Physical Education: Camarines Norte State College

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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines


PE 3 – FUNDAMENTALS OF GAMES AND SPORTS Period: 1st Semester AY 2021-2022

NAME: Edrian S. Cabague Course, Yr & Block: BSA 2B

INSTRUCTION: Through the graphic organizer below, discuss the information that you have learned about
Physical Education in the boxes around the circle.
Physical Education came from
the Latin word: Physica- which
means “Physics” and Education-
which means the training of the
bodily organs and powers with a
view to the promotion of heart
PE is anchored in three and vigor. There are so many legal basis
that support the subject, Physical
fundamental axioms that lead
Education. It explain why PE is
to these guiding principles: important to students and indicate
 Individual to promote physical education
 Social and encourage sports programs,
 Inclusive league competitions, and amateur


Physical Education (PE) Previous subject names

develops students’ competence before Physical
and confidence to take part in a Education
range of physical activities that 1. Movement Education
PE improves motor skills and
become a central part of their 2. Sports Education
increases muscle strength and
lives, both in and out of school. 3. Motor Education
bone density, which in turn
4. Physical Fitness
makes students more likely to
5. Human Kinetics
engage in healthy activity
outside of school.


The history of physical education dates back to ancient Greece, but it's been a long and winding road to today's classes.
PE improves motor skills and increases muscle strength and bone density, which in turn makes students more likely to engage in
healthy activity outside of school. Furthermore it educates children on the positive benefits of exercise and allows them to understand
how good it can make them feel. There are so many legal basis that promote the study of physical education and state the importance
of this subject. One of the legal basis is, Republic Act 9155 -Basic Education Act of 2002. In conclusion, just like any other
subjects/courses, Physical Education plays a vital role in the development of the students holistically.
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

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