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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Mathematics
MA11003 - Advanced Calculus
Assignment - 3
Autumn 2020

Dead line: 03-03-2021 at 11.59 pm

Late submission will not be considered. Any form of malpractice will be dealt
with severely.

1. Find the general solution of x2 u0 − u = 2 sin( x1 ).

2. Show that M (x, y)dx + N (x, y)dy = 0 is exact if and only if

[M (x, y) + g(x)]dx + [N (x, y) + h(y)]dy = 0.

3. Show that the integrating factor of the equation

(x2 + y 2 + 2x)dx + 2ydy = 0 is ex

and its particular solution is x2 + y 2 = 2e1−x when x = y = 1.

dy tan y
4. Solve dx − 1+x = (1 + x)ex sec y.
5. Find general solution of (D3 + I)y = cos 2x; here D ≡ dx and I is the identity operator;
i.e. Ix = x for all x.

6. Find general solution of (D4 − a4 I)y = x4 + sin bx, here a, b are constants with a 6= b.

7. Solve (D + I)3 y = x2 e−x .

8. solve (x4 D3 + 2x3 D2 − x2 D + xI)y = 1

9. Find the solution of the ODE y 00 − 2y 0 + y = 2 using the method of variation of
t +1
1 log x
10. Find the ODE for which the functions x3
and x3
are solutions and prove that they are
linearly independent using Wronskian.

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