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‫وزارت تحصیالت عالی‬

‫پوهنتون جامی‬
‫پوهنحئی (انجینیری)‬
‫دیپارتمنت (سیول)‬

‫• مضمون‪ :‬انجینیری آبیاری (‪)Irrigation Engineering‬‬

‫• استاد‪ :‬پوهنمل محمدنور شیدا‬
‫• سمستر‪ :‬هفتم‬
‫• فصل‪ :‬چهارم‬
‫• تعداد کریدت‪3:‬‬
‫• سمستر‪ :‬بهار ‪1399‬‬

‫کمیته آموزش الکترونیک‬ ‫‪1‬‬

Jami University
Faculty of Engineering
Civil Department
Irrigation Engineering

Chapter Four
Canal Section

Lecture note Prepared By: Pohanmal. Mohammad Noor Shaida

Year : 1399/2020
The canal section may be in fully cutting or fully banking or partially cutting and
Pohanmal Mohammad Noor Shaida

partial banking according to the natural ground surface and permissible bed slope
of the canal. But there are several terms in the canal section with which a civil
engineer should be acquainted to design the section and to execute the work. The
following are the different terms related to the canal section:
1. Canal bank
2. Berm
3. Hydraulic gradient
4. Counter berm
5. Free board
6. Slide slope
7. Service road or inspection road
8. Dowel or dowla
9. Borrow pit
10. Spoil bank
11. Land with
 Berm is the horizontal distance left at ground level between the toe of the bank and
the top edge of cutting.

 The berm is provided in such a way that the bed line and the bank line remain
parallel. If s1: 1 is the slope in cutting and s2:1 in filling, then the initial berm width = (s2
– s1) d1.
The amount of freeboard depends upon the size of the
channel. The generally provided values of freeboard are given
in the table below:
 Service
roads are provided on canals for inspection purposes,
and may simultaneously serve as the means of communication in
remote areas. They are provided 0.4 m to 1.0 m above FSL,
depending upon the size of the channel.
Irrigation Engineering
Chapter Four
Section II
 Find the Balancing depth for a Canal Section having the following data.
 Base width of canal= 10 m
 Side Slope in Cutting= 1:1
 Side slope in Banking= 2:1
 Top width of bank= 3 m
Area of Banking= 2 x (15 + 3) x 3 = 54 sq. .m ………..(1)
Let d be the balance depth of cutting.
Area of cutting= 10 + 10 + 2d x d = ( 10 + d) d …………(2)
Equating the area of banking and cutting,
(10 + d) x d= 54
D2 + 10d – 54= 0
d= -10 ±√100 + 216 = -10 ± 17.8
2 2
d= -10 + 17.8 = 3.89 m (Neglecting –ve sign)
• Calculate the balancing depth for a channel section having a bed width equal
to 18 m and side slopes of 1:1 in cutting and 2:1 in filling. The bank embankments are
kept 3.0 m higher than the ground level (berm level) and crest width of banks is kept
as 2.0 m
Types of losses of water in canals

Loss of water
in canal

Seepage Loss

Percolation Absorption
Channel Losses
• During the Passage of water from the main Canal to the outlet at the head of the water
course, water may be lost either by evaporation from the surface or by seepage through
the peripheries of the channels, So in determining the designed channel capacity, a
provision for these water losses must be made.
(i) Evaporation
• The water lost by evaporation is generally very small a compared to the water lost by
seepage in certain channels. Evaporation losses are generally of the order of 2 to 3 % of
the total losses. They depend upon all those factors on which the evaporation depends,
such as temperature, wind velocity, humidity, etc. In summer season, these losses may be
more but seldom exceed 7 %.
Reducing Evaporation Through Innovation

Tapping solar power, avoiding Evaporation Losses

Channel Losses
Seepage: There may be two different condition of seepage, i.e. (i) Percolation, (ii)
(i) Percolation
• In Percolation, there exists a zone of continuous saturation from the canal to the water-table
and a direct flow is established. Almost all the water lost from the canal, joins the ground
water reservoir.
• The Losses of water depends upon the difference of top water surface level of the channel of
the water table.
(ii) Absorption
• In Absorption, a small saturation soil zone exists around the canal section and is
surrounded by zone of decreasing saturation. A certain zone just above the water table is
saturated by capillarity. Thus, there exists an unsaturated soil zone between the two
saturated zones.
• In this case, the rate of loss is independent of seepage head (H) but depends only on the
water head h plus the capillary head hc.
Seepage Losses
Canal lining to prevent seepage losses
Next Chapter

Drainage Canal Design

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