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The Public Health

Traditional strategies to spread off illness include quarantine and isolation. Quarantine
applies to people have been exposed to a contagious disease, usually at the same time or by
the same method but who may or may not become ill. Quarantine can include curfews,
restriction on the ability of people to assemble in groups, the cancellation of public events, and
travel restriction, including the closure of mass transit system. In very cases, it can mean that
quarantine people to required to stay their homes until the quarantine is lifted. It is most likely
to involved limited numbers of exposed person in small areas, for example, people who have all
bean on an airplane or bus together, and were exposed to diseased or to some biological agent
that way. In order to be successful implementation of quarantine requires the trust and
cooperation of the public, as well as that authorities provide them with timely and accurate

The Public Health

A 1. Quarantine
E 2. Isolation
B 3. Exposed
D 4. Contagious
C 5. Curfew
H 6. Transit
F 7. Biological
G 8. Implemental

A. Required to remaine alone night

B. Unprotected
C. Specified time to be in at night
D. A germ that can be used as a weapon
E. To keep away from others as a precaution
F. Able to spread from person to person
G. The process of putting something into practice
H. Transportation

GENRE-member Me?

Choose the letter of the correct answer Answer will be written in their notebook.

C 1. All information in this genre is based on the known the facts.

A. Fiction
B. Non-fiction
C. Poetry
D. Fantasy

B 2. I am a story that takes place in a certain place and time in the past. Real historical figures
and settings may be included in my fiction story. What am I?
A. Realistic fiction
B. Historical fiction
C. Fable
D. Science fiction

D 3. Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. What are lines
above an example of?
A. Fiction
B. Non-fiction
C. Drama
D. Poetry
A 4. I am story that uses animals to teach a moral. I am passed down from generation to
generation. What am I?
A. Fable
B. Legend
C. Fairy tales
D. Myth

A 5. One day a wizard cast a mystical spell and turned a pricess into a frog. What genre does
this example represent?
A. Mysteral
B. Historical
C. Realistic fiction
D. Science fiction

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