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Heart Failure Reviews

Influence of exercise on oxidative stress in patients with heart failure

Sabrina Weiss Sties 1,2,3,4,5 & Leonardo Vidal Andreato 2,3,6 & Tales de Carvalho 2,3 & Ana Inês Gonzáles 2,3,7 &
Vitor Giatte Angarten 8 & Anderson Zampier Ulbrich 9 & Lourenço Sampaio de Mara 2,3 & Almir Schmitt Netto 1,2,3 &
Edson Luiz da Silva 10,11 & Alexandro Andrade 2,12

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Reactive oxygen species play an important role in the pathophysiology of heart failure (HF). In contrast, regular physical exercise
can promote adaptations to reactive oxygen species that are beneficial for patients with HF. We completed a systematic review of
randomized controlled trials that evaluate the influence of exercise on oxidative stress in patients with HF. Articles were searched
in the PubMed, Cochrane, SciELO, and LILACS databases. The search was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the
Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale. We selected 12 studies with a total of 353 participants. The included patients had a left
ventricle ejection fraction of < 52% and New York Heart Association functional class II or III disease. A significant increase was
observed in peak oxygen consumption (between 10 and 46%) in the group that underwent training (TG). There was an
improvement in the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscles in the TG, related to the positive activity of mitochondrial cytochrome
c oxidase (between 27 and 41%). An increase in the expression of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase (41%), catalase (between
14 and 42%), and superoxide dismutase (74.5%), and a decrease in lipid peroxidation (between 28.8 and 58.5%) were observed
in the TG. Physical training positively influenced the cardiorespiratory capacity and enhanced the benefits of oxidant and
antioxidant biomarkers in patients with HF. High-intensity training promoted a 15% increase in the plasma total antioxidant
capacity, whereas moderate training had no effect.

Keywords Cardiovascular disease . Physical fitness . Antioxidants . Exercise

Background patients. HF is characterized by dyspnea, fatigue, and exercise

intolerance due to decreased cardiac output, skeletal muscle
Heart failure (HF) is the common final pathway of various heart myopathy, and endothelial dysfunction [1]. Inflammatory re-
diseases and has a significant impact on the prognosis of sponses and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)

* Sabrina Weiss Sties 6

Departamento de Educação Física, Centro Universitáriode Maringá (UNICESUMAR), Maringá, PR, Brazil
Departamento de Fisioterapia, Centro Universitário Estáciode Santa
Faculdade Avantis, Departamento de Fisioterapia, Balneário Catarina (ESTÁCIO), Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Camboriú, SC, Brazil 8
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Lisbon, Portugal
2 9
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Universidade Federal do Paraná, (UFPR), Curitiba, SC, Brazil
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil 10
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC,
Núcleo de Cardiologia e Medicina do Exercício, Florianópolis, Brazil
SC, Brazil 11
Laboratório de Pesquisa em Lipídeos, Antioxidantes e Aterosclerose,
Centro de Ciências da Saúde e do Esporte – CEFID/UDESC, Rua Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Pascoal Simone, 358 – Coqueiros, Florianópolis, SC 88080-350, 12
Brazil Laboratório de Psicologia do Esporte e do Exercício (LAPE),
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Cardiology and Exercise Medicine Center – bloco C,
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Heart Fail Rev

are modulated by deteriorating heart function. Moreover, low Objectives

cardiac output or sympathetic vasoconstriction causes tissue
hypoxia and may also trigger an increase in the production of The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of
free radicals [2]. exercise on oxidative stress in patients with HF, using a sys-
ROS are chemically active and formed as a by- tematic review of randomized clinical trials.
product of oxygen metabolism, reacting directly with
proteins, membrane lipids, and nucleic acids, impairing
cellular function, and causing death by apoptosis and Methods
necrosis. Additionally, chronic release of ROS and per-
sistent inflammation can contribute to cardiac hypertro- This systematic review was performed according to the
phy, while collagen deposition, fibrosis, and metallopro- PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
teinase activation are associated with progression of Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines [13] and registered
end-stage heart failure [3]. in the PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of
ROS can function as signaling molecules to trigger Systematic Reviews) database (no. CRD42016042287).
proinflammatory cytokine production. Potential sources
of ROS in myocardial cells include xanthine oxidase,
NADPH oxidase, lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase, nitric Search strategy
oxide synthase, the mitochondrial respiratory chain, per-
oxidase, and other hemoproteins. On the other hand, An electronic literature search was performed using the
cell defense systems can generate increases in enzymes PubMed, Cochrane, SciELO, and LILACS databases up to
such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), January 29, 2017, but without restriction of the initial date.
and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) [3–6]. The search strategy used a combination of keywords referring
Physical training enhances cardiorespiratory capacity con- to population (heart failure OR cardiac failure OR congestive
comitant with the improvement of endothelial function [4]. heart failure) AND intervention (exercise OR aerobic exercise
The process that leads to the improvement of endothelial func- OR physical exercise) AND outcome (oxidative stress OR
tion is not fully elucidated; however, it seems to be related to antioxidant response elements OR antioxidants OR antioxi-
the attenuation of oxidative stress secondary to the balance of dant effect), and was not limited by language. A manual
reactive oxygen species (ROS) that may influence the bio- search of the references of the included articles was also
availability of nitric oxide (NO), an important vasodilator performed.
[7]. Accordingly, investigations about the mechanisms of
ROS generation and exercise-induced adaptations to ROS Eligibility criteria
[1, 8], as well as the role of these species in the pathophysio-
logical process of HF [9, 10], have considerably increased in The study only included randomized clinical trials, available
recent decades. in full texts, that considered intervention through physical
Inflammation and oxidative stress are involved in a self- training (without restriction of exercise modality) and evalu-
perpetuating cycle. Acute exercise is proinflammatory and ated oxidative or antioxidative biomarkers as endpoints in
enhances oxidative stress [11] by contracting skeletal muscle subjects of both sexes, with a diagnosis of ischemic heart
and generating ROS. ROS can oxidize extracellular molecules failure, hypertensive or idiopathic etiology, and New York
and increase oxidative stress markers in other tissues and in Heart Association functional class I, II, or III according to a
the circulation. There are many potential cell types in muscle decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction. Age range was
tissue (e.g., skeletal muscle fibers, various vascular cells, en- not restricted. Only interventions with ≥ 3 weeks of follow-up
dothelial cells, blood cells) that may contribute to ROS gen- were considered.
eration [12]. Nevertheless, exercise can stimulate chronic ad- The following exclusion criteria were used: (1) non-
aptation, with a decrease in both inflammatory response and original study (e.g., case studies, letters to the editor, summary
oxidative stress by increasing the antioxidant level. These publication, guidelines, recommendations, review articles,
exercise-mediated responses seem to be dependent on several and editorials); (2) studies in which all participants had other
factors, such as exercise intensity, duration, and the muscle pathology or disease (e.g., renal disease, liver disease, respi-
mass involved [11]. ratory disease), other than comorbidities usually present in
However, systematic review articles that evaluate the influ- patients with heart failure (e.g., systemic arterial hypertension
ence of physical training on the oxidative and antioxidative and coronary artery disease); and (3) drug treatment using
biomarkers of patients with HF are lacking. In addition, there supplements (e.g., nitric oxide, L-arginine, L-carnosine) or ex-
is a disagreement about the role of physical exercise in reduc- perimental agents (e.g., testing of new drugs), other than drugs
ing oxidative stress in patients with HF. typically used in treatment.
Heart Fail Rev

Result of literature search

Study selection and data extraction Cochrane Library (n = 11), PubMed (n = 63),
SciELO (n = 1), LILACS (n = 7),
Manual search (n = 5)
The first phase in this process was the exclusion of studies (N = 87)
based on the title. This phase determined whether the title
clearly reported the presence of exclusion criteria (e.g., words Articles excluded by duplicity
(n = 9)
indicating associated diseases, use of experimental supple-
ments or drugs). The abstracts were also examined to deter-
Potentially relevant articles
mine the presence of preestablished exclusion criteria. The (n = 78)
analysis of titles and abstracts was not intended to include
studies, but only to delete searches based on the exclusion Articles excluded by title (n = 47)

40 Drug treatment included
criteria previously adopted. 3 Other comorbidities included
The remaining articles were selected for evaluation of the 4 Other diseases included
full text. At this stage, the researchers determined whether the
articles met the inclusion criteria or had any of the exclusion Potentially relevant articles
(n = 31)
criteria. At all stages of study selection, two independent re-
searchers evaluated study eligibility. In case of a difference of
Articles excluded by abstract (n = 15)
opinion, a third evaluator determined eligibility. 15 No relevant outcome measures
Data extraction was then performed by one researcher and

confirmed by a second. Disagreements were solved by Full articles evaluated
(n = 16)
Articles excluded by full text (n = 4)
Publication bias assessment 4 Non-randomized

Randomized controlled trials were classified according to Articles included

(n = 12)
the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale [14],
which is based on the Delphi list of criteria for quality Fig. 1 Flow diagram of the literature search
assessment of randomized clinical trials when conducting
systematic reviews. The PEDro scale includes 11 parame- Evaluation of methodological quality
ters that evaluate methodological quality (internal validity
and statistical information). Except for the first, each pos- The studies were scored based on the complete reading of the
itively answered parameter is assigned 1 point for the over- articles and consensus between two reviewers (Table 1). Three
all rating (0 to 10 points). Studies with values of 7 to 10 are studies were considered of high quality [19–21, 23].
considered of high quality. Those that include parameters
2–9 have internal validity, and articles that contain enough Characteristics of the studies
statistical information so that their results can be
interpreted represent parameters 10–11. It should be noted Table 2 shows the characteristics of the population and the
that the PEDro scale score was not used as an exclusion protocols used in the included articles. In total, 353 subjects
criterion, but rather as an indicator of the scientific evi- of both sexes were included and 207 were subjected to the
dence in the included studies. intervention. The sample size of these groups varied between
9 and 18 persons, with a mean age of between 50 and 76 years
and mean left ventricular ejection fraction of 26–52%. The
Results patients presented with HF of New York Heart Association
functional class II and III. Only one study [20] did not use a
Description of studies control (healthy) group, and two studies [7, 23] used only
healthy persons for comparison. The studies were published
The different phases of research and selection of studies between 1995 and 2015.
are shown in Fig. 1. A total of 82 studies were identified Cardiopulmonary tests were performed on bicycles [5,
from the electronic databases. Subsequently, five articles 15–18, 20, 21, 23] or treadmills [6, 7, 19, 22] for the prescrip-
were added through a manual search, and duplicate articles tion of the target area for training and for the evaluation of
and those with ineligible titles were excluded. Summaries cardiorespiratory fitness. The tests were conducted progres-
of potentially relevant studies were evaluated. For the sys- sively, with a 25-W increase every 3 min [5, 15–18, 21] or a
tematic review, 12 studies that met the eligibility criteria 10-W increase every 2 min [23]. The modified Bruce [6, 7, 22]
were selected. and ramp protocols [19, 20] were also used.
Table 1 Classification of the methodological quality of the articles according to the PEDro scale

Criteria Hambrecht Hambrecht Gielen et al. Gielen et al. Niebauer Linke et al. Wisloff et al. Laurent et al. Erbs et al. Tsarouhas Meirelles Aksoy et al.
et al. (1995) et al. (1997) (2003) [17] (2005) [18] et al. (2005) (2005) [5] (2007) [19] (2009) [20] (2010) [21] et al. (2011) et al. (2014) (2015) [23]
[15] [16] [7] [22] [6]

Eligibility criteria Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
were specified
Subjects were Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
randomly allocated
to groups
Allocation was No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
The groups were Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
similar at baseline
There was blinding of No No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes
all subjects
There was blinding of No No No No No No No No No No No No
all therapists
There was blinding of No No No No No No No No No No No No
all assessors
Appropriate monitoring Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Intent to treat Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Yes
Comparison between Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Point and variability Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Total 6/10 6/10 5/10 5/10 5/10 5/10 7/10 6/10 7/10 5/10 6/10 8/10

PEDro Physiotherapy Evidence Database

Heart Fail Rev
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Table 2 Characteristics of the studies

Author (year) Sample Subjects Male sex Age (years) LVEF (%) Functional Follow-up (weeks) Training intervention
total class
N N N MD/SD MD/SD (NYHA) Frequency Duration Intensity
(weekly) (min)

Hambrecht et al. (1995) [15] 22 TG: 12 22 TG: 50 ± 12 TG: 26 ± 9 II, III 24 7 UT: 80 70% VO2max
CG: 10 CG: 52 ± 8 CG: 27 ± 10 ST: 60
Hambrecht et al. (1997) [16] 18 TG: 9 18 TG: 50 ± 12 TG: 26 ± 10 II, III 24 7 UT: 80 70% HRmax
CG: 9 CG: 52 ± 8 CG: 28 ± 10 ST: 60
Gielen et al. (2003) [17] 30 TG: 10 20 TG: 55 ± 2 TG: 26.1 ± 3 II, III 24 7 UT: 20 70% VO2 max
CG: 10 CG: 53 ± 3 CG: 24.7 ± 2 ST: 60
HG: 10 HG: 50 ± 3 HG: 72.7 ± 1
Gielen et al. (2005) [18] 20 TG: 10 20 TG: 55 ± 2 (SE) TG: 25 (SE) II, III 24 7 UT: 20 70% VO2peak
CG: 10 CG: 53 ± 3 (SE) ST: 60
Niebauer et al. (2005) [7] 27 TG: 18 27 TG: 53.69 ± 9 NR 2.2 ± 0.7 (MD/SD) 8 5 20 70–80% HRmax
HG: 9 HG: 51.3 ± 7
Linke et al. (2005) [5] 35 TG: 12 NR TG: 55 ± 2 TG: 26 ± 3 II, III 24 7 UT: 20 70% VO2peak
CG: 11 CG: 52 ± 3 CG: 27 ± 3 ST: 60
HG: 12 HG: 56 ± 4
Wisloff et al. (2007) [19] 27 MCTG: 9 20 MCTG: 74.4 ± 12 MCTG: 32.8 ± 5 NR 12 3 MCTG: 47 MCTG: 70% HRpeak
HIITG: 9 HIITG: 76.5 ± 9 HIITG: 28 ± 7 HIITG: 38 HIITG: 95% HRpeak
CG: 9 CG: 75.5 ± 13 CG: 26.2 ± 8
Laurent et al. (2009) [20] 24 CTG: 12 24 CTG: 55 ± 4 CTG: 28.9 ± 7 NR 3 5 80 60–70% HRR
CBTG: 12 CBTG: 53 ± 4 CBTG: 30.2 ± 7
Erbs et al. (2010) [21] 37 TG: 17 37 TG: 60 ± 11 TG: 24 ± 5 IIIb 12 7 UT: 20–30 60% VO2max
CG: 17 CG: 62 ± 10 CG: 25 ± 4 ST: 60
Tsarouhas et al. (2011) [22] 38 TG: 18 28 TG: 63.7 ± 12 TG: 31.3 ± 3 II, III 12 5 40 60% HRmax
CG: 10 CG: 65.0 ± 8.6 CG: 31.9 ± 3
HG: 10 HG: 60.8 ± 11
Meirelles et al. (2014) [6] 30 TG: 15 14 TG: 54 ± 3 TG: 31.2 ± 2 II, III 24 3 90 HR 5–15% ↑ VT
CG: 15 CG: 55 ± 2 CG: 31.7 ± 2
Aksoy et al. (2015) [23] 45 MITG: 15 39 MITG: 63.7 ± 88 MITG: 50.33 ± 7 II, III 10 3 35 75% VO2peak
MCTG: 15 CG: 15 MCTG: 59.6 ± 7 MCTG: 52 ± 5
GC: 57.5 ± 11.2 CG: 51.67 ± 6

LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA, New York Heart Association; N, absolute number; MD, mean difference; SE, standard error mean; SD, standard deviation; CG, control group; HG, healthy
group; TG, training group; MITG, moderate interval training group; CTG, conventional training group; CBTG, combined training group; HIITG, high-intensity interval training group; MCTG, moderate
continuous training group; ST, supervised training; UT, unsupervised training; VO2max, maximum oxygen consumption; HRmax, maximum heart rate; VO2peak, peak oxygen consumption; HR, heart rate;
HRR, heart rate reserve; NR, not reported; VT, ventilatory threshold; ↑, over
Heart Fail Rev

To evaluate the oxidative and antioxidative biomarkers, in plasma (15%), which was accompanied by a decrease in
biopsy of the middle part of the vastus lateralis muscle [5, oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (9%) [19].
15–18] or venous blood test [6, 7, 19–23] was performed. In the group that underwent combined training, nitrate
The intervention time varied between 3 and 24 weeks, and the levels increased whereas nitrite levels did not change [20].
weekly frequency varied between 3 and 7 days. A large variation Lipid peroxidation decreased (between 28.8 and 58.5%) in
was also observed in the duration of training (20–90 min). the TG in two studies [6, 21]; however, in another study, no
Patients who underwent unsupervised training were encouraged difference was observed in this outcome [22]. The TG showed
to participate in one to two 60-min supervised training sessions. decreased activity of NOS and protein carbonylation (60%).
Only one study [19] used high-intensity training and SOD enzyme levels increased 74.5% and catalase levels in-
moderate-intensity training, and the others used moderate- creased 14%. However, the levels of cyclic guanosine
intensity training [5–7, 15–18, 20–23]. The protocols included monophosphate did not show any difference [6].
treadmill and bicycle exercises, walking, gymnastics, water
aerobics, resistance exercises, and noncompetitive games.
Cardiorespiratory capacity
The results of this systematic review demonstrated that phys-
The outcomes of selected articles are shown in Table 3. In ical training protocols lasting 3–24 weeks improve cardiore-
most studies, a significant improvement in cardiorespiratory spiratory capacity. Improvement in these parameters promotes
capacity was observed in groups that underwent training (TG) cardiac rehabilitation and reduces both cardiac and all-cause
[6, 7, 15, 17–21], and the increase in maximum oxygen con- deaths among patients with established cardiovascular dis-
sumption (VO2max) ranged from 16 to 32% and peak oxygen ease. Moreover, physical activity can control risk factors and
consumption (VO2peak) ranged from 1 to 46%. Only one study mitigate the severity of heart failure [24].
found no difference in this variable [23]. Increment of VO2 can promote benefits related to oxidant
and antioxidant biomarkers in patients with HF of functional
Oxidative capacity class II and III. Both moderate-intensity and high-intensity ex-
ercises may contribute to the attenuation of oxidative stress.
In studies that measured the oxidative capacity of skeletal Although high-intensity training is related to excessive ROS
muscles, there was an improvement in the TG in the total production, morphofunctional and metabolic adjustments in-
volume density of mitochondria—TVVM (19%), surface den- duced by high-intensity exercise were found to be more impor-
sity of the mitochondrial inner border membrane—SVMIMB tant than the benefits of moderate-intensity exercise [19]. Acute
(92%), surface density of mitochondrial cristae—SVMC responses to 30 min of moderate-intensity physical exercise
(43%), and surface density of cytochrome c oxidase-positive initially induced oxidative stress and inflammation. An anti-
mitochondria—SVMOCOX+ (between 27 and 41%) [12, 13, inflammatory response and activation of the antioxidant defense
15]. The intervention promoted an increase in the expression system was observed 1 h after exercise. Therefore, decreased
of antioxidative enzymes such as GSH-PX (41%) and CAT exercise load on the immune system and redox balance lead to
(42%); however, there was no change in SOD expression [5]. adaptive responses that result in decreased severity [11].
The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) Recent results have shown that ROS do not merely repre-
mRNA and the iNOS protein concentration (52 and 35%, sent random disruptors of cellular structures. At certain levels,
respectively) [17], as well as the nitrotyrosine level (between ROS can be beneficial to cells, actively participating in path-
35 and 38%) [5, 17] and lipid peroxidation (57%) [5] de- ways that regulate cell growth, differentiation, and prolifera-
creased in patients who performed exercise. tion [25]. The myopathy observed in patients with HF not only
Other studies evaluated the markers by collecting blood is limited to the myocardium but also is involved in the skeletal
samples. Hypoxanthine concentration decreased (47.6%) musculature. In this context, mitochondria are the main source
after the training protocol, whereas the levels of xanthine, of ROS and the sites where oxygen (O2) is reduced [26].
L-arginine, symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) [7], and In this process, the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase plays an
asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) [7, 22] were un- important role; it controls the generation of free radicals,
changed. One study [7] found no difference in the NO level preventing their excess production [27]. Hence, evaluation
after training. On the other hand, another study [23] report- of the benefits of exercise in the mitochondrial ultrastructure
ed a decrease (14.6%) in this score in subjects who per- in skeletal muscles is relevant. In patients with HF, physical
formed moderate continuous exercise. It was reported that training promoted improvements related to the TVVM,
moderate-intensity training did not modify the total antiox- SVMIBM, SVMC, and SVMOCOX+ [15, 16, 18]. These find-
idant capacity in plasma [22]; however, high-intensity ings indicate, in part, the changes occurring in the genesis of
training was able to increase the total antioxidant capacity exercise intolerance in patients with HF and indicate that
Heart Fail Rev

Table 3 Results of the studies included in the review

Author (year) Variable Training Health Control

Group Result Group Result Group Result

Hambrecht et al. (1995) [15] VO2 VT (L/min) TG ↑ †† – – CG NS

VVMCOX+ (vol%) TG ↑§§
– – CG NS
VVMCOX− (vol%) TG NS – – CG NS
TVVM (vol%) TG ↑ §§ – – CG NS
Hambrecht et al. (1997) [16] SVMOCOX+ (vol%) TG ↑§§ – – CG NS
SVMC (m2/cm3) TG ↑ §§ – – CG NS
SVMIBM (m2/cm3) TG ↑§§ – – CG NS
VVM (vol%) TG ↑§§ – – CG NS
Gielen et al. (2003) [17] VO2peak (mL kg−1 min−1) TG ↑** HG NS CG NS
Local iNOS expression mRNA (relative U) TG ↓§,†† HG ↑† CG NS
Local iNOS protein concentration (%PTA) TG ↓§,§§ HG ↓§ CG NS
Local nitrotyrosine concentration (%PTA) TG ↓§,§§ HG ↑§ CG NS
Gielen et al. (2005) [18] VO2 peak (mL kg−1 min−1) TG ↑** – – CG NS
Local iNOS expression (relative U) TG ↓§,†† – – CG NR
Local iNOS protein concentration (% PTA) TG ↓ §,†† – – CG NS
Nitrotyrosine (%PTA) TG ↓§,§§ – – CG NR
COX activity (nmol O2 mg−1 min−1) TG ↑§,†† – – CG NS
COX protein TG NS – – CG NS
Niebauer et al. (2005) [7] VO2peak (mL kg−1 min−1) TG ↑† HG NS – –
Hypoxanthine (μmol/L) TG ↓† HG NS – –
Xanthine (μmol/L) TG NS HG NS – –
NO (μmol/L) TG NS HG NS – –
L-Arginine (μmol/L) TG NS HG NS – –
SDMA (μmol/L) TG NS HG NS – –
ADMA (μmol/L) TG NS HG NS – –
Linke et al. (2005) [5] Nitrotyrosine (%) TG ↓§ HG NS CG NS
SOD total activity (U/mg) TG NS HG NS CG NS
Catalase activity (U/mg) TG ↑§, §§ HG NS CG ↓§§§
SOD activity (mU/mg) TG ↑§,§§ HG NS CG ↓§§§
Lipid peroxidation (μmol/mg) TG ↓§ HG NS CG ↑§§§
Wisloff et al. (2007) [19] VO2peak (mL kg−1 min−1) MCTG ↑† – – CG NS
Total antioxidant activity (mM) MCTG NS – – GC NS
Oxidized LDL (U/L) MCTG NS – – CG NS
VO2peak (mL kg−1 min−1) HIITG ↑†,†† – – CG NS
Total antioxidant activity (mM) HIITG ↑§ – – GC NS
Oxidized LDL (U/L) HIITG ↓† – – CG NS
Laurent et al. (2009) [20] VO2peak (mL kg−1 min−1) CTG ↑§ – – – –
Nitrate (μmol/L) CTG NS – – – –
Nitrite (μmol/L) CTG NS – – – –
VO2peak (mL kg−1 min−1) CBTG ↑§ – – – –
Nitrate (μmol/L) CBTG ↑§ – – – –
Nitrite (μmol/L) CBTG NS – – – –
Erbs et al. (2010) [21] VO2max (mL min−1 kg−1) TG ↑** – – CG NS
Lipid peroxidation (pg/mL) TG ↓** – – CG NS
Tsarouhas et al. (2011) [22] Test time (s) TG NS HG NE CG NA
Total antioxidant activity (mmol/L) TG NS HG NA CG NA
Heart Fail Rev

Table 3 (continued)

Author (year) Variable Training Health Control

Group Result Group Result Group Result

Meirelles et al. (2014) [6] VO2max (mL kg−1 min−1) TG ↑†,§ – – CG NS
Nitric oxide synthase activity (pmol/108 cells) TG ↓§ – – CG NS
cGMP levels (pmol/108 cells) TG NS – – CG NS
Protein carbonylation (nmol/mg protein) TG ↓§ – – CG NS
SOD (U/mg protein) TG ↑§ – – CG NS
Catalase (U/mg protein) TG ↑§ – – CG NS
TBARS (nmol MDA/mg protein) TG ↓§ – – CG NS
Aksoy et al. (2015) [23] VO2peak (mL kg−1 min−1) MCTG NS – – CG ↓§
NO levels (ng/mL) MCTG ↓§ – – CG ↓§
VO2peak (mL kg−1 min−1) MITG NS – – CG ↓§
NO levels (ng/mL) MITG NS – – CG ↓§

NE, note evaluated; NR, not reported; NS, not significant; SMB, skeletal muscle biopsy; BC, blood collection; CG, control group; HG, healthy group; TG,
training group; MITG, moderate interval training group; CTG, conventional training group; CBTG, combined training group; HIITG, high-intensity
interval training group; MCTG, moderate continuous training group; VO2max, maximum oxygen consumption; VO2peak, peak oxygen consumption; VT,
ventilatory threshold; VVMCOX+, volume density of cytochrome c oxidase-positive mitochondria; VVMCOX−, volume density of cytochrome c oxidase-
negative mitochondria; TVVM, total volume density of mitochondria; VVM, volume density of mitochondria; SVMOCOX+, surface density of cytochrome
c oxidase-positive mitochondria; SVMC, surface density of mitochondrial cristae; SVMIBM, surface density of the mitochondrial inner border membrane;
FVW, Fator de von Willebrand; PTA, positive tissue area; mRNA, messenger ribonucleic acid; COX, cytochrome c oxidase; TBARS, thiobarbituric acid
reactive substances; GSH-PX, glutathione peroxidase; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; NO, nitric oxide; ADMA, asymmetric dimethylarginine;
SDMA, symmetric dimethylarginine; cGMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate; ↑, over
*Significantly different from baseline, P ≤ 0.001
**Significantly different from control, P ≤ 0.001

Significantly different from baseline, P ≤ 0.01
Significantly different from control, P ≤ 0.01
Significantly different from baseline, P ≤ 0.05
Significantly different from control, P ≤ 0.05
Significantly different from the healthy group, P ≤ 0.05

chronic exercise can correct these changes [16]. The increase Moreover, according to results of the present review, mod-
in aerobic activity may have contributed to the improvement erate exercise was not able to promote increased plasma anti-
of the oxidative capacity of the skeletal musculature, as they oxidant activity in patients with HF [7, 22]. This may be
are closely related [28]. explained, in part, by the finding that other markers, such as
ROS play a role in the regulation of NO, one of the most L-arginine, ADMA, and SDMA, did not show changes. These
relevant factors in the control of vascular function in endothe- markers may have an influence on antioxidant activity, as
lial cells. NO is considered essential for vascular homeostasis ADMA and SDMA are structurally related to L-arginine,
and has been studied because of its role in the prevention of which is a key substrate in numerous metabolic and signaling
cardiovascular diseases [29]. pathways [30, 31]. The current results seem to suggest that
From the molecular point of view, one study [19] reported SDMA inhibits the cellular and renal uptake of L-arginine.
that high-intensity training seems to have a superior effect on However, it also potentially leads to a decrease in the avail-
the improvement of endothelial function compared with mod- ability of NO [32].
erate exercise. This may be due to the increased bioavailability When stimulated by cytokines and/or endotoxins, iNOS can
of NO owing to the increased antioxidant capacity in plasma be expressed in various cell types as infiltrates of inflammatory
and reduction of oxidized LDL. High-intensity exercise in- cells, endothelial cells, and cardiac myocytes [33]. This iso-
creased antioxidative status through a decrease in the level form, once synthesized, releases large amounts of NO, which
of ROS and higher NO production, according to the theory continues indefinitely until L-arginine or the cofactors required
that higher shear stress during intense exercise triggers greater for its synthesis are depleted, or until cell death occurs [34]. In
responses at the cellular and molecular level [19]. the studies selected for this review, the expression of the iNOS
Heart Fail Rev

mRNA in skeletal muscle and the concentration of iNOS pro- Conclusions

tein decreased in patients who performed exercise [17], and
were correlated with a significant decrease in the level of local Physical training positively influences cardiorespiratory ca-
nitrotyrosine [5, 17]. These results are relevant because pacity and may promote benefits related to oxidant and anti-
nitrotyrosine is associated with the process of atherosclerosis oxidant biomarkers in patients with HF of functional class II
[29] and, consequently, with mortality in these patients. and III.
However, if there is no balance between the generation According to the results of the studies published to date,
of ROS and the effectiveness of the antioxidant mecha- moderate exercise increases the levels of antioxidant enzymes
nisms, oxidative tissue damage may occur during aerobic such as catalase, SOD, and GSH-PX, decreases lipid peroxi-
metabolism [28]. During tissue ischemia, adenosine tri- dation, and increases oxidative capacity in skeletal muscles.
phosphate (ATP) is converted to adenosine diphosphate However, as reported in the only study that used high-
(ADP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to provide intensity exercise, solely this type of training was able to in-
energy for muscle contraction. When the breakdown of crease the total plasma antioxidant activity.
ATP exceeds its resynthesis, the accumulation of ADP Moreover, the expression of the iNOS mRNA and the con-
and AMP activates the purine nucleotide cycle, producing centration of iNOS protein decreased after exercise training and
ADP, AMP, hypoxanthine, and, in some tissues, xanthine were correlated with a decrease in the level of nitrotyrosine.
and uric acid [35]. However, hypoxanthine concentrations
can be reduced by physical training in patients with HF,
as this marker is related to oxygen consumption [7]. Implications for practice
Temporary interruptions of calcium-dependent ATP
pumps lead to increased intracellular calcium concentra- This systematic review demonstrates that physical exercise
tions, which, during exercise, can activate the xanthine training improves cardiorespiratory capacity, which may pro-
oxidase pathway [28]. Xanthine oxidase is formed from mote benefits related to ROS biomarkers in patients with HF
xanthine dehydrogenase under conditions of hypoxia and of functional class II and III. These improvements are impor-
hyperoxia [36, 37]. The conversion of hypoxanthine and tant in patients with HF to attenuate their cardiovascular and
xanthine to uric acid occurs via the oxidase enzyme, with musculoskeletal limitations. The balance of ROS achieved
molecular oxygen as a cofactor [28]. This process results through exercise training may prevent exercise intolerance
in the production of peroxide and hydrogen superoxide. contributing to vascular homeostasis, and improve endothelial
However, the superoxide radical can be eliminated by the function.
enzyme SOD, which catalyzes the dismutation of two
molecules of superoxide in oxygen (O2) and hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2). If the superoxide radical is not eliminat- Implications for research
ed by the antioxidant enzymes GSH-PX and CAT, it can
generate the hydroxyl radical, leading to damages such as There is a need for new randomized clinical trials with a more
lipid peroxidation [26]. In this process, physical training desirable design, larger sample size, and more homogeneous
may interfere with the reduction of lipid peroxidation [6, sample in terms of HF etiology, comorbidities, sex, and age.
21] in patients with HF, besides increasing the expression Factors such as type, frequency, duration, and intensity of
of the antioxidant enzymes GSH-PX, CAT, and SOD [5, exercise need to be similarly evaluated in subsequent studies
6, 8]. as a method for evaluating biomarkers. Some studies did not
Physical training is the mainstay of interventions for health present clear information about allocation concealment or
promotion and maintenance in patients with HF. Molecular blinding of all subjects, therapists, or assessors. Moreover,
biology has helped elucidate the deficits in exercise capacity some studies did not add a control group without intervention,
in patients with HF, the beneficial effects of physical training, which could have avoided bias and improved the methodo-
and the progression and modulation of disease in the cardio- logical quality of the studies.
vascular and musculoskeletal systems. The vascular system is In addition, high-intensity training protocols should be in-
significantly impaired in patients with HF. During the last vestigated further to elucidate the benefits in terms of training
decades, several studies that used exercise as a therapeutic response and long-term health, verifying aspects such as ad-
intervention have found beneficial effects on the vascular sys- herence, adverse events, and protocol time to achieve ROS
tem [4]. balance.
The present review suggests that in patients with HF, phys- All these relevant outcomes and procedures must be report-
ical training plays an important role in systemic and muscular ed in future research to provide evidence for the effects of
metabolism, both in the homeostasis of and adaptive response physical training on oxidative stress as a preventive and ther-
to ROS induced by exercise. apeutic intervention for HF.
Heart Fail Rev

Acknowledgments To the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level failure: effects on cardiorespiratory fitness and ultrastructural abnor-
Personnel – CAPES. malities of leg muscles. J Am Coll Cardiol 25(6):1239–1249
16. Hambrecht R, Fiehn E, Yu J, Niebauer J, Weigl C, Hilbrich L et al
(1997) Effects of endurance training on mitochondrial ultrastructure
Compliance with ethical standards and fiber type distribution in skeletal muscle of patients with stable
chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 29(5):1067–1073
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of 17. Gielen S, Adams V, Möbius-Winkler S, Linke A, Erbs S, Yu J et al
interest. (2003) Anti-inflammatory effects of exercise training in the skeletal
muscle of patients with chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol
18. Gielen S, Adams V, Linke A, Erbs S, Möbius-Winkler S, Schubert
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