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EMG 2205/EME 2209 Fluid Mechanics I Lecture Notes DeKUT

For a two dimensional case, the pressure is given as

dp ∂p ∂p
= dx + dz.
ds ∂x ∂z

Therefore, pressure at a particular point can be found by integration:

dp ∂p ∂p
p= = dx + dz,
ds ∂x ∂z
p = (−ρax )dx + −ρ(g + az )dz + constant,

p = −ρ(xas cos φ + gz + zas sin φ) + constant.


1. A rectangular tank 1.2 m deep and 2 m long is used to convey water up a ramp in-
clined at an angle of 300 to the horizontal as shown in the figure below. Calculate the
inclination of the water surface to the horizontal when
a) the accelaretion parallel to the slope on starting from the bottom is 4 m s−2 ,
b) the deceleration parallel to the slope on reaching the top is 4.5 m s−2 .
If no water is to be spilt during the journey what is the greatest depth of water per-
missible in the tank when it is at rest?

2. Water is filled in a rectangular tank of 0.5 m high, 0.5 m wide and 0.8 m long to a
depth of 0.25 m. Determine the horizontal acceleration
a) which will cause water to just start to spill,
b) when half the water has spilled.

3. A tank containing 1.5 m height of water in it is accelerating downwards at 3.5 m/s2 .

Determine the pressure at the base of the tank above the atmospheric pressure. What
should be the acceleration if the pressure on the base to be atmospheric?

4 Forces on Submerged Surfaces

When a fluid is in contact with a surface is exerts a normal force (due to pressure) on the
surface. The walls of reservoirs, sluice gates, flood gates, oil and water tanks and the hulls of

EMG 2205/EME 2209 Fluid Mechanics I Lecture Notes DeKUT

ships are exposed to the forces exerted by fluids in contact with them. The fluids are generally
under static condition. For the design of such structures it is necessary to determine:

• the total force on them,

• the point of action of this force. The point of action of the total force is known as
centre of pressure or pressure centre.

Consider force on a curved surface as shown below:

The force exerted on each small element of area δA will be pδA. The resultant force, R
is given as
R = p1 δA1 + p2 δA2 + ... + pn δAn .

4.1 Resultant Force and Centre of Pressure on a Plane Surface

under Uniform Pressure

The pressure p on a plane horizontal surface in a fluid at rest will be the same at all points,
and will act vertically downwards at right angles to the surface. If the area of the plane
surface is A, then the resultant force R is given by

R = pA.

It will act vertically downward and the centre of pressure will be the centroid of the surface.

4.2 Resultant Force and Centre of Pressure on a Plane Surface

Immersed in a Liquid

Consider a plane surface PQ of area A totally immersed in a liquid of density ρ and inclined
at an angle φ to the free surface, as shown below:

EMG 2205/EME 2209 Fluid Mechanics I Lecture Notes DeKUT

Force on an element of area δA, F, at vertical depth y below the free surface is

F = ρgyδA.

Summing the forces on all such elements over the surface, then the resultant force R is
R= ρgyδA.

If we assume that ρ and g are constant, then

R = ρg yδA. (20)
The quantity yδA is the first moment of area under surface PQ about the free surface
of liquid and is equal to Aȳ, where ȳ is the vertical depth to the centroid G of the immersed
surface. Therefore,
R = ρgAȳ. (21)

This resultant force R will act perpendicular to the immersed surface at the centre of pressure
C at some vertical depth D below the free surface, such that the moment of R about any
point will be equal to the sum of moments of forces on all the elements δA about the same
point. Thus,

The moment of R about O = Sum of moments of forces on all elements of area δA about O,

Moment of force on an element about O, Me is

Me = ρgyδA × s = ρgs2 sin φδA.

The sum of moments of all forces about O, MT

MT = ρg sin φ s2 δA (22)

The moment of R about O, MR

MR = ρgAȳ × OC = ρgAȳ(D/sin φ). (23)

ρgAȳ(D/sin φ) = ρg sin φ s2 δA, (24)

EMG 2205/EME 2209 Fluid Mechanics I Lecture Notes DeKUT

2 2
D = sin φ s δA /Aȳ. (25)

s2 δA = I0 = Ak02 , is the second moment of area of the immersed surface

The quantity
about an axis in the free surface through O, where k0 is the radius of gyration of the immersed
surface about O. Hence
D = sin2 φ(I0 /Aȳ) = sin2 φ(k02 /ȳ). (26)


4.3 Resultant Force and Centre of Pressure on a Curved Surface

Immersed in a Liquid

Consider a curved surface AB totally immersed in a liquid of density ρ, as shown below:

Where Rh and Rv are the horizontal and vertical components of the resultant force R of
the liquid on one side of the surface.
Case A: Fluid lies above the immersed surface
Since element ACB is in equilibrium, the resultant force P on AC must be equal to the hori-
zontal component Rh because there are no other horizontal forces. But AC is the projection
of AB on vertical plane;

Rh = Resultant force on the projection of AB on a vertical plane.

Rh acts through the centre of pressure.

The vertical force is as a result of weight of fluid above the surface, i.e

Rv = Weight of the fluid vertically above AB (ABDE).

It act vertically through the centre of gravity.

EMG 2205/EME 2209 Fluid Mechanics I Lecture Notes DeKUT

Case A: Fluid lies below the immersed surface

Similar to the case above, the horizontal force is

Rh = Resultant force on the projection of AB on a vertical plane.

Rh acts through the centre of pressure.

The vertical force is as a result of weight of fluid, which would lies vertically above AB,

Rv = Weight of the volume of the same fluid that would lie vertically above AB

It act vertically through the centre of gravity.

In both cases, the resultant force is
R = Rv2 + Rh2 ,

and act through O at an angle θ given by tan θ = Rv /Rh .


1. Determine the force exerted by sea water (sp.gravity = 1.025) on the curved portion
AB of an oil tanker as shown below. Also determine the direction of action of the force.

2. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force due to water on a quadrant
shaped cylindrical gate as shown below. Check whether the resultant passes through
the centre.


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