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A Snapshot of The Author and the Book :

About The Author :

ROBIN SHARMA, LL.B., LL.M., is the globally celebrated author of 11 major
international bestsellers including The Greatness Guide Series, The Monk Who Sold His
Ferrari and his latest release, The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real
Success in Business and in Life. His work has been published in over 60 countries and nearly
70 languages, making him one of the most widely read authors in the world. He shot to fame
with "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" which has topped international bestseller lists and
sold millions of copies. Celebrity CEOs, rock stars, top entrepreneurs and royalty have all
embraced his work. As well as being a much sought-after speaker globally, Robin is also a
widely respected CEO advisor having worked with Fortune 500 CEOs and leaders all over
the world providing then with leadership development training and consulting.

Book Description:

In this eagerly awaited sequel to the phenomenal national bestseller The Monk Who Sold
His Ferrari, leadership guru and renowned professional speaker Robin S. Sharma shares a
remarkable step-by-step system that will transform the way you lead your team and renew
trust, commitment and hope within your organization. With masterful insight and brilliant
simplicity, Sharma has distilled timeless wisdom for visionary leadership into a series of
immensely practical lessons that leaders, managers and entrepreneurs can immediately apply
to boost morale, liberate loyalty and send productivity soaring in these topsy-turvy times.
Eight immensely practical lessons that leaders, managers and entrepreneurs can
immediately apply to boost morale, liberate loyalty and send productivity soaring while also
creating far more fulfilling personal lives. The rest of the rituals are about things to do for
oneself, or change about oneself that will help one bring ones operations to new levels.
The 8 Rituals of Visionary Leadership:

Compelling Self
future focus leadership

Human Team

relations Unity

The 8 Rituals of

Personal Adaptability and
effectiveness Leadership

Creativity and Contribution and

Innovationn significance

Leadership is really a philosophy for life.

8 virtuals of visionary leadership are powerfully explained:

• The Rituals of Visionary Leaders• Powerful Principles for Change Management• The
Timeless Laws of Human Relations and High-trust Teams• Leadership Truths to Energize,
Encourage and Inspire Employees• Simple Lessons for Self-renewal, Stress Mastery and
Personal Leadership • Wisdom to Cultivate Creativity, Character and Spirit at Work.

Unique among leadership books in content as well as in its parable format, Leadership
Wisdom continues with the adventures of the now-famous Julian Mantle, a corporate high-
flyer who, after suffering an almost fatal heart attack, journeys to an ancient culture of sages
living deep within the Himalayas in search of their time-honoured success principles for
leadership in business—and in life. In a tale that will inspire, entertain and enlighten, Julian
discovers 8 universal leadership truths that will allow one to become the kind of visionary
leader who captures the hearts and imaginations of people while guiding the organization to
all-new levels of performance in this wildly uncertain age.

Here Sharma has a new mission to help one become the kind of visionary leader one
deserve to be and transform ones business into an organization that thrives in this age of
dizzying change. With deep insight and compelling examples, this truly innovative thinker
shares an ageless yet eminently practical blueprint for effective leadership that is certain to
manifest the highest human gifts of the people you lead and unlock loyalty, commitment and
creativity in the process.

“ Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul which have been restored and brought to
light in this age, none is more gladdening or fruitful or divine promise and confidence than
this –that you are the master of your thought, the molder of your character, and the maker and
shaper of condition, environment and destiny”.

Personal Insight :
One of the leadership lessons I’ve learned is that immediately before a great victory, one
will often experience some form of difficulty. The key is to maintain your focus and keep on
believing “

I come across many organizations that struggle with "Growing Pains" and this book is
sure to help coach such organisations to overcome some of those pains. Robin Sharma has a
great way of telling a story that has meaning to all of who are yet to work in the corporate
world. He doesn't make it too fluffy but puts real meat on the bones and teaches us through
Julian Mantle (the main character in the book) a much better way of getting the best from our
greatest assets "people".

He covers subjects like "link Paycheck to Purpose" which we know is a very simple thing
to do as not everyone goes to work for the money or is motivated by money. He establishes
very early on in the book that he does understand all the trappings that go on in corporate

I particularly like the way he focuses on getting the best from your team and ways in
which one can give ownership back to one’s people by involving and trusting them in the
decision making process. Robin Sharma makes the book very easy to read and certainly
something that doesn't wear one out just by reading the title.
Robin Sharma has hit the nail on the head here as he describes one of my favourite values
in life "manage by mind, lead by heart"..

Communication Skills Learnt :

1. Communicate your compelling cause so it engages hearts.
2. Give first priority to listening. Great leadership precedes great followership. Show
employees you have their best interests in mind.
3. Lead with integrity, character and courage and good communication.
4. Promise- keeping.
5. Aggressive Listening.
6. Truth telling.
7. Being consistently compassionate.
8. Hunt for good behaviour.
9. To master change, develop the discipline of managing the unexpected.
10. There is joy in change,. Whithout change, there is no progress. Change is essential for
our evolution as a civilization and necessary for our survival. Change is humanity’s
best friend.
11. All leadership begins within so inculcate leadership from within.
12. Shed the shackles of outdated ways of thinking and discover smarter ways of doing
what you do.
13. Create a successful present while building a brilliant future.
14. Leadership greatness comes by beginning something that does not end with you.
15. Creative questioning.


Leadership Wisdom is a book that will move you deeply and inspire you to become the
kind of leader who touches lives, adds true value to the world and leaves a legacy that lasts.
Finally “ Your legacy will ultimately be a manifestation of the deepest and the best that you
had t give in life. It will be a reflection of the person you now are and the person you aim to
be. Leaving a legacy is not about impressing your friends or reaching the top. It is not about
looking good but about doing good. It is about fulfilling your duty and actualizing your

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