure – route is released by applying super emergency
cancellation - some railways do not have this facility – maintainer releases

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A. Signaling system at a station – block diagram

1. Commands for operation are given by switches/buttons on the panel located in SM room
2. Relays in relay room processes for the command – if it is safe – command is delivered to
the field equipment like signal, point, LC gate, slot etc.
3. Signaling system is powered by IPS – Integrated Power Supply system [AT – Auxiliary
transformer which reduces 25 KV of traction to 230 V AC - it is reliable supply]

B. Integrated Power Supply system

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• 230 V AC is provided from multiple sources [state supply, diesel generators, AT supply]
• Battery bank of 55 lead acid cells [110 V DC] provides uninterrupted power and feeds
point machines
• DC-DC converters of 24 V DC are used to power relays, Electronic Interlocking, Axle
counter, Block instrument etc.
• Inverters 1&2 provide power to signals
• 230 V to 110 V AC transformers used to power signal lamps with 110 V AC
• DC track circuits have battery at site so 110 V battery backup of station is not extended
• IPS failure indicating miniature relays’ contacts are wired to data logger

C. Implementation of interlocking through Relays – Sequence of relays operation:

i. Signaling relay:
Status of points, signals, track circuits, LC gates etc. is represented by a relay. Relay is also
used to control signals, points, LC gates etc. after ensuring safety.

A relay has a coil and number of contacts

Voltage is applied to relay coil based on the status of point, track and signal. Relay contacts
are used for proving the condition in logic implementation.

Relay UP & DOWN:

Relay has two states – energized state and de-energized state. They are also called UP state
and DOWN state.
UP – Voltage applied
DOWN – Voltage withdrawn

Relay front and back contacts:

A relay has TWO types of contacts – front and back. Front contact is closed when relay is UP
– back contact is made when DOWN.

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ii. Circuit for point normal detection relay

iii. Circuit for repeating track relay status from field to relay room

iv. Relays nomenclature

1 Red /Relay/Reverse R
2 Lamp G, E
3 yellow H
4 Double yellow HH
5 Green D
6 Red Lamp RG
7 Checking / Control C
8 Route U
9 Route Checking Relay UCR
10 Red Lamp Checking Relay RECR
11 Point W
12 Indication / Detection K
13 Point Normal Detection Relay NWKR
14 Repeater / Proving P

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15 Repeater Relay of Green Lamp Proving Relay DECPR

16 Track T
17 Track Relay TR
18 2nd Repeated Relay of 15 Track Circuit 15 TP2R / 15 TPR2
19 Signal Yellow Lamp Control Relay HR
20 Release Y
21 Approach A
22 Stick S
23 Approach stick relay [Approach Lock Stick ASR / ALSR
Relay ALSR] – Route locking relay
24 Route release relay UYR
25 Timer initiation relay JSLR
26 Timer period completion relay NJPR

v. Relays’ Names and their purpose for British practice – switch type panel

a. Signal:
Name Code Purpose
Switch Relay RR Switch Reverse
HR Yellow Lamp Controlling
HHR Second Yellow Lamp Controlling
Lamp Control Relay
DR Green Lamp Controlling
UGR/UHR Route Lamp Controlling
RECR Red Lamp status relay
HECR Yellow lamp status relay
Lamp status Proving
HHECR Second Yellow lamp status relay
DECR Green lamp status relay
UECR Route Lamp is status relay

b. Point:

Name Code Purpose

Point Switch Relay NCR Switch Normal status relay
RCR Switch Reverse status relay
Point Lock Relay WLR Point is electrically locked
Point control Relay NWR Extends power to point machine
RWR Extends power to point machine
Point Detection Status Relay NWKR Point normal status relay
RWKR Point reverse status relay

c. Route:

Name Code Purpose

Route button relay UNR Route button pressed status relay
Route Checking Relay UCR Route checking status relay
Route Locking Relay ASR / ALSR Route Lock status relay
Route Release Relay UYR1
Tracks the movement of train

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d. Crank handle

Name Code Purpose

Crank handle IN CHPR Crank handle IN proving relay
Crank handle switch relay CHRR Crank handle switch reverse relay
Crank handle locked CHLR Crank handle lock relay
Crank handle free CHFR Crank handle free indicating relay
Crank handle release relay CHYR Crank handle release relay

e. LC Gate

Name Code
LC closed proving relay LXPR
LC control switch relay LXRR
LC free LXFR
LC gate open permission relay [ at station ] LXYR

f. Cancellation

Name Code
Cancel button pressed CAR
Timer initiated JSLR
Timer period completed NJPR

D. Classification of relays based on their role in Relay interlocking

See the ‘interlocking’ diagram below;

Man-machine interface of interlocking is called Panel. Yard diagram with track, point and
signal indications is provided on the panel. Switches or buttons are provided for the operation
of points and signals. Controls for route cancellation and LC gate are also provided.

How relays operate for a signal operation:

1. When signal operation is done by reversing a switch on the panel, a relay called switch
relay operates in the relay room. [input relay]

2. It initiates other relays to check safety conditions to be fulfilled before clearing a signal.
[interlocking relay]

3. An output relay picks up when all conditions are satisfied. [output relay]

4. Signal changes its aspect - supply is removed to red lamp and given to green lamp. This
results in lamp monitoring relay status change which is used to indicate on the panel.
[input relay]

Types of Relays based on the role played by the relay: example

Input relays – from the field and panel - NWKR, RWKR, RR, HECR, TPR etc.
Output relays – to the field - NWR, RWR, HR, DR, LXYR, CHYR etc.
Interlocking relays – UCR, ASR, UYR, JSLR etc.

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Two types of relays are used for interlocking system – SIEMENS type which are metal to metal
contacts and BRITISH type with metal to corban contacts.

E. Understanding the function of different sub-systems in Electronic interlocking

In electronic interlocking, only input and output relays are available. Internal relays
functions are done by software and hardware.
Input relay contacts are wired to the input cards of EI, output cards of EI drives the output
relays by providing supply to their coils – after satisfying that all the safety conditions are met.

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Indian railways use the following make of Electronic Interlockings

Company Name
1 Ansaldo Microlok
2 SIEMENS Westrace 1
Westrace 2
3 Metha
4 Kyosan

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F. Function of few relays - when they pick up and drop

RR (One for each Signal)

• Normally down
• Up when Signal knob is reversed
• Down when signal knob is normalized

UCR (one for each signal – for all the routes of the signal)
• Normally down
• Up when signal operation is initiated (RR UP) and all points are detected (NWKR/RWKR
UP) and conflicting signals are not cleared (their ASRs Up)
• Down when signal knob is normalized

ASR-(one for all signals to same destination) ex: starters

• Normally Up
• Down when route is checked i.e. UCR UP
• Up after arrival of train (UYRs UP and signal normalized – RR down, HECR/DECR down)
• Its purpose is to lock and hold the route

HR [One for each signal]

• Normally Down
• Picks up when all conditions for clearing signal are satisfied [UCR up, ASR down and all
Tracks are UP]
• Drops after normalization of signal switch or when train occupies first controlling track
• Its purpose is to extend supply to the signal yellow lamp

G. Sequence of Relay Operations for train movements and signal operations

Action Relay Sequence
1 Signal Clearance 1. RR Up – SM operates switch to Reverse
2. UCR Up – route checked
3. ASR Down – route locked
4. HR UP – yellow lamp control relay up
5. RECR Down
6. HECR Up
1 Train Passed the 1. First TPR Down
signal 2. HR & DR Down
4. RECR Up
2 Route Release 1. First TPR Down
after train arrival 2. HR & DR Down
4. RECR Up
5. Next TPR Down
6. Train moves – reaches last track circuit & clears all other track circuits
7. UYR1 Up
8. UYR2 Up
9. RR Down – SM normalizes signal switch
10. UCR Down
11. ASR Up – Route is released
12. TSR Up
13. UYR1 Down
14. UYR2 Down
1 Point operation 1. RCR Up
from N to R 2. WLR Up
3. RWR Up
4. NWKR Down
5. RWKR Up
6. WLR Down

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A. Some safety features of signaling
i. One signal one train – signal is cleared by operating a switch or two buttons from panel.
When train passes the signal, it goes back to red automatically. After the complete train
clearing the route, signal shall not be cleared if the switch is not normalised. For clearing
the signal for the second train switch has to be normalised and also reversed again. This
is achieved through a relay called TSR
ii. Cascading of signal aspects – when home signal is displaying green if the green lamp
fuses the signal becomes blank. A driver may miss a blank signal during night which is
not desirable. To avoid it when green lamp fuses, automatically next restrictive aspect of
signal i. e. yellow lamp is lit. If yellow lamp also fuses, red lamp is lit.
iii. Red lamp protection – when red lamp of a signal fuses, it becomes blank. A driver may
miss a blank signal during night which is not desirable. To avoid it, the signal in rear of
the blank signal is kept in red to ensure that the driver stops one signal behind blank

iv. Overlap release – takes place 1 or 2 minutes after the train clearing the last point in the
route. The delay is to ensure that the train has come to a stop.
v. Sectional route release – Part of the route is released as soon as the train clears that
part – to avoid delay in setting next route
vi. Emergency operation of Point when point track fails – SM can operate without S&T
officials cooperation
B. Route cancellations – types:
Route cancellation – Route is cancelled [unlocked] in two occasions – when the movement
plan is changed after signal is cleared and route is not released by the movement of the train.
i. Normal route cancellation – route gets cancelled i.e. unlocked as soon as signal
control is normalised when the train is not on the approach track
ii. Emergency route cancellation – done by operating cancellation button since route
is approach locked. Route is released after 2 minutes. Every such cancellation is
counted by a counter on the panel.
iii. Super emergency route cancellation – done by operating cancellation button when
track circuit fails after clearing the signal or after train clearing the route. Every such
cancellation is counted by a counter on the panel.

C. Semi-automatic signals [see the diagram – next page]

i. Automatic signals are provided in the block section to reduce signal operating time.
Since these trains are to be received in the station section also, unless station signals
are converted to automatic full benefit will not be there.
ii. All the mainline signals i.e. home, mainline starter and advanced Starter are
converted to Automatic. Since auto signals can be passed at danger, to have control
over train movement into and out of the station these signals shall also be able to be
converted as manual signals. Manual Signals which can be converted to automatic
and back to manual are called semi-automatic signals
iii. Signals are converted to automatic by operating a selection switch on the panel. If the
points are set to main line all signals are converted to automatic. On the signal post
a miniature white light of letter ‘A’ is lit when it is automatic. When it is manual, ‘A’
lamp is extinguished
iv. Route release and route locking takes place automatically after passage of a train in
that sequence without operating the signal switch or button

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v. It takes 2 minutes to convert a signal from auto to manual as it involves route

vi. Automatic signals protecting LC gates are also converted to semi-automatic. If the
gate is closed ‘G’ marker light is lit. If it is open ‘G’ lamp is not lit

D. Interlocking of LC gate – in midsection and station section

i. LC Gate in block section – is provided with a gate signal at 180 m from the gate. It
displays green when gate is closed and red when gate is open. Behind gate signal gate
distant is provided. It displays yellow when gate is open and green when it is closed.
After closing the gate, gateman operates the gate signal. [Without closing the gate it is
not possible to operate the gate signal- after operating the signal it will not be possible
to open the gate]

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ii. LC Gate in station section – is interlocked with distant, home, starter or advanced starter depending
on its position. After closing the gate, gateman electrically transmits gate control to Station Master. Gate
closed status is used in the required signal by interlocking. Unless the station master gives back the
control electrically, gateman cannot open the gate.

iii. LC Gate control transfer to Panel and back- relays operation

Indication and actions at Panel Actions at LC Gate

Gate man closes the Gate – takes out gate key from
boom lock - inserts in EKT [Electrical Key Transmitter]
LXR relay picks up and key gets locked in the EKT
LXCR up in station relay room by LXR at LC
LC closed indication flashes on the panel
SM operates gate switch- LXRR Dn
Gate closed indication becomes steady - LXPR Up
Signal is taken off – LXFR DN
Train passed and route released – LXFR Up
Gate switch operated – LXYPR Up at LC gate
Gate open indication flashes
Gate man removes key from EKT --- LXR drops
LXCR drops Gate open indication becomes steady

E. Intermediate block signals:

In absolute block working system if a train has to be dispatched, previous train shall reach the next
station. If the running time is more trains get delayed. To reduce train detention and increase line
capacity on double line block section is split into two parts. The intermediate signal provided in the
midsection is called intermediate block signal [IBS]. It is controlled by double line block instrument.

Advanced starter is controlled by axle counter provided between advanced starter and IBS. If BPAC is
provided second section is also controlled by axle counter apart from double line block instrument.

IB Signaling cannot be provided on single line.

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F. SSDAC [Single Section Digital Axle Counter]

SSDAC is used mainly for proving block section vacancy. Its final relay called VPR [Vital
Proving Relay] is used in BPAC circuit [Block Proving by Axle Counter]. When block section
is clear VPR relay picks up at both stations. It is used for line clear granting and clearing of
advanced starter. VPR is also used for block section closure after arrival of the train at
receiving station.

Resetting of SSDAC – in case of SSDAC failure, restoration is tried first by resetting by both
end station masters. If SSDAC equipment is ok, a relay called PPR [Preparatory Reset Relay]
picks up. First train after this has to pass on paper line clear. If the equipment works all right
after clearance of the train, VPR picks up at both stations.

The following are the states of SSDAC –

Section clear – VPR up, PPR down
Section occupied/ SSDAC failed – VPR down, PPR down
Preparatory reset state – VPR down, PPR up

G. MSDAC [Multi-section Digital Axle Counter]

One Multi-section digital axle counter monitors multiple track section vacancy. Track
transducers are located at the borders of track sections. One transducer is used for in
count of one section and out count of other section.

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Three types of resetting of axle counter:

1. Hard reset: On application of reset, axle counter shows section clear.

2. Preparatory reset: On application of reset, axle counter changes to preparatory reset
mode, if equipment and communication are alright. After entry and exit of first train,
section shows clear, if everything is OK.
3. Auto reset: Used for sections where dual detection system is provided. If one system
shows clear and the other shows occupied [due to defect]; the defective axle counter is
reset by correctly working axle counter [this can be track circuit also].

H. Analog axle counter:

i. Analog axle counter is used to monitor one section - normally Loop Line at a station. It
has two relays ACPR [Axle Counter Proving Relay] - picks up when section is vacant.
SUPR [Supervisory Relay] – drops when axle counter equipment is faulty.

ii. Analog axle counter reset is two types – hard reset – i.e. after reset by two agencies –
immediately ACPR picks up if equipment is ok. Preparatory reset – after application of
reset one train has to pass over the section and clear it successfully.

I. Combination signals:

i. If distance between two adjacent signals is less, both the signals are combined as one signal.
Aspects of the new signal are combination of the aspects of both the signals.
ii. If the distance between advanced starter and the distant signal of a midsection LC Gate is
less than 500m; advanced starter is treated as distant signal of gate also.
Advanced starter has two aspects – red means stop and green means go with full speed.
Gate distant has two aspects – yellow means gate opened so apply breaks; green means
gate closed – go at full speed

The combined signal can have 3 aspects with the following meanings:

Red – no line clear – stop

Yellow – line clear given but gate is open – prepared to stop at gate signal
Green – line clear given and also gate is closed go with full speed

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iii. If there is an interlocked gate between home and distant signal of a station – no separate
gate signal is provided. Distant signal is made as 4 aspect signal and acts as station
distant cum gate stop signal. The following is the meaning of the aspects:
Red - gate is open – stop the train
Yellow – gate is closed but home is not cleared
Double yellow – gate is closed and home is cleared for loop line
Green – gate is closed and home is cleared for main line

J. Interlocking between starter and advanced starter:

On single line normally this interlocking is provided. Starter can be cleared only after clearing
the advanced starter.
K. Approach clearance of loop line starter:
To ensure that the driver is kept his train under control some railways [NR,NCR] allow starter
signal clearance only after train occupying berthing track of loop line while passing through a
train on loop line.
L. Crank handle interlocking:
When crank handle is taken out no signal can be cleared over the point. If a signal is taken
off over the point, crank handle cannot be taken out.
CHR/CHPR – is up when Crank Handle is IN
CHFR – is UP when Crank Handle is not locked – down when it is locked
M. Block instruments
i. Double line SGE Type
ii. Single line Daido Type
iii. Single line Push button PTJ type
iv. UFSBI with BPAC of Deltron – both single & double lines
v. SSBPAC D [Solid State Block Proving Axle Counter Digital] of Efftronics – single & double line.

SGE, DAIDO block instruments are electromechanical type. They require periodical
maintenance and overhauling. They are now being replaced by Deltron and Efftronics type block
Deltron type block instrument has more than 30 relays – failure of relay / wiring causes failure.
Efftronics type block instrument is fully electronic type and the latest – it uses few interface relays

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Challenges faced by S&T department in maintaining signaling system
S&T department has to ensure maximum availability of signaling system at least cost
A. Challenges
i. Rectification of failure at least time – reduced Mean Time To Repair [MTTR]
ii. Reduction of failures – increasing time between two failure – MTBF [Mean Time Between Failures]
iii. Reducing the effort of maintenance – increase time between two visits, least time of maintenance,
maintenance by least skilled person

B. Solutions provided by EFFTRONICS to S&T to face maintenance challenges

i. Reduction of MTTR – by messaging the failure to maintainer as soon as it occurs without delay – by
providing reason for failure to enable maintainer to rectify failure in least time
ii. Increase of MTBF – monitoring health parameters of equipment to advise the maintainer so that he
attends the equipment before it fails.
iii. As the equipment health monitoring system senses & records health parameters
- maintainer requires minimum skills as deviated parameter is known
- his maintenance trips are optimized as he is required to attend the equipment only when its heath
parameter deviates set limits
- time required for maintenance is minimized as the system declares which parameter is to be adjusted

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C. Typical Signaling system Failures - common failure states of some signaling equipment
and how it is found out from sequence of operation of relays are given below.
1. Signal
Lamp fused [HECR down when HR is UP]
Signal not cleared when tried,
Signal bobbing,
Signal cleared without route locking,
Signal passed at danger [Signal first controlling track down when RECR UP]
2. Point
Failed to set to normal or reverse [NWKR Down and RWKR Down]
Point burst
3. Track Circuit
Failed [shows occupied when no train];
Shows clear when occupied by a train

D. Logics for few typical failure alarms

Failure Logic
1 Point failure Both NWKR and RWKR are down for more than 30 sec.
Point detection fails (NWKR or RWKR down) when train is
2 Point loose packing
moving on the point (TPR down).
NWKR or RWKR Down and Up – More number of times within
3 Point Bobbing
a short time.
4 Signal Green lamp fused DECR down when DR is up
5 Signal Yellow lamp fused HECR down when HR is up and DR is down
RECR down when HR is down (2 aspects)
6 Signal Red lamp fused
RECR down when HR & DR are down (3 aspects)
7 Signal bobbing ECR down and up – more number of times within a short time
8 Signal cleared without route locking HR/DR Up with ASR up

E. Typical signaling system

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F. Typical monitoring system for a signaling and point & signal monitoring system

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G. Data analytics helps in finding solutions for the challenges faced by railways

1. Health of signaling elements is sensed by sensors and provide health data

2. By analyzing data – Descriptive analytics provides status of health of signaling system – maintainer
further analyses – decides action to be taken – implements his decision
3. Diagnostic analytics – superior to descriptive analytics – provides reason for bad health – analysis
by maintainer is reduced, his job is made easy – he takes decision & implements it.
4. Predictive analytics – further reduces analysis burden of maintainer – it predicts that a failure is
going to happen if the equipment is left unattended – maintainer decides action and implements it
5. Prescriptive analytics – decision support – suggests action to be taken to prevent a failure –
maintainer decides whether to act or not – he implements suggested or his own decision
6. Prescriptive analytics – decision automation – no human agency is involved in the maintenance
of the equipment – analysis, decision & action – all 3 are done by health monitoring system itself

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A. Function of Data logger
1. Data logger records the status of signals, points, track circuits, axle counters, LC Gates etc. by
monitoring the condition of their Relays. One contact of the relay [front or back] is wired to data
logger. For example;

To know the Status Relay contact wired

Signal displaying red RECR
Point is in Normal NWKR
Track circuit is clear/occupied TPR
Route is locked/free ASR
Signal switch is operated by SM RR
Point switch is operated by SM NCR/ RCR
LC Gate is open/ closed LXPR

2. Data logger also monitors various DC and AC analog voltages of signaling system
3. Digital input of data logger is monitored by detecting the current passed through the contact when
24 V DC supply is applied to it by data logger [see the diagram below]
4. A digital data packet consisting of the following information is generated whenever a relay changes
its status from up to down or down to up:
Data logger ID - Input number - Status of contact - Time stamp in date, hour, minute and milli
second - Sequence number
An analog packet is generated when the value of the voltage changes by 5% of its nominal value.
Analog packet has the following information:
Data logger ID - Input number – input value - Time stamp in date, hour, minute and milli
second - Sequence number
5. By monitoring the sequence of operation of relays, it is possible to find out the reason for accident
by replaying the data recorded
6. It is possible to find out the reason for the failure of the signal
7. It is also possible to find out the wrong operations done by station master
8. Data loggers are networked. Their data is brought to divisional HQ and various alarms are
generated to help the operating and signaling staff to take action to prevent some failures and to
reduce the down time of failures.
9. Train movements can be seen in VDUs on real time basis by simulation diagrams
10. Data logger data can be seen by different railway officials from different places simultaneously by
Wide Area Network

B. Data logger – electrically explained

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C. Data logger at relay interlocking station

D. Data logger at EI station

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1. Events of soft relay operations given in data form by EI

2. Time stamping done by protocol converter

3. Protocol converter sends data to data logger

4. Physical relay status and analogue voltages are monitored by data logger

E. Networked data logger system: All data loggers are connected in series to FEP [Front End Processor]
& CMU in control office. FEP feeds all data to CMU. CMU generates alarms to act by maintenance staff.

F. DLMC – Data Logger Monitoring Centre located in Divisional control office

DLMC is manned by signal maintenance staff round the clock – they get failures from controller and
data logger system – they inform failures to field maintenance staff and coordinate in quick rectification.
Data analysis can be done with simulation software to find root cause of failure.

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Modern signaling systems

Modern signaling system ensures accidents are prevented due to human agency i.e. station
master and train driver failures

i. Signal aspect is picked up by train engine through balise provided between rails
ii. Computer available in the engine processes the aspect and applies brakes when required.

Balise fixed between rails and to engine Typical driver cabin fitted with modern train
protection system

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Review questions
1 Give two advantages of rail transportation
2 Which departments at present use Efftronics Products
3 How many Zones and Divisions are there in Indian Railways
4 Who is in charge of S&T Department at Zonal Level
5 Who is in charge of S&T Department at Divisional Level
6 Who does hands-on maintenance of Signaling equipment
7 What are the implications of less friction between train wheel and rail
8 Who is over all in charge of a Division
9 Who is over all in charge of a Railway Zone
10 What is the meaning of ‘Controlling of Trains’
11 What is control chart
12 How does a Controller speak to a Station Master
1 Give any four Signaling elements names
2 What is the purpose of point?
3 Give the name of Signaling element which detects presence of train
4 How does a Station Master operate signals & points
5 Who controls movement of trains into a block section
6 What is Route setting
7 How is permission given /taken for movements into a block section
8 What are the positions of point
9 What are the advantages of motor operation of point over rod operation
10 What happens when a train moves over a trap point when it is in normal
11 What is the speed permitted on a POINT when it is in reverse
12 What is bursting of point
13 Why signals are required – give two reasons
14 What is braking distance
15 What is the meaning if a signal is displaying caution (yellow)
16 What is the meaning if a signal is displaying attention (double yellow)
17 What are the names of reception and dispatch signals
18 Where are Home and Distant signals located
19 Where are Starter and Advanced Starter signals located
20 What is the purpose of advanced starter
21 What is the meaning of distant displaying caution (Yellow)
22 What is the meaning of distant displaying attention (Double Yellow)
23 Can Distant display green when a train is received on Main Line (stopping)
24 Why main line starter has green while other starters do not have green
25 When is route lamp provided on a Starter signal
26 What is the normal aspect of a shunt signal provided below a stop signal
27 What are the aspects of ‘calling-on’ signal
28 What is the distance between ‘outer distant’ and ’home’
29 How many lamps and aspects are there for outer distant signal
30 Where is ‘advanced starter’ located
31 What are the other names of ‘Home’ and ‘Advanced Starter’ signal
32 What are the first and last signals of a station seen by a Driver
33 What are the main parts of DC Track Circuit
34 Why DC track circuit fails when it rains.
35 What is the Voltage required for track relay operation
36 Does DC Track Circuit fail when supply to Track Feed charger fails
37 What is the purpose of Route Lamp
38 How many Track Circuits are provided for one Crossover Point
39 Give two advantages of Axle Counters over DC Track Circuit

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40 What is ‘reset’ of Axle Counter? Who does reset?

41 What is Station Section
42 What is Block Section
43 How many systems of Block Working are there?
44 What is the purpose of Block Instrument?
45 What are the limitations of Absolute Block Working?
46 What is Block Proving by Axle Counter (BPAC)?
47 What are the advantages of BPAC?
48 Give 3 features of Automatic Block Working?
1 What is the difference between end panels and central panel?
2 What are the advantages of central panel?
3 What is the difference between Route Setting type and non-route setting type of panels?
4 What is RRI?
5 What are the signals operated by Station Master (SM) for a run-through train>?
6 What are the signals operated by SM for a train starting from loop line?
7 What is a route?
8 What is the meaning of route locking?
9 What is the meaning of route release?
10 What is the meaning of route cancellation?
11 How are train movements done in case of a signal failure?
1 What are the accidents caused due to Station Master’s failure?
2 What are the accidents caused due to Driver’s failure?
1 Give 3 conditions to be met before clearing a signal
2 Give 3 conditions to be met after clearing a signal
3 What is Approach Locking?
4 What is Route Holding?
5 What is Route Locking
6 In which document Interlocking conditions are provided.
7 What is Relay Contact Analysis?
8 What are the stages in the cycle of signal operation and train movement?
9 What is IPS?
10 What are the operating voltages of point machine, signal lamp, Q-style neutral relay, axle counter?
11 What are the states of relay
12 What are the states of a Relay contact?
13 When does front contact of a relay close?
14 When does back contact of a relay close?
15 What are the codes for the following relays?
1. Point Normal Detection
2. Route Checking
3. Route Locking
4. Route Release
5. Signal Green Lamp Control
6. Signal Yellow lamp checking
7. 15 Track Circuit Repeater
8. Point Switch Normal
9. Signal Switch Reverse
10. Crank Handle Release
11. Point Lock
16 Give 3 examples of input relays to Interlocking
17 Give 3 examples of interlocking relays
18 Give 3 examples of output relays from Interlocking
19 What is the difference between Relay & Electronic Interlocking

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20 What is the similarity between Relay & Electronic Interlocking

21 What is relay sequence for loop line starter operation
22 Which relays are operated when the train passes a stop signal
23 What is the sequence of relays for route release by movement of train
1 What is the purpose of TSR Relay
2 What is cascading of signal aspects of a signal
3 What is red lamp protection
4 What is sectional route release
5 What is the difference between normal and emergency route cancellations
What is semi[-automatic signal
7 Which signals are semi-auto signals in a station
8 What are the aspects of Gate Signal and Gate Distant Signals
9 How is LC gate in midsection interlocked
10 How is LC gate in station section interlocked
11 What is the purpose of IBS
12 Can IBS be provided on single line?
13 Which signal is interlocked with block instrument in IBS?
14 How is advanced starter controlled in IBS block section?
1 Give 3 types of signal failures
2 Give 2 types of point failures
3 Give 2 types of track circuit failures
4 What is the logic for point failure
5 What is the logic for point loose packing
6 What is the logic for signal green lamp fused
7 What is MTTR – is its value to be less or more for better system
8 What is MTTR – is its value to be less or more for better system
9 What are the challenges faced by S&T in maintenance of signalling system?
1 What is the main function of Data Logger?
2 What is the data packed in a Data Logger packet?
3 List 3 important events that can be detected from the Data Logger data?
4 What is the main purpose of DLMC? (Data Logger Monitoring Centre)
5 How is Digital input status monitored by Data Logger?
6 What is the equipment located in control office, which provides signal failure alarms ?
1 What is normal distance between two auto signals? Why?
2 What happens if the inter signal distance is less than braking distance – how are the aspects of signals
controlled in such cases
3 How is LC gate in mid-section interlocked with auto signals
4 What is semi-auto signal?
5 How is route setting, locking and releasing takes place for semi-auto signal when it works as auto signal
6 How does auto signal change from red to yellow?
7 How does auto signal change from yellow to double yellow?
8 How does auto signal change from double yellow to green?
1 What are the types of block instruments used on single line
2 What are the types of block instruments used on double line
3 What is the latest type of block instrument
1 What are interface relays in EI
2 What are different makes of EIs used on IR
3 What is the redundancy provided in case of failure of EI

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1 Environmental friendly – suitable for mass and transport
2 S&T, Operations and Commercial
3 I6 Zones and 68 Divisions
6 Technician
7 Better fuel efficiency – more braking distance
9 GM
10 Deciding crossing and precedence of trains – done by controller
11 Graphical representation of train travel timings – Time on X axis - station on Y axis
12 By control phone at the station and calling equipment in controller room
1 Signal, DC track circuit, Point, Axle counter
2 Point diverts train from one line to other
3 DC Track circuit or Axle counter
4 With switches/ buttons from SM operating panel
5 Controller
6 Setting the points in the required position suitable to the train travel
7 Through a pair of block instruments provided at the stations on either end of the block section
8 Normal and Reverse
9 Easy and fast operation – saves effort and time
10 The train derails because the trap is open
11 30 Kmph
12 When a train moves on a point in trailing direction & point is not favorably set to train – point burst occurs
13 To prevent collisions and to improve efficiency
14 Distance travelled by a train after application of brake before stopping – when running at full speed
15 Next signal is red – go slow and prepare to stop
16 Next signal is yellow – reduce the speed to pass the next signal at restricted speed
17 Distant and Home are reception signals – Starter and Advanced starter are dispatch signals
18 Home is located outside all points at 180 m from outermost point in double line and 180 m from opposite advanced starter
signal. Distant is located at 1 km from home
19 Starter is located at the end of berthing track – advanced starter is provided at 120 m from top point
20 It controls movement into block section – it is located at the end of station section and beginning of block section
21 Home is at red – prepare to stop
22 Home is cleared for entry into station – not known whether to loop line or main line
23 No
24 Trains can pass at full speed on main line and less speed [30 kmph] on loop line
25 At junction station or at station multiple lines are there between two stations
26 No lamps are lit
27 No light when not operated – miniature tallow when operated
28 2 km
29 3 lamps and 2 aspects – double yellow means inner distant is yellow, green means home is cleared for reception into the
30 advanced starter is provided at 120 m from top point – boarder of station and block sections
31 Home – First Stop Signal and Advanced Starter – Last Stop Signal
32 Distant is the first signal – Advanced Starter is the last signal
33 Track feed charger with battery and track relay – insulation joints
34 Because the leakage between rails increases
35 1.5 V is minimum – Maximum permitted is 4.5 V
36 No. Battery supplies power to the Track relay
37 It indicates the line on which the train is going to be received
38 Two
39 No limit on length of track to be monitored – performance do not depend on track or weather
40 Reset is applied to axle counter when it fails. Station master applies reset
41 Home signal to advanced starter is station section
42 On single line – between two advanced starters of the stations. On double line between advanced starter of one station
to Home of next station
43 Two. Absolute and Automatic systems of block working
44 Ensures at any time only one train is there in the block section
45 Takes time to operate block instruments to close and open the block sections. It affects line capacity. Trains are detained.
46 Clearance of block section by a train is monitored by axle counter
47 Human agency mistakes in block working are eliminated

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48 Auto signals are provided between two stations at about 1 to 2 km apart. Each section is monitored for occupancy.
Depending on status of section ahead, aspect of the signal changes.
1 At station provided with end panels two agencies have to coordinate to receive a train. In central panel one agency is
2 Less number of persons to deal a train and less delay
3 In route setting type panel, signal is cleared with one operation. In non-route setting type panel route has to be set first
and then signal is cleared.
4 RRI – Route Relay Interlocking. It is a route setting type panel with interlocking achieved by relays
5 Home, Main line starter and Advanced starter
6 Loop line starter and Advanced starter
7 Track from one stop signal to the next stop signal is route. Route consists of points, track circuits/ axle counters and LC
8 Locking of points and LC gates in the route electrically
9 Unlocking of points and LC gates in the route after passage of the train over them
10 Unlocking of points and LC gates in the route without passage of the train over them by an action of cancellation by SM
11 Route is ensured by SM manually by clamping and locking the points and a paper authority is given to the driver to pass
the signal at danger
1 Receiving a train on already occupied line
2 Passing the signal at danger
1 Route setting, route locking and route clear of any other train, conflicting signals are not cleared
2 Route locking, Approach locking and route holding
3 Locking of the route by an approaching train when signal is normalized by SM when the train is on the approach track –
up to 1 Km from the signal
4 Ensuring the locking of route even after train passing the signal – until the train reaches last track of the route
5 Locking of the route by signal
7 Document where nomination of each contact of the relay is provided for achieving interlocking
1 What are the stages in the cycle of signal operation and train movement?
2 What is IPS?
3 What are the operating voltages of point machine, signal lamp, Q-style neutral relay, axle counter?
4 UP or DOWN
6 When relay is UP
7 When relay is DOWN
8 Codes for the relays
Point normal detection - NWKR
Route Checking - UCR
Route Locking – ASR
Route Release – UYR
Signal Green Lamp Control – DR
Signal Yellow lamp checking – HECR
15 Track Circuit Repeater – 15 TPR
Point Switch Normal – NCR
Signal Switch Reverse – RR
Crank Handle Release – CHYR
Point Lock – WLR
19 In relay interlocking, interlocking is provided by physical wiring of relay contacts – in EI, interlocking is achieved through
software and hardware combination
20 Interface relays are same in both relay and EI
21 RR Up, UCR Up, ASR Down, HR Up, HECR Up and RECR Down
22 First controlling track TPR down, HR Down, HECR down, RECR Up
23 RECR Up, UYRs Up, RR Down, UCR Down, ASR Up, UYRs Down
1 One train for one signal movement
2 Cascading is implemented in a signal. When green lamp fuses yellow lamp is lit. If yellow also fuses red lamp is lit.
Cascading ensures signal is lit even when its off aspect lamps fuse.
3 When red lamp of a signal fuses, the signal behind it cannot be taken off. By this driver never encounters a blank

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4 Releasing of route in parts based on train movement. It saves time for taking off of conflicting signals after the
movement of the train
5 In normal route cancellation route is cancelled without time delay [because the train is not on approach track]. In
emergency route cancellation route is released after a time delay of 2 minutes because the driver is on approach track.
6 A manual signal which can be converted as automatic signal by operation of a switch by SM is called semi-automatic
7 Home, Mainline starter and Advanced starter signals
8 Gate Signal – RED & GREEN and Gate Distant Signals – YELLOW & GREEN
9 Gate signal and distant signals are provided on both the directions for drivers. Signals are operated by gateman after
closing the gate.
10 LC gate in station section is interlocked with the nearest signal of the station
11 To increase line capacity by allowing two trains into the same block section by splitting it into two sections
12 NO
13 IB Signal
14 Axle counter is provided between advanced starter and IB signal. Axle counter relay controls the advanced starter.
1 Signal lamp failure, bobbing and not cleared even after operation
2 Point failure, bobbing
3 Track circuit failure and bobbing
4 Both NWKR and RWKR are down for more than 30 sec
5 Point detection fails (NWKR or RWKR down) when train is moving on the point (TPR down)
6 DECR down when DR is up
7 MTTR – mean time to repair – its value shall be less for better system
8 MTBF – mean time between failures – its value shall be more for better system
9 To ensure maximum availability of signalling system at least cost which enables safety and efficiency of operations
1 Monitoring of signalling system by monitoring relays and power supply
2 Digital packet: Data logger ID - Input number - Status of contact - Time stamp in date, hour, minute and milli second -
Sequence number
Analogue packet: Data logger ID - Input number – input value - Time stamp in date, hour, minute and milli second -
Sequence number
3 Route cancellation by SM, Signal lamp failure, Driver passed signal at danger
4 To monitor the signalling system from a central place – to guide the maintenance staff in quick restoration of failure
5 Data logger applies voltage to the potential free contact wired to it as input and detects the current in the circuit. Based
on the current the contact open/ closed state is detected by data logger
6 CMU – Central Monitoring Unit
1 Inter signal distance is between 1 and 2 Km. A minimum distance of 1 Km is recommended as it is Braking Distance
2 If a driver passes signal with yellow aspect at full speed – he will not be able to stop at signal displaying red aspect. In
such cases yellow aspect is repeated until 1 Km distance is achieved between signals displaying red and first yellow
seen by driver
3 LC gate closed condition is proved in the yellow aspect control of the nearest auto signal. Another lamp displaying letter
‘A’ is provided below the main signal lamp on the same signal post. When gate is open ‘A’ lamp is lit, driver can pass the
signal at danger but stop at gate before passing it to ensure safety. When gate is closed the signal works like any other
auto signal
4 Semi auto signal has option to work as manual signal or auto signal. Home, Mainline starter and Advanced starter signals
at a station work as semi-auto signals. This option is exercised by SM by operating a switch
5 Route setting, locking and releasing takes place automatically for auto signals based on train movement
6 When auto section and its overlap [up to 120 m beyond next auto signal] are clear and next signal red lamp is lit
7 Next auto signal changes from red to yellow and the distance between two auto signals is 1 Km or more
8 Next auto signal changes from yellow to double yellow and the distance between two auto signals is 1 Km or more
1 Daido token less type & Push button token less Type, UFSBI mux
3 SSBPAC D – fully electronic block instrument
1 Interface relays are two types – input and output. Contacts of input relays are wired to EI input cards as input. Output
relays coils are driven by the EI output cards
3 Hot standby and warm standby is provided. In hot standby, two EIs are connected in parallel – when one fails, second
one continues to work without causing interruption.

In warm standby, both EIs are connected in parallel, but one EI output only is connected to the output relay. When main
EI fails, after action by SM standby EI comes into working mode. This causes temporary interruption of about 2 minutes
to signalling system

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A. Auto signals – Aspects & meaning

Aspect Shown as Meaning

1 Danger Red Section occupied or signal defective
2 Caution Yellow Next Section clear
3 Attention Double yellow Next two sections are clear
4 Proceed Green At least next 3 sections are clear
Signal is working as AUTO signal [i.e. points are
Semi-automatic signal in station set and locked] - Driver can pass the signal at
5 ‘A’ lamp lit
section [AUTO Mode] danger with precaution – to stop short of a train,
if occupied by a train
Signal is working as MANUAL signal.
Semi-automatic signal in station
6 ‘A’ lamp not lit Driver can pass the signal at danger only with
section [MANUAL Mode]
written authority
Gate stop signal in auto territory
7 ‘A’ lamp lit Gate closed for road traffic and locked
– gate closed
Gate stop signal in auto territory
8 ‘A’ lamp not lit Gate defective OR not closed for road traffic
– gate open OR failed
Signal is working as auto signal but gate is
Semi-auto Signal in station with ‘AG’ lamp lit. opened.
Gate protection – Gate failed ‘A’ lamp not lit Driver can pass the signal at danger but
precaution to be taken at gate
Signal is working as auto signal but gate is
‘A’ lamp only is
Semi-auto Signal in station with closed.
10 lit
gate protection – Gate working Driver can pass the signal at danger – no
‘AG’ lamp not lit
precaution need be taken at gate
Semi - Auto signal in station – Signal is working as MANUAL signal.
‘A’ & ‘AG’ both
11 with gate protection – Manual Driver to pass the signal at danger only with
lamps not lit
Mode written authority
Note: If inter-signal distance is less than about 600m – first signal aspect is repeated by next signal

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B. Brief on signaling elements

i. Point

1 Purpose Diverts train from one line to other

2 Parts Switch rails, stock rails and crossing
3 Positions Normal and Reverse
4 Movement over point Facing and Trailing
5 Speed over point Normal – full speed; Reverse – 30 Kmph
6 Types Three - Single end point, Double end point [crossover] & Trap
Status relays [detection OR NWKR – Normal;
indication] RWKR – Reverse
8 Point switch relays NCR, RCR
9 Point button relays WNR, WWNR
10 Control relays NWR & RWR
11 Point lock relay WLR
12 Operated by 110 V DC operated series motor called point machine
Happens when a train moves in trailing direction over the point
13 Bursting of point
when point is not set favorably
14 Point failure logic NWKR & RWKR Both down for more than 20 sec.
15 Point bobbing Detection relay drops and picks up – number of times
Detection relay drops and picks up – number of times – when
16 Point loose packing
train is moving over the point
Number of detection relays for
17 Two
single end point
Number of detection relays for
18 Two
double end point
19 Number of switch rails of trap point One
Number of switch rails of single
20 Two
end point

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ii. Track circuit

1 Types DC, AC[AFTC]

2 DC Track circuit Input of 4 to 8 V DC connected at one end and track relay QT2 or
QTA2 connected at other end
3 DC track circuit maximum length 450 m by QTA2 – 750 m by QBT relay
4 DCTC – where used Station section
5 DCTC – supply 110 V AC extended to Feed end location box from relay room to
power the Track feed charger
5 AFTC Input AC voltage of less than 4 KHz connected at one end
generated by transmitter and Q style relay connected to receiver at
relay end
In center fed arrangement - voltage is given at center of track
section and two receivers connected at both ends – two Q style
relays are picked up by two receivers - both relays in series are
used to pick up one relay
6 AFTC – supply voltage 24 V DC is extended from relay room to feed end [Transmitter] &
relay end [receiver]
7 AFTC – where used In automatic section
8 AFTC – maximum length 750 m for end fed – 1500 m for center fed

iii. Axle counter

1 Purpose Train detection

2 Types – digital and Analogue are old type
analogue Digital are the latest – there are two types in digital –
SSDAC – Single Section Digital Axle Counter
MSDAC – Multi Section Digital Axle Counter
At present only SSDAC & MSDAC are used – analogue are not used
3 Working voltage 24 V DC for all axle counters
4 Output Q Style relay – one relay for each section
5 Usage Analogue – loop lines
SSDAC – Block section & loop lines
MSDAC – Auto section & Complete station section
6 Reset type Hard reset – after reset is applied axle counter shows clear
Preparatory reset – When reset is applied axle counter changes to
preparatory reset mode – after passage of one train, if axle counter is OK –
it shows clear [first train after reset has to be sent on manual authority]
7 Output Relays Analogue axle counter – ACPR [Section clear], SUPR [supervisory]
SSDAC – VR [section clear], PR [Preparatory state]
MSDAC – AXTR [section clearance]
8 Where are output relays Analogue – at central location in relay room
available SSDAC – near axle counting unit by the side of the track – VR & PR are
repeated in relay room as VPR & PPR
MSDAC – at central location in relay room
9 Communication cable Analogue – two quads from counting unit to evaluator
requirement SSDAC – one pair of quad cable between two counting units
MSDAC – one pair of quad cable from counting unit to evaluator

iv. Station section – block section

1 Station section Home signal to Advanced starter is station section. Station master can make
any movement he wants without the permission of other station master
2 Block section Advanced starter of one station to home signal of next station is block section.
To make any movements on the block section, both station masters are to talk
to each other.
3 Types of block Absolute block working system – one train only is permitted in the block
signaling section at a time.
system -

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absolute block Permissions for sending a train into the section is ensured through Block
working system instrument
Axle counter is used to ensure that the block section is clear and the last
train has arrived completely into the station - before sending a train. This is
called BPAC [Block Proving by Axle Counter]
4 Types of block In absolute block working system if one train occupies the block section,
signaling second train has to wait.
system - Automatic signaling system is the solution for it.
automatic block In auto signaling system – the block section is divided into sections of 1 to 2
working system km length. At the entry of each section one signal is provided. Each section is
monitored by axle counter or track circuit. Based on the section status the
signal protecting that section changes from red to yellow automatically. Based
on the status of next sections signal, it changes to double yellow and green.

v. Signal

1 Purpose Gives movement authority to the driver

2 Signal Aspects Four aspects, Stop – RED, Caution – YELLOW,
Attention – Double Yellow, Proceed – Green
3 Caution Next signal displays Stop aspect
4 Attention Next signal displays caution aspect
5 Proceed Next signal displays attention aspect
6 Reception signals Distant & Home
7 Dispatch signals Starter & Advanced Starter
8 Distant signal aspects Proceed means – not stopping at the station
Attention – stopping at the station
Caution – stopping at home signal
9 Home signal aspects Caution – stop at main line starter
Caution with route indication – stop at loop starter
Proceed – main line starter and LSS are displaying proceed
10 Main line starter aspects Proceed – LSS is showing proceed
Caution – LSS is showing stop
11 LSS aspects Proceed – go up to next station home signal
12 Location of signals Distant – 1 KM from home signal
Home – 180 m from opposite LSS on single line
– 180 m from top point in double line
Starter – about 3 m from facing point OR 5 m from fouling point in case
point is trailing
13 Lamp status relays RECR up – Red lamp is lit DECR up – Green lamp is lit
HECR up – Yellow lamp is lit HHECR up – 2nd Yellow lamp is lit
UECR up – Route lamp is lit
14 Lamp [aspect] control HR – Yellow lamp DR – Green lamp
relays HHR – 2nd yellow lamp UGR or UHR – Route lamp
15 Signal switch relay RR – up when switch is reversed
16 Signal button relay GNR - for clearing
EGNR – for putting back to danger
17 Route indication types Junction type – used where main line speeds are high
Multi lamp type – lines are more and main line speed less
Stencil type – used where speeds are less
18 Calling on signal Provided below home signal to receive trains in case of home signal failure
or to receive trains on occupied line Provided below starter signal – for use
in case of starter signal failure
19 Calling on signal aspect Normally no light
Miniature yellow when cleared
20 Shunt signal Provided below starter signal OR independently on the ground
21 Aspects of shunt signal Dependent shunt [below stop signal] – two miniature white lamps at 45
degrees lit when cleared; no lamp is lit normally
Independent shunt signal - two miniature white lamps at 45 degrees lit
when cleared; two horizontal miniature white lamps lit when cleared;

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22 Green lamp fused logic DR up but DECR down

23 Green lamp bobbing DECR changes from up to down to up more than once
24 Signal lamp lit voltage 111 AC

vi. Relay

1 Purpose Signaling element status controlling & proving

2 States of a relay UP or DOWN [DROP]
3 Main parts of relay Coil, Contact & Base
4 Relay Coil When power is given to coil relay picks up
When power is withdrawn relay drops
5 Relay contact states Open & Close
6 Types of contacts Front & Back
7 Front contact Closes when relay is UP – opens when relay is DOWN
8 Back contact Closes when relay is DOWN – opens when relay is UP
9 Relay base Relay base is fixed to relay rack
Relay coil and contacts connecting wires are inserted in the base through
contact clips
10 Operating voltage Q Style relay – 24 V DC
Metal to metal contact relay – 60 V DC [Ex: Siemens]
11 How many contacts are there 16 – [8Front and 8Back] OR [12F + 4 B]
in one Q Style relay
12 How many relays are there in Maximum 2 – they are called QNN relays
one Q style relay base
13 QNN Relay Two relays of 8 contacts each provided in one enclosure and fixed to one
Contact combination [4F + 4B], [5F + 3B]
14 How is relay status monitored One of the potential free contacts of the relay [front or back] is wired as
by data logger input to data logger. Data logger applies voltage to the contact through
input port and current in the input circuit is monitored. Current status
changes from present to absent OR absent to present is recorded as the
relay status change
15 Relay contact chattering If the relay contact is not properly closed [i.e. offering high resistance] –
data logger considers it sometimes closed and some other time open in a
fraction of a second. This creates large data in data logger which is of no
use. This is called relay contact chattering
16 Not operating input If the relay contact wired to data logger offers high resistance OR
connecting wires are cut – data logger cannot detect contact closing and
opening. This is called not operating input

vii. Operation of signal system

1 Point Switch type panel – by switch Button type panel – by two buttons
2 Signal Switch type panel – by switch Button type panel – by two buttons
3 Route setting type Two buttons one at the signal [called entry] other at the exit i.e. berthing track are
panel pressed at a time
Points in the route are set automatically – after detection of points and proving other
safety conditions, signal is cleared
4 Non-route setting First all points are set individually by operating them by station master. Later signal is
type panel operated.
5 RRI Route Relay Interlocking – is a route setting type panel with relay interlocking
6 End panels Yard is divided into two or more parts – each part is operated by one panel
One signal may control a route spread over more than one panel – in such case,
before signal is cleared by one panel – permission in the form of SLOT is obtained
from other panel

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viii. Conditions checked by interlocking system before clearing signal

1 Route checking Points are correctly set - LC Gate is closed

Opposite signals are not cleared
2 Route locking Points are electrically locked - LC Gate is electrically locked
3 Route clear proving No train is standing in the route
4 Signal clearance Extends 110 V DC to yellow lamp

ix. Route

1 Main signal OR Stop Starts at one Stop signal and ends at about 120 m after the next stop signal –
signal route 120 m is called overlap
2 Calling on signal route Starts at the calling on signal and ends at the next stop signal – no overlap
3 Shunt signal route Starts at shunt signal and ends at the next signal [next signal may be a stop
signal or a shunt signal] – no overlap
4 Route button Provided on the berthing track portion of panel –
if two overlaps are there, two buttons are provided
5 Route locking relay ASR or ASLR [one relay for all routes of one signal]

6 Route release relays UYR1, UYR2, etc. – same set of relays picks up for opposite routes also
Ex: starter and opposite home have same UYRs
7 Approach locking of the Route is locked by the train in the approach track even after signal is
route normalized
8 Route holding Route is locked by the train after passing the signal until it reaches the last track
9 Route release Three types
1. Route released by passage of train [detected by UYRs]
2. Route released by cancellation done by SM by normalization of signal
switch before train passing the signal
3. Emergency route release [with time delay] – route released by
cancellation when the train is in the approach track OR route not
released after train passage
10 Sectional route release Route is divided in to sections. Route release of each section happens as soon
as the train clears that route section. All big yards are provided with this feature
to allow movement as soon as each section is released.

x. Electronic Interlocking

1 What is EI? It is processor based interlocked system. Station interlocking conditions are
converted to software and loaded in the processor card
2 What is the hardware of EI? It’s hardware consists of processor, input and output cards & a PC.
Where is it located? It is located in the relay room.
3 How interlocking conditions Through software loaded in the processor
implemented in EI
4 How interlocking conditions Through relays. Some of them are – UCR, ASR, UYR, WLR
implemented in relay
5 How are the operations done Two options are there. Conventional panel like in relay interlocking OR
by Station Master in EI through a PC [called VDU operation]
6 Will there be no relays at NO. Some relays are required. They are called input and output relays.
stations provided with EI
Input relays are – TPR, NWKR, RWKR, RECR etc.
Output relays are – HR, DR, NWR, RWR etc.
7 How is data logged by Through a port [normally, serial port or Ethernet port] – in soft form as data.
datalogger in EI stations First data is taken by protocol converter – it converts the EI data protocol to
Data logger protocol and time stamps each event. Then the data is given to
data logger through a serial port.

Input and output relays status is logged by wiring their contacts as digital
inputs to the input cards

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8 What is distributed In case of big stations EI hardware is located in the main relay room at the
interlocking station and also in different locations in the yard - controlling an area.

They room where the hardware is located is called goomty. All goomties
hardwares are connected by OFC to main EI.

By this copper cable to be laid from main EI – i.e. place of operation of

points and signals is reduced.
Less maintenance, less failures
9 How is data logging done in Soft data is taken from central EI.
case of distributed EI? Other EIs which are located in goomties – only I/O relays are monitored.
10 What is the capacity of data There are 3 capacity parameters –
logger used for EI 1. Digital data – normally 4096 [can be increased by software
alteration – no need to add hardware]
2. Digital inputs – maximum 4096
3. Analogue inputs – 96
11 Is the data logged by EI also Yes
12 When EI is logging data, why Data logged in EI cannot be sent to central place along with other stations
is it again logged by data data &
logger Points, signals and other equipment failure alarms are not generated by the

C. Signal fault alarms RDSO Recommended 2011

Maintenance related reports

Fault name Fault Information Moment Confirm
The time difference between ECR (UP to DN to UP) is in
between 500 msec. to 2 sec. which should be taken as 1
1 Signal Bobbing M
count and for satisfying the fault logic 2 to 3 counts should
happen within 10 sec.
The time difference between TPR (UP to DN to UP) is in
between 50 m sec to 1 sec which should be taken as1 count
2 Track Bobbing M
and for satisfying the fault logic 2 to 3 counts should happen
within 10 seconds
The time difference of (NWKR/RWKR) (UP to DN to UP) is in
between 500 msec. to 2 sec. which should be taken as 1
3 Point bobbing M
count and for satisfying the fault logic 2 to 3 counts should
happen within 10 sec. At that time TPR is UP
1. If NWKR, RWKR both are down for more than time interval
then it is point failure.
4 Point Failure M C (120 Sec)
2. In case of Siemens - WKR1 is down for more than the given
time interval
1. In case of Siemens --- The time difference between
WKR1 Down to Up is in between the set time interval.
Sluggish Operation 2. Other than Siemens --- time interval of NWKR down
5 M
of Point to RWKR up OR RWKR down to NWKR up is more
than set time.

T1, T2, T3 are sequential tracks,

a) When T2 is DN.
b) T1 and T3 UP.
Track Circuit c) The time difference between T1 UP and T2 DN is more
6 M C (120 Sec)
Failure than 5 sec
d) The time difference between T3 UP and T2 DN is more
than 5 sec
e) T2 is not bobbing and is DN for more than 10 sec.

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When 110 v supply to signals has not failed (i.e. analog

voltage value is used in fault logic)
a) Yellow (three aspect): After HR picks UP and DR is
DOWN, if HECR is not picked UP within 10 seconds. HR is
triggering signal
b) Green (three aspect): After HR and DR pickup if DECR
Fusing of Signal C
7 has not picked UP within 10 seconds. HR and DR is triggering M
lamp (120 Sec)
c) Red: After HR/DR is DN, if RECR has not picked UP within
10 seconds .HR/DR is triggering signal
d) Yellow/green (two aspect): After HR/DR picks UP, if
HECR/DECR has not picked UP within 10 seconds. HR/DR is
triggering signal.

When 110 v supply to signals has not failed and all ECRs are
8 Signal Blanking M C (120 sec)
down (i.e. analog voltage value is used in fault logic)
When RECR is up continuously for more than 2 seconds - in
Signal Flying back that condition if UCR/ LR/ U(R)S is up and HR/GR2 is down C
9 M
to danger and signal replacement track (TPR) is up and EGGNR down, (120 Sec)
then it is Signal Flying back to danger.

The TIME difference between JSLR UP and NJPR UP is

10 Timer setting more greater by more than 10% (more than 132 seconds for 120 M
seconds timer) of the prescribed time

11 Button stuck up Button relay is up for more than specified time 20 sec C

In Between two sequential TPRs Down to Up (To ensure it is

Point Loose train movement) if the status of NWKR or RWKR Changes
12 C
packing more than 2 times and status of EWNR not changed (Point
emergency operation not done) then it is Loose Packing.

Signal bobbing If HR\DR is up and HECR\DECR changes its status from Up

without design to DN to Up is in between 500 m sec to 2 Sec and
13 problem (i.e. signal HECR/DECR is not operated along with HR/DR then it is M
control relay not Signal Bobbing without design problem. ECR is triggering
dropped) signal

Signal bobbing with If HR\DR is up, HECR\DECR changes its status from Up to
design problem (i.e. DN to Up is in between 500 msec. to 2 Secs and HECR/DECR
14 M
signal control relay is operated along with HR/DR then it is Signal Bobbing with
dropped) design problem. ECR is triggering signal
Signal not lowered
15 even operation is same as Logic no.19 C
Power supply
16 Use analogue voltage monitoring where LVR is not provided M C (120 S)
failure alarm
Additional hardware to be used to detect Fuse Failure
17 Fuse blown off C
(additional hardware to be used to detect fuse failure)

ELD detected low Potential free contact of ELD

18 C
insulation of supply (potential free contact of ELD to be wired as input to DL)
GNR, UNR are Up, EGGNR is DN then after given time
interval if HR is in down then check the Route.
Route not set when [1. Possible in case of panels where button/switch relays pick
operation is valid up with operation of button/switch even-though the operating
giving the conditions are not favourable
19 C
sequence of relay 2.Sequence of relays shall be provided by railways
operations 3.Not possible for switch type non route setting type panels]

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Safety related Reports

Fault name Fault Information Moment Confirm

If the train arrives on the track2 proving the sequence of track1

DN and ahead track to point zone track is down, the point
1 Point Burst M C (120 S)
setting in the unfavourable position and then the
NWKR/RWKR both are DN for 2min.
Clearing of signal At the time of HR/DR/ HECR/DECR up, signal lock relays i.e.
2 without Route all G(R)LR's/G(R)R/ASR/ALSR in the possible Routes from M C
Locking signal are in down state then it is Failure.
The TIME difference between JSLR UP and NJPR UP is less
3 Timer setting Less by more than 10% (less than 108 seconds for 120 seconds M C
timer) of the prescribed time
a) When track 2 is DN after track 1 is DN and RECR is UP
b) The time difference between T2 DN and T3 UP is more
than 5 sec.
c) The time difference between T2 DN and RECR UP is more
than 5 sec
d) T2 is not bobbing and is DN for more than 1.2 sec
1. Multiple signals (stop, shunt and calling on) on the same
post (When RECR is Up ,SH/HECR, COECR are Down,
Corresponding Point indication and TPR1, TPR2 are Down,
TPR3 is Up and time difference between TPR2 Down
(triggering) and TPR3 Up is more than time T1,and the time
Check for Passing difference between TPR2 Down and RECR Up is more than
4 C
of danger signal the given time interval T1, TPR2 is continuously Down for
T2.T2 is triggering
2. Two signals on different lines (ex. starters) with first
controlling track common and point selection. Point
selection to be used for each signal apart from the above logic
3. Two signals on the same line reading to the same line on
different posts (home and shunt) home signal
ASR/ALSR/G(R)LR to be used in shunt signal SPAD logic
4. Two opposite signals (ex. starter and opposite shunt from
siding) with one track circuit in between and no approach track
circuit for shunt signal -- in starter signal SPAD logic use
shunt GNR/UNR not operated condition or Conflicting HR

Route released a) ASR UP / G(N)LR Up and

without sequential b) Concerned route TSSLR DN or TPZR DN or TLSR DN or
5 C
route relays in TRSR DN or UYRs Down or U(R)Ss Up
route picking up c) Emergency route cancellation, NJPR DN, AJTR3 /JR DN

Signal assuming
At the time of DR/DECR is picked up, RWKR in the
6 green with points in C
corresponding Route are picked up then it is Fault.
the route reverse
Home/Main line
starter signal
When DR/DECR of Home/Main Line Starter Signal is up and if
7 assuming green C
the Advance Starter RECR is up the it is Fault
with adv starter
Advance starter off
8 HR/DR UP and concerned Line clear relay DN C
without Line Clear

T1, T2 and T3 are track circuits in sequence. Length of T2 is

fed in the logic option
9 Over speeding M
a) Counter starts when T2 goes DN with T1 already DN
b) Counter stops when T3 goes DN with T2 already DN

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c) Time interval between (a) and (b) is less than length of T2

divided by maximum permissible speed by more than 10%

After complete arrival of the train, if the point is not set against
the line on which the train is received within a predetermined
time. On Double line rear end points and on single line both
Failure to set point front and rear end points are to be considered
10 against occupied Note C
line 1.Implementation of this logic on big yards is not possible as
the options are too many
2. There can be a case where it is not possible to set the point
as all lines are occupied

Relay room If Relay Room Door Relay is down, then it is Relay room
11 C
opening opened
Emergency route
12 Operation of required buttons/switches C
Point emergency
operation when
13 Operation of required buttons/switches C
point controlling
track(s) fails
Axle counter
14 Operation of required buttons/switches C
Approach track drop,1st controlling track drop,2nd controlling
Train passing blank
15 track pick up & RECR, HECR, DECR, CO ECR, SH ECR drop C
for specific time

Operation related Reports

Fault name Fault Information Moment Confirm

a) Berthing track DN and

1 Late start of Train c) Signal replacement track DN and M
d) Time difference between time of occurrence of b and c is
more than time defined by user
The time difference between signal approach track circuit
Late Lowering of down and signal HECR/DECR/HHECR/COECR Up time is
2 M
Home signal more than set time. Time difference to be displayed in case
signal is cleared late compared to set time
Operation of
3 If LCPR DN before DR/DECR DN and SR is Up C
Double line block to
Possible in case the design of circuit is such that route gets
Late Closure of LC
4 locked after operation of the signal before gate closing and the M
signal clears as soon as the gate is closed

Analog Alarms
Analog Alarms shall be made into 3 levels based on the value of the voltage being monitored
This is not an alarm- if the value is within selected limits; the symbol of power on the front screen
displays green
The power symbol turns to yellow-if the value is within tolerable limits- i.e. it does not lead to signal
Level3 The power symbol turns to red-if the value is less than the value set -- it leads to signal failure

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D. Point operation, control & detection circuit

Point operation from Reverse to Normal

Point is in reverse – i.e. point switch in reverse - detection relay RWKR is up & NWKR

1. Point switch operated to normal

2. NCR is up in relay room
3. Then WLR is up
4. Later NWR is up in relay room
5. NWPR is up in point location box
6. Point machines A&B operate from reverse to normal
7. RWKR drops & NWKR is up
8. Point indication Normal is lit at panel
9. WLR drops
10. NWR drops
11. NWPR drops

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E. Signal operation, control and lighting circuit

Status of relays before Signal aspect changing to yellow

1. Signal red lamp is lit – RECR is up – HECR is down

2. Signal switch is in normal state
3. ASR is in up condition
4. In panel room red indication is lit and yellow is not lit
See next diagram for operation

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Sequence of relays operation when signal aspect changes to yellow

1. Switch operated to reverse

2. RR is up
3. UCR is up if – all points in the route, overlap & isolation are detected & opposite
routes are free
4. ASR drops
5. HR is up if – all TPRs are up i.e. all tracks in the route, overlap and isolation are free
6. HPR is up in the signal location
7. 110 V AC is extended to yellow lamp and withdrawn to red lamp
8. Red indication in panel room is extinguished and yellow lamp is lit

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F. Solutions for line capacity constraints of railways

Line Capacity is – Number of trains run in 24 hrs. in a section

1. In Single line to increase line capacity new crossing station to be built to split exiting
block section
2. In double line section block section is split by providing Intermediate Block Signal
3. Next step in double line is changing Block working system from absolute to automatic

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G. Wheel & axle of a train – rails

Wheel of train is bent on inner-side of wheel. This bend is called Flange of the wheel. Wheel
flange prevents derailment of wheel by holding to the rail. Wheel is guided by the flange at
points and crossings.

H. Track circuit repeater relay

Track relay 1TR is connected to track. It is provided in a Location box at less than 100 meters
from relay end block joint. It works on 1.5 V DC.

To repeat 1TR states to relay room, 24 V DC is extended from track relay location box to relay
room by proving its front contact. Track repeater relay contact is used to indicate track status
to SM and also used in signal clearance circuit and interlocking.

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I. How point is detected

Point is detected through potential free contacts provided in point machine. If point is in Normal
a set of contacts are closed. If point is in Reverse another set of contacts are closed.

24 V DC supply is extended to relay room through cable by proving required contacts (Normal
or Reverse detection). Two relays one for normal other for Reverse detection are used. One
contact of these relays is used to indicate point status to SM. Other contacts are used for

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J. Operation of signal by interlocking relays

1. When switch S1 is operated to reverse 1RR picks up. 24 V DC supply is extended through
1RR front contact to UCR front contact.
2. Then UCR picks up with front contact of 1RR, points detection relay front contacts and
opposite routes ASR front contacts.
3. 24V DC is extended to 1 ASR from 1 UCR front contact. UCR back contact opens, 1 ASR
4. 24 V DC is extended from back contact of 1 ASR to front contacts of TPR - then to 1 HR
5. 1 HR front contact is used to lit yellow lamp and back contact to unlit red lamp

K. Electronic interlocking, protocol converter & data logging - 1

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L. Electronic interlocking, protocol converter & data logging – 2

1. Electronic Interlocking has input cards, Processor card and output cards.
2. Inputs are the potential free contacts of input relays (TPR, NWKPR, DECPR etc.) and
switches / buttons of panel (Where conventional panel is used).
3. Input card reads contacts and sends status of inputs as data to processor card. Process
card processes inputs and generates output if all conditions are safe. Output card drives
output relays. (HR, NWR etc.). Input & output relays are also called interface relays
4. Output relay is used to drive signaling element (Point – NWR, RWR; Signal – HR, DR etc.)
5. Protocol converter is used to get data from Electronic Interlocking in data form. Data flows
from protocol converter to data logger. If interface relays are wired to data logger, status
of signaling element is seen by two bits – one from EI other from potential free contact of
interface relay.
6. Bits are 3 types:

Input bits - based on inputs wired to EI

Output bits - based on outputs generated by EI

Internal bits – like ASR, UCR, UYR etc. used for interlocking

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M. Challenge of controller – prioritization of movements. Ex: Out of 7 trains

approaching Krishna canal junction & 8 trains approaching Vijayawada - how to
decide priority of movements

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Siemens Practice of Interlocking

A Understanding how to read Route Section Plan [RSP]
B How operations are done on Siemens panel interlocking & RRI
C Relays names – function – flow chart for Panel operations
D Relays names – function – flow chart for RRI operations
G Differences between Panel Interlocking & RRI

A. Understanding how to read Route Section Plan [RSP]

Siemens interlocking system design is modular – i.e. yard is divided into parts – for design of interlocking

• Big yards are divided into zones – for small station entire yard is treated as one zone
• Each zone has number of signal routes
• Yard is divided into sub-routes [i.e. each signal route consists of number of sub-routes]
• Each sub-route has one / two / three route sections
• A route section may have one or more points. Some route sections may not have points
[Ex: route section between home and advanced starter]
• Each sub-route boarders are decided based on condition that simultaneous movements are
not possible on route sections of a sub-route
The above design is shown in – Route Section Plan [RSP], which is prepared based on – Signal
& Interlocking Plan [SIP]

Track plan, SIP & RSPs of a 3 Road station are shown below –

• Route section starts from a signal or a point at the border of track circuit and ends at the other
end of the same or some other track circuit
• Overlap starts from the signal where train is expected to come to stop and ends at the limit
given in SIP. It is named after the signal number. If more than one overlap exists, it is suffixed
by number. Overlap is marked in broken line.

Based on RSP, Control & Interlocking table is designed – where conditions for clearing a signal
are given in a tabular form

Based on SIP, RSP and Control & Interlocking table, signalling relay circuits are designed. Wiring
is done based on signalling circuits.

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i. One crossover one sub-route

ii. One crossover – one sub-route

iii. Two crossovers – one sub-route

Correction – 101 B & C

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iv. Two crossovers in one / two sub-routes – flexibility

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v. Sub-routes for scissors crossover

vi. Sub-routes for Double slip

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vii. Sub-route without points – single line

viii. Sub-route without points – double line

ix. Sub-route & overlaps

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B. How operations are done on Siemens panel interlocking & RRI

Operation Press buttons
1 Point • Press Common point button – WWN & Point button – WN at a time
2 Main & Shunt Signals • Press Signal button GN & Route button – UN at a time
3 Calling on After train occupying approach track circuit –
• Press calling on common button COGGN & signal button GN at a
• Release COGGN keeping GN pressed and then press UN button -
Release both buttons
• Calling on approach timer starts flashing on panel, after 2 minutes
calling on signal is lit
4 Signal cancel • Press EGGN & GN buttons at a time – signal OFF aspect lamp
extinguishes and ON aspect lamp is lit
5a Manual Route release – • Press EGGN & GN at a time
no train in approach • Keep GN pressed & press EUUYN, UN one after other – route is
track released
5b Manual Route release – • Press EGGN & GN at a time
when train in approach • Keep GN pressed & press EUUYN, UN one after other – timer
track starts flashing – after 2 min, becomes steady
• Keep GN pressed & press EUUYN, UN one after other – route is
6 Emergency Route • S&T key is inserted and turned
section release • Break the seal of EUYN & press it, then press concerned route
section WN
7 Emergency overlap • Press OYN & UN at a time [if OYN is not provided press EUYN]
8 Release of crank handle • Site person presses button at Crank Handle box provided at point
& return location – at panel White indication near CHYN extinguishes & red
indication flashes
• SM presses CHYN, YYN at a time
9 Release of Level • Press LXN & YYN buttons at a time to release gate slot when no
Crossing Gate slot & route or overlap are set over the gate – gate man gets indication
return and removes the key
• Gateman replaces key after closing gate - at panel indication
appears. SM presses LXN & YRN at a time – gate control is
received at station
10 Release of point key • Press KLN & YYN buttons at a time to release gate slot when no
lock slot & return route or overlap are set over the point – person at site gets
indication and removes key from Key Lock Relay
• Key is replaced after relocking the point – SM gets indication – SM
presses KLN & YRN buttons at a time – key locked point control is
received at panel
11 Conversion of signal • Press and release at a time GN & UN - signal is cleared
from manual to • Press and release at a time GN & AGGN – signal is converted to
automatic automatic
12 Conversion of signal • Press and release at a time GN & AGGYN
from auto to manual – • Keep GN pressed & press EUUYN, UN one after other – route is
signal displays red released – Signal is converted to manual
13 Conversion of signal • Press and release at a time GN & AGGYN - signal is converted to
from auto to manual – manual
signal displays other
than red

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C. Relays names – function – flow chart for Panel operations

1. Panel interlocking circuit stages

2. GROUPS – RELAYS in the groups
3. Design philosophy of Siemens interlocking
Relays of 3 signalling elements of point, signal & route are grouped and wired as
point group, signal group & route group
Important relays in each group and their functions are given below

Point group relays – for Panel interlocking


1 Z1WR1 Point group initiating relay

2 W[R/N]R Point operation / detection switching relay

3 Z1NWR / Switches on normal / reverse point control relay

4 WKR1 Point detection relay 1 – continuously proves
correspondence of point and point group
5 WKR2 Point detection relay 2 – proves out of correspondence
and cross protection
6 WKR3 Point detection relay 3 – proves point correspondence at
the end of operation
7 WJR Point time element relay – controls point contactor relay -
drops in not less than 10 sec, in case of point failure
8 WR Relay with heavy duty contacts

9 [R/N]WLR Controls point operation circuit

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Point operation:
i. Point control initiation
ii. Point operation control
iii. Point detection

R to N R to N

WWNR up, WNR up, WWNR up, WNR up,

1 Point button Relays up
U[N]S up, U[N]S up,
Conditions proved – Point free relays up
OVZ2U[N]R up OVZ2U[N]R up

2 Point operation common initiation relay up Z1WR1 Z1WR1

3 Point normal / reverse operation initiation WJR up WKR3 up

WKR1 down, WKR1 down,

4 Point detection relays drops
RWKR down NWKR down
Point operation circuit switching relay
5 W[R]R up W[R]R up
WWNR dn, WNR dn, WWNR dn, WNR dn,
Point Button relays drop

6 Point normal control initiation relay up Z1NWR up Z1RWR up

7 Point control normal locking relay [N]WLR [R]WLR

Point group and point out of

8 WKR2 up WKR2 up
correspondence proving relay up
Point normal / reverse control initiation
9 Z1NWR down Z1RWR down
relay down

10 Point contactor relay up WR up WR up

Point machine gets supply – operates

Point group and point correspondence

11 WKR3 up WKR3 up
proving relay up
Point group and point out of
12 WKR2 down WKR2 down
correspondence proving relay down

13 Point contactor relay down WR down WR down

Point detection circuit switching relay

14 W[N]R up W[N]R up
Point group and point correspondence
15 WKR3 down WKR3 down
proving relay drops

16 Point detection relay up WKR1 up WKR1 up

17 Point detection relay NWKR up RWKR up

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Signal operation

1. Route and signal initiation

2. Route setting, checking & locking
3. Signal clearance

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1 Route permissibility checking

Signal & route button relays up GNR up, UNR up
Direction determining relay ZU[R/N]R up
Main / shunt selection relay up Sh G[R/N]R
All Sub-routes initiation Relays are up Z1UR, Z1UR, Z1UR …….
SIGNAL initiation relay up Sh GZR, Mn GZR, Co GGNR
Zonal route permissibility checking relay up ZDUCR
2 Route setting
Route setting relay up U[R]S
Route section clear UDKR
Route section checked DUCR
3 Overlap setting
Overlap setting relay up OVZ2U[R]R
4 Signal lock stick relay GLSR up & sticks
Buttons released
5 Route section locked U[R]LR up
6 Main signal control
Signal lock stick relay up GLSR up
Signal control relay 1 up GR1 up
Route indicator lit UECR up
Signal locked G[R]LR up
Signal lock stick relay down GLSR down
Signal control relay 2 up GR2 up
Red lamp unlit RECR dn
Yellow lamp lit HECR up

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Minor route group relays

Relay Purpose
One for each route section A U[N/R]S & B U[N/R]S
1 U[N/R]S Route locking in the group, for additional route sections – mini
group relays are used
One per sub-route
A route section is set and all rack circuits in the set
Sub-route clear
2 UDKR route section are clear
indication relay
Used for signal clearance & route release by train
Route section clear
3 UDCR One for each route section A UDCR, B UDCR
checking relay
One per sub-route
Sub-route locking
4 U[R/N]LR U[R]S + DUCR + Route section clear + buttons
released = U[R]LR up
One pair for each sub-group
UYR1 & Route release
5 Combination of UYR1&2 and UDKR is used for
UYR2 relays
sectional route release

Route section release by train movement

1 First TPR & second TPR sequential operation Train moved sequentially on sub-route
2 UYR1 up, UYR2 up track

3 UDKR up Train cleared sub-route

4 U[N]LR up Route section released

5 U[N]S up Route section normalized

6 UYR1 down, UYR2 down, UDKR down Sequential operation

Signal locking release

1 GNCR up, UNCR up No route initiation

2 Z2U[N]R up left Train from left arrived
3 Z2U[N]R up right Train from right arrived
4 G[N]LR up Signal released
G[N]LR – one for each berthing track

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D. Relays names – function – flow chart for RRI operations

Point group relays – for RRI

Z1WR Point group initiating relay
1 Z1WR1 Point group control initiating relay
2 W[R/N]R Point operation / detection circuit switching relay
Z1NWR / Switches on normal / reverse point control relay
Point detection relay 1 – continuously proves
4 WKR1
correspondence of point and point group
Point detection relay 2 – proves out of correspondence
5 WKR2
and cross protection
Point detection relay 3 – proves point correspondence at
6 WKR3
the end of operation
Point time element relay – controls point contactor relay -
7 WJR drops in not less than 10 sec, in case of point failure
Also operates when point operation is initiated from R to N
8 WR Relay with heavy duty contacts
9 WLR Point locking relay – does track locking
10 [N/R]WLR Controls point operation circuit
11 W[R/N]LR Point group locking / unlocking relay

Point operation sequencing of relays

R to N R to N
A U[R]S or B U[R]S or
1 Point setting control relay
U[N]S up, U[N]S up,
Conditions proved – Point free relays up
OVZ2U[N]R up OVZ2U[N]R up
2 Point operation common initiation relay 1 up Z1WR Z1WR
Point track locking proved WLR up WLR up
Point operation common initiation relay 2 up Z1WR1 Z1WR1

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3 Point normal / reverse operation initiation WJR up WKR3 up

4 Point detection relays drops WKR1 down, WKR1 down,
5 Point operation circuit switching relay operates W[R]R up W[R]R up
6 Point normal control initiation relay up Z1NWR up Z1RWR up
7 Point control normal locking relay [N]WLR [R]WLR
Point group and point out of correspondence
8 WKR2 up WKR2 up
proving relay up
9 Point normal / reverse control initiation relay down Z1NWR down Z1RWR down
10 Point contactor relay up WR up WR up
Point machine gets supply – operates
Point group and point correspondence proving
11 WKR3 up WKR3 up
relay up
Point group and point out of correspondence
12 WKR2 down WKR2 down
proving relay down
WJR dn WJR dn
13 Point contactor relay down WR down WR down
14 Point detection circuit switching relay operates W[N]R up W[N]R up
Point group and point correspondence proving
15 WKR3 down WKR3 down
relay drops
16 Point detection relay up WKR1 up WKR1 up
17 Point group locking relay W[R]LR up W[R]LR up
18 Point detection relay NWKR up RWKR up

Signal operation

1. Route and signal initiation

2. Route setting, checking & locking
3. Signal clearance

1 Route permissibility checking

Signal & route button relays up GNR up, UNR up
Direction determining relay ZU[R/N]R up
Main / shunt selection relay up Sh G[R/N]R
All Sub-routes initiation Relays are up Z1UR, Z1UR, Z1UR …….
SIGNAL initiation relay up Sh GZR, Mn GZR, Co GGNR
Zonal route permissibility checking relay up ZDUCR
2 Route setting
Route setting relay up U[R]S
Points in the route & isolation operated NWKR, RWKR
Route section clear UDKR
Route section checked DUCR
3 Overlap setting
Overlap setting relay up OVZ2U[R]R
Points in the route & isolation operated NWKR, RWKR

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4 Signal lock stick relay GLSR up & sticks

Buttons released
5 Route section locked U[R]LR up
6 Main signal control
Signal lock stick relay up GLSR up
Signal control relay 1 up GR1 up
Route indicator lit UECR up
Signal locked G[R]LR up
Signal lock stick relay down GLSR down
Signal control relay 2 up GR2 up
Red lamp unlit RECR dn
Yellow lamp lit HECR up

Assessment of relays for sub-route 101A/B

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Railway Signaling Training Manual

Route section 101 A/B

Relay Type of relay No of relays Input for data logger

1 101A U[R]S
Any one relay’s contact to
Interlocked relay One relay for Each route section
be wired as input
2 101A U[N]S

3 101B U[R]S
Any one relay’s contact to
Interlocked relay One relay for Each route section
be wired as input
4 101B U[N]S

5 101A DUCR Neutral relay One relay for Each route section Required

6 101B DUCR Neutral relay One relay for Each route section Required

7 101 U[R]LR
Any one relay’s contact to
Interlocked relay Common for sub-route
be wired as input
8 101 U[N]LR

9 101 UDKR Neutral relay Common for sub-route Required

10 101 UYR1 Neutral relay Common for sub-route Required

11 101 UYR2 Neutral relay Common for sub-route Required

E. Differences between Panel Interlocking & RRI

Panel interlocking RRI

Points are operated individually before Points setting and signal operation done by single
signal & route are operated operation by pressing GN & UN buttons

Before operating points route section-

2 U[R]S and OV Z2U[R]R ensures freeness of the point
free is to be manually ensured

NWKR / RWKR are normally down, pick up only

2 NWKR / RWKR are normally up
when route setting is done

Multiple locking
Only two types of locking ZU[R]R – direction determination
3 i. U[R]S locks points i. ZDUCR – Route permissibility checking
ii. U[R]LR locks full route ii. U[R]LR – sub-route locking
iii. G[R]LR – signal lock

U[R]S does the function of both W[R]LR W[R]LR locks points

& U[R]LR U[R]LR lock sub-route

U[R]S & OVZ2U[R]R locks points in U[R]S & OVZ2U[R]R operates points in route &
route & overlap overlap
U[R]S requires points in the route in U[R]S changes the points to the required position.
6 normal or reverse. NWKR / RWKR Does not allow points to be unlocked unless route is
required for A U[R]S or B U[R]S released

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F. Flow charts of operations

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Point Machine

DC Track Circuit Track Connection

PTJ Pushbutton
Daido Block Instrument Block Instrument Problem Solving Capability
Helps in finding
imaginaon gives
beer soluon i.e.
more Value

‘Urge’ to find ‘Soluon’

‘Tool’ to ‘Solve’ problem

Logical Capability
‘Effecve’ usage of knowledge

How beer the
Could be ‘Seen’
RDSO recommended Data Logger Network
Networking of Data Loggers - Division Test Room Arrangement with Standby FEP, CMU, LAN Switch & Server

To Railnet E1 Zonal HQ,

Converter Field Officials

Second Vendor
Reports PC Signal Monitor
L3 - LAN Switch

Fire Wall

Server-1 Server-2 Secured Area

24 Port - LAN Switch 24 Port - LAN Switch

Network Monitor Network Monitor

CMU - 1A CMU - 1B CMU - 2A CMU - 2B

KVM Switch KVM Switch

FEP - 1A FEP - 1B FEP - 2A FEP - 2B

E1 E1 E1 E1

Data Data Data Data Data Data

Logger 1 Logger 11 Logger 22 Logger 33 Logger 43 Logger 54
E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1
Data Data Data Data Data Data
Logger 2 Logger 12 Logger 23 Logger 34 Logger 44 Logger 55

Data Data Data Data Data Data

Logger 9 Logger 20 Logger 31 Logger 41 Logger 52 Logger 63
E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1
Data Data Data Data Data Data
Logger 10 Logger 21 Logger 32 Logger 42 Logger 53 Logger 64

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