Critique Paper

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"The Titanic"

Most people remember and liked the movie, "The Titanic". Perhaps this was because the
movie was based on a real story. And, of course, it was a movie that contained drama; action,
adventure and we cannot forget the romance.

Titanic, had been branded as the ship of dreams and was also known as being
"Unsinkable". The ship was beyond doubt considered to be unsinkable by all passengers aboard
on its grave departure to Cherbourg, France and then to Queenstown, Ireland to pick up
additional passengers on April 10th, 1912. During this epic journey a poor thriving artist named
Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) and a 17 year old rich girl named Rose DeWitt Bukator (Kate
Winslet) fall in love, until one tragic night, their enchanted love for one another turned into a
desperate struggle for survival on a ship that was about to plummet to the bottom of the North
Atlantic Ocean.

During the film Rose had found several different ways to escape away from her former
fiancée Caledon Hockley to be with Jack, but when the Titanic suddenly collides with the gigantic
iceberg on April 14th, 1912, and then swiftly sank on April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in the morning, Jack
died and Rose survived along with about 700 other members that were aboard the ship. Then
Rose came back 84 years later to recapture the story about her life aboard the Titanic by telling
the delightful tale to her granddaughter and friends explaining to them how it was the first sight
of Jack that helped her fall hopelessly in love and she then continued to discuss with them her
fight for survival.

With knowing that the Titanic was the largest and most luxurious moving object ever
built by the hand of man, the writer and director James Cameron tried to recapture the true life
of this fabulous ship. The Titanic included various amenities that many of its passengers had
never enjoyed in their own homes, such as electric lighting and heat in every room. The size and
magnificence of the Titanic swiftly acknowledged this ship as being a legend, even before anyone
had been on the ship. Of course it would have been quite difficult for James Cameron to rebuild
the actual Titanic so he had a replica built of this amazing beauty just shy of 775-foot. It was truly
inspiring to watch the passengers board the ship, being able to see a piece of history come back
to life.

Cameron accurately used his ingenious technological experiences towards this film by
the structure of the magnificent rooms, the glorious ballrooms and chandeliers, and the
unmistakable differences between the many classes of society aboard the ship really showed
that he knew what he was doing when creating this film. From the explicit details of the ship to
the smallest trinket seen it was truly a delight since I do not get to see such astounding gems
very often. Cameron had made sure that this film was very defined and detailed you could see
every pore on DiCaprio's face, every rivet of the ship, and every droplet of sea spray.

Not to mention that the sinking of the ship was every bit as spectacular as it would have
been to see it on the giant theater screen. (Armstrong, 2007)Cameron's cast selection was a
great choice by placing the young DiCaprio with the new talents of Winslet was truly captivating.
Though this was the breakthrough for Winslet she was a bit rough-edged for some of the scenes,
making the 1920's figure of a women look a bit uncontrollable. Then with Leonardo DiCaprio this
too was one of his biggest eye openers to the public, but to me he has performed better in
different roles since his role in the Titanic.

The soundtrack that was chosen for this film was a true and amazing piece of work. This
soundtrack truly highlighted and enhanced every portion of this film. Cameron could not have
picked a better group of musical talent to put into his film, with Céline Dion, Michael Smith and
many more artists. The soundtrack CD for Titanic was the biggest selling primarily orchestral film
score in history.(Wikipedia)The Titanic has become a classic movie mainly for its focus on the
historic disaster and this tragedy as being a classic tale and now it has become one of modern
day folktales, but like many folktales it has been somewhat clouded by the way the distaster has
been recounted over the years.

This movie will always be remembered not only for its memories of this tragedy but for
the being known as the one of the Best Films Ever. Titanic eventually won 87 awards and had
additional 47 nominations from various award giving bodies all around the world. I would
recommend this movie to everyone and hope it gets passed through the next generations to

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