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Here is a MBA HR project synopsis format on employees

employees job satisfaction that tells

tells how do you write a
project synopsis:
1.1 Introduction: The employee performance is to a large extent, influenced by motiation and job
satisfaction! The term relates to the total relationship between an indiidual and the employer for which he
is paid! "atisfaction does mean the simple feeling state accompanying the attainment of any goal# the end
state is feeling accompanying the attainment by an impulse of its objectie! $ob satisfaction does mean
absence of motiation at wor%! Research wor%ers differently described the factors contributing o job
satisfaction and job dissatisfacti
d issatisfaction!
1.2 Researc
Researc  Metodo!o"#:
1.2.1 O$%ecti&es o' te Stud#: The main aim of the study is to analy&e and examine leel of job
satisfaction among the B"'( employees and to %now the problems faced by the employees of the
arious categories!
1.2.2 Sco(e o' te Stud#: )n the surey an attempt has been made to analy&e the job satisfaction
of employeesof B"'(, *arangal!
1.2.) *ata Sources: +rimary and "econdary data is used in this surey!
1.2.+ *ata Processin" and Ana!#,
in": ata, which is gathered by administering -uestionnaires,
was processed in simple manner to determine the leel of satisfaction among employees!
1.) A$out BSN-
The B"'( is formed on . st /ctober 0111! The B"'( is the largest public sector, sering more than 23
million customers and with a wor% force of 4,31,111 offices and employees, for its maintenance and
operation! *ith the successful launch of B"'(5s *((, Mobile and Broadband serices all oer the
country! )t
)t has the responsibiliti
es to improe already -uality of telecom serices expansion of telecom
networ%, ta%ing telecom serices in all the illages and instilling confidence amongst its customers!
1.+ Teoretica
Teoretica!! As(ects o' Jo$ Satis'action
1.+.1 Meanin" o' Jo$ Satis'actio
n: $ob satisfaction is the faorableness or un6faorableness with
whichemployees iew their wor%!
1.+.2 Teories o' Jo$ Satis'actio
n: There are ital differences among experts about the concept of
 job satisfaction!
satisfaction! Basically,
Basically, there are four approaches7 theories
theories of job satisfaction!
satisfaction! They
They are:
• 8ulfillment theory
• iscrepancy theory
• 9-uity theory
• Two6factor theory

1.+.) *eterinants
*eterinants o' Jo$ Satis'action
Satis'action::  According to Abraham A! umar there two types
types of
ariables, which determine the job satisfaction of an indiidual! These are:
• /rgani&ation ;ariables
• +ersonal ;ariables

1./ *ata Ana!#sis

• <1 percent of the employees are satisfied with the wages paid to tem! /nly 01 percent of
the employees feel that there should be a hi%e in wages paid to them!
•  Almost all the
the employees are satisfied
satisfied with the present
present wor%ing conditions
conditions and enironment!
• =1> of the employees feel that the management is sympathetic to some extent in their problems
faced atwor%station!
•  Almost all the
the employees are satisfied
satisfied with the training
training proided by the company to
to improe their
1.0 Conc!usion
• "uperisors are ready to clear the doubts and help in improing their performance!
• =1> of the employees feel that the company policies really protect their interests!
• 31> of the employees are satisfied with the present management setup!

/erall the employees of B"'( are haing a ery high job satisfaction and hence they are wor%ing with
great enthusiasm and &eal to achiee their organi&ations goal!
1. Su""estions
• Majority of the employees feel that there should be an incentie wage scheme for efficient wor% in
the organi&ation!
• The management should be more helpful and sympathetic towards the problems faced by the
wor%ers at thewor%station!

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