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Similarities and Differences of Industrial Revolution between William Morris and Frank Wright

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Similarities and Differences of Industrial Revolution between William Morris and Frank Wright

Both William Morris’s “Revival of Handicraft” and Frank Lloyd Wright’s “The Art and

Craft of the Machine” books involve the vital exchange of information regarding the emergence

of capitalism in industrial sectors such as disruptive skills, new technology advancement

invention, and also unfortunate craft production basement. At some points, both authors have a

shared perspective while also differing in other areas. Wright came up with the idea of “The arts

and Craft of machine” in 1901 that is concerned with the development that comes with the

introduction of machines. On the other side, Morris came up with the “Revival of handicraft”

ideology in 1888 that involved handwork. Therefore, the paper summarizes each author's most

essential points, highlighting where they agree and disagree. Also, the paper will account for the

differences between the two essays.

Frank Lloyd Wright, in his article, "The Art and Craft of the Machine," embraces

machinery as capable of reducing labor and expanding lives. According to him, machinery

reduces wastes and lowers costs for both the poor and the rich to enjoy clean and robust art and

craft forms. On the other hand, William Morris, in his article, Revival of Handicraft, states that

the industrial laborer is alienated from the product that he produces. At the same time, the

unselfconscious craftsperson is the one with the product. He desires to realize an equal society

that masters its machinery rather than being its servant.

In both articles, the authors agree that machinery enhances the architecture of arts and

crafts. According to Frank Lloyd, copying shape may not bring forth the expected outcome but

rather bring something close to the required outcome. However, through the principles, the

outcome becomes closer as expected, bringing about the required shape. He believed in machine
production, stating that the art and craft with a machine were very much efficient in the

production. Also, he believed that the machine attributes to the future of art and craft. Similarly,

William Morris, seeing an advanced effect of the machinery on the labor industry, acknowledges

that machinery has changed the face of art and craft. Also, the authors agree on the idea of using

arts and crafts to produce a similar product despite one using a machine while the other uses


However, the authors disagree on some areas about the machinery in arts and crafts. For

instance, Morris was at the forefront in supporting any form of labor that was handy. That

boosted those working in various fields that created social equality and equal rights for all the

people. However, WrightWright claims that machinery reduces waste and labor costs so that

both the poor and rich may enjoy a clean and robust form of manufactured products.

In conclusion, the essays differ in all technical, historical, and political standpoints. For

instance, the essays have different technical standpoints since Morris advocates for handicrafts

while Frank supports machinery in arts and crafts. Indeed, what will benefit from using artisans

to perform work if a machine can perform it better? A machine can perform the same work faster

and reduce wastage than individuals doing it. Historically, Morris tries to base his argument with

the experience of his time, claiming that machinery will make a tremendous distinction of social

class within the society.

In contrast, WrightWright tries to base his argument on a revolutionize era or

dispensation, that he was to advancement in machinery. Politically William Morris tries to bring

out his argument that handicrafts will bring about equalization among the people. On the other

hand, WrightWright tries to bring out that the use of machines will reduce the wastage and lower

the cost of Laboure and increase production in the outcome.


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