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retail management

Naqash saqib
Business concept :

Autoshop is a online automobile repairing

marketplace that connects users to thousands of local
workshops . It maintains one of the most prominent
apps for repairing of vehicals. Users can browse
through various workshop place orders for home
delivery at the best prices. And it takes just a few
clicks. autoshop offers you various mechanics at low

So how does automobile make money Let's find out

by decoding automobile business model.

The company aimed for its reach in 40 countries in

Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East

Financial features:

1. app

2. advertisement

3. app operators
Basically our work is a commission based work we
are going to work on commission if we talk about
investment then we need to invest in only 3 things the
first thing is app and the second is advertisement if
we talk about third thing then it is operaters to operate

as I told you above that our work is commission
based work so we are going to earn through it if we
talk about commission then let me tell you that we are
going to charge 30% from per client for providing our
services and I think it is enough to recover our

let me tell you guys few more things that we are also
going to earn when other peoples are going to join our

financial requirement

we all know that in start it is difficult to gain too much

profit from it so we should have to invest from our
pocket in start then after sometime I am sure that
after sometime we will get our investment.

In start we atleast need 1000$ and t expand it more

we need 3000$
As I tell you above that we are also going to earn
when others people join our app and according to me
it is also a collateral

Major achievements
I think other then profit we are going to make a lot of
contacts through this business which help us a lot in
future we can easily open our shop and hire our own
mechanics and I think at that time we also have a lot
of data about clients we call also call our clients and
provide services with discount price.

Name of Business :-
Nature of Business :-
We provide services of repairing automobile at your home

Slogan :-
Easy Care, Easy life
Autoshop is a online automobile repairing
marketplace that connects users to thousands of local
workshops . It maintains one of the most prominent
apps for repairing of vehicals. Users can browse
through various workshop place orders for home
delivery at the best prices. And it takes just a few
clicks. autoshop offers you various mechanics at low

Our Vision.
Our vision is to provide easy services of automobile using our app we
all know that on this covid 19 situation many things become online so
why not this now a days internet is available in almost every village
and city so this is the great business opportunity I think according to
me and we know that through this not only us but others are also
going to earn money.

Our Mission.
Our mission is to create a easiest and biggest one-step platform for
repairing of any automobile. we help others to find the best and
reasonable mechanics online at their door steps

automobile has become immensely popular and this
has been possible due to its pricing policies. It has
adopted a value-added pricing policy wherein it
provides quality and services to customers at a fair
We can also give incentives such as discounts and
special offers. This treatment ensures customer
retention and allows automobile to stand out in the
crowded market .

automobile ensures good and delectable experience
without the hassle of traveling or pre-planning. It
connects customers to the workshops of their choice.

The first step is to locate workshop that service your

area. You do this by selecting your location on
automobile homepage. Once the list of workshops is
displayed, pick a workshop.

Reviews policy
automobile also lets you see and upload reviews on
restaurants. Customers can comment on a number of
features like delivery, sales process, overall

Billing process :
People can search for workshops that deliver
automobile services to their addresses using
automobile app. After choosing the workshop, users
can select their issues which are then added to the
transaction cart. Once the instructions are finalized,
people can check out their cart and pay via online
payment gateways or through cash-on-delivery.

Once the order is confirmed, a notification goes to the

workshop. Every workshop that partners with
automobile gets access to a 'merchant app'. The
workshop confirms the order and prepares according
to coustomers need

Registration Fees Charged From The

Automobile charges a registration fee from the
workshop to add the latter on its app. The workshop
(once added by automobile) becomes visible to
customers searching for local

workshop. The registration amount ranges between

$100 to $150.  It is a one-time fee.

Commission From workshop

workshop charges commission from workshops on
every order they receive through its platform. The
commission is generally between 15% and 25%
inclusive of all taxes. The commission is decided
considering the workshop location, the workshop
dependence on automobile, and the number and
kinds of orders.
Delivery Fee From Customers‌‌
There is a delivery fee for each order that a customer
places on the automobile app. Apart from this fee,
there are other taxes that customers have to pay.

‌automobile is a marketing platform for many
restaurants, particularly newcomers. workshop can
increase their visibility by registering on automobile.
They can also pay a certain amount to advertise their
brand on the app.

Affiliate Income‌‌
automobiles also makes money by offering
suggestions on the credit cards of various banks.
Moreover, banks send out discounts and special
offers on their cards to encourage transactions.
automobiles collaborates with these banks for affiliate

How we are going to earn

 our work is commission based work so we are going

to earn through it if we talk about commission then let
me tell you that we are going to charge 30% from per
client for providing our services and I think it is
enough to recover our investment we are also going

to earn when others people join our app and

according to me it is also a collateral

Automobile Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing plays a huge role in automobile
marketing strategy. The company periodically
introduces auto festivals, offers, and incentives for its
customer base through email marketing.

automobile uses social media platforms to launch its

advertisements. It has a Facebook page for regular

updates and interactions as well as to maintain

visibility and brand value. The company has
thousands of followers on Twitter.

automobile is known for its quirky taglines, the latest

one being "quality is priority and well service provide".
And these taglines play a critical role in automobile
promotional campaigns. automobile promotional
programs have been seen on television, radio,
cinema, magazines, newspapers, train hoardings, bus
hoardings, and in shopping malls
1. Start a blog

Regular updates on a topic that focuses on our core

service makes us a niche expert, and perhaps worth

2. Use social media

we are going to Engage our audience. Be interesting.
Tease. Intrigue. We Make ourself click-worthy and

3. Use teasers
We are going to Create a teaser landing page before
the app launches, and collect beta subscribers via an
email submission field.

4. Text Messages :-
                        Phone numbers collected through registration on the day
entrepreneurship gala 
                        We will be sending them text messages to our prospectus
about latest offering and discount .        

5. Banners:-
                    We designed appealing banners of different sizes which contains
a brief introduction of who we are ..??? what we do ..??? 

6.Public Relation:-
                       Public relation can really help you to enhance your business in
fact public relation if handled a carefully will play an imported in supporting
your business we can also run a whatsapp compain

 Step Strategy
 Segmentation :-
                                              We did our market in
Demographic and Psychographic and  Behavioral
 Demographic Segmentation :-
youngsters , Adults , good income peoples , old
 Psychographic Segmentation :-
          Upper , Middle

How our app fulfill coustomer needs

we all know that when your car stuck at somewhere it
is too much difficult to go to the work shop so the first
thing is that this app resolve that issue basically so
they or only need to open up an app and hire a
professional our professional will go to repair his car

how can we beat our competitors

 we will Know our Customers

 we will Understand the Competition

 we are going to Highlight our Difference

 Clarify our Message

 Ensure our Branding Reinforces our Messaging

 Target New Markets

 Look After Your Team

              strength grid

Goals for product development :

1 – Achieve the organization’s projected sales and

margin rates

2 – Publish product roadmaps that are 100%


3 – Reach customer-facing roadmap deliverables (For

example on time, on scope, and on budget execution)

4 – Attain compliance with your product lifecycle

management process

Capital Investment  Amount 

Equipment for the office  7,000

App development  22,500

Pre Operating Cost  3,000

Total Capital Cost  32,500

furniture  2,000

Rent  10,000

Cash  30,000

Initial working capital  42,000

Total project cost  9500

Income Statement

Description  Amount Amount 

Income  4,30,000
Service rendereal  4,30,000
Salaries  110,000
Telephone & Internet  17,000
Water & Electricity  15,000
Property Rates & Taxes  5,710
Insurance  10,500
Advertising Costs  15,600
Stationary 10,200
Bank Charges 2,030
Tax Expenses 76,146
Fuel  20,000 147,814
Net Profit  577814

Balance Sheet       

Assets  Amount  Liability  Amount 
Current Assets  Current Liability 
Cash  15,0000
App development  30,000
Total  Current Assets  180,000 Fixed Liability 
Equipment (15000) Owner Equities 
Less :- Depreciation (2000) 13,000 Capital  214,000
Furniture & Fixture
( 22,500)
Less :- Depreciation (1500)  21,000
Total Fixed Assets  34,000
Total Assets  214,000 Total Liabilities  214,000

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