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TIẾNG ANH 9 ( Chương trình mới)

ĐỀ 1
I.1.The flower was _____________ out of a single piece of valuable wood.
A.carved B.moulded C.cast D.given
2.In this town, they _____________ all the frames in steel.
A.make B.have C.mould D.cast
3.She is skilled at _____________ cloth. B.weaving C.doing D.carving
4.If you like, I can _____________ flowers on the cushion covers for you.
A.grow B.make C.embroider D.knit
5.Is it true that you _____________ this woollen hat yourself?
A.knitted B.wove C.did D.carved
6.The doll has been _____________ out of clay.
A.embroidered B.cast C.woven D.moulded
7.There will be a lot of work to do in this preservation project. I ___________
forming a team of five.
A.suggesting B.suggest C.suggest that suggest
8.___________ that the most-visited place in Hue is the Royal Citadel.
A.It reports B.People are reported C.It isD.It is reported
9.It’s not easy ___________ the origin of that ballad.
A.trace back trace back C.tracing back D.that to
trace back
10.We are all certain that these Roman ruins ___________ well preserved.
A.should C.should be be
11.It is said that Edinburgh ___________ the most historic city in Great Britain.
A.are be
12.There is usually a ____ gap between the old and the young, especially when the
world is changing so fast.
A.generation B.value C.age
13.Every nation has respect for their long-preserved ___________.
A.behaviours B.practices C.traditions
14.In Viet Nam, ___________ often refers to age and social position, not to
A.seniority B.tradition C.generation
15.Giving lucky money to the young and the old at Tet is a common ___________
in many Asian countries.
A.behavior B.practice C.tradition
16.Many scientists suggest that the government ___________ strict laws to control
A.applied B.applying C.should apply D.applies
17.The children in my home village used to go ___________, even in winter. Now
they all have shoes.
A.on foot B.bare-footedC.playing around
II. Choose the correct option A, B, or C for each gap in the passage.
Living in a city has a (1)______ of drawbacks. Firstly, there (2)______ the
problem of traffic jams and traffic accidents. The increase (3)______ population
and the increasing number of vehicles have caused many accidents to happen every
day. Secondly, air pollution (4)______ affects people’s health, and it also has a
bad influence (5)______ the environment. More and more city dwellers (6)______
from coughing or breathing problems. Thirdly, the city is noisy, even at night.
Noise (7)______ comes from the traffic and from construction sites. Buildings are
always being knocked (8)______ and rebuilt. These factors contribute to making
city life more difficult for its residents.
1. A. lots B. great deal C. number
2. A. is B. are C. has
3. A. at B. in C. on
4. A. negative B. negatively C. negation
5. A. at B. in C. on
6. A. suffer B. differ C. recover
7. A. polluting B. polluted C. pollution
8. A. up B. down C. out
III. 1.You may feel ______ before taking an important exam.
2.You have finished your exam, and you think you did quite well. You may feel
______. (relaxed/depressed/calm/confident)
3.You have a problem with your classmates at school and you don’t know who to
talk to. You may feel ______. (worried/delighted/stressed/depressed)
4.You are asked to fix a broken bicycle chain and you are not sure what to do. You
may feel ______. (confused/frustrated/happy/embarrassed)
5.You have moved to a new school and you know nobody there. You may feel
6.You notice something strange happening to your body when you start your
adolescence. You may feel ______. (embarrassed/confused/left-out/worried)
ĐỀ 2
I. 1. All the best theatres and restaurants are ___________ within a few minutes'
walk of each other.
A.laid B.situated C.seatedD.stood
2. Would you like to live in a modern house or a(n) ___________ cottage?
A.picturesque B.awful C.terrible D.bad
3.A ____ is a solid figure or object, made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay,
A.painting B.sculpture C.medal D.picture
4. Ho Chi Minh City has been divided into twenty-four ___________ divisions
since December 2003.
A.administerB.administration C.administrative D.administrator
5.A ___ is a castle on high ground in or near a city, where people could go when
the city was being attacked.
A.cathedral B.monument C.centre
6. The station building used to be a high wooden ___________ with a curved roof.
A.facility B.carriage C.complex D.structure
7. The new sports ___________ has six tennis courts.
A.complex B.match C.medium
8. The local government is introducing tougher ___________ to preserve historical
A.measures B.actions C.plans D.steps
9.The pagoda is in a beautiful ___________, close to the sea.
A.spaces B.setting C.towerD.set
10. There is general ___________ that Vietnamese students lack knowledge of the
natural, or man-made, wonders of Viet Nam. A.accepting B.saying
C.recognition D.undertaking
11.I love going to this place _____________ it’s the quietest place in the city. B.though that
12.They keep changing the decoration of the shop _____________ they can attract
more young people. that B.because C.although D.when
13._____________ she’s young, she’s the most famous artisan in the village.
A.When B.Although C.Whereas D.In order to
14.Do you know who’s _____________ his pottery workshop?
A.bringing out B.taking over C.passing down D.turning down
15.I’ve _____________ the product catalogue and decided to buy this table.
A.found out B.closed down C.looked through D.lived on
16.This sports centre is so small that it cannot _____________ the demands of
local residents.
A.keep up with B.face up to about D.set up
II. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the passage.
In our Life Skills lesson last week, our class (1) ______ a visit from a Fire Safety
Officer, and this is what he (2) ______ us: ‘Today I’m going to tell you what to do
(3) ______ fire. If there (4) ______ a fire, keep calm. (5) ______ sure you know
where (6) ______ the nearest exit or stairway. Do not use the lift. Before you
leave, close all the doors behind you. You should know (7) ______ you could
activate the fire alarm, and then shout ‘fire’. You should know what number to call
to report the fire and ask (8) ______ help. In Viet Nam, it's number 114. The
number is toll-free and you can call it any time from (9) ______ a mobile or a
landline without (10) ______ area codes.’
1. A. has B. had C. has had D. will have
2. A. said B. talked C. told D. explained
3. A. in case B. in case of C. if D. unless
4. A. is B. was C. were D.
will be
5. A. Be B. Do C. Get D. Take
6. A. can find B. can you find C. you can find D.
you to find
7. A. who B. what C. which D. how
8. A. to B. with C. for D. about
9. A. both B. either C. neither D. not only
10.A. deal B. deals C. to deal D. dealing
III. 1.When I turned up, the town hall was already ___________ of teenagers.
A.full B.packed C.crowded D.jammed
2.She turned ___________ the new job in New York because she didn't want to
A.on B.down D.up
3.This city has one of the most ___________ underground rail networks in the
A.efficient B.fashionable C.cosmopolitan D.fascinated
4.This laptop is much more user-friendly, but it costs ___________ the other one. much as many as C.twice as much as D.twice as
5.Today’s cities are ___________ than cities in previous times.
A.lots larger B.much larger large D.the largest
6.After I found all the information I needed, I ___________ the computer.
A.turned off B.switched on C.looked for D.put off
7.Japan is the ___________ developed country in the world.
A.most second B.second in most C.second most D.two most
8.Factories and offices should be built in ___________ areas only.
A.rural B.coastal C.cultural D.urban
IV. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the passage.
Dear Miss Wiselady,
I am in grade 9 at a school in town. I (1)______ love my school, and I love my
classmates, (2)______ one thing. It seems that the girls (3)______ negative things
about our teachers, even our headmistress. This kind of gossip makes me
uncomfortable and upset. I don’t think it’s good for the study atmosphere, and it
would be terrible (4)______ the teachers found out. I don’t know (5)______ to face
up to this issue. What should I do?Upset
Dear Upset,
Well, that is a nasty problem. If you really (6)______ to do something, you could
explain how you feel. Tell them that they should not go (7)______ with the gossip.
But it might be too direct for some people. I suggest you (8)______ to keep away
from it as (9)______ as possible. Keep quiet, or better still, just leave them if you
are not comfortable (10)______ the topic of discussion.
1. A. absolute B. absolutely C. absolution
D. absolve
2. A. between B. among C. along D. except
3. A. are always saying B. always are saying C. were always saying D.
always were saying
4. A. when B. while C. if D. unless
5. A. what B. who C. where D. how
6. A. want B. wanted C. will want D. would
7. A. at B. in C. on D. up
8. A. try B. should try C. trying D. A
and B are correct
9. A. much B. many C. more D. less
10.A. about B. for C. of D. with
V. 1. I used to having a very good time with my grandparents when I was a child. having B.time C.grandparents D.was
2. They are getting used to walking to school in two months.
A.are getting walking two
3. I wish I can go to see all the wonders which have been recognised by UNESCO.
A.can go B.wonders C.have D.recognised
4. They wished that time will be turned back so that they could go kite-flying with
other kids.
A.wished B.will be turned C.could go D.kite-flying
5. He suggested to go to Phong Nha Cave since it’s a famous natural wonder of
Viet Nam. go B.since’s a D.natural wonder
6.It was reported that the city had invested more on the preservation of it’s
A.was reported B.had invested C.preservation’s wonders
7.It is annoying that many of the village's customs have replaced with new ones
A.annoying B.village's C.have replaced
8.The doctor suggested that he should drink more water, and took a lot of rest.
A.suggested B.should C.more water D.took
9. The environmentalist suggest planting more trees to improve the city’s
landscape and the environment as well. A.suggest B.planting’s
landscape well
10. I am confident that life in the country has improved significant in the last five
A.confident that C.significant D.the last

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