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Name : Jonathan Abnerio Arkananta

NIM : 122011233062
Class : Argumentative Writing

Combining Source Exercise I

1. Read the example, from a study of women’s experience of prison.
According to Giallombardo (1966), women alleviated the pains of imprisonment by
developing kinship links with other inmates. Similarly Heffernan (1972) found that
adaptation to prison was facilitated by the creation of a pseudo-family. Owen (1998) also
notes that the female subculture is based on personal relationships with other women inmates.
Others, however, believe that the subculture in women’s prisons is undergoing a gradual shift
that more closely resembles that of male prisons. Fox (1982) states, for example, that the
cooperative caring prison community that has embodied characterizations of female prisons
has evolved into a more dangerous and competitive climate.
a) How many writers are mentioned?
- There are four writers.
b) What is the function of the words in italics?
- To emphasized the summaries from four writers.
c) What phrase is used to mark the point in the text where there is a shift
from one point of view to another?
- The phrase “however".

2. Below are two sources used for an essay titled ‘Should genetically modified (GM) foods
have a role in future agriculture?’ Read the sources first, then the essay extract.

Genetic modification (GM) is the most recent application of biotechnology to food, which
can also be called genetic engineering or genetic manipulation. The phrase ‘Genetically
Modified Organisms’ or GMOs is used frequently in the scientific literature to describe plants
and animals which have had DNA introduced into them by means other than the ‘natural’
process of an egg and a sperm.
New species have always evolved through natural selection by means of random genetic
variation. Early farmers used this natural variation to selectively breed wild animals, plants
and even micro-organisms such as yogurt cultures and yeasts. They produced domesticated
variants better suited to the needs of humans, long before the scientific basis for the process
was understood. Despite this long history of careful improvement, such procedures are now
labelled ‘interfering with nature’.

Genetic modification (GM) is in fact far more than a mere development of selective breeding
techniques. Combining genetic material from species that cannot breed naturally is an
interference in areas which may be highly dangerous. The consequences of this kind of
manipulation cannot be foreseen.
It seems undeniable that these processes may lead to major benefits in food production and
the environment. There is no doubt, for example, that some medical advances may have
saved millions of lives. However, this level of technology can contain a strong element of
risk. Our ignorance of the long-term effects of releasing GM plants or even animals into the
environment means that this step should only be taken after very careful consideration.
It has been claimed that GM technology is no different from breeding techniques which have
been practised by man for thousands of years. Source A states that this process is similar to
natural selection and remarks: ‘such procedures are now labelled “interfering with nature”’.
On the other hand Source B considers that, although GM technology could bring considerable
benefits in medicine and agriculture, it is quite different to traditional processes of selection.
He believes that crossing the species barrier is a dangerous step and that there is insufficient
knowledge of the long-term results of such developments.

3. The essay writer uses a mixture of direct quotes and summaries of arguments.
a) Find an example of each.
- direct quote: ‘such procedures are now labelled “interfering with nature” ’
- Summaries of the arguments: GM techniques do not have any differences from breeding
techniques that have been practised for thousands of years.
b) What phrase does the writer use to mark the point where he moves from dealing with
Source A to Source B?
- The phrase “On the other hand”
c) List all the phrases used to introduce summaries.
- It has been claimed that .....
- Source A states that .....
- Source B considers that .....
4. You are preparing to write an essay titled ‘The social effects of tourism in developing
countries’. Read the sources and then complete the paragraph comparing their views.

When countries begin to provide facilities for mass tourism, such as hotels and leisure
complexes, there is an immediate demand for labour. Work is created for cleaners, waiters,
gardeners and drivers on a scale which may significantly boost the local economy. Such work
may provide opportunities to learn valuable new skills. For many, these semi-skilled jobs
provide an attractive alternative to subsistence agriculture or fishing, while at the same time
the tax revenues from their earnings increase the national income.

One inevitable feature of tourism’s growth is the creation of badly-paid, seasonal jobs in
holiday resorts. Much of this work combines insecurity with long hours of work in poor
conditions. In Thailand, for example, there are cases of hotel maids working 15 hour days for
less than $4. Moreover, the combination of wealthy tourists being served by exploited
waitresses is likely to increase social tensions in these areas. Another risk is that natural or
human disasters such as wars and earthquakes may drive visitors away without warning,
leaving tens of thousands unemployed.

It has been claimed that the development of tourism played a major part in helping to
modernise parts of Franco’s Spain in the 1960s. The presence of easy-going, affluent visitors
apparently encouraged the locals to learn new skills and open new businesses. Despite this
positive interpretation, many examples could be presented where the arrival of rich and idle
tourists has been an encouragement for crime, prostitution and other less desirable aspects of
the modern economy. Much seems to depend on the economic alternatives offered by the
society, and of course the scale of tourist arrivals.
The social effects of tourism in developing
Major economic development has significantly increased by tourism. This could be
recognized in both developed and developing country. In general meaning, tourism is an
leisure activity of person or people movement to visit another place and enjoy the the
environment of that place. Tourism generates a lot of income for a country, for example
Bangkok Thailand and Madrid Spain. Every year, the governent collect the income and
provides more facilites such as transportation, accomodation, arts, and entertainment to
attracts more tourists. Despite increased country income, tourism may lead into crime and
other less desirable aspect of the modern economy.
From the three sources above, Source C states that that tourism makes a significant
amount of jobs such as waiters, gardeners and drivers on a scale that could significantly boost
the local economy which provides an another alternative than a labou . However, Source D
claims that some of these jobs are irregular payments and underpaid and this statement is
partly supported by Source E. Source insists that despite some positive examples, the
experience from developing countries for tourism is to more likely on social gap, crimes, and
prostitutons. From the From the three sources above tourisms will always have “positive and
negative effects” on a country and its people.
Above all, tourism is one of the fastest growing industry of both developed and
developing countries that could lead them on their incomes. In conclusion, we can say that
tourism is a great economic activity for a country and a leisure activity for tourist. The
government should maintains and improves the conditions of the tourism as more number
tourist visit the country and its public welfare. From the “positive and negative effects” of
tourism, the government of a country should focus on positive effect, thus tourist and local
people could more enjoy their activities on tourism.

Combining Source Exercise II

Write an argumentative essay using 3 sources provided. Make it 3 different paragraphs!
- From 3 sources about tourism
Paragraph 1
There is an instant demand for labour when governments begin to offer infrastructure for
mass tourist, such as hotels and leisure complexes. Work is produced on a large scale for
cleaners, waiters, gardeners, and drivers, perhaps boosting the local economy substantially.
Such job may give opportunity to develop new abilities that are valuable. For many, these
semi-skilled professions are a more appealing option than subsistence agriculture or fishing,
and the tax revenues generated by their wages help to boost national income.
Paragraph 2
The establishment of low-paying seasonal jobs in vacation destinations is an unavoidable
consequence of tourism's expansion. Much of this employment involves instability as well as
long hours and bad working conditions. Hotel maids in Thailand, for example, have been
reported to work 15-hour days for less than $4. Furthermore, the combination of well-heeled
visitors being served by exploited servers is likely to exacerbate social tensions in these
regions. Another danger is that natural or human calamities, such as wars and earthquakes,
might drive visitors away without notice, resulting in the unemployment of tens of thousands.
Paragraph 3
Tourism development is said to have played a significant role in helping to modernize
sections of Franco's Spain in the 1960s. Locals were reportedly inspired to acquire new skills
and start new enterprises by the presence of easy going, rich tourists. Despite this positive
perspective, there are several cases where the presence of wealthy and idle visitors has aided
crime, prostitution, and other less acceptable features of contemporary life. Much appears to
be dependent on the economic options provided by society, as well as the volume of visitor

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