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Report Writing

Faculty of Engineering And CS

BS Software Engineering (Afternoon)
1 st Semester
Date: 17/03/2021
ID No:NUML-S21-20336

Submitted By : Submitted To:

Shajar Abbas Sir Malik
Assignment No 1
Q: Write Uses Of Technology?

Technology used to support both teaching and learning, technology infuses classrooms with digital
learning tools, such as computers and hand held devices; expands course offerings, experiences, and
learning materials; supports learning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; builds 21 st century skills;
increases student engagement and motivation; and accelerates learning. Technology also has the
power to transform teaching by ushering in a new model of connected teaching. This model links
teachers to their students and to professional content, resources, and systems to help them improve
their own instruction and personalize learning.

Virtual or online learning: 48 states and the District of Columbia currently support online learning
opportunities that range from supplementing classroom instruction on an occasional basis to
enrolling students in full-time programs. These opportunities include dual enrollment, credit
recovery, and summer school programs, and can make courses such as Advanced Placement and
honors, or remediation classes available to students. Both core subjects and electives can be taken
online, many supported by online learning materials. While some online schools or programs are
homegrown, many others contract with private providers or other states to provide online learning

Science encompasses the systematic study of the
structure and behaviour of the physical and natural
world through observation and experiment,
and technology is the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes. Oxford
Reference provides more than 210,000 concise

definitions and in-depth, specialist encyclopaedic entries on the wide range of subjects
within these broad disciplines.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning seem to be the next wave in manufacturing.
AI is helping production teams analyze data and use the insights to replace inventory,
reduce operational costs and offer seamless quality control over the entire manufacturing
Types of advance manufacturing:
 Additive manufacturing
 Advanced/Composite materials
 Robotics/automation.
 Laser machining/welding

The future of healthcare is shaping up in front of our very eyes with advances in digital
healthcare technologies, such as artificial intelligence, VR/AR, 3D-printing, robotics or
nanotechnology. We have to familiarize with the latest developments in order to be able to
control technology and not the other way around.
“digital technology could help transform unsustainable healthcare systems into
sustainable ones, equalize the relationship between medical professionals and patients,
provide cheaper, faster and more effective solutions for diseases”
But as the saying goes, one has to be a master of his own house, so it is worth starting “the
future” with the betterment of our own health through digital technologies, as well as
changing our own attitude towards the concept of health as such and towards medicine and


technology in travel and tourism Today, nobody doubts that technology and travel are
the perfect combination. This joint force also plays a crucial role in the way we travel: from
the vacation destination we choose, all the way to what we do once we're there and even in
the time after we've come back from our adventure. It is so prevalent, that according to a
Google Travel study, 74% of travellers plan their trips on the Internet, while only 13% still
use travel agencies to prepare them.

These technologies can serve a variety of different ends: better delivery
of government services to citizens, improved interactions with business and industry, citizen
empowerment through access to information, or more efficient government management.

Technology has opened up significant opportunities for self-publishing with the study
showing that 84 per cent of fiction authors are changing the way their work is published or
distributed. Technology is impacting how authors publish and promote their works, and
also how they interact with readers.

Entertainment technology helps people relax and enjoy some free time. The
latest technology has been revolutionized daily entertainment. Old ways such as recording
on records, tapes, and CDs, have made music more accessible across the world. Movies are
brought into living rooms through photography, film, and video.

Financial technology (Fintech) is used to describe new tech that seeks to improve and
automate the delivery and use of financial services. At its core, fintech is utilized to help
companies, business owners and consumers better manage their financial operations,
processes, and lives by utilizing specialized software and algorithms that are used
on computers and, increasingly, smartphones. Fintech, the word, is a combination of
"financial technology". 
When fintech emerged in the 21st Century, the term was initially applied to the technology
employed at the back-end systems of established financial institutions. Since then, however,
there has been a shift to more consumer-oriented services and therefore a more consumer-

oriented definition. Fintech now includes different sectors and industries such as education,
retail banking, fundraising and non-profit, and investment management to name a few.

Technology has certainly become very influential in the retail industry in the last decade.
Consumers are now more inclined to pick up their smartphone to search and buy products
online, rather than go to a retail shop. However, the traditional retail shop is still a high
priority, and it is important they keep up to date with technological advancements in the
industry. PWC conducted a survey recently and some interesting figures were presented. In
the furniture and homeware sector, 45% of global shoppers prefer researching purchases
online. Following this, 59% then prefer to purchase in-store


Assignment No 2
Duel Core:
Definition: “A dual-core processor is a CPU with two processors or "execution cores" in the
same integrated circuit. Each processor has its own cache and controller, which enables it to
function as efficiently as a single processor. ... These CPUs each combine two processor
cores on a single silicon chip”.
Dual core processors split the incoming data stream into two pieces, which are calculated
simultaneously, leading to a speed increase in processing heavy applications. Each dual core
processor has two separate computing modules linked together into a single unit.
The first dual core chips for x86-based PCs and servers were introduced in 2005 and
included the Pentium D and Pentium Processor Extreme Edition 840 from Intel and the
Opteron 800 and Athlon 64 X2 from AMD. A year later, Intel added dual cores to its Itanium
line. Dual-core chips are not just for advanced applications; rather, everyday tasks can take
advantage of two simultaneous processing streams. For example, routine downloads of
email and software updates that increasingly take place in the background no longer slow
down the foreground application. Virus scans and backup programs can be initiated without
interfering with the primary task.

Figure 1Duel core

Inter core 2 duo:
Definition: “The Intel Core 2 Duo (also known as Core2 Duo) notebook processor is
a 64bit dual core processor. This means two processor cores work inside a Core 2 Duo
in parallel”.
The Core 2 Duo, which was introduced on July 27 2006, is the direct successor of the Core
Duo. Each core is based on the Pentium M micro architecture. Compared with the old
Netburst architecture of the Pentium 4, the cores in the Core 2 Duo have shorter pipelines.
As a result, the maximum clock rate is lower but the performance per clock is significantly
higher. Thus a Pentium 4M with the same clock rate is up to 40% slower.
The performance of the Core 2 Duo processor in comparison with its direct competitor, the
AMD Turion 64 X2, is very good. The Core 2 Duo beats the AMD Turion 64 X2 with the same
clock rate in virtually all applications (on average by 15%). The energy consumption is similar
in both processors. In comparison with the predecessor Core Duo, the Core 2 Duo is about
10% faster and consumes a bit more energy (More details further below).

The Core 2 Duo processors are produced in 65 nm (and later in 45nm), contain 14 stages
pipelines and 2-4 MB level 2 cache (depending on the model). The features of the Core 2
Duo are:

 x86 architecture
The Intel Core 2 Duo uses the x86  instruction set, which was introduced in 1978 with
the 8086/8088 processor. Furthermore it supports the multimedia extension MMX,
SSE2, SSE3 and SSE4.
 Dual core technology
Two processor cores run with the same frequency in the same processor building
block and share the level 2 cache as well as the front side bus (FSB).
 Execute Disable Bit
Prevents security problems through buffer overflows, if the operation system
supports it and if it is activated.

 Wide Dynamic Execution *
Every core can execute four complete commands simultaneously. 
 Smart-Memory-Access *
Shorter idle times, improved data transfer and faster out-of-order command
execution lead to better usage of the pipeline and as a result to higher performance.
 Advanced-Smart-Cache *
Like the Core Duo, the Core 2 Duo has shared level 2 cache and each core receives
the same amount of cache. Intel doubled the bandwidth to the level 1 cache though.
 Advanced-Digital-Media-Boost *
One 128-Bit SSE command is now output per clock cycle.

Quad Core:
definition: “A quad-core CPU has four processing cores in a single chip. It is similar to a
dual-core CPU, but has four separate processors (rather than two), which can process
instructions at the same time. Quad-core CPUs have become more popular in recent years
as the clock speeds of processors have plateaued”.
A quad-core processor is a chip with four independent units called cores that read and
execute central processing unit (CPU) instructions such as add, move data, and branch.
Within the chip, each core operates in conjunction with other circuits such
as cache, memory management, and input/output (I/O) ports. The individual cores in a
quad-core processor can run multiple instructions at the same time, increasing the overall
speed for programs compatible with parallel processing. Manufacturers typically integrate
the cores onto a single semiconductor wafer, or onto multiple semiconductor wafers within
a single IC (integrated circuit) package.

Feactures :
Although it's tempting to suppose that a quad-core processor would operate twice as fast as
a dual-core processor and four times as fast as a single-core processor, things don't work
out that simply. Results vary depending on the habits of the computer user, the nature of
the programs being run, and the compatibility of the processor with other hardware in the
system as a whole. Some programs are
just single-threaded in nature and don't speed up much from multi core CPUs

Core i3:
Developed and manufactured by Intel, the Core i3 is a dual-core computer processor,
available for use in both desktop and laptop computers. It is one of three types of
processors in the "i" series (also called the Intel Core family of processors).
The Core i3 processor is available in multiple speeds, ranging from 1.30 GHz up to 3.50 GHz,
and features either 3 MB or 4 MB of cache. It utilizes either the LGA 1150 or LGA 1155
socket on a motherboard. Core i3 processors are most often found as dual-core, having two
cores. However, a select few high-end Core i3 processors are quad-core, featuring four
The most common type of RAM used with a Core i3 processor is DDR3 1333 or DDR3 1600.
Power usage varies for the Core i3 processors:

 Slower speeds (1.30 GHz to 1.80 GHz) use 11.5 W, 15 W or 25 W of power

 Medium speeds (2.00 GHz to 2.50 GHz) use 28 W, 35 W or 37 W of power

 Faster speeds (2.90 GHz to 3.50 GHz) use 35 W, 37 W or 54 W of power

Core i3 processors are often used in laptop computers, due to their lower heat generation
and conservative battery usage. Some laptops can be used for up to five or six hours on a
single battery charge when running a Core i3 processor.

Core i5:
Developed and manufactured by Intel, the Core i5 is a computer processor,
available as dual-core or quad-core. It can be used in both desktop and laptop
computers, and is one of four types of processors in the "i" (Intel Core family)
series. The first i5 processor was released in September 2009 and new
generations of the i5 continue to be released (2020).
The Core i5 processor is available in multiple speeds, ranging from 1.90 GHz up
to 3.80 GHz, and it features 3 MB, 4 MB or 6 MB of cache. It utilizes either the
LGA 1150 or LGA 1155 socket on a motherboard. Core i5 processors are most
often found as quad-core, having four cores. However, a select few high-end
Core i5 processors feature six cores.
The most common type of RAM used with a Core i5 processor is DDR3 1333 or
DDR3 1600. However, higher performance RAM can be used as well if it's
supported by the motherboard.
Power usage varies for the Core i5 processors:
 Slower speeds (1.90 GHz to 2.30 GHz) use 11.5 W of power
 Medium speeds (2.60 GHz to 3.10 GHz) use 15 W, 25 W, 28 W or 37 W of
 Faster speeds (3.20 GHz to 3.80 GHz) use 35 W, 37 W, 45 W, 47 W, 65 W
or 84 W of power
Core i5 processors are commonly found in desktop computers for most
everyday use and some higher performance needs. Some laptop computers
feature Core i5 processors as well, to provide improved performance for
heavier usage needs. At the lower speeds, battery usage is pretty conservative
and can reach up to five hours or usage on a single charge. However, at higher
speeds, battery usage is higher and may result in up to three hours or so of
usage per charge.

Core i7:
Intel Core i7 is a line of Intel CPUs which span eight generations of Intel chipsets. They
feature either four or six cores, with stock frequencies between 2.6 and 3.7 GHz. The first i7
processors were released in November 2008 and new generations of the i7 continue to be
released (2020).
Variations of the i7 processor are manufactured for a variety of personal computing devices.
Some high-performance i7 processors for desktop computers, such as the i7-8700K, are
unlocked for overclocking. High-efficiency i7 processors (which conserve energy as much as
possible, at the expense of some performance) are manufactured for desktop
computers, laptops, and mobile devices.
The i7 processor is marketed primarily to gaming enthusiasts, and digital artists such as
filmmakers and animators

Limited edition i7-8086K:

In June 2018, Intel announced a limited edition i7 processor, the i7-8086K, to commemorate
the 40th anniversary of the 8086 CPU. Only 8086 of these processors were produced. It is
the first Intel processor to reach
speeds of 5 GHz without overclocking
(using Intel Turbo Boost technology).


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