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Dear Student,

I hope you are preparing well and have downloaded our previous study plans, and talked to
Amicus or Suhasini in Case you have any questions or need help regarding career or CLAT. If
not please visit and find everything you need to excel in law entrances this

Until then, below is a list of last year CLAT papers.

In case you wish to give a free mock online and understand what writing CLAT looks like,
give our free CLAT mock online HERE today.

CLAT Previous year question papers:

Previous year 2008

Previous year 2009


Previous year 2010


Previous year 2011


Previous year 2012


Previous year 2013


Previous year 2014


Previous year 2015



1. What are the advantages of online mode vis-a-vis paper-based format?

Answer: There are 4 advantages:

1) Logistical conduct of the test is going to be easier.

2) The “security” of the question papers is likely to be better. Hence process is likely to be
more fair.

3) There is less likelihood of errors in result compilation.

4) The result announcement and counseling process will become simpler, quicker.

2. Which are the areas they should lay stress on? What are the problems aspirants may
not foresee?

Answer: The stress laying area for each student would differ. Each student will need to
know his/her own strong and weak areas in order to take the test effectively. Once the
student is clear with his/her strengths and weaknesses, he/she should opt for the stronger
areas first and also should avoid the weaker areas considering the negative marking scheme
in the CLAT paper. This will also help students in forming their own strategy.

CLAT likes to throw surprises, leaving students bewildered in the examination halls. CLAT-
2011, for example, had four RCs leaving out grammar and vocabulary questions, which are
famously part of the paper otherwise. Thus, it’s always better to go with an open mind,
ready to field the googlies. Keeping that in mind the students who have not made
themselves familiar with the online mode of examination will feel trouble in attempting the
examination in a new mode. The major challenge lies in managing the time and getting a
hang of the navigation system in this kind of examination.

Make sure that the analysis of the tests that you have taken, is able to identify your
strengths and weaknesses.

3. How should they prepare for English, General Knowledge, Maths and Legal Aptitude?

Answer: Practice and patience is the key required for cracking the CLAT exam.

English – The students should attempt this area carefully and maintain their speed of
reading. Some students prefer to read the passage first and then go to the questions while
some tend to read the questions and scan the passage for answers. This might work with
questions that are factual. For inference based questions this may prove fatal as you need
understanding of the entire passage. Solve plenty of questions to know what yields the best
results so that you’re all set for the actual Test.

G.K. – The students need to keep themselves updated with the current affairs as well as
static GK. Reading newspapers and keeping one abreast with the happenings around the
world will definitely give an edge. At this point however there are two things that they must
keep in mind.
(1) News of the 12 months pre March are likely to be the more probable current awareness

(2) Get hold of a standard “GK book” oriented towards CLAT.

Maths – Mathematics questions are mostly the IXth and Xth standard questions. Having the
hang of basic concepts can help you sail through this section very easily. Also the

Logical Reasoning - Analytical Reasoning and Quantitative ability questions are based on
basic common sense and logic. Practice is the only key to this area as well.

Legal Aptitude – For Legal Reasoning bit the students should read the principles in entirety
and should be able to grasp the key points very carefully. The application of these key points
to the facts also needs to be done with caution. Having a little legal knowledge helps in
speedy solving of these kinds of questions. The students should evaluate what is the legal
ambit of each question and should find the right answer within that periphery. As for the
legal knowledge, again reading newspaper and certain basic legal proposition will add to the
preparation of this section.

Very importantly approach it as a “logical reasoning” and not be bogged down by the
word “Legal”. Common sense and comprehension will work wonders.

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