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MA 101 Project

Presented By:

Ksihtiz Jha (2K20/B12/04)

Muhammad Kazmi (2K20/A12/14)


Candidate’s Declaration

I, Ksihtiz Jha (2K20/B12/04) and Muhammad Kazmi (2K20/A12/14) students of

B. Tech. (Production and Industrial Engineering) hereby declare that the project

Radius Of Curvature which is submitted by us to the Department of Mathematics,

Delhi Technological University, Delhi in partial fulfilment of the requirement for

the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology, is original and not copied from

any source without proper citation. This work has not previously formed the basis

for the award of any Degree, Diploma Associateship, Fellowship or other similar

title or recognition.

Place: Delhi

I hereby certify that the project titled “Radius Of Curvature “ which is submitted

Ksihtiz Jha (2K20/B12/04) and Muhammad Kazmi (2K20/A12/14) . (Production

and Industrial Engineering) Delhi Technological University, Delhi in complete

fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of the Bachelor of

Technology, is a record of the project work carried out by the student under my

supervision. To the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part

or full for any Degree or Diploma to this University or elsewhere.



In performing our major project, we had to take the help and guideline of some

respected persons, who deserve our greatest gratitude. The completion of this

assignment gives us much pleasure. We would like to show our gratitude to Dr.

RAMANAND SIMHADRI, mentor for our project. Giving us a good guideline for

report throughout numerous consultations. We would also like to extend our

deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided us in writing

this assignment.

In addition, we would like to thank Delhi Technological University for giving us

the opportunity to work on this topic.

MA 101


1. Explanation

2. Formula

3. Derivation

4. Examples

5. Applications

Imagine driving a car on a curvy road on a completely flat surface. At any one point along

the way, lock the steering wheel in its position, so that the car thereafter follows a perfect

circle. The car will, of course, deviate from the road, unless the road is also a perfect circle.

The radius of that circle the car makes is the radius of curvature of the curvy road at the

point at which the steering wheel was locked. The more sharply curved the road is at the

point you locked the steering wheel, the smaller the radius of curvature.

In differential geometry, the radius of curvature, R, is the reciprocal of the curvature. For a

curve, it equals the radius of the circular arc which best approximates the curve at that

point. For surfaces, the radius of curvature is the radius of a circle that best fits a normal

section or combinations thereof.

In the case of a space curve, the radius of curvature is the length of the curvature vector.

In the case of a plane curve, then R is the absolute value of

where s is the arc length from a fixed point on the curve, φ is the tangential angle and κ is

the curvature.

In 2D:

If the curve is given in Cartesian coordinates as y(x), then the radius of curvature is

(assuming the curve is differentiable up to order 2):

and |z| denotes the absolute value of z.

If the curve is given parametrically by functions x(t) and y(t), then the radius of curvature is

Heuristically, this result can be interpreted as

In n dimensions

If γ : ℝ → ℝn is a parametrized curve in ℝn then the radius of curvature at each point of the

curve, ρ : ℝ → ℝ, is given by

As a special case, if f(t) is a function from ℝ to ℝ, then the radius of curvature of its graph, γ(t) = (t,

f(t)), is

Let γ be as above, and fix t. We want to find the radius ρ of a parametrized circle that

matches γ in its zeroth, first, and second derivatives at t. Clearly, the radius will not depend

on the position γ(t), only on the velocity γ′(t) and acceleration γ″(t). There are only three

independent scalars that can be obtained from two vectors v and w, namely v · v, v · w,

and w · w. Thus the radius of curvature must be a function of the three scalars |γ′(t)|2, |γ″

(t)|2 and γ′(t) · γ″(t).

The general equation for a parametrized circle in ℝn is

where c ∈ ℝn is the centre of the circle (irrelevant since it disappears in the derivatives), a,b

∈ ℝn are perpendicular vectors of length ρ (that is, a · a = b · b = ρ2 and a · b = 0), and h : ℝ

→ ℝ is an arbitrary function which is twice differentiable at t.

The relevant derivatives of g work out to be

If we now equate these derivatives of g to the corresponding derivatives of γ at t we obtain

These three equations in three unknowns (ρ, h′(t) and h″(t)) can be solved for ρ, giving the

formula for the radius of curvature:

or, omitting the parameter t for readability,


Semicircles and circles

For a semicircle of radius a in the upper half-plane

For a semicircle of radius a in the lower half-plane

The circle of radius a has a radius of curvature equal to a.


In an ellipse with major axis, 2a and minor axis 2b, the vertices

on the major axis have the smallest radius of curvature of any

points, R =b2/a; and the vertices on the minor axis have the

largest radius of curvature of any points, R =a2/b.

An ellipse (red) and its evolute (blue).

The dots are the vertices of the

ellipse, at the points of greatest and

least curvature.

Stress In Semiconductor Structures

The stress in thin-film semiconductor structures results in the buckling of the wafers. The

radius of the curvature of the stressed structure is related to the stress tensor in the

structure and can be described by the modified Stoney formula. The topography of the

stressed structure including radii of curvature can be measured using optical scanner

methods. The modern scanner tools have the capability to measure the full topography of

the substrate and to measure both principal radii of curvature while providing the accuracy

of the order of 0.1% for radii of curvature of 90 meters and more.

Cesàro equation

In geometry, the Cesàro equation of a plane curve is an equation relating the curvature (κ)

at a point of the curve to the arc length (s) from the start of the curve to the given point. It

may also be given as an equation relating the radius of curvature (R) to arc length. (These

are equivalent because R =1/κ) Two congruent curves will have the same Cesàro equation.

Cesàro equations are named after Ernesto Cesàro.


Radius of curvature (ROC) has a specific meaning and sign convention in optical design. A

spherical lens or mirror surface has a center of curvature located either along or

decentered from the system local optical axis. The vertex of the lens surface is located on

the local optical axis. The distance from the vertex to the center of curvature is the radius

of curvature of the surface.

The sign convention for the optical radius of curvature is as follows:

● If the vertex lies to the left of the center of curvature, the radius of curvature is


● If the vertex lies to the right of the center of curvature, the radius of curvature is




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