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Ogsimer, Joaquin Tyson C.

Understanding the Self | DEN 214

August 30, 2021 | Activity 1

What Makes a Person Happy?

Happiness is defined as an emotional state stimulated by feelings of joy, satisfaction,
contentment, and fulfillment. It has many other definitions; however, it is often related to
the involvement of positive emotions and life satisfaction. Although there is an
excessive number of ways to be happy; having regular exercise, showing gratitude, and
finding a sense of purpose are key components to make you happy, or even improves
the state of a person’s happiness. This essay will explain the reasons to why the three
components mentioned can make a person happy.

Physical Exercise. Physical activities are stated to improve not just your physical
health, but your psychological health as well. Studies have also shown that frequent
exercise throughout the day is the reason for a person’s happiness. It is also one of the
best ways to cope up with stress. Exercise does not mean lifting weights or sprinting
daily, as little as walking more frequently, or everyday chores is a physical exercise.
Find an exercise that one can enjoy and do it on a scheduled basis can make one

Show Gratitude. Being grateful to yourself or others can impact your state of
happiness. Studies have shown that when a group of participants simply write things
what they are grateful for, it has shown an increase of positive emotions as compared to
those who were tasked to write about their daily hassles or neutral events. Showing
gratitude also led the group to exercise more and have fewer visits to a physician.

Find a Sense of Purpose. Aiming for your life goals and finding meaning in your daily
activities can help cope with your happiness. It involves finding a goal that you so
desperately want to achieve and that you are willing to put your time and effort to work
harder and reach that goal. This method can lead a person to a better well-being and
feeling more fulfilled.

Happiness is an emotion that every person has. However, it is also the same with
anger, sadness, disgust, and many others. It is us that encourage these emotions to
come out based on the experiences we live in. By doing so, exercising, being thankful,
and finding your true meaning in this world are essential ways we can encourage our
happiness to show. What are you waiting for? Start by finding your purpose.
Cherry, K. (2020, October 20). What is Happiness? Retrieved from verywellmind:

Hackney, T. (2018, April 9). Does Exercise Really Make You Happy?. Retrieved
from Athletico:

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