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Homework 6

1. Dominant Impression_ Practice 2. ex. 3

Author conveys the feeling of happiness, comfort and safety in that paragraph and he does this with
the right words. Beautifully chosen words create a cozy atmosphere and reader’s mood while
reading this text is the same as authors.
2. Paragraph on university mate
There are many things in this world that you may achieve with your talent, skills, powers and wealth.
You may get whatever you want in this life. But there are few things for which we are totally
dependent on our luck and the blessing of God. It was a day full of nervousness, the first day of my
university life. That day I had so many things on my mind, from what I was going to wear to figure
out where the class number and the floor it would be located at. It was a very meaningful day for me
but meeting my best friend there, was even more meaningful. At the Ling class, I was sitting at the
second desk and I will never forget her fearful eyes when she came in the rom. She was as confused
as me and I don’t know why bit she chose me. She sat next to me while there were many empty
places. After this day we sat together we did not get away from each other and we are still like that.
3. Natalie’s
The rhetorical strategy the author uses is that she asks questions that to grab audience’s attention.
Paragraph two conveys information about Natalie’s accomplishments in academic life.
In the 3rd paragraph information conveys information about Natalie’s writing process and in the 4 th
paragraph it is described and explained how writing is done, it’s more factual information.
It is emphasized that writing is the essential in everything.

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