A. Several Ways To Learn Vocabulary.: in Time

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A. Several ways to learn vocabulary.

When I learn a new language, I always ask myself. How can I improve my
vocabulary? Because vocabulary is very important.

Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be

After internet research, I found many common answers:

Listen music, watch film, speak with natives, do vocabulary exercises etc.

Finally I choose the method that I really love for myself. That’s reading.

In Fact, I didn’t go for book at the first time, but it grew on me in time.

I know that if I get intothe habit of reading, I can expose /ɪkˈspəʊz/ to new words.
The more that I read the more new words I will learn.

When I reading a book. I usually underline the new words and try to speculate
/ˈspekjuleɪt/ their meaning in context./ˈkɑːntekst/

That methods /ˈmeθəd/not only help me train my brain but also help me to enjoy
learning second language.

There are 3 steps I do when study new vocabulary

The first, Choosing books at the right reading level for me. I usually read
comic book.

Many people think that comic book just for children. That is not true.

Many adults read comic. And the reason why they are so good for people learning
that provide abundant descriptions/dɪˈskrɪpʃn/, grammar, slang, common
vocabulary when talking.

The second, I usually write down all of new words.

One of the best ways to memorize things is to make a list.

I always make a list of new words on a book and keep the book for myself.

Finally, I study 3 words per day. I learn how to pronoun this word, and how
to write word exactly. I use the word in context when I am writing and daily
Do you have any recommend when learning vocabulary?

Besides, I also have a rule for learning vocabulary. That is constantly.

/ruːl/ /ˈkɑːnstəntli/

Day in day out. Not just for a week, not just for the month, but for years.

You wouldn’t expect to lift 200 pounds on your first day at the gym.

And language is no different. Start easy.

You start /stɑːrt/ with 5 pounds then you move up to 10, 15, 20, and language is
the same way. Learn a few phrases today, a basic conversation tomorrow.

Success /səkˈses/ comes step by step little by little.


B. Unforgettable memory.

There are many memory, but when talking about unforgettable memory in
my life. I always remember to my dog.

My favorite type of pet is always a dog.


The reasons why They’re loyal, kind and offer endless affection.
/ˈlɔɪəl/ /əˈfekʃn/

Dogs have been human’s best friends for many years.

They are there for us through thick and thin.


They never judge and are always happy to see us return.


The dog is the only thing on the earth that loves you more than they love

themself. That is unconditional love.

As for me, I love my dog very much. My dog is a Phu Quoc dog with

brown- hair and ears are large and triangular.


He is very intelligent, loyal and obedient. Moreover, He is friendly and well-

trained when I said “sit down” or “run around” he will do true.
He comfort me when I am blue.

I remember the first day I met him at my birthday, he is a present given by

my mother.

At that time, he was 2 years old; he was small and unfamiliar with my
family’s members.
At that moment I was the only child in my family, so he was my best friend.

Whenever I have troubles.I always have him by my side. Although he is not

able to talk but I feel /fiːl/ the love and caring /ˈkerɪŋ/ of him for me. He
always listens to my problems.

I still remember that day, when we walked on the street. I saw a cat crossed
I commanded him chase to that cat.
/kəˈmænd/ /tʃeɪs/

He is very excited and follows my order immediately. /ɪˈmiːdiətli/

Unfortunately when he chased to the cat, he was got hit by car.
At that time, I cried so much and he was died when I brought him back
That is my fault. The price was his life when he obeyed my order
/fɔːlt/ /əˈbeɪ/

I can’t forget that day, and it is unforgettable memory I ever have. I nearly
descended into depression. He have left my life, but he will never leave my

How can you get over the pain?

Seek out the sympathy. There are many other people who also love their
animals very deeply, and have lost those companions. You can share your
story with them.
Go to pet loss web sites. Or simply enroll to a clubs and become a volunteer
who helps animal abuse.


Which of 4 steps to learning vocabulary is the most important?

How do you know that method?
Besides reading, do you have any method to learn vocabulary?
How long have you been doing that method?
Why do you choose short story for kid when reading?

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