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Hiệu lực: 07/01/2019

Khoa: Ngoại ngữ Kỳ thi: Cuối kỳ HK2/ 2020-2021 GT 1 GT 2 Mã số SV Số phách

Môn thi: Văn hóa Mỹ .................................... Mã môn: 001175 ........
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Môn thi: Văn hóa Mỹ ....................................................................Mã môn: 001175 ...............

Theme: The Government

Topic: American Culture for Democracy

The United States of America is a republic, with democratically elected representatives who deal with
the day-to-day workings of government. Government officials constantly make decisions about important
issues. As policymakers, they devise plans for addressing the nation's needs and for conducting relations with
other countries. The process for dealing with such domestic and foreign issues is called public policy.
Developing public policy is the government's way of meeting national goals, such as defending the country,
protecting the environment, and improving access to health care. In the U.S.A., the three branches of federal
government - executive, legislative, and judicial - play different, but interrelated, roles in making and
implementing public policy.

The chief executive officer of the US is that the president, who, in conjunction with the vice-chairman,
is electoral for a four-year term. The president will only serve two consecutive terms. additionally to the
proper to inherit the presidency, the sole constitutional obligation of the vice president is to function as the
speaker of the Senate; the vice president can select the Senate only in the event of a tie.

The facility of the president is powerful, however not while not limits. According to Williams (2008),
because the main call maker, the President usually proposes laws to Congress. The president can also veto
any bill that lapsed Congress. The veto may be upset by the common fraction of the votes of the Senate and
House of Representatives. because the leader of his political party, has access to the media at any time, and
therefore the president will simply influence opinion on the problems and legislation he considers vital. The
president has the facility to appoint federal judges, as well as members of the Supreme Court, once
vacancies occur. All such judicial appointments should be confirmed by the Senate.


At intervals the executive branch, the president has broad powers to issue rules and instructions
concerning the work of the many departments and agencies of the federal government. He is additionally
the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The president appoints the heads and high officials of the
manager branch; however, the overwhelming majority of federal staff are hand-picked through the
nonpolitical government officials system. Most government departments are headed by appointed
secretaries, who along type the cabinet of the president. Every appointment should be confirmed by a vote of
the Senate. Today, these fourteen departments are the State, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of
National Defense, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry
of Commerce, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health and Human Services, the Ministry of Housing and
concrete Development, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Education, the
Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Veterans Affairs.

In step with the Constitution, the President is especially chargeable for diplomatic relations with
different countries. The President appoints ambassadors and other officials, subject to approval by the
Senate, and works with the Secretary of State to formulate and manage the country’s foreign policy. The
president usually negotiates with different heads of state on behalf of the US abroad and negotiates treaties
with other countries through his officials. In accordance with Clenaghan and William (1987), the preceding
pact should be lapsed a common fraction vote of the Senate. The president additionally negotiates less
formal "administrative agreements" with other countries that aren't approved by the Senate.

The legislative branch is created from electoral representatives from all the states and is that the sole
branch that may build federal laws, levy federal taxes, declare war or place foreign treaties into effect. It
consists of a Congress that is divided into two groups, known as houses:

The House of Representatives contains lawmakers who serve biennial terms. Every House member
represents a part in his or her home state. The amount of districts in an exceeding state is decided by a
count of the population taken each ten years. the foremost heavily inhabited states have additional districts
and, therefore, more representatives than the little states, a number of that have solely one.

The Senate contains lawmakers who serve six-year terms. Every state, notwithstanding the
population, has 2 senators. That assures that the small states have an associate degree equal voice in one of
the Houses of Congress. The terms of the senators are staggered, so the only tierce of the Senate is elected


every two years. That assures that there are some toughened senators in Congress once each election. The
most duty of the Congress is to form laws, together with those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the
federal government.

A law begins as a proposal known as a "bill". It is read, studied in committees, commented on and
amended within the Senate or House chamber during which it had been introduced. it is then voted upon. If
it passes, it is sent to the opposite house wherever the same procedure occurs. Members of each house work
along in "conference committees" if the chambers have passed totally different versions of a similar bill.
Teams who try and persuade congressmen to vote for or against a bill are referred to as "lobbies." Once both
Houses of Congress pass a bill on which they agree, it is sent to the president for his signature. solely once it
is signed will the bill become a law.

The judicial branch is the only court specifically established by the Constitution and is directed by the
Supreme Court. In addition, Congress has established 11 federal appeals courts, with 91 dependent federal
district courts. Federal judges are appointed for life or by voluntary retirement and can only be removed
through impeachment and trial proceedings by Congress.

Federal courts have jurisdiction over cases arising from the Constitution, laws, and treaties of the
United States; maritime cases, matters involving foreign citizens or governments, and cases in which the
federal government itself is a party. Generally, federal courts do not hear cases that arise from the laws of
individual states.

There are eight associate justices and a chief justice in the Supreme Court. May and Ernest (1985)
have stated that with a few exceptions, all your cases will be submitted to the court on appeal in lower
federal or state courts. Most of these cases involve disputes over legal interpretation. In this capacity, the
most important function of the court is to determine whether the legislative or administrative action of
Congress violates the Constitution.

In conclution, most citizens view the United States as the freest society in the world because its
people have so many rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Supreme
Court, through its rulings, defines and clarifies the meanings of these documents. Court rulings also
determine how Americans can exercise their rights, whether or by how much the government can regulate or


limit those rights, and when the rights of one individual or group should be limited because they are
infringing upon the rights of someone else. Americans also have the right to amend the Constitution if they
disagree with a decision of the Supreme Court or if they think additional rights need to be extended to the
people. This interplay between Supreme Court rulings and the will of the American people shapes the
interpretation of the Constitution and its role in American democracy.

END. (1225 words)



1. Bowman, Ann O'M. and Richard C. Kearney, (1990), State & Local Government, Houghton Mifflin
Company, Boston.

2. Janda, Kenneth & Jeffrey M. Berry & Jerry Goldman, (1989), The Challenge of Democracy, Houghton
Mifflin Company, Boston.

3. May, Ernest , (1985), A Pround Nation, McDougal, Littell, Evanston.

4. M. Clenaghan, A. William, (1987), Magruder’s American Government, Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Newton.

5. Kirn, E., (1989), About the U.S.A., the Office of English Language Programs, Washington.

6. Tiersky, E. & Tiersky, M., (2001), the U.S.A. Customs and Institutions, Longman, New York.

7. Williams, J., (2008), Academic Encounters- American Studies, Cambridge University Press, New York.


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