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Necessary recent changes in current trends in the external environment and the business

opportunities they might offer.

Technological breakthroughs provide commercial prospects. Worldwide, people may take

advantage of these possibilities with a simple mouse or screen touch click. Businesses now have

a platform to market their items on social media, and customers may place orders for the goods

or services. Enterprises have taken advantage of these opportunities and can sell their products

quickly and effectively across borders. Small new firms attempting to break into the market have

been given a chance to advertise their unique services and goods to a broader audience.

Businesses can receive feedback from customers quickly and simply thanks to social media. This

allows them to improve the areas that have been identified better to satisfy the tastes and

demands of their consumers and remain competitive in the market.

Technology has aided businesses in exploring new prospects by facilitating better research

and communication and lowering the expenses of running a firm. Orders are effectively fulfilled,

and manufacturing capacity is expanded as a result of technological advancements. The shift in

consumer preferences has produced new commercial opportunities. Recent trends and styles

meet consumers' tastes and preferences. It has caused people to spend more money, therefore

boosting the demand for the items. Entrepreneurs have benefited from changes in people's tastes

for different things and their willingness to adapt their choices to fit the current lifestyle. They

have taken advantage of these shifts, developing innovative and trendy goods that impact

customer purchasing habits. These goods are purchased by consumers to satisfy their preferences

and to keep up with current fashion trends. (Trends in the Business Environment and

Competition – Introduction to Business, 2018).

A list of the specific ways to integrate interdependent work units.


Sociologist James D. Thompson established three forms of interdependence in his 1967 book

"Organizations in Action," which described the intensity of interactions and behaviors inside an

organizational structure: asymmetric, symmetrical, and asymmetrical interdependence. The study

of interdependence helps business leaders understand how the success of one department or unit

within their organization is dependent on the performance of another department or division

within their company.

One of the ways of integrating interdependent work units is by communicating the

overarching objectives of the entire company. The advantage is that people will not lose sight of

the overall goal. In contrast, the cons are that People may get disorganized and operate more

slowly because the objective has been defined for a specific period. Another way for integrating

work units is by Organizing and coordinating departments that would create a cohesive and

functional team that works as a unit even when there is a division between workgroups.

However, a major drawback of this is that a mistake prevents or interferes with the performance

of other activities.

Evidence you have seen of the imperatives for change, flexibility, and responsiveness faced

by today’s organizations.

When you look at companies nowadays, you will notice that there are a lot of changes

because of the Internet's worldwide reach and the decreasing costs involved with innovation.

Major corporations are being forced to adjust to the assault of smaller firms that have succeeded

in developing products that can disrupt the business models of the more giant corporations. In

2003, it was impossible to travel throughout the United States without running across a Barnes &

Noble, a Borders, or a Books-a-Million shop. Nobody could have anticipated that an

entrepreneur would suddenly step in and establish a retail empire on the Internet, thereby wiping

out the physical and store book business. By chance, Amazon came to dominate the book

industry and a large portion of online commerce by first undercutting the book purchasing

experience and then pushing digital books forward with the Kindle. Still, the company was a

pioneer in several fields that have made the Internet profitable (Business & Cairo, 2011).

Regarding affiliate marketing and income sharing, we can credit Amazon because they

were the first to build technologies that allowed online website owners to monetize their sites by

driving consumers to the Amazon website. The rate of technological advancement and

innovation is rising dramatically; any firm that does not adapt to this new environment will be

attacked by a slew of new competitors eager to steal their customers from beneath their feet.

Another example would be IBM's belief that the personal computer was a passing trend. Rather

than capitalizing on an opportunity to revolutionize the industry potentially, IBM chose to ignore

the personal computer revolution and almost self-destructed under the weight of their


Skills will you need to work effectively in (a) a learning organization and (b) a high-

involvement organization.

“Many of the same business skills and aptitudes are required to operate well in these three

companies. A network organization is a group of separate, typically single-function companies

that collaborate on goods or services. They are flexible partnerships between designers,

suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers, allowing each business to focus on its

unique expertise,” (Armstrong & Foley, 2003). As shown in the chapter, a learning organization

may produce, acquire, and transmit information and change its behavior to reflect new insights

and understanding. This notion leads me to believe that to be successful in this environment, you

must be capable of solving problems, experimenting with new ideas, learning from your

mistakes and those of others, and distributing knowledge quickly and effectively. In a high-

involvement organization, top management is in agreement on the company's direction. To be

successful in this business, employees must provide prompt feedback. You must interact with all

levels of the industry since the firm depends on your insights for success.

Furthermore, an employee must be a decision-maker and informed about everyday operations

since success is contingent on a thorough grasp of the client, product, or service. Working in a

learning company requires you to be flexible, adaptable, and willing to learn new ways of doing

things to be productive. Some believe that it is critical to understand at a faster rate than the

competitors. Also, it is possible to thoroughly examine both triumphs and failures to draw

lessons and get a better understanding. To operate effectively in a high participation

organization, you must solicit feedback from the top management team and members of the

company's lower levels. It is also critical to provide participants with regular feedback on how

they are performing compared to the competition and how successfully they are fulfilling the

strategic objective.

I would want to work for the high-involvement organization out of the three. This company

is the best fit for my personality. Even though I would consider myself an outlier, I believe that

the freedom to make decisions and offer feedback would create an organization a wonderful

place to work. Additional knowledge and training are, without a doubt, the most excellent

approach to prepare for these scenarios. I believe that technical, communication, and decision-

making education and training to mention a few, would assist individuals better prepare to

perform in these diverse companies.



Armstrong, A., & Foley, P. (2003). Foundations for a learning organization: organization

learning mechanisms. The Learning Organization, 10(2), 74–82.

Business, E.-K., & Cairo, I. (2011). Cases on business and management in the MENA region:

new trends and opportunities. Business Science Reference.

Trends in the Business Environment and Competition – Introduction to Business. (2018,

September 18).


Wise, J. B. (2017). Leisure and Work: Interdependent Facets of Human Flourishing. Therapeutic

Recreation Journal, 51(1), 1–17.

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