BIMobject Content Style Guide

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BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Style Guide

1 Section 2: Model Content Creation Standards

BIMobject Content
Style Guide
Hello! Welcome to the BIMobject Content Style Guide. The purpose of this guide is
simple: How should the Building Product Manufacturer’s information be presented
to the industry. This document covers everything to do with Product Pages, Data
and of course the BIM objects themselves in many formats.
The BIM objects are referenced to the two-dimensional and three-dimensional standard component families
that are used to create elements that represent manufactured content (for example, windows, furnaces, heat
pumps, and structural steel members).

By following the guidelines within this guide, content creators will ensure the delivery and
performance of their content, and fulfill the necessary distribution requirements for BIMobject.

BIMobject requires the single source of truth through:

• the uniform display of products offered by a single manufacturer
• complete, consistent, and accurate presentation of product data across manufacturers one true
version of data, centrally controlled through the cloud platform

Why a guide and not a standard?

Regardless of where you are in the world there is the one true fact “there is no true standard”. Another fact is
that a standard only becomes a standard if it is used the most (take BluRay vs HD DVD or VHS vs Betamax).
Companies (who have already published a document) have no mandate either with local government or
standards organisations to write or support their own standard. They have taken the commercial opportunity
to try and make a gain because there isn’t an ISO for BIM objects (not yet anyway). Some companies are
even using titles for their standards which make them seem more important than they are and those who
don’t know are using them! This is a lie and a massive manipulation of the industry in a “fake news” sort of

But we do have a responsibility to deliver consistent content which is accepted by the industry, this is where
a Style Guide comes in (rather than a standard).

Back in 2009 Autodesk authored a White Paper - “Revit Content Style Guide”. If you study the detail of this
guide and then all the more recent “standards” you’ll find that they are all based on this (in some way or

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

another). This Style Guide is what BIMobject use to create consistent content. It is important to note that this
document will evolve as the industry changes over the coming years. BIMobject will create new versions
as soon that is possible, so keep a look out and if downloaded from you’ll be notified by
BIMmail anyway.

This guide is split into a number of sections. We will start with talking about data and how all data should be
consistent across all file types and importantly in the cloud. From this then we have chapters on the authoring
softwares such as Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft ArchiCAD and BIMobject’s own BIMscript/LENA.

Our basic aim is to create a document where “best practice” can be referred to. There is no such thing as
a perfect object because the user ALWAYS has their own specific requirements. BUT we must create the
best we can for everyone to use, this includes information in the Cloud, information in the object and the
geometric creation.

BUT the information published must be useful. If objects are found to not contain the basic
requirements for the user base or product pages found not to contain the information which
enables BIMobject to work then there is no publication. Bad information is not only harmful
for the BPM but for BIMobject as well.

Planning BIM object creation

Before family creation begins, careful upfront planning of the family should be performed, even for the sim-
plest of families. Planning families prior to creation can save time and prevent errors.
How do I need to present my information on
Taking the BPM’s existing product structure and duplicating it inside BIMobject is a logical
first step BUT there are rules which must be considered such as
• ONE FILE TYPE per product page (such as only one Revit file and one ArchiCAD file) this
is a mandatory rule and is to do with how BIMobject Properties works (the only
exception is that if the file is the same but has different language or regional
classification requirements)
• Knowing this the BIMobject Project Manager can assist with the structure of the
• Good images and descriptions sell, we work in a visual industry and therefore
the picture and title are the first things users will see. First impressions therefore must
be considered. Descriptions which assist in search results are also highly important.
The process of collecting the information from both marketing and technical team within
the manufacturer must be started as soon as possible. Marketing info is needed for
Product Pages where as technical is needed for Product Pages and content development
What should I do first?
Creation of Product Pages FIRST before creation of content. This assists the development teams in
creating a sensible and logical set of objects with data to present to the professional users.

NOTE: Sometimes due to technical limitations pages can only have a certain number of files
and structure so check with a BIMobject Project Manager

3 Intro
BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Creation of the Product Pages allows the information to be organized and uploaded to identify if
anything is missing and if the information is rich enough for the development to move forward.
Once the Product Pages are created it is advised that the BPM uploads the right information into
the right page so the developer can not mix anything up.
Will the family need to accommodate multiple sizes?
For a window that is available in several preset sizes, or a bookshelf that can be built in any
length, create a standard component family.
How should the family display in different views?
The way the object should display in views determines the 3D and 2D geometry that you need
to create, as well as how to define the visibility settings. Determine whether the object should
display in a plan view, elevation view, and/or sectional views.
Does this family require a host?
For objects typically hosted by other components, such as a window or light fixture, start with a
host-based template. How the family is hosted (or what it does or does not attach to) determines
which template file should be used to create the family.
How much detail should be modeled?
In some cases, you may not need 3D geometry. You may only need to sketch a 2D shape to
represent your family. Also, you may simplify the 3D geometry of your model to save time in
creating the family. For example, less detail is required for a wall outlet that will only be seen in
interior elevations from a distance, than for a door with raised panels and a sidelight that will be
seen in an interior rendering.
As a general rule create the minimum amount of geometry as possible
What is the insertion/origin point of this family?
The insertion/origin point is the point at which you want to place the family in a project (indicated
by the cursor position). The insertion point may change based on use case. For example, the
insertion point for windows and doors is the center of the geometry, so that the content para-
metrically expands from the center out. For a countertop, the insertion point is at a corner and
the content expands with the instance length in one direction. Determining the appropriate
insertion point will help users place the family in a project.

Feedback on the Guide

Please send your comments on the BIMobject Style Guide and supporting documentation to:


This guide is intended for manufacturers, content service organisations, and other content creators who are
wanting to create content to be hosted on BIMobject.

4 Intro
BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

First impressions are key

(Product Pages)
At BIMobject all information is found in the Cloud and the Product Pages are the
first impression into the Product. Therefore this should be a data rich and easily
accessible source of information. We call this the Single Source of Truth (no
copies, no duplicates). Just one true source of data which is centrally controlled
and distributed around the world from a Cloud Platform.
Think of BIMobject as your online catalogue of information being presented to the industry. How and why you
present your information should be considered in the same way you present on your own website.

The Product Page is the ‘home or host’ for your product families BIM files. A proper, fully database-driven,
Product Page includes up-to-date information about the individual properties, interactive 3D configurable
view, social media links and allows for dynamic control of languages. It is also aware of viewer details and
can adapt the information on the page accordingly, for example, where are they from, what language they
prefer etc.

In our fully integrated cloud based solution, the updating mechanism is controlled from a central location,
where the source of product information exists. The BIM files are transportation mechanisms to BIM soft-
ware, as they have no other way to receive BIM objects into the model other than by downloading les. This
allows for updating and a dynamic Level of Information (LOI), meaning that objects can be up-dated and/or
additional properties can be added at any time. This is a unique feature of

There is a simple truth with Product Pages, the better you prepare and present your information to the users
the more you will get downloaded. Think of it as marketing to the content user. What do they need to know
to download your object? BIMobject have a number of required fields which need information. These are
detailed later in the document.

Product Information

The product information page is straight forward. All of the parameters with * are mandatory, meaning that
you can not continue to the next section without filling them in.

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Let’s take a closer look at all of the settings

This is the name of the products on the product page.
This is a measurement that can be shown in either mm or inches, if the product is not static in
measurements, leave this blank.
This is a measurement that can be shown in either mm or inches, if the product is not static in
measurements, leave this blank.
This is a measurement that can be shown in either mm or inches, if the product is not static in
measurements, leave this blank.
This is a measurement that can be shown in either kgs or lbs, if the product is not static in
measurements, leave this blank.
Unique ref/Permalink
This is the most important setting/parameter we have, this is what makes every product unique
and identifiable on the portal. This parameter is very important for updating, not only the product

6 First impressions are key (Product pages)

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

on the portal, but in the respective BIM systems too. This is the link between the product page
and the BIM object that is used for adding parameters and BIMobject Property parameters to
the objects. It is EXTREMELY important that the unique ref NEVER changes, as it has a lot of
Content Type
There are four different settings regarding content types. It is important that the correct one is
chosen, as content can be filtered by content type.
• Assembly
An assembly is a collection of products which create a complete solution from the
same manufacturer, the image below is an assembly of Hilti products. The Hilti
assemblies can be found by clicking the examples below.
• Documentation
This is used for creating document packages that are hosted on
The main purpose for this is, that, manufacturers very often changes their web sites.
The problem is that, most manufacturers, don’t consider the consequences of
changing links etc to their documentation.
• Object
The object type is for single Objects, single objects can represent more than one
article number! The image below is, for example, with arm rests and can even be set
not to have arm rests, more about Represented Articles below.
• Showcase
Showcases are complete BIM models of multiple manufacturers and/or multiple
products from the same manufacturer.
Design Country
The Country of design is where the product was designed. This is not always obvious, so please
make sure that you gather the correct information before publishing any products.
Manufacturer Country
The Country of manufacturing is where the product was made. This is not always obvious, so
please make sure that you gather the correct information before publishing any products. We
understand that some products are made in multiple countries, in that case please leave as
Represented Articles
Represented articles is associated to how many physical articles an intelligent BIM object
Edition Number
The edition number is a very important part of the BIMobject process, the edition number tells
the BIMobject app if a product has been updated, if it has changed the users then have the
ability to update their objects that have been downloaded and inserted into their projects. So
whenever any information on product pages that have been live at some point have been
changed, the edition number have to be increased and a comment on what have been updated
needs to be added.

7 First impressions are key (Product pages)

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Regions are where the products can be purchased, NB: Please select regions carefully, it’s very
rare that products can be purchased worldwide, most are regionalised, so please make sure you
have the correct regions entered, more about regions can be found in the short youtube video.

Publish date
This is the date the product is to be published, this can be set in the past BUT NOT in the future.
This is only editable by a BIMobject Administrator who will Quality Assure any information before
it is made public. If the QA fails (in accordance with this document) then there will be no

8 First impressions are key (Product pages)

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Descriptions and Links

This is where you add language dependant product descriptions. It is good practice to be as descriptive as
possible. You can write the description text in all supported languages.
• International English is the default language and is mandatory
• USA must list American version under English (US) due to spelling and term differences
• More languages = More downloads (users search in their own language first)

In the image below, the same product shown above with the description in English is now shown with a
description in German. With our technology this means that, depending on what language end users have
the portal set to, it will determine in which language to show the description text. If there is no localised
description text available, English is always shown.

The language setting does not only apply to the actual description text, but even the www links. This means
that, again, depending on which language the user has set, different www links will be displayed. For example,
a user from the uk, will see the links from an English language site, while a German user will see German
text and www links.

9 First impressions are key (Product pages)

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Having multiple languages helps with search. Generally a user will search in their own language first then
an English one if the desired results do not produce what they want. So keep in mind if you don’t supply
languages of regions you operate within then you won’t appear in their search results.

Product Gallery

The Product Gallery is for uploading and arranging product images for a specific product or product range.

You can upload single or multiple images for the product gallery. Once the images have been uploaded,
you can arrange and sort in any order, simply by dragging the image to the desired place within the product
gallery. To add images to the gallery simply choose Upload Product Image(s).

The minimum image size is 385 x 385 pixels and should be ideally square with a white background. Below
are examples of good images

The format for images is


What is NOT allowed

• Text on the primary/main image
• Flags on the primary/main image
• Brand logos as an image or as an overlay on an image (logos are shown on all Product Pages by

Materials and Classifications

Material and Classifications is where you define materials and set classifications for a product.

This is where the two materials of a product are set. The Main and Secondary materials can be chosen from
the drop down list.

NOTE: No custom materials can be added, the drop down list is the only selectable materials

There are different classifications that should be set.

BIMobject Categories
This is our own BIMobject category, we can add new categories as needed (upon request and approval of
the senior projects team). Please be very specific when you choose a category and do not generalise. The
system is a two-tier approach where products live in subcategories.

If you have created a furniture related product page, please be specific when choosing the BIMobject
Category, try to avoid using the Furniture-Other category, have a look through the list and find the category
that best suits the product.

10 First impressions are key (Product pages)

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Product Family/Group
This setting is always based on the manufacturer’s product groups. We have two levels in this category and
these are defined by the manufacturer.

This must be in International English as currently this area can not be translated. This is on the road map
to be resolved.

The ETIM model gives a listing of the most important technical characteristics of each product class to
describe and find the products. Each class has several synonyms, which can be selected in the drop down

The ETIM standard will be delivered through BIMobject® Properties once selected here in the Classifications
section (please see data chapter for the next step). All content created with BIMscript® & LENA, will auto-
matically be equipped with the ETIM standard as part of the development process.

UNSPSC Category
More information about this category system can be found on the UNSPSC web site. UNSPSC is an
acronym for The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code®

Here you can specify which IFC category (currently listed as version IFC 2x3) should be used, the list is quite
long, so make sure you use the correct category. The IFC categories are carried onto the next BIM system if
an IFC export is made and is also mandatory for when creating IFC from BIMscript and LENA.

Uniclass 1.4
Uniclass is a UK specific classification system. 1.4 has been replaced by 2.0 and 2015 but is still shown
for historic purposes

Uniclass 2.0
Uniclass 2.0 will not be used, so it is obsolete.

Uniclass 2015
Is the new uniclass and you click on the icon next to the field to search for a suitable category.

COBie Type Category

This field is always left empty, as it is a user setting and the value must be filled in by the user.

NBS Reference
The NBS reference is a derivative of the Uniclass 2.0 classification system. Again, this will be obsolete and
updated to 3.0 as soon as it is finalised.

Or OCCS, OmniClass Construction Classification System. You click on the icon next to the field to search
for a suitable category
UniFormat II
This is a standard for classifying building specifications, cost estimating, and cost analysis in the U.S. and

11 First impressions are key (Product pages)

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Canada. The elements are major components common to most buildings. This is a small number of options
so pick what is closest. Whole sectors of the industry are generalised.

MasterFormat 2014
Sometimes referred to as the “Dewey Decimal System” of building construction, MasterFormat is a product
of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and Construction Specifications Canada (CSC).


Filters are an important part of the searching functionality on It is very important that filters
are not abused. It is up to you to use them responsibly and in the correct context. It is important for a user to
get back the expected results. If a users is searching for products that are to be used in a specific building
type etc then it is important that the filters are set accordingly.

To add filters to products is an extremely simple process, you simply click the checkbox next to the
respective filter.

12 First impressions are key (Product pages)

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Edition Numbers

The edition number is the tool which enables communication from the BIMobject Cloud to the users when a
manufacturer wants to deliver a change.

This change is then shown when the users within BIM authoring software click on “update” in the BIMobject

Both manufacturers and BIMobject staff will have access to and most likely change the edition number. The
edition number should be increased for one of the following reasons:
• New objects have replaced existing ones
• Product Information in the first tab has been updated
• URLs in the “Descriptions & Links” tab has been updated
• Classifications/materials/categories in the “Materials & Classifications” tab has been updated
• Or any other reason that the manufacturer considers their users need to know

You should include in the note the information as shown in the example below. Please note that if a new file
has been uploaded to replace an existing version then an instruction to the user to “download” the new one
should be written.
• A brief description
• Date when this change is made
• Who made this change
• Does the user need to download new geometry

13 First impressions are key (Product pages)

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

NOTE: Once the edition number has been saved or increased it can not be reversed

14 First impressions are key (Product pages)

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Getting your data ducks in a row

Without data objects are useless, simple. Although the geometric accuracy of the object is absolutely key
without data it becomes dumb geometry without ownership. But where this data goes, when it goes and
how it goes into these objects is the key question. This chapter will explain the minimum requirements and
the optional extras when it comes to data.

Mandatory Data Requirements

Although this is a Style Guide some information is mandatory. This is because without it basic functions
of BIMobject Cloud technology will not work which harms the BPM. What is the point if the BPM can not
have the Single Source of Truth or Analytics? Therefore the below three areas are mandatory actions for
BIMobject (apart from the objects themselves). These all create huge value to both the owner of the Product
Page and to the user who accesses it.

By completing these the manufacturer has a better chance to be downloaded and the user has better
access to useful information.

BIMobject Product Pages

Making objects actually starts with the place where they are hosted. The BIM files are hosted by a Product
Page on the BIMobject Cloud, the host is used to manage updates, external and additional properties – this
makes the BIM object searchable via Google, browsable by web sites and enables syndication to thousands
of other sites and microsites. Data which is completed here is one of the most important parts of “good data”.

The fields and values which are completed here directly integrate into the BIMobject Parameters. They are
one and the same. Change here and they change in the object.

You should fill out as much of the information as possible as listed in the previous chapter. Better data means
better objects means easier to search for. This creates more downloads which is a win-win for everyone.

BIMobject Parameters
These parameters are completed by synchronising the BIMobject Cloud with the object using BIMobject’s
Apps or via LENA (depending on how the object has been created). The process of linking these is simple
and can be found here:

This process must be done once the Product Pages are completed otherwise you get partial data or you
have to run an edition update. This shows the importance of doing Product Pages FIRST before the creation
of the objects.

The successful “linking” makes all objects daughters to the mother. This enables the Single Source of Truth.
If the mother object/data changes her DNA then the daughter objects/data are notified of this change. No
more out of date information, no more incorrect specification in design which then creates huge issues on

BIMobject SEEK Parameters

This is a data set completed by the manufacturer on the BIMobject Cloud. These are important as part of
the process. These parameters enable detailed searching of products via Specification and are NOT part of
the object’s data inside authoring softwares.

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

These searchable parameters appear when a user selects a BIMobject subcategory and then is able to filter
the objects to their specification as seen below. Here the user has selected the BIMobject Category Doors >
Door Sets, then is able to filter by “Door Width”. Find a door that suits their requirement. This is extremely use-
ful when looking for objects which meet a Fire Rating, U-Value or other technical specification, even material:

16 Get ting your data ducks in a row

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Other data

Data via BIMobject Properties

In the BIMobject Cloud, the level of information is completely dynamic and more properties can be added
and modified by the manufacturer, at any time, in the central database. The BIM user can add these addi-
tional sets of properties at a later stage of the BIM process, when more information is required for the actual
stage of the project.

This solution is defined as BIMobject Properties (previously known as BOPC) and contains additional
properties. In addition, many local standards are implemented from the start (such as COBie).
Object’s own Parameters (inside the object)
In the future ALL data will be delivered by BIMobject Properties (except for BO Parameters). This will truly
allow for single objects with a number of datasets for different regions.

BUT today we allow BPM’s to build the datasets they feel need to be in there. Note that BIMobject have a lot
of experience in this field but NO guide can be written due to the huge range of product types.

If information about the performance or specification of your product is public and is usually shown on
technical data sheets or sales catalogues then it usually goes into the object.

NOTE - too much information is as bad as too little, this is because large amounts of data are not easily
handled by BIM authoring softwares today.

Product Data Templates and Parameter Naming Conventions

Currently the industry is creating a huge amount of work which will create a data standard of templates for
all product types. BIMobject support this work and are working with governments and organizations to make
this ready.

Estimated to launch in late 2018 / early 2019

Naming conventions

Family Units
Although families can be created as unit-specific (imperial or metric), BIM authoring software stores all
coordinates in universal units and displays specific units according to user preference. This means that:
• Units can be set to display as necessary for a target audience (i.e., display as decimal units for a civil
engineering drawing or fractional units for an architectural drawing).
• Families created in imperial units may be loaded into and used in metric projects and vice versa.

NOTE: Sometimes you will see Imperial units shown in Metric with long decimalisation
due to non exact measurements and conversations

Family Naming Conventions

Family names are the primary means of identifying families in BIMobject and in the BIM authoring software.
BIMobject family naming conventions ensure that families can be identified in BIMobject and the BIM
authoring software by the real-world items that they create. The naming conventions include descriptors that
allow the user to search for families and allows them to be sorted in a logical way.

17 Get ting your data ducks in a row

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

• Create unique names for each family.
• For example, a fixed window family and a fixed door family cannot share the same name.
• Use natural language to name the family.
• The family name should describe how the family is identified in the real world (i.e., in catalogs, by
manufacturer, etc.).
• If possible, do not include the family category in the family name, unless the functional type is the
same as the category (e.g., window).
• Use ‘title casing’ (as with the title of a book) for family names, as they are case sensitive.
• Keep file names as short as possible.
• Family names must display in dialogs and in the Type Selector.
• When adding optional descriptors to family file names, consider the order in which the descriptors are
listed to ensure that the family files display in the Project Browser in the most logical and intuitive order.
• Do not use spaces between words in file names. To separate words within a syntax element (e.g.,
Manufacturer or Descriptor), use the underscore character (_).
• If a hyphen (-) is used to include a performance range, enclose the range in parentheses, for example,
• If a type catalog is to be used with a family, name the type catalog (.txt file) with the same name as the
family. See section 2.10 for additional information.

• No spaces please use a “dash” < - >
• Include both category and subcategory according to BIMobject Category Standard
• All files types should be the same name
• No exceptions
• All old files should be renamed
• Product Spec / Note is not mandatory but useful if there are a number of models within a range of

<BIMobject Category>_<BIMobject Sub-Category>_<Manufacturer>_<Product Name>_<Prod-

uct Spec / Note 1>_<Product Spec / Note 2 >.<extension>

Family Name Examples

• Construction_Steelwork_Tata-Steel_Celcius_EHS_355_Elliptical.rfa
• Construction_Steelwork_Tata-Steel_Celcius_EHS_355_Elliptical.txt
• Electrical_Switchgear_Schneider-Electric_RM6_B-Line-Feeder-630A-Circuit-Breaker.rfa
• Electrical_Switchgear_Schneider-Electric_RM6_BC-Network-Coupling-630A-Circuit-Breaker.rfa
• Electrical_Switchgear_Schneider-Electric_RM6_D-Transformer-Feeder-200A-Circuit-Breaker.rfa

18 Get ting your data ducks in a row

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Type Naming Conventions

All families must include one predefined type. For families that create real-world objects that are available in
standard sizes, predefined types should be generated. Unless they represent nominal sizes, type names
should include units or capacity, and include a unit indicator.

When naming a family type, use the format and rules below:

• Do not include redundant information from the family name or category in the type name.
• Type names should mirror actual usage.
• Type names should indicate the key differences between types (size, count, material) and, when
applicable, reflect standard sizes.
○○ In some cases, you may base names on size difference, but use common terms rather than
• When types are named by size, use dimensions only.
• Avoid the use of characters or words. (h, w, d, or height, width, depth).
• Type names should include units or capacity and a unit indicator, unless they represent nominal sizes.
• Metric types should reflect the local unit standard, unless the types are intended to be generic.
• Keep type names as short as possible.
○○ Type names must display in dialogs and in the Type Selector.

Unless there is a market-specific reason to do otherwise, use the following general order in type names:

For doors and windows: <width> x <height>

For casework and furniture: <width> x <depth> x <height>
For other element types: <width> x <depth>

Increase heading style

For metric family types

For all types in metric families: XXXX x YYYY mm (or local metric unit indicator)

For imperial family types

In most cases, size should be expressed in inches. Use only one of the conventions below within a family
and for related families.

For families with most sizes under 10’: XX” x YY”

For families with most sizes over 10’: XX’ – YY” x AA’ – BB”

For families that feature nominal sizes or industry-standard terms

In type names, drop the dimension indicators (“,’, or mm) and/or use industry-standard naming conventions.

Brick (industry-standard naming): Common, Norman, CSR, Metric Modular

Timber (nominal sizes): 2x4
Structure (industry-standard naming): W12 x 204

19 Get ting your data ducks in a row

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

Types for a metric or imperial window:

600mm x 800mm
800mm x 600mm
800mm x 800mm
800mm x 1000mm
1000mm x 400mm
1000mm x 800mm
1000mm x 1200mm

Material Naming Conventions

Finish material naming conventions organize the material by manufacturer, and general description to more
specific description. Depending on the type of material, a finish material name may include a color, code,
finish type, or identification number.

• Finish names should indicate the key differences between materials (manufacturer, type, color,
finish) and, when applicable, reflect standard sizes.

In some cases, you may base names on size difference, but use common terms rather than
• Metric finish names should reflect the local unit standard, unless the materials are intended to be
• Keep finish names as short as possible.

Recommendation: To optimize the file size for families with a large number of available
materials, provide only the most common materials in the family, and provide the remaining
materials in a separate finish library. See the Finishes part type guide for more information.

Format For Individual Finish Materials (Stored Inside Projects)

<Finish Type> - <Manufacturer> - <Code> - <Descriptor>

Paint - Acme Paint - AC 440 - Vintage Brown Matte

Glass - Acme Glazing - Series 1205 – Clear

Format For Individual Finish Materials Using an External Image File (Revit Specific)
Materials requiring external images, bump maps and cutout should be stored in a location that can be shared
by multiple Revit Product installs.  

For Windows Vista and Windows 7:

C:\ProgramData\All Users\Application Data\Revit Manufacturer Library\Materials\<MFG>

20 Get ting your data ducks in a row

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

• Create unique names for each unique material image.
• Capitalize the leading letters in each portion of the family name.
• Do not use spaces between words in file names. To separate words within a syntax element (e.g.,
Manufacturer or Descriptor), use the underscore character (_).
• Acceptable file formats for material images include: bmp, jpg, jpeg and png.
• Provide a readme to describe where the image files must be located and how to map Revit to the
“Revit Manufacturer Library“ folder in the Rendering Options dialog.

Format For Individual Materials Images (Stored OutSide of Revit)

Material Image:
<Finish Type>-<Manufacturer>-<Code>-<Descriptor> + file extension

Bump maps:
<Finish Type>-<Manufacturer>-<Code>-<Descriptor>-bump + file extension

<Finish Type>-<Manufacturer>-<Code>-<Descriptor>-cutout + file extension


Image File:

Bump Image File:



21 Get ting your data ducks in a row

BIMobject ® Content Style Guide

BIMobject hopes that this guide has been useful. It is long and detailed but as
we move forward with technology (especially BIMscript) we look to start to
automate many of these processes.
The importance of this guide is that users all around the world will get consistent information both
geometrically and data (within the object and in the Cloud).

If you have any questions or comments about this guide please contact us:


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