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Human Resource & Payroll Integrated


Nguyen Minh Nhat

Team member:

1. Trần Văn Bách

2. Nguyễn Thị Minh Châu
3. Nguyễn Đình Minh Chương
4. Nguyễn Duy Quang
5. Trương Thị Tường Vi

Date created: 10/2021

Table of Contents
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................1
1.1. Purpose...............................................................................................................1
1.2. Scope..................................................................................................................1
1.3. Definitions, acronyms and acronyms..................................................................2
1.4. Referral...............................................................................................................2
2. Overview of the project.............................................................................................2
2.1. Problem statement..............................................................................................2
2.2. Prospects.............................................................................................................4
2.3. Project Plan.........................................................................................................4
2.3.1. Expected Time..............................................................................................4
2.3.2. Milestone......................................................................................................5
2.3.3. Cost..............................................................................................................5
2.3.4. WBS.............................................................................................................6
2.4. Summary............................................................................................................. 7
3. Solution.....................................................................................................................7
3.1 Purpose................................................................................................................7
3.2. Integrated model.................................................................................................8
4. Stakeholder and User Descriptions.........................................................................10
4.1. Stakeholder summary.......................................................................................10
4.3 User environment...............................................................................................10
4.4 User needs..........................................................................................................11
4.5. Details...............................................................................................................11
5. Benefit.....................................................................................................................11
6. Constrains................................................................................................................ 11
7. Development Process..............................................................................................12
7.1. Scrum Framework.........................................................................................12
7.1.2 Scrum Glossary...........................................................................................13
7.1.3. The Scrum Framework...............................................................................15
7.2. Master Plan....................................................................................................17
8. Organization Management...................................................................................18
8.1 Human...............................................................................................................18
8.2. Development Tools and  Environment..............................................................18
- Tools: Visual Studio..................................................................................................18
9. Risk......................................................................................................................... 19
10. Configuration Management...................................................................................21
10.1. Purpose...........................................................................................................21
10.2. Configuration management and naming convention.......................................21
10.2.1. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................21
10.2.2. Management Documentation....................................................................21
10.2.3. Product Documentation............................................................................22
10.2.4. History Document....................................................................................23
1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
-            This document provides the CEO of Central Construction Joint Stock
Company with a solution to build an integrated software to solve problems:.
o Users enter faulty information
o CEO and VP have no way to view employee status and information about our
payroll together.
o Sometimes there are employees in the payroll that are not part of the hr system
and in the HR department that are not on the payroll.
o The CEO wants to be able to see all the information about employees and
payrolls without having to log in to two different systems.
o The product must be quality-assured and intact.
-            This document helps to see the team's capabilities, budget, problems, and

1.2. Scope
            The scope of the document is limited to the coordination and facilitation of
software requirements between the client and the Company.
This project provides an integrated application base on two systems that exist for
ccme's CEO.
- The project solves functions, which can make the CEO see:
o Total shareholder income, profit of the company so far and the previous year
o The total number of vacation days of full-time and part-time employees so far
and the previous year.
o The total number of products sold so far and the previous year.
o The average benefit paid to shareholders and not shareholders up to the present
time according to the benefit plan.

1.3. Definitions, acronyms and acronyms

Acronyms Acronyms
WBS Work division structure
HR Human resources
PR Salary
Central Construction Managerment
CM Configure management
VP Deputy Director

1.4. Referral
- Executive Memo
- Project template
- Instructor
- Other documents about the Software process.
Another document...

2. Overview of the project

2.1. Problem statement

The problem of Recruiment
Affects Empployee

The impact of which is Employees, employers, data of payroll system and HR

A successful solution would
Find good employees

The problem of Input person data into both systems
Affects Employee
The impact of which
Employees, employers, data of payroll system and HR system
A successful solution
Data can be accessed to both systems.
would be

There are employees in payroll that are not part of the hr

The problem of
system and in the hr department that are not on the payroll.
Affects Employee
The impact of which
Employees will not be paid and are at risk of losing their jobs
A successful solution
Add employees to the list of employees in the system
would be

There is no way to view our employee status and payroll

The problem of
information together
Affects CEO
The impact of this is Executives will not capture employee status
A successful solution Set up a program to import payroll for employees as well as
would be manage employees who are already on the payroll

Can view all employee and payroll information without

having to log in to two different systems

Affecting CEO
Executives, Employers, Employees, Networks, and Data at
Impact of
Both Systems
A successful solution
Integrate both systems into the same system
would be

The problem of The integrity of both products must be maintained .
Affecting Both systems.
Impact of Network and data in both systems
A successful solution
Maintain consistency in both systems.
would be

Both systems have sensitive information, not all information

The problem of
can be shared between the two systems.
Affecting Both systems
Its impact is Network and data in both systems
A successful solution
Easy to send data between systems
would be

2.2. Prospects

 CEO can see all the information about employees and payroll on a application.

1. The information about employees and payroll is clear and easy to manage.
 The system can schedule employees' work and notify and alert problems to be
2.3. Project Plan
2.3.1. Expected Time

Task Hour Start Finish

Requirement 48 hours 10/10/2021 12/10/2021
Analysi 72 hours 11/10/2021 15/10/2021
Design 480 hours 16/10/2021 26/10/2021
Code & Test 720 hours 27/10/2021 27/11/2021
Maintain 72 hours 28/11/2021 03/12/2021
TOTAL 1392 hours

2.3.2. Milestone

Start Requirement Design Maintain Finish

10/10/2 16/10 – 26/11/2021 28/11 – 03/12/20
10/10 –
021 03/12/2021 21
Analysis Code & Test
27/10 – 27/11/2021
11/10 –

2.3.3. Cost Product cost

Task Hour Members Cost / Hour / Person (VNĐ) Sum (VNĐ)

Requirement 48 Châu, Vi 150.000 14.400.000
Analysi 72 Quang, Bách 150.000 21.600.000
Design 480 Chương, Quang 150.000 144.000.000
Code & Test 720 Chương, Châu 150.000 216.000.000
Maintain 72 Bách, Vi 150.000 21.600.000
Total 1392 417.600.000

. Total cost
Ingredient Cost (vnd)
Products H&P 417.600.000
Management costs 20.000.000
Materials Cost 6.000.000
Maintains costs 5.000.000
Total project cost 448.600.000

2.3.4. WBS

2.4. Summary
Customer benefits Support Features
Total shareholder income, gender, ethnicity, part-time and
full-time employees as of now and the previous year,
according to the department.

Total number of days of parental leave, gender, ethnicity, Search Staff

part-time and full-time employees so far and the previous Information
year. Show special days
The average benefit paid to shareholders and not Displays Average
shareholders so far under the welfare plan. Benefits
Staff Staff
An employee will be on certain days from their
recruitment anniversary.
An employee has accumulated more than a certain number
Search for
of vacation days.
Employees make changes to their welfare plans that affect Information
their payrolls. Show Salary,
Special Days
Employees make changes to their welfare plans that affect
their payrolls.All employees have birthdays in the current

3. Solution
3.1 Purpose
The new system was built to propose:
Use only one system to display all hr and PR information.
- Show the total income of shareholders, profits of the company so far and the
previous year
Displays the total number of vacation days of full-time and part-time employees to
date and the previous year.
- Show the average benefit paid to shareholders and not shareholders so far under the
solution plan.

- Show the number of products sold and sold so far and the previous year
Show that an employee has accumulated more than a certain number of vacation days.
Only let employees change their benefits plans that affect their payroll.
- Show all employees with birthdays in the current month.
Employees in the company can enter data into a system.
- Synchronize employee information of both systems.
Some information from this system will not be accessible by the other system.
3.2. Integrated model
For the purposes of the customer, the team selected three integrated models: the Data
Integration Model, the Presentation Integration Model, and the Functional Integration
·                    Solution 1: Presentation integration model
 Advantageous
o        The easiest of all models.
o        Presentation of information often meets the user's information needs.
o        Reusability is maximized, web-based technologies are useful.
o        Legacy applications are not affected.
o        Easy to fix errors
 Disadvantageous
o Maintenance can be difficult:
o Changes in the basic database can affect GUI and features
o Data sources may not be able to be changed to meet requirements.
o The data may be inconsistent.
o Inability to access basic applications may restrict functionality.
o The API may not fully support information requests.
·                    Solution 2: Data integration model
 Advantages:
o        All data elements can be accessed in the Database.
o        Increased customization of the presentation model.
o        Data can be updated if necessary.
o        The old applications were not affected.
 Disadvantages:
o        Maintenance can be difficult.
o        The data may be inconsistent.
o        The inability to access business logic in older applications may limit
o        There may be a backup code.
o        Older applications may be affected.
·                    Solution 3: Functional integration model
 Advantages:
o        Full access to all data and dual logic.
o        You can create the most customized solutions.
o        Legacy applications can be updated if necessary.
o        Consistent data in the system.
 Disadvantages:
o        Maintenance tasks increase complexity.
o        The hardest to do.
o        The data may be inconsistent.
o        Older applications may be affected.
          Finally, we decided to use the Presentation Integration Model to develop
this project.

4. Stakeholder and User Descriptions

4.1. Stakeholder summary

Name Representative Role

Make proposals, requirements and goals to be
Pricem who will pay for the
achieved by the project. Participate in working
executives project
groups, be responsible for legal contracts
Project planning, management, and solutions to
problems at work. Assist in gathering project
resources, monitoring projects, creating
Project The person who will optimized processes to enable project goals,
Director manage the project timelines, and budgets to be met as planned.
Ensure that project team members have a point of
contact, aware of every aspect of their project,
who will oversee the work, communicate with
them, and keep the work going.

The person who will Provide necessary business functions of the

provide manpower system. Ensure the system will include full
for the project. human resource management function

The team will Work to release an application according to the

Project group
develop the project project's purposes and ensure that it is running

4.2. User summary

Name Description
CEO Access and search, view staff information
VP Finance Access and search, view payroll
Manage operations Access and search, view staff information
Human Resources
Access and search, view staff information

4.3 User environment

- Medium company staffs about 200 - 250 people. Having more data of staff
information on database.

- Users of the software are persons who don’t work or work in the field of IT, so
the company need a system is easy to use, simple and interface is easy to use.
- Payroll system has a lot of data and complete information about personnel,
some data in HR system is same, but some data is different. 
4.4 User needs

 Search information and report on the salary of staffs and shareholders

 Search information and report about the holidays of our staffs and shareholders.
 Display alerts when necessary in dashboard.
4.5. Details

1) Total shareholder earnings, gender, ethnicity, part-time and full-time

employees to date and previous year, by department

2) Total leave of shareholders, gender, ethnicity, department, part-time and

full-time employees to date and previous year
3) Average benefits paid to shareholders and non-shareholders to date by
benefits plan
1) A staff is within a certain number of days of their hiring anniversary
2) A staff has accumulated more than a certain number of days of vacation
3) Staffs make a change to their benefits plan that affects their payroll
4) All staffs who have birthdays within the current month

5. Benefit
- Saving time and costs in the process working.
- Data between two systems isurate and clear.
- CEO can see all the information of staffs and their payroll at the same time
without losing much time.
- The CEO can manage the entire system without spending much time
6. Constrains
- Development Tools and Environment:
+ Visual Studio Code
+ Github

+ Database: SQL Server
+ Operation System: Window 7,8,10,11.
- Open Sources:
+ Java
+ HTML5, CSS, Json
- Proccess Model: Scrum model.
- Business Constraints
+ Resources:
+ Budget:
+ Time:
7. Development Process
7.1. Scrum Framework

Scrum is a framework for sustainable development of complex products. This

can be understood as a general framework for organizing work towards the
development of complex products, mainly software. However, Scrum can be
used as a foundation for organizing tasks ranging from flexible project
management in general, to product development, marketing campaigns, teaching
organization, production, modular cars or other personal work.

Currently, the Scrum definition is documented in the Scrum Guide and is

regularly updated by the ScrumGuides authors themselves.

It should be noted that Scrum is a framework, not a specific method. When

applied, Scrum provides the basic foundation, combined with other methods or
practices to work.

Scrum itself is a simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex

products.  Scrum co-creators Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland have
written The Scrum Guide to explain Scrum clearly and succinctly.  This Guide
contains the definition of Scrum. This definition consists of Scrum’s roles,
events, artifacts, and the rules that bind them together. 

Scrum is:
 Lightweight
 Simple to understand
 Difficult to master
7.1.2 Scrum Glossary

Burn-down Chart The graph shows the decline of work over time.
Burn-up Chart The graph shows the ascending order of the parameters.
Daily Scrum The event takes place daily, the event time-box is 15
minutes or less, the purpose of the event is to update and
change the plan for work in the Sprint. This event is for
planning work for the next 24 hours, based on actual
progress and updating Sprint Backlog according to that
Definition of Done Set of quality expectations that a Product Increment must
meet, to be ready for release to the market and usable by
Development Standards Set of standards and practices identified as necessary for
the creation of a releaseable Product Increment, no later
than the end of the Sprint.
Developer (team of) The group of people responsible for all the development
and improvements needed to make the 'Increment'
releaseable, no later than the end of the Sprint.
Emergence The process of formation and development of things cannot
be foreseen or foreseen, nor known about it, or our
understanding of it can change continuously and
Empiricism A way of controlling a process, in which decisions are
made based on observed results, experience and
experiments. Empiricism is based on constant testing and
adaptation, creating transparency. Empiricism is also called
'Empirical Process Control'.
Forecast Predict the trend of future changes based on observations
of things that have happened in the past, such as choosing
and considering which parts of the Product Backlog can be
released in the current Sprint or are projected. predict for
the next Sprint with upcoming Product Backlogs.
Impediment Any impediment or impediment that prevents or slows
down the work of a team, and which cannot be solved by
their own ability to organize themselves. Share
immediately when there is an obstacle or no later than the
Daily Scrum, and the Scrum Master will be responsible for
removing the obstacle.

Increment Work nominated for current release, and includes
previously created release-ready work, also known as
incremental, and all combined into a single product.
Product (n) Any goods or services, tangible or intangible, that provide
immediate value to users of specific products
(‘consumers’) (1); Is the result (‘Outcome’) of specific
actions, or certain definite processes (2) . Scope of: Product
Owner ('Product Owner'), Product Backlog ('Product
Backlog'), and Increment ('Increment').
Product Backlog A list that is ordered and constructed by the product owner
('Product Owner'). It contains all work deemed necessary
by the Product Owner to create, deliver, maintain, and
maintain that product.
Product Backlog Acts periodically during the Sprint, thereby providing
Refinement more clarity and detail for the upcoming Product Backlog
Evidence-Based Is a framework that any organization / company can use, to
Management be able to measure and manage through which can create
more outstanding values for their products. EBM focuses
on improving results (Outcoms), minimizing risks, and
optimizing investment budgets.
Product Owner The person responsible for optimizing the value the product
delivers, primarily by managing and ensuring that the
Product Backlog represents all the wants and expectations
needed for that product.

7.1.3. The Scrum Framework

Figure 2. Scrum Framework

Scrum is simple.  It is the opposite of a big collection of interwoven mandatory
components. Scrum is not a methodology. Scrum implements the
scientific method of empiricism. Scrum replaces a programmed algorithmic
approach with a heuristic one, with respect for people and self-organization to
deal with unpredictability and solving complex problems.  The below graphic
represents Scrum in Action as described by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland in
their book Software in 30 Days taking us from planning through software

7.1.4. The Scrum Events

Event Purpose (* is Developments
Sprint Realize Scrum team, The entire team
1-4 weeks
Priority Lines people collaborates, self-organizes
in the Product involved* to set Sprint goals, plan,
Backlog. execute, adapt, review, and
learn from improvement.
Sprint Identify to- Scrum team, The Product Owner
4 hours for
Planning dos, select people presents the product vision,
items, and involved* Sprint 4 Sprint goals, and
clarify and weeks categories. Developers
break them discuss, analyze and use
down into appropriate techniques to
specific tasks break down the work,
for the Sprint making Sprint Backlog for
Backlog. Sprint. Additional Product
Owner can be asked if
additional questions arise.
Daily Scrum Inspection – ScrumMaster, Each member updates the
15 minutes
continuous Developer group on his/her work
adaptation progress, problems
encountered and expected
for the next day.
Sprint Review the Scrum team, The team presents the
4 hours for
Summary work done, people product, the Product Owner
get feedback involved* Sprint 4 responds.
related to the weeks

Sprint Continuously ScrumMaster, The team uses
3 hours for
Improvemen improve the Developer improvement techniques to
t way you Sprint 4 discuss past experiences,
work to be weeks lessons learned, and plan
more efficient improvements for the next
and fun Sprint.

7.2. Master Plan

NO. Task Name Duration Start Finish

1 Start Up 15 days 14/10/2021 28/10/2021

Project Kick Off

1.1 1 day 14/10/2021 14/10/2021
Discuss about project
1.2 6 days 15/10/2021 20/10/2021
Create Document for
1.3 4 days 21/10/2021 24/10/2021

1.4 Project approval 4 days 25/10/2021 28/10/2021

2 Development 108 days 30/10/2021 14/02/2022

2.1 Sprint 1 21 days 30/10/2021 19/11/2021

2.2 Sprint 2 21 days 20/11/2021 10/12/2021

2.3 Sprint 3 21 days 11/12/2021 31/12/2021

2.4 Sprint 4 21 days 01/01/2022 21/01/2022

2.5 Sprint 5 24 days 22/01/2022 14/02/2022

3 Final Release 3 day 16/02/2022 18/02/2022

8. Organization Management

8.1 Human

No Full Name Cell-Phone Email Position

Nguyễn Đình 090512514
1 Mentor
Minh Chương 3

Nguyễn Duy 093502318 Product Owner &

Quang 2 Developer

Trương Thị 037909034 Scrum master &

Tường Vi 7 Developer

Nguyễn Thị Minh 090517106

4 Developer
Châu 7
5 Trần Văn Bách Developer
2 m

8.2. Development Tools and  Environment

- Tools: Visual Studio

- Development  environment: ASP.NET

9. Risk
Risk Risk Description Solution
 Members are sick or  Allows to catch the
absent problem or check the
 There is an application and then
unexpected busyness make up for it in a
that must be resolved timely manner
 Staffs have been
 Technology is always
training on new
Technical – changing and absorb
Technology - all
 Solve the fastest
equipment  Equipment is damaged
machine problem
and there is a problem

 Some developers may

 QA to check
not cooperate in
conformance, then
common standards and
discussions in
development team
Process  • People disagree on
meetings to change the
the project's
standard or the actual
regulations and
practice as

 The total features

 Assign levels of
requested may be
important to the use
beyond what the
cases. Make the first
development team can
Scope review of project
deliver in the time
scope after 1 week.
 Negotiate the request
 The request is beyond
to be more suitable
what can be fulfilled.
Communication  Comminication  Use questions or
problems in activities to increase

development team:
communication with
have not worked
each other
together before
 The development team
 The development team
will gain experience in
might not be able to
estimating the work,
estimate the work
and deliver the first
Estimate time, preventing
estimates after 1
customers from
month. We will
deciding priorities
compare estimated
work to actual work.
 The system as
delivered might be
 We will review the
hard to maintain.
Maintainability code for
 During maintenance,
an unexpected error
 In the course of
 Ensure the provision
project, may provide
of financial resources
financial interruption
are adequate and
or delay caused the
Finance timely notice must be
progress of the project
soon if supply is
activities were
interrupted the project
deplayed compared
team to prepare plans.
with the plan.

10. Configuration Management

10.1. Purpose
The CM process facilitates orderly management of system information and system
changes for such beneficial purposes as:

- To revise capability, improve performance, reliability, or maintainability.

- Extend life, reduce cost, reduce risk and liability, or correct defects.

10.2. Configuration management and naming convention

10.2.1. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms Abbreviations
SRS Software Requirement Specification
DDD Detail Design Document
SAD System Architecture Design

10.2.2. Management Documentation

No Document’s name and description Code and Naming

Proposal: is defined as an agreement
between two or more parties is
constituted by a proposal and an
1 acceptance of it. A proposal is made M1_Proposal.pdf
when customer/member signifies to
another his willingness to do or to
abstain from doing anything.
Project Planning: a formal, approved
document used to guide both project
execution and project control. The
primary uses of the project plan are to
2 M2_ProjectPlan.pdf
document planning assumptions and
decisions, facilitate communication, and
document approved scope, cost, and
schedule baselines
Project management:is the discipline
of planning, organizing, securing, and
managing resources to achieve specific
3 M3_ProjectManagement.xls
goals. Tracking and management index
about cost, schedule, WBS, and some
index relevant
4 Configuration management: This is M4_ConfigurationManagement.pdf

document present a description and
management document which relevant
to H&P project. It helps search
information and tracking project.
Discipline of teamwork: A document
as a statement rule for team. All of
5 M5_Disciplineteamwork.pdf
member must be following. Its use to
measure an attitude of member.

10.2.3. Product Documentation

No Document’s name and description Code and Naming

SRS : It is a complete description of the behavior of
a system to be developed. It includes a set of use
6 cases that describe all the interactions the users will PD6_SRS_.pdf
have with the software. In addition to use cases, the
SRS also contains non-functional.
High Level Design:It provides an overview of a
7 solution, platform, system, product, service, or PD7_SAD.pdf
DDD: It is a written description of a software
product, that a software designer writes in order to
give a software development team an overall
8 PD8_DDD .pdf
guidance of the architecture of the software project.
Consist of: - Database design - Architecture design -
Interface design
9 Test: Including: test plan and test case. A test plan is PD9_TestPlan.pdf
a document detailing a systematic approach to
testing a system such as a machine or software. The
plan typically contains a detailed understanding of
what the eventual workflow will be. A test case is a
document that describes an input, action, or event
and an expected response, to determine if a feature

of an application is working correctly. A test case
contains particulars such as test case identifier, test
case name, objective, test conditions/setup, input
data requirements, steps, and expected results.
10 User Manual: Guidline for user

10.2.4. History Document

No Document’s name and description Code and Naming

All of document which member done before join this
project. If it useful for teamwork and project, you
11 should sharing for all member. It need or needn’t to
management its. But, this project document will be
coming history document for another project.


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