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Linear Model

I’m having a one-on-one bass tutorial with my music director last night in their
house. Their house is very open wherein we can hear ever sounds from near us;
videoke, motorcycle, the voice of the people from neighborhood and more. I can’t hear
clearly what does my music director is telling me because of very disturbing sounds
from the environment. We continue my tutorial in his room, doors are closed and there’s
no noise. Our conversations went well and I learn so much. I can consider our
communication as linear because we are having a face to face conversation wherein
the sender of the message is direct to the receiver.

Transactional Model

We enjoy having build group and discipleship meeting with our pastor in our
church. During the time he’s lecturing he also throws some questions to us while he was
sharing. We share our insights and our experiences about the topic he told us. We can
relate so much about his lecture in which the communication went very smooth. We
listen while he was speaking and he also gave us time to speak about our perceptions
and ideas. We exchange thoughts, feelings and insights. Everything went well, we learn
and inspired by each other’s stories in life.

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