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Nism Series Viii

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NISM Series VIII: Equity Derivativ

Certification Examination
1. An index option is a __________________.
Debt instrument
Derivative product [Correct answer NOT selected]
Cash market  product
Money market instrument

. !he purchase o" a share in one market and the simultaneous sale in a di"
 bene"it "rom price di""erentials is known as ____________.
Arbitra#e [Correct answer NOT selected]

&. 'inancial  derivatives provide the "acility "or __________.

All o" the above [Correct answer NOT selected]

(. )perational risks include losses due to ____________.

Related titles*nade+uate disaster plannin# [Correct answer NOT selected]

!oo much o" mana#ement control

*ncome tax re#ulations
,overnment policies

-. *mpact cost is low when the li+uidity in the system is poor.
NISM Equity Equity
'alse Derivativesanswer
[Correct 500 in one
 selected] FREE NISM Mock ModelQNi
Derivatives MCQs NISM Free Mock… Test - NISM Seri… Test - NISM Seri…
. /ou sold one 0/ %tock  'utures contract  at 2s. 34 and the lot si5e is
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your pro"it 9:; or loss 9<;6 i" you purchase the contract back at 2s. -=
1-677 [Correct answer NOT selected]

3. /ou have taken a short position o" one contract in >une 0/ "utures 9co
-7; at a price o" 2s. &6(77. 8hen you closed this position a"ter a "ew days6

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you made a pro"it o" 2s. 176777. 8hich o" the "ollowin# closin# actions w
you to #enerate this pro"it= 9/ou may i#nore brokera#e costs.;
%ellin# 1 >une 0/ "utures contract  at &77
?uyin# 1 >une 0/ "utures contract  at &77
?uyin# 1 >une 0/ "utures contract  at &77 [Correct answer NOT sele
%ellin# 1 >une 0/ "utures contract  at &77

4. 8hich o" the "ollowin# is closest to the "orward price o" a share6 i" Cash
'orward Contract Maturity   months "rom date6 Market *nterest rate  1
3- [Correct answer NOT selected]

. *" you have sold a 0/ "utures contract  9contract multiplier -7; at &17
 back at &&776 what is your #ainloss=
A loss o" 2s. 176777 [Correct answer NOT selected]
A #ain o" 2s. 176777
A loss o" 2s. -6777
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A #ain o" 2s. -6777
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17. A calendar spread contract in index "utures attracts ___________.
%ame mar#in as sum o" two independent le#s o" "utures contract
Eower mar#in than sum o" two Become a Scribd member
independent for"utures
le#s o" full access. Your [Corr
first 30 days are free.
$i#her mar#in than sum o" two independent le#s o" "utures contract
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 Fo mar#in need to be paid "or calendarContinue for Free

spread positions
11. Client A has purchased 17 contracts o" December series and sold 3 con
series o" the F%G Fi"ty "utures. $ow many lots will #et cate#ori5ed as re#
open positions=
17 
& [Correct answer NOT selected]
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1. *n an e+uity scheme6 "und can hed#e its e+uity exposure by sellin# stoc
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!rue [Correct answer NOT selected]

1&. Mar#ins in H'uturesH tradin# are to be paid by _______.

)nly the buyer
)nly the seller
?oth the buyer and the seller [Correct answer NOT selected]
!he clearin# corporation

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1(. 8hen the near le# o" the calendar spread transaction on index "utures e
le# becomes a re#ular open position.
!rue [Correct answer NOT selected]

1-. %ellin# short a stock means ___________.

%eller does not own the stock he is supposed to deliver [Correct answer N
%eller has to deliver the stock within a short time
%eller owns the stock he is supposed to deliver
%eller has more than a yearHs time to deliver the stock which he sold

1. !he buyer o" an option cannot lose more than the option premium paid
!rue only "or Guropean options
!rue only "or American options
!rue "or all options [Correct answer NOT selected]
'alse "or all options

13. Cost o" carry model states that ______________.

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@rice o" 'utures  %pot : Cost o" Carry [Correct answer NOT selected]
@rice o" 'utures  %pot < Cost o"Upload
Carryyour documents to download.
@rice o" 'utures  %pot @rice
@rice o" 'utures  Cost o" Carry
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first 30 days are free.
14. 8hat role do speculators play in the "utures market=
!hey take delivery o" the commodities at expiration
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!hey produce the commodities traded at exchan#es

!hey add to the li+uidity in the "utures markets [Correct answer NOT sel
!hey trans"er their risk to the hed#ers

1. /ou sold a @ut option on a share. !he strike price o" the put was 2s.( 
a premium o" 2s.( "rom the option buyer. !heoretically6 what can be the m
this position=
NISM Equity Equity Derivatives 500 in one nism FREE NISM Mock FREE NISM Mock ModelQNi
Derivatives MCQs1NISM
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7. Current @rice o" 0/ %tock is 2s. 4. 2s. 7 strike call is +uoted at
*ntrinsic Ialue=
 [Correct answer NOT selected]

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1. A european call option #ives the buyer the ri#ht but not the obli#ation t
seller an underlyin# at the prevailin# market price Jon or be"oreJ the expir
'alse [Correct answer NOT selected]

. A put option #ives the buyer a ri#ht to sell how much o" the underlyin#
Any +uantity
)nly the speci"ied +uantity 9lot si5e o" the option contract; [Correct answ
!he speci"ied +uantity or less than the speci"ied +uantity
!he speci"ied +uantity or more than the speci"ied +uantity

&. An in<the<money option is _____________.

An option with a ne#ative intrinsic value
An option which cannot be pro"itably exercised by the holder immediately
An option with a positive intrinsic value [Correct answer NOT selected]
An option with 5ero time value

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(. An option with a delta o" 7.- will increase in value approximately by h
underlyin# share price increasesUpload
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= documents to download.
2s 1 [Correct answer NOT selected]
2s 
2s ( Become a Scribd member for full access. Your
first 30 days are free.
!here would be no chan#e

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-. Gxchan#e traded options are _______________.

%tandardised options [Correct answer NOT selected]
Always in<the<money options
Customised options
Always out<o"<the money options 

. $i#her the price volatility o" the underlyin# stock o" the put option6 __
NISM Equity Equity Derivatives 500 in one nism
Derivatives MCQs$i#her would
NISM Free Mock… be the premium[Correct answer
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Eower would be the premium
 Fil 95ero; would be the premium
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Iolatility does not e""ect put value

3. *n which option is the strike price better than the market price 9i.e.6 pric
advanta#eous to the option holder; and there"ore it is pro"itable to exercise
)ut<o" the money option
*n<the <money option [Correct answer NOT selected]
At<the<money option
$i#her<the<money option

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4. Mr. 0 purchases 177 put option on stock % at 2s. &7 per call with strik
*" on exercise date6 stock price is 2s. &-76 i#norin# transaction cost6 Mr. 0
!o exercise the option
 Fot to exercise the option [Correct answer NOT selected]
May or may not exercise the option dependin# on whether he is in his hom
that time
May or may not exercise the option dependin# on whether he like the com

. !hree Call series o" 0/ stock < >anuary6 'ebruary and March are +uo
have the lowest )ption @remium 9same strikes;=
>anuary [Correct answer NOT selected]
All will be e+ual

&7. 8hich is the ratio o" chan#e in option premium "or the unit chan#e in i
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2ho [Correct answer NOT selected]
!heta Upload your documents to download.

&1. *" you sell a put option with a Scribd
strike o" 2s. member
(- atfora full access. Your
premium o" 2s.(76 ho
first 30 days are free.
maximum #ain that you may have on expiry o" this position=
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(7 [Correct answer NOT selected] Continue for Free


&. *" an investor buys a call option with lower strike price and sells anoth 
hi#her strike price6 both on the same underlyin# share and same expiration
is called ___________.
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Derivatives MCQs?ullish spread
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?earish spread
?utter"ly spread
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Calendar spread

&&. )n the derivative exchan#es6 all the orders entered on the !radin# %yst
exclusive o" brokera#e.
!rue [Correct answer NOT selected]

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