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Week 1_01

Capsulized Self-Learning
Empowerment Toolkit

Baliwasan Senior High School Stand-Alone

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

QUARTER FIRST WEEK 1_01 DAY ____________________________________

TOPIC Conic section

LEARNING The learner illustrates the different type of conic sections: circle, parabola,
COMPETENCY ellipse, hyperbola and degenerate cases. (STEM_PC11AGIa-1)
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

Conic Sections

A Introduction

We present the conic sections, a particular class of curves which sometimes appear
in nature and which have applications in other fields. In this lesson, we first illustrate how each
of these curves is obtained from the intersection of a plane and a cone, and then discuss the
different type of conic sections.

You might not be aware that they exist in real life – the wheel of transportation vehicles,
the bridges that connect barrios, the rainbow, Ferris wheel, tall buildings, plane hangar, and
how the planets orbit around the sun. These are just few examples of conic sections that you
are unconsciously seeing every day.

When a straight line intersects the vertical line at a fixed point and rotates 360
around it, the figure obtained is called a double right circular cone.

vertical line /

Fixed point /

Straight line / generator


Perpendicular to the base

The conic sections are the nondegenerate curves generated by the intersections of a
plane with one or two nappes of a cone.

Let’s try this activity!
Directions: Based on the illustration, answer the question in the following items.

When the plane intersects the cone/nappe horizontally perpendicular to the vertical line
or the axis, a circle is being formed.



1. Can you draw a figure of a plane that intersects the double right circular cone in such a
way that the angle between the plane and the axis is greater than the vertex angle?
What 2-dimensional shape is being formed?

2. Can you draw a figure of a plane that intersects the double right circular cone in such a
way that the angle between the plane and the axis is the same with vertex angle? What
2-dimensional shape is being formed?

3. Can you draw a figure of a plane that intersects the double right circular cone in such a
way that the angle between the plane and the axis is less than the vertex angle? What
2-dimensional shape is being formed?

B Degenerate conic sections

In geometry, a degenerate conic is a conic that fails to be an irreducible curve. Let’s

look at the figure below.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 1 is a degenerate case of circle or ellipse, figure 2 is supposed to be parabola and

figure 3 is for hyperbola. This happens when the plane intersects at the vertex of the double
right circular cone.

SAQ-1: What are the different types of conic sections?

SAQ-2: Give at least three (3) objects that you can see around you that may be designed
and inspired from conic sections.

Key Points

⚫ Conic sections are formed when a plane intersects a double right circular cone.

⚫ There are four types of conic sections: circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.

⚫ The degenerate conic is formed when a plane intersects a double right circular cone at

⚫ There are 3 types of degenerate conic: a point, a line, and intersecting lines.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Directions: Study the following assessments carefully and write your answers on the
Learner’s Assessment sheet.

Assessment 1:
Directions: Choose the correct answer among the choices on the given items. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.

_____1. Which of the following is not true for degenerate conic? A degenerate conic can
form a/n _________.
A. Line B. Curve C. Point D. Intersecting Lines

_____2. All are types of nondegenerate conic sections, except

A. Intersecting Lines B. Parabola C. Hyperbola D. Ellipse
_____3. When the plane intersects the cone/nappe horizontally perpendicular to the vertical
line or the axis, a/n _________ is being formed.
A. Ellipse B. Circle C. Parabola D. Hyperbola

Assessment 2:
Directions: Illustrate all the possible degenerate and nondegenerate conic sections in the
given figures below.

Joy P. Ascano, et. al., Precalculus Learner’s Material, Quezon City:

Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc., 2016, 6.

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Baliwasan Senior High School Stand-Alone
LAYOUT ARTIST Abdurauf J. Baldomero
LEARNING TEAM / Ronie F. Fidel, Ph. D. Mercelita M. Medallo
EVALUATORS Shirhan A. Biottong a
MANAGEMENT Dr. Roy C. Tuballa, CESO VI Dr. Mildred D. Dayao
AND SPECIALIST Dr. Oliver B. Talaoc Dr. Vilma A. Brown

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”


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