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Marine Auxiliary Machinery – I

Question- Bank

1) Enumerate the various machineries found in the engine room of a large cargo ship. Describe the
function of each item.

2) Draw the layout of the bottom platform of an engine room of a cargo ship. Explain the function
of each machine fitted there.

3) Describe the different systems available for the main propulsion of a ship.

4) Sketch a bilge system suitable for a cargo vessel, with Engine aft, indicating the type of
valves used.
5) sketch a ballast system suitable for a general cargo vessel, indicating the pumps and
Valves required.

6) a) Make a labeled sketch off the fuel oil transfer system of a cargo ship, indicating
the type of valves used.

7) a) what is mud box and strum box with respect to bilge system. Sketch their arrangement.
b) State the method of preventing the water from re-entering the bilge - system.

8) a) what is emergency bilge suction? When it is used?

b) Why bilge suction valves are of non-return type?
9) a) Show the bilge pump suction valve chest, by a simple line diagram
b) What kind of valves are used and why?

10) a) what kind of pumps are used for bilge operations? Why?
b) Why gear pump is not used for bilge operation?

11) a) what is the minimum number of pumps to be provided for bilge system, in Engine Room?
Can these pumps be used for other purposes?
b) What is bilge direct line? When it is used?

12) a) what are ballast tanks? When they are used? When carrying full cargo, how much ballast
Can be left?
b) Give a line sketch of a ballast pump suction valve chest.

13) Sketch a line diagram for a ballast system of a cargo ship, indicating the type of valves used.

14) a) Explain the two methods of filling a double bottom tank. Which is safe and why?

b) Describe step by step operation for ballasting a DB tank, by pump.

15) a) How do you ballast a DB tank by gravity?
b) Describe step by step operation for deballasting a DB tank.

16) a) Explain the procedure for ballasting Peak tanks. .

b) Can you do ballasting and deballasting operations on your own, giving the reasons for the

17) a) what is the minimum flash point of fuel carried on board? What is the temperature of fuel
oil allowed in a tank?
b) What are the rules regarding the heated oil under pressure?

18) Explain any two methods of sounding arrangements for daily service & settling tanks,
Giving reasons for selecting them.

19) a) With regard to settling & service tank sounding arrangement, what factors influence the
Apparatus selection?
b) What are the different types available? Briefly describe any one of them.

20) a) what are the requirements for the fuel oil overflow pipes?
b) Sketch an air / overflow pipe arrangement.

21) a) what are the requirements for the fuel oil overflow pipes?
b) Write short notes on Drip trays.

. 22) Sketch the fuel oil system of a large main engine, indicating the important
Components and the flow directions.

23) Write short notes on:

a) Expansion bellows
b) Steam heating coils

24) Explain by sketch the sequence of events with ‘water hammer’ in steam pipes.
25) Write short notes on:
a) Cofferdam
b) Crankcase vent pipes
26) What are the causes of ‘water hammer’ in steam pipes? How can they be prevented?

27) a) what are the two functions of the cooling system of a diesel engine?
b) How the cooling system can generally be classified? Explain the open system.

28) Sketch the closed fresh water cooling system of a large diesel engine, indicating the
Components and flow directions.
29) a) Explain the reasons for conditioning the fresh water used for diesel engine cooling
b) What are the conditions to be fulfilled, for effective cooling water treatment?

30) Sketch and describe a Seawater cooling system for a two stroke engine.

31) Sketch and describe a central cooling system.

32) Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of the central cooling system.

33) a) What safety devices are fitted to the compressed air system system and explain
their functions.
b) Write short notes on number. And capacity of air compressors.

34) Sketch the Fire line system of a ship, indicating important components and flow directions.

35) S & D the Domestic Fresh water system of a ship.

36) a) what maintenance is required for domestic fresh water tanks?

b) Write short notes on sterilization of drinking water, on board.

37) S & D the domestic sea water system of a ship

38) How watertight doors are classified? Describe the operation of a horizontal sliding
Watertight door.

39) Write short notes on:

i) Emergency escape
ii) Location of stores and workshops

40) Explain the fittings necessary when a space may be used for:
i) Ballast or dry cargo
ii) Ballast or oil

41) Explain using single line sketch, how a fire main is supplied with water, including the cross
Connections with other pumps.

42) a) what is the necessity for Fresh water generator on board?

b) List the purposes for which the water so produced may be used.

43) a) Show by a simple sketch scale formation and its consequences.

b) What salts are present in seawater and in which proportion?
44) Name the various methods employed to control scale formation in F.W. Generators
Explain any three of them.
45) Explain the Boiling and Flash processes of distillation with simple line sketches.

46) Sketch a low-pressure vacuum type evaporator indicating the components and flow path.

47) Explain with simple line sketch a ‘Single Effect’ shell type evaporator.

48) Explain with simple line sketch a ‘Double Effect’ shell type evaporator.

49) a) what are the advantages of low pressure vacuum type evaporators?
b) State the materials used in the construction of low press. Vacuum type evaporator.

50) S&D a double stage flash evaporator.

51) Explain the principle of reverse osmosis, with simple sketches.

52) Sketch a R.O.Desalination plant, with a simple line sketch, indicating all parts and the flow

53) S & D a fresh water treatment plant, for drinking water purposes.

54) a) Write short notes on toxic contamination from M. Engine cooling water, evaporator
b) Write short notes on salinity control in F.W.Generators.

Oily Water Separator

Question Bank

1) Sketch an oily water separator, list all the main parts, and state how you
Would judge that it was operating satisfactorily.
2) List the precautions to be observed when taking aboard oil fuel bunkers.
3) a) Sketch a cross section of a coalescing filter suitable for use with an
Oily water separator.
b) Explain how the filter operates.
4) a) With reference to an oily water separator, explain:
i) How it is prepared for use;
ii) How it is operated;
iii) How it is shut down after use;
b) State the record, which must be kept when pumping engine room bilges.
5) a)Sketch an oil-in water detector.
b)Explain how it operates.
6)Draw a line diagram of any type of oily water separator, labelling the principal
items and showing the direction of flow in all lines.
7)With reference to oily water separator:
a)Give one reason why centrifugal pumps are not suitable for use.
b)Explain the purpose of i ) test cocks ii) probes
c)Give two reasons for oil being carried over with the water.
8) a)List the annexes of MARPOL 73 / 78 and state the various foms of pollution
they deal with.
b) Sketch a 15 ppm oily- water separator, labelling all essential parts.
9) a) Define the terms Pollution & Special Areas.
b) What is MARPOL 73 / 78 concerned with ?
c) Name two “Special Areas”.
10)a) Name two methods of monitoring oil content in water discharged overboard
from oily water separators.
b)For one of the methods you mentioned, and using a simple diagram, explain
its working principle.
11) a) State the precautions to be observed when bunkering fuel oil to avoid
pollution of the sea.
b) State the factors which influene the operating efficiency of an oily
water separator.
c)What are the three steps involved in separation of oil droplets from
oily water ?
12) a)Describe how oil is automatically discharged to the oil valve in an automatic
oil water separator.
b)Explain the terms Pollution & Special Areas.
a)With reference to oily water separators:
i)Sketch and label a 15 ppm oily water separator.
ii)Briefly explain the working principle of the first stage only.
14) a) With reference to MARPOL 73 / 78, name two specil areas.
b) Describe four factors which influence the efficiency of separation of oil
from water in a gravity type oily water separator.
c)A second stage is usually added to achieve the regulatory 15-ppm discharge.
Briefly describe the woking principle of one method by which this can
be achieved.

Deck Mchinery – Question Bank

15a)What is Capstan ?
b)Describe its contruction & operation.
16)Describe the Windlass system with a line diagram.
17)Sketch and describe a Slipping clutch for Windlass.
18)Describe step by step operation for:
a) Lowering the Anchor
b) Heaving up the Anchor.
19)Describe a) Steam winch
b)Electric or Hydraulic winch.
20)Describe the precautions to be observed in:
a)Steam Winch
b)Hydraulic winch
c)Electric winch
21)With respect to Deck Crane Hydraulic System, write short notes on:
a) Hydrulic Fluids
b) Deterioration of hydraulic fluids.
22)Draw the Hydraulic circuit for the Hoisting system of a Deck crane & explain
how the system works.
23)Draw the Hydraulic circuit for the Slewing system of a Deck crane & xplain
how the system works.
24)Draw the Hydraulic circuit for the Luffing system of a Deck crane & explain
how the system works.
25)Sketch and describe a Hatch cover hydraulic system.
26)What are the duties of a deck winch? What are the requirements to be
fulfilled by the winch ?
27) a) During cargo gear survey, what items are checked by the surveyor ?
c) Describe how the speed of a Lifebat is controlled, while lowering it, from
a overhead gravity davit.

Outside the Question Bank

For Midsemester
1)a)Sketch the ballasting system of a general cargo ship.
b)What is the size of ballast tank air pipe & state its location?
2)a)Sketch a shell & tube heat exchanger, indicating the components.
b)Name the materials of water box, shell, tubes & tube plate.
3)a)Sketch a plate type heat exchanger, indicaing the important componets.
b)Name the materials used for plate & gasket.
4)a)Sketch the domestic fresh water system of a ocean going ship.
b)What is the principle involved in flash evaporation ?
Marine Auxiliary Machinery – I
Question- Bank

1) Enumerate the various machineries found in the engine room of a large cargo ship. Describe the
function of each item.

2) Draw the layout of the bottom platform of an engine room of a cargo ship. Explain the function
of each machine fitted there.

3) Describe the different systems available for the main propulsion of a ship.

6) a) Make a labeled sketch off the fuel oil transfer system of a cargo ship, indicating
the type of valves used.
17) a) what is the minimum flash point of fuel carried on board? What is the temperature of fuel
oil allowed in a tank?
b) What are the rules regarding the heated oil under pressure?

18) Explain any two methods of sounding arrangements for daily service & settling tanks,
Giving reasons for selecting them.

19) a) With regard to settling & service tank sounding arrangement, what factors influence the
Apparatus selection?
b) What are the different types available? Briefly describe any one of them.

20) a) what are the requirements for the fuel oil overflow pipes?
b) Sketch an air / overflow pipe arrangement.

21) a) what are the requirements for the fuel oil overflow pipes?
b) Write short notes on Drip trays.
. 22) Sketch the fuel oil system of a large main engine, indicating the important
Components and the flow directions.

27) a) what are the two functions of the cooling system of a diesel engine?
b) How the cooling system can generally be classified? Explain the open system.

28) Sketch the closed fresh water cooling system of a large diesel engine, indicating the
Components and flow directions.

29) a) Explain the reasons for conditioning the fresh water used for diesel engine cooling
b) What are the conditions to be fulfilled, for effective cooling water treatment?

30) Sketch and describe a Seawater cooling system for a two stroke engine.
31) Sketch and describe a central cooling system.

32) Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of the central cooling system.

34) a) What safety devices are fitted to the compressed air system and explain
their functions.

b) Write short notes on number. And capacity of air compressors.

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